Journal, 22nd holographic. May 8 - July 16, 1890 [Inventory no. 25] Rabe, John, 1850-1914 2015-02-10T18:40:26Z 2015-02-10T18:40:26Z 1890
dc.description Journal writer was a dental surgeon and conchologist. Records of historic and cultural information regarding most of the major island empires, kingdoms, sultanates, and protectorates within the greater Pacific Basin.
dc.description.abstract This book-length log of Dr. Rabe’s cruise and sojourn in the Carolines, principally at Yap, is one of three such volumes which are scarcely excelled in the annals of such works of laymen because of the richness of detail and the infinite variety of folk customs which he observed and carefully recorded. The Doctor had struck up a warm camaraderie with the famous trader Captain D. D. O’Keefe in Manila. O’Keefe invited him to accompany him as a non-passage-paying guest aboard the Schooner “Jenny” bound for Yap. It flew the flag of the U.S. and was of 48 tons registry (but 100 tons gross). Captain O’Keffe was a general trader in the Caroline Islands. He was the sole owner of the St. David's Group near the Dutch New Guinea Coast. Writing to his brother Dr. Benjamin Rabe (letter dated April 3, 1892, at O’Keffe’s canteen on Yap), Doctor John Rabe said that even then O’Keefe was a name to conjure with in the islands of the South Pacific. He had at that date spent twenty years in Micronesia. In 1892 O'Keefe owned an island in the Yap Group and a small archipelago in the Carolines and three fine trading schooners. On Yap he owned and operated the mint, a quarry, where he kept six Yap natives busy cutting out the massive stone rings used there for money. This log book has one of Captain O’Keefe’s own charts placed inside the front cover and one placed inside the back cover, and signed by O’Keffe. They are in a medium of ink and pencil and are of Yap, dated from May 8 to July 16, 1890. Notebook size 9X7 inches. Consists of 214 pages with approximately 60,000 words.
dc.format.extent 232
dc.language.iso en-US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Logs, diaries, and journals; 22nd
dc.subject.lcsh Pacific Area--Description and travel
dc.subject.lcsh Caroline Islands
dc.subject.lcsh Yap (Micronesia)
dc.title Journal, 22nd holographic. May 8 - July 16, 1890 [Inventory no. 25]
dc.type Diary
dc.type.dcmi Text
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