Letter to the Assistant Secretary of War from the Commanding Officer, 85th Infantry Division, Camp Shelby dated July 21, 1942 with 13 related memos, letters and resources















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Letter to Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy from General Haislip, Commanding Officer, 85th Infantry Division at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, enclosing a copy of a memorandum containing Mr. McCloy's comments on his visit to the 85th Infantry Division and enclosing some snapshots. Memorandum by General Haislip to the 85th Infantry Division at Camp Shelby with Mr. McCloy's comments on his visit to the Division. One page of Army Regulations No. 615-28 with info on reception centers, replacement training centers, divisions and separate units. Draft of memorandum for General McNarney from Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy on new recruits, replacements centers and replacement training centers. Letter to Major Zartman, Hattiesburg Airport, Mississippi from Colonel Tate, Executive to the Assistant Secretary of War, with thanks for attention given to the Assistant Secretary of War during visit to Camp Shelby and with follow up on personnel and motor transportation issues. Letter to General Haislip, 85th Infantry Division at Camp Shelby from Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy with thanks and also informing of the gist of Mr. McCloy's report to the War Council on his visit to the Division. Memorandum for General Somervell from Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy with his impressions on facilities, equipment and supplies during his visit to Camp Shelby. Letter to Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy from Fay M. Thomas, Executive Vice President, Hotel Roosevelt, New Orleans, thanking Mr. McCloy for his note. Four page Camp Shelby Fourth of July Program with the day's planned activities. Telegram to General Haislip from Mr. McCloy with his expected arrival time at Hattiesburg Airport and the names of other members of his party. Memorandum by Memorandum by General Haislip to the 85th Infantry Division at Camp Shelby General Haislip to the 85th Infantry Division at Camp Shelby Memorandum by General Haislip to the 85th Infantry Division at Camp Shelby informing personnel of Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy's visit to review the Division on July 4th. Letter to General Haislip from Colonel Tate, Office of the Assistant Secretary of War, providing information on Mr. McCloy's job in the 85th Division during World War I. Letter to General Haislip from Mr. McCloy informing of his visit on July 4. Letter to Mr. McCloy from General Haislip reminding him of promise to review the 85th Division on July 4th and with some suggested plans for the visit .


memorandum, letter, Assistant Secretary of War, Camp Shelby



18 pages


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