State management of geothermal energy in Hawaii
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Department of Planning and Economic Development, State of Hawaii
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"Unsolicited research proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation"
"This proposal is for a State of Hawaii research project for defining the role of State government in the utilization of geothermal energy. The proposed project will conduct a systematic review of the existing and potential functions of State and County government with the aim of developing a methodology for, and undertaking an assessment of, the management options open to the State of Hawaii. The process itself would then be applicable in assessing the State's management options over other natural energy resources such as wind, sun and ocean thermal differentials. The University of Hawaii is presently engaged in a major geothermal energy research project with joint National Science Foundation, State of Hawaii and County of Hawaii support directed toward the utilization of the State's geothermal resources. The proposed State project will complement the University project and explore the processes and actions required to accelerate the transition from University research results to practical applications of geothermal energy to meet the needs of Hawaii. It will explore the public policy implications and consequences of the introduction of geothermal and other new sources of energy in Hawaii. The project also will serve as a focal point for geothermal energy information dissemination and feedback among the State, County and Federal agencies."
"This proposal is for a State of Hawaii research project for defining the role of State government in the utilization of geothermal energy. The proposed project will conduct a systematic review of the existing and potential functions of State and County government with the aim of developing a methodology for, and undertaking an assessment of, the management options open to the State of Hawaii. The process itself would then be applicable in assessing the State's management options over other natural energy resources such as wind, sun and ocean thermal differentials. The University of Hawaii is presently engaged in a major geothermal energy research project with joint National Science Foundation, State of Hawaii and County of Hawaii support directed toward the utilization of the State's geothermal resources. The proposed State project will complement the University project and explore the processes and actions required to accelerate the transition from University research results to practical applications of geothermal energy to meet the needs of Hawaii. It will explore the public policy implications and consequences of the introduction of geothermal and other new sources of energy in Hawaii. The project also will serve as a focal point for geothermal energy information dissemination and feedback among the State, County and Federal agencies."
public policy, regulatory, Hawaii, Geothermal resources--Government policy--Hawaii, Proposals
Mark SM, Grabbe EM. 1974. State Management of Geothermal Energy in Hawaii. Honolulu (HI): Department of Planning and Economic Development, State of Hawaii.
47 pages
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