Okinawa Collection

Permanent URI for this community

Resources on Okinawa/Ryukyu at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) Library have been developed with the assistance of notable scholars such as Shunzo Sakamaki, Robert Sakai, Mitsugu Sakihara, William Lebra and Masato Matsui since 1960s. (Article about History of Okinawan Studies in UH) From its beginning, strong support from the local Okinawa community in Hawaii has contributed to collection development efforts. In 2007 and 2008, a great number of materials on Okinawa/Ryukyu were donated by local Okinawa community leaders Mr. Robert Nakasone and the late Mr. Takenobu Higa. These resources are being processed into the collection and many are searchable via Hawaii Voyager.


Contact: Lynette Teruya
Okinawa Studies Librarian
Phone: 808-956-2315


Collections in this Community

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