2014 HLA Conference

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Recent Submissions

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    The Role of Libraries in a Disaster-Ready Community
    ( 2014-12-06) Toyama, Ralph
    In October 2013, I attended the annual Hawai‘i Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security Workshop on an invitation extended to HLA. A major theme of the workshop was the building of resilience within the community, by reaching out to businesses, institutions, and organizations without a traditional disaster response role and bringing them into the planning process. Please join me in a discussion of how libraries can help their communities before, during, and after a disaster.
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    When Libraries, Publishers, and Consortium Collaborate: The Occam’s Reader Project
    ( 2014-12-05) Chow, Naomi ; Moulton, Mitch
    The Occam’s Reader Project demonstrates positive collaboration between libraries, publisher, and consortium to open a new path for eBook interlibrary loan. In addition to background on the project and the roles of Texas Tech University, the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, the Greater Western Library Alliance and Springer Science+Business Media, Naomi Chow of University of Hawai'i at Mānoa and Mitch Moulton of Springer will speak to the results and benefits of this partnership. The project shows the power of working together to ensure the continued ability to share resources, regardless of format, through open dialogue and thoughtful application of technology.
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    What Catalogers Can Do for Your Library: Advocacy for Catalogers’ Skills and Knowledge
    ( 2014-12-06) Shiba, Asako
    Catalogers’ role in libraries has been to provide access to library resources by creating catalog records. However, an increasing number of catalogers work outside the realm of catalog records creation in recent years. Targeted for both catalogers and non-catalogers, the presentation first explores how the skills and knowledge catalogers possess can be instrumental in the operations of a variety of library services and initiatives that have evolved recently. Then it provides insight into advocating the value of catalogers in a library, along with a case study of the efforts undertaken by the Cataloging Department of University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library.
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    Wrangle the Tech, Organize Your Life: Online Tools to Help You Manage Your Time, Projects, Life, and Library
    ( 2014-12-05) Illichmann, Christine Ayar
    Learn about web-based tools to help you manage your day-to-day with ease – covering everything from managing a big library project to coordinating schedules with friends. 30+ handy online resources in numerous categories will be covered in less than 50 minutes!
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    Rapping for Research: Collaboration in the Classroom through Epic Rap Battles of History
    ( 2014-12-06) Hayashi, Junie ; Takabayashi, Courtney
    Librarians are always looking for ways to get into the classroom. What if you could partner with faculty to craft a research assignment that would bring you into classrooms to teach students to use library databases, evaluate internet websites, and properly cite these sources over multiple sessions? Find out how a librarian and an instructor collaborated on an assignment using Epic Rap Battles of History (well-known characters rap against each other) that facilitated research and fostered analytical thinking beyond what is expected in an introductory composition course. Collaboration equals student success!
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    The Aisle Between the Shelves is a Corridor Out of Poverty: Public Libraries and Homelessness
    ( 2014-12-06) Mars, Amy
    Providing equitable library services means reaching out to patron groups that experience extra barriers. As a free institution open to all, public libraries offer enormous potential to be a gateway out of poverty and to help individuals & families surmount the obstacles that prevent them from engaging with their community and reaching their full potential. So what does it mean to provide library services to the homeless? This will be the topic of conversation as I share my experiences with: Advocating for policies & services that create a safe, welcoming & equitable atmosphere for all; Partnering with community organizations to deliver targeted programming both inside & outside the library; Leveraging the library’s potential as a social mixing pot to raise awareness about homelessness; Creating a “Public Libraries for Health” toolkit in collaboration with area libraries and with funding provided by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation. Participants are also invited to share their experiences, concerns and questions in what is sure to be a lively and empowering discussion.
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    Preservation Matters: Creating a Preservation Week Event
    ( 2014-12-05) Kershaw, Mariko ; Dunn, Deborah ; Falevai, Zoia ; Garcia, Alphie ; Van Heukelem, Malia
    Many patrons (and even staff) are unaware of the proper handling of materials. According to the Heritage Health Index report, more than 820 million collection items in US cultural institutions are in urgent need of repair. In response, the American Library Association created Preservation Week to build awareness of our responsibilities to care for collections so they will be accessible to this and future generations. Preservation staff from four Oahu academic libraries will showcase how they participate in the national initiative--ranging from the simple to the complex--and give advice on how to create an event.
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    Open Textbooks: The Legal Education Experience
    ( 2014-12-05) Richardson, Brian
    What is the future of open educational resources at the University of Hawai‘i? What has been done and is yet to come? Why open textbooks? We will look at issues related to libraries, open repositories, open access policies, and development & implementation issues. Successes and helpful examples from other academic institutions will be highlighted. Goals: Look at successful academic programs that have used collaboration, cooperation, and partnerships; Develop strategies to foster support with faculty, administration, and students; Raising awareness on the impacts of open access for our communities. (Other presenter: William Chismar)
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    Makerspaces and Marketing on a Shoestring: Ideas to Implement at Your Library
    ( 2014-12-05) Tokuda, Joyce ; Thomas, Annie ; Oehlers, Joy
    Kapiʻolani Community College Library has embraced the maker culture while building community, promoting learning, and providing memorable ways for students, faculty, and staff to remember the library. Roll up your sleeves and learn how through this hands-on make and take session.
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    Library Website Redesign: A Case Study on the Process at the UH West Oʻahu
    ( 2014-12-05) Garcia, Alphie ; DeSure, Pearl ; Aiello, Sara
    Libraries are fighting an uphill battle for our patrons’ attention, and are often losing to content sources that are worse in quality, but are easier to access or to navigate because of site design. The University of Hawai'i - West O'ahu Library began a redesign of its website in the beginning of summer 2014 to improve their users experience and to better present their information. Learn how the library staff went about developing their site using feedback from students and faculty, incorporating recent design techniques, and tying themes together with their discovery layer.
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