Updated: 4/2/2016
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 A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W   


DA    DD    DE    DI    DO    DU    

daEar tọọrḷọk da eo daan ioon debwāāl.His blood flowed on the cross.da
daakKwōj daak keDo you want a drink?idaak
 Eṃōj aerjel jijet i turin wūpaaj eo im daak kọpeThey were already sitting around the stove drinking coffee. P958idaak
 Bojin eo im Jema erro ej daak kọpe im kōmāltato iḷọkwan wa eo.The Boatswain and Father were drinking coffee and shooting the breeze at the back the boat. P259ḷokwa-
 Eṃōj aerjel jijet i turin wūpaaj eo im daak kọpeThey were already sitting around the stove drinking coffee. P958wūpaaj
daaṃLotọọnin ia ṇe daaṃ?Where is that Lotọọn from?Lotọọn
 Bōk ruo daaṃ wūd ilo bōb ṇeTake two keys of that pandanus as your portion.wūd
daanAinṃakeḷọk bōb eṇ daan.Clean the leaves from the pandanus stem for him.ainṃak
 Kwōn kaainṃake tok bōb ne daan.Remove the leaves near the pandanus stem for him.ainṃak
 Daan irooj ajjipek.Ajjipek is for chiefs.ajjipek
 Ḷōṃaro raar kaanbūritok daan baaṃle ko aer.The men harvested Anbūri pandanus for their families.Anbūri
 Ear tọọrḷọk da eo daan ioon debwāāl.His blood flowed on the cross.da
MORE daan
daarroKwōn ilān okwajtok juon daarro AḷḷañinwaGo pick an Aḷḷañinwa pandanus for us to chew on.Aḷḷañinwa
dadaanMokwaṇ dadaan AelokIt's uncooked juice of the Aelok pandanus variety, mixed with crated coconut.Aelok
dādeEkkā an kōrā dāde bar ñe rej ire.Women usually pull hair when they fight.dāde
dāiliKwōn dāili men ṇeBore a hole in it.dedāil
DāilitokDāilitok ṃōk bōd e.Please drill a hole in this tortoise shell for me.dedāil
dāitEar dāit bōran em ukōje.He grabbed his hair and pulled him down.dāde
dakdakRi-iiōk dakdak.Always being sloppy.iiōk
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ iiōk dakdak.Stop being sloppy.iiōk dakdak
dakkeEjjeḷọk dakke in ḷeeṇThat man is very ugly.dakke
dakōlkōlEḷap an dakōlkōl.He is very homely.dakōlkōl
daṃdeṃKidu ko rej daṃdeṃ ilo pilej ko.The dogs are licking at the plates.daṃdeṃ
daṃdeṃwijJab daṃdeṃwij peiṃDon't lick your hand (continuously).daṃdeṃ
daṃdiṃwijEar bajjek daṃdiṃwij ḷọḷe eo.He just kept licking the lollipop.daṃdeṃ
daṃokḷọkJuon eṇ aḷaḷ ej daṃokḷọk jān ṃweeṇA piece of wood is sticking out from that house.daṃok
daṃoḷọkIj jerbal in kōṃṃan daṃoḷọk.I work to make some extra money.daṃok
 Wōn ṇe ej jokwe ilo daṃoḷọk ṇeWho is living in the small room?daṃok
daṃwijLale kidu ṇe ej daṃwij pilej ṇeWatch out, that dog is licking your plate.daṃdeṃ
 Jab daṃwij ḷọḷe ṇe bwe etoon.Don't lick that lollipop cause it's dirty.daṃdeṃ
dānJoñan, eḷae ioon dān āinwōt lowaan juon aebōj-jimeeṇ.The water was so calm that it looked glassy as if it were inside a cistern. P994aebōj-jimeeṇ
 Kōto jidik eo ekaaelik ioon dān.The squall caused the current to flow out on the surface of the water.aelik
 Rej ba eaiji ioon dān ilo North Pole aolep iien.It is said that there is always ice on the water at the North Pole.aij
 Eaiji ḷọk ioon dān iiō in jān iiō eo ḷọkThere's more ice on the water this year than last year.aij
 Aiji dān ṇe limed.Put ice in the drinking water.aij
MORE dān
DāneDāne raij ṇePut water in the rice.dāndān
dānninIlo iien kaṇ ej kọjek ñe kōmij eọñōd, kōmmān ej jinkadool wot, ñe jab ainbati kōn dānnin lọjetAt the times when we were fishing and hooked a fish, we only grilled it, or boiled it in a pot with seawater. P1013ainbat
 Dānnin kadek eo ekaale ḷōṃaroThe liquor made the guys sing.al
 Wōn ej ba eaḷakiie dānnin idaakWho said it was easy to find drinking water?aḷakiie
 Ewi dānnin aṃōn eo?Where is the water to wash our hands with?aṃōn
 Kōḷap dānnin bwe en jab būbūkbūk (ibbūkbūk).Make sure there's enough water so it doesn't come out half-done.būbūkbūk
MORE dānnin
dānnin-jọọḷWāween jọọḷ ek, ṃokta jej karreoik ek ko, im eḷañe ek killep men ko jej ṃwijiti im kōṃṃan bukwōn jidik, ak eḷañe ek jidik, jej kaiouki wōt in jooni ilo dānnin-jọọḷ iuṃwin juōn boñ.The way to make salt fish is first, we clean the fish, and if they are big fish, we cut them into smaller sections, or if they are small fish, we put them whole to soak in salt water overnight. S27bukwōn
 Wāween jọọḷ ek, ṃokta jej karreoik ek ko, im eḷañe ek killep men ko jej ṃwijiti im kōṃṃan bukwōn jidik, ak eḷañe ek jidik, jej kaiouki wōt in jooni ilo dānnin-jọọḷ iuṃwin juōn boñ.The way to make salt fish is first, we clean the fish, and if they are big fish, we cut them into smaller sections, or if they are small fish, we put them whole to soak in salt water overnight. S27iio
 Wāween jọọḷ ek, ṃokta jej karreoik ek ko, im eḷañe ek killep men ko jej ṃwijiti im kōṃṃan bukwōn jidik, ak eḷañe ek jidik, jej kaiouki wōt in jooni ilo dānnin-jọọḷ iuṃwin juōn boñ.The way to make salt fish is first, we clean the fish, and if they are big fish, we cut them into smaller sections, or if they are small fish, we put them whole to soak in salt water overnight. S27jojo
 Wāween jọọḷ ek, ṃokta jej karreoik ek ko, im eḷañe ek killep men ko jej ṃwijiti im kōṃṃan bukwōn jidik, ak eḷañe ek jidik, jej kaiouki wōt in jooni ilo dānnin-jọọḷ iuṃwin juōn boñ.The way to make salt fish is first, we clean the fish, and if they are big fish, we cut them into smaller sections, or if they are small fish, we put them whole to soak in salt water overnight. S27jọọḷ
daoKwōnañin dao keHaven't you broken your fast yet?dao
 Ij jañin dao jān inne.I haven't eaten since yesterday.dao
 Ejej en ekar bar kōnono ak kōmmān jijet laḷ ḷọk im dao.No one said anything else; we all just sat there and ate. P966dao
 Itōm dao,” Bojin eo ekkūr tok.Come have some breakfast,” the Boatswain called over to me. P959dao
 Jibwi waj dao adeañ jān rūtto ānin.” Bojin eo eba im jibwe lōñ tak pāāk eo ke kōrkōr eo ekar atartar tok ippān wa eo.I’m passing up some food the people on the island sent over,” the Boatswain said and passed up the bag as the canoe came up alongside the boat. P1268dao
MORE dao
DaōDaō bōb ṇeThat's my pandanus there by you.daa-
 Kwōn ḷot(e) tok juon daō bōbPull me off a key of pandanus.ḷotḷot
dāpdepKate eok dāpdep bwe wa in ej buuḷ.Do your best to hold on because this vehicle is going fast.dāpdep
 Jikin dāpdep.Handle.dāpdep
 Ak ña iṃōkaj im dāpdep.I held on as fast as I could. P599dāpdep
 Ke ej letok bakōj eo eba in dāpdep bwe juon eo ṇo eibeb tok.As he handed me the bucket, he told me to hold on because there was a big wave coming our way. P610ibeb
dāpdipijiKwōn dāpdipiji wōt piik ṇe bwe eṇ jab ko.Keep on holding the pig so that it doesn't run away.dāpdep
dāpijKate eok dāpij bao ṇe bwe en jab kelọk.Do your best to hold that bird so that it doesn't fly away.dāpdep
 Dāpij wōt,” Jema eba.Keep holding him,” Father said. P1162dāpij
 Pinniep eo ekajjir pein im eban dāpij aḷaḷ eo.The coconut oil made his hand too slippery to hold the stick.jijir
 Ikar aikuj dāpij tibat eo bwe en jab okjak im pāddo kenọkwōle ḷọk kijeek eo bwe ej itok wōt in mej kōn an ṃōḷauwi kane ko.I had to hold onto the teapot, so it wouldn't topple over, and occasionally stir the fire, which tended to die because the firewood was damp. P885kenọkwōl
 Meñe eobrak pein Jema, ekar bar letok pein im dāpij jān jorrāān.Even though Father’s hands were full, he gave me his hand to keep me from getting hurt. P601meñe
MORE dāpij
dāpijiIṃōk in dāpiji ak tōreo ekōpkōp.The more I held him the more he struggled.kōpkōp
 Iḷak baj tōpar ḷọk ijo ilo an Bojin eo dāpiji ak Jema ej kaṃḷoiki bōran.When I got there the Boatswain was holding and controlling him, and Father was trying to cool him down with a cool cloth on his forehead. P1161ṃōḷo
dāpilto-dāpiltakKwōnaaj lukkuun ettoon kōn aṃ dāpilto-dāpiltak rot ṇeYou're going to get all dirty rolling around like that.dāpilto-dāpiltak
 Bojin eo ear eọuti im kanooj in kapene tūraṃin kiaaj eo ioon teekin wa eo bwe en jab dāpilto-dāpiltak.The boatswain securely lashed down the drum of gasoline on the boat’s deck so it wouldn’t roll about.dāpilto-dāpiltak
DavidDavid ekar juon shepherd.David was a shepherd.jabōt
 Menmenbwij an David.Genealogy of David.menmenbwij
DayEjjopālpāl bōḷāāk ilo U.N. Day eoFlags were flying all over the place on U.N. Day.jopāl
 Rej wūntokai aolep U.N. Day.They hold track and field events every U.N. Day.wūntokai
ddapitōktōkEṃṃan eke bwe rōjjab ddapitōktōk.Nylon lines are good because they don't tangle often.dapitōk
deMen eo de eo iaikuj kar matmate turin mejān kōn tọọl eo an bwe ejiebḷọk kōn menokadu.The only thing I needed to do was wipe his face with his towel because he was sweating profusely. P1142aikuj
 Juon de allōñū ṇa āninI have been on this islet one month now.allōñ
 Ij jañin kajjioñ ak bōlen eban pen bwe āinwōt iḷak baj lale men eo jej wōjak de eṇ kōdapili taij kaṇ im ewaḷọk bōnbōn eo ad.I haven’t tried but it probably wouldn’t be hard, because it seems like I just saw how they do it; you just roll the dice and the number of points show. P167dāpilpil
 Men eo ejjeḷọk de eo waan ektaki ḷọk men kein ñan Likiep, ijellọkin wōt tiṃa in raun eo, ak kōnke kōmmān aikuj naaj kar kōttar tok bar jilu allōñ.The only thing they lacked was a vehicle to haul these things to Likiep, except for the fieldtrip ship, but we would have had to wait for that for three months. P19de
 Eṃōj de jino riiti bok eo.I just started reading the book.de
debakEḷak debak ḷọk ṇo eo i tōrerein wa eo iba wōt eitan rup.As the wave smashed hard against the side of the boat, I thought it would break apart. P611ba wōt
debakḷọkEḷak debakḷọk ṇo eo i tōrerein wa eo iba wōt eitan rup.As the wave smashed hard against the side of the boat, I thought it would break apart. P611debokḷọk
debbōnEar buuk juon debbōn piikHe shot a huge pig.debbōn
debdebLetok ṃade ṇe bwe in etal debdeb ekGive me that spear so that I can go spear fish.debdeb
deblọkKoṃ nañin deblọk ke lik.Haven't you gotten through to the ocean side yet?deblọk
debokḷokĀlikin an atomiik baaṃ eo debokḷok ilo ṃaḷoin Pikinni, eḷak ajeḷḷā ḷọk ek iparijet.After the atom bomb was detonated in the Bikini lagoon, there followed a deluge of dead fish washed up on the shores of the islands.ajeḷḷā
debọkutJoñan an ḷap kōto, ekiōk tūṃ debọkut.It was so windy the tree stumps nearly came off the ground.debọkut
debwāālEar tọọrḷọk da eo daan ioon debwāāl.His blood flowed on the cross.da
dedEwi ded ḷadik eṇ?How old is that boy?ded
 Eṃṃan ded.He is old enough.ded
 Rōṃṃan ded.They're old enough.ded
 Ewi ded bọọk ṇeWhat are that box's dimensions?ded
 Ded mejān wōt ke ej kabūrōrō.He was so excited that he got really wide-eyed. P997ded
MORE ded
dedāilLetok ṃōk kein dedāil (eddāil) eo aṃ.May I have your awl?dedāil
 Imaroñ ke kōjerbal dedāil (eddāil) eo aṃ?May I use your awl?dedāil
dedāpilpilKajiliñ eo ej dedāpilpil (eddāpilpil) i raan wa eo.The drum is rolling around on the deck of the ship.dāpilpil
dedebḶeo ej dedeb (eddeb) wainiHe is husking copra nuts.dedeb
 Ñe jej dedeb (eddeb) ni jej wūlṃōd.When we husk coconuts to drink we leave some husk at the eyes.wūlṃōd
DedeenDedeen ke eḷak ekkāke baḷuun i mejatoto ioon aelōñ in, jeitan wūdeakeak kōn ainikiier.”You know, it’s like how the planes are flying above this island all the time, the noise makes me want to go crazy.” P199ainikie-
 Dedeen ke ej jab peinael ṇeAnd that’s not even my paint oil. P641dedeen ke
dedeinkeIar piọ boñ dedeinke iar ṃōrābōtI was cold last night because I had wet clothing on.dedeinke
 Iar ilim juon bato im jorrāān, dedeinke eṃōj ilim de juon keej.I drank one bottle and passed out, because I had already drunk a case.dedeinke
 Dedeinke wiik uweo tok juon naaj iien an niñniñ eo nejū kemem im iabwin jako jāne.And because the week after next will be my son’s first birthday and I really don’t want to miss it. P95dedeinke
dedekEḷap an ri-Ṃajeḷ jeraaṃṃan kōn an dedek ni ilo aelōñ ko aer.The Marshallese people are extremely fortunate that coconut trees grow in their islands. S10dedek
 Edidbōlbōl an e kōtka dedek (eddek).My breadfruit plant is growing well.didbōlbōl
 Ej jañin dedek (eddek) an doon.It hasn't grown a horn yet.doon
 Eḷap an ri-Ṃajeḷ jeraaṃṃan kōn an dedek ni ilo aelōñ ko aer.The Marshallese people are extremely fortunate that coconut trees grow in their islands. S10jeraaṃṃan
 Kōl eo in, emaroñ dedek (eddek) jabdewōt men ko.This is fertile soil; anything can grow.kōl
dedekākāEjjeḷọk wōt dedekākā (eddekākā) in ḷadik eṇ.That boy is really covered with yaws.dekā
dedeḷọkKe ekar dedeḷọk emjake wa eo, Jema im Bojin erro kar kālọk im āne ḷọk kōn kōb eo ammān.When the boat was securely anchored, Father and the Boatswain jumped into the water and swam toward the island with our water container. P1251am
 Ke ej dedeḷọk im pād wa in i lọjet, Jema im Bojin eo erro ektaki ḷọk men ko ippāerro im aōṇōṇ meto tak ñan Likabwiro.Once the boat was in the water, Father and the Boatswain loaded the things they were carrying and paddled over to the Likabwiro. P1267aōṇōṇ
 Ej kab baj wātok ālik Bojin eo ke ej dedeḷọk tōbtōb im kọkoṇe jān ijo bwe en jab kaapañ jerbal.The Boatswain came after I was done pulling in the anchor and put it away where it belonged so it wouldn’t get in the way. P480apañ
 Ej kab baj wātok ālik Bojin eo ke ej dedeḷọk tōbtōb im kọkoṇe jān ijo bwe en jab kaapañ jerbal.The Boatswain came after I was done pulling in the anchor and put it away where it belonged so it wouldn’t get in the way. P480ālik
 Ke ej dedeḷọk aṃro jarin kiki, ibar babu ḷọkAs soon as we were done saying our prayers, I lay back down. P818babu
MORE dedeḷọk
dedeḷọkinKapen eṇ ej ba dedeḷọkin adeañ ṃabuñ, jejerake wūjḷā ñe im jibadek jidik,” ejiroñ tok eō.”The Captain says we should finish our breakfast, raise the sail, and be on our way,” he called over to me. P826jerak
 Dedeḷọkin aolep men ak eṇatọọn wa eo im kōmmān jino bweradik ḷọk jān ijo ñan bōran aelōñ eṇ.When everything was done and the sails were adjusted we started to move, making our way to Kwajalein. P1301ṇatoon
 Kōṃro naaj Bojin pukōt waj eok dedeḷọkin aṃro kōjọ im likbade injin e.”The Boatswain and I will come and find you when we have finished starting and testing the engine.” P281kōṃro
dedoWōn ṇe ej bōk dedo (eddo) in jerbal ṇeWho is taking the responsibility for that job?bōk dedo
 Ikōjekdọọn an dedo im kate kotak bakōj eo im lutōke ṇa ijo ekar ba.I tried to ignore how heavy the bucket was as I lifted it up and emptied it where he had told me to. P649dedo
 Ikar jino eñjake an dedo tok meja kōn mejki.My eyes were starting to get heavy because I was so sleepy. P225eñjake
 Ikōjekdọọn an dedo im kate kotak bakōj eo im lutōke ṇa ijo ekar ba.I tried to ignore how heavy the bucket was as I lifted it up and emptied it where he had told me to. P649jekdọọn
 Eḷwōjat im dedo (eddo).It's waterlogged and extra heavy.ḷwōjat
dedodoJema ekar kate wōt ak elukkuun alikkar an dedodo im addiṃakoko.Father was doing his best to persevere but it was obvious that he was growing hopeless and uneasy. P1027addiṃakoko
 Pāāk dedodo (eddodo) men eṇ.That bag is very heavy.dedo
 Naan eo ekōṃṃan an dedodo (eddodo).The news made him feel melancholy.dedo
 Eḷap dedodo (eddodo) raininI feel sluggish today.dedo
 Jema ekar kate wōt ak elukkuun alikkar an dedodo im addiṃakoko.Father was doing his best to persevere but it was obvious that he was growing hopeless and uneasy. P1027dedo
MORE dedodo
dedojatEmarok jilōñlōñ im eḷak errobōlbōl dedojat i buḷōn lọjet, iwātin kar abwinmake eaki.It was pitch-black and as the plankton glowed deep down in the sea, I was almost afraid there might be ghosts around. P568rorobōlbōl
dedokwōjkwōjTa eṇ ej dedokwōjkwōj (eddokwōjkwōj) buḷōn mar eṇ?What causes the continual snapping (of branches) inside the bush?dokwōj
dedoorKwōj dedoor (eddoor) ia aṃ bok?Where do you keep your books?dedoor
dedoorḷọkEtke kwōj dedoorḷọk ijeṇe aṃ?Why are you selling yourself short?dedoor
deelKwōmaroñ ke amiṃōṇoiktok juon deel?Could you make a handicraft fan for me?amiṃōṇo
 Lewaj deel ṇe im deelel.Take this fan and fan.deelel
 Deel jarom eo ear jọ aolepān boñon eo.The electric fan was on all night.jọ
 Kōrein Likiep rej make wōt jeḷā āj deel amiṃōṇoWomen of Likiep are renowned makers of fan handicraft.kōrā
deeleKwōn deele niñniñ ṇe bwe emenokadu.Fan that baby because it's sweating.deelel
 Ilo an ibeb ḷọk kōn menokadu im ijibwe tok juon ṃōttan peba im deele.I saw that he was dripping with sweat so I got a piece of paper and used it to fan him. P1097deelel
deelelLewaj deel ṇe im deelel.Take this fan and fan.deelel
deenjuukEpojak aolep men ijellọkin wōt ektak aḷaḷ kab tiin im deenjuuk injin e an wa in.Everything is ready except for loading the lumber and metal, and warming up the engine in the boat. P80deenju
deinEban ein dein ḷọk wōt arro aibabbab in deo.We can't go on clinging to each other forever.bab
 Ej kar kein kōjañjañ eo dein ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ ṃokta jān an deḷọñ tok laḷ ko jet.It was the only kind of musical instrument in the Marshalls before Western contact. S11de
 Ejja wāween dein wōt an rawūn Ratak.The same procedure is followed for the Ratak round-trip. S17dein
 Ej kar kein kōjañjañ eo dein ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ ṃokta jān an deḷọñ tok laḷ ko jet.It was the only kind of musical instrument in the Marshalls before Western contact. S11dein
dejeñjeñEjjeḷọk dejeñjeñ in oṇāān ṃweiuk kaṇe.Those goods are awfully expensive.dejeñ
 Ejjeḷọk dejeñjeñ in kōto in.This wind is really strong.dejeñ
 Ejjeḷọk dejeñjeñ in ānbwinninHe has such a strong body.dejeñ
 Ikar kakkōt laṃōj kōn an dejeñjeñ ḷọk kōto eo.The wind was so strong that I had to yell really loud for him to hear me. P576dejeñ
dejeñjeñinEjjeḷọk dejeñjeñin ṇe ajri.That child is really stubborndejeñ
dejeñjeñḷọkKōto in ej jañin ḷōmṇak in dikḷọk ak ej dejeñjeñḷọk wōtThe wind hasn’t died down at all and is actually getting stronger. P779dejeñ
dekKwōn dek menowaṃHold your breath.dek
dekaKwōn ruktok buōrro deka killep bwe kōjro en kadeḷọk ri-nana eṇ.Gather up some good-sized stones for us to throw at that culprit.ruk-bo
dekāWāween aer kōṃṃani, rej kibwiji ñan ñe epo dān innām jimeeṇe tōrerein ak apare tōrerein kōn kaajliiñ ak dekā bwe en jab rōṃ tōrerein im kōṃṃan an ettoon.The way they make them, they dig down until it is near water, then cement the sides but put a rim around it with an oil drum or stones so that the sides don’t crumble and make it dirty. S22apar
 Bōk ṇe buoṃ dekā.Take that stone for a missile.bo
 Men ko rej kōjerbali ñan bubu remaroñ kimej, juubub, maañ, ekkwaḷ, dekā, im bōlōk.The things used for divination could be coconut fronds, shoots, pandanus leaves, sennit, stones, and leaves. S21bubu
 Eṃōj an ṇo tọọre eakḷe ilik; kwōn ejouji dekā kaṇe ippān doon.The waves have washed over the stone barrier on the ocean side; please stack the stones together again.eakḷe
 Kwōn ejaaki dekā kaṇe ṇai ijeṇe.Pile up those stones there by you.ejaak
MORE dekā
dekakḷọkKōmwōj dekakḷọk ke kōm roñ an jiñ.We all burst into laughter when we heard him break wind.dekakḷọk
dekātokKoṃro kōjāān dekātok.You two go and get change to coins.jāān dekā
dekeinJet armejin Ṃajeḷ rōdike kain eṇ ej iuiuun dekein jinmeSome Marshallese don't take kindly to those who are trying to advocate changes.iuiuun dekein jinme
 Kwōn jab kaññōrñōre dekein ñiim ñe kwōj kiki bwe ekọkkure mājur.Don't grind your teeth together in your sleep because it keeps me awake.ñōñōrñōr
dekōṃkōṃTa eṇ ej dekōṃkōṃ eakeWhat's he so noisy about?dekōṃkōṃ
delÑe kwōjelā del kwōn del tok kijed.If you know how to prepare and cook pandanus pudding in hot rocks, then make some for us.del
 Ñe kwōjelā del kwōn del tok kijed.If you know how to prepare and cook pandanus pudding in hot rocks, then make some for us.del
delọñEḷap an akā ñan delọñ.It's too inaccessible to try and enter.akā
 Koṃro delọñ tok.”Come on in.” P179deḷọñ
 Iọkwe koṃ iṃwiin,” Jema eba ke kōṃro ej delọñ ḷọkHello, everyone in this house,” Father said when we entered. P180iṃwiin
deḷọñḶōḷḷap eo ear arrome wōt an armej eo deḷọñ tokThe old man could hardly recognize the person who came in.arrom
 Ej kar kein kōjañjañ eo dein ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ ṃokta jān an deḷọñ tok laḷ ko jet.It was the only kind of musical instrument in the Marshalls before Western contact. S11de
 Bōtab ṃōṃkaj jān kar deḷọñ ḷọk i lowa, ikar emmō laḷ ḷọk im lale ej et.However, I stuck my head in before I went in to see how he was. P1217deḷọñ
 Inaaj jibwe jabōn rej deḷọñ tok innem kwōnaaj jibwe jabōn jab ṇe ippaṃ im kabwijere laḷ waj.”I am going to hold one end of the boards and put them inside; then you grab the other side and pass them down.” P744kabwijer
 Koṃro deḷọñ tok im jijet,” eba.The two of you come in and sit down,” he said. P232koṃro
MORE deḷọñ
deḷọñeRaar jede ṃweo ṃokta jān aer deḷọñe.They kept a lookout on the house before raiding it.jedjed
deṃaIutūk jiiñlij eo im iri ḷọk menokadu eo i deṃa im turin meja.I took off my shirt and wiped the sweat from my forehead and my face. P991daṃ
demājuunEjjeḷọk aj ilo demājuun iṃōn ṂajeḷThere's no thatch in the gable of Marshallese houses.demāju
deṃakIar deṃak pepe eo an.I opposed his decision.deṃak
deñdeñAolep bwilijmāāṇ rej kajjo aḷaḷin deñdeñ.Each policeman had a night stick.aḷaḷ in deñdeñ
 Ear deñōte kōn aḷaḷ in deñdeñ eo an.He struck him with his night stick.aḷaḷ in deñdeñ
 Kwōn jab bōt bwe kwōnaaj deñdeñ.Don't be naughty or you'll get spanked.deñdeñ
 Jab bar kakūtōtōūki e tokālik bwe kwōnaaj deñdeñ.Don't ever anger him again because next time you'll get spanked.jab bar
 Kwōnaaj deñdeñ ñe enana kobban lọñiiṃ.You'll get a spanking if you talk bad.nana kobban lọñii-
deñdeñeKwōn aḷaḷ in deñdeñe ṃōk im lale eṃṃakūt ke.Why don't you try hitting him with the club and see if he moves?aḷaḷ in deñdeñ
deñdeñōteKwōn jab deñdeñōte ḷadik ṇeDon't spank the boy (all over his body).deñdeñ
deñḷọkRōpeḷḷọk deñḷọk ko ilo utọr jidik eo.The feather decorations blew away during the sqall.deñḷọk
deñḷọkeKwōn jab deñḷọkeDon't hit me.
 Ear uwaañañ ke ij deñḷọke.He howled when I spanked him.uwaañañ
deñōtKwōn baare pein jān an deñōt eokPut your guard up so he doesn't hit you.baar
 Kwōn deñōt ḷadik ṇe bwe eḷap an bōt.Spank that boy because he's naughty.bōt
 Ḷeo ear deñōt ḷadik eo.He spanked the boy.deñdeñ
 Ito jān eoon ṃweo bwe rojak eo enaaj kar deñōt im jujen to laḷ ḷọk wōt.I got down from the structure so I wouldn’t get hit by the gaff and then went down below. P1056rojak
 Kwōn jab deñōt ajri ṇe bwe eub ānbwinninDon't spank that child because its body is tender.ub
deñōteEar deñōte kōn aḷaḷ in deñdeñ eo an.He struck him with his night stick.aḷaḷ in deñdeñ
deñtakKwōn deñtak waj ikōja ak ña iretam.You strike needlefish on the leeside while I do so on the outrigger side.deñtak
DeñtakeDeñtake tak eo waj.Strike the needlefish that's going in your direction.deñtak
deoEban ein dein ḷọk wōt arro aibabbab in deo.We can't go on clinging to each other forever.bab
 Jekdọọn ñe ekankan to eo ak pen in deo an keepep.Even though the rope was pulled taut, he continued to hold it.keepep
 Ekkōnono in deo aolepān boñōn eo kōn an metak neen.He kept talking all that night because of the pain in his leg.kōnono
 Im ḷāṃorōn in deo, eṃṃan ḷọk ñe inaaj mej ie.And my heritage forever, it is best that I die there. S2 lines from a songḷāṃoran
 Ejjeḷọk kōkeroro ak men eo kwōj roñ deo ainikien aerjel ḷwiiti kabwin kọpe ko kab ekkopkopin dān eo ilowa ke ej eṃṃōḷeiñiñ wa eo.There was no talking or noise except for their slurping from their coffee cups and the sloshing of the water inside as the boat rocked. P276ṃōṃōḷeiñiñ
MORE deo
deọKwokanooj deọ.You are very beautiful.deọ
 Aṃ deọ ekōppat .Your beauty makes me feel unworthy.pepat
 Enaaj kar lukkuun deọ eḷañe ear jab tāṃoṇ lọñiin.She would have been very beautiful if she didn't have a harelip.tāṃoṇ
deọeoJuon eṇ jiroñ deọeo ej kab itok.A beautiful girl just arrived.jiroñ
 Ḷeo eban kar tōprak ippān kōrā deọeo eṇ ñe bōkā eo kapiten en kar jab kōtaḷeiki.He wouldn't gotten to first base with that beautiful woman if it wasn't for his love potion.taḷe
deorEuwāween aṃ deor jān bade eo?How did you manage to slip out from the party?deor
DepDep men eṇ.That one over there is huge.depdep
 Dep eo ṇe tok.Here comes the monstrosity.depdep
depakpakEj make wōt depakpak an riab.His exaggerations are out of this world.depakpak
 Inpel in ni ta ṇe ke eṃṃan an depakpak?Which coconut trees are those good and wide inpel from?inpel
depakpakinIj keememej ḷọk wōt ke ikar uwe ippān Jema kab ruo ṃōṃaan ilo juon booj jidikdik eo roñoul ruo ne aitokan im jiljino ne depakpakin.I still remember when I sailed with Father and two other men on a small boat that was twenty-two feet long and six feet wide. P1depakpak
depdepLukkuun depdep in pako men eṇ.That's a very huge shark.depdep
depdepeteEḷak jitpeḷeḷ ñan ṇo ko eṃṃan aer itōm depdepete.Then other waves hit the boat crossways and kept it from turning over. P687depdep
depdeptokEḷak depdeptok iṃōkaj im baare.As he swung at me I suddenly parried his blow.depdep
depetIj ba wōt ijin ak etar tok juon ṇo im depet kōjaan wa eo.Right as I said it a wave smashed up against the side of the boat. P597depdep
 Ij ba wōt ijin ak etar tok juon ṇo im depet kōjaan wa eo.Right as I said it a wave smashed up against the side of the boat. P597kōja
depet-doonErro depet-doon lọkuṃ boñ ak ejjeḷọk eṇ ewiin.They contested until dark but no one won.depet-doon
depeteEkātok juon bwebwe im depete kōrkōr eo waō.A tuna jumped out of the water and slapped my canoe.depdep
depñatJab kaatuwe kiiō bwe enaaj depñat.Don't take it out of the oven now or it'll be sticky.depñat
depoukEar peḷḷọk juon depouk jān Kuwaaṃ.A flight of planes took off from Guam.depouk
deppinIḷak baj erre āne ḷọk ilo juon deppin baat ej jutak lōñ ḷọk jān keinikkan i jabōn ān eo tu eōñ.As I looked over toward the island I saw a huge cloud of smoke rising up from the foliage on the northern tip of the island. P1244depdep
 Deppin wa men eṇ.It's a monstrous canoe.depdep
DetDet in ekaajeḷkāik kōj.The heat is depressing.ajeḷkā
 Ej mejān det bwe ealjet.He wears dark glasses because he's cross-eyed.aljet
 Eḷap an det raininIt's very sunny today.det
 Ñe ej det em ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) lañ, ekkoonaḷaḷ buḷōn lọjet.When the weather is good and the sun is shining, one sees sun rays in the ocean.koonaḷ
 Kōn an kanooj in ḷap det ilo ān eo, eṃōkaj an diñōjḷọk men ko rej ejjedwawa ioon bwidej.The sun's heat is so intense on the island that everthing lying about on the ground dries up quickly.diñōjḷọk
detakKoṃro kar kile ke an añināne raan eo ak kiiō eñin eḷak detak ekalikkar ad ettoḷọk jān āneDidn’t the two of you notice from the way the wind was blowing that we were on the lee side of the island, but now as the wind blows, it’s clear we’re at a distance from the island? P922
 Koṃro kar kile ke an añināne raan eo ak kiiō eñin eḷak detak ekalikkar ad ettoḷọk jān āneDidn’t the two of you notice from the way the wind was blowing that we were on the lee side of the island, but now as the wind blows, it’s clear we’re at a distance from the island? P922añinene
detñilEḷap an detñil raininIt's calm and sunny today.detñil
dettaerIj jañin kar lelolo pako dettaer de eo ilo mour e .I had never seen that many sharks in my whole life. P1004detta-
dettaṃKwōn joñe jedoujij ṇe dettaṃ wōt ke.Try the pants on and see if they fit.joñe aorōkin
dettanJān wōt dettan aded kaṇe kar adedin, ealikkar bwe ekar juon kapoor eo ekilep.It obviously was a huge giant clam, judging from its shell.aded
 Ewi dettan?How big is she?detta-
 Tarrin juon ne jimettan jukwea dettan bọọk eo kaṃbōj eo ej ie.The box the compass was in was about one and a half square feet in size. P511jukweea
 Ewi dettan lukoṃWhat size is your waist?lukwō-
 Eḷap an baj injin eo kajoor ñan dettan wa eo innem ewātin peḷḷọk jān ioon dān ñe ej tōtōr eake, eḷaptata ñe ej jej kobban.The engine was very strong for the size of the boat, so it nearly skipped from the water’s surface when it was motoring with it, especially when there was no cargo. P10ḷap
MORE dettan
diJuon iaan ri-iiaak ek ro di ear dibōj pein.One of the women who removed bones from the fish, a bone got into her finger.iiaak
 Jilu wōt buñtōn an ōbbōḷọk eake im jitōke ek eo ak ejenolọk di jān kanniōk.In just three strokes he had it gutted and the bones separated from the meat. P1316jenolọk
 Jilu wōt buñtōn an ōbbōḷọk eake im jitōke ek eo ak ejenolọk di jān kanniōk.In just three strokes he had it gutted and the bones separated from the meat. P1316ōbbōḷọk
 Jilu wōt buñtōn an ōbbōḷọk eake im jitōke ek eo ak ejenolọk di jān kanniōk.In just three strokes he had it gutted and the bones separated from the meat. P1316jejetōk
diakÑe jebar diak juon alen enaaj allọk āneṇOne more tacking and the island will be within range.allọk
 Kōto eo ejokḷā im eṃṃakroro im wa eo ekar jab diak ak kankan wōt im etal.The wind was coming from the north favorably filling the sail, and the boat wasn’t tacking and was going ahead at full sail. P1183jokḷā
 Im ikar roñ ainikien ṃūṃūṇṃūṇ ke erro kar pepejọrjor ijo i lōñ in pojak in diak.And I heard the sound of their treading feet as they moved around and got ready to change the sail from one side to the other to tack the boat. P1101ṃūṃūṇṃūṇ
 Kōjmān naaj tar niñatak ṃōṃkaj innem diak rōkeañ,” Kapen eo eba.We’ll come north first and then tack to the south,” the Captain said. P841niña
 Im ikar roñ ainikien ṃūṃūṇṃūṇ ke erro kar pepejọrjor ijo i lōñ in pojak in diak.And I heard the sound of their treading feet as they moved around and got ready to change the sail from one side to the other to tack the boat. P1101pepejọrjor
diakeRaar diake wa eo ṃokta jān an itaak.They tacked the boat before it hit the reef.diak
 Kwōn diake wa ṇeTack your canoe.diak
 Erro jab kijer in diake wa eo ak kōmmān pepepe wōt ijo im apāde kabōlbōl eo.They didn’t tack the boat quite yet and instead just floated for a while waiting and watching the glowing light. P1113kijer
dibdibōjKwōn jab dibdibōj waini ṇeDon't make so many punctures in that copra husk.dedeb
 Kwōn jab dibdibōj ek ṇeDon't spear so many holes in that fish.dedeb
dibdibōjePako eo eṇ eṃōj dibdibōje.The shark has been speared many times.debdeb
dibōjḶeo ej dibōj waini eo.He is husking the copra nut.dedeb
 Kwōn dibōj ek eṇ.Spear that fish.debdeb
 Juon iaan ri-iiaak ek ro di ear dibōj peinOne of the women who removed bones from the fish, a bone got into her finger.iiaak
 Ear jirilọk im dibōj ni eo.He accidentally hit the coconut tree.jirilọk
 Ejjab kuṇaaṃ dibōj ek eṇ bwe kwojowālel.You shouldn't try to spear that fish because your aim isn't good enough.jowālel
MORE dibōj
dibōjeKwōn ane tok pako eṇ bwe jen dibōje.Lure that shark here so we can spear it.anan
 Kwōn kaeọñ waini ṇe im jab dibōje.Plant that coconut and don't husk it.eọñ
dibōjiEar tabōḷi ek ko im dibōji.He speared two fish at one time.tabōḷ
diboñIj jañin kar lelolo (ellolo) boñ āinwōt in an diboñ.I've never seen such a dark night as this.diboñ
dibukaeJetōpar dibukae.We're in the zone of the dibukae currents.dibukae
dideWōn eo ewiin ilo dide eoWho won the relay?dide
didiakeōkKar āindeeo ammān didiakeōk tak ḷọk raan eo ooṃ boñ.We kept tacking in this fashion all day as we sailed east until it was night. P862diak
didiiñMaroñ kaṇ an didiiñ rōkabwilōñlōñThe powers of the didiiñ cult are miraculous.didiiñ
didiṃakōlEṃṃan tōllọkun didiṃakōl eo waan.His didiṃakōl flew very well.didiṃakōl
didipiñpiñKwōn jab didipiñpiñ (iddipiñpiñ) bwe jouwaroñ.Quit pounding cause you're getting on my nerves.didipiñpiñ
didwōjwōjEṃōj ṇe aṃ didwōjwōj (iddiwōjwōj).You stop going out so frequently.diwōj
diedeEṃṃan diede ṇe dieṃ.Your earring looks nice.diede
 Kwōn diek diede ṇe dieṃ.Wear your earrings.diede
DiedeinDiedein ṂajeḷMarshallese earrings.diede
diekKwōn diek diede ṇe dieṃ.Wear your earrings.diede
diekaRūkọọt eo ear tarlepe ejoujikin waini eo im etal kake kōn dieka eoThe thief scooped up the entire pile of copra on the rear cart and took off with it.tarlep
diekḷọkEtke kwōj jab diekḷọk to ṇe ke ekadu?Why don't you lengthen that rope, because it's short?dede
dieṃEṃṃan diede ṇe dieṃ.Your earring looks nice.diede
 Kwōn diek diede ṇe dieṃ.Wear your earrings.diede
dienbwijroRi-āneo raar dienbwijro ke raar roñ ke enaaj buñlọk Likabwiro.The islanders ate their last meal together when they heard that typhoon Likabwiro would ravage their island.dienbwijro
diilEowi ikōn diil.Fish caught using the diil method of fishing are tasty.diil
diiṃBaj ainiñūṃ ke eitan bwilọk diiṃ.You're so skinny your bones are about to breakainiñ
 Eḷḷọke diiṃ.Lie down and relax (stretch out your backbone).eḷḷọk
 Kwōn etal ilo peet eṇ im erḷọke diiṃ.Go lie down and relax.erḷọk
 Itok bwe in jukjuki diiṃ.Come let me massage your back.jukjuk
diinEirḷọk diin aeranHe dislocated his collar bone.ir
 Kwōn kōkadikdiki (ekkadikdiki) / kadikdiki ḷadik ṇe bwe enaaj bwilọk diin.Take it easy with that boy or you'll break (one of) his bones.kadikdik
 Eḷap aninikien ñōñōrñōrin (eññōrñōrin) diin ḷeo ke ej kotak pāākin wainin dedodo eo bwe en baun.The groaning sound of the man's bones was quite audible as he was lifting the heavy sack of dried copra to be weighed.ñōñōrñōr
dikEnaaj pikōt kōn aṃ kaabwinmakeiki ilo an dik.He'll be a coward because you make him fear ghosts while he's still little.abwinmake
 Ij jab meḷeḷe ta ko ekar ba kōn an dik ainikienI couldn’t understand what he was saying because he was talking in a low voice. P976ainikie-
 Ajjukubin jān ke ear dik.It's a limp he's had since he was a child.ajjukub
 En jab ḷap aṃ kaanemkwōje ilo an dik bwe kwōnaaj bane ñe enaaj rūttoḷọk.You shouldn't let him do anything he wants now when he's still young because you won't be able to control him when he grows up.anemkwōj
 Nōōj ro raar arkooḷe niñniñ eo bwe en dik ḷọk an pipa.The nurses rubbed alcohol on the baby to reduce its fever.arkooḷ
MORE dik
dikāāḷāḷEḷap an dikāāḷāḷ kōn an bane ledik eo.He was frustrated over his vain attempts to impress the girl.dikāāḷāḷ
dikdikKiped dikdik ṇeDon't move the stern paddle too much (when you're sailing close to the wind).kiped
 Āinwōt kwōjeḷā kuṇaaṃ ḷe nejū!” ettōñ dikdik tok ilo an ba.Seems like you really know your duties, Son!” he said as he smiled. P294kuṇaa-
 Māllen eañ in ebuñut ḷakijoñjoñ in,” Jema eba im ettōñ dikdik ke erro kar pārorāiki laḷ ḷọkThis guy sure is brave,” Father said, chuckling as the two of them carried him down with both hands. P1048māl
 Ak ibaj bōk juon kijō wūd im jino meme dikdik.Then I took one for myself and started nibbling at it. P812meme
 Kōṃṃakūtkūt ke dikdik ko, ilikin Nakwōpe eṃṃan o.The small porpoises are in motion, off Nakwōpe everything's fine for the o birds (to feed). (words from a chant about the sign.)Nakwōpe
MORE dikdik
dikdikḷọkEṃṃan roñjake alin ṃur ilo jota dikdikḷọk.It's relaxing to listen to soft music as the sun goes down at the end of the day.alin ṃur
 Raan eo juon, ke ekar jota dikdikḷọk, kōmmān tōkeak ḷọk i arin Kwajleen im bar atartar ilo ejja wab eo kōmmān kar pād ie ṃōṃkaj jān ammān kar jeblaak.Early the next evening we sailed toward the lagoon side of Kwajalein and came up alongside the same pier where we had been before we had set sail. P1338jeblaak
 Ejota dikdikḷọk.The evening slips away.jota
 Ajjimakekein jota dikdikḷọk.The solitary feeling one gets as the sun is setting.ajjimakeke
dikeAolepem dike ledik eṇ bwe ejokdād.Nobody likes that girl because she's filthy.jokdād
 Kōm dike bwe ekōbbọọjọj.We don't like him because of his overbearing manners.kōbbọọjọj
dikkilọkEj dikkilọk wōt ān eo ak ejok marok eo.The island was getting small as night fell upon us. P1318dik
dikḷọkJekdọọn ñe ekate joñan wōt an maroñ ak ekar jab bōbweer in dikḷọk.But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get it to stop slowing down. P616bōbweer
 Kōto in ej jañin ḷōmṇak in dikḷọk ak ej dejeñjeñḷọk wōt.The wind hasn’t died down at all and is actually getting stronger. P779dejeñ
 Koṃro jeḷā ekar jino dikḷọk kōto in ñāāt?” Kapen eo ekar kajjitōk ippān Jema im Bojin eo.Does either of you know when the wind started to die down?” the Captain asked Father and the Boatswain. P831jijino
 Ekar āindeo an dikḷọk im kun injin eo.It just kept slowing down until it finally stopped. P617kukun
 Dān eo limemmān rujlọkin raan eo juon ekar dikḷọk wōtBy the next morning our drinking water supply had diminished significantly. P1011lime-
diklọkḷaplọkEor ke aṃ tuuḷ rot eṇ ej diklọkḷaplọk?Have you got an adjustable wrench?tuuḷ
dikḷọkunJete dikḷọkun oṇāān men e?What's the discount on this item?dikḷọk
diklōñeKwōn diklōñe ṃōk nuknuk e .Would you measure the upper front of my garment?diklōñ
diktataJitenbōrotata eo ej diktata eṇ nejin rūtto raṇ.People's youngest children are their favorites,jitōnbōro
dilaEwi bọọkin dila eoWhere is the box of nails?bọọk
 Ebwe ke dila kaṇe aṃ?Do you have enough nails?dila
 Ilo juon dila ioon teek im jibwe tok im kade.I spotted a nail on the deck so I picked it up and threw it at the fish. P388dila
 Kwōn kūḷiniji dila kaṇeClinch the nails.kūḷinij
 Elōlō neen ilo dila eoHe stepped on a nail.lōlō
MORE dila
dilaikKwōn dilaik ṇeNail that board.dila
dimEḷap an dim aṃ kar lukwōje.You tied it very tight.dim
dimtakeJab kijer in dimtake.Don't jerk it yet.dimtak
 Kōttar an ḷūḷijḷij (iḷḷijḷij) im dimtake.Wait till he nibbles on the bait and then jerk the line.ḷūḷijḷij
dimwūjBōk wōt kobban dimwūj kaṇe bwe ekaddoujuj aded kaṇe.Just take the meat out of the clams because the shells will only be (undesirable) added weight.kaddoujuj
diñōjḷọkKōn an kanooj in ḷap det ilo ān eo, eṃōkaj an diñōjḷọk men ko rej ejjedwawa ioon bwidej.The sun's heat is so intense on the island that everthing lying about on the ground dries up quickly.diñōjḷọk
 Ilo an armej bwijwōḷā ḷọk ej diñōjḷọk ānbwinnier. Ilo an armej bwijwōḷā ḷọk ej diñōjḷọk ānbwinnierAs people grow old their bodies begin to shrivel.diñōjḷọk
 Ilo an armej bwijwōḷā ḷọk ej diñōjḷọk ānbwinnier. Ilo an armej bwijwōḷā ḷọk ej diñōjḷọk ānbwinnierAs people grow old their bodies begin to shrivel.diñōjḷọk
diojḷọkEwōr jilu an tiṃa eṇ injinea. Aolep ri-injinea rein jilu raar diojḷọk jān jikuuḷ injinea.The ships has three engineers. All three of them have graduated from mechanical engineering school.injinia
dipālEruṃwij jibwe jān an dipāl em peḷḷọk.Before I could grab him he had already crouched and sprang away.dipāl
dipikpikEkar jab bar dipikpik ñan jidik.It didn’t flop about one bit. P1314didpikpik
DisneyIj emḷọke tok tūreep eo ñan Disney LandI remember my trip to Disneyland fondly.emḷọk
ditōbAk kiiō ke ebaj ditōb jenaaj aikuj kōrraan ñan jeḷati baib jet im lukkuun etali.”And since it’s still dark we are going to have to wait for daylight before I can take the whole thing apart and really look at it.” P631ditōb
diwōjḶeo edeḷọñ ḷọk ilowaan ruuṃ eo im ḷak diwōj tok ej jibwe ruo ḷoobwin pilawā, eṃōj an limi kōn peba būrawūn, ej ja āindeeo aer māāṇāṇ ke rej kab mat tok.The man went into a room and when he came back out he was holding loaves of bread, already wrapped in brown paper, still warm from the oven. P264būrawūn
 Ke erro kar juur tarkijet ebaj waḷọk tok jilu armej jān ejja mejate eo wōt erro kar diwōj tok jāne.As soon as the two of them stepped onto the beach three more people appeared on the path where Father and the Boatswain had come out. P1259jān
 Ke kōṃro Jema ej diwōj jān ṃweo, iḷak bōk meja im erre tak ḷọk ilo an jino memeramram rear.When we got outside, I looked over and noticed it was starting to get light in the east. P220meram
diwōjḷọkKōṃro ej diwōjḷọk wōt ak eokkoḷọk lowaan ṃōn wia eo.We were going out when there was a crash inside the store. P163diwōj
DodoorDodoor laḷḷọk ṃukko ṇeLet the cargo net down carefully.dedoor
dodoorḷọkKwōn kate eok im jab dodoorḷọk ijeṇe aṃ.Do your best and don't sell yourself short.jab dodoorḷọk
doebebKwōn jab doebeb im kōṃṃane injin ṇe bwe enaaj jorrāān.Don't mess around with that engine and foul it up.doebeb
 Ejjeḷọk wōt doebeb in ṇe ajri.That's the most mischievous child I've ever seen.doebeb
doerIrooj ro raar kaeotaak ḷōṃaro doer.The chiefs have their men compete in wrestling.eotaak
DōkāDōkā eo ear lel bōran kake ear kōjebwālele.The stone that hit him on the head made him stagger.jebwāālel
dọlelEdọlin (dọlel in) bōtHe's very naughty.dọlin
 Ear dọlel ḷọk em ḷak kiōk mej, ebar mour.He was near death but recovered.kiōk
doñEjeḷā doñ.She can really shake it.doñ
doñanEbwilọk doñan.She broke her hip.doñ
dọọleLieṇ ear dọọle kooḷan bōran.She dyed her hair.dọọl
doomBaaṃle eo an ebwe an doom im rōpād i Likiep.He had a very large family and they were all on Likiep. P35doom
doonAelōñin kiiñ ñan aelōñin kiiñ rōnaaj juṃae doon.Kingdom shall rise against kingdom.aelōñin kiiñ
 Aerṃwein jowi in ad ej ñan indeo kōn aer jeḷā aerṃweiki doon.The relationship within our clan will last forever because it's alive and well.aerṃwe
 Aerro iọkwe doon ekōṃṃan waanjoñak eṃṃan ñan ñaTheir (two) mutual love of one another inspired me to do likewise.aerro
 Kwōn ainḷọk kaṇe ṇa ippān doon.Gather the breadfruit together.ain
 Elōñ rej aitwe doon kōn elōn men ko.There are many who compete among themselves for many things.aitwerōk
MORE doon
dooneRaar doone piik eo.They killed the pig with a husking stick.doon
doononJenaaj doonon eake ta?What will we use for a husker?doonon
 Raar doonon kōn piik eo.They used the pick as a husker.doonon
doorKwōnañin door ke allōñ iju eo aṃ?Have you made your monthly contribution (to the church) yetallōñ iju
 Kwōn door wōt bok ṇeLeave that book there.dedoor
 Kwōn door ṇaib ṇePut down that knife.dedoor
 Jab door naan ko naan jekdọọn.Don't disregard my words (don't consider my words lies).dedoor
 Jeḷā ta eo jej door ad leke ie; jeḷā eo ej waḷọk jān imminene in kile wāween jejepliklikin juon wa ioon ṇo ke ak jeḷā eo waḷọk jān lo kōn māj.How do we know which knowledge to put our trust in; the knowledge gained from actually feeling the sway of the boat on the waves or the knowledge that comes from observing. P800jepliklik
MORE door
dooriIkar būki ḷọk im doori ṇa i turierjel.I took biscuits and put them in front of the men. P963dedoor
 Ej ṃōj doori laḷ ḷọk men ko ioon wa eo ak Jema ekkōnono tok.As soon as I put the things down, Father started talking to me. P1270dedoor
doujKwōn ālim wa ṇe bwe enaaj douj.Bail the canoe or it will ship water.ānen
 Kwōn ānen ḷọk bwe enaaj douj wa ṇeBail faster or the canoe will ship water.ānen
 Ear douj kōn an jab ḷooribebHe sank because he did not follow the large wave.ḷooribeb
dọukKwōn dọuk wūntō ṇeClose that window.dedọdo
 Kwōn dọuk bwā ṇeLower that pole.dedọdo
 Komaroñ ke dọuk wūnto ṇe bwe etọ tok?Please lower (close) the window because it's raining in.dedọdo
 Ilo iien eo ekar ṃōj dọuk ḷọk aḷ im ṃōttan wōt jilu ne lōñ tak jān ioon dān.At that time the sun was setting and it only had about three more feet to go before it touched the water. P1021dedọdo
 Etal im dọuk ḷọk jeinae eṇ ñaneGo lower the coconut-frond mat for her.dedọdo
dọukiJaaki waj ko bōk mejān dọuki.Please take these things (usually food items) and enjoy. (This is traditionally uttered by a ri-jerbal to his aḷap or an aḷap to his irooj to please the receiver.)dedọdo
 Dọuki laḷḷọk bar jidik.Take it down a bit more.dedọdo
doululIiō eo kein kajiljinoñoul in an kar jutak doulul inThis is the sixtieth year of the establishment of this association.jiljinoñoul
 Eṃōj an jutak doulul eoThe organization has been established.jutak
dujejjetiierEjjeḷam dujejjetiier.They're overflowing.dujejjet
dukwaḷJab keroro bwe kwōnaaj dukwaḷ.Shut up or you'll get a punch in the nose.dukwaḷ
dullBakbōk lijib men ṇe. That's one dull knife!That knife is dull.lijib
dumejeKwōn dumeje eṃ nuknuk ṇe bwe en jab peḷḷọk.Stake down the tent so it won't blow away.dumej
dunenJab kwōje dunen meḷaajDon't neglect the commoners because that's where the strength lies.kwōje dunen meḷaaj
 Kōpooj dunen kōb ko bwe epāl.Prepare the shovels for it's arrowroot digging time.pāl
duojEar duoj jān aujpitōḷ.He was discharged from the hospital.diwōj
duojtokRōbuuki ke ej duojtok.He was shot as he stepped out.ke

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