Rapa Nui Journal Volume 16 Issue 2

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    ( 2002-01-01)
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    EIF News
    ( 2002-01-01)
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    ( 2002-01-01)
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    ( 2002-01-01)
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    L'expedition (Review)
    ( 2002-01-01) Noel, Louise


    A novel by Pierrette Fleutiaux

    Editions Gallimard, 1999.ln French. ISBN 2-07-075567-3

    Review by Louise Noel

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    The Prehistory of Kiritimati (Christmas) Island, Republic of Kiribati. Excavations and Analyses (Review)
    ( 2002-01-01) Lee, Georgia

    The Prehistory of Kiritimati (Christmas) Island, Republic of Kiribati. Excavations and Analyses

    Atholl Anderson, Helene Martinsson-Wallin and Paul Wallin The Kon-Tiki Museum Occasional Paper Volume 6, 2002

    Review by Georgia Lee

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    Tourism, Biodiversity and Information (Review)
    ( 2002-01-01) Lee, Georgia

    Tourism, Biodiversity and Information

    F. di Castri and W. Balaji, eds. Backhuys Publisher, Leiden 2002.

    Hard cover, 488 pages plu index. ISBN 90-5782-107-9. Price US$65. Email: backhuys@backhuys.com

    Review by Georgia Lee

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    Pacific 2000: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Easter Island and the Pacific (Review)
    ( 2002-01-01) Tuggle, Dave

    Pacific 2000: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Easter Island and the Pacific.

    Edited by Christopher M. Stevenson, Georgia Lee, and F. J. Morin. 2001,

    Easter Island Foundation. Los 0 0 ,CA. ($35) Paper; 8.5xll; 576 pages; photographs, maps, and drawings. ISBN 1-880636-18-2.

    Review by Dave Tuggle

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    Splendid Isolation. Art of Easter Island (Review)
    ( 2002-01-01) Bahn, Paul G.

    Splendid Isolation. Art of Easter Island

    Eric Kjellgren

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Yale University Press, New Haven & London. 2001. $19.95. ISBN 0-300-09078-1

    Review by Paul G. Bahn

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    The South Pacific (Review)
    ( 2002-01-01) Morin, Frank

    The South Pacific

    Ron Crocombe, 2001.

    University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.

    Hard cover, b/w photographs, 713 pages plus bibliography and index,

    ISBN 982-02-0154-3.

    Review by Frank Morin