A Phonological Reanalysis of Eastern Lawa

dc.contributor.author Munn, Elizabeth
dc.date.accessioned 2017-12-06T21:52:47Z
dc.date.available 2017-12-06T21:52:47Z
dc.date.issued 2017-12-01
dc.description.abstract Phonological descriptions of Western and Eastern Lawa, two related but mutually unintelligible languages (Nahhas, 2006), differ greatly. Western Lawa is relatively well described (c.f. Mitani, 1972, Schlatter, 1976, Ratanakul and Daoratanahongse, 1985). For Eastern Lawa, three partially conflicting phonological descriptions exist, with consonantal inventories ranging from 19 (Mitani, 1978) to 30 (Lipsius, n.d.) to 33 consonants (Blok, 2013). The vowel systems vary, from 9 (Mitani, 1978) to 24 (Blok, 2013) to 26 vowels (Lipsius, n.d.). In order to investigate the discrepancies between previous phonological descriptions, this study offers a phonological reanalysis of Eastern Lawa vowels and consonants based on recordings from nine Eastern Lawa speakers in Bo Luang and Kiu Lom, Thailand. A comparison with previous research on Eastern Lawa phonology suggests that the different results provided in earlier descriptions are partially caused by differing interpretations and partially due to undocumented phonological processes, which will be presented in this paper. Both synchronic and diachronic issues are considered.
dc.format.extent 43 pages
dc.identifier.issn 1836-6821
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/52413
dc.subject Eastern Lawa
dc.subject phonology
dc.subject Lawa
dc.subject Waic
dc.subject.languagecode lwl
dc.subject.languagecode lcp
dc.title A Phonological Reanalysis of Eastern Lawa
dc.type Article
dc.type.dcmi Text
prism.endingpage 65
prism.number 2
prism.publicationname Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
prism.startingpage 23
prism.volume 10
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