Hawaiian Archaeology Volume 04

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    Distribution and Design of Pacific Octopus Lures: the Hawaiian Octopus Lure in Regional Context
    ( 06/01/95 12:00 AM) Pfeffer, Michael T.
    Tracking the historical pathways of human migrations across the Pacific has been a primary goal of Oceanic archaeology. This is accomplished in part by examining material remains in a comparative temporal-spatial framework. Archaeologists have traditionally looked at stylistic variation to build chronologies and infer rela­tionships, but have often neglected functional aspects of artifacts. By separating stylistic and functional dimensions of artifact variability, the origin and distribu­tions of traits may be more readily understood (Dunnell 1978). In this regard, components of marine tool kits have been key in identifying homologous similar­ities within the Pacific region (e.g., Allen 1992; Buck 1930, 1964; Emory et al. 1968). Allen (1992; MS) has recently begun to explore functional aspects of fish­hooks as well. The focus of this paper is a widespread but little investigated fish­ing tool, the octopus lure, which reached its most complex and developed form in the Hawaiian Islands. The emphasis is on functional features of the octopus lure, but distributional patterns within Polynesia, which may reflect ancestry and con­tact, are also explored.
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    An Archaeological Predictive Model for the Mission Houses Site in Honolulu and its Value
    ( 06/01/95 12:00 AM) Garland, Anne W.H.
    Historical documentation is useful in developing predictive models for archaeolo­gy, especially in the study of historical sites (Deetz 1977). An archaeological research design includes a prediction based upon preliminary findings from histor­ical documentation prior to fieldwork. Usually enough historical documentation is available to aid the archaeologist in developing more informed research designs.
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    Roadkill Archaeology on Lina'i: A Historic House Site at Kahemano (State Site 1529)
    ( 06/01/95 12:00 AM) Spriggs, Matthew
    In March 1986, while driving on the jeep road which runs along the ea􀀅t and southeast coasts of Lana'i from Maunalei (the end of the paved road) to Naha, I noticed glass and ceramic fragments protruding from the sandy roadbed, just south of the mouth of Kahemano Gulch (U.S. Geological Survey 1984, Grid 262 002). This gulch is indicated erroneously as Kapua Gulch on both the 1923 and 1984 U.S. Geological Survey Maps. Kapua gulch is, in fact, the next gulch to the southwest, if Emory's (1924) informants are to be believed.
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    Avifaunal Remains from the Kawailoa Site, O'ahu Island (BPBM Site 50-OA-D6-62)
    ( 06/01/95 12:00 AM) Collins, Sara L.
    A major theme of Pacific prehistory has centered on human agency in the disap­pearance of endemic bird species which once flourished on nearly all of the arch­ipelagos of Oceania. From the smallest and most remote islands, like Tikopia or Henderson (Steadman and Olson 1985; Steadman et al. 1990; Weisler et al. 1991), to the largest island archipelagos of Hawai'i and New Zealand (Anderson 1989; Olson and James 1984), a growing number of studies have demonstrated the link between human settlement and the extinction or extirpation of avifauna. In the Hawaiian Islands, inferences drawn from research on avifaunal remains from paleontological sites have shaped thinking about the nature of human/bird relationships (Olson and James 1982, 1991). According to these views, the impact of the original Polynesian colonists was immediate and devastating, with the majority of extinctions taking place in the pre-Contact 1 era (Olson and James 1984). To a lesser extent, excavations of archaeological sites in Hawai'i have informed research on avian extinctions by providing additional data on presumed prey species of the Polynesians found in midden and, in some instances, radio­carbon dates of such deposits Oames et al. 1987; Schilt 1984). It would seem that avifaunal remains from firmly dated archaeological sites would potentially yield the most significant and detailed information on the scope and pace of bird extinctions and extirpations in Hawai'i. The goal of this paper is to refine our understanding of human/bird interactions in Hawai'i by an examination of archaeological data obtained from several pre-Contact habitation sites in the Hawaiian Islands (Fig. 1).
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    A Brief Report on Test Excavations at the Hawaiian Mission, Honolulu
    ( 06/01/95 12:00 AM) Pearson, Richard
    During the restoration of nineteenth century buildings at the Hawaiian Mission, immediately south of Kawaiaha' o Church in Honolulu, limited archaeological excavations were conducted. The project architects, Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood Frost, contacted the University of Hawai'i Department of Anthropology regarding the potential for archaeological work. Test excavations were carried out over sev­eral short periods in 1968, 1969, and 1970, with the aid of Anthropology gradu­ate students and participants in introductory courses. Washing, numbering, and some repairing of the large number of artifacts was done at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa campus. The Hawaiian Mission, occupying its present site since 1820, constitutes a most important resource for the study of the latest period of Hawaiian archaeology. Archaeological study of the Mission is indispensable for understanding the role of the missionaries in the transformation of Hawai'i.
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    Excavations at Maunalua Cave, Hawai'i Kai, O'ahu
    ( 06/01/95 12:00 AM) Thomas, Frank R.
    In 1962, Lloyd Soehren of Bishop Museum and Wilhelm Solheim of University of Hawai'i discovered a small overhang shelter (Site 0-5), situated on Bishop Estate land in the Kaiser Hawai'i Kai development (Kaluanui Ridge). Site 0-5 (State Site 50-80-15-2908) is located near marshy grounds where taro may have been grown, and overlooks Kuapa pond. Preliminary survey of the shelter and adjacent areas revealed thick deposits with abundant shell (exposed by bulldozing activities), as well as artifacts. A decision was made to excavate the site in its entire­ty, as destruction by the housing development appeared imminent. Work at the site was performed between March 1962 and July 1963, in part as a University of Hawai'i field school under the direction of Wilhelm Solheim. A report was initi­ated by one of the project's participants, Colin Smart (1965) of the Australian National University, but was never completed. Donn Bayard (1965), then of the University of Hawai'i, described the artifacts. The site was briefly described dur­ing a recent survey by Beggerly and McNeill (1985). At the suggestion of Matthew Spriggs, I prepared the following summary of the excavations, based on manu­scripts of Smart (1965) and Bayard (I 965).
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    Front Matter, Table of Contents, Editorial
    ( 06/01/95 12:00 AM) Allen, Melinda S.
    This volume marks an important point in the history of Hawaiian Archaeology, as the Society brings to publication the last of its outstanding papers from the late 1980s. Volumes 2, 3, and 4 are witnesses to the commitment of our membership and board to producing a professional and timely journal. I am appreciative of the willingness of Anne Garland, Richard Pearson, Matthew Spriggs, and Frank Thomas to work with me on editorial details, despite the many years between submission and publication.