Regulated sex control in commercially important fishes – a physiologicalperspective

dc.contributor.authorShelton, William L.
dc.description.abstractThe management of fish reproduction has resulted in major advancements in the commercial culture of fishes. Artificial propagation has stabilized seed-stock production, and reproductive manipulations in induced sex reversal and ploidy manipulations have provided mechanisms to improve yield. The design and effectiveness of these manipulations are regulated by various physiological factors. The effectiveness of protocols for the induction of gynogenesis, triploidy, and tetraploidy is improved through knowledge of physiological effects on important parameters. Application of the developmental rate based on the mitotic interval (τo) incorporates a standard- ization relative to temperature. Timing of shock with reference to the species-specific τo rela- tionship is effective in clarification and optimization of treatments. Such standardization is impor- tant to any late (endomitotic - Em) shock induction, and in polar-body (Pb) induction for many species. Hormonally induced sex reversal also must be applied relative to an efficacious treat- ment protocol, developed relative to a window of gonadal lability during the genetically directed chronology and physiologically influenced differentiation. Size and/or age are important modify- ing parameters that can be affected by various growth-altering environmental factors such as temperature and density-dependent effects. The consideration of influences that affect physio- logical rates relative to reproductive manipulations provides a more in-depth understanding of protocol effectiveness.
dc.format.extent15 pages
dc.identifier.citationShelton, W.L. (2006). Regulated sex control in commercially important fishes – a physiologicalperspective. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, 58(4), 351-365.
dc.publisherIsraeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh
dc.subjectsex control, physiology, ploidy manipulations
dc.subject.lcshFish culture--Israel--Periodicals.
dc.subject.lcshFish culture--Periodicals.
dc.titleRegulated sex control in commercially important fishes – a physiologicalperspective


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