2019 HLA Conference

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    What would a (poi) dog want to know? Thinking outside the litter box
    (2019-11-10) Hasegawa, Carol
    All you need to know is a) 4 words for good cooking - Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, b) 3 words to stop the robot from destroying Earth - Klaatu barada nikto, and c) 5 words for good research. E a'o aku i nā kumu a'o. Help faculty help their students with the 5 words, a novel concept, and some examples: Citation as continuum, Google Scholar results ranking, OneSearch and Open Access.
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    What else can we have them do? Growing student employees with responsibility
    (2019-11-11) DeMartini, Becky; Andaluz, Angela
    We at the BYU-Hawaii Library have been actively looking for ways to help our students employees gain meaningful work experience. In the Information Services Department, we have had great success in trusting students with more responsibility and opportunities for employee development. Some examples of responsibilities delegated to students include interviewing and making hiring recommendations, scheduling desk coverage, developing communications and PR, running employee meetings and taking minutes, taking the lead on specific projects, and more. We will leave time at the end for discussion and to hear any other ideas that you all might have!
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    Say What? The Good, the Challenging, the Funny in Public Libraries Today
    (2019-11-11) Hogan, Jessica
    Join us for a lively group discussion where participants can talk-story, discussing both the best parts of working in a public library, as well as the challenges of staying relevant and welcoming to users. Bring your favorite tips & resources, to be compiled and shared after the session. Main topics will include: 1) Library Laughter as an Art Form 2) Balancing Information Overload 3) Varied Users, Varied Spaces 4) Customer Service and Your Sanity 5) Strategies for Long-term Job Satisfaction.
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    PIALA Year in Review
    (2019-11-11) Libao, Jeffrey
    The Pacific Island Association of Libraries Archives and Museums (PIALA) is a collective of other associations and individuals throughout the Pacific with the mission to address the needs of libraries, archives and museums within the region. All activities culminate at an annual PIALA conference in the latter part of the year, in which major endeavors, events and struggles are shared and addressed amongst entities and other members. Just as notable, is the sharing of culture and familial atmosphere amongst its members. Major events and developments in the past are reviewed with updates of the upcoming PIALA Conference in late November.
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    Why Open Access? Demonstrating that Open Access articles in ScholarSpace get more citations and more diverse citations than paywalled articles
    (2019-11-11) Brandes, Patricia; Young, Jonathan
    Persuading students and faculty to take the effort to make their work Open Access can be challenging. One way to help convince them is to show that not only is Open Access better for their readers, but it’s also better for them directly. Our bibliometric study showed that Open Access articles in institutional repositories like UH Manoa’s ScholarSpace receive about 30% more citations than pay articles in the same journal and their citations are about 19% more interdisciplinary. We discuss how this result can help libraries market and sustain their services, and the implications for Open Access.
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    ʻOlelo Hawaiʻi and Uchinaaguchi: Language Preservation and Cultural Revitalization in Hawaiʻi and Okinawa
    (2019-11-10) Mattos, Jodie; Iwabuchi, Sachiko
    The United Nations declared 2019 The Year of Indigenous Languages. Languages around the world continue to disappear at an alarming rate. Our presentation will discuss two specific languages, shimakutuba and ÿölelo Hawaiÿi (Hawaiian language), and how the University of Hawaiÿi at Mänoa Library supports language revitalization. Hawaiÿi and Okinawa are two islands with some similarities. Both places are formerly independent kingdoms, with specific cultural differences from its colonial overseers (the United States and Japan, respectively). Both are also heavily militarized, touristic places. Hawaÿi has seen a revitalization of the ÿölelo Hawaiÿi (Hawaiian language) since the 1970s, with the Hawaiian renaissance and the establishment of Hawaiian immersion schools. Students in Hawaiÿi can now be educated in ÿölelo Hawaiÿi from preschool to graduate school and ÿölelo Hawaiÿi is one of two official languages of the State of Hawaiÿi (the other English). There are many long existing connections between Okinawa and Hawaiÿi. One surprising one is that Okinawans are looking to Hawaiÿi to learn about Hawaiian language revitalization. Language is tied to culture and many Uchinanchu (Okinawan people) are wanting to preserve Okinawan languages. What can Okinawa learn from Hawaiÿi about language revitalization? Okinawan languages, shimakutuba, is examined in the light of Hawaiian language revitalization and some observations on how the Asia Collection supports Okinawan language revitalization will be shared. The audience will learn how Hawaiian language revitalization has affected Okinawa’s shimakutuba movement and the similarities and differences between the two regions.
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    Metadata 2020: Improving Access to Research
    (2019-11-11) Lough, Pam
    Metadata 2020 is a global collaboration of publishers, data publishers and repositories, platform providers, librarians, funders, and researchers that advocates for richer, connected, reusable, and open metadata for all research outputs, to improve access to scholarly pursuits for the benefit of society. The collaborator communities have been focusing on six areas: 1) Researcher Communications 2) Metadata Recommendations and Element Mappings 3) Defining the Terms We Use About Metadata 4) Incentives for Improving Metadata Quality 5) Shared Best Practice and Principles 6) Metadata Evaluation and Guidance This talk describes the different interest areas and offers a summary of the status of the collaborative projects. It will be of interest to librarians and scholarly communication stakeholders who want to improve research discovery and access.
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    Making Count: Translating COUNTER Release 4 to 5
    (2019-11-11) Seiler, Carol
    COUNTER, the international Code of Practice for reporting usage of electronic resources, has implemented a radical new release. This vendor-neutral session will review what Release 5 does, maps Release 4 to the new Release 5, and provides a bit of detail on how you might use this data in your library to aid in evaluating your resources and calculating your Return on Investment.
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    A Makeover Inside and Out: Reinventing Ourselves After the Big Move
    (2019-11-10) Torres, Elizabeth; Brown, Laila; Calhoun, Ramon; Lough, Pam
    Change is inevitable. The recent relocation of the main downtown campus library at Hawai‘i Pacific University has provided librarians with the unique opportunity to reimagine allocated spaces, services, and staff workflow. One of the main challenges the library faced is that the library’s new space is considerably smaller than the previous one, which meant the collection had to be substantially reduced. This presentation will showcase how a basic set of guiding principles has been critical to ensuring the success of the transformation. These principles sought to leverage user-centric design practices for collection development, reference, instruction, and circulation interfaces. The session will highlight how other libraries can learn from our experience as they look to reinvent and adapt to shifting circumstances.
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    Librarians Need to Take-up the Writing Revolution
    (2019-11-11) Lenz, Cory
    This presentation discusses why librarians are uniquely qualified to lead the writing-across-the-curriculum charge, which has been largely ignored by our schools, and cultivate better writing among our students. The first section charts the assessment of student writing since the 1980’s and shows how student writing has not improved and, in fact, along with critical reading and information literacy skills, has actually declined. The second section explains why librarians are perfectly suited to lead a writing revolution by including writing in their instruction, alongside the other interdependent skills of information literacy, research, and critical reading. The final section of the presentation, with help from audience members, shares ways writing can be included in the library curriculum and offers instructional writing strategies and tips on giving feedback. Audience members will leave the presentation with a bibliography of resources and sample lesson plans to help them take-on this new instructional challenge.
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    Librarians as Huluhulu: Roots of Knowledge
    (2019-11-10) Coleman, David
    The theme of this conference is based on the imagery of kalo. This is a very strong analogy for the work that librarians do and the challenges that will be faced going forward. Just as kalo draws nutrients from the soil and spread it to the leaves for new growth, so too do librarians collect, organize and disseminate information from a wide variety of sources to meet the information needs of their community, ultimately cultivating and adding to the overall body of knowledge. In this presentation I will use the structure of the kalo plant to describe the role that libraries play in their communities.
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    Do-It-Yourself LibGuide Enhancements
    (2019-11-11) Toyama, Ralph
    LibGuides is a popular platform for easily posting web pages. Learn how to add CSS formatting code to your LibGuides environment to do things like display hanging-indented citation examples, highlight text with a yellow highlighter effect, and draw various styles of boxes around text to have more options in presenting information. Unlike using graphic images to achieve similar effects, these techniques work on different screen sizes, and doesn't pose the same kind of accessibility problems. Knowledge of web authoring techniques is helpful, but not necessary for this session.
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    Let’s Chat: Engaging Your Community Through Community Dialogues
    (2019-11-10) Spencer, Ashley M.
    “Public libraries are vital centers offering resources, activities, and other learning opportunities. To best serve their communities, libraries must look outward, beyond their doors, to discover more about their community needs, how community members feel about important topics, and to make connections with local organizations and partners that can help address these issues to achieve a common goal. Community Dialogues are one way in which libraries can more fully engage and learn from the communities they serve.”—A Community Dialogue Guide for NASA@My Library This session will provide an introduction to Community Dialogues, and outline the details of conducting a Community Dialogue, including goal-setting, the planning process (e.g. identifying participants, timeline), discussion topics, staffing, location, program sequence, facilitator tips, and what to do after the Community Dialogue. This session also will recap the valuable information gathered at the Thelma Parker Memorial Public & School Library Community Dialogue and how the library used those results to increase outreach efforts in its community. Community Dialogue resources, which will be shared at this session, can be modified and used by all public and school libraries. Thelma Parker Memorial Public & School Library is the only library in the state of Hawaii selected to participate in the NASA@My Library initiative and was recognized as the HSPLS 2019 Team of the Year for work on the NASA@My Library initiative. Thelma Parker Memorial Public & School Library conducted a Community Dialogue in May 2018 as part of the NASA@My Library program.
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    Kindling Area youth Literacy Outreach
    (2019-11-10) Franco, Nora
    Fostering future generations of Hawaiians involves directing attention to the information needs, especially health information needs, of one of the most vulnerable groups – teens. Today’s teens reside in an era of instant access to virtually unlimited information available via mobile technology. A recent search for the words health information retrieved 8,770,000,000 results in less than one second. Understandably, the constant connection to these sources of information has been likened to “drinking water from a firehose”. Teens face different challenges when searching for health information, such as the physical, cognitive, and emotional changes they undergo during these years and may only rely on one or two results for their answers. Key findings from a Northwestern University study found that out of the 84% of teens that have searched for health information online, one in three (32%) reported changing their behavior due to digital health information or tools (2015). Though teens have access to these sources of information, they may not be the most accurate or relevant. Librarians may help alleviate this burden by expanding their outreach to this population. Librarians are often seen as respected figures whom teens turn to with their questions about health information, including stress, depression, sex and relationships. By providing youth with the resources necessary to find accurate information and critically analyze search results, librarians partake in growing the next generation of healthy Hawaiians. In reference to kalo, K(indling) A(rea) youth L(iteracy) O(utreach) is one innovative method to interact with communities. The presenter will offer fun, practical methods of engaging patrons to expand their health literacy. Participants will discover applicable methods for improving their health reference skills and knowledge of trustworthy resources, as well as sources for continuing education on this topic, including those from the National Library of Medicine. Attend this session to create ways to implement freely available, reliable health information resources into different types of programs, from passive to active and advocate for the value of libraries.
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    I'm Just a Bill...On Capitol Hill
    (2019-11-10) Hogan, Jessica
    Have you ever wondered how to track legislation from start to finish here in Hawaii nei and at the national level? Join us for a discussion session where we will focus primarily on bills and grants within Hawaii and in Washington D.C. that impact local and national funding for libraries.
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    Collaborating Across the Isles: Tracing the cross-pathed footprints of public librarianship in Hawai'i
    (2019-11-11) Irvin, Vanessa; Nakashima, Sarah
    This session will share emerging outcomes of the public librarianship professional development program, Hui 'Ekolu. Hui 'Ekolu is a three-year IMLS-funded program that seeks to bridge educational, cultural, and technological exchange among Native and public cultural workers and librarians in Hawai'i. Working in collaboration with ALU LIKE - The Native Hawaiian Library, The Hawai'i State Public Library System (HSPLS), and the UHM LIS Program, Hui 'Ekolu's staff presents meaningful outcomes from its training programs to document and preserve the unique and specific history, services, and collaborative activities currently happening with public librarianship in Hawai'i.
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    E Naʻauao Pū: Improving Library Services for Hawaiian Research
    (2019-11-10) Long, Keahiahi; Shim, Kapena; Komeiji, Kawena; Matsuda, Shavonn
    How can we better support the research and teaching needs of Indigenous communities in Hawaiʻi? This panel presents findings from a recently published study that examined the professional activities of Hawaiian Studies and Hawaiian Language scholars from across the UH System. Panelists will share stories about building relationships with and learning from Indigenous scholars, along with insights about how staff at all levels in libraries, archives, museums, and special collections can design locally responsive services and tools in ways that are reflective of Indigenous perspectives and practices.
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    D.I.Y. Slime at the Library: Minimize the Mess & Maximize the Fun!
    (2019-11-10) Fuchikami, Jennifer
    The humble elementary school science experiment has become a global phenomenon popular with kids, teens, and adults alike! Slime promotes STEAM concepts such as science, experimentation, creativity, and for some, opportunities such as entrepreneurship for enthusiasts as young as tweens! Libraries across the U.S. have had amazing success and enthusiastic feedback from patrons with DIY slime programs. Get an overview of this trending craft along with advice and tips on how to run your own DIY slime program for any budget that minimizes the mess, but maximizes the fun! Q&A to follow. Especially recommended for public, school, and academic librarians interested in programming.
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    Charting the Legal Systems of the Western Pacific: Tracking Down Primary Documentation
    (2019-11-10) Szymczak, Vicki
    This presentation highlights the process and resources used to document the colorful legal history of the former British Protectorates in the Western Pacific. Through my talk, I intend to demonstrate the problems one encounters when researching the legal history of these islands, and the methods used to find primary documentation. It will conclude with a summary of where these legal systems are now and how they developed following British colonization. My research project was published in December 2017 in the Hein Research Guide Series as volume 70.
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    Project Outcome for Academic Libraries: Data for Impact & Improvement
    (2019-11-11) Goek, Sara
    Summary of the longer pre-conference workshop on Project Outcome. Project Outcome is a free toolkit that helps libraries measure four key learning outcomes – knowledge, confidence, application, and awareness – across seven library program and service areas. The survey topics cover: Instruction, Events/Programs, Research, Teaching Support, Digital & Special Collections, Space, and Library Technology. Project Outcome provides academic libraries of any size the means to easily measure outcomes in those areas and to use that data as the basis for continuous improvements and advocacy.
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