1980: State government: Departments: Transportation (1 of 2)

Alternative Title



This folder contains correspondence between the North Shore Belt Road Citizens' Advisory Committee, Office of Environment and Design Federal Highway Administration Region Nine Department of Transportation, and Senator Daniel K. Inouye regarding structural issues, maintenance, and the rehabilitation of various bridges in Hanalei and Waipa along North Shore Belt Road, Kauai Belt Road, and Kalihiwai to Haena Section. A copy of the transcript of a public informational meeting is included that presents testimony on bridge-related concerns in Hawai'i, such as historical preservation and significance, safety, and economic development. Also in this folder are letters and reports concerning the Marine Highway Task Force, the VAN-GO Hawaii rideshare program, the reversion of ceded lands to the State of Hawai'i, particularly at Pier 40, express buses, and the congestion problem at the Honolulu International Airport.


Hawaii. Department of Transportation, United States. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Kauai (Hawaii), National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States



175 Pages



Geographic Location

Washington (D.C.)

Time Period

Related To

Subject Files, Box SB440, Folder 6

Related To (URI)

Table of Contents


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