Dia de los Muertos: In Memory of Jennifer Laude / Remembering Lost Beloveds / Honoring our Continued Survivance

dc.contributor.author Cachola, Ellen-Rae
dc.contributor.author Lipat, Christine
dc.contributor.author Caligtan, Grace
dc.contributor.author Qolouvaki, Tagi
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-17T18:53:58Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-17T18:53:58Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.description.abstract This script documents the program for an event to commemorate the death of Filipina trans woman named Jennifer Laude by the hands of a U.S. military personnel, in Olongapo, Philippines. This murder was linked to the killing of a Native Hawaiian man named Kollin Elderts who was shot by a U.S. Federal Agent during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit, in Honolulu in 2011. The script is a ritual eulogy to make links of solidarity across communities who grieve because of the people they lost due to militarization of their lands. The script also presents Ashliana Hawelu-Fulgoni, the co-founder and Executive Director of Kulia Na Mamo, who spoke on the issues of mahuwahine and how they are impacted by militarization and military personnel.
dc.format.extent 7
dc.identifier.citation Cachola, Ellen-Rae, Christine Lipat, Grace Caligtan and Tagi Qolouvaki. "Dia de los Muertos: In Memory of Jennifer Laude / Remembering Lost Beloveds / Honoring our Continued Survivance." Script. Revolution Books. November 2, 2014.
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/63947
dc.language.iso Eng
dc.subject transgender
dc.subject Philippines
dc.subject Hawaiʻi
dc.subject military
dc.subject violence
dc.title Dia de los Muertos: In Memory of Jennifer Laude / Remembering Lost Beloveds / Honoring our Continued Survivance
dc.type text
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