A Makeover Inside and Out: Reinventing Ourselves After the Big Move

dc.contributor.author Torres, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.author Brown, Laila
dc.contributor.author Calhoun, Ramon
dc.contributor.author Lough, Pam
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-16T22:59:46Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-16T22:59:46Z
dc.date.issued 2019-11-10
dc.description Presentation slides
dc.description.abstract Change is inevitable. The recent relocation of the main downtown campus library at Hawai‘i Pacific University has provided librarians with the unique opportunity to reimagine allocated spaces, services, and staff workflow. One of the main challenges the library faced is that the library’s new space is considerably smaller than the previous one, which meant the collection had to be substantially reduced. This presentation will showcase how a basic set of guiding principles has been critical to ensuring the success of the transformation. These principles sought to leverage user-centric design practices for collection development, reference, instruction, and circulation interfaces. The session will highlight how other libraries can learn from our experience as they look to reinvent and adapt to shifting circumstances.
dc.format.extent 71 slides
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/63115
dc.language.iso en-US
dc.rights Contact the authors for permission to use or reproduce.
dc.subject.lcsh Library moving--United States
dc.subject.lcsh Library administration
dc.title A Makeover Inside and Out: Reinventing Ourselves After the Big Move
dc.type Presentation
dc.type.dcmi Text
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