Updated: 4/2/2016
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Concordance of the Example Sentences

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old age; old; adult; mature; of age; ancestor; senior

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( 17 )

1.Ak jab meḷọkḷọk naan eo an rūtto ro, ekadu tōllọk in a eaetok peḷọk in’ ñe koṃ ḷokan kanne wa ṇe kōn jọkpej, ej kab naaj kauwōtataḷọk wōt.”But don’t forget the old saying staying within the realm of possibilities is short, but being adrift like this is long’; when you guys fill the boat with scrap, it will be more dangerous.” P99kauwōtata
2.Jibwi waj dao adeañ jān rūtto ānin.” Bojin eo eba im jibwe lōñ tak pāāk eo ke kōrkōr eo ekar atartar tok ippān wa eo.I’m passing up some food the people on the island sent over,” the Boatswain said and passed up the bag as the canoe came up alongside the boat. P1268jibwe
3.Jibwi waj dao adeañ jān rūtto ānin.” Bojin eo eba im jibwe lōñ tak pāāk eo ke kōrkōr eo ekar atartar tok ippān wa eo.I’m passing up some food the people on the island sent over,” the Boatswain said and passed up the bag as the canoe came up alongside the boat. P1268dao
4.Juon ḷōḷḷap ekar katakin bwe in kautiej rūtto,” iba.An old man taught me to respect my elders,” I said. P297utiej
5.Kōmi ṃōṃool,” ikar ikkūr ḷọk ñan rūtto ro im ḷadik eo.Thank you,” I yelled over to the adults and the young boy. P1281kōmi
6.Ajālin rūtto etiljekRounding up of animals by an older person is reliable.ajāl
7.Ājinkōjin rūtto ro ad.Inheritance by our ancestors.ājinkōj
8.Allōkin rūtto ro jeṃaanḷọk ekōppaḷpaḷ.The chanting of elder folks of not so long ago was quite spectacular.allōk
9.Eḷap aṃ rūtto pataYou don't seem to have learned anything with the years.pata
10.Jitenbōrotata eo ej diktata eṇ nejin rūtto raṇPeople's youngest children are their favorites,jitōnbōro
11.Kōnke wōjḷā ko etto rejọ kōn kōṃṃan jān maañin bōb, rūtto ro rōkōn aikuj āj atro kein lōbboiki bwe ren jab tutu im ṃọḷeḷeBecause the sails of old were made from woven pandanus leaves, our ancestors necessarily had to weave atro for covering their canoe sails to prevent them from getting soaked.lōbbọ
12.Ñe rūtto ro rejọ kōn kōṇaan jerakrōk rej jab kajjitōk ippān bar juon.Back then if people wanted to go sailing they didn’t have to ask anyone. P397jọ
13.Rūtto ro jino etal im jibadek jidik bwe eboñ.The couple started on their way because it was almost dark.jibadek jidik
14.Rūtto ro raar ba, "Jab ajineañro eḷaññe kwōj etal in eọñōd bwe kwōnaaj jeratā."Our forebears said, "Plan your fishing in advance or you will not catch any fish."ajineañro
15.Rūtto ro raṇ rej jijurpe (ijjurpe) ioon bok iaar.Those old folks are holding hands while walking on the beach.jijurpe
16.Rūtto ro rōkein ba jab kadkadajaj bwe enaaj or jerata.The old folks used to say to never attempt the impossible or sorry consequences might follow.kadkadajaj
17.Rūtto ro rōkōn ṇaetan baak ko etto ripitwōdwōd.Our ancestors used to call the foreign barkentines ripitwōdwōdripitwōdwōd

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