Updated: 4/2/2016
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( 50 )

1.Eban kar bar ṃōṃanḷọk jān wāween in rainin.It’s never been better than it is today. P420ṃōṃan
2.Kōmij make wōt Ri-ṃaanpā rainin ilo aelōñ kein,” Saimon Latdik eba.We’re the remaining members of the clan in the islands with the traditional martial arts skills,” said Saimon Latrik.ṃaanpā
3.Aelōñ kein raar pād iuṃwin pein Jipein, Jāmne, Jepaan, im ālikin pata eo ḷọk ñan rainin, rej pād iuṃwin pein Amedka.These islands were under the wing of Spain, Germany, Japan, and after the war up until today as of 1965 under the wing of America. S3iuṃwi-
4.Āinwōt ad kar ba ṃokta bwe ri-Ṃajeḷ rainin eḷap wōt aer ḷōmṇak kōn ṃōñā in pālle āinwōt raij, pilawā, jukwa im men ko jet.As we mentioned before, Marshallese today prefer imported foods like rice, flour, sugar, and so forth. S25pālle
5.Āinwōt kobaj mejjeeḷ rainin.You look beat today.mejjeeḷ
6.Bōtab ewōr jet inọñ rej pād wōt ñan rainin im jej maroñ wōt roñ ilo iien kiki.However, there are some legends that remain today and we can hear them at bedtime. S13inọñ
7.Ebbalele lik rainin.There are lots of flounder on the ocean side today.bale
8.Ebbalele ḷọk rainin jān inne.There are more flounder today than yesterday.bale
9.Ejakkūk rainin.The fish are not biting today.jakkūk
10.Ejibbaḷañe lik rainin.Lots of jibbaḷañ at the ocean side today.jibbaḷañ
11.Ejidduuli lik rainin.There are lots of top shells on the ocean side today.jidduul
12.Ejjeḷọk aṃ tōprak rainin bwe kwoḷak kar ito-itak . Kwōj jab ṃōk in etetal rot ṇe ke?You've just strolled around all day doing accomplishing nothing. Aren't you tired of it? ito-itak
13.Ejọ kōn turọñ tok wōt ijeṇ ak rainin ijaje ia.He mostly used to spearfish there but today I don't know where he does.jọ
14.Ejoñoul emān an iiō rainin.He reaches fourteen today.joñoul emān
15.Ekkōdọdo rainin.Today is cloudy.kōdọ
16.Eḷap an bōbaḷuunun (ebbaḷuunun) rainin.There are lots of airplanes coming in today.baḷuun
17.Eḷap an būñal(ñal) rainin.It's very dusty today.būñal
18.Eḷap an buñṇo rainin jān inne.The surf is higher today than yesterday.buñṇo
19.Eḷap an bwil rainin im kaaddiṃakokoik .It is so hot today it gives me a lethargic feeling.addiṃakoko
20.Eḷap an det rainin.It's very sunny today.det
21.Eḷap an detñil rainin.It's calm and sunny today.detñil
22.Eḷap an ebboojoje iaar rainin.There are lots of boats at the beach today.booj
23.Eḷap an iṃiṃi iaar rainin.There are lots of iṃiṃ at the lagoon side today.iṃiṃ
24.Eḷap an jerwọte lik rainin.There are lots of jerwōt on the ocean side today.jerwōt
25.Eḷap addiṃakoko rainin im iabwin jerbal.I'm sluggish today and don't feel like working.addiṃakoko
26.Eḷap dedodo (eddodo) rainin.I feel sluggish today.dedo
27.Eḷap bwe in ṃōñā rainin.There is lots of food left over today.bwe
28.Eḷap tūb eo an rainin.Today is a happy occasion.tūb
29.Elōñ ri-kōbarulep rainin jān inne.Lots more people looking for barulep today than yesterday.barulep
30.Eor tarrin joñoul rualitōk taujin armej ilo Ṃajeḷ rainin.There are in 1965 about eighteen thousand people in the Marshalls today. S3tarrin
31.Eroj ḷọk rainin jān inne.The tide today is lower than yesterday.roj
32.Etab mejatoto rainin.The air is hazy today.tab
33.In kar jeḷā ta eṇ ej kōṃṃane ke eḷak kar wanlik-wōnar aolepān rainin.I wonder what he is up to; he has been criss-crossing the island all day.wanlik-wōnar
34.Jej kukure (ikkure) im ṃōṇōṇō bwe ej kab ewan rainin.Today is the time for those who like to participate in special events (U.N. Day, for example).ewan
35.Jenaaj jooṇe wa in rainin.We'll put ballast on the boat today.jooṇ
36.Jibboñōn in rainin āinwōt enāj kilen eṃṃan lañ.Looks like we'll have good weather this morning.jibboñōniin
37.Koñkōrōj enaaj tilmaake tok riboot eo an rainin.Congress will tender its report today.tilmaak
38.Kwōj kajji rainin.You'll be the catcher today.kajji
39.Kwōj kōbaru ke rainin?Are you hunting for crabs today?baru
40.Kwōn jinoe jān rainin.Begin from today.jijino
41.Kwōn ṃōk lale aḷōṃṇak ṇe jete raan rainin.Would you check the calendar and see what date today is.aḷōṃṇak
42.Rainin inaaj kaikikūt niñaḷọk.Today I'll walk northward over the reef searching for fish.kaikikūt
43.Ri-Amedka raar jodiki Kuwajleen im pād ie ṃae rainin.The Americans invaded Kwajalein and have stayed on it ever since.jodik
44.Ri-Amedka raar jodiki Kuwajleen im pād ie ṃae rainin.The Americans invaded Kwajalein and have stayed on it ever since.ṃae
45.Ta eṇ rej nitijeḷāiki rainin?What are they going to legislate upon today?nitijeḷā
46.Ta ṇe ad kōraelep ñan rainin?What are we having for lunch today?raelep
47.Ta ṇe ekōjakkūki rainin?Why aren't the fish biting today?jakkūk
48.Ta ṇe ekōjṃōñāik rainin.Why aren't the fish biting today?jaṃōñā
49.Wōn eo ej ḷōōt rainin?Whose turn is it to make the recipe today?ḷōōt
50.Wōn ro renaaj ri-kōbale rainin?Who will look for flounder today?bale

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