Oahu, 1913, 1:18,000 Topo (U.S. Army)
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This is the earlest known set of topographic quadrangles for Oahu. Military Surveys by Cos. A. G. and I. Engineers, U.S. Army. 1909 and 1913. Scale 1:18,000. Datum - Mean Sea Level. Maps 1, 2, 3, and 7 are either missing or were not made as individual quadrangles. There are two additional maps numbered 16 and 17 that cover parts of the "missing" quadrangles. The "Diamond Head to Makapuu" (number 16) map covers part of quadrangles 1 and 2. The "Pearl Harbor to Waikiki" (number 17) map, which is divided into two sheets, covers part of quadrangles 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. Maps 16 and 17 are at a different scale than the rest of the quadrangles.
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