Memorandum to the Assistant Secretary of War from the Commanding General, Army Ground Forces, Army War College dated October 30, 1943 with 14 related memos, letters and telegrams















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Memorandum to Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy from General McNair, Commanding General, Army Ground Forces, Army War College, commenting on points in Mr. McCloy's memo on his impressions during a visit to Camp Shelby, Mississippi related to training and the 442nd Combat Team. Memorandum for General McNair from Mr. McCloy forwarding comments by Colonel Chauncey Parker, U.S. Marine Corps, on the visit to Camp Shelby. Letter to Joseph R. Farrington, Hawaii delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives, from Colonel William P. Scobey, Executive to the Assistant Secretary of War, explaining a situation at Camp Shelby related to a USO club established for the Japanese American soldiers in training there. Letter to Colonel Pence, Commanding Officer of the 442nd Infantry, from Colonel Scobey, Executive to the Assistant Secretary of War, thanking Colonel Pence for courtesies during the visit to Camp Shelby and enclosing newspaper clippings of the men who came from Hawaii for the 442nd. Memorandum for General McNair, Army War College from Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy providing impressions of his visit to Camp Shelby and observations of the 65th Infantry Division, 69th Infantry Division and the 442nd Combat Team, with high praise for the 442nd and commenting that the unit should not be broken up. Letter to Mr. McCloy from Mississippi Congressman Bill Colmer thanking the Assistant Secretary for courtesy and hospitality on the trip to Camp Shelby. Letter to Mrs. Halloran from Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy thanking her for a pleasant time at Camp Shelby. Letter to Colonel Pence, Commanding Officer of the 442nd Infantry, informing him of further details of Mr. McCloy's visit to Camp Shelby. Letter to Colonel Scobey, Office of the Assistant Secretary of War from Colonel Pence, 442nd Infantry, inquiring if Mr. McCloy would like to observe troops training in the field or have a Combat Team ceremony. Memo for Mr. McCloy on the arrangements made for his visit to Camp Shelby. Letter to Colonel Scobey, Office of the Assistant Secretary of War from Colonel Pence, 442nd Infantry, suggesting date for Mr. McCloy to arrive to see the troops training in the field. Letter to Colonel Pence, 442nd Infantry, notifying of postponement by a week of Assistant Secretary McCloy's trip to Camp Shelby. Telegram to Major General Holloran (sic), Commanding General of Camp Shelby from Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy notifying of postponement of visit. Telegram to Assistant Secretary McCloy from Commanding General Holloran (sic) requesting Mr. McCloy be the General's personal guest during visit to Camp Shelby.


memorandum, letter, Assistant Secretary of War, Camp Shelby (Miss.), United States. Army. Regimental Combat Team, 442nd



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