Updated: 4/2/2016
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( 19 )

1.Rōkar ba in wātin lale kworuj ke bwe in kōjjeḷāik eok ke eor āne i ṃaan,” ijiroñ ḷọk e.They told me to come down and see if you are awake so I can tell you there is land up ahead,” I told him. P1221ruj
2.Rōkar ba in wātin lale kworuj ke bwe in kōjjeḷāik eok ke eor āne i ṃaan,” ijiroñ ḷọk e.They told me to come down and see if you are awake so I can tell you there is land up ahead,” I told him. P1221 P1221wātin
3.Ak aolep rōkar lo im eñjaake bwe ṇo ko rejino ḷōḷap ḷọkBut we could all feel that the waves were starting to get bigger. P527ḷap
4.Ak ḷōṃaro ruo rōkar pād wōt ijo lōñ.The other two were still up on deck. P824ḷōṃaro
5.Armej ro ioon wab eo rōkar loe im kōṃṃan ḷaan an maroñ kōnono tok.The people on the pier saw him and made way for him so he could speak. P452iaḷ
6.Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, repojak in naaj kar wūnaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010wūnaak
7.Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, repojak in naaj kar wūnaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010pojak
8.Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, rōpojak in naj kar unaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010tiṃoṇ
9.Ekar jab to ammān āindeeo innem emaat aḷaḷ ko rōkar aikuj wanlōñ ḷọk im pād i lọjet.It wasn’t long before we had passed up all the boards that needed to go in the water. P712āinde-
10.Elōñ wōt iaan armej rein ejjeḷọk men eṇ rōkar bōktok ak rōkar itok wōt in lale im bwilōñ ke kōmij jerak.There were also many people who came with nothing and just wanted to see the boat and were surprised that it was going to sail. P444bwilōñ
11.Elōñ wōt iaan armej rein ejjeḷọk men eṇ rōkar bōktok ak rōkar itok wōt in lale im bwilōñ ke kōmij jerak.There were also many people who came with nothing and just wanted to see the boat and were surprised that it was going to sail. P444bwilōñ
12.Eto an Jema ḷōmṇak ak ke ḷōṃaro ruo rōkar akweḷap wōt, ekar ba ke enaaj kajjioñ.Father thought for a long time, but because the two men continued to insist, he said he would try. P21akweḷap
13.Jema kab ḷōṃarein ruo rōkar lo bwe juon eo iien eṃṃan innem raar jọkpej im aini jet aerjel aḷaḷ kab tiin.Father and the two men saw an opportunity, so they went through the scrap and collected wood and metal for themselves. P18jọkpej
14.Ke Bojin eo ej lo baḷuun eo, ekar jab bar pād ak eto laḷ ḷọk im bōk lōñ tak kein kōkaḷḷe eo an wa eo jet ripālle rōkar letok ṃōṃkaj jān ammān kar jerak.When the Boatswain saw the plane, he didn’t hesitate and instead went down and brought up the boat's flare gun some Americans had given us before we set sail. P932kakōḷḷe
15.Men kein rōkar kajjitōk kōmmān maroñ ke ektaki ḷọk ñan Likiep.They asked if we could take them with us to Likiep. P443ektak
16.Men kein rōkar waḷọk ilo iiaḷ in ammān tak ḷọk ñan aelōñin Likiep.These things occurred during our travels to Likiep. P876aelōñin
17.Ṃōjin aer aikuji wa in Navy ro rōkar leḷọk ñan juon ri-Ṃajeḷ ej jerbal ippāer ilo iien eo.When the Navy no longer needed this ship, they gave it to a Marshallese person who was working with them at the time. P5iien
18.Rōkar leāne tak im kaatartare ilo wab eo bwe erjel en jino kōpopoje.They brought it close to shore and came alongside the dock so they could start getting it ready. P27kōpopo
19.Uwaakin kajjitōk kein make rōkar waḷọk tokālik.I would soon have the answers to my questions. P593make

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