Darumatara zenkyō settsū kōsho 達磨多羅禪經説通考疏・達磨多羅禅経説通考疏

dc.contributor.author Tōrei Enji 東嶺圓慈
dc.date.accessioned 2014-11-12T01:20:15Z
dc.date.available 2014-11-12T01:20:15Z
dc.date.issued 2014-11-11
dc.description Tōrei gave a series of teachings on the Damoduoluo chanjing in 1777, in 1781, and in 1786. The first publication of his commentary is dated 1784 (Tenmei 天明 4) but the woodblocks for this first edition were burned in the 1788 fire that devastated Kyoto. The text provided here in PDF is based on the 1894 (Meiji 明治 27) edition, published in Tokyo by Keisei Shoin 經世書院. It includes six volumes, with a total of 948 pages. The preface by Kōgaku Sōen 洪嶽宗演・洪岳宗演—known as Shaku Sōen 釋宗演・釈宗演 (1860–1919) while alive—indicates the importance given to this text even at the end of the nineteenth century. It is hoped that making this resource available to the scholarly community will stimulate research on this area.
dc.description.abstract The meticulous commentary of the Dámóduōluó chánjīng 達摩多羅禪經 (T 15 no. 618) by Tōrei Enji constitutes one of the few resources for the study of this early meditation treatise in seventeen fascicles. It goes further than the work of Fórì Qìsōng 佛日契嵩 (1007–1072) in its scrutiny of textual sources but tends to agree with Fórì regarding the confusing attribution of this text to Bodhidharma.
dc.format.extent 948
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/47071
dc.language.iso ja
dc.rights This work, first published in 1894 is copyright free. It was first made available to the public in electronic form 120 years later, in 2014.
dc.rights CC0 1.0 Universal *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ *
dc.subject Dámóduōluó chánjīng 達摩多羅禪經 (T 15 no. 618); meditation treatise; Chánjīng 禪經; commentary by a Japanese monk, Rinzai Zen, Tokugawa period, Buddhist text of the early fifth century; supposedly “translated” in 413 by Buddhabhadra (359–429, usually transcribed Fótuóbátuóluó 佛陀跋陀羅).
dc.subject.lcsh BQ9399.E597
dc.title Darumatara zenkyō settsū kōsho 達磨多羅禪經説通考疏・達磨多羅禅経説通考疏
dc.type Book
dc.type.dcmi Text
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