Kaizawa / James Brandon Interviews

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The transcripts were created based on the interview audio tapes, Dr. Brandon’s notes, and the transcripts found in his folders of the James Brandon Papers. There are 15 in-person interview transcripts and 1 phone interview memo in the folders. Dr. Brandon’s typed and handwritten records were compared with the interview audio records, however, some were not found in the audio tapes donated to the Library. Some of the audio records have poor sound quality and background noise. Non-related subjects were eliminated from the transcripts.

Enhancements have been added: Full name of identifiable individuals such as: Earle (Ernst), Faub (Faubion Bowers), Sandy (Alexander Calhoun), (Joseph) Goldstein, SK (Stanley Kaizawa) etc.

Identifiable place names, Kabuki play titles, etc.

Identifiable abbreviations such as Gen (General), CCD (Civil Censorship Detachment), PPB (Press, Pictorial, and Broadcasting), CO (Commanding Officer), etc.

Related photos and Kabuki play scripts such as (See also SKalb2-001), (Document numbers: "SKalb2-doc 07-01(p44), SKalb2-doc 07-02(p44), SKalb2-doc 08-01(p44),

Japanese characters and/or English translations, additional information to clarify such as kyakka 却下(rejection), honjitsu kyujo本日 休場 (today closed), Inose Naoki, who wrote the article, “Makkasa [MacArthur] no Chushingura (マッカーサーの忠臣蔵),” (Bungei Shunju文芸春秋, 65(5), p.6-47, April 1987), etc.

Stanley Kaizawa Collection Digitization Project
The University of Hawaii at Manoa Library received a three-year- grant (2016-2019) from JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H05614 to textualize (OCR) the Kabuki play scripts, digitize the photos, and transcribe the interviews. All the materials are scheduled to be available as open resources via the UHM Library’s website.

Project Team
Project Leader & PI
Tokiko Y. Bazzell, Japan Studies Librarian

Team members
Chelsie Suzuki, LIS student
Shinsuke Kondo, SLS student
Madoka Nagado, English Literature student
Katie Patrick, Theatre & Dance student
Daniel Kang, Business student
Kristen Tsutsui, Nutrition & Dietetics student
Brian Cheung, LIS student


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