MANUSCRIPT P00046: The Howard P. Willens Collection, 1960-1995

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The Howard P. Willens Collection is comprised of historical and Presidential documents about the Northern Marianas and Micronesia. The historical documents collection was donated to the Pacific Collection in 2004. Many of these materials were classified as Secret when they were originally generated by the U.S. government and were, therefore, unavailable to the public until recent years. In late 2005, documents collected from Presidential libraries were added to the Howard P. Willens Collection. The print materials in this collection are held in the Pacific Collection, and cataloged under the call number MANUSCRIPT P00046. Both the historical documents and Presidential documents collections were digitized and are available on CD-ROM (Pacific CD ROM 961 and Pacific CD ROM 962). With the permission of Howard Willens, the Pacific Collection is currently in the process of uploading the contents of the CD-ROMs to this online collection, as well as of surveying the print collection to ensure that everything contained there is also available online. We will be adding documents to this collection over time. The complete collection description and online finding aid is available via the UH-Mānoa Catalog for Archival Materials.


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