Oral History Finding Aid: Kahili Long Cummings

dc.contributor.author Hula Preservation Society
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-31T21:13:15Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-31T21:13:15Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/65808
dc.subject Hula
dc.title Oral History Finding Aid: Kahili Long Cummings
dcterms.abstract The garage! It was the place to meet and hang out with Auntie Kahili in Paukūkalo Hawaiian Homes, Maui for our numerous oral history sessions. She was nearly 90 when HPS first began talking story with her and she was sharp, engaging, and fun! Our videographer was often challenged when trying to frame her on camera, because she liked to lean over in her chair with her elbows on her knees, so you have to get low to be able to see her beautiful face in the viewfinder! Auntie Kahili “was” Maui through and through, from her special island sayings, to her way of speaking, to the twinkle in her eye when recalling experiences of her life and family; experiences that took place a stone’s throw from where we were sitting and talking almost 90 years later. Auntie Kahili was a master lauhala weaver and quilter and regularly shared her works of art during our talk-stories. What we remember the most about Auntie Kahili, though, is her love for her family and for hula, and the deep pride that filled her being. Her collection at HPS consist primarily of oral history materials and images.
dcterms.dateCopyrighted 2021
dcterms.description Oral history finding aid of interviews with Kahili Long Cummings who was born in Kahului, Pūʻali Komohana, Maui in 1918. Interview footage and transcripts are available in the Hula Preservation Society library. For questions regarding materials referenced herein, and/or Access & Use of content, please contact them.
dcterms.extent 15 pages
dcterms.format Finding aid
dcterms.language eng
dcterms.publisher Hula Preservation Society
dcterms.rights In Copyright
dcterms.rightsHolder Hula Preservation Society
dcterms.type Text
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