A review of the radiographic manifestations of gout.

dc.contributor.author Gagliardi, J A
dc.contributor.author Lengyel, R J
dc.date.accessioned 2019-07-02T16:05:53Z
dc.date.available 2019-07-02T16:05:53Z
dc.date.issued 1994-02
dc.description.abstract Hyperuricemia and gout are found in high percentages of the Pacific Island population. As local clinicians and radiologists are more likely to have patients with either the diagnosis or suspicion of gout, a pictorial review of the common radiographic manifestations is presented especially for their information.
dc.identifier.issn 0017-8594
dc.identifier.pubmed 8188486
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/62524
dc.language.iso eng
dc.subject.mesh Ankle Joint/radiography
dc.subject.mesh Elbow Joint/radiography
dc.subject.mesh Female
dc.subject.mesh Gout/epidemiology/etiology/radiography
dc.subject.mesh Humans
dc.subject.mesh Incidence
dc.subject.mesh Male
dc.subject.mesh Metacarpophalangeal Joint/radiography
dc.subject.mesh Metatarsophalangeal Joint/radiography
dc.subject.mesh Risk Factors
dc.subject.mesh Sacroiliac Joint/radiography
dc.subject.mesh Sex Factors
dc.title A review of the radiographic manifestations of gout.
dc.type Journal Article
dc.type Review
dc.type.dcmi Text
prism.number 2
prism.pagerange 40-3
prism.publicationname Hawaii medical journal
prism.volume 53
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