Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism

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    Preliminary results from the Scientific Observation Hole (SOH) program, Kilauea East Rift Zone, Hawaii
    (Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1991-05-15) Olson, Harry J.
    A memo from Harry J. Olson, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, to Maurice Kaya with temperature data.
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    Options and questions for direct use in Puna, Hawaii
    (Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, State of Hawaii, 2005) Gill, Andrea T.
    "Several options for the development of geothermal direct use enterprises in Puna, Hawaii have been identified, including: 1) tapping waste heat from the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) power plant; 2) extracting heat from unused, existing exploratory wells; and 3) drilling new shallow wells to the top of the aquifer. Shallow (less than 305 meters deep) wells drilled in Puna during exploration for both potable water and geothermal resources indicate a low-temperature resource near the top of the aquifer, at or near sea level. However, PGV is currently injecting waste fluids at 150° C; waste heat from this source could be made available for direct utilization, obviating the need for new production or injection wells. Several scenarios for developing heat for direct uses are explored, along with their regulatory ramifications. Unanswered questions relating to the application of State and County laws and regulations are noted."
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    Commercialization of geothermal energy in Hawaii
    (Department of Planning and Economic Development, State of Hawaii, 1979-09) Kono, Hideto
    "Submitted to: Workshop on Geothermal Energy of The Hawaii State Legislature and The National Conference of State Legislatures; September 19, 1979; Honolulu, Hawaii"
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    The Puna community survey
    (SMS Research, Inc., 1982) SMS Research, Inc.
    The purpose and intent of this survey is to obtain basic demographic information (about) the residents, in addition to their opinions, perceptions, and attitudes toward the future development of the (Puna) District, with a special focus on geothermal related activities. In addition to its planning function, the survey can also assist the County's efforts to ensure effective social monitoring in the Puna district as geothermal development progresses there. It can help to guarantee adequate communication with Puna residents, whose district has been undergoing some of the most profound changes faced by any rural Hawaii area in the 1970's and 1980's. Because this was a random sample survey, it provides a representative voice of Puna" on the planning and policy questions covered by the survey. This report appears in two volumes. Volume I contains an overview of the findings, while Volume II presents detailed results. In accordance with the multi-purpose nature of this project, results in both volumes will be presented in three parts: Part I--General Planning and Demographic Information. Included in this part are discussions of Puna's population growth and composition; other demographic characteristics; labor force composition; travel in and out of Puna; shopping area preferences; and community commitment, involvement, and identity. This description of Puna's population is important for planning either geothermal or any other form of development in Puna. Part II--General Opinions on Puna's Current and Future Situation (Context for Geothermal Attitudes). This part of the report deals with results of questions about the best and worst aspects of life in Puna today, and about opinions on a wide variety of future development prospects for Puna. These results will be valuable for general community development planning, and they also provide a crucial context for viewing results of questions about geothermal development. Part III--Opinions on Geothermal Development and Geothermal-Powered Industry in Puna. The final part contains results of questions about development of geothermal and other industries which might be associated with the development of geothermal resources. It covers the awareness and perceived impacts of present geothermal drilling activities; comparative attitudes toward three separate scenarios for various levels of geothermal and industrial development in Puna; and opinions on a range of geothermal-related policy issues.
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    Hawaii Deep Water Cable Program
    (Department of Planning and Economic Development, State of Hawaii, 1986-01) Department of Planning and Economic Development, State of Hawaii
    Background information sheets about the Hawaii Deep Water Cable Program
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    Hawaii's geothermal and deep water cable programs
    (Geothermal Resources Council, 1985-08) Lesperance, Gerald O.; Eaton, Russell
    "Hawaii's dependence on imported fuel oil for over 90 percent of its energy needs can be minimized by exploitation of the State's abundant indigenous energy resources. Geothermal power offers the best prospect for providing a significant baseload alternate to oil-fired electrical energy. However, the largest resource is on the Island of Hawaii which is separated by a substantial distance and extreme ocean depths from the State's load center on Oahu. No high voltage direct current electrical transmission cable has ever been installed under these conditions. This paper presents an overview of geothermal development in Hawaii and some details of the ongoing Hawaii deep water cable feasibility program to provide the necessary energy bridge."
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    Geothermal development impact on the 'OHIA-1' vegetation type
    (Department of Business and Economic Development, State of Hawaii, 1990-03-27) Robyn
    1 map : color
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    Geothermal resource subzone designations in Hawaii
    (Department of Planning and Economic Development, State of Hawaii, 1986-06) Kubacki, Joseph
    viii, 158, [58] pages : illustrations, maps
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    Daily construction reports for the Puna Geothermal Venture from December 12, 1989 to April 22, 1991
    (Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawaii, 1989-1990) Tanaka, Eric
    Each daily report logs the progress of Puna Geothermal Venture's well construction and includes description of construction activities, materials, equipment, remarks, weather, and payroll information.
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    Draft interim report : evaluation of geothermal resources, status of exploration and information sources, volume i (text, tables, figures, appendix a)
    (GeothermEx, Inc., 1991-11) GeothermEx, Inc.
    "GeothermEx, Inc., has been contracted by DBED to provide various consulting services relating to the development of the geothermal resource of Hawaii. These services include preparation of a draft preliminary report containing an evaluation of the resource and a review of the status of exploration and description of information sources. This report presents the results of the initial five months of work on the project and consists of: • compilation and analysis of data; • description of a developing conceptual hydrogeologic model of the geothermal system; • evaluation of geothermal resource extent; • definition of some potential resource risks; • discussion of sources of information; and • discussion of geophysical and geochemical surveys and recommendations for future work."
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    Analysis of geothermally produced hydrogen on the Big Island of Hawaii : a roadmap for the way forward
    (Sentech, Inc., 2008-09-30) Yuzugullu, Elvin; Genung, Karen; Hoesly, Ryan
    "Sentech, Inc. has analyzed the potential for geothermally produced hydrogen on the Big Island and subsequently developed this Roadmap delineating the most prudent pathways for the development of a hydrogen energy infrastructure based on the geothermal resources on the Big Island of Hawaii through 2025. Results of this analysis indicate that hydrogen is a potential transportation fuel for the Big Island of Hawaii; however, a concerted effort by the state’s leaders and policy makers will be necessary for hydrogen to become a significant transportation fuel before 2025. The primary conclusions of this report are as follows: Conclusion 1: Hydrogen transportation fuel can compete with diesel by 2025 only if the electricity to produce hydrogen is available at less than $0.10/kWh and diesel costs exceed $5.30 per gallon. Conclusion 2: All-electric battery/fuel cell hybrid powertrain vehicles are projected to be the hydrogen vehicles most likely to be available and cost-competitive with internal combustion engine vehicles by 2025. Conclusion 3: Conservative estimates indicate that using 24 MW of the currently permitted 60 MW of geothermal capacity can produce over 10,000 kg of hydrogen per day (approximately 3,800,000 kg/year) – enough to fuel approximately 3.3% of Big Island transportation needs. Conclusion 4: If the State of Hawaii chooses to pursue the renewable hydrogen transportation pathways outlined in this roadmap, an aggressive policy approach will be required. Based on detailed analysis that was conducted for this report, a prudent, three-phased approach to a geothermal hydrogen future for the Big Island is recommended: Phase I (2008-2012): Initial Prototype Test and Validation of Infrastructure. Phase II (2012-2020): Proof-of-Concept Demonstration Period. Phase III (2020 and beyond): Aggressive Expansion, Investment and Commercialization."
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    Geothermal direct use, Kapoho / Pohoiki area : feasibility study
    (Okahara & Associates, Inc., 2007-02) Okahara & Associates, Inc.
    "This feasibility study investigated the following objectives in determining whether direct use of geothermal heat is feasible in the Kapoho / Pohoiki area of Puna on the Island of Hawaii. 1. Identify geothermal direct use enterprises that are likely to be commercially viable, and acceptable to the Puna communities. 2. Identify possible sites that could be used for geothermal direct use businesses. 3. Identify possible geothermal resources in Kapoho outside of PGV's lease that could be utilized for geothermal direct use. 4. Estimate capital and operational costs. 5. Estimate viable unit costs for heat. 6. Identify positive and negative impacts on the community of a geothermal direct use enterprise park. 7. Research the legal basis for accessing the County of Hawaii's Geothermal Asset and Geothermal Royalty funds. 8. Develop a plan to promote the economic benefits of geothermal direct use in the County of Hawaii. This study is Part 2 of a larger effort by the County of Hawaii Department of Research and Development (County) in cooperation with the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop direct uses of geothermal heat. It is hoped that geothermal direct use can be found technically and economically feasible in the Kapoho / Pohoiki area and will lead to the development of a geothermal enterprise park for the benefit of the Puna communities."
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    Feasibility of a geothermal direct use enterprise park in Puna, Hawaii
    (Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, State of Hawaii, 2007-06-12) Gill, Andrea T.; Toyama, Tyson
    "After a public information process which included surveying community members regarding the acceptability of 21 different geothermal direct use applications, four agriculture-related businesses were selected as candidates for a hypothetical 15-acre (6 ha) geothermal enterprise park in the Kapoho/Pohoki area of the island of Hawaii. The applications included greenhouse bottom heating, pasteurization of potting media, biodiesel production, and lumber drying. There was significant community support for the chosen applications, and minimal opposition expressed. An engineering analysis concluded that a direct use enterprise park is technically feasible. Such a park could require up to 11 million Btu/hr (770 kcal/sec) of heat which might be supplied from a high-temperature resource, such as waste heat from a power plant, causing less than a 10° F (5.6° C) decrease in injectate temperature. The analysis was based on this hypothetical scenario, since waste heat is not currently available for direct use. The direct use enterprise park would cost an estimated $12.5 million to develop and construct, and $738,000 per year to operate and maintain. The hypothetical park would only be marginally economically viable, even with significant financial subsidies. Annual revenues are expected to be $1.21 million, based on a $200/acre annual lease rate and a geothermal heat rate priced at $1.32/therm, or half of the prevailing average cost of diesel and propane. Annual revenues could be as high as $2.42 million if the geothermal heat was priced the same as conventional fuels. The geothermal applications in the park could be expected to replace the use of 6,500-9,700 barrels of crude oil each year. In addition, 130 new jobs could be created."
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    Options and questions for direct use in Puna, Hawaii
    (Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, State of Hawaii, 2005) Gill, Andrea T.
    "Several options for the development of geothermal direct use enterprises in Puna, Hawaii have been identified, including: 1) tapping waste heat from the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) power plant; 2) extracting heat from unused, existing exploratory wells; and 3) drilling new shallow wells to the top of the aquifer. Shallow (less than 305 meters deep) wells drilled in Puna during exploration for both potable water and geothermal resources indicate a low-temperature resource near the top of the aquifer, at or near sea level. However, PGV is currently injecting waste fluids at 150° C; waste heat from this source could be made available for direct utilization, obviating the need for new production or injection wells. Several scenarios for developing heat for direct uses are explored, along with their regulatory ramifications. Unanswered questions relating to the application of State and County laws and regulations are noted."
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    Assessment of energy reserves and costs of geothermal resources in Hawaii
    (GeothermEx, Inc., 2005-09-30) GeothermEx, Inc.
    "GeothermEx has assessed the capacity for electrical generation of seven geothermal resource areas in Hawaii (five on the Island of Hawaii and two on the Island of Maui). We have also estimated a realistic range of costs for future geothermal power plants in Hawaii, based on published sources and industry experience, including estimates of capital cost (dollars per installed kilowatt) and operations and maintenance (O&M) costs (cents per kilowatt-hour). Moreover, we have reviewed the probability of occurrence of geothermal resources throughout the state of Hawaii, and we have found no change in the probability values since the statewide assessment five years ago (GeothermEx, 2000). The probabilities of occurrence are summarized. The seven geothermal resource areas with significant potential for electrical generation are: • the East Rift Zone of Kilauea volcano (KERZ); • the Kilauea Southwest Rift Zone • the Mauna Loa Southwest Rift Zone; • the Mauna Loa Northeast Rift Zone; • Hualalai; • the Haleakala Southwest Rift Zone; and • the Haleakala East Rift Zone. In assessing the MW capacity of these areas, we have used a probabilistic technique (Monte Carlo simulation) to account for uncertainties of key resource parameters. This results in a probability distribution curve for each area, which allows one to estimate the likelihood that recoverable energy reserves of a given area will exceed a specified level. For the purposes of this report, we have considered the 10th percentile MW value to be a minimum; there is a 90% probability that geothermal energy reserves will exceed this level for the area being evaluated. Because of the uncertainty in reservoir characteristics, the most likely values of MW capacity for the various areas are not known with precision. For each area, this study assumes the mean value of the MW capacities from Monte Carlo simulation to be the most likely."
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    Prospective direct use enterprises in Kapoho, Hawaii
    (Geothermal Resources Council, 2004) Gill, Andrea T.
    "The Puna District of the island of Hawaii encompasses the only Known Geothermal Resource Area (KGRA) in the State of Hawaii. Its Kapoho region is also the location of the state’s sole geothermal power plant, the 30 MW Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) facility. Despite significant potential, there is negligible direct utilization of geothermal heat in Kapoho. Direct use development is primarily hampered by a lack of awareness regarding the availability of the resource and its benefits, and by the perceived cost of infrastructure. A regulatory framework for geothermal development has been established, although County regulations do not specifically address direct use. The resources potentially available to direct use enterprises in Puna include thermal groundwater from shallow wells and excess heat from PGV’s operations. Water wells in the area with depths less than 230 meters (750 ft) have recorded temperatures ranging up to 89°C (193°F). PGV is supplied by several deep wells that have encountered fluids at temperatures up to 342°C (648°F). Hot brine from the separator, at approximately 204°C (400°F), could be tapped for direct use or additional power generation prior to reinjection. Economic activity in Kapoho is primarily based on agriculture. Direct use offers value-added opportunities for existing enterprises such as papaya farming, nursery operations and commercial fishing, and can also provide the basis for new businesses. Direct use opportunities are especially promising in Hawaii because of the exceptionally high costs of conventional energy supplies, and because they can improve profitability, add value to products, increase productivity and expand job opportunities in an environmentally benign manner."
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    Update on the statewide geothermal resource assessment of Hawaii
    (GeothermEx, Inc., 2000-06) GeothermEx, Inc.
    "The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) has retained GeothermEx, Inc. (GeothermEx) to provide technical assistance to the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) in the preparation of a county-by-county assessment of areas with geothermal resource potential in the State of Hawaii. DLNR has issued two previous statewide assessments of geothermal resources, in 1984 and 1992. The current report updates the statewide assessment of geothermal resources based on information that has become publicly available since the 1992 assessment. The State of Hawaii has a policy of increasing the use of renewable and alternative energy resources and of decreasing the State’s dependence on imported fossil fuels. The Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) is charged with the responsibility of designating Geothermal Resource Subzones within which geothermal development can take place to help meet the State’s energy objectives. The current report is primarily intended to provide information on the potential for geothermal production, which is one of the considerations that the BLNR must take into account in subzone designations. The report also discusses other planning considerations that have changed since 1992, including the State’s Hawaii Energy Strategy (HES) program, forecasts of demand for electrical generation capacity, the possibility of direct use of geothermal resources, and the environmental impact of geothermal development."
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    Development opportunities for geothermal spas in the State of Hawaii
    (GeothermEx, Inc., 2000-06) GeothermEx, Inc.
    "The warm ground waters of Hawaii have long been enjoyed in natural springs, and wells in various parts of the State have encountered warm water underground. Direct use of these ground waters for spas has the possibility of broadening the State’s economic base in a way that is sustainable and environmentally benign. The Japanese word for a warm ground-water spa is “onsen.” The tradition of bathing in onsens is an important part of Japanese culture, and spas fed by thermal and mineral waters have attracted seekers of health and relaxation in many countries. This report has been prepared on behalf of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) to assess opportunities for developing onsen facilities in Hawaii and to provide a convenient summary of information for potential onsen developers. General characteristics of geothermal spas are discussed in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 describes specific areas of the State with good prospects for onsen development based on the observed or inferred occurrence of warm ground water. Chapter 4 discusses marketing considerations and presents examples of approaches taken by a variety of spas around the world. Chapter 5 reviews State of Hawaii regulations that could affect spa development, and Chapter 6 discusses significant economic factors, including drilling costs and comparative prices for spa services. Chapter 7 presents a list of pertinent references."
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    Hawaii and geothermal : what has been happening?
    (Geo-Heat Center, Oregon Institute of Technology, 2002-09) Boyd, Tonya L.; Thomas, Donald M.; Gill, Andrea T.
    "The Hawaiian Islands lie above a geological “hot spot” in the earth’s mantle that has been volcanically active for the past 70 million years, with the island of Hawaii (the “Big Island”) having the most recent activity. The Big Island has an obvious, large potential for geothermal energy resources, both for electrical generation and direct utilization. Since the 1976 drilling of the HGP-A well and the discovery of the Kapoho Geothermal Reservoir in the lower Kilauea East Rift Zone, geothermal power potential on the Big Island has been estimated at between 500 and 700 Megawatts."
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    KS-8 well completion report
    (Puna Geothermal Venture, 1993-01-29) Puna Geothermal Venture
    "Pursuant to Subchapter 12 (Drilling: Records and Reports of Wells), Section 13-183-85. Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) hereby submits the attached well completion report for Well Kapoho State 8 (KS-8). Included in this report are well record summary, well location map, well schematic, survey plot map, well history, navigation survey, production wellhead configuration, chemistry report, and testing and production report."