Early Speculations on Rapanui: Thomas Croft to Alphonse Pinart, 1876

dc.contributor.author Meroz, Yoram
dc.date.accessioned 2021-11-12T22:01:12Z
dc.date.available 2021-11-12T22:01:12Z
dc.date.issued 2004-05-01
dc.description.abstract <p>Alphonse L. Pinart (1852-1911), anthropologist and linguist,</p> <p>had established himself as a tireless documenter</p> <p>of native North America, before turning his sights on the Pacific.</p> <p>Rapa Nui, in particular, held him in thrall, and his diary</p> <p>of the 1877 expedition aboard the <em>Seignelay</em> documents the</p> <p>island during its most depopulated and depressed period. As a</p> <p>linguist, he was also interested in <em>rongorongo</em>, and attempted</p> <p>a collection of reproductions of the available texts.</p>
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10524/64631
dc.subject Rapanui
dc.subject Easter Island
dc.title Early Speculations on Rapanui: Thomas Croft to Alphonse Pinart, 1876
dc.title.alternative Early Speculations on Rapanui
dc.type Research report
dc.type.dcmi Text
prism.number 1
prism.volume 18
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