Department of Health Documents

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    Detailed cleanout flow procedure
    (Puna Geothermal Venture, 1993-05-31) Kizis, Thomas G.
    "The planned cleanout flow of Well KS-10 will be done similarly in nearly all respects to the successful cleanout flow of KS-9 on April 20, 1993. The experience on KS-9 has prompted some minor revisions in the program for KS-10 submitted to your department on February 22, 1993."
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    State of Hawaii geothermal action plan, element III, part II : micrometeorological aerometric and health effects analysis
    (Goddard & Goddard Engineering, 1991-07-22) Goddard & Goddard Engineering
    "A micrometeorological aerometric analysis has been conducted on the uncontrolled Puna Geothermal Ventures (PGV) injection well uncontrolled venting starting at 2319 hrs on June 12, 1991 and ending at 1200 hrs on June 14, 1991. The purpose of this study is to provide independent verification of monitoring and spot measurements of ambient concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as well as provide estimates of plume concentration and plume transport paths in areas where documented health effects occurred."
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    Geothermal development activities (exploration phase), Kilauea Middle East Rift Zone, Puna district, island of Hawaii : supplemental data for authority to construct application
    (True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture, 1989-01) True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture
    Contains cover letter from H. A. True, III (Allan Kawada) and "Report of air quality impacts during construction of geothermal wells, Puna district, Hawaii."
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    Geothermal action plan, element ii : review of emergency plan and response to the 12 June 1991 uncontrolled venting of the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) KS8 geothermal well
    (Hazard Evaluaton and Emergency Response Office, 1991-07-18) Ingoglia, J. Mark
    Submitted to Lorraine R. Inouye, Mayor of Hawaii County; and John C. Lewin, Director of Health, State of Hawaii.
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    Memorandum of understanding between the Department of Health and the Department of Land and Natural Resources regarding the regulatory oversight of geothermal well drilling
    (Department of Health, State of Hawaii, 2000) Department of Health, State of Hawaii; Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawaii
    "The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to clarify and to facilitate the coordination of regulatory responsibilities between the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DOH) and the DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES (DLNR) for the cooperative regulatory oversight of geothermal well drilling. The implementation of the purposes of the MOD will assure that all geothermal drilling activities are appropriatelymonitored by the State to minimize the potential for adverse impacts on health and safety of personnel involved in the project and residents of nearby communities."
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    H2S abatement plan
    (True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture, 1989-11) True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture
    "This Plan is submitted pursuant to ATC No. special condition 18. A-815, special condition 18. The Plan covers abatement procedures that will be employed during the drilling testing of True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Well A1-1 and subsequent wells. Operations will be employed to treat and maintain H2S emissions below 8.5 lbs/hr in compliance with the ATC. Abatement practices presented in this plan have been adopted from existing plans commonly utilized in The Geysers Geothermal Field in California. SPE Paper 7882 is the primary reference for the abatement theory. Caustic (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) will be used to treat the H2S produced from the geothermal well because caustic has a high affinity for hydrogen sulfide. Brewer Chemical Company has been contacted, and they have provided assurance that caustic is available on the Big Island in the necessary quantities. Brewer has a bulk terminal in Hilo with approximately 100,000 gallons of storage capacity. Brewer will deliver caustic to the drill site in a 50% solution in 3500 gallon tanker trucks. In addition to caustic, hydrogen peroxide is sometimes used to convert the sodium sulfide into sodium sulfate. Hydrogen peroxide does not react directly with H2S, rather it tranforms the treated compound to a more stable form. Peroxide will not be used unless it becomes necessary. Brewer Chemical will also supply the peroxide if it is needed."
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    KS-1A testing and inspection
    (Puna Geothermal Venture, 1991-11) Puna Geothermal Venture
    "Pursuant to the Authority to Construct Underground Injection Wells issued to Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) by the State Department of Health on March 16, 1990 in the form of a letter, PGV respectfully submits the following documentation for your review and approval: 1. Production and Injection Well Casing Monitoring Program, dated November 21, 1991; 2. KS-3 Testing and Inspection program, dated November 21, 1991; and 3. KS-1A Testing and Inspection program, dated November 21, 1991. The acceptance of these reports, along with the geologic report and the Hydrologic Monitoring program, constitute the completion of requirements for a Permit to Operate injection wells KS-IA and KS-3 under the UIC."
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    Venting/testing KS-8
    (Puna Geothermal Venture, 1991-06) Puna Geothermal Venture
    From cover letter: "Puna Geothermal Venture is planning to run a 24-hour rig test of well KS-8 which is currently being drilled (Figure 1). This rig test will consist of flowing KS-8 with the drill rig on the well. The test will take place on or shortly after June 24, 1991. The rig test program (Attachment A) is attached for your review. The Pursuant to Condition No. 18 of the Authority to Construct No. A-833-795 for Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) , PGV is required to submit a chemical treatment plan for abatement of H2S during flow testing. The chemical treatment plan used for the flow testing of KS-3 will be used for the KS-8 rig test and will be implemented using the same test facility (Figure 2). A copy of that program is attached (Attachment B). The treatment plan for KS-3, which was reviewed by your staff, proved to be highly effective in maintaining H2S emmission levels well below permit limits."
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    Modifications to authority to construct permits regulating the emissions of air pollutants : Puna Geothermal Venture, 25 MW geothermal power plant and well field
    (Puna Geothermal Venture, 1990-04) Puna Geothermal Venture
    "On March 16, 1990, the Department of Health modified the Authority to Construct air permits, Nos. A-833-795 and A-834-796, which were issued to Puna Geothermal Venture on February 6, 1990 for the fourteen (14) geothermal wells and the 25 MW geothermal power plant."
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    Application for authority to construct geothermal wells : Kilauea Middle East Rift Zone
    (True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture, 1988-09) True/Mid-Pacific Geothermal Venture
    Estate of James Campbell Property TMK 1-2-10:3
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    CWB-individual NPDES Form C KA1-1 geothermal well site restoration : Puna district, Hawaii, Hawaii, TMK#: (3) 1-2-010:003
    (Oceanit, 2009-02) Oceanit
    "Application for HAR, Chapter 11-55 - NPDES Individual Permit Authorizing Discharges of Storm Water Associated With Construction Activities ..."
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    Title 11 : Department of Health - Chapter 23, Underground Injection Control
    (State of Hawaii, Department of Health, 1988-08-02)
    The purpose of this chapter is to establish a state underground injection control (UIC) Program in order to protect the quality of the state's underground sources of drinking water (USDW) from pollution by subsurface disposal of fluids. Toward this end, conditions are specified to govern the location, construction and operation of injection wells so that injected fluids do not migrate and pollute USDW. This chapter establishes minimum standards and counties are not precluded from establishing more stringent standards.
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    Department of Health review comments on the Puna Geothermal Venture emergency response plan
    (State of Hawaii, Department of Health, 1992)
    Correspondence, emergency response plan, and handwritten notes.
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    Clean air act PSD and proposed DOH standards
    (Hawaii Island Geothermal Allliance, 1992)
    The Hawaii Island Geothermal Alliance has received reports that the State Department of Health is developing air quality standards which would impact geothermal development and other industrial activity, including sugar mills and sewer treatment plants. The Alliance is interested in supporting regulations which protect health and safety. But we are concerned that needlesssly stringent restrictions willkill the fledgling geothermal industry in Hawaii before it gets off the ground.
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    Hawaii Administrative Rules Title 11, Department of Health Chapter 59, Ambient Air Quality Standards
    (Department of Health, State of Hawaii, 1992)
    The ambient air quality standards of this chapter seek to protect public health and welfare and to prevent the significant deterioration of air quality.
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    Puna Geothermal Venture authority to construct (ATC) no. A-833-795 permit modification and compilation
    (State of Hawaii, Department of Health, 1992-07-17) Lewin, John C.
    The Department of Health, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), amended and compiled Chapters 11-59 and 11-60, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR). These rules, among other things, amended the State's air quality rules, and became effective on June 29, 1992. Special condition number 1 of Authority to Construct (ATC) No. A-833-795 specifically notes that the ATC may be revised to conform to the State's air quality rules. Pursuant to special condition number 1 (as well as Chapter 3429, HRS, and Chapters 11-59 and 11-60, HAR), the Department of Health has consolidated the prior permit changes and made additional minor revisions to ATC No. A-833-795 to conform to our most recent amendments to the State's air quality rules. Enclosed with the letter are attachments I and II. The conditions set forth in Attachments I and II supersede in their entirety the conditions issued with ATC No. A-833-795 dated February 6, 1990, and as modified on March 16, 1990, May 28, 1991, and January 13, 1992. These modifications shall become final twenty (20) days after receipt, unless before the twenty (20) days expire, Puna Geothermal Venture submits a written statement to the Director of Health either waiving its right to a hearing or requesting a hearing pursuant to Chapter 91 and Chapter 3429, HRS. If a hearing is requested, it will be held at a date, time, and place to be specified later and conducted in accordance with Chapter 91, HRS, and the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Department of Health.
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    Hawaii Administrative Rules Title 11, Department of Health Chapter 60, Air Pollution Control
    (State of Hawaii, Department of Health, 1986-04-03) Matsubara, Leslie
    Administrative rules regarding air pollution control. Includes contruction permits, PGV Aerosol Test Plan - HDOH Special Condition No. 29, schematics, diagrams, maps, OESI Power Corporation reports, reports on conditions, permits, field data sheets, faxes and correspondence.
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    Title 11 Department of Health Chapter 23 Underground Injection Control
    (State of Hawaii, Department of Health, 1984) Clark, Charles
    Underground Injection Control (UIC) UC Application No.: UH-1529. Includes correspondence, Production and Injection Well Casing Monitoring Program reports, temperature profiles, well design schematics, Engineering and Geological reports, summaries and maps.