What else can we have them do? Growing student employees with responsibility

dc.contributor.author DeMartini, Becky
dc.contributor.author Andaluz, Angela
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-17T20:21:57Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-17T20:21:57Z
dc.date.issued 2019-11-11
dc.description Presentation slides
dc.description.abstract We at the BYU-Hawaii Library have been actively looking for ways to help our students employees gain meaningful work experience. In the Information Services Department, we have had great success in trusting students with more responsibility and opportunities for employee development. Some examples of responsibilities delegated to students include interviewing and making hiring recommendations, scheduling desk coverage, developing communications and PR, running employee meetings and taking minutes, taking the lead on specific projects, and more. We will leave time at the end for discussion and to hear any other ideas that you all might have!
dc.format.extent 20 slides
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/63127
dc.language.iso en-US
dc.rights Contact the authors to request permission to use or reproduce.
dc.title What else can we have them do? Growing student employees with responsibility
dc.type Presentation
dc.type.dcmi Text
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