Oral History Finding Aid: Kahauanu Lake

dc.contributor.author Hula Preservation Society
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-31T21:13:08Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-31T21:13:08Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/65806
dc.subject Hula
dc.title Oral History Finding Aid: Kahauanu Lake
dcterms.abstract We were first introduced to “Uncle K” by his protege and hānai son, Walter Kawaiaea, but the names “Kahauanu Lake” and the “Kahauanu Lake Trio” were already well-known and appreciated by HPS as they were by countless hula people around the world because of their beautiful music for the hula. We wanted to talk with Uncle K about his connections with renowned Kumu Maiki Aiu, his musical work that we as dancers loved to hula to, and his role in making the ʻukulele a lead instrument in a Hawaiian musical trio. In oral history sessions we are typically able to learn and gain insights into the nurturing that kupuna received growing up which helped set them on their path in life. The sessions with Uncle K were no different in that regard and offered rich understandings and an even deeper appreciation for the legend that is Kahauanu Lake!
dcterms.dateCopyrighted 2021
dcterms.description Oral history finding aid of interviews with Haywood Kahauanu Keolani Lake who was born in Wailuku, Pūʻali Komohana, Maui in 1932. Interview footage and transcripts are available in the Hula Preservation Society library. For questions regarding materials referenced herein, and/or Access & Use of content, please contact them.
dcterms.extent 5 pages
dcterms.format Finding aid
dcterms.language eng
dcterms.publisher Hula Preservation Society
dcterms.rights In Copyright
dcterms.rightsHolder Hula Preservation Society
dcterms.type Text
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