Updated: 4/2/2016
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Concordance of the Example Sentences

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see: jiṃwe straight; correct; right; honest; amend; scrupulous; precise; rightly; straightforward

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( 10 )

1.Ejiṃwe aṃ likit āt in bwe eñṇe i ṃaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo erre tok im lukkuun kalimjek meja im ba.You are right to call it that since that’s what lies ahead,” the Old Man said looking directly at me. P436āt
2.Ejiṃwe aṃ likit āt in bwe eñṇe i ṃaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo erre tok im lukkuun kalimjek meja im ba.You are right to call it that since that’s what lies ahead,” the Old Man said looking directly at me. P436kalimjek
3.Boñon eo kein kalemñoul ḷalem, ñe ejiṃwe aṇtọọne ḷọk, ilo kar ruatimjuon awa jọteen eo ke Kapen eo ej jebwebwe, juon men in bwilōñ ekar waḷọk.At 8 o’clock in the evening of our fifty-fifth night, if my mental arithmetic was correct, the Captain was steering and something amazing made an appearance. P1025lemñoul
4.Boñon eo kein kalemñoul ḷalem, ñe ejiṃwe aṇtọọne ḷọk, ilo kar ruatimjuon awa jọteen eo ke Kapen eo ej jebwebwe, juon men in bwilōñ ekar waḷọk.At eight o'clock in the evening of our fifty-fifth night, if my mental arithmetic was correct, the Captain was steering and something amazing made an appearance. P1025 P1025aṇtọọn
5.Ejiṃwe aerro kar katu bwe ekar ṃakroro ḷọk im etulọk aḷ.Their forecast was correct and the wind was favorable until the sun went down. P970ṃakroro
6.Ejiṃwe aṃ kar ḷōmṇakYou were right in your decision.jiṃwe
7.Ejiṃwe an jerbal im ejjeḷọk emaroñ wiaik burwōn.He's honest and no one can bribe him.wiaik būruo-
8.Ejiṃwe an jerbal.He's honest in his work.jiṃwe
9.Ejiṃwe ke an jipeeḷe naan eo?Did he spell the word correctly?jipeeḷ
10.Ejiṃwe wōt kar bōklōkōt ke kwōnaaj kar itok.My prediction was correct that you would come.bōklōkōt

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