Why Open Access? Demonstrating that Open Access articles in ScholarSpace get more citations and more diverse citations than paywalled articles

dc.contributor.author Brandes, Patricia
dc.contributor.author Young, Jonathan
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-17T20:07:02Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-17T20:07:02Z
dc.date.issued 2019-11-11
dc.description Poster
dc.description.abstract Persuading students and faculty to take the effort to make their work Open Access can be challenging. One way to help convince them is to show that not only is Open Access better for their readers, but it’s also better for them directly. Our bibliometric study showed that Open Access articles in institutional repositories like UH Manoa’s ScholarSpace receive about 30% more citations than pay articles in the same journal and their citations are about 19% more interdisciplinary. We discuss how this result can help libraries market and sustain their services, and the implications for Open Access.
dc.format.extent 1 poster
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/63124
dc.language.iso en-US
dc.rights Contact the authors for permission to use or reproduce.
dc.subject Open access
dc.subject.lcsh Bibliometrics
dc.title Why Open Access? Demonstrating that Open Access articles in ScholarSpace get more citations and more diverse citations than paywalled articles
dc.type Image
dc.type.dcmi StillImage
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