Rapping for Research: Collaboration in the Classroom through Epic Rap Battles of History

dc.contributor.author Hayashi, Junie
dc.contributor.author Takabayashi, Courtney
dc.date.accessioned 2022-06-29T21:45:25Z
dc.date.available 2022-06-29T21:45:25Z
dc.date.issued 2014-12-06
dc.description Presentation slides en_US
dc.description.abstract Librarians are always looking for ways to get into the classroom. What if you could partner with faculty to craft a research assignment that would bring you into classrooms to teach students to use library databases, evaluate internet websites, and properly cite these sources over multiple sessions? Find out how a librarian and an instructor collaborated on an assignment using Epic Rap Battles of History (well-known characters rap against each other) that facilitated research and fostered analytical thinking beyond what is expected in an introductory composition course. Collaboration equals student success! en_US
dc.format.extent 11 slides en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/66773
dc.language.iso en-US en_US
dc.rights Contact the author for permission to use or reproduce. en_US
dc.subject Information literacy en_US
dc.title Rapping for Research: Collaboration in the Classroom through Epic Rap Battles of History en_US
dc.type Presentation en_US
dc.type.dcmi Text en_US
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