Updated: 4/2/2016
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Concordance of the English Example Sentences


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( 86 )

1.How long is she going to iron?Ej aen ḷọk ñan ñāātaen
2.How long are you going to keep looking for driftwood?Kwōj kaaikḷọk ñan ñāātaik
3.These things here are more thick and long than those over there.Eaiḷḷip ḷọk men kein jān men kākaṇ.aiḷip
4.It wasn’t long before we had passed up all the boards that needed to go in the water. P712Ekar jab to ammān āindeeo innem emaat aḷaḷ ko rōkar aikuj wanlōñ ḷọk im pād i lọjet.āinde-
5.How long will the tornado season last?Ej aire ḷọk ñan ñāātaire
6.One can easily pick out from a crowd those who wear long dressesRi-kaaitoktok nuknuk rōban peljo.aitok
7.How long are you going to worry?Kwōnaaj aitwerōk ḷọk ñan ñāātaitwerōk
8.Father thought for a long time, but because the two men continued to insist, he said he would try. P21Eto an Jema ḷōmṇak ak ke ḷōṃaro ruo rōkar akweḷap wōt, ekar ba ke enaaj kajjioñ.akweḷap
9.The songs for reminiscing sung by old Marshall Islander men of long ago were symbolic.Alin ṃurin ḷōḷḷap ro etto ewōr meḷeḷe ie.alin ṃur
10.Why is it taking you so long to do your searching?En baj to wōt aṃ allo?allo
11.The chanting of elder folks of not so long ago was quite spectacular.Allōkin rūtto ro jeṃaanḷọk ekōppaḷpaḷ.allōk
12.For a long time the sharks kept going around and around cautiously surveying the boat. P1009Eto wōt im to an pako ko itūrrọọle im allọke wa eo.allọk
13.We haven't seen you for a long timeEnañin to ad allolouk eok.allolo
14.How long is she going to grumble.Ej alñūrñūrḷọk ñan ñāātalñūrñūr
15.How long are you going to stay in the hammock?Kwōnaaj aṃak ñan ñāātaṃak
16.How long does the water in your cistern last you? or How long do you get to use the water in your cistern?Ewi toon aṃ amān dān eṇ ilo aebōj jimāāṇ ṇe aṃ?amān
17.How long does the water in your cistern last you? or How long do you get to use the water in your cistern?Ewi toon aṃ amān dān eṇ ilo aebōj jimāāṇ ṇe aṃ?amān
18.Men from frigate ships came to the islands long agoRi-baak ro raar itok ñan aelōñ kein etto.baak
19.When he travels away from his family, he does not like to be gone from them for too long. P37Eḷaññe ej ṃōṃakūt jān turin baaṃle eo an ej jab kōṇaan bwe en to an jako jān er.baaṃle
20.Not long after, Father showed up. P324Ejab etto jān iien eo ak ebaj waḷọk tok Jema.baj
21.I'm hungry for fish because I haven't eaten any for a long timeEḷap batur bwe eto jañin ṃōñā ek.batur
22.I have a blister on my hand from shoveling so long.Ebok peiū kōn an to jabōḷ.bok
23.That ship's booms are normally long.Eaettok buuṃin wa eṇ.buuṃ
24.I still remember when I sailed with Father and two other men on a small boat that was twenty-two feet long and six feet wide. P1Ij keememej ḷọk wōt ke ikar uwe ippān Jema kab ruo ṃōṃaan ilo juon booj jidikdik eo roñoul ruo ne aitokan im jiljino ne depakpakin.depakpak
25.Fill it up because this is a long journeyKadujejjete bwe eaetok iaḷ in.dujejjet
26.Spread out the long netEḷḷọke ok ṇeeḷḷọk
27.When I finally realized she was in love with me, she had been long goneEḷak eñaktok ke eiọkwe eō, etto wōt ke ear moot.eñak
28.There he is, the guy we've been looking for for so long.Eñouweo, ḷeo eto ad pukote.eñoweo
29.The shell stayed out so long in the sun that it was bleached.Eto an libbukwe eo kōjeje innem eor jān ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) (in).eor
30.Long ago there was no electricity.Iien ko etto ekar ejjeḷọk jarom.etto
31.How long have I been lying down?” the Captain didn’t ask Father specifically, but just asked. P1227Ewi toon kar babu?” Kapen eo ejab uwaake Jema ak ebaj kajjitōk.ewi
32.How long are you going to take that break?Koṃwij ibbuku ḷọk ñan ñāāt? ibbuku
33.The islanders' style of taking a break; it's nice and long in duration.Ibbukuin ri-aelōñ kein; eṃṃan an aetok jetñaakin.ibbuku
34.It's neap tide now and its good for fishing with long netsEidik kiiō im eṃṃan bōkein leok.idik
35.The boy you have looking for a long time is here.Ḷaddik eo eto aṃ pukot iiō.iiō
36.I had been away from my house so long that it was dilapidated.Joñan an to jako jān ṃweo eijurwewe ḷọkijurwewe
37.His face was pale from lying down for so long. P1224Kōn an to an kar pād wōt im babu i lowa, aolepān turin mejān im o.im
38.They caught lots of mullet by using a long netRaar leok im elōñ kwoṇāer iōōḷ.iōōḷ
39.Where did you get your long dressIpepin ia ṇe aṃ?ipep
40.This is the first time I wore a long dressKab baj ipepū.ipep
41.For a long time the sharks kept going around and around cautiously surveying the boat. P1009Eto wōt im to an pako ko itūrrọọle im allọke wa eo.itūrrọọl
42.The ball remained in the air for a long timeEto an jaja bọọḷ eo.jaja
43.The ball made specifically for anidep remains in the air for a long timeBọọḷin anidep eo ejaja im to an jok ilaḷ.jaja
44.He won the long distance run because he seldom tires.Ear maroñ wiin ilo ettōr aetok eo kōn an jakkijeje.jakkijeje
45.Where have you been that I haven't seen you for so long?Ia ṇe kwaar jejakoko (ejjakoko) (ie).jako
46.That sentence you wrote is quite long.Eḷap an aetok jantōj ṇe kwaar je.jāntōj
47.I am old now and I cannot stay underwater for a long timeIḷōḷḷap kiiō im eḷap jāppakij.jāpakij
48.The handle on that shovel is too long.Ekadik aetok juron jabōḷ ṇejejor
49.Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee. S5Kwōn kipliie ñan jeṃaṃ im jinōṃ, bwe en to raan ko aṃ ioon āneo Jeova aṃ Anij ej lewōj ñan eok.jema-
50.That young man's sideburns are long.Eaitok jeor kaṇ an likao eṇ.jeor
51.Cut my trousers shorter because they're too long.Kwōn jep jedọujij e bwe eaitok.jepjep
52.The top keeps on spinning for a long timeEjet wōt im jet likaebeb eṇ.jet
53.My head is giddy from my reading so long.Ejiṃalejlej meja kōn an to riit.jiṃalejlej
54.Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee. S5Kwōn kipliie ñan jeṃaṃ im jinōṃ, bwe en to raan ko aṃ ioon āneo Jeova aṃ Anij ej lewōj ñan eok.jine-
55.The board/plank isn't long enoughEjipikpik aetokan aḷaḷ eo.jipikpik
56.How long are you going to sit on the sofa?Kwōj jobaḷọk ñan ñāātjoba
57.The pitcher got pain in his arm from throwing too long.Ejoñ pein pijja eo.joñ
58.He has been magistrate of this atoll for a long timeEto an joonjo ilo aelōñ in.joonjo
59.Don't continue to stand so long.Eṃōj ṇe aṃ jijtaktak (ijjutaktak).jutak
60.But don’t forget the old saying staying within the realm of possibilities is short, but being adrift like this is long’; when you guys fill the boat with scrap, it will be more dangerous.” P99Ak jab meḷọkḷọk naan eo an rūtto ro, ekadu tōllọk in a eaetok peḷọk in’ ñe koṃ ḷokan kanne wa ṇe kōn jọkpej, ej kab naaj kauwōtataḷọk wōt.”kauwōtata
61.A long time ago the two of us rode in to this island on a huge boat.” P299Jeṃaan kōṃro kar uwe tok ioon juon tiṃa kijoñjoñ ñan ān in.”kijoñ
62.Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee. S5Kwōn kipliie ñan jeṃaṃ im jinōṃ, bwe en to raan ko aṃ ioon āneo Jeova aṃ Anij ej lewōj ñan eok.kipliie
63.I'll hem this dress because it is much too long.Inaaj kobake nuknuk e bwe ekadik aitok.kobak
64.It's obvious that he's putting on a long faceEalikkar an kōjjeraṃōlṃōl.kōjjeraṃōlṃōl
65.The lunatic shrieked all day long until nightfall.Bwebwe eo ear kōkeilọk aolepān raan eo ḷọk ooṃ eboñ.kōkeilọk
66.It takes you an awfully long time to get dressed.Kwōmake ruṃwij in kōkōṇak (ekkōṇak) aṃ nuknuk.kōkōṇak
67.They didn’t swim for long; they soon reached the island and came out of the lagoon and went across the sand and then were out of sight on a small path between the Scaveola. P1252Ekar jab to aerro ḷọk ak erro tōpar āne im ato ḷọk i arin ān eo im wōnāne ḷọk ioon bok im penjak ḷọk ilo juon mejate ilo kōṇṇat ko.kōṇṇat
68.How long are you two going to embrace?Koṃro ej kukuul (ikkuul) ḷọk ñan ñāātkukuul
69.He works hard and long.Ekūtarre ḷeeṇ ilo jerbal.kūtarre
70.You came back a long time ago, but we haven’t seen you since then. P104Kwoḷak kar itok jeṃaan, jej jañin bar lo eok ñan kiiō.ḷak
71.Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee. S5Kwōn kipliie ñan jeṃaṃ im jinōṃ, bwe en to raan ko aṃ ioon āneo Jeova aṃ Anij ej lewōj ñan eok.le-
72.You've been gone for such a long timeEto wōt aṃ linọk.linọk
73."How long are you going to be sad since you know that we can never bring our grandmother back?""Kwōnāj ḷobōl ḷọk ñan ñāāt ke kwōjeḷā bwe kōjro ban bar kōjepḷaak tok jibwirro." ḷobōl
74.It's old and corroded because it's been in the sea for so long.Eluwajetḷọk kiiō kōnke eto an jojo iar.luwajet
75.You've been here so long, now you know the place inside out.Joñan an to aṃ pād ānin, kiiō kwe ṃōṃō in jin.ṃōṃō in
76.How long were you two going to wait before waking me up?” he said. P1231Enañin to amiro itan kọruj eō?” eba.nañin
77.His face was pale from lying down for so long. P1224Kōn an to an kar pād wōt im babu i lowa, aolepān turin mejān im o.o
78.Let's go use the long net and catch that school of rabbitfish.Jen tan okaetoki ṃọle kaṇ.okaetok
79.Eating fish brains will cause you to be able to hold your breath for a long timeKōmālij in ek enaaj kōppakij eok.pakij
80.He sure can stay long under the water.Ejjeḷọk pepakijin (eppakijin) ḷeeṇpakij
81.We're not going to stay long.Ri-peḷḷọk kōm.peḷḷọk
82.Please look and see if that is him that just went back to the island; he has been looking for you for a long time.” P51Lale ṃōk ke eñeo ej kab wōnāne ḷọk, ettōḷọk pukpukōt eok.”pepok
83.Shave your whiskers because they are long.Kwōn rejaik kwōdeak kaṇe aṃ bwe rōaittok.reja
84.I wore long pants to the party.Iar tabtabḷọk ñan bade eo.tabtab
85.You were gone an awfully long timeEjjeḷọk wōt toun aṃ jako.to
86.But there will be wind as long as there is the earth. P861Ak kōto enaaj or wōt towan wōt an laḷ in pād.to

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