IJA Volume 54, Issue 3, 2002

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    Alterations In The Hematological Parameters Of Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus Mykiss, Exposed To Cypermethrin
    (Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH, 2002) Atamanalp, Muhammed; Yanik, Telat; Haliloglu, H. Ïbrahim; Aras, M. Sıtkı
    Rainbow trout were exposed to sublethal concentrations of the pesticide cypermethrin (1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 of the LC50, 0.0082 mg/l) for 21 days at 24-hour intervals. At the end of the exposure period, hematological parameters were investigated. As the concentration of cypermethrin increased, there were increases in red blood cells, hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscu- lar hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, thrombocyte count and erythro- cyte sedimentation rate. As the exposure increased, there were decreases in packed cell vol- ume, mean corpuscular volume and white blood cell count. Differences among treatments were significant (p<0.05) only for red blood cells, mean corpuscular volume, thrombocyte count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate when exposure rose from 1/8 to 1/2 of the LC50 concentration.
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    Effects Of Temperature On Survival And Growth Of Artemia From Tuz Lake, Turkey
    (Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH, 2002) Saygı, Yasemin (Basbug); Demirkalp, F. Yıldız
    The thermal constant, growth and survival of Artemia from Tuz Lake, Central Anatolia, were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Artemia nauplii (24-48 hours after hatching) were stocked into a 60 ppt salinity medium which contained Dunaliella and Oocystis. The Artemia were cul- tured at one of eight temperatures (2-degree intervals from 18° to 32°C) for 30 days, in two repli- cates. The animals grew faster but survival was lower as the temperature increased. Complete development from the nauplius stage to the adult stage required 30 days at 18°C, 20 days at 24°C and 15 days at 30°C. The thermal constant was 356±6 day-degrees and the developmen- tal zero value was 6.3±1.9°C.
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    Evaluation Of Plant Proteins As Partial Replacement For Animal Proteins In Diets For Penaeus Indicus And P. Merguiensis Juveniles
    (Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH, 2002) Peñaflorida, Veronica D.
    The growth rate and survival of two white shrimps, Penaeus indicus and P. merguiensis, fed diets in which fishmeal was partially replaced with plant protein sources were investigated in three trials. In trial 1 with P. indicus, soybean, yeast and leaf meals of kangkong, papaya and Cassia tora L. were screened as partial substitutes for fishmeal. The total biomass of shrimp fed 20% yeast (20yeast) was highest but not significantly different than that of shrimp fed 10yeast and 10papaya. Survival was highest with 20yeast, 10papaya and 10yeast . Shrimp fed Cassia tora L. had the highest weight gain and SGR but their survival was similar to those fed poor performing diets. In trial 2 with P. merguiensis, the ingredients were modified by decreas- ing fishmeal and increasing the yeast and soybean substitution. The biomass of the shrimp fed 10yeast was similar to that of the shrimp fed 20yeast and 26soybean, the weight gain and SGR were similar to shrimp fed 20yeast while survival was highest but not different from 20yeast and 26soybean. In trial 3 with P. indicus, weight gain and SGR were best with 20yeast and 34soy- bean. However, biomass and survival did not differ among replacement levels. The performance of the white shrimp varied with different levels of yeast and soybean meal incorporation. The response of P. indicus was best with 20yeast (15% by weight) or 34soybean meal (34% by weight) while that of P. merguiensis was with 10yeast (7% by weight), 20yeast (15% by weight) or 26soybean meal (26% by weight). Partial replacement of fishmeal with yeast or soybean meal would result in lower feed costs but the use of these feeds needs further refine- ment since survival was low in all treatments. Rearing techniques, such as increasing the feed- ing frequency, simulating deep pond conditions or using adequate substrates, should be refined.
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    Effect of Diets With Protein From Different Sources On The Growth Of Goldfish, Carassius Auratus
    (Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH, 2002) Mohanta, K.N.; Subramanian, S.
    Four isoproteinous (40% crude protein) feeds (based on chicken liver, lean shrimp meal, mus- sel meal or squid meal) were fed to goldfish, Carassius auratus, of 4.61±0.427 g for 30 days at 10% of their body weight. The effect of the feeds on growth performance were compared with two commercial feeds, Brine Shrimp Flake and Tubifex Worm (59% crude protein each). There were no significant differences in food conversion ratio or specific growth rate between the treat- ments. The protein efficiency ratios (PER) of all the formulated feeds were significantly better than that of the Brine Shrimp Flake and the PER of the diets based on mussel and squid meal were also significantly better than Tubifex Worm. The weight increment with Tubifex Worm was significantly highest of all the treatments. Considering the nutritional parameters and cost of pro- ducing one kilogram of fish, the diet based on lean shrimp meal was the best. The cost of pro- ducing one kilogram fish using the formulated feeds ranged Rs. 93.75-231.30. Using Brine Shrimp Flake and Tubifex Worm, the costs were Rs. 1150 and Rs. 3500 per kg, respectively. The cost of goldfish rearing can be appreciably reduced by using feeds prepared with locally available protein sources. The crude protein level of 40% was sufficient for the goldfish, as the PER of the fish fed the formulated feeds was better than that of the fish fed the commercial feeds.
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    Distribution Of Different Forms Of Copper In Freshwater Pond Soils Of Orissa, India
    (Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH, 2002) Adhikari, S.
    The distribution of native copper fractions in freshwater pond soils of Orissa and their relation- ship to important soil properties were studied. Total Cu and diethylene triamine penta acetic acid (DTPA) extractable Cu ranged 7.0-24.0 and 2.0-4.9 mg/kg soil, respectively, with mean values of 12.7 and 3.1 mg/kg. The amounts of exchangeable, weakly adsorbed, moderately adsorbed, strongly adsorbed and organic matter associated Cu ranged 1.7-2.6%, 3.5-6.0%, 3.3-6.6%, 0.7-2.2% and 0.8-7.2% of the total Cu, respectively. Cu occluded or bound by car- bonates or other acid-soluble mineral fractions was 1.5-6.1% of the total Cu. Most of the Cu (58-91%) was in the residual fraction. All the chemical fractions of Cu significantly correlated with each other and with the organic carbon status of the soils.
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    Fertilization Of Freshwater Fish Ponds With Cobalt And Its Adsorption And Desorption In The Pond Sediment
    (Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH, 2002) Adhikari, S.; Ayyappan, S.
    The use of cobalt as a micro-nutrient fertilizer in the culture of the freshwater Labeo rohita was evaluated in terms of primary productivity, Chlorophyll a production, plankton volume and fish growth. Three cobalt doses (5, 10 and 15 kg CoCl2/ha) were tested. In the 5 and 10 kg CoCl2/ha treatments, primary productivity, Chlorophyll a production, plankton volume and growth of Labeo rohita increased (p<0.05). The highest increment was obtained in the 10 kg CoCl2/ha treatment. The adsorption and desorption of the cobalt in the pond sediment fit the Langmuir isotherm. The highest adsorption and desorption values were found in pond sediments from the Dhenkanal area, due to its higher clay content, total Mn content and pH, indicating that sediments with a higher capacity to adsorb cobalt also have a higher capacity to desorb cobalt.