2010 Balinese Gamelan Photographs
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Hawai‘i Gamelan Society
Post Office Box 61670
Honolulu, HI 96839-1670
A non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation of Indonesian culture through the study and performance of gamelan music.
To Subscribe to Our Mailing List:
Send a mail message to listserv@hawaii.edu with the following body: subscribe uhm-gamelan-ensemble Firstname Lastname where Firstname and Lastname are your own. Leave the subject line blank, and do not include a signature block. A confirmation and all future list traffic will be sent to the address you subscribe from. You must respond to the confirmation message within 48 hours.
Post Office Box 61670
Honolulu, HI 96839-1670
A non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation of Indonesian culture through the study and performance of gamelan music.
To Subscribe to Our Mailing List:
Send a mail message to listserv@hawaii.edu with the following body: subscribe uhm-gamelan-ensemble Firstname Lastname where Firstname and Lastname are your own. Leave the subject line blank, and do not include a signature block. A confirmation and all future list traffic will be sent to the address you subscribe from. You must respond to the confirmation message within 48 hours.
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