Updated: 4/2/2016
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unified alphabetization

 A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W   


E    EA    EB    ED    EE    EI    EJ    EK    EL    EM    EN    EO    EP    ER    ET    EU    EV    EW    

eAet, ijeḷā ke kwōj bọọj im kwomaroñ kōtōprak aikuj e .Yes, I know that you are my boss and you can handle my request.aaet
 Kwōj ḷōmṇak jekar tōpar ia ke ej kun injin e admān?” Jema ekajjitōk ippān.Where do you think we were when our engine went out?” Father asked. P790ad
 Kwōn aduwadouk bōb e.Put this pandanus in the basket and carry it.aduwado
 Eaebōjbōj ḷọk kọpe e liṃō jān kọpe ṇe liṃōṃ.My coffee isn't as sweet as yours.aebōjbōj
 Kwōj ja aene tok añkijeep e .Could you iron my handkerchief?aen
eaKwōj aike ḷọk eañ ea?Where are you towing it to?aik
 Bakbōk in ea ṇe aṃ?Where did you get your knife from? / Where was your knife made?bakbōk
 Banin ea ṇe liṃōṃ?Where did you get that punch from?ban
 Baninnor in ea ṇe aṃ?Where did you get your small basket from?banonoor
 Banōl in ea ṇe aṃ?Where did you get your funnel from?banōḷ
eaabEḷak kar ba ke jebuñ jān Ruōt im jen bwābwe wōt bwe aelōñ eo epād i reeaar, ekwe kwōbar ba ke eaab.He’s been saying we were off course since Roi-Namur and that we should tack windward because land was to the east, but you said no. P1236buñ
 Eaab, iar jab jikuuḷ.No, I didn't go to school.eaab
 Eaab, eñeo,” Kapen eo eakweḷap.No, this is what’s going on,” the Captain insisted. P93eñeo
EaabbwilōñlōñEaabbwilōñlōñ kōn aṃ kaabṇōṇōiki.It's restless because you're bothering it.abbwilōñlōñ
EaabinEaabin jikuuḷHe doesn't want to go to school.eaab
EaabōbbōbEaabōbbōb bwe jenaaj rumwiji wa eo.Hurry up or we might miss the ship.eaabōbbōb
eaaddeboululḷọkIj ḷōmṇak eaaddeboululḷọk Jọọn jān kwe ak iaaddeboulul tata iaadeañI think John's dizzier than you but I'm the dizziest of us fouraddeboulul
EaadikọọtotḷọkEaadikọọtotḷọk meḷaaj eo ilo bukwōn eo iAbūdka.The field in Africa had more index fingers scattered around.addi-kọọtot
eaajliptaakKiiō ijeḷā etke eaajliptaak kōkan in.Now I know why this food is not good.ajliptaak
EaajḷọkḷọkEaajḷọkḷọk jān kwe.He regrets it more than you do.ajḷọk
EaajriinEaajriin uwaake lieṇ.She's known for relying on children to do chores for her.ajriin uwaak
EaarEaar ruṃḷọk juon tiiṃa in Jepaan eo ilo aba eṇ Likiep.A Japanese ship sank in the harbor at Likiep.aba
 Eñeo eaar abōblepwaj wōt ijeṇeṇe waj.I saw him looking uninterested and heading that away.abōblep
 Lio eaar abōḷpinanaiki iiōk eo.She added apple bananas to the cooking.abōḷ
 Eñeo eaar addikdik waj im wāwewaj ijeṇeṇe waj.He was squinting and heading in that direction there.addikdik
 Ijaje ta eo eaar kaaerin bōtōktōke.I don't know what turned it into the blood pressure feeling.aerin bōtōktōk
MORE eaar
EabbōjejeEabbōjeje.She's always bashful.abje
eabebKajjitōk: Kwōj itōk jān ia kako eṇ?; Jān lo mar eṇ; Kwaar et?, Iar eabeb kijō ṃōñāA query: "Whence came that rooster?", "From those boondocks."; "What did you there?", "Scratched for my food.".ebeb
EabḷajtiiñiñEabḷajtiiñiñ aṃ kōnono.You're always talking about abḷajtiiñabḷajtiiñ
EabḷajtiiñḷamjakoEabḷajtiiñḷamjako likin ṃweo iṃōn.The ocean side of his land had a lot of abḷajtiñ plants.abḷajtiiñ
eabōbAmñe eabōb ke ejjeḷọk men eṇ jinen emaroñe.Even if he refuses there's nothing his mother can do about it.amñe
eabōbbōbḷọkEkwe eabōbbōbḷọk bwe eboñ.Let's step on it cause it's getting dark.abōbbōb
EabōblepḷọkEabōblepḷọk jān ṃoktaShe's more refusing than before.abōblep
EabōḷeEabōḷe eoon tebōḷ uweo.There are lots of apples on that table over there.abōḷ
eabwinEj kōjarroñroñe bwe eabwin roñjake jinen.He's pretending not hear because he refuses to listen to his mother.jarroñroñ
 E kain ṃōṃaan rot eṇ eabwin pād ettọọne baaṃle eo an.He was the kind of man that does not like to be far from his family. P36tọọn
eademlōkmejḷọkEjjeḷọk eṇ eademlōkmejḷọk jān bar juon.No one has greater inalienable rights than anyone else.addemlōkmej
EadikEadik.It's the first quarter of the moon now.adik
EadkeelelEadkeelel ajriin kilaaj eṇ an.Her class is a bunch of spoiled kids.adkeelel
EaebōjbōjEaebōjbōj ḷọk kọpe e liṃō jān kọpe ṇe liṃōṃ.My coffee isn't as sweet as yours.aebōjbōj
 Eaebōjbōj ḷọk jān ṃoktaIt's more tasteless than before.aebōjbōj
 Eaebōjbōj ti in.This tea isn't sweet enough.aebōjbōj
EaebōjbōjeEaebōjbōje iiōk eṇ an.Her cooking is flat.aebōjbōj
 Eaebōjbōje ḷọk jān ṃoktaIt's even more tasteless than beforeaebōjbōj
Eaebōj-laḷeEaebōj-laḷe āninThis island has plenty of ground wells.aebōj-laḷ
eaejemjemEpao tokin kain eṇ eaejemjem.His appearance was like those people who when they talk, everyone listens and believes what they say. P60aejemjem
 Eaejemjem an irooj eṇ naan.That chief carries power in his words.aejemjem
EaejemjemḷọkEaejemjemḷọk aṃ in naan jān ñaYour speeches pack more persuasion than mine.aejemjem
EaekijekeEaekijeke āneḷọk būṃbūṃ eo.The currents near the pass propelled the bumbum boat toward the shore.aekijek
 Eaekijeke wa eo.The boat was caught in the current around the passage.aekijek
eaelaḷeLio eaelaḷe ḷeo im ḷotḷọkShe performed the Arno sexual technique so well that he passed out.aelaḷ
eaelelKwōn ātoñ ṃōk pein eaelel keSmell his hands and see if they smell like fish.ātāt
EaelellọḷEaelellọḷ ḷọk jān Jemāluut.He's a greater wife stealer than the legendary Jemāluut.aelellaḷ
EaelikEaelik ḷọk ṃaḷoon ānin jān āneṇThis lagoon has more ocean currents flowing out than in that lagoon.aelik
EaelikiEaeliki kōrkōr eo im peḷọk.The current flowing out drifted the canoe away.aelik
 Eaeliki ḷọk wa eo ñan likin āneoThe boat got drifted out with the current to the ocean side of the island.aelik
EaelmeejeEaelmeeje arin eooneneen Mile.The lagoon side of the main island of Mili has lots of surgeonfish.aelmeej
 Eaelmeeje tataIt is the most infested with surgeonfish.aelmeej
EaelọkEaelọk tata kōḷar ṇeThat color is hardest to notice.aelọk
 Eaelọk ḷọk ijieṇ ḷọkIt's more obscured in that direction.aelọk
 Eaelọk kiiō ak enaaj alikkar tokālik.It's invisible now but will be revealed later.aelọk
EaelōñeEaelōñe ḷọk Bajjipiik jān Atḷaṇtiik.The Pacific Ocean has more islands and atolls than the Atlantic.aelōñ
EaelōñkeiniEaelōñkeini ḷọk Mājro jān Utrōk.Majuro grows more Aelōñkein bananas than Utrik.Aelōñ-kein
EaelorEaelor ḷọk ijin.This spot is shadier.aelor
 Eaelor tata turin ṃwiin kōn wọjke kein ipeḷaakin.It's shadiest around this house due to the surrounding trees.aelor
EaemedEaemed kiiōIt's cool now.aemed
EaemedḷọkEaemedḷọk ḷọk jota jān jotenin.It was cooler last evening than this evening.aemedḷọk
EaeṃṃanEaeṃṃan ḷọk ije ij eọñwōd ie jān ijeṇe.The current here where I'm fishing is better than where you are.aeṃṃan
EaemọkkweEaemọkkwe ḷọk jān ñaHe follows people around more than I do.aemọkkwe
 Eaemọkkwe wōt lieṇ.She's always following someone around.aemọkkwe
EaeṃōḷoḷoEaeṃōḷoḷo tata iuṃwin Alele.The coolest spot is under the Alele Museum.aeṃōḷoḷo
 Eaeṃōḷoḷo tok jān rear.The cool air is coming from the east.aeṃōḷoḷo
EaemuujiḷọkEaemuujiḷọk rainiin jān raan eo ḷọkThe surface of the water is foamier than the other day.aemuuji
EaeniñeañḷọkEaeniñeañḷọk ḷọk āñin meto jān rakin meto.The northward current is stronger in the northern section than in the southern section of the islands.aeniñeañḷọk
 Eaeniñeañḷọk meto eṇ kōtaan Likiep im Ruōt.The current in the ocean between Likiep and Ruōt is flowing northward.aeniñeañḷọk
EaenōṃṃanEaenōṃṃan kiiōIt's peaceful now.aenōṃṃan
 Iḷak lale ke eaenōṃṃan wōt Kapen eo, iwanlōñ ḷọk ippāerro ijo bwe en ṃōṃan aluje meram eo.I saw that the Captain was sleeping peacefully so I went up with the other two so I could get a good look at the light. P1114ippa-
EaeñwāñwāEaeñwāñwā tata ñe ej illu.He's noisiest when angry.aeñwāñwā
EaepādpādEaepādpād kōn an japojak.He delays because he's not prepared.aepedped
EaepokpokEaepokpok wūn eo.That was a complex mathematical problem.aepokpok
EaepokpokḷọkEaepokpokḷọk ijieṇḷọkIt's more complicated in that direction.aepokpok
EaerEaer būruōn ak ear etal wōt im kōṃṃane.He didn't want to but he did it anywayaer
EaerarEaerar keinikkan ḷam jako.The trees got thoroughly scorched aerar
EaerārEaerār an kōnono.He's always talking about ruddy turnstones.aerār
 Eaerār tata ñe ej añōneañ.The ruddy turnstones abound the most at the windy season.aerār
EaerarḷọkEaerarḷọk tōrerein ḷọkIts edges are more scorched in that direction.aerar
EaerinEaerin bōtōktōk ḷọk rainiin jān inne.The blood pressure is more apparent today than yesterday.aerin bōtōktōk
 Eaerin bōtōktōk tok ijo tok ipeū.I feel the blood pressure moving up in this area of my arm.aerin bōtōktōk
 Eaerin bōtōktōk turin mejān.He feels the blood pressure on his face.aerin bōtōktōk
EaerḷọkEaerḷọk mejatoto rainiin jān inne.It's more oppressive today than yesterday.aer
EaerōkeañḷọkEaerōkeañḷọk ḷọk rainiin jān raan eo ḷọkThe current is flowing more northward today than the other day.aerōkeañḷọk
 Eaerōkeañḷọk rainiinThe current is flowing southward today.aerōkeañḷọk
EaetEaet lọjetThere is a current in the ocean.aet
 Eaet ḷọk lik jān ar ak eaetak tata lowaan to eṇ.The current on the ocean-side is stronger than in the lagoon, however, the current in the pass is the strongest flowing eastward.aet
eaetakEaet ḷọk lik jān ar ak eaetak tata lowaan to eṇ.The current on the ocean-side is stronger than in the lagoon, however, the current in the pass is the strongest flowing eastward.aet
 Eaetak lowaan to eṇ rainiin.The current is currently flowing eastward in the pass today.aetak
EaetakeEaetake booj eo im ñak wōnṃaanḷọk.The boat got caught in the eastward flowing current and couldn't move forward.aetak
EaetakḷọkEaetakḷọk ilo tōre in.The current is presently flowing eastward.aetak
EaetakwajEaetakwaj rainiinThe current is moving easterly in your (the person spoken to) direction today.ae
EaeteEaete ḷọk kōrkōr eo ñan lik.The current drifted the canoe out to the ocean side.aet
EaetoEaeto rilikin aelōñ in.The current flows west on the lee side of the atollaeto
EaetoikiEaetoiki ṇa iturin ṃweoHe got bewitched near the house.aeto
EaetokEaetok jān ñaHe's taller than me.aetok
 En baj lōñ wōt ṇe petkōj kwōbōk tok ke eaetok peḷọk in,” Bojin eo eba im bwilik ṃaan meme eo.I hope there are a lot of biscuits left because we are going to be drifting for a while yet,” the Boatswain said as he started to eat. P965bōk
 Kadujejjete bwe eaetok iaḷ in.Fill it up because this is a long journey.dujejjet
 Ak jab meḷọkḷọk naan eo an rūtto ro, ekadu tōllọk in a eaetok peḷọk in’ ñe koṃ ḷokan kanne wa ṇe kōn jọkpej, ej kab naaj kauwōtataḷọk wōt.”But don’t forget the old saying staying within the realm of possibilities is short, but being adrift like this is long’; when you guys fill the boat with scrap, it will be more dangerous.” P99kauwōtata
 Kememej bwe ekadu tōllọk in ak eaetok pelọk in.”Remember that the path may be short, but not when you drift off course.” P487tōllọk
EaetokḷọkEaetokḷọk an kwaḷọk jān kwe.His preaching was longer than yours.aetok
EaetōktōkeEaetōktōke ḷọk iiō in jān iiō eo ḷọkThis year's crop of arrowroot stalks is more abundant than last year's.aetōktōk
 Eaetōktōke meḷan āninThere's arrowroot stalks growing all over the island.aetōktōk
EaetowajEaetowaj ñan ijeṇe.The current is flowing west toward there where you areaeto
EaettokEaettok buuṃin wa eṇ.That ship's booms are normally long.buuṃ
EaewaarEaewaar ḷọk ijin.The current flowing into the lagoon is stronger here.aewaar
 Eaewaar tata mejān to eṇ.The current flowing into the lagoon is strongest at the mouth of the channel.aewaar
EaewaareEaewaare arḷọk kōrkōr eo.The kōrkōr drifted into the lagoon with the current.aear
 Eaewaare ijinCurrents flowing into the lagoon are always present at this particular.aear
 Eaewaare wa eo.The canoe was drifted into the lagoon by the current.aewaar
EaewaareḷọkEaewaareḷọk ijin jān ijjuweo.The current flowing into the lagoon is stronger here than over there.aear
eaewanlikḶōḷḷap eṇ jemāmro eaewanlik.My father-in-law is an expert fisherman.aewanlik
EaiboojojEaiboojoj ḷọk jān ṃoktaIt's prettier than before.aiboojoj
 Eaiboojoj unokan alu kein.These alu shells have beautiful colors.alu
 Eaiboojoj jọkur in wọn eo.The turtle shell is beautiful.jọkur
EaidikEaidik mejānHe has slanted eyes.aidik
 Ejọ kōn kilep ak kiiō eaidik.He used to be fat but now he is skinny.jọ
EaijEaij ḷọk wōtōn jab in.This pandanus season has more Aij pandanus than the previous season.Aij
eaijiRej ba eaiji ioon dān ilo North Pole aolep iien.It is said that there is always ice on the water at the North Pole.aij
 Eaiji tata kar iiō eo 1810It was known that 1810 was the year with the most ice.aij
 Eaiji ḷọk ioon dān iiō in jān iiō eo ḷọkThere's more ice on the water this year than last year.aij
 Eaiji meḷan āninThere are many Aij pandanus trees on this island.Aij
 Eaiji tata iiō in.This year has the greatest Aij pandanus production.Aij
EaijkudiimiEaijkudiimi ioon tebōḷ ṇe ippaṃ.You've messed up the table with your ice cream.aij kudiiṃ
EaijlowōdḷọkEaijlowōdḷọk iiō eo ḷọk jān iiō in.The school of bonitoes that came into the lagoon last year had more fish than this year.ajilowōd
EaijoeEaijoe meḷan āninThe island has lots of aijo plant on it.aijo
EaijoeḷọkEaijoeḷọk jān ṃoktaThere are more aijo plants than previously.aijo
EaikiEaiki likin āninThe ocean side shore is littered with driftwood.aik
 Eaiki ḷọk iiō jab in.This year you find more driftwood.aik
 Eaiki tata likin Jemọ.The ocean side of Jemọ island is littered the most with driftwood.aik
EaikiieEaikiie wa e.This boat is easy to tow.aik
 Eaikiie ḷọk jān ṃoktaIt's easier to tow than before.aik
EaikujEaikuj bwe en wōr ruo jemānaj.There must be two people to pass thatch.jemān aj
 Eaikuj kaddikdikḷọk nuknuk kaṇ an bwe reḷḷap.She has to shrink her dresses because they are too loose for her.kaddikdik
eaikujiAk ña ikar pād wōt ijo i turin im pojak wōt ñan jebjeb ḷọk kein jerbal ko eaikuji ñan jaḷjaḷ.I stayed next to him in case he needed me to pass him his tools. P715aikuj
EaikujiḷọkEaikujiḷọk jān ñaHe needs it more than I do.aikuj
EaikujḷọkEaikujḷọk jān kwe.He's needier than you.aikuj
EaikūtōkōdeEaikūtōkōde arin āninThere's plenty of aikūtōkōd fish at the lagoon side of the island.aikūtōkōd
 Eaikūtōkōde ḷọk tōre in jān tōre eo ḷọkThere's more aikūtōkōd fish this season that the last one.aikūtōkōd
EaiḷipEaiḷip bōran pinjeḷ e .My pencil has a blunt point.aiḷip
EaillilōkḷọkEaillilōkḷọk jān etto.She's more possessive than way back when.aililōk
EaiḷḷipEaiḷḷip ḷọk men kein jān men kākaṇ.These things here are more thick and long than those over there.aiḷip
EaiṇakEaiṇak jān wōt ko.She got drenched to the skin from the rain.aeṇak
EainikienEainikien kōrāHe has the voice of a woman.ainikie-
EainṃakeEainṃake bōb ṇe im nana.The leaves near the stem make the pandanus bad.ainṃak
 Eainṃake ḷọk bōb e ippa jān bōb ṇe ippaṃ.The pandanus I have has more leaves near the stem than the one you have.ainṃak
EaiṇokkoEaiṇokko ḷọk jān ledik eṇ jein.He's more light complexioned than his older sister.aiṇokko
 Eaiṇokko kōnke nejin ri-pālle.He's light skinned because his father is a white American.aiṇokko
 Eaiṇokko kōnke nejin ri-pālle.He's light skinned because his father is a white American.kōnke
EaireEaire jikin kwelọk eo ke ij talboone inne.The city was hit with a tornado when I phoned him yesterday.aire
EaitokEaitok jān kenato.He's very tall. (lit. He's taller than a tall coconut tree.)aitok
 Eaitok jeor kaṇ an likao eṇ.That young man's sideburns are long.jeor
 Kwōn jep jedọujij e bwe eaitok.Cut my trousers shorter because they're too long.jepjep
eaitwōnmejEalikkar an pojakin jako bwe eaitwōnmej.He is ready to go as death broods over him.aitwōnmej
EajajeEajaje kōrein Awai.Hawaiian women have well developed calves.ajaj
 Eajaje ḷọk likin ānin jān ṃoktaThere are more hard rocks on the ocean side of the island than before.ajaj
EajāllikEajāllik an ennaan.His words have consequences.ajāllik
 Eajāllik ḷọk an ennaan jān ñaHer words carry more weight than mine.ajāllik
EajañeEajañe aelōñ in.The atoll has lots of habitats for birds and fish.ajañ
EajeededEajeeded naan eo eṃṃan ipeḷaakin laḷ in.The good news is spread far and wide around the world.ajeeded
EajeededḷọkEajeededḷọk kōjjeḷā kiiō ke ewōr retio ej jerbal.Announcements are more widespread now with the broadcast station functioning.ajeeded
EajejEajej in kabwebwe ḷọk an jerbal jān ḷeieṇHe cheats more in his dealings than that man.ajej in kabwebwe
EajejḷọkEajejḷọk Jọọn jān Pita.John is more generous than Peter.aje
eajejtataIjoke, eajejtata MedeHowever, Mary is the most generous.ajej
EajeḷḷāEajeḷḷā ḷọk āneo kōn ri-mej ṃōjin an eerbooj in Amedka boktañe.The corpses were scattered all over the place after the U.S. Air Force bombed it.ajeḷḷā
EajerrāEajerrā tata ilo jerbal.He's a loner the most in working.ajerre
EajerreEajerre ilo jerbal kōn an jeḷā jerbal.He works all by himself because he's an experienced worker.ajerre
EajerwawaEajerwawa ḷọk ṃwiin jān ṃweeṇ iṃōn.There is more draft in this house than in his house.ajerwawa
EajetEajet penkō ṇeThat vinegar has already become acid.ajet
EajeteEajete penkō ṇeThat vinegar is acidic.ajet
EajetḷọkEajetḷọk wūt e jān wūt ṇeThis flower is more sweet scented than that one.ajet
EajilowōdEajilowōd keIs is time to surround the fish with the coconut leaf scarer?ajilowōd
eajineañroAk Ijoon ekwe eajineañro tataMeanwhile Ijoon is the most chicken-hearted.ajineañro
 Ij ḷōmṇak Piiḷ eajineañro ḷọk jān Toṃaaj.I think Bill is more fearful than Thomas.ajineañro
EajjibanbanEajjibanban kōn pāāk in waini eo.He was weighted down with a sack of copra.ajjibanban
EajjibanbanḷọkEajjibanbanḷọk jān Jāāk.He's more burdened than Jack.ajjibanban
EajjiḷapḷapḷọkEajjiḷapḷapḷọk jān kwe.He's got a stronger body odor than you do.ajjiḷapḷap
EajjimakekeḷọkEajjimakekeḷọk jān kwe.She's lonelier than you are.ajjimakeke
EajjukubEajjukub an etetal.He walks with a limp.ajjukub
 Eajjukub kōn an kar iñrōk neen.He limps because he sprained his ankle.ajjukub
EajjukubkubEajjukubkub ñe ej etetal.He tends to limp every time he walks.ajjukub
EajjuriḷọkEajjuriḷọk Lọto jān Piepe.There are more huts on Lọto island than on Piepe island.ajjuur
EajjuuriEajjuuri meḷan āninMany huts are scattered around this island.ajjuur
EajliptaakḷọkEajliptaakḷọk iiōk in jān iiōk eo inne.This particular dish is of lower quality than yesterday's dish.ajliptaak
EajḷọkEajḷọk ak ejjeḷọk iien kōrọọltok.She regretted but it was too late to bring him back.ajḷọk
EajokḷāḷọkEajokḷāḷọk jabōn ānin tuiōñ.The mound of stones on the northern end of the island is bigger.ajokḷā
 Eajokḷāḷọk jān ṃoktaThe heaps of stones are more prominent than before.ajokḷā
EajorṃaanEajorṃaan ek eo koṇan.The fish he caught was huge.ajorṃaan
EajorṃaaneEajorṃaane unaak eo.The school of fish had exceptionally big fish in it.ajorṃaan
EajriEajri an kōnnaan.He speaks like a child.ajri
EajukubtataEajukubtata an etetal.He limps the most.ajjukub
EakāEakā aṃ etetal.You walk stiff-leggedly.akā
EakadikiEakadiki eoon kappein arin āneoNewly built canoes littered the lagoon beach of the island..akadik
EakajeEakaje ṃūtōn kōn an kar pād ilo aelōñin pālle kaṇ.He acts like a V.I.P. ever since he went to the U.S.akaje
EakajiniEakajini ṃaḷo ṇeThe whole lagoon is teeming with akajin fish.akajin
EakajiniḷokEakajiniḷok arin Piñlep jān arin Bōtto, ijoke eakajintata likin Mejatto.The lagoon side of Piñlep Island has more akajin fish than the lagoon side of Bōtto Island, however, most of the akajin fish can be found on the ocean side of Mejatto Island.akajin
eakajintataEakajiniḷok arin Piñlep jān arin Bōtto, ijoke eakajintata likin Mejatto.The lagoon side of Piñlep Island has more akajin fish than the lagoon side of Bōtto Island, however, most of the akajin fish can be found on the ocean side of Mejatto Island.akajin
EakāḷọkEakāḷọk peū jān neō.My arm is affected by palsy more than my leg.akā
eakeTa ṇe kwōj abṇōṇō eake?What are you complaining about?abṇōṇō
 Eake Pikaar ilo allōñ kein.The island of Bikar is teeming with frigate birds this time of the year.ak
 Erro kaalikkar ke erro jeḷā wōn eo ikar kōnono eake.They showed that they knew who I was talking about. P301alikkar
 Joñan eo ekar tōtor eake ebwe an ṃōkaj bwe eṃōrṃore tōrerein im jakurbaatat bōran wa eo.The engine was making us go so fast that there were bubbles coming up along the side of the boat and mist splashing up in front. P493ar
 Ta eṇ ej dekōṃkōṃ eake?What's he so noisy about?dekōṃkōṃ
MORE eake
eakeakeEḷap an eakeake āneṇThat islet has lots of ghosts.eakeak
EakekeEakeke lọjiō kōn an ḷap kar ṃōñāI have an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach from overeating.akeke
EakeọinEakeọin bōb tok.The time for harvesting the first pandanus fruits is drawing near.akeọ
EakeọḷọkEakeọḷọk tōre in jān eo ḷọkThe harvest this time is better than the previous.akeọ
eakiIroñ naan kein an Jema im Kapen eo im kar kōlmānḷọkjeṇ eaki.I heard what Father and the Captain were saying and I thought about it. P874kōḷmānḷọkjeṇ
 Ikar bōk rualiktōk pakijin petkōj jāne im rọọl lōñ ḷọk eaki.I got eight packets of biscuits from the tin and took them up. P962pakij
 Emarok jilōñlōñ im eḷak errobōlbōl dedojat i buḷōn lọjet, iwātin kar abwinmake eaki.It was pitch-black and as the plankton glowed deep down in the sea, I was almost afraid there might be ghosts around. P568rorobōlbōl
EākilkilEākilkil likūṃThe skin on your back is peeling.ākilkil
EakḷañḷọkEakḷañḷọk likao in aelōñin.The young men of this atoll are more preemptive.akḷañ
eakḷeEḷap eakḷe eṇ ilikin aneeṇ.The pile of stones at the ocean side of that islet is big.eakḷe
 Eṃōj an ṇo tọọre eakḷe ilik; kwōn ejouji dekā kaṇe ippān doon.The waves have washed over the stone barrier on the ocean side; please stack the stones together again.eakḷe
eaklepeJab eaklepe bao eṇ bwe ennejnej.Don't rob the hen of her eggs so she can have chicks.eaklep
eaklepiAolep iien kwōj eaklepi lolo kaṇe im ṃool ke kwe kwōj juon ri-eaklep.You always rob the hens of their eggs and it's true that you are an egg robber.eaklep
EakōreEakōre likin āninThere are lots of mullet on the ocean side of this island.akōr
EakōreḷọkEakōreḷọk lik kar inne jān rainiin.There were more mullet on the oceanside yesterday than today.akōr
eakpelKoṃwin eakpel jān wa ṇe bwe edouj.Throw out something because your boat is shipping water.eakpel
eakpeleKoṃwin eakpele wa ṇe bwe eobrak.Get something off the ship because it's too crowded.eakpel
eaktoEṃōj jej eakto wōt ke?” Jema ekajjitōk im kajjioñ bōbrae aerro wōnṃaan ḷọk wōt im aoḷ.Are we done unloading?” Father interjected in an attempt to stop the two of them from arguing. P703aoḷ
 Wa in ṃōṃkaj kar boojin eakto ektak jeḷaan tiṃa ko waan Navy eo an America.Before, this boat was a cargo ship, belonging to the American Navy sailors. P3booj
 Raar eakto kobban wa.They unloaded the ship.eakto
 Jibuunin eakto.Serving spoon.eakto
 Aolep jibboñ im jota, ej iien eakto jekaro im kōkkāāl jeib.Every morning and evening the jekaro should be unloaded and the bottle renewed. S19eakto
MORE eakto
eaktuweRaar eaktuwe rikadek eo jān baḷuun eo.They got the drunkard off of the planeeaktuwe
eakweḷapJekdọọn ak Likiep ṇe i ṃaan,” Kapen eo eakweḷap im ālijinmenNever mind, Likiep is straight ahead,” the Captain insisted over and over again. P927ālijinmen
 Jeban ellolo kain ṇe i ṃaan,” Kapen eo eakweḷap im ālijinmenWe won’t see those kinds of things up ahead,” he continued to insist. P928ālijinmen
 Eaab, eñeo,” Kapen eo eakweḷap.No, this is what’s going on,” the Captain insisted. P93eñeo
 Likiejān ān eo in, innem jeaikuj kōjaaḷ wa in im kabbwe,” eakweḷap wōtWe are at the windward side of the island, so we need to turn the boat and tack leeward,” the Captain still insisted. P904likiej
EakweḷapḷọkEakweḷapḷọk jān kuuj.He's more persistent than a cat.akweḷap
eaḷṂoktata, ālkin aer raankeik waini eṇ im bōk eaḷ eṇ jāne, rej kōjeeke im ej erom pinniep.First of all, after they have grated the copra and taken the coconut milk from it, they heat it under the sun and it becomes coconut oil. S18eaḷ
 Kein karuo wāween, rej kōmatte ālkin aer bōk eaḷ in waini eṇ.The second way, they cook it after they have taken the coconut milk. S18kōmat
eaḷakiiaAmāne ke ej ja wōr bwe eaḷakiia.Enjoy it while it lasts because it's hard to get.aḷakiia
 Jab kọkkure bwe eaḷakiia men rot ṇeDon't waste it because it's hard to come by.aḷakiia
 Juon ṃōñā eo eaḷakiia.A type of food that's not easy to find.aḷakiia
EaḷakiiaḷọkEaḷakiiaḷọk jān ṃoktaIt's harder to find.aḷakiia
EaḷakiiatataEaḷakiiatata.It's the scarcest of all.aḷakiia
EaḷakiieEaḷakiie ke ek mouj ilikin āninIs the white parrotfish plentiful on the ocean side of the island?aḷakiie
 Jab inepata bwe eaḷakiie.Don't worry because I can easily get it for you.aḷakiie
 Wōn ej ba eaḷakiie dānnin idaak?Who said it was easy to find drinking water?aḷakiie
EaḷaḷeEaḷaḷe meḷan ānin jān kōto ḷapḷap eo.There's timber strewn all over the island as a result of the big storm.aḷaḷ
EaḷapEaḷap pataHe's physically old but mentally immature.aḷap
EaḷapḷọkEaḷapḷọk im mejkaiie.He's a dirty old man.aḷapḷọk
 Eaḷapḷọk im mejkaiie.He's a dirty old man.mejkaiie
EalbokeEalboke raan wōjke eo.The tree sported lots of buds.albok
EalebabuḷọkEalebabuḷọk jān kwe.He tends to lie down more than you.alebabu
EalenlenEalenlen iṃōn jikin kwelọk in.This city has rows and rows of houses.alen
EalijerḷokEalijerḷok an rūttariṇae ro etal ilowaan iiaḷ eo ḷọkThe soldiers walked proudly down the road.alijerḷọk
ealijerḷọkAlikkar ke etōprak jerbal eo an bwe etke ealijerḷọk.He must have landed the job since he's walking with a happy gait.alijerḷọk
ealikkarAdedin Pikaar bwe ealikkar.It's obviously a giant clam shell from Pikar Atoll.aded
 Jān wōt dettan aded kaṇe kar adedin, ealikkar bwe ekar juon kapoor eo ekilep.It obviously was a huge giant clam, judging from its shell.aded
 Aejemjemier ealikkar ilo naan ko aer.Their persuasiveness was evident in their choice of words.aejemjem
 Ealikkar aerjeel niknik.It's obvious that the three of them are industrious.aerjeel
 Eḷak baj tōbwe tok ek eo, ealikkar an Bojin eo aewanlik.As he pulled in the fish, it was obvious that the Boatswain was an expert fisherman. P1309aewanlik
MORE ealikkar
EaḷjerEaḷjer kōn an inepata.His worries have caused him ulcers.aḷjer
ealjetEj mejān det bwe ealjet.He wears dark glasses because he's cross-eyed.aljet
EalkōkEalkōk akkiin peiū.My fingernail got bent back.ālkōk
ealloIj jab kannooj meḷeḷe an kōnnaan bwe eallo.I can't quite understand what he says because he stammers.allo
 Joñan an wiwijet eallo an kōnnaan.He was so agitated he was tongue-tied.allo
eallōkeRūkkōpāl eo eallōke lio im wūdeakeak.The sorcerer invoked a spirit over her and she became insane.allōk
EalloḷọkEalloḷọk Ioje jān Rubōn.Ioje stammers more than Rubon.allo
eallukeRi-nana eo ej ja ettōrḷọk wōt ioon ọọj eo ak kaubowe eo ealluke.The bad guy was running by on the horse when the good guy lassoed him.alluke
EaḷṃarEar waduuktok jiip eo waan Eaḷṃar.He got Halmar to lend us his jeep.wadu
EaḷokEaḷok im jorrāān.He broke the treatment taboos and ended up worse than before.aḷok
eālokjakJoñan an kadek eḷak tan jutak eālokjak neenHe was so drunk when he tried to stand his legs buckled.ālokjak
 Eālokjak neōI turned my ankle.ālokjak
 Eālokjak jaki eo.The mat is crimped.ālokjak
EaḷōṃṇakeḷọkEaḷōṃṇakeḷọk kilaaj ruuṃ eṇ an jān kilaaj ruuṃ ṇe aṃ.Her classroom is better equipped with calendars than your classroom is.aḷōṃṇak
ealoworeEṃṃan bwe ealowore lik ṇeIt's good because the ocean side is teeming with parrotfish.alwor
EāmEām wa eo.The canoe is tipping.ām
EaṃaṃEaṃaṃ pakoSomething's attracting the sharks.aṃaṃ
EaṃaṃḷọkEaṃaṃḷọk oṃ jān ek.Hermit crab attracts fish more than fish meat.aṃaṃ
EamejḷọkEamejḷọk kein jān ko inne.These breadfruit are less well-cooked than the ones yesterday.amej
EāmjeEāmje bato e.This bottle is empty.āmje
eamḷapAḷap eṇ eamḷap.That old man has lots of land.amḷap
 Eamḷap kōnke ej ṃaan bwij.He's got lots of land because he's the head of his lineage.amḷap
 Eamḷap kōnke ej ṃaan bwij.He's got lots of land because he's the head of his lineage.kōnke
EamṇakEamṇak kōn an kar peran jiṃṃaan ilo pata.He has a lot of land as a result of his grandfather's bravery in battles.amṇak
EaṃōṇEkkabūrōrō Eaṃōṇ.Herman is always wide-eyed.kabūrōrō
eañKwaeṃṃōḷoḷo ḷọk ṇa ijin jān ñe kwōnaaj etal eañ ṃweeṇYou're cooler here than if you went into the house.aeṃōḷoḷo
 Kwōj aike ḷọk eañ eaWhere are you towing it to?aik
 Ejauwi aikūtōkōdin ratak eañ.Aikūtōkōd fish from the nothern islands are not delicious.aikūtōkōd
 Alkarkar ke ijuun eañ erabōlḷọk"It's quite clear that the north star shines brightly" —words from a popular contemporary song.alkarkar
 Ikar arruñijñij wōt im ij jañin lukkuun meḷeḷe ewi eañ im rak.I was still sleepy and didn’t know right from left. P585aruñijñij
MORE eañ
eañdenKe ekar baj jọej, kōmmān jino eñjake ammān eañden.By afternoon, we the four of us started feeling hungry. P882eañden
 Eḷap eañden.I am really hungryeañden
EanieneEaniene iiōk ṇeThat recipe uses lots of onions.anien
EanieneḷọkEanieneḷọk iiōk in.This recipe has lots more onions.anien
EañijwiwiEañijwiwi tokThe wind is coming in gusts.añijwiwi
EanilenEanilen kinej e peiū.This cut on my hand is infected.anilen
 Kwōnaaj pādjake peiṃ ḷọk em eanilen.You'll keep putting off getting your hand fixed until it gets infected.pād
EañinEañin MājroNorth of Majuro.eañ
eañiniEtke koṃwij jab eañini bwe en kōkaatak (ekkaatak) lipaantoWhy won't you take him along so he may learn to fish by the lipaanto method?lipaanto
eañiñinKe ij roñ ainikien ṃōṃōjānjānḷọk (eṃṃōjānjānḷọk), iba wōt kwōj eañiñinWhen I heard footsteps I thought you were calling my name.ṃōṃōjānjān
eañinlurEpaak tok wōt rak ke eñin eañinlur.Summer is very near as we can tell from the breeze.añinlur
eanittaKwōn jab kadkadajaj bwe eanitta.Don't try him because he's a voodoo expert.kadkadajaj
eañjarjarIj kajineete eok ke eañjarjar an lōḷḷap eṇ kōnnaan.I'm warning you beforehand that she is an old lady with a sharp tongue.añjarjar
EañjerakeEañjerake ṃwiinThis house is exposed to the wind.añjerak
EanjinjinEanjinjin lōḷḷap eṇ.The old woman is always casting spells.anjin
eanjọḶōttekōḷkōḷ eo nejin eanjọ ilo uñtaak.His heavyweight son won the wrestling contest. ḷōttekōḷkōḷ
eanniabeabKwōn jab kukure (ikkure) ippān ḷeeṇ bwe eanniabeab.Don't play with him because he's unstable.anniabeab
eañōmKōto in ej ukoktak ikōtaan eañōm rakThe wind keeps alternating between north and south.ukoktak
eanōr(e)Bọọḷ eo eanōr(e) pijja eo.The ball grazed the pitcher.anōr
eañrōkElōñ kwoṇan eañrōk.He caught lots of eañrōkeañrōk
EañtakEañtak in Ṃajōḷ eḷap ṃōrāThe northern side of the Marshalls is dry.eañtak
 Tiṃa eo epād eañtak in ṂajōḷThe ship is in the northern side of the Marshall Islands.eañtak
eañwōdEiiaḷap kiiō im jenaaj ilān eañwōd.It's spring low tide now and we should go fishing.iaḷap
 Ḷeo eṇ ej eañwōd ioon baal.The man is fishing on the reef edge.ioo-
eaṇwōdḶeo eṇ ej jejeikik (ejjeikik) ñan an ilān eaṇwōd.The man is busily moving around in preparation for his fishing trip.jeik
eaoJoñan an jejetōbtōb (ejjetōbtōb), eao.He is so spiritual, he has a halo on his head.ao
eaolōkeKōjparok aṃ tutu iaar bwe eaolōke kiiōBeware of the Portuguese man-o’-war in the lagoon because there are plenty of them at this time.bwe
eaorōkJerbalin ruk-buōd eaorōk ñan juon kumi in tariṇae im ewōr jet ro ej aer jerbal loloodjake bwe en tōprak.The job of ensuring the uninterrupted flow of ammunition for the troops in battle is essential and the responsibility of assigned personnel to make sure it's done.ruk-bo
EapañEapañ kōn ajri eo nājin.His child is getting in his way.apañ
eapdikEḷak baj to laḷ ḷọk Jema eapdik men ko ippa.After he jumped down, Father took some of the stuff from me. P137apdik
EapdikḷọkEapdikḷọk jidik menọknọk ko.The junk is getting cleaned up bit by bit.apdik
 Eapdikḷọk kōto in im wōt kein ak ej jañin lukkuun ṃōṃan ñan lewūjḷā,” Kapen eo ej kab bar oḷañi ke ej jiljino awa jọteen eo.The wind and rain have died down but not enough to put up the sail,” the Captain uttered at about 6 o’clock in the evening. P788waḷañi
EaploloEaplolo an jipij.The speech he made was slurred from beginning to end.aplo
 Eaplolo jipij eo an.The speech he composed was such that it was slurred no matter who read it.aplo
earEerbooj ear abbaiki pedpedin ĀnewātakThe air force was dynamiting the Eniwetak reef.abba
 Eñeo ear abṇōṇōwaj ijeṇeṇe waj.I saw him upset and going in that direction.abṇōṇō
 Ear abwin bōk men eo kijen.He refused to take his food.abwin bōk
 Ear abwin bōk ṃōñāHe rejected food.abwin bōk
 Eñeo ear abwinmakewaj ijeṇe waj.Afraid of ghosts as he was, I saw him going in your directionabwinmake
MORE ear
EarmijeEarmije āninThis island has lots of people. or This island is inhabited.armej
EarōkEarōk menọknọk ḷeeṇHe is a pack rat -- saves any old thing -- even trash.arōk menọknọk
EasterJabōt in Easter.Easter Sunday.Jabōt
eatartarWa eo eṇ eatartar ṃaan wab.The ship is tied up at the end of the pier.atartar
 Nejū e, ñe ej eṃṃan wōt jabdewōt i jeṇe, ekwe wanlọñ tak ḷọk bwe wa eo e ejako eatartar ippād,” Jema ekkūr tok.Son, come up if everything is okay down there, because the boat is about to come alongside us now,” Father said. P1144ippa-
EātbweEātbwe mejānHe's got a sty on his eye.ātbwe
eateWa ṇe ḷe eate.The boat cuts through the water beautifully.at
EatoEato wōn eo em lik.The turtle crawled ashore and laid eggs.lik
eaūJuon eṇ ri-nañinmej eaū.A sick person is dying there.
EaujepaḷEaujepaḷ wōt eṇ ḷaddikWhat a gangling boy he is.aujepaḷ
EaunwōḷāikiEaunwōḷāiki etōñaakin ṃweo iṃōn irooj eo ṃokta jān an taibuun.The porch of the chief's house was reinforced before the typhoon.añinwoḷā
EaunwōḷāḷāEaunwōḷāḷā arin ān eṇ.There food scattered on the beach of that island.aunwōḷā
eawaKọruji bwe eawa.Wake him up because it's time to go.ruj
 Kwōn tutu in kwōlej bwe eawa.Just rinse yourself off because it's time (to go).tutu in kwōlej
eawaūkIj etal kiiō bwe eawaūkI'm going now because I'm late.awa
ebKwōn jabōb (jab eb) iṃōkDon't do that because I'm beat.bwe
 Ḷōṃaro raṇ rej eb.The men are at the dance place, they are dancing.eb
 Rej al im eb ñan eok im kwōj aikuj in jutak in jipiij im kaṃṃoolol er.They sing and dance for you, and you are expected to stand up and say a few words, and thank them. S4eb
 Kwōn kainini ledik ṇe bwe en maroñ etal in eb ippān ledik raṇ ṃōttanDress that girl up with a grass skirt so she can join the other girls in the dance.inin
 Ejakōl aṃ eb.You dance awkwardly.jakōl
ebaIoḷe ilju kōjjel Bojin kanne wa in kōn jọkpej ko adjel,” Kapen eo eba.Alright, tomorrow together with the Boatswain we will fill this boat with our scrap,” the Captain said.ad
 Āinwōt eṃṃan ainikien injin ṇe aṃ,” armej eo eba.The engine sounds good,” the person said. P449ainikie-
 Ekwe ij ja ajādik tok ṃōk ñan wa eṇ im eọroñ ennaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo eba.Ok, for now I’m going to wander over to that boat and find out what’s going on,” the old man said. P133ajādik
 Aḷe, iọkwe,” Bojin eo eba.Well, man, my sympathies,” the Boatswain said. P1074aḷe
 Ej rọọl tok wōt ak ijiroñ ḷọk bwe jen baj lale ta eo eba annen jab in,” eba.Once he's back, I’ll tell him and we’ll see what he has to say about it this time around,” he replied. P414annen
MORE eba
EbaaṃleEbaaṃle ḷadik eo nejin.His son has a family of his own.baaṃle
ebaatatAlikkar ke eor bwe ebaatat,” Jema eba.I know there are because I can see smoke,” Father said. P1243baatat
Ebab-laḷinEbab-laḷin kōn an kōkajoorḷọk.He's aroused by his words of encouragementbab-laḷin
EbabuEbabu ajiri eo kadede ioon jaki eo.The child has already lain down on the mat.babu
EbaijinEbaijin kōn an kar pād Ronglap.He is contaminated by the poison from the bomb as he was in Ronglap.baijin
ebaitiḶeo ebaiti bọọtin lio ippān.The man punched his wife in the nosebait
ebajĀinwōt meto jab in ebaj aeto,” Jema ekar ba ejja ilo minit eo wōt ekar waḷọk men in.This part of the ocean feels a bit spooky,” Father said at the same time the incident occurred. P1036aeto
 Einwōt ebaj akwōlā ḷọk jān ṃoktaIt seems the akwōlā fish are more teeming than previously.akwōlā
 Utaṃwe in ebaj jelōt aolepāmmān wōt jidik.This terrible situation really could have made us all all four of us go crazy. P1023aolep
 Ejab etto jān iien eo ak ebaj waḷọk tok Jema.Not long after, Father showed up. P324baj
 Ebaj lewoj wōt jidik aṃ ṃaniHe almost gave you money.baj
MORE ebaj
ebajeLali piik ko jen aer ebaje nebjān mweeṇ.Stop the pigs from messing up the area outside the house.ebaje
 Bōlen rej lale epidodo ke bwe ren kab naaj kar ebaje.Maybe they wanted to see if it was soft enough so they could tear it apart. P1002ebeb
 Bao eṇ ej ebaje ḷā kaṇ.That chicken is scattering that gravel.ebeb
EbajeetEbajeet ke kwojab kelọk ilo baḷuun eo?Why didn't you go on the plane?ebajeet
EbajetEbajet ke eppoñ ainikieṃ?What is the matter that your voice is so hoarse?pepoñ
ebajjeetEkwā ebajjeet.Now that's more like it.ebajjeet
 Ebajjeet ke kwokatak.That's more like the way to study (you weren't really studying before).ebajjeet
 Ebajjeet ke kwaar etal im eọñwōd.It was more like it when you went out fishing.ebajjeet
 Ekwe ebajjeet ke ejijjet ḷọk jidik,” Jema eba.Now that seems to be more like it,” Father said. P546jejjet
EbakkitoEbakkito jet ajri in ṂajeḷSome Marshallese children have yaws.bakkito
EbanEban peljo kaabjājeū.My method of tucking things under the arm is obvious.abjāje
 Eban jab jeraaṃṃan ad eọñōd ilo aejekin ibwijtok.We're bound to be lucky when we fish with a surrounding net on a dark night with the tide coming in.aejek
 Eban jab wōr ri-aepādpād.There'll always be procrastinators.aepedped
 Aililōkin ḷaro eban peljoThe association of the broken-hearted is easy to detect.aililōk
 Eban jab ajejin Jowa bwe jowi eo an eṇ.He's bound to be a reclaimer of gifts as a member of the Jowa clan.ajejin Jowa
MORE eban
ebanbanKōrā ebanban jān ṃōṃaaṇ (eṃṃaaṇ).Women are weaker than men.banban
EbanbanḷọkEbanbanḷọk jān ṃoktaHe's getting weaker than before.banban
EbaneEbane jerbal eṇ.He cannot do the job.ban
ebarKwōjeḷā ke ewōr ḷaddik ijōkaṇe bwe ebar jino abbōjeje.You'll know there are boys around because she starts flirting.abje
 Jerbal eo aṃ ri-aṃa; ebar ejjeḷọk men eṇ kwōn kōṃṃane.Your job is to be hammerer; you shouldn't do anything else.aṃa
 Ebar ejjeḷọk men eṇ Kapen eo eba ke ej roñ ijin jān ḷōḷḷap eo.The Captain didn’t hear anything else from the old man. P67ba
 Jema ebar lale jidik innem etal.Father looked over at him for a bit and then headed up. P1069bar
 Ebar aebōj jimeeṇ eo.The cistern is empty.bar
MORE ebar
ebarāinwōtEjino aemedḷọk ak ebarāinwōt wōr ṃōttan kain ṇe aproro.The coolness of the evening was upon us as was our dilemma. P1022apaproro
 Ebarāinwōt kōṇaan itok ijellọkun an kōṇaan ṃōñāBesides wanting to eat, he also wants to come.barāinwōt
 Baaṃle eo an ebarāinwōt pād i Likiep im juon eo nejin ḷaddik ej kab ḷotakHis family also was on Likiep, and his son had just been born. P42kab
 Ebarāinwōt tipen kōiie i loṃaḷo meñe ej jañin kar tar meto kaṇ rōḷḷap.It seemed seaworthy in the lagoon, but it had not yet traveled on the high sea. P15meñe
 Ebarāinwōt tipen kōiie i loṃaḷo meñe ej jañin kar tar meto kaṇ rōḷḷap.It seemed seaworthy in the lagoon, but it had not yet traveled on the high sea. P15kōiie
EbarōkeEbarōke jān rijorrāān ro.He shielded her from the hoodlums.barōk
EbatEbat tipñōl eo waan Toni.Tony's sailing canoe is slow.bat
 Ebat ḷọk Jọọn jān ṃoktaJohn is slower than before.bat
EbataEbata.He's become a priest.bata
EbatbatEbatbat wōn eṇ.The turtle is going to lay eggs.batbat
EbateEbate āniinThis islet has lots of mounds.bat
EbatinEbatin ke jōōt ṇe aṃ.Did you button your shirt?batin
EbaūjōEbaūjō wōt ṇe kōrā.I've never seen a woman who is always laughing like her.baūjō
ebbāḶōṃaro rej bōbwā (ebbā).The men are tending the traps.bōbwā
EbbaakakEbbaakak ṃaḷwan aelōñ in.There are lots of frigates in the lagoon of this atoll.baak
ebbaakkitotoEḷap wōt an ebbaakkitoto ri-āninThe people on this island are always stricken with yaws.bakkito
EbbaankekeekEbbaankekeek nuknuk ṇe aṃ.There are pieces of pancake on your clothes.baankeek
ebbaantunuunEḷap an bōbaantuunun (ebbaantunuun) aelōñ in.There are lots of pontoons on this atoll.baantuun
ebbaarEnjeḷ in bōbaar (ebbaar).Guardian angel.baar
 Inej eo an Amedka ear bōbaar (ebbaar) waThe American fleet set up a blockade.bōbaar
 Ebbaar kadedeIt has already been guarded.bōbaar
ebbabubuEḷap aṃ bōbabubu (ebbabubu).You're always lying down.babu
EbbadedeEbbadede kiliṃ kōn aṃ kōjeje.Your skin is rough because you got sunburned.bōbadede
EbbadetdetEbbadetdet iaarThere are lots of badet on the lagoon side.badet
EbbaibibEbbaibib lowaan ṃwiinThere are lots of pipes inside the house.baib
EbbaibōḷbōḷEbbaibōḷbōḷ an kōnnaan.He's always quoting scripture.Baibōḷ
EbbaididEbbaidid lowaan ṃwiinThe smell of smoke was all over the room.baid
 Emake bōbaidid (ebbaidid) ḷōṇeThat guy is a chain smoker.baid
ebbaidiidBwiin bōbaidiid (ebbaidiid).Smell of smoke all over the place.bōbaidid
EbbaidikdikEbbaidikdik tọrerein iaḷ eṇ.There are lots of baidik by the road.baidik
ebbaikilaajḶeo ebbaikilaaj eṇThat man always uses binoculars.baiklaaj
ebbajbajEḷap aṃ bōbajbaj (ebbajbaj).You ride the bus frequently.baj
ebbajinjeaeaEnañin ḷap aṃ bōbajinjeaea (ebbajinjeaea)?Why do you ride so much as a passenger?bajinjea
EbbakkekeEbbakkeke armej in aelōñ eṇ.The people from that always having yaws.bakke
EbbakukkukEbbakukkuk nejin jar eṇ.The childen of that couple are always well built.bakūk
EbbaleleEbbalele lik rainin.There are lots of flounder on the ocean side today.bale
 Ebbalele ḷọk rainin jān inne.There are more flounder today than yesterday.bale
 Ebbalele tata likin Aur.Aur has most flounder on the ocean sidebale
ebballeleEtal eo an ñan aelōñ kaṇ ekipele bwe en bōballele (ebballele).His trip to other countries gave him an intense desire for possessions.balle
EbbaḷokḷokEbbaḷokḷok tata raan tebōḷ eṇ an John.John's table is the most bulgy.baḷok
 Ebbaḷokḷok eoon tebōḷ eṇ.The top of that table is bulgy.baḷok
ebbaluluḶeo ebbalulu eṇHe's always rebuffed.balu
ebbaḷuununEḷap an bōbaḷuunun (ebbaḷuunun) raininThere are lots of airplanes coming in today.baḷuun
EbbanbanEbbanban kiiō bwe erūtto.He's old and getting weak.ban
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ bōbanban (ebbanban)?Why don't you stop being so envious of everybody?ban
EbbanbanḷọkEbbanbanḷọk jān ṃoktaHe's getting weaker.ban
EbbaooEbbaoo āniinThere are lots of chickens/birds on this island.bao
EbbarōkEbbarōk jān ri-jorrāān ro.He was protected from the hoodlums.baar
ebbaruruEḷap an bōbaruru (ebbaruru) āniinThere are lots of crabs on this islandbaru
EbbateteEbbatete nuknuk ṇe aṃ.There is lots of putty all over your clothesbate
ebbatintinEḷap an ebbatintin jōōt ṇe aṃ.There are too many buttons on your shirt.batin
EbbatotoEbbatoto turun ṃwiinThis house has a lot of bottles around it.bato
ebbaturturEḷap an ebbaturtur.She always craves fish.batur
EbbaūjōjōEbbaūjōjō wōt ṇe eṃṃaan.That man is always laughing.baūjō
ebbeerKwōn mijmijelaḷ wōt im jab bōbweer (ebbeer).Keep persevering and don't lose hope.mijmijelaḷ
ebbiōbEḷap an ebbiōb rikilbōtKiribatese dance a lot.eb
EbboboEbbobo nejin kōrā eṇ.That lady always has twins.bo
ebbōjKwōn ṃōk aiji bōra bwe en jab bōbōj (ebbōj).Would you press some ice cubes to my head to prevent swelling?aij
 Ijakile kōn an bōbōj (ebbōj).He was so thin I didn't recognize him.bōbōj
 Kwōn ṃōk aiji bōra bwe en jab ebbōj.Would you please press some ice cubes to my head so that it doesn’t swell.bwe
EbbōjbōjEbbōjbōj peiūMy arm is swollen in many places.bōbōj
ebbōkKwaar bōbōk (ebbōk) ia aṃ pinjeḷ?Where did get your pencil?bōbōk
 Kōrā eṇ ej make wōt bōbōk (ebbōk) iaan kōrin āninThat woman is the nosiest on this island.bōbōk
 Jab ba ñane bwe ebbōk.Don't tell him cause he is a blabber-mouth.bōbōk
 Kwōn jab kāiete aṃ bōbōk (ebbōk).Don't take so few.iiet
 Jabdetakwōt an bōbōk (ebbōk).He takes on a wife at random.jabdetakwōt
ebbọkTa eṇ ej bōbọk (ebbọk) tok ioon wa eṇ?What's that we see piled up on that ship?bōbọk
ebbōkakEj wōtlok wōt jān lọñiū ak ebbōkak ippān Kapen eo i lowa.The words had just come out of my mouth but they carried down to the Captain inside. P63lọñi
 Ebbōkak baḷuun eo im kelọk.The plane lifted up and flew away.bōbōkak
 Jet ko ke raan,” ebbōkak ippān Bojin eo.Must have been several days,” chimed in the Boatswain. P1228bōbōkak
ebbokbokAinikien ta in ej bōbokbok (ebbokbok)?What is the sound that keeps booming there?bokkoḷọk
EbbōkekeEbbōkeke aḷaḷ ṇeThat piece of wood is full of knots.bōke
ebbōkḷọkKwōn ebbōkḷọk an pinjeḷ.Take some pencils for her.bōbōk
ebbōktokEwōr piik im bao, ak men kein ebbōktok in ri-pālle im ejjab men in mour in ṂajeḷThere are pigs and chickens, but these have been imported by Westerners and aren’t original Marshallese animals. S23bōbōk
 Raar ebbōktok bu im ṃaanpāik (ṇaṃaanpāān) kumi eo.They brought guns and armed the group.ṃaanpā
ebbōlKwōn ḷōḷō albok bwe ren ḷak bōbōl (ebbōl) ekoṇ mejān ut ṇe utūṃ.Make a garland with buds so when they bloom they'll fit closer together.albok
 Ebbōl ut eṇ.That flower is opening.bōbōl
 Ekanooj aiboojoj bōbōl (ebbōl) in ut eṇ.The blossoms of that bush are really beautiful.bōbōl
ebbōḷọkKwōn bōbōḷọk (ebbōḷọk) ñan likin ānuweoYou should go fishing using the bōbō (ebbō) method toward the ocean side of that island.bōbō
EbbōlōklōkEbbōlōklōk iuṃwin eṇ.There are lots of leaves under that breadfruit tree.bōlōk
ebboṇboṇBaib eo ebboṇboṇ ṇeThat pipe is always clogged.boṇ
ebbọṇejṇejElukkuun ḷap ebbọṇejṇej.I'm itchy.bōbṇōjṇōj
ebboṇōjṇōjḶeo ebboṇōjṇōj en,That man is always getting bonuses.boṇōj
ebboojojeEḷap an ebboojoje iaar rainin.There are lots of boats at the beach today.booj
ebboolKōttar an bōbool (ebbool) em kōtḷọke.Wait till it expands then let it go.bōbool
EbboololEbboolol pein ālikin aer lōke.His arm was swollen all over after he got stung.bōbool
EbbōōlōlEbbōōlōl an etetal.She wiggles when she walks.bōbōōlōl
ebboororIbwilōñ an bōbooror (ebbooror) pijja eo.I'm surprised at how often the pitcher threw wildly.boor
ebbōroroEḷap bōbōroro (ebbōroro) in etal in tariṇae.I am very indecisive about going to war.bōbōroro
EbboububEbboubub āniinLots of dragon flies on this island.boub
 Ebboubub ḷọk āniin jān āneeṇThis island has more dragon flies than that island.boub
EbbouraañañEbbouraañañ ar in āninThese waters are infested with stingrays.boraañ
EbbujekjekEbbujekjek lieṇShe always wears her hair in a knot.bujek
ebbūkḷọkIj tōpar ḷọk wōt ijo ak ebbūkḷọk injin eo an wa eo im jọ.I had just gotten there when the boat engine popped and started. P315būkkūḷọk
ebbūḷuḷuEj kōṇak juon nuknuk ebbūḷuḷu mejānShe's wearing a bluish dress.būḷu
EbbuñbuñEbbuñbuñ ḷeeṇHe's always falling down.buñ
ebbuñliklikWa eo ebbuñliklik eṇThat ship makes a lot of voyages.buñlik
EbbuñlọklọkEbbuñlọklọk ajri eṇ.That child always falls down.buñlọk
EbbuñṇoṇoEbbuñṇoṇo likin āninThe surf is always high on the ocean side of this islet.buñṇo
EbbūraEbbūra ḷọk ānbwinnūṃ jān ṃoktaYour body is more swollen than before.būbūra
EbbūramejmejEbbūramejmej piik in.The pork tastes raw.būbūramejmej
EbbūraraEbbūrara aolepān ānbwinnūṃYou've swollen all over your body.būbūra
EbbūrarrarEbbūrarrar ḷam jako ijeṇe.That area there by you is all smeary.būrar
EbbūrawūnwūnEbbūrawūnwūn mejān nuknuk eo ej kōṇake.The clothes he wears have brownish colors.būrawūn
EbbūreekekEbbūreekek an kijak eṇ kattōr.He's always braking when he drives.būreek
 Ebbūreekek ḷeeṇHe's always in jail.būreek
EbbūroṃōjṃōjEbbūroṃōjṃōj ḷeeṇHe has a tendency toward melancholy.būroṃōj
ebbūrookokḶeo ebbūrookok eṇThat man is always out of money.bajet
ebbūrọrọLale ebbūrọrọ piik ṇeBe careful that pork doesn’t get a tainted flavor.būbrọrọ
EbbūtbūtEbbūtbūt dān eo.The water is spraying.būbūtbūt
EbbūttitiEbbūttiti ḷeeṇHe has warts all over him.būtti
EbbuwakwakEbbuwakwak neen ḷadik eṇ.The boy has birthmarks all over his leg.buwak
ebbweerTa ṇe kwōj bōbweer (ebbweer) kakeWhat makes you get discouraged so easily?bōbweer
 Kwōn jab bōbweer (ebbweer) ṃōkajDon't give up too soon.bōbweer
 Ta eo enāj kapioin eppāneneik kōj bwe jen jab ebbweer?What is going to give us the dry land chill so we don't get discouraged?eppānene
ebbwerJab ebbwer.Don't give up.jab
ebbwetokKwōn jab bōbwetok (ebbwetok) ṃōkaj bwe wūnin an ban tōprak ṇeDon't give up so fast or you won't get it done.bōbwetok
EbbwidejdejEbbwidejdej ḷeeṇHe's real estate minded.bwidej
EbbwijinjinEbbwijinjin kilin kuuj in ioon toḷ.Leopards are spotted.būbjinjin
EbbwilwōdwōdEbbwilwōdwōd tok kōn an pāāt.The smell of reef is all over the place because it's low tide.būbwilwōdwōd
ebbwiroroLale ebbwiroro nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Be careful you don't get preserved breadfruit on your clothes.bwiro
 Ebbwiroro nuknuk e .My clothes smell of preserved breadfruit. My clothes have scraps of preserved breadfruit on them.bwiro
ebebEḷap ebeb kōn piọ.I'm so chilly I'm shivering.ebeb
ebebajEṃōj an baru ko ebebaj ijoThe bulldozers have dug things up there and made the land uneven.ebeb
EbeyeEḷap an idepdep iṃōn jokwe ko ilo Ebeye.The living quarters on Ebeye are too crowded.idepdep
ebinEḷap kōṃajoñjoñ ilo ebin ettoThere is a lot of back and forth hopping in ancient dances.kōṃajoñjoñ
ebjakeEṃōj ebjake ijoThe place was completely dug up.ebjak
ebjakḷọkBoktañ eo eaar ebjakḷọk ñan lik.The bomb burst and dug things up toward the ocean side.ebjak
eboboLio ebobo raijShe is making rice into balls.bobo
ebōdEbaj to ak ijeḷā ke ebōd ḷōmṇak eo bwe Jema ediwōj tok im ḷak baj lo an āindeeo eba, Eiiaḷañe.”It had been a while, but I knew my thinking was wrong because when Father came out to where I was and saw the same thing, he said, The moon is coming up.” P222diwōj
 Kōn an jeḷā kabuñpet emaroñ pād ilowaan juon wa im jeḷā ke ebōd kooj eo an.Because he possesses the intuition and knowledge of Marshallese navigation, he can sense that a boat is off its course even while he's inside the boat.kabuñpet
ebōjṂōkaj im kalbwini bwe ebōj.Better hurry up and bury the corpse because it's swollen.bōj
EbojakEbojak wōn kaṇ.The turtles are mating.bojak
EbōjbōjEbōjbōj iiōk ṇe aṃ.That mixture is thick.bōjbōj
ebōjrakWa eo eṇ ebōjrak.The ship is stopping.bōjrak
 Jema ebōjrak im erre tok.Father stopped and looked at me. P825bōjrak
 Ebōjrak kōjerbal dān ñan kōmat jabdewōt kain.We stopped using water to cook anything. P1014jabdewōt
 Im Kapen eo ebōjrak an ukoktak ak ekar kaōḷōḷe wōt ñiin im ñūñūrThe Captain stopped tossing and turning but his teeth were chattering and he was groaning. P1173ōḷōḷ
 Ri-niñeañ-rōkeañ eo eṇ ebōjrak ippān liṃaraṇ tōrerein iiaḷ eṇ.The show-off is stopping with the ladies by the roadside.niñeañ-rōkeañ
EbokEbok peiū kōn an to jabōḷ.I have a blister on my hand from shoveling so long.bok
 Ebok būreej ṇeThe biscuit is saturated with water.bok
 Ebok būreej ṇeThe biscuit is saturated with water.bok
 Ebok bwiḷāwut e.This plywood is warped.bok
 Ebok aidik ajiri eo.The child has the chicken pox.bok aidik
ebōkWōn eo ebōk aḷaḷ eo jān ije jikin?Who took my stick from its place?aḷaḷ
 Idoori pilawā ko iturierro innem kwaḷọk tok juon tūre, juon bakbōk im jake ḷọk men ko im Bojin eo ebōk bakbōk eo im jiḷaiti juon iaan ḷoob ko im kōmjel idaak im ṃōñāI put down the bread next to them and then found a tray, a small knife, and handed them over, and the Boatswain took the knife and sliced one of the loaves and we all ate and drank. P269dedoor
 Ebōk nañinmej in jieje.He got the swollen abdomen sickness.jieje
 Wōn eo ebōk kọwiinin eo?Who received the award?kọwiinin
 Joñan an ṃōtañ, ebōk jān menwa.She was so beautiful, she left me breathless.ṃōtañ
MORE ebōk
EbokbokEbokbok mejaMy eyes have sand in them.bokbok
 Ebokbok kōj eṇ an.He is not wanted.bokbok
EbokbokeEbokboke iaarin Majuro.The lagoon side of Majuro is sandy.bok
 Ebokboke lowaan ṃwiinThere is lots of sand in this house.bokbok
 Ebokboke raij eo.The rice has sand in it.bokbok
 Eoonkappe in Ḷoora ebokboke.The shore of Laura is sandy.eoonkappe
EbokeEboke ānbwinninHis body is covered with pox.bok
EbōkeEbōke jān peiū im jibuuni ḷọk jimettanin ṇa ioon raij eo kijen.He took it from my hand and scooped half the can onto his rice. P373bōk
 Jema ejibwe lōñ tak tiinin dān eo im Bojin eo ebōke im kọkoṇe.Father passed up the container of water and the Boatswain took it and stored it away. P1289tiin
EbokkoḷọkEbokkoḷọk baaṃ eo.The bomb exploded.bokkoḷọk
EbokḷapEbokḷap John im ear jab jikuuḷ.John didn't go to school because he got the small pox.bokḷap
EbōḷKein ar urōt jatin Ebōḷ.Cain slew his brother Abel.uror
EbōlejEbōlej wōtHow exorbitant.bōlej
EboḷioEboḷio ḷadik eo.The boy has polioboḷio
EbōḷñakEbōḷñak kapin booj eo.The bottom of the boat is split open.bōḷñak
EbōḷoñarEbōḷoñar waini e.This copra nut has started to form a spongy kernel.bōḷoñar
EboḷotEboḷot nuknuk kaṇe aṃ.Your clothes are damp.boḷot
eboñEkwe eabōbbōbḷọk bwe eboñ.Let's step on it cause it's getting dark.abōbbōb
 Kōjro ajādik bwe eboñ.”Let’s go, it’s getting late.” P161ajādik
 Jeṇro jino etal bwe eboñ.Let's two of us go as it's getting dark.jeṇro
 Rūtto ro jino etal im jibadek jidik bwe eboñ.The couple started on their way because it was almost dark.jibadek jidik
 Kwōn jab jijijetjet (ijjijetjet) bwe eboñ.Don't just sit there because it's night already.jijet
MORE eboñ
eboṇEnana an kāātet kōnke eboṇ bọtinHe has difficluty using his full sense of smelling because of his stuffy nose.ātāt
 Eboṇ ḷeo im jaje ta eo en kōṃṃane.He is stymied and doesn't know what to do.boṇ
 Eboṇ baib eo im jaje tọọr dān.The pipe is stopped up and the water can't flow.boṇ
 Bōlen eboṇ kaabreta e an.Maybe the carburetor is clogged. P620boṇ
 Enana an kāātet kōnke eboṇ bọtinHe has difficluty using his full sense of smelling because of his stuffy nose.kōnke
ebọṇBwe enaaj ewi wāween an waḷọk aḷ ke ebọṇ ḷam jako lañ,” Bojin eo eba.How is the sun supposed to come out in this terrible weather," the Boatswain said. P661 when the sun is totally obstructed by storm clouds and is invisibleboṇ
eboñeIj kaiur bwe eboñeI'm in a hurry, because it's getting dark.boñ
 Kwōn jujem kiki ñe eboñe aṃ itok.If its getting dark you should stay for the night.jujen
eboñḷọkEj akajoke an kaako eṇ edde bwe en kab jibwe ñe eboñḷọk.He's observing where the rooster is sleeping so he can catch it when it gets darker.akajok
EbooḷEbooḷ ṇakṇōkin ri-abba raar itok ilo iien Jepaan ko.There were lots of experts in dynamiting during Japanese times.abba
 Ebooḷ bato eo.The bottle is full.booḷ
 Lewaj eo bwe ebooḷ,” iba ke ij jibwe ḷọk bakōj eo ñan Jema.Here, it’s full,” I said as I passed the bucket up to him. P608eo
 Ebooḷ em ibebḷọk.It filled up and overflowed.ibeb
 Ebooḷ aebōj jimeeṇ eo im jiebḷọk ṇai laḷ.The cement cistern is full and overflowing (onto the ground).jieb-
MORE ebooḷ
EbooḷoḷEbooḷoḷ jikūru ṇeThat screw is loose.booḷoḷ
 Ebooḷoḷ aṃ kar lukwōj to eo.You tied the rope loosely.booḷoḷ
EbooḷtōñtōñEbooḷtōñtōñ aebōj jimāāṇ eo kōn dānnin wōt.The concrete cistern overflowed with rain water.booḷtōñtōñ
 Joñan an to an wōt, ebooḷtōñtōñ tāāñ eo.It rained so hard, the tank overflowed.booḷtōñtōñ
 Ebooḷtōñtōñ aebōj jimeeṇ eṇ.That cistern is full to the brim.tōñtōñ
eboorRōnaaj kar wiin ak eboor pijja eo.They would have won but their pitcher was wild.boor
EborboreEborbore lowaan bōjọ e .There's sand inside my pants pocket.bor
EbọrōkEbọrōk.It's covered.bọọror
ebōro-kaduJab kōjak ippān bwe ebōro-kadu.Don't joke with him because he has a short temper.bōro-kadu
ebōro-ḷapḶeo ebōro-ḷap.He is a spendthrift.bōro-ḷap
ebōro-pejpejLieṇ ebōro-pejpej.She is fickle.bōro-pejpej
EbōrrāEbōrrā waini eo.The coconut was cut in half.bōrrā
ebōtKwōn jab kabọọkọke bwe ebōt.Don't give him a fork because he's disobedient.bọọkọk
EbōtōktōkEbōtōktōk aḷThe sun is eclipsing (literally, bleeding)aḷ
EbōttōñtōñEbōttōñtōñ ḷadik eṇ.That boy is the naughtiest.tōñtōñ
EboutḷọkEboutḷọk kijek eṇ.That fire is smoking.boutḷọk
ebukweTa ṇe ebukwe neeṃWhat cut your foot?bukwabok
ebūḷakeEḷak epaak an maat jikka, ebūḷake oṇāānWhen the cigarettes were nearly sold out, he raised the price.būḷak
ebūḷọkEj jokoṇkoṇ bwe ebūḷọk neenHe's using crutches because he's got a broken leg.jokoṇkoṇ
EbūḷuuddikEbūḷuuddik turun mejaṃ.There are beads of perspiration on your face.būḷuuddik
EbūḷuuddikiEbūḷuuddiki turun mejān.His face was covered all over with beads of sweat.būḷuuddik
EbuñEbuñ wa in jān āneṇThe canoe won't make the island (on this tack).buñ
 Rujlọkin raan eo juon ebuñ juon kōto ṃōṃanṃōnWhen we woke up the next morning a favorable wind was blowing. P1182 P1182ruj
 Ebuñ ṇo eo im tọre men ko wōj.A big wave came and swept everything away.tọr
 Rujlọkin raan eo juon ebuñ juon kōto ṃōṃanṃōnWhen we woke up the next morning a favorable wind was blowing. P1182rujlọkin raan
ebuñbuñAelaḷin jiroñin Arno ebuñbuñ ilo Ṃajeḷ in.The sexual intercourse technique performed by Arno young women is renowned in the Marshall Islands.aelaḷ
 Ebuñbuñ anjin-pakoin ri-āniin.The people on this island are famous for their expertise in keeping the sharks from attacking people.anjin-pako
ebuñjenĀindeo an wa eo kar epaak tok wōt im kōm kar ḷōmṇak enaaj kar wātokin de eo ak ebuñjen im ḷak kun teeñki ko ie, ejej men eṇ kōmjel loe.In this way the boat got closer and we thought it would just keep coming, but all of a sudden the lights on it went out, and we couldn’t see anything. P1153buñjen
ebuñjenōmKapen eo ebuñjenōm ḷak kōjeer wa eo, iḷak reito ilo memoujujin tōrerein wōd eo ke wa eo ej kaatare.The Captain suddenly steered the boat the other way when he saw the water turning a light blue color as we approached a coral head. P497buñjen
ebuñjenōṃKe ekar tōpar kūrọọjti eo, ebuñjenōṃ ḷak bwijbwij, ekā lōñ ḷọk im jok ioon im jijet.When he reached the cross-stick at the top of the mast, he suddenly started kicking, then he jumped up to the top and landed on it and sat down. P1192bwijbwij
 Ke ekar tōpar kūrọọjti eo, ebuñjenōṃ ḷak bwijbwij, ekā lōñ ḷọk im jok ioon im jijet.When he reached the cross-stick at the top of the mast he suddenly started kicking then he jumped up to the top and landed on it and sat down. P1192kūrọọjti
ebuñ-kōḷowanḶeo eṇ ebuñ-kōḷowan im ej ilān ire.His passion is aroused and he is going to fight.buñ-kōḷowa-
EbuñleplepEbuñleplep jitbōn Anij in Inelep ioodwōj.The spirit of the Lord of Hosts is upon us all in great abundance.Anij in Inelep
ebuñlikWa eo eṇ ebuñlik.That ship is sailing out to sea.buñlik
ebuñlọkAolep kapenin aelōñ kein rōjeḷā bwe allōñ in wa otemjej rej ār bwe ren kōttar im lale ebuñlọk ke Likabwiro.”All island captains know that this month all boats should be beached so they can wait to see when Likabwiro appears.” P251ār
 Lale wōt ebuñlọk ajri ṇeWatch it, that child might fall.buñlọk
 Ebuñlọk oṇāān waini.The price of copra has gone down.buñlọk
 Ebuñlọk juon kior kijoñjoñ im kọkkure wa ko.A big storm came and ravaged the canoes.kior
Ebuñ-pāḷọkEbuñ-pāḷọk ānin kōn ṃōñāThis islet has an abundance of food.buñ-pāḷọk
ebuñutLañ eo ebuñut eokThe sky will fall on you -- you can't escape (proverb).buñ
 Māllen eañ in, ebuñut ḷakijoñjoñ in.Men from the north are strong (from a chant).māl
 Māllen eañ in ebuñut ḷakijoñjoñ in,” Jema eba im ettōñ dikdik ke erro kar pārorāiki laḷ ḷọkThis guy sure is brave,” Father said, chuckling as the two of them carried him down with both hands. P1048māl
 Māllen eañ in ebuñut ḷakijoñjoñ in,” Jema eba im ettōñ dikdik ke erro kar pārorāiki laḷ ḷọkThis guy sure is brave,” Father said, chuckling as the two of them carried him down with both hands. P1048pārorā
EburEbur ṇeThat breadfruit isn't ripe.bur
EbūrarEbūrar pilej e.This plate isn't clean.būrar
 Ebūrar nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes are smeared.būrar
EbūrookEbūrook koṃbani eṇ.That business went bankrupt.būrook
 Eḷmān an ba ke ebūrook ak wia in de eṇ?How could he say he's broke when he keeps buying things?eḷmān
EbūrōrōEbūrōrō kapilōñThe western sky is red.kapilōñ
ebuuḷiḷọkEj jino wōt pāāk ak ebuuḷiḷọk bar jidik.The boat started to back up and he went a little faster. P483buuḷ
EbuwakEbuwak ubōn ḷadik eṇ.The boy has a birthmark on his chest.buwak
EbuwakeEbuwake turun mejān lieṇ.She has a lot of birthmarks on her face.buwak
EbwāEbwā ittinHer breasts are beginning to grow.bwā
ebweAein / aetin turin ānin ebwe an kajoor.The current near this island is strong enough.ae
 Aeniñeañḷọkin tujab eṇ ebwe an kakijoñjoñ.The current that flows north in that area is a lot greater.aeniñeañḷọk
 Ebwe ke aj ñan ad kōtake ṃweDo we have enough thatch material to thatch this house?aj
 Akadein Ḷōlwōj ebwe an tiljek.Ḷōlwōj's watching birds to locate their roost is quite thorough.akade
 Ebwe an kajoor aḷ ṇe rainiin.It's quite hot today.aḷ
MORE ebwe
EbwidejdejEbwidejdej nuknuk e .My clothes are soiled.bwidej
ebwidenWūnin an jab ṃōñā ebwiden jerbalHe didn't eat because he was busy working.bwiden
 Ebwiden kadek ak ejjab katak.He spends his time drinking rather than studying.bwiden
EbwiinEbwiin būbwidetdet (ibbwidetdet) nuknuk kaṇ.The clothes have the smell of sunshine.būbwidetdet
 Ebwiin būbwiroro (ibbwiroro) peiṃYour hands smell of bwirobūbwiroro
 Ebwiin nanaIt smells bad.bwiin
 Ebwiin jatbo nuknuk kōn aer jab lukkuun ṃōrāThese clothes have the damp smell because they didn't dry properly.jatbo
 Ebwiin jejatbobo (ejjatbobo) nuknuk kōn aer jab lukkuun ṃōrāThe clothes have the smell because they didn't dry properly.jatbo
MORE ebwiin
Ebwiin-puwaḷEbwiin-puwaḷ bakke ṇe ineeṃ.The sore on your foot has an offensive odor.bwiin-puwaḷ
EbwijāljālEbwijāljāl jān .He ran away from me.bwijāljāl
EbwijilEbwijil bōran doon eo.The end of the husking stick is blunt.bwijil
ebwijlọkeJema ebwijlọke āne ḷọk kōrkōr eo bwe en peāne ḷọk ak Bojin eo ekarrūkarōk ioon wa eo.Father kicked the canoe so it would drift toward the island while the Boatswain started getting things organized on the boat. P1290bwijbwij
ebwijteoḷeoḷBwij eo ebwijteoḷeoḷ ṇeThat lineage is always changing homes.bwijteoḷeoḷ
EbwilEbwil nuknuk ko.The clothes are burning.bwil
 Ebwil būruonHe is seeking revenge.bwil-būruon
 Ekar ba ej kōlladikdik bwe ebwil.He said he wanted to cool off a bit in the breeze because he was hot. P492leladikdik
 Ebwil piwūj eo.The fuse burned out.piwūj
 Ebwil ilowaan waniñ eṇ.It's very hot under the awning.waniñ
EbwilbwilEbwilbwil juuj ṇe aṃ.There is gum on your shoes.bwilbwil
EbwilọkEbwilọk aḷaḷ eo.The piece of wood is broken.bwilọk
 Ebwilọk doñanShe broke her hip.doñ
 Ebwilọk jāntin pein Tony.Tony has a broken finger.jāntin
 Juon iaan ri-jiāe ro ebwilọk neenOne of the competitors had a broken leg.jiāe
 Ebwilọk kaab eo kaabin wa eo.The gaff of the sailboat is broken.kaab
MORE ebwilọk
EbwilọklañEbwilọklañ.A chieftain has died.bwilọklañ
EbwinEbwin kilbōtKiribatese dance.eb
edKōrā rejjab ekkōṇak ed rainiin.Women don't wear mats nowadays.ed
EdakōlkōlEdakōlkōl wa eṇ waan.His canoe is ugly.dakōlkōl
EdāndānEdāndān ṃōñā eṇ.That food is watery.dāndān
EdāneEdāne oran eo.The orange was juicy.dān
EdāpdepEdāpdep ippānHe's negative about it.dāpdep
EdāpijekEdāpijek peba ko ippān doon.The papers are fastened together.dāpijek
EdatoñEdatoñ jake ṇeThat mat is wet.datoñ
 Edatoñ jedọujij ṇe aṃ.Your pants are wet and stained.datoñ
eddāilLetok ṃōk kein dedāil (eddāil) eo aṃ.May I have your awl?dedāil
 Imaroñ ke kōjerbal dedāil (eddāil) eo aṃ?May I use your awl?dedāil
eddāpLale eddāp nuknuk ṇe aṃ ilo bwil ṇeBe careful you don't get your chewing gum stuck on your clothes.dedāp
eddāpilpilKajiliñ eo ej dedāpilpil (eddāpilpil) i raan wa eo.The drum is rolling around on the deck of the ship.dāpilpil
eddeAkadeiktok ia eṇ bao ṇe ej edde ieGo find out where that bird is roosting.akade
 Ej akajoke an kaako eṇ edde bwe en kab jibwe ñe eboñḷọk.He's observing where the rooster is sleeping so he can catch it when it gets darker.akajok
 Ia eo bao in ej edde ieWhere's this chicken roosting?edde
eddebḶeo ej dedeb (eddeb) wainiHe is husking copra nuts.dedeb
 Ñe jej dedeb (eddeb) ni jej wūlṃōd.When we husk coconuts to drink we leave some husk at the eyes.wūlṃōd
EddedEdded, ejjelọk ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) inOh boy, that was good.edded
eddejdejKe ej ju kijek eo, eddejdej armejWhen the fire broke out, people were running in all directions.dej
eddekAjoḷin Epoon eban eddek ilo bar juon āneThe ajoḷ pandanus variety from Ebon cannot grow anywhere else.Ajoḷ
 Ekkā wōt an eddek ilo aelōñ ko iōñ kōnke ṃakṃōk eṃṃan an eddek ilo jikin ko rejawōtwōt im kabokbok.It usually grows on the northern islands because arrowroot grows in sandy places of little rainfall. S20bok
 Ekkā wōt an eddek ilo aelōñ ko iōñ kōnke ṃakṃōk eṃṃan an eddek ilo jikin ko rejawōtwōt im kabokbok.It usually grows on the northern islands because arrowroot grows in sandy places of little rainfall. S20bok
 Eddek ṃōn wia eṇ an.His store is progressing.dedek
 Edidbōlbōl an e kōtka dedek (eddek).My breadfruit plant is growing well.didbōlbōl
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eddekākāEjjeḷọk wōt dedekākā (eddekākā) in ḷadik eṇ.That boy is really covered with yaws.dekā
EddepñatñatEddepñatñat pilawā e.This bread is gooey all over.depñat
EddetdetEddetdet āninThis islet is always sunny.det
EddiakeakEddiakeak wa eṇ kōn an ṃōkajThe boat tacks often on account of its speed.diak
EddiakeōkEddiakeōk wa eṇ.That canoe is always tacking.diak
EddilalaEddilala ṇeThe board has lots of nails in it.dila
eddipikpikKwōn ṃan ek ṇe bwe eddipikpik.Kill that fish because it's still flopping around.didpikpik
EddoEddo eo an pāāk in nuknuk eo ekaajjibanbane.The weight of the duffle bag was a burden on him.ajjibanban
 Wōn ṇe ej bōk dedo (eddo) in jerbal ṇeWho is taking the responsibility for that job?bōk dedo
 Eddo tok kōtḷọk.”If it’s hard to pull in, let it out a little.” P1305dedo
 Men in eddo ippaI take this as a personal insult.eddo ippa-
 Enaaj eddo ippān ñe kwōjab kūri.He'll be insulted if you don't invite him.eddo ippa-
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eddodoPāāk dedodo (eddodo) men eṇ.That bag is very heavy.dedo
 Naan eo ekōṃṃan an dedodo (eddodo).The news made him feel melancholy.dedo
 Eḷap dedodo (eddodo) raininI feel sluggish today.dedo
 Eiñ-lọjien kōn an kate kotak men dedodo (eddodo) eoHe strained his abdominal muscles trying to lift the heavy weight.iñ-lọjien
eddoinIlo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ, kien ej bōk eddoin aolep jerbal ko kijjien kōjparok im bōbrae armej jān nañinmej im jorrāān.In the Marshall Islands, the government takes the responsibility of caring for and protecting people from sickness and harm. S7bōbrae
 Ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ, kien ej bōk eddoin aolep jerbal ko kijjien kōjparok im bōbrae armej jān nañinmej im jorrāān.In the Marshall Islands, the government takes the responsibility of caring for and protecting people from sickness and harm. S7dedo
 Aolep laḷ ko rōḷḷap raar kanooj in itok limoier kōn men in bwe raar tōmak bwe men in juon kōkaḷḷe in an Ṃaikronijia jino wōnṃaanḷọk ñan an make jutak im bōk eddoin jerbal ko an make.The major powers of the world were quite interested in this because they believed it to be a sign of the beginnining of Micronesian independence and of their taking responsibility for their own affairs. S16kakōḷḷe
 Ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ, kien ej bōk eddoin aolep jerbal ko kijjien kōjparok im bōbrae armej jān nañinmej im jorrāān.In the Marshall Islands, the government takes the responsibility of caring for and protecting people from sickness and harm. S7kōjparok
eddōkEwōr jojaab ej eddōk ilo Laura.The sour-sop can be grown in Laura.jojaab
eddokwōjkwōjTa eṇ ej dedokwōjkwōj (eddokwōjkwōj) buḷōn mar eṇ?What causes the continual snapping (of branches) inside the bush?dokwōj
eddoorKwōj dedoor (eddoor) ia aṃ bok?Where do you keep your books?dedoor
edebokḷọkEjoorkatkat ijo im kōmmān ḷak ilbōk edebokḷọk men eo im kelọk kōjjoram eo.He stood ready in place and we were all surprised when the flare gun exploded and the flare shot up into the sky. P939debokḷọk
 Ejoorkatkat ijo im kōmmān ḷak ilbōk edebokḷọk men eo im kelọk kōjjoram eo.He stood ready in place and we were all surprised when the flare gun exploded and the flare shot up into the sky. P939joorkatkat
 Ejoorkatkat ijo im kōmmān ḷak ilbōk edebokḷọk men eo im kelọk kōjjoram eo.He stood ready in place and we were all surprised when the flare gun exploded and the flare shot up into the sky. P939kōmram
ededKwōn kanooj eded im pukote.Scrounge around and really look for it.eded
 Jej ilān eded i āneṇWe are going to scrounge for food on that island.eded
EdedeEdede ḷọk men wōtōmjej.Everything is ready.dede
 Edede ḷọk ṃōñāI've finished eating.dede
EdedeḷọkEdedeḷọk aer inwijete kōrkōr eo.They've already lashed the canoe.inwijet
 Ededeḷọk kōjaake ṃuri eo an.He already paid his debt.jaak
 Ededeḷọk an jedọujij ḷadik eo.The boy has already put on his pants.jedọujij
 Ededeḷọk an jeḷọk wōjḷā eo.The sail has already been pushed and secured.jeḷọk
 Ededeḷọk karreoiki jikin mōñā eo kab kōnnọ ko.I finished cleaning up the place where they had eaten and washing the dishes, P313kōnnọ
MORE ededeḷọk
ededḷọkWa ko ededḷọk aer tōkeakḷọk ijeṇ.The ships have already arrived there.ijeṇ
EdejeñḷọkEdejeñḷọk kōto in.This wind is growing stronger.dejeñ
edejjeḷọkEḷak lo eō, edejjeḷọk em ko.When he saw me, he took off like a flash.dej
EdekākeEdekāke iarin āninThe lagoon side of this island has lots of gravel.dekā
edeḷọñEj anemkwōjḷọk ñan ñe edeḷọñ ilo kalbuuj.He's being independent until he gets locked up in the calaboose.anemkwōj
 Ḷeo edeḷọñ ḷọk ilowaan ruuṃ eo im ḷak diwōj tok ej jibwe ruo ḷoobwin pilawā, eṃōj an limi kōn peba būrawūn, ej ja āindeeo aer māāṇāṇ ke rej kab mat tok.The man went into a room and when he came back out he was holding loaves of bread, already wrapped in brown paper, still warm from the oven. P264būrawūn
 Edeḷọñ.He's enrolled.deḷọñ
 Edeḷọñ wa eo.The ship has entered the lagoon.deḷọñ
 Joñan an pedet armej, edeḷọñ im kọkkure kweilọk eo.He's so forward, he went in and broke up the meeting.pedet armej
EdeorEdeor jān pein Kaminij.He escaped from the Communists.deor
 Edeor jān bōd eo an.He escaped from his sin.deor
 Ia eo edeor ieWhere did he slip off to?deor
edepetLale wōn ṇe edepet eokLook out or that turtle will slap you.depdep
edetKwōn atat bwe edet.Wear a hat because the sun is hot.atat
 Edet jelōñlōñBright sunshine.jelōñlōñ
 Kwōn mājmāj bwe edet.Wear your glasses because the sun is bright.mājmāj
EdiakEdiak wa eṇ.That canoe is tacking.diak
EdiboñḷọkEdiboñḷọk jān inne.It's darker than last night.diboñ
EdibukaeEdibukae jikōtIn what direction is this dibukae current flowing?dibukae
EdibukiEdibuki mar em ḷak etal kōm jab bar lowe.It took off into the boonies and that was the last we saw of it.dibuk
EdidbōlbōlEdidbōlbōl an e kōtka dedek (eddek).My breadfruit plant is growing well.didbōlbōl
edidiEnana bale bwe edidi.Bale fish are not good to eat because they are very bony.bale
 Edidi ek ṇeThat fish has lots of little bones.di
 Kanooj iiaake ek ṇe bwe edidi.Be careful in taking the meat off that fish for it has lots of bones.iiaak
ediekInaaj kelọk ippān im jipañe.,” Jema ediek ḷọk men eo Kapen eo ekar ba.I’ll jump in, too, so I can help him,” Father complemented what the Captain said. P1249dede
EdikEdik jān addi-dikū.It's smaller than my little finger.addi-dik
 Edik ainikienShe speaks softly.ainikie-
 Ebwe an maroñ amñe edik.He's quite able despite his young age.amñe
 Baar in China eṇ edik jān baarin America eṇ.The Chinese saloon is smaller than the American saloon.baar
 Kwōn baṃe neen baajkōḷ ṇe bwe edik kūtuōnPump up that bicycle tire because there is only a little air in it.baṃ
MORE edik
edikeAb in et ñe edike eokBut what can I do if she doesn't like you.ab in et
 Edike amiiañ iaetōl ippān doon.He doesn't want you to associate with one another.amiiañ
 Niñniñ eo ear burake ḷọk ṃōñā eo jān lọñiin bwe edike.The baby spit out the food because it didn't like it.burak
 Ejujalḷọk jāne bwe edike.She turns away from him because she hates him.jujāl-
 Jinen edike kōrā eo em kōtọọne erro.His mother didn't approve of the woman so she stayed away from them.tọọn
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edikkilọkKwōban loe bwe edikkilọk aelōñ eo,” Kapen eo euwaake.You can’t see them because the island is too small and far away now,” the Captain replied. P562dik
edikḷọkBojin eo edikḷọk wōt jidik jān Jema eo me eor jilñuul jiṃa an iiō.The Boatswain was a little younger than Father, who was thirty-some years old. P38dik
 Edikḷọk wōtIt's subsiding.dikḷọk
 Edikḷọk kōto in.The wind has subsided.dikḷọk
 Edikḷọk ilil raan kein.People don't pierce ears as much nowadays.il
 Edikḷọk kōto im ṇo jān kar boñon eo im elukkuun dik an ṃōḷeiñiñ wa eo.The wind and rain had died down since the night before and the boat wasn’t moving around as much. P822ṃōṃōḷeiñiñ
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EdileEdile kapin wa eṇ.The boat has barnacles underneath.dile
 Edile ḷọk tebōḷ ṇeThat table is termite-eaten.dile
EdimEdim im pen."firm and strong"dim
 Edim jedọujij eṇ an.His trousers are tight.dim
edinEṃṃan edin (iden) nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your dress is of good fabric.ed
EdipenEdipen kōn an kaddipenpen.He is strong because of his lifting weights.kaddipenpen
EditōbEditōb wōt in armej.I've never seen a blacker individual.ditōb
ediwōjEbaj to ak ijeḷā ke ebōd ḷōmṇak eo bwe Jema ediwōj tok im ḷak baj lo an āindeeo eba, Eiiaḷañe.”It had been a while, but I knew my thinking was wrong because when Father came out to where I was and saw the same thing, he said, The moon is coming up.” P222diwōj
edjoñeImaroñ ke edjoñe ṇe kijōṃ?May I taste your breadfruit?edjoñ
 Kwōn edjoñe ṃōk iiōk ṇe ennọ ke?Taste this mixture--is it good?edjoñ
 Ta ṇe kwōj edjoñe.What are tasting.edjoñ
 Ij ja edjoñe kōṃaolaḷ e aṃ.Let me taste your dessert.kōṃaolaḷ
EdọliEdọli ṃōkaj tok.It’s coming very fast. P1135dọlin
EdọlinEdọlin būroṃōj kōn men in.He's really downhearted about the affair.dọlin
 Edọlin (dọlel in) bōtHe's very naughty.dọlin
EdọọjEdọọj an ḷōṃaro kōnono ñan doon.Their conversation is developing into an argument.dọọj
edọọlolLikao eṇ edọọlol.He's really beyond help.dọlel
EdoomEdoom baruun ek mouj eṇ.That's a big school of ek mouj.baru
 Edoom tōū eṇ i ar.The lagoon beach is teeming with mackerel.doom
edoujEjjeḷọk emaroñ bar uwe bwe edouj wa e.No more can get on as this boat is overcrowded as it is.douj
 Koṃwin eakpel jān wa ṇe bwe edouj.Throw out something because your boat is shipping water.eakpel
edouṃItōm wōdwōd edouṃ.Come chew some cooked pandanus.edouṃ
 Edouṃ in bōb rot ṇeWhat type of pandanus is that edouṃ made from?edouṃ
EduEdu dān eo.The water is boiling.du
 Edu bao eo.The chicken is having convulsions.du
EdujebwābweEdujebwābwe jebwa eo.The jebwa dance was fouled up.dujebwābwe
EdukwaḷeEdukwaḷe.He slugged him.dukwaḷ
EduojEduoj ḷọk wōt im kōmmatōr iturun mejān kōjām eo.He stepped out and urinated right in front of the door.kōmmatōr
edwaanEnana wōdwōd edwaan bwe eidid.Its not good to chew wild pandanus because they can be itchy.edwaan
 Kwōnjab eḷḷọk ñan e bwe toojin edwaan bajjekDon't bother with him because he's not what he seems.toojin edwaan
EebjakEebjak boktañ eo.The bomb burst.ebjak
 Boktañ eo eebjak im rup ṃweoThe bomb burst and destroyed the building.ebjak
eededIdike armej rot eṇ eeded.I despise a person who is nosey.eded
eejaakÑe eejaak enaaj lukkuun utiej.When it is built (completely), it will be very tall.ejej
eejejJebboñon eo juon imake ruj im ḷak reilik reiṃaan i lowaan wa eo, eejej eṇ ikar loe ak ña wōt.The next morning I woke up on my own and looked all around but didn’t see anyone else. P955ejej
 Jebboñon eo juon imake ruj im ḷak reilik reiṃaan i lowaan wa eo, eejej eṇ ikar loe ak ña wōt.The next morning I woke up on my own and looked all around but didn’t see anyone else. P955jibboñ
EekekeEekeke pein ḷeeṇOne can see lots of veins in his arms.eke
EekḷọkEekḷọk ek ko.The fish are spoiled.ekḷọk
EeḷbōneEeḷbōne buḷōn Intia.There are elephants all over India.eḷbōn
EeoṇEeoṇ wa eo ilo juon wōd.The boat struck a coral head.eoṇ
EeọñEeọñ ine eo iaar katōke.The seed I planted is growing/sprouting.eọñ
EeoṇeoṇEeoṇeoṇ wa eṇ.That boat is always going aground.eoṇ
eeọñwōdwōdEḷap an eeọñwōdwōd ḷeeṇThat man is always going fishingeeọñōdñwōd
EeorEeor tata nuknuk eṇ an lieṇ kōn an ikkutkut an kōṇake.Her dress has faded the most because she wore it so often.eor
 Eeor mejān joōt eṇ an.The color of his shirt is fading.eor
eeọtōkWa eo eṇ eeọtōk.That canoe is stranded.eọtōk
EerboojEerbooj ear abbaiki pedpedin ĀnewātakThe air force was dynamiting the Eniwetak reef.abba
 Eajeḷḷā ḷọk āneo kōn ri-mej ṃōjin an eerbooj in Amedka boktañe.The corpses were scattered all over the place after the U.S. Air Force bombed it.ajeḷḷā
EererakEererak jaki ilowaan ṃweoMats were all over the floor in the house.erer
eermeeḷLōta e ear itok ilo eermeeḷ tokMy letter came by airmaileermeeḷ
eermeeḷeKab eermeeḷe ḷọkBe sure to send it by airmaileermeeḷ
eermeeḷiKwōn pakiji nuknuk kaṇe im eermeeḷi.Put those dresses in a package and airmail them.pakij
EetEet?What's the matter with it?et
eetalIa eo akaje eo eetal ie ḷọkWhere did the V.I.P. go?akaje
 Joñan an ḷap ek eo eetal eake mejje eo .The fish I hooked must have been a big one since it broke my pole-line.mejje
Eetalju(i)Eetalju(i) mour in.Life is an ordeal.etalju
eiBuñūn bọbo men in bwe ei ninijek (innijek).This should be an ideal night for catching flying fish because it's pitch black.innijek
eiabaruruḶeo eiabaruru ṇeThat guy always gets the iabaru sickness.iabaru
EiādatōltōlEiādatōltōl ḷadik eṇ.That boy is slobbering.iādatōltōl
EiakiuiuEiakiuiu ḷadik eṇ.That boy is always playing baseball.iakiu
EiaḷoḷoEiaḷoḷo mejān nuknuk eo an.Her dress is yellowish.iaḷo
EibebEibeb.Here comes a large wave -- warning to crew of small boat that a wave is about to break on them.ibeb
 Kab ke eibeb tok.”The waves are getting bigger.” P519ibeb
 Ke ej letok bakōj eo eba in dāpdep bwe juon eo ṇo eibeb tokAs he handed me the bucket, he told me to hold on because there was a big wave coming our way. P610ibeb
 Eibeb kiiō; kōttar an mọọl.The big waves are coming now; wait for the interim period.mọọl
EibeebEibeeb bọjet eo ṇa ilaḷ.The water faucet is flowing on the ground.ibeb
EibwijEibwij tokThe tide is coming in (rising).ibwij
 Ḷak ke eibwij, erro jujen pād wōt āneoThe tide came in so they stayed on the island.jujen
 Eḷma ḷọk ñan ān ṇe iōñ ke kiin eibwij mejje ṇeHow am I to get to the next island north of here since it's high tide?eḷmān
EibwijiEibwiji wa eo im peḷọk.The tide came up and the canoe drifted away.ibwij
EibwijleplepeEibwijleplepe ān eo.The strong high tide covers the island with water.ibwijleplep
eiddimkwiKwōn jab kōkjakjek ippān bwe eiddimkwi.Don't joke with him as he's edgy.idimkwi
eideLale aolōk eide eokBe careful or that Portuguese man-o'-war might sting you.idid
EidepdepEidepdep armej ilo kweilọk eo.The meeting is crowded.idepdep
eididEnana wōdwōd edwaan bwe eidid.Its not good to chew wild pandanus because they can be itchy.edwaan
EidikEidik kiiō im eṃṃan bōkein leok.It's neap tide now and its good for fishing with long nets.idik
EidikiEidiki ut eo im mej.He shook the flower tree and it withered.idik
eidiñḶeo eidiñ an kōṃṃan pepe eṇ.That man is always making sudden decision to be followed.idiñ
EidiñḷọkEidiñḷọk an kōṃṃan pepe jān ṃoktaHe's now making more sudden decision than before.idiñ
EieṃaṃaEieṃaṃa pein ḷeeṇHis arm is covered with stripes.ieṃa
EietḷọkEietḷọk ri-eoonene in Mājro jān ri-Teḷap.The people from the main islet of Majuro are fewer than the people of Teḷap.eoonene
EiiaeaeEiiaeae rainiinThere are lots of rainbows today.iia
EiiaḷañeEbaj to ak ijeḷā ke ebōd ḷōmṇak eo bwe Jema ediwōj tok im ḷak baj lo an āindeeo eba, Eiiaḷañe.”It had been a while, but I knew my thinking was wrong because when Father came out to where I was and saw the same thing, he said, The moon is coming up.” P222diwōj
 Eiiaḷañe bwe emmeramramtok reaar.It's moonrise because we can start to see light in the east.iiaḷañe
EiiaḷapEiiaḷap kiiō im jenaaj ilān eañwōd.It's spring low tide now and we should go fishing.iaḷap
EiiaḷoEiiaḷo ḷọk ṃweeṇ jān ṃōe iṃō.That house is more yellowish than my house.iaḷo
eiieḶōṃa e eiie rak tok bwe edik lọk kōto in.Men, summertime is near as the wind is fairer.iien rak
eiienEḷaññe eraane-bōkāān, kiiō eiien an kajokkor.When it is ready for a bottle,” that is the time to put a bottle on it. S19kajokkor
 Eḷaññe eraane-bōkāān, kiiō eiien an kajokkor.When it is ready for a bottle,” that is the time to put a bottle on it. S19raane-bōkāān
eiietIm barāinwōt eiiet ro me rej kōṃṃane men in aje.And there are few who make aje anymore. S11iiet
EiijijEiijij iiōk eo an.His batter came out having too much yeast.iij
EiiṃEiiṃ wōt wa eo.The boat was very fast.iiṃ
eiioIaar jab kiki juon boñ eiio.I didn't sleep the whole night.iio
 Eiio de wiikin ammān āindeeoWe spent the whole week in that situation. P1187iio
 Ñe ej bwebwenato eiio raanWhen he is talking, there goes the day. P40ñe
eiitokKōto in eiitok reeaarThe wind is coming from the east.itok reeaar
EijinEijin jipeitAn ace of spades.jipeit
eijoḷeḶadik eṇ eijoḷe aijkuriim ṇe kijōm.The boy really has an appetite for your ice cream.ijoḷ
EijoḷḷapEijoḷḷap minorHe likes to eat unleavened pancakes a lot.minor
eijurweweJoñan an to jako jān ṃweo eijurwewe ḷọkI had been away from my house so long that it was dilapidated.ijurwewe
EikaarareEikaarare ikōn āninThe fish around this islet poison people.ikaarar
EikeEike baal in ṂajeḷThere are a lot of fish in the reef edges of the Marshalls.baal
 Eike āniinThere are lots of fish around this islet.ek
 Eike ioon tōkā eṇ ñe ej pāāt.That strip of reef has quite a few fish on it when the tide is low.tōkā
EiktokEiktok mejān kinej ṇe peiṃ.The center of the wound on your arm is starting to heal shut.ik
 Eiktok kōtaan kaṇe.The crack between those boards is closing up now.ik
EilEil ālkū kōn kar kōjeje.I was sunbathing and I got blisters on my back.il
eilarJiiñlijin Awaii bwe eilar.It's a T-shirt from Hawaii because of its bright color.jiiñlij
eilbōkAk ta?” eilbōk im kajjitōk.What was it then,” he asked, sounding startled. P626ilbōk
eilọkKwōn jitu bwe eilọk.Make a stew so we'll have more.ilọk
 Eilọk lọjienHe's got diarrhea.ilọk lọje
EiṃaajajEiṃaajaj ainikien ko mejatoto.Voices filled the air.iṃaajaj
EinEin aetoin Ṃajeḷ wōt Kapilōñ.The currents flowing westward in the Marshalls are similar to those in the Carolines.aeto
 Ein kwe wōt ri-ajjādikdik.You're no different than a sneak.ajjādikdik
 Eban ein dein ḷọk wōt arro aibabbab in deo.We can't go on clinging to each other forever.bab
 Ein kōjāllin wōt ṃōrōHe looks like a criminal.kōjālli-
 Ekwe ein ḷōmān ioon lọjet wōt ñe ekar ṃōj uno mouji,” Bojin eo eukōt ḷọkIt looks like someone spilled white paint all over the ocean,” the Boatswain answered. P751mouj
MORE ein
EiñEiñ lọjien ḷadik eṇ.That boy's got a hernia.iñiñ
 Eiñ ḷōmṇak ṇe aṃ.Your line of thinking is off / twisted.
eindeoTa eo ekaamentaklaḷe bwe en kab eindeo?What caused his unfortunate situation?amentaklaḷ
eineeṃṃanBao eo eineeṃṃan wōt im kōjatdikdik ioon aeran Kapen eo ke ekā wōt im ñak en ita.The bird was so gentle and deceptive there on the Captain’s shoulder that when it moved he didn’t know what had happened. P1042jatdik
 Jọkkwikwitata eo ṇe bwe eineeṃṃan ilo an mour.He is most patient and seldom gets angry.jọkkwikwi
 Bao eo eineeṃṃan wōt im kōjatdikdik ioon aeran Kapen eo ke ekā wōt im ñak en ita.The bird was so gentle and kōjatdikdik: deceptive? there on the Captain’s shoulder that when it moved he didn’t know what had happened. P1042kōjatdikdik
EinikEinik dān e.This water has ink in it.inik
EiñimmaḷEiñimmaḷ ke rej iteṃaṃōje.He writhed in agony as black carbon was rubbed into his tattoos.iteṃaṃōj
EiñiñtōkEiñiñtōk kāān ni eṇ.The trunk of that coconut tree is twisted.
einitōtḷọkIḷak baj lale einitōtḷọk riwūt e waan Jurelañ jān ṇe waan Kōjmānlañ.I tend to think that Jurelañ's toy canoe here is faster than Kōjmānlāñ's there.innitōt
Eiñ-lọjienEiñ-lọjien ḷadik eo kōn an kar make kotak pāāk eo.The boy has strained his abdominal muscles by lifting the heavy bag by himself.iñ-lọjien
 Eiñ-lọjien kōn an kate kotak men dedodo (eddodo) eoHe strained his abdominal muscles trying to lift the heavy weight.iñ-lọjien
einnijekBuñūn bọbo men in bwe einnijek.This should be an ideal night for catching flying fish because it's pitch black.innijek
EiññimmalEiññimmal ḷadik eo ke ej bwilōk neen.The boy writhed in pain when he broke his leg.iñimmaḷ
einnitōtAḷe, lukkuun kwōj ṃool ke wa ṇe einnitōt tok,” Bojin eo ebaj kōnono.Man, you are right; that boat is coming our way fast,” the Boatswain spoke up. P1138innitōt
EinōknōkeEinōknōke ubōn opija eo.The officer was much decorated.inōknōk
EiñrōkEiñrōk neōI've sprained my foot / leg.
eiñtōktōkĀlkin baaṃ eo, eiñtōktōk māāl ilo jikin eo.After the bomb, the city was a wreck of twisted steel.iñtōk
EinwōtEinwōt baj tipen addikọọtotin ri-Ṃajeḷ.It looks like an index finger belonging to a Marshallese.addi-kọọtot
 Einwōt kwōj baj addikdiki .I feel like you're suspecting me.addikdik
 Addiṃakokoūṃ einwōt addiṃakokoinYour sluggishness and his sluggishness are alike.addiṃakoko
 Aekōrāin likao in raan kein ej jab einwōt likao in raan ko jeṃaanḷọk.The way young men today fasten the canoe sails to the booms is not the same as the style of fastening done by young men of yesterday.aekōrā
 Aikuier einwōt aikiuun kabwebwe.They ration out food like tricky people.aikiu
MORE einwōt
eiōEjatokwōj injin eiō.This engine does not start easily.jatokwōj
eiọkweEḷak eñaktok ke eiọkwe eō, etto wōt ke ear moot.When I finally realized she was in love with me, she had been long gone.eñak
eipBaj aljetūṃ ke eip ḷain e.You must be very cross-eyed as the line is crooked.aljet
 Enana aḷaḷ ṇe bwe eip.That piece of lumber is no good because it's crooked.ip
 Eip lain eo ilo an kar ekkaiuriur im je.The line is crooked because he drew it carelessly.ip
EirEir bok kaṇe jān ke iar karki.Those books are changed from the way I arranged them.ir
EirirEirir wa eo ilo wōd eo.The boat was scratched by the reef.irir
EirḷọkEirḷọk ṇeōMy leg is sprained.ir
 Eirḷọk diin aeran.He dislocated his collar bone.ir
EirujEiruj ri-aḷkwōjeje ro wōj ippān ri-kadek eo.The sunbathers were agitated by the drunken man.aḷkwōjeje
 Eiruj lọjien ḷadik eo ke ej roñjake aer al.The boy is inspired when he listen to their singing.iruj lọjie-
EitaEita neeṃWhat happened to your foot?eita
 Eita?What’s going on? P550ita
 Eita eor jorrāān ke?”What’s the matter?” P584ita
 Eita ḷe, Kapen?” Bojin eo ekar kūkūr laḷ tak.What’s wrong, Captain?” the Boatswain called down to him. P868ita
 Iñak eita.”I don’t know what’s wrong with him.” P1084ita
MORE eita
eitaakLale eitaak wa ṇe ilo bōke ṇeBe careful the canoe doesn't go aground on that cape.bōke
 Wa eo eitaak ilo bōke eo ḷọk jān Kōḷaḷ-eṇ ñan to eṇ.The canoe went aground on the cape that sticks out from Kōḷaḷ-eṇ toward the pass.bōke
 Lale eitaak bōraṃWatch that you don't bump your head.itaak
 Eitaak booj eo ilo juon wōd.The boat collided with a reef.itaak
eitaakakWa eo eitaakak eṇThe boat is always colliding with something.itaak
eitanBaj ainiñūṃ ke eitan bwilọk diiṃ.You're so skinny your bones are about to breakainiñ
 Eḷak debakḷọk ṇo eo i tōrerein wa eo iba wōt eitan rupAs the wave smashed hard against the side of the boat, I thought it would break apart. P611debokḷọk
 Eitan wōtLooks like rain. It's about to rain.itōn
 Eitan lutōk ḷọk pileij eo an kōn raij im kọọnpiip.His plate was overflowing with rice and corned beef. P374lutōkḷọk
 Kwōn bar rakij mejate ṇe bwe eitan penjakClear out the path again because it's overgrown.mejate
MORE eitan
eitenAje ej juon kein kōjañjañ im eiten āinḷọk wōt tūraṃ.The aje is a musical instrument similar to a drum. S11kōjañjañ
EitileoñeoñEitileoñeoñ armej ilowaan ṃōn wia eo.A lot of people are milling around in the store.itileoñeoñ
EitileoñeoñḷọkEitileoñeoñḷọk armej ñan ṃweeṇ ikkure pāājkōt bọọḷ ie.The people are milling around the place they are playing basketball.itileoñeoñ
eitokAn kapeel eitok wōt in kaajerrāiki an jerbal.His expertise tends to make him work alone.ajerre
 Ñe ij etetal ilo marok eitok wōt bwe in ajwewe.When I walk in the dark I have to whistle.ajwewe
 Eitok limoū roñjake aer al.I'm keen on listening to their singing.al
 Einwōt eitok wōt bwe en alebabu.He's inclined to recline.alebabu
 Eitok ṇo eo em kadouj wa eo.A wave covered the boat.douj
MORE eitok
EitōkEitōk reeḷ em baatat rikin.There's water over the rails and the riggings are smoking. (sailor's description of a fast sailboat).rikin
eitok-limoierAolep ri-itok-limo ro ilo jipañ ri-nañinmej raar bwikilọk jipañ ko aer ñan aujpitōḷ. [Aolep ro eitok-limoier ilo jipañ ri-nañinmej raar … ]All of those who showed interest in helping the sick took their contributions to the hospital. [The preferred usage is in square brackets.]itok-limoin
EitoklimoūEitoklimoū alwōje pijain etto.I'm fond of watching historical pictures.alwōj
eitōmNaan eo an eitōm kaajliptaake kōjota eo .Her comments spoiled my dinner.ajliptaak
eitōnEḷak aleak eitōn tūṃ ḷōmṇakEvery time she wears her hair loose on her back I nearly go out of my mind.aleak
 Anekane kijeek ṇe bwe eitōn kunPut more fire wood in the fire before it goes out.anekane
 Eitōn maat dānnin aebōj eṇ.The water in that cistern is almost all gone.eitōn
 Eitōn jañLooks like she is going to cry.itōn
EiurEiur aṃ jerbal.You work very fast.iur
eiurjetḶeo eiurjet eṇThat man always acts sprightly.iurjet
ejEḷap aereañ kar eñtaan im emmej ippān ke ej nañinmej.They (foursome) were under great pressure staying up to take care of him when he was ill.aa-
 Ta eṇ ej kaabje ledik raṇ kaake?What is he doing to make the girls shy?abje
 Wōn eṇ ej kabjeiki ḷadik eṇ?Who is making the boy so shy?abje
 Ta in ej kaabore an wa in etal?What's impeding the progress of this boat?abor
 Ta eṇ ej kaabōblepe?What's making her/him so uninterested?abōblep
EjāEjā mejaI have a cataract on my eye.
 Ejā wa eo.The sail of the canoe is falling (toward the outrigger).
ejaadJuon eo baj pako tiltil iaer ejaad alikkar an lāj jān aolep bwe ñe ej ikueaak ikōtaan pako ko jet, aolep im ewweaea ḷọkIt was obvious that one of the spotted sharks was fiercer than the rest because whenever it swam back and forth between the other sharks, they would all swim away. P1003ikueaak
 Ejaad ṃōkajḷọk aerro jerbal.They're working somewhat faster -- fairly fast.jaad
 Ejaad in metak bōra kiiō.I have just a little headache right now.jaad
 Ejaad in ḷap kōto kiiō im eban maroñ jerak tipñōl eṇ.There is just a little wind right now and that outrigger will not be able to sail.jaad
 Ejaad kaiṇṇe maroro.It's sort of green.kaiṇṇe
MORE ejaad
ejaajeKoot ejaaje ḷadik eo ekar kadek.The Court charged the boy with having been drunk.jaaj
EjaajmiikEjaajmiik ṃōttan bwebwe eo kwaar bōktok.He made sashimi of the piece of tuna you brought.jaajmi
ejaakArmej ear ejaak jān menin mour ko jet.Man evolved from other animals.ejaak
 Ejaak tọujin eo raar kōttōpare.Their thousand-dollar goal was reached.jaak
ejaakeWōn ṇe ear ejaake ṃōṇeWho built your house?ejaak
 Anij ear ejaake laḷ in.God created the world.ejaak
ejaaketokKwōn ejaaketok ṃōṇeBuild the house over this way.ejaak
ejaakiKwōn ejaaki dekā kaṇe ṇai ijeṇe.Pile up those stones there by you.ejaak
ejaaḷKapen eo ejo rōkeañ ḷọk jila eo im wa eo, ke ekar baj kipeddikdik niñeañ ḷọk, ejaaḷ im kabbwe bōran im jitōñ kapilōñ.The Captain cast the tiller to the south and the boat, which was advancing slowly but steadily to the north, turned downwind P908jaaḷ
EjāālelEjāālel bwiin-puwaḷiierWe can smell their offensive odor everywhere they go.bwiin-puwaḷ
EjāāleltokEjāāleltok nemān iṃōn ṃōñā eṇ.The smell of food cooking is wafting this way from the restaurant.jāālel
EjaaḷiiaEjaaḷiia wa eṇ.This canoe is hard to turn.jaḷiia
EjaamEjaam marok ṃwiin iṃōṃ?Why is your house still dark?jaaṃ
 Ejaam kāto-ketak kidu ṇeWhy is the dog jumping about like that?kā-
ejaaṃLale ejaaṃ jōōt e .Watch out or I might get jam on my shirt.jaaṃ
EjabEjab etto jān iien eo ak ebaj waḷọk tok Jema.Not long after, Father showed up. P324baj
 Ālikin aṃro jar, iḷak itōn kar kajjioñ kiil meja in mājur elukkuun pen kōn wōt kar ḷōmṇake an baḷuun eo itok iiom tok im etal wōt ak ejab lo kōm.After we were finished praying I was going to try to close my eyes and get some sleep but it was really hard because I kept thinking about how that plane had flown right over us but just kept going and didn’t see us. P952baḷuun
 Etōke ejab ṃōj homework eo aṃ?, Kwaar et wōt boñ?Why didn't you do your homework? What did you do last night?et
 Ewi toon kar babu?” Kapen eo ejab uwaake Jema ak ebaj kajjitōk.How long have I been lying down?” the Captain didn’t ask Father specifically, but just asked. P1227ewi
 Ejab renaaj oktak im irooj iood?”They are going to be our new chiefs, aren’t they?” P400ioo-
MORE ejab
EjabalurEjabalur iarin ān ṇeWind is prevented at the lagoon side of the islet.jabalur
ejabjabIar joḷọk to eo ak ejabjab.I threw the rope but it fell short.jabjab
 Ejabjab peiū jān raan e.I can't reach this breadfruit branch with my hands.jabjab
 Ejabjab neō jān laḷ.I can't touch the bottom with my feet.jabjab
Ejabjab-menwaEjabjab-menwa ke iar kajjioñ tulọk laḷḷọk wōt.I ran out of breath when I tried to dive deeper.jabjab-menowan
Ejabjen-menowanEjabjen-menowan ajri eo ṇa ilowaan bọọk eo.The child suffocated in the box.jabjen-menowan
EjablurEjablur iarin āneṇThe lagoon side of that islet is sheltered.jablur
EjabneejejEjabneejej ñan jemān kōn aer kar jab kūri kōṃare eo.She cried on her father's shoulder because they didn't invite her to the wedding.jabneejej
ejabweInnem āte tok ruo amro Bojin pileij, kab bōlen eṃṃan ñe kwōbar kwaḷọk tok juon jālele bwe ij ḷōmṇak ejabwe men ṇe.”Then make two plates for the Boatswain and me, and maybe you should go get another can of meat because I don’t think this will be enough for all of us.” P377ātet
 Kwōn kōbampeiki bwe ejabwe ri-jerbalYou let him work as guard because we don't have enough guards.baṃpe
 Eḷap aṃ bōkḷap bwe kiiō ejabwe.You took too much and now there isn't enough.bōkḷap
 Ejabwe ṃōñā eo.The food is insufficient.jabwe
EjabwilḷọkEjabwilḷọk ejṃaan eo.The boulder rolled over.ejṃaan
ejādbūtbūtKiiō eḷak ejjelōblōb dān ṇe, ejādbūtbūt tok ñan ioon kaṇe.Then when the water splashed it sprayed all over the boards. P719jādbūtūktūk
ejādeWa eo eṇ ejāde.The ship's in sight.jāde
 Ej baj meḷan ḷọk wōt jidik ak ejāde Kapen eo kōn bọọkin kaṃbōj eo.After a little while the Captain appeared with the compass. P510jāde
ejādetokBao eo jaar pukote ejādetok jān mar eṇ.The chicken we were looking for appeared out of the bushes.jāde
EjadinEjadin utiej im jidik wōt ammān arromi teeñki ko ie im jidik wōt ammān roñjake ainikien.It was rather high and we could barely see its lights or hear the sound of its engine. P930arrom
EjaijEjaij juuj e ñan neō.The shoes fit my feet.jaij
EjāikeEjāike wōd jab in.This particular coral head hasn't got many fish.jāike
EjaiurEjaiur.He's slow.iur
 Ejaiur jerbalHe is a slow worker.jāiur
ejajaBọọḷin anidep eo ejaja im to an jok ilaḷ.The ball made specifically for anidep remains in the air for a long time.jaja
ejajeTa ejaje abjāje ke?Can't she tuck things under the arm?abjāje
 Ejaje kaabjājeShe doesn't know how to tuck things under the arm.abjāje
 Ejaje abṇōṇō ñan jidik.He is not bothered one bit.abṇōṇō
 Ejaje abor an etal.It never gets impeded while in progress.abor
 Ejaje aet lowaan ṃaḷoon āniinThere's no current in this lagoon.aet
MORE ejaje
ejājekeLikao eṇ ejājeke.That young man is boastful.jājjāj
ejajeḷọkjeṇEdik im ejajeḷọkjeṇ.He is young and innocent.jajeḷọkjeṇ
ejājjājWa ṃōkajkōj eo eṇ ejājjāj toḷọkThe fast boat skimmed westward across the surface.jājjāj
EjājjōEjājjō ḷeeṇHe isn't easily nauseated.jājjō
EjājjōjōEjājjōjō ḷeeṇHe's never nauseated by anything.jājjō
EjakapenEjakapen aebōj jimeeṇ e.This cistern is less than half full.jakapen
EjakkōlkōlEjakkōlkōl ḷeeṇHe isn't scared easily. He's reckless.jakkōl
EjakkūkEjakkūk ḷọk iaar jān lik.Fish are biting less on the lagoon side than on the ocean side.jakkūk
 Ejakkūk raininThe fish are not biting today.jakkūk
EjakkutkutEjakkutkut iṃoko ianeo.The houses on the island are not close together.jọkkutkut
 Etke āinwōt waan raun kaṇe ejakkutkut aer itoitak raan kein.”Why does it seem like the fieldtrip ships don’t travel around much anymore.” P234jọkkutkut
EjakkutkutḷọkEjakkutkutḷọk iṃoko ilo ān eo juon.The houses on the other island are farther apartjọkkutkut
EjakmeejEjakmeej ḷọk ḷadik eṇ edik.The younger boy is a little darker.jakmeej
EjakmejEjakmej ni in wāto in.The coconut trees in this tract are not productive.jakimuur
ejakoEṃṃan mour im ejako abṇōṇō ke ej jino aemed ḷọk in jota.I felt good and was not upset anymore as the evening got cooler. P115aemed
 Ejako aewanlikin aelōñ kein ad ro.The expert fishermen that we once had in our islands are all gone.aewanlik
 Ejako ri-akjijen eo innām taktō eo eñak en et.The person in charge of the oxygen was gone and the doctor didn't know what to do.akjijen
 Jej ba ej pojak in jipañ ak eñin ejako.”We thought it was coming over to help and then it just disappeared.” P1157ba
 Baj ke ejako ṃweeṇ iṃōn?How since she's not at home?baj ke
MORE ejako
EjakōlEjakōl aṃ eb.You dance awkwardly.jakōl
ejakoḷọkWa eo eṇ ejakoḷọk buḷōn dān.The boat disappeared into the water.jako
EjakoṇEjakoṇ karōk lowaan ṃweoThe interior of the house is poorly organized.jọkoṇ
 Ejakoṇ aṃ karōk aḷaḷ kaṇe.You fit the lumber together poorly.jọkoṇ
 Ejakoṇ aḷaḷ ko ñan doon.The lumber doesn't fit together well.jọkoṇ
EjakoololEjakoolol lieṇShe doesn't have much pubic hair.jọkooḷoḷ
EjālEjāl iñiñ kooḷan bōran.He has kinky hair.iñiñ
EjalenEjalen lieṇShe's unmarried.jalen
 Ejalen men e.This thing is by itself.jalen
ejaḷiieEṃṃan wa ṇe bwe ejaḷiie.That canoe is good because its easy to turn.jaḷiie
ejāliñiñEban tọọr ooj ṇe bwe ejāliñiñ.Water won't come out of the hose because it is kinked.jāliñiñ
 Epen an rōḷọk to eṇ bwe ejāliñiñ ilo ra eṇ.That rope won't slip because it's wrapped around the branch.jāliñiñ
EjālitakEjālitak kijeek eo wōt ko.The fire has been protected from the rain.jālitak
EjaḷjaḷEjaḷjaḷ to eo.The rope is loose.jaḷjaḷ
ejalloḶeo ejallo eṇThat man can't see well.jāllo
ejālluluEkkar ñan kōbauwe bwe ejāllulu.He is the right person for a debate because he doesn't anger easily.jāllulu
EjalōbEjalōb kāāj e kadede.My hook has a barb already.jalōb
EjālōtEjālōt aṃ rakij meḷaṇ in.You did not clean up the grounds thoroughly.jālōt
EjaḷtakEjaḷtak arin ḶoraThe lagoon side of Laura faces east.jaḷtak
ejaṃeAlfred ejaṃe bọọḷ eo.Alfred kicked the ball.jaṃ
EjameejEjameej jeje kaṇe.The written words are faded.jāmeej
ejaminAjerreū ejamin kōṃṃan oktak in kōtaan nokwōn eo arro.My working alone won't have any negative effect on our relationship.ajerre
ejāminKwōn jab ba pata etan Jeova aṃ Anij; bwe Jeova ejāmin joḷọk ruōn eo ej ba pata etan.Thou shalt not take in vain the name of the Lord thy God, for the Lord will never forgive one who takes his name in vain. S5ba pata
 Kwōn jab ba pata etan Jeova aṃ Anij; bwe Jeova ejāmin joḷọk ruōn eo ej ba pata etan.Thou shalt not take in vain the name of the Lord thy God, for the Lord will never forgive one who takes his name in vain. S5ruo-
ejāmmijakjakEkkar ñan tariṇae bwe ejāmmijakjak.He's fit to join the military because he is fearless.jāmmijakjak
 John ejāmmijakjak ḷọk jān Tom.John is more fearless than Tom.jāmmijakjak
EjāmmineneEjāmminene in kōṃṃane jerbal eṇ.He's inexperienced in doing that kind of work.jāmminene
 Ejāmminene in idaak ni.He's unaccustomed to drinking coconut.jāmminene
EjaṃṃōṇōṇōEjaṃṃōṇōṇō ikkure ko boñ.The games last night were boring.jaṃṃōṇōṇō
EjāmmoururEjāmmourur kōn an jowan.He's not lively because he's lazy.jāmmourur
 Ejāmmourur kōn an kwole.He is not lively because he's hungry.jāmmourur
 Ejāmmourur kōn an nañinmej.He is sluggish because he's sick.jāmmourur
ejāṃōdKwōn jab leḷok bwe en jerbale bwe ejāṃōd.Don't let him do the job because he is very careless.jāṃōd
EjaṃōñāEjaṃōñā kōn an liṃ.The fish aren't biting because the water is murkyjaṃōñā
EjaṃōṇōṇōEjaṃōṇōṇō bade eo.The party was uninteresting.jaṃōṇōṇō
ejañIkar eñjake bwe ñe ej lōtlōt kōto eo ejañ riikin im ṃōrṃōr ioon lọjet.I could sense the sail was full as the wind blew and whistled through the riggings, and foam appeared on the surface of the water P567eñjake
 Ebaj et ḷadik eṇ ke ejañ?Why was that boy crying?et
 Ejañ jaidiñ eo.The siren is wailing.jaidiñ
 Jaidiñin jino jerbal eo in ejañ.The siren for starting work is wailing.jaidiñ
 Etke ejañ ajri eṇ.Why is the child crying?jañ
EjānEjān bao ḷadik eo.The boy snares birds.jān
 Ejān ālkūṃThere is skin disease on your back.jān
EjāniknikEjāniknik jerbalHe doesn't want to work.jāniknik
 Ejāniknik katakHe doesn't want to study.jāniknik
EjāniknikiEjānikniki ajri eṇ nejin.She's constantly neglecting her child.jāniknik
EjañinuwaadeEjañinuwaade tok kōrā eo ippān bwe emootḷọk.He is lonesome for his wife who is gone on a trip.jañnuwaad
ejaññiñiLikao eṇ edik ejaññiñi ḷọk jān likao eṇ jein.The young man is more patient than his older brother.jaññiñi
 Ejaññiñi likao eṇ.That young man is not easily angered.jaññiñi
EjānrukEjānruk peiūMy arm is sprained.jānruk
EjāpemEjāpem bokkoḷọk kabbokbok eo.The firecracker did not go off.bokkoḷọk
EjarEjar akkiin neō.My toe nail is broken off.akkiin ne
 Lale ejar aḷaḷ ṇeLook out, that piece of wood might split.jar
 Ejar peiūMy hand is scratched.jar
 Ejar ṃajeḷin ḷeeṇHe's flexed his muscles.jar ṃajeḷ
 Joñan an ḷap ṇo ejar ubweṇo eo.The wave-guard couldn't withstand the big waves.ubweṇo
EjarlepjuEjarlepju jar eo raar uwe ilo tiṃa eo ñan Jepaan.There were a multitude of people who went on the ship to Japan.jarlepju
ejarleplepWōn eo ejarleplep.The turtle is lying on its back.jarleplep
ejarmatmatEṃōj rakij mar ko im ejarmatmat ṃweoThe bushes have been cleaned up and the house is exposed.jejedmatmat
ejaromeLale toon jarom ṇe ejarome eokBe careful that you don't get a shock from that cord.jarom
 Toon jarom eo ejarome ḷadik eo.The electric line shocked the boy.jarom
EjatdikEjatdik wōt eo jeṃnājin.That was a trying exam.jatdik
 Ejatdik an ṃōkaj wa eṇ.That canoe is deceptively fast.jatdik
 Āinwōt ejatdik an eddo jeṃṃaan.”The old man is surprisingly heavy.” P1052jeṃṃaan
ejatiinLale ejatiin nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Be careful not to get sardines on your clothes.jatiin
ejatloñEnana ñan eọñōd kiiō bwe ejatloñ.It's not good to go fishing at this time because the tide is not favorable.jatloñ
EjatoEjato kiiōThe rain is over. It's not raining now.jato
 Jen etal kiiō bwe ejato.Let's go now since it's not raining.jato
EjatōkEjatōk aebōj laḷ ṇeThat well is salty.jatōk
 Ejatōk ni ṇeThat coconut is not sweet.jatōk
EjatokwōjEjatokwōj aḷaḷ ṇeThat piece of wood is hard to burn.jatokwōj
 Ejatokwōj injin eiō.This engine does not start easily.jatokwōj
 Ejatokwōj mājet .These matches are hard to light.jatokwōj
EjatōrEjatōr niñniñ en.That baby doesn't want to eat.jatōr
EjatpeEjatpe lieṇ ilo eb.She's clumsy in dancing.jatpe
EjattutuEjattutu kōn an jeḷọk dān.She doesn't take bath often because of a lack of water.jattutu
EjauwiEjauwi aikūtōkōdin ratak eañ.Aikūtōkōd fish from the nothern islands are not delicious.aikūtōkōd
 Ejauwi jorobbwāThe jorobbwā is not a tasty fish.jorobbwā
ejeRej eje lōñḷọk ṃweeṇThey're building the house higher.ejej
EjebanEjeban kōrā eṇ bwe eḷap an bwidej.That woman has plenty of food because she own lots land tracts.jeban
EjebarEjebar eo.The breadfruit has sprouted.jebar
EjebbareEjebbare bōran Jọọn.He beheaded John.jebbar
ejeblaakWa eo eṇ ejeblaak.The boat has left.jeblaak
EjeblọkEjeblọk ek eo.The fish is cut in half.jeblokwan
EjeboEjebo kar ekkāleel eo inne.The election yesterday was a tie.jebo
ejebokwōnKōrā eo ejebokwōn ippān ḷadik eo nājin bwe ej kelōk ñan Hawaii.She spent the night with her son who is leaving for Hawaii.jebokwōn
EjebōlkwanEjebōlkwan bato eo.The bottle is half full.jeblokwan
ejebwāālelRaar kad bōran im ejebwāālel.They hit him on the head and he staggered.jebwāālel
EjebwābweEjebwābwe kōn an marok.He got lost because it was dark.jebwābwe
ejebwijiLale bao ṇe ejebwiji eokBe careful that chicken doesn't cut you with its spurs.jebwij
 Kako eo ejebwiji kako eo juon.The rooster kicked (spurred) the other rooster.jebwij
ejedañJab lelọk ñane bwe en kōṃṃane bwe ejedañ.Don't let him work on it because he's not capable of doing it.jedañ
ejeddaṃRi-Amedka ro ilo tariṇae eo ḷọk an laḷ in raar jaṃtiltili Hitler im ejeddaṃ.In World War II the Americans defeated Hitler in an end move and he got smashed.jaṃtiltil
ejedmatmateṂoeo ejedmatmate kōto eo.The bouse is exposed to the wind.jejedmatmat
EjeededḷọkEjeededḷọk raanThe daylight is over.jeeded
EjeekḷọkEjeekḷọk.He is unconscious.jeekḷọk
 Kōmij tōprakḷọk wōt raan toḷ utiejej eo ak ejeekḷọk.He started gasping for air upon our reaching the high mountain top.jeekḷọk
ejeeḷaJemān ḷadik eṇ ejeeḷa.The father of that boy is a sailor.jeeḷa
ejeeọñōdḶeo ejeeọñōd eṇThat man seldom goes fishing.jeeọñōd
EjeepepḷọkEjeepepḷọk pād eo aerro.Their marriage is ruined.jeepepḷọk
 Eṃōj bọkutañe wa eo im ejeepepḷọk.The ship was bombed and destroyed.jeepepḷọk
EjeiklọkEjeiklọk jāneHe turns away from him.jeik
EjejEjej eṇ ej etal ippān kōn wōt an kijoñ ajejin ḶōktabNo one goes around with him because he's known to be someone who asks to have gifts returned.ajejin Ḷōktab
 Ejej kain ṇe bar memarokrok ak lelorin annañ ke baj joñan eppak eo an, jekdọọn ñe ekun ak kōmin kar lo wōt annañin.There was nothing else, even a dark shadow that would have been there since it was so close; even though the lights went out we should still have made out its shape. P1154annañ
 Iba waan tiṃoṇ men eo?” ikajjitōk ak ejej eṇ euwaak.Is it a ghost ship?” I asked, but no one answered. P1158ba
 Ejej en ekar bar kōnono ak kōmmān jijet laḷ ḷọk im dao.No one said anything else; we all just sat there and ate. P966dao
 Ñe kōjmān tōpar arin ān ṇe kab kelọk, Bojin, im āne ḷọk eake kōb ṇe bwe ejej booj.”When we reach the lagoon side of the island, Mr. Boatswain, you can jump into the water and swim to the island with the water container because we don’t have a skiff.” P1248eake
MORE ejej
EjejaEjeja aṃ allolo.You rarely go around.allolo
 Ejeja būraaj iṂaajeḷ.Brass is hard to come by in the Marshalls.būraaj
 Ejeja an wōt.It seldom rains.jeja
 Ejeja kain wōjke rot in.This kind of tree is scarce.jeja
 Ri-jeṃaan ejeja aer nañinmej.People in olden times didn't get sick easily.jeṃaan
MORE ejeja
ejejāRaan kein ejejā eṇ eṃṃan an inwijet.Few people nowadays can do a good lashing job.inwijet
EjejeEjeje etaṃ ilo baaṃle eṇ.Your name is written and listed in that family.jeje
 Ejeje ḷeeṇHe's got the jeje disease.jeje
 Wa eo eṇ ejeje.The canoe is sailing into the wind.jeje
EjejjatEjejjat ioon pedped.There is no water on the reef.jejjat
EjejjetEjejjet bwe eo.That's the true knot (the correct symbol) in divination.bwe
 Kōjañ peeḷ ṇe bwe ejejjet joñoul awa.Ring the bell; it's exactly ten o'clock.jejjet
 Ejejjet kōto in ñan ad jerak.The wind is just right for us to sail.jejjet
 Ejejjet awa in an jañ peeḷ ṇeIt's time for the bell to be rung.jejjet
 Ejejjet uwaak kajjitōk ko ilo teej eo.I answered the questions on the test correctly.jejjet
MORE ejejjet
Ejej-lōmānEjej-lōmān kwelọk eo.There was no plan for the meeting.jej-ḷōma-
ejej-uwaanJake ṇe kwaar āje ejej-uwaan.The mat you wove is unique.jej-uwaan
EjekEjek peinHe cut his hand.jek
EjekadkadEjekadkad joot im ejjeḷọk ialin ko.The bullets are coming in every direction and there's no escape. (song) jekadkad
EjekadḷọkEjekadḷọk dekā eo im lel bōran.The stone was flung away and hit his head.jekad-
EjekāiōōjEjekāiōōj ni eṇ.That coconut tree has notches cut in it.jekāiōōj
ejekapeelEritto ak ejekapeel.He is elderly but still immature.jekapeel
EjekaroEjekaro ḷadik eo.The boy is making jekarojekaro
ejekkarAkekein lọje ejekkar ñan juon rūttariṇae.A soldier is not supposed to have an uncomfortable feeling caused by a stomach overstuffed with food.akeke
 Ejekkar aṃ kōnono ñane bwe erūtto jān eok.It's not proper to tell him what to do because he's older than you.jekkar
 Ejekkar juuj ñan neō.These shoes don't fit my feet.jekkar
 Ejekkar ñan pijja bwe ejiban.He won't make a good pitcher because he can't throw far.jiban
 Ejekkar an ledik raṇ kōjjerwawaik anilowa kaṇ aer.It is not proper for the girls to leave their underthings in the open.jejedwawa
MORE ejekkar
EjekṃaiEjekṃai raij e kadede.The coconut syrup has already been put in the rice.jekṃai
ejekpādṂweo eṇ ejekpād.That building already has rafters.jekpād
EjelEjel kōn wūjooj im mar.It's grown over with grass and bushes.jel
ejeḷaRijebwebwe eo ejeḷa tata jebwebwe eṇ.He is the one who is expert in steering.jebwebwe
ejeḷāEjaje aljek ak ejeḷā wōt kōnono.He doesn't carry anything; all he does is talk.aljek
 Ejeḷā anijnijHe knows how to make magic.anijnij
 Iñak ñāāt wōt eo ekar lo animrokaṃro ilowaan iaḷ eo, kab etke ejeḷā ke kōṃro ej jibadek ḷọk ṃweoI don’t know when he saw a glimpse of us on the road, and why he knew we were trying to reach the house. P227animroka-
 Ekar jeḷati baib ko wōt me ejeḷā ke rōboṇ kōn peinael.He only took off the ones he knew were clogged with paint oil. P714boṇ
 Ejeḷā bọbo (bọọḷ).He's a good (baseball) catcherbọbo
MORE ejeḷā
EjeḷāḷọkEjeḷāḷọk jeje ilo kajin Iñlij jān kajin ṂajōḷHe writes better in English than in Marshallese.jeje
ejeḷāḷọkjeṇEj juon eo ejeḷāḷọkjeṇ ilo an ṃakūtkūtHe's a conscientious and very talented person in whatever he does.jeḷā ḷọkjeṇ
EjeḷataeikiEjeḷataeiki booj jerakrōk eo im pen an ṃōṃakūt (eṃṃakūt) jān ijo.The sailboat got caught up in the third current zone and hardly made any headway.jeḷatae
ejeḷātataRi-inwijet eo ejeḷātata inwijet emoottok.The man who is expert in lashing outrigger canoes is coming.inwijet
 Rijimeeṇ eo ejeḷātata jimeeṇ eṇ.He is the best mason.jimeeṇ
ejeḷoRej laṃōj im ba ejeḷo.They are shouting and saying 'sail ho'.jeḷo
 Jen wōnarḷọk bwe ejeḷo.Let's go to the beach because there's a ship coming in.jeḷo
 Ejjeikik ri-āneo ke ejeḷo.The island populace were agitated by the sighting of a sail.jejeikik
ejelōtKe ej rōre tok im kalimjek eō, āinwōt juon juon eo mejatoto ejelōtWhen he looked toward me and stared, it was like something in the air was stifling me. P59jelōt
ejelōteMejin ejelōte aolepThe common cold is infecting everyone.jelōt
 Jorrāān eo ejelōte.He was involved in the trouble.jelōt
ejelpaakeTony ejelpaake niñniñ eo nejin.Tony swung his baby.jelpaak
EjeṃarEjeṃar kiiō bwe elur.Its summer now because it's calm.jeṃar
EjemḷamEjemḷam tōñalHow sweet it is.jemḷam
 Ejemḷam ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) in aṃ al.You sing so beautifully.jemḷam
 Ejemḷam ḷapIt's so large.jemḷam
 Ejemḷam ḷap aṃ nana.You're awful.jemḷam
 Ejemḷam aiboojoj an tulọk aḷ.What a beautiful sunset.jemḷam
ejeṃḷọkEtal wōt ñan ñe ejeṃḷọk.Keep on going until the end.etal wōt
 Ejeṃḷọk pija eo.The movie is over.jeṃḷọk
 Ejeṃḷọk kwelọk eo.The meeting is adjourned.jeṃḷọk
 Ejeṃḷọk koontōreak eo.The contract is terminated.jeṃḷọk
 Kattūkat wōt bwe ejako ejeṃḷọk.Do your best for it's almost over.kattūkat
ejemramKapen e, ij jab ḷōmṇak imaroñ jeḷati baib āinwōt aṃ ba kōnke ejemram ḷaaṃ e,” Jema ekar ba.Captain, I don’t think I can take the pipes apart as you suggest because this lamp isn’t giving off enough light,” Father said. P655jemram
EjenEjen bōkā in.The tide is going out.jen
 Ejen nuknuk e ālkin an kwaḷkwoḷ.My dress shrank after it was washed.jen
EjeñakEjeñak rọñ eo.The hole is filled up.jeñak
 Ejeñak lōb eo.The grave is covered up.jieñ
 Ejeñak.It's covered up.jijioñ
EjenjenEjenjen kijeek eo kadede.The fire has already been started.jenjen
EjenḷapeEjenḷape wōrwōr in bao eṇ aṃ.There are lots of old hens in your chicken coop.jenḷap
ejenolọkJilu wōt buñtōn an ōbbōḷọk eake im jitōke ek eo ak ejenolọk di jān kanniōk.In just three strokes he had it gutted and the bones separated from the meat. P1316jenolọk
 Ejenolọk kōn ḷōmṇak kaṇ an.His ideas make him different from others.jenolọk
 Ejenolọk jān ṃōko jet.It was isolated from the rest of the houses.jenolọk
 Jilu wōt buñtōn an ōbbōḷọk eake im jitōke ek eo ak ejenolọk di jān kanniōk.In just three strokes he had it gutted and the bones separated from the meat. P1316ōbbōḷọk
 Jilu wōt buñtōn an ōbbōḷọk eake im jitōke ek eo ak ejenolọk di jān kanniōk.In just three strokes he had it gutted and the bones separated from the meat. P1316jejetōk
EjepaEjepa ḷadik eṇ.That boy is ugly.jepa
EjepālEjepāl ni eṇ.That coconut tree bears sporadically.jepāl
EjepāpEjepāp ilo an etetal.He staggers when he walks.jepāppāp
EjepāpeEjepāpe wa eo.The boat is listing.jepāpe
 Ikar kate bajjek innem eurur ak ejepāpe jikin kōmat eo kōn an wa eo lewūjlā.I kept trying to light it but the sail was up which made the cooking area list over to one side. P884urur
EjeparujrujEjeparujruj armej ñe ej iien jibadede iNaṃo.People on Namu get excited when they prepare to catch flying fish there.jibadede
EjepdakEjepdak tibat eo.The tea kettle is crushed in.jepdak
 Raar jiped im ejepdak.They pressed and flattened the breadfruitjijiped
EjepelEjepel jar eṇ.That couple is divorced.jepel
EjepjepeEjepjepe lowaan wa ṇeThe inside of that vehicle is cluttered with packages.jepjep
EjepḷāEjepḷā bao eo laḷtak.The bird is gliding downward.jepeḷā
EjepḷaakEjepḷaak wa eo.The boat returned.jepḷaak
EjeptakEjeptak ḷadik eo kōn an bōt.The boy was slapped because of his naughtiness.jeptak
EjeptōṃbaEjeptōṃba kiiō ak kwojjañin kōḷḷā ṃuri eo aṃ.It's September now but you haven't paid your debt yet.Jeptōṃba
EjeraaṃṃanEjeraaṃṃan ilo an peejnej.He is successful in business.jeraaṃṃan
 Ej juon eo ejeraaṃṃan.He is one of the fortunate ones. He's a fortunate one.jeraaṃṃan
EjeraaṃṃanḷọkEjeraaṃṃanḷọk jān ṃoktaHe is more successful than before.jeraaṃṃan
EjerajkoEjerajko aebōj eṇ.That cistern has been bleached (to sanitize it).jerajko
EjerakEjerak wa eo.The boat is sailing away.jerak
 Wa eo eṇ ejerak im jittoḷọk.The boat is sailing west.jitto
 Ālikin jet raan jān iien eo, ejerak waan raun eo ñan Ratak Eañ im kōmmān uwe kōn ṃweiuk ko ṃweiemmān ioon ñan Likiep.After a few days, the Ratak Eañ field trip ship set sail and we sailed to Likiep with all our cargo. P1349ṃweiuk
EjerakiaarḷapEjerakiaarḷap im jaikuj kadedeikḷọk jerbal in eṃōj an ijjino.We are halfway done and we need to complete the project we've started.jerakiaarḷap
EjerakrōkEjerakrōk ḷadik ro bajjek.The boys are just sailing about in the lagoon.jerakrōk
EjeraṃōlEjeraṃōl ḷọk wōt ālkin an an mej jinen.He has become more lonely since his mother died.jeraṃōl
EjerataEjerata ḷokwan an jerbal kōn an kijoñ ajriin uwaak.Whatever he does always gets fouled up in the end because he relies on child help.ajriin uwaak
 Ekar juon tūreep eo ejerata.It was an unfortunate trip.jerata
 Ñe ejerata alikkar ke eṃōj bōkjān koṇan.If he didn't catch any fish, black magic has been put on him.bōkjān koṇa-
ejerkakEjej men eo ekar bar ba tok ak ejerkak im kajjioñ wanlōñ ḷọkHe didn’t say anything but he got up and tried to go up on deck. P1222jerkak
EjerọwiwiEjerọwiwi.He has sinned.jerọwiwi
EjerọwiwiḷọkEjerọwiwiḷọk jān ṃoktaHe is sinning more now than before.jerọwiwi
ejertakWōn eo ejertak.The turtle is lying on its back.jedtak
ejertaḷọkTony ejertaḷọk jān Alfred.Tony is not as good a marksman as Alfred.jerta
ejerwaanNejin eo ejerwaan.The prodigal son. (Bible)jerwaan
ejerwaanḷọkTony ejerwaanḷọk jān ṃoktaTony is more careless than before.jerwaan
EjerwaniEjerwani ṃani ko an.He wasted his money.jerwaan
EjetEjet likaebeb eo.The top is spinning.jet
 Ejet wōt im jet likaebeb eṇ.The top keeps on spinning for a long time.jet
EjetāāñEjetāāñ ni in jekaro en an Tony.The coconut tree of Tony's doesn't make much toddy.jatāāñ
 Ni jekaro eṇ ejetāāñ.The coconut tree that I have for making fresh toddy produced less than expected.jatāāñ
ejetakJuon ṇe ṇo ejetak.There's a wave ready to break.jatak
 Ṇo eo ṇe ejetak.The heaping wave is coming.jetak
ejetaktokṆo eo ṇe ejetaktok.The heaping wave is coming toward us.jetak
ejetḷādikṂa e enaaj lur bwe ejetḷādik.Know ye by this lightning that there will be calm weather.jetḷādik
ejetḷọkIṃad em ḷak bar reilọk ejetḷọk wa eo.I got occupied for a while and when I tried to find the boat it had disappeared over the horizon.jetḷọk
 Ejetḷọk wa eo.The ship vanished over the horizon.jetḷọk
EjettalEjettal wa eṇ.That canoe is water-tight.jettal
EjettalḷọkEjettalḷọk wa eṇ waō jān ṃoktaMy canoe is more water-tight than before.jettal
EjettokjānEjettokjān aṃ wiaik wa ṇeThere's no reason for you to buy that boat.jettokja-
ejibaikiLale ejibaiki eokWatch out or the spike in his shoes might cut you.jibaik
ejibanEjekkar ñan pijja bwe ejiban.He won't make a good pitcher because he can't throw far.jiban
EjibbaḷañeEjibbaḷañe lik rainin.Lots of jibbaḷañ at the ocean side today.jibbaḷañ
EjibuñEjibuñ.It's a stillbirth.jibuñ
EjiburiEjiburi niñniñ eo bwe epio.She is cuddling the baby because she is cold.jiburi
EjiburlepeEjiburlepe niñniñ eo nejin.She hugs her baby.jiburlep
ejibweKapen eo ejibwe ḷaṇtōn eo im bōk lik ḷọk ñan ijo jikin bwe en pojak ñan boñōn eo.The Captain took the lantern and took it to the back of the boat to get ready for nightfall. P531boñ
 Joñan, ej jañin kar maat wōt jikka eo kijen ak ejibwe im kadkad to ḷọk eake ak ebar tile juon.So much so that even though he hadn't finished his cigarette, he threw it away and lit up another. P881eake
 Jema ejibwe lōñ tak tiinin dān eo im Bojin eo ebōke im kọkoṇe.Father passed up the container of water and the Boatswain took it and stored it away. P1289tiin
EjidaakEjidaak wa ko.The canoes have arrived.jidaak
EjidduuliEjidduuli lik rainin.There are lots of top shells on the ocean side today.jidduul
EjideEjide im bōk jerbal eo.He was lucky to get the job.jide
ejidikEkar kattūkat bajjek ijo im ḷak tōprak, ejidik wōt an tōbal lōñ ḷọk ñan ioon teek im jibadek ḷọk ijo ippān Jema kab Bojin eo.He kept trying and then made it, and he slowly crawled up onto the deck where Father and the Boatswain were. P1225jidik
EjidimkijEjidimkij an uwe.He left in a hurry.jidimkij
EjidjideEjidjide turun ṃwiinThere are a lot of crickets around this house.jidjid
EjidpaḷEjidpaḷ neōMy ankle is sprained.jidpaḷ
ejidpānAḷaḷ eo e ejidpān.This board has been sawed.jidpān
ejidpāneJidpān jarom eo ejidpāne addi-lepān kaaṃtō eo.The electric saw sawed off the carpenter's thumb.addi-lep
ejiebḷọkMen eo de eo iaikuj kar matmate turin mejān kōn tọọl eo an bwe ejiebḷọk kōn menokadu.The only thing I needed to do was wipe his face with his towel because he was sweating profusely. P1142aikuj
 Ejiebḷọk dānnin jekaro eṇ.The jekaro on that coconut tree is running over.jieb-
 Ejiebḷọk bọọjet eṇ.Water is flowing from the faucet.jieb-
ejiejeEmootḷọk in taktō Awai bwe ejieje.He went to Hawaii for treatment for his swollen abdomen.jieje
EjiipEjiip ḷeo ñan tawūn.The guy rode on the jeep to town.jiip
EjijetEjijet iturin irooj eo.He sits close to the chief.jijet
 Jema ejijet ḷọk ilo kōjām eo im ña ibaj jijet ḷọk iturin.Father sat down at the door and I sat down next to him. P242kōjām
 Ejijet laḷ ḷọk i tōrerein rikin ko im ḷobōlHe sat down next to the rigging and brooded. P879ḷobōl
 Ej roñ wōt ke emej leḷḷap eo jibwin ak Jonitōn ejijet laḷ ḷọk im ḷobōlUpon hearing of the death of his grandmother Jonitōn sat down and became pensive.ḷobōl
ejijjetEkwe ebajjeet ke ejijjet ḷọk jidik,” Jema eba.Now that seems to be more like it,” Father said. P546jejjet
EjikeetEjikeet kōn an ijjir iaḷ eo.He slipped because of the slippery road.jikeet
EjikinEjikin uwe an ṃwijit bōraṃ.Your hair was trimmed quite sloppily.jikin uwe
ejikrōkKapen eo ejikrōk tok ijo ṃoktata, ke erjel ej rọọl tok, im jino jabōl ṇa kobban pileij eo ñiin kōn raij.When they arrived, the Captain came in first and heaped his plate full of rice. P371jabōḷ
 Wa eo eṇ ejikrōk.The ship has arrived.jikrōk
 Batok ñe ejikrōk.Tell me when he's near.jikrōk
 Kapen eo ekar itan uwaake ak ejikrōk Jema im kōnono ippān ḷōḷḷap eo.The Captain was going to answer him but then Father arrived and started talking with the old man. P100jikrōk
EjiktokEjiktok kōṇaan idaak.I'm dying for a drink.jiktok
 Ejiktok (euwetok) kōḷowan kōn al ko.He was stimulated by the songs.kōḷo
EjikūruEjikūru jikūru eo.The bolt has been tightened.jikūru
EjilEjil kooḷan bōran.His/her hair is dark black.jil
 Ejil an maroro nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothing is dark green.jil
 Ejil an maroro nuknuk kaṇe aṃ.Your clothes are dark green.jil
EjilelEjilel wa eo.The ship blew its horn.jilel
EjilibukwiEjilibukwi ke woran waini ṇeHas the number of coconuts reached three hundred?jilubukwi
EjiljinoEjiljino kiiō an ḷadik eṇ jibū iiō.My grandson is now six years old.jiljino
ejiḷoikJema ejiḷoik ḷọk jidik ṃōṃkaj im iuun lik ḷọk jurōn kein pāāk eo ilo injin eo.Father slowed a bit first and then pushed the engine’s reverse lever back. P482jiḷo
EjiltataEjiltata an kilmeej kooḷan bōran lieṇ.That woman's hair is the darkest black.jil
EjiṃalejlejEjiṃalejlej meja kōn an to riit.My head is giddy from my reading so long.jiṃalejlej
EjimañūñEjimañūñ jekaro e.The coconut toddy is fermented.jimañūñ
EjimeeṇEjimeeṇ ṃweoThe building has been cemented.jimeeṇ
ejiṃweBoñon eo kein kalemñoul ḷalem, ñe ejiṃwe aṇtọọne ḷọk, ilo kar ruatimjuon awa jọteen eo ke Kapen eo ej jebwebwe, juon men in bwilōñ ekar waḷọk.At eight o'clock in the evening of our fifty-fifth night, if my mental arithmetic was correct, the Captain was steering and something amazing made an appearance. P1025 P1025aṇtọọn
 Ejiṃwe aṃ likit āt in bwe eñṇe i ṃaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo erre tok im lukkuun kalimjek meja im ba.You are right to call it that since that’s what lies ahead,” the Old Man said looking directly at me. P436āt
 Ejiṃwe wōt kar bōklōkōt ke kwōnaaj kar itok.My prediction was correct that you would come.bōklōkōt
 Ejiṃwe an jerbal.He's honest in his work.jiṃwe
 Ejiṃwe aṃ kar ḷōmṇakYou were right in your decision.jiṃwe
MORE ejiṃwe
EjiṃweḷọkEjiṃweḷọk an jerbal jān ṃoktaHe is more precise in his work than before.jiṃwe
EjinietEjiniet tata ilo jikin eọñwōd.He is the best guide for fishing spots.jiniet
 Ejiniet āninHe is familiar with this island.jiniet
 Ejiniet ānin jān kwe.S/he is more familiar with this island than you.jān
EjinniprañrañeEjinniprañrañe raan ni eṇ.That coconut tree has lots of old bunch stems.jinniprañ
EjinoEjino aeñwāñwā ijo kōn armej.It was starting to get noisy from all the people. P149aeñwāñwā
 Im jidik wōt an wa eo jino jaaḷ im ḷak anlọk, eletlet wūjḷā eo im wa eo ejino ajādikThe boat slowly turned to the north and when it was finally on course the sail filled with wind and we started to advance slowly. P851anlọk
 Ejino aemedḷọk ak ebarāinwōt wōr ṃōttan kain ṇe aproro.The coolness of the evening was upon us as was our dilemma. P1022apaproro
 Ejino tak ak eban lukkuun alikkar bwe ej jañin apdik an boṇ lañ,” Bojin eo eṃōkaj im uwaak.A little bit, but it won’t be very clear because the clouds are in the way and moving slowly,” the Boatswain quickly answered. P700apdik
 Juon ṇe ejino waḷọk mejaṃ.A cataract is starting to form on your eye.
MORE ejino
EjintanjiEjintanji injin ṇe arro.Our engine's deteriorating.jintanji
EjiokraEjiokra mejānwōd ko.The clams have been made into jiokrajiookra
ejipañeAinikien bōklōkōtin Jetōb Kwōjarjar ejipañe jān jorrāān.The voice of conscience of the Holy Spirit helped him.ainikien bōklōkōt
ejipedWa eo ejiped ajiri eo.The car ran over the child.jijiped
EjipeeḷeEjipeeḷe naan eo im bōd.He spelled the word incorrectly.jipeeḷ
EjipenpenEjipenpen iarin āniinThere are lots of sea cucumber in the lagoon of this island.jipenpen
EjipikpikEjipikpik.He's handicapped.jipikpik
 Ejipikpik ṃōñā eo kijen ri-jikuuḷ ro.The students' food is insufficient.jipikpik
 Ejipikpik aetokan aḷaḷ eo.The board/plank isn't long enough.jipikpik
ejippapaḶadik eo ejippapa ippān jemān.The boy is playing jippapa with his father.jippapa
EjirabEjirab booj eo.The skiff has been hoisted.jirab
ejirillọkKwōn jab lilu (illu) bwe ejirillọk peiūDon't get mad because my arm accidently bumped you.jirilọk
EjirilọkEjirilọk lio im jedelañ.She slipped and fell on her back.jedelañ
 Ejirilọk im jalleplep kōn jijir iaḷ eo.He slipped and fell on his back because of the slippery road.jijir
ejiroñḶadik eṇ e,” Kapen eo ejiroñ tok ña, “jibwi tok men kaṇe.”Boy,” the Captain yelled over to me, pass those things over to me.” P1269eṇ
 Kapen eṇ ej ba dedeḷọkin adeañ ṃabuñ, jejerake wūjḷā ñe im jibadek jidik,” ejiroñ tok eō.”The Captain says we should finish our breakfast, raise the sail, and be on our way,” he called over to me. P826jerak
 Ḷadik eṇ e,” Kapen eo ejiroñ tok ña, “jibwi tok men kaṇe.”Boy,” the Captain yelled over to me, pass those things over to me.” P1269jibwe
 Nejū e, kakkōt jirok bwe ejino eḷḷap ṇo,” Jema ejiroñ tok .Son, hang on; the waves are getting bigger,” Father yelled to me. P498jirok
 Ekwe etōprak,” Jema ejiroñ tok kōṃro Bojin eo.Okay, it’s finished,” Father called to the Boatswain and me. P326jiroñ
MORE ejiroñ
EjiroṇeEjiroṇe āniinThis island has lots of girls.jiroñ
ejirūṃleJab wanmetoḷọk bwe ejirūṃle.Don't go out far for it gets steep.jirūṃle
EjitaaṃEjitaaṃ kadede leta eo.The letter has already been stamped.jitaaṃ
ejitōñKe ekar ṃōj aerro ṃōṃajidjid ñan doon, ḷōḷḷap eo ejitōñ ḷọk buḷōn mar ko jetakiermān innem erjel Bojin eo jibadek ḷọkWhen they were done nodding while talking to each other, the Old Man pointed east toward the middle of the bushes and the three of them including the Bosun headed over that way. P1265jetak
 Ejitōñ ḷọk ruo buwae rej pād i lowaan to eo.He pointed out two buoys in the pass. P508jitōñ
ejitpeeḷeḷNi eṇ ejitpeeḷeḷ ioon iaḷ eṇ.That tree is lying across the road.jitpeeḷeḷ
ejittakḷọkWa eo eṇ ejittakḷọk im jitōñ rear.The boat is facing east.jittak
ejjaĀinwōt meto jab in ebaj aeto,” Jema ekar ba ejja ilo minit eo wōt ekar waḷọk men in.This part of the ocean feels a bit spooky,” Father said at the same time the incident occurred. P1036aeto
 Iḷak toore meja ibwiljin jāllepju eo ikar lo animrokan ejja ḷōḷḷap eo wōt kab irooj eo ekar kọọle kōmmānWhen I scanned my eyes through the crowd of people, I caught a glimpse of the same old man and the chief who had put a curse on us. P1341jarlepju
 Ke erro kar juur tarkijet ebaj waḷọk tok jilu armej jān ejja mejate eo wōt erro kar diwōj tok jāne.As soon as the two of them stepped onto the beach three more people appeared on the path where Father and the Boatswain had come out. P1259jān
 Raan eo juon, ke ekar jota dikdikḷọk, kōmmān tōkeak ḷọk i arin Kwajleen im bar atartar ilo ejja wab eo kōmmān kar pād ie ṃōṃkaj jān ammān kar jeblaak.Early the next evening we sailed toward the lagoon side of Kwajalein and came up alongside the same pier where we had been before we had set sail. P1338jeblaak
 Ledik eo jatū ekkā an ejja im etetal.My younger sister often walks and talks in her sleep.jeja
MORE ejja
ejjaadJab eḷḷọk ñan jokko ṇe bwe ejjaad bwebweDon't let the tramp bother you as he is a bit crazy.jokko
 Ejouj ak ejjaad kūḷaṃweHe's kind but slightly stupid.kūḷaṃwe
ejjaajajEnaaj jejaajaj (ejjaajaj) bwe eṃor.That old battery will have to be charged all the time.jaaj
ejjaajmimiEḷap an jejaajmimi (ejjaajmimi) raan tebōḷ eṇ.Pieces of sashimi are all over the table.jaajmi
ejjaakÑa inaaj ejjaak waj ñan ḷeo ioon wab ṇe im enaaj ejjeb ḷọk ñan ḷeo i lowa bwe en kọkkoṇkoṇ.”I will start passing things to the man on the pier and he will pass them to the one in the boat to stow away.” P351jebjeb
 Ña inaaj ejjaak waj ñan ḷeo ioon wab ṇe im enaaj ejjeb ḷọk ñan ḷeo i lowa bwe en kọkkoṇkoṇ.”I will start passing things to the man on the pier and he will pass them to the one in the boat to stow away. P351jejaak
EjjāākākEjjāākāk waj eṇ.The guard is always checking or rechecking.jāāk
EjjaaḷaḷEjjaaḷaḷ kaar eo waan ri-kadek ro.The drunkards' car couldn't go straight.jaaḷ
EjjaaṃaṃEjjaaṃaṃ eoon tebōḷ eṇ.There is jam all over the table.jaaṃ
ejjāānānḶeeṇ ejjāānān.That man thinks only of money.jāān
EjjāānkunkunEjjāānkunkun nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes are covered with jāānkunjāānkun
 Ejjāānkunkun nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes are covered with jāānkunjāānkun
ejjāānwūjwūjEḷap an jejāānwūjwūj (ejjāānwūjwūj) raan tebōḷ en.The pieces of sandwich are all over the table.jāānwūj
ejjabṂōkein kōṃṃan jān aj im ilowaer ejjab jimeeṇ ak ḷāThese buildings are made from thatch and their interiors have gravel, not cement as floors. S24aj
 Ajbwirōkin raan kein ejjab einwōt raan ko an ḶañinniThe taste of today's ajbwirōk pandanus is not as good as in the day of Ḷañinni (Ḷañinni was the first prehistoric chief that can be traced back from whom descendants of the present day Kabua chiefly lineage originated.)Ajbwirōk
 Ewōr piik im bao, ak men kein ebbōktok in ri-pālle im ejjab men in mour in ṂajeḷThere are pigs and chickens, but these have been imported by Westerners and aren’t original Marshallese animals. S23bōbōk
 Eḷap aṃ bōkjab kōn men ko ejjab tōllọkuṃYou are going ahead with things that are not your business.bōkjab
 Ereañ ejjab bōro-kukThey can't agree among themselves.bōro-kuk
MORE ejjab
EjjabdaanEjjabdaan lōñ bōb āninThere are not many pandanus on this island.ejjabdaan
 Ejjabdaan lōñ armej in Ṃajōḷ keidi ñan Kuam.There are not as many Marshallese as there are Guamanians.ejjabdaan
 Ejjabdaan lap wa eo eaar itok.The ship that came wasn't that large.ejjabdaan
ejjabdedeEṃōj ṇe aṃ jejabdede (ejjabdede) ak kwōn jino koortokjān aṃ mour.Stop being so carefree and start making something of your life.jabde
ejjabukbukḶōṃaraṇ rekanooj in ejjabukbuk.Those men always use the jabuk fishing method.jabuk
ejjabwilbwilKwōn jab jejabwilbwil (ejjabwilbwil) ijeṇe bwe kwōnaaj tōtoon (ettoon).Don't roll all over the place there or you'll get dirty (said to baby having tantrum).jabwilbwil
EjjādbūtbūtEjjādbūtbūt tok jān bọjet eṇ.The spraying is coming from the faucet.jādbūtūktūk
 Eḷak bar ḷapḷọk an lelāle im ṃōt wa eo, dān eo lowa ejjādbūtbūt im kōṃro Jema ṇok ak ejab lilutōktōk dān eo kōṃro ej teiñi ḷọk ñan lowaan tāāñ eo.The roll of the boat back and forth on the waves started to intensify, and the water inside the boat splashed and sprayed me and Father until we were soaking wet, but the liquid we were pouring from the can never once spilled over. P595lelāle
ejjādedeIne ko kaṇ ejjādede mejāerSome of those seeds are beginning to sprout.jāde
EjjāiboboEjjāibobo nuknuk kaṇe aṃ.Your clothes have scraps of dumplings on them.jāibo
 Ejjāibobo arin Arṇo.There are lots of jāibo along the lagoon shores of Arno.jāibo
EjjainEjjain jerak tipñōl eo.The outrigger canoe has not sailed yet.jain
ejjajaEjjeḷọk wōt jejaja (ejjaja) in eṇ ajri.That child is always being carried (on the hip).jaja
ejjājāWa eo ejjājā eṇThe sail of that canoe is always falling (toward the outrigger).
ejjājejeEḷap an jejājeje (ejjājeje) wa in kiiō.This canoe has lots of machetes in it right now.jāje
ejjakikiEḷap an jejakiki (ejjakiki) keemem eo.There were lots of mats at the birthday celebration.jaki
ejjakmeejejAolep jōṃjāān jōṃjatin raṇ im jejakmeejej (ejjakmeejej).All of those siblings have dark skin.jakmeej
ejjakokoKwōn jab jejakoko (ejjakoko) jān aṃ jerbal.Don't be absent from your job so often.jako
 Ia ṇe kwaar jejakoko (ejjakoko) ieWhere have you been that I haven't seen you for so long?jako
ejjakōḷkōḷḶeo ejjakōḷkōḷ eṇ kōn an kọọt.That guy is always in handcuffs because of his stealing.jakōḷ
ejjāleleRej jejālele (ejjālele) aolep iien.They always eat sauce with their food.jālele
ejjalōblōbEḷap an jejalōblōb (ejjalōblōb) likin āninThere are lots of pools on the ocean side of this islet.jalōb
EjjaṃboboEjjaṃbobo jar eṇ.That couple is always vacationing.jaṃbo
ejjaṃliklikḶeo ejjaṃliklik eṇThat guy is always always using a back-kick.jaṃlik
ejjaṃōṇṃōṇBwiin jejaṃōṇṃōṇ (ejjaṃōṇṃōṇ).Smell of salmon.jaṃōṇ
 Ejjaṃōṇṃōṇ raan tebōḷ eṇ.Crumbs of salmon are all over the table.jaṃōṇ
ejjāneneTa ṇe koṃwij jejānene (ejjānene) kakeWhat are you so excited about?jejānene
ejjanijnijKōrā eo ejjanijnij an nuknuk ṇeThat woman frequently changes her clothes.jānij
EjjañijñijEjjañijñij likin āne jidikdik eṇ.There are more jellyfish at the ocean side of that small islet.jañij
 Eḷap an jejañijñij (ejjañijñij) iar kiiō.There are lots of jellyfish at the lagoon side right now.jañij
ejjañinEḷap an inepata ḷōḷḷap eo kōn ḷadik eo nejin ejjañin roltok jān ke ear ilām eoñwōd.The old man is worried about his son who has never come back from fishing.inepata
 Ejjañin wōr pāleen kōn an jetaḷe.He doesn't have a wife because he is lacking in sex appeal.jataḷe
 Ṃōttan rijetale ro raṇe bwe ejjañin ellolo pāleen.He is one of those lacking in sex appeal because he hasn't yet found a wife.jataḷe
 Jab kijer in katuwe bwe ejjañin matDon't take it off the fire yet because it is not done.kijer
 Ejjañin kōkaan (ekkaan) pāāk in pilawā ṇeThat sack of flour has not been opened yet. (It is still intact.)kōkaan
MORE ejjañin
EjjañjañEjjañjañ ajri eṇ.That baby is always crying.jañ
 Jedike kain eṇ ejjañjañ.We don't like cry-babies.jañ
ejjaññōrñōrṂweo eḷap an jejaññōrñōr (ejjaññōrñōr) eṇThat house always has its canvas-drop up.jaññōr
ejjapWāween jab in, eḷapḷọk an ṃōkaj im pinniep eṇ ejjap kannooj ḷōḷ im āinwōt eṇ me rej kōjeek wōt.This method is faster and the coconut oil isn’t really musty, like that which is only dried under the sun. S18ḷōḷ
ejjarjarEḷap an jejarjar (ejjarjar) rōplen eo.The reverend is always praying.jar
 Wūliaṃ ej make wōt jejarjar (ejjarjar).William is always broke.jar
 Ejjarjar aḷaḷ ṇeThat piece of wood keeps splitting.jar
EjjarjartataJejarjartata (Ejjarjartata) Reverend eo ear itok jān Amedka.The Reverend who came from America is always praying.jar
ejjarleplepKwōn kadikḷọk aṃ jejarleplep (ejjarleplep).Try not to lie on your back so much.jarleplep
EjjaromromEjjaromrom kōn an nana lañ.There is frequent lightning because of the bad weather.jarom
 Eḷap an jejaromrom (ejjaromrom) buñūninThere's lots of lightning this evening.jarom
 Eḷap an kar ejjaromrom im joururi boñ.It kept lightning and thundering all night (last night).jourur
ejjatataḶeo eḷap an jejatata (ejjatata) ṇeThat man is always borrowing.jata
ejjatboboEbwiin jejatbobo (ejjatbobo) nuknuk kōn aer jab lukkuun ṃōrāThe clothes have the smell because they didn't dry properly.jatbo
EjjatininEjjatinin iraan tebōḷ ṇeSardine scraps are all over the table.jatiin
ejjatōltōlEḷap an jejatōltōl (ejjatōltōl) juuj kaṇe aṃ.Your shoes are very shiny.jatōltōl
 Ejjatōltōl kaar eṇ waan.His car is shiny.jatōltōl
ejjawōdwōdLikao eṇ ejjawōdwōd.The young man is always girl-hunting.jawōd
ejjebÑa inaaj ejjaak waj ñan ḷeo ioon wab ṇe im enaaj ejjeb ḷọk ñan ḷeo i lowa bwe en kọkkoṇkoṇ.”I will start passing things to the man on the pier and he will pass them to the one in the boat to stow away.” P351jebjeb
 Ña inaaj ejjaak waj ñan ḷeo ioon wab ṇe im enaaj ejjeb ḷọk ñan ḷeo i lowa bwe en kọkkoṇkoṇ.”I will start passing things to the man on the pier and he will pass them to the one in the boat to stow away. P351jejaak
ejjeblaakakWa eo ejjeblaakak eṇThat ship is always making trips.jeblaak
EjjeblọklọkEjjeblọklọk bato kaṇ.Those bottles are all half full.jeblokwan
ejjeboululEṃōj ṇe aṃ kijoñ jejeboulul (ejjeboulul).Why don't you stop shaking your head in disagreement all the time.jeboulul
ejjedmatmatinEjjeḷọk jejedmatmatin (ejjedmatmatin) an kọọte piik eo.It's so obvious he stole the pig.jejedmatmat
ejjedtaktakḶeo ejjedtaktak eṇ. ejjertaktak ḷeeṇThat man is always falling on his back.jedtak
ejjedwawaKōn an kanooj in ḷap det ilo ān eo, eṃōkaj an diñōjḷọk men ko rej ejjedwawa ioon bwidej.The sun's heat is so intense on the island that everthing lying about on the ground dries up quickly.diñōjḷọk
ejjeededEḷap an jejeeded (ejjeeded) ri-pālle meḷan āne in.The Americans are all over this islet.jeeded
EjjeejEjjeej dānnin aebōj jimeeṇ eṇ.There is absolutely no water in the cistern.ejjeej
ejjeikikḶeo eṇ ej jejeikik (ejjeikik) ñan an ilān eaṇwōd.The man is busily moving around in preparation for his fishing trip.jeik
 Liṃaro raar jejeikik (ejjeikik) im kọṃṃan ṃōñā ñan ri-lotok ro.The women were busily preparing food for the visitors.jejeikik
 Etke kwōj jejeikik (ejjeikik); ta eor men eo ke?Why are you walking around excitedly; is something big coming up?jejeikik
 Ejjeikik ri-āneo ke ejeḷo.The island populace were agitated by the sighting of a sail.jejeikik
ejjejerakrōkWa eo ejjejerakrōk eṇThere's the boat that sails so often.jerak
EjjekabkabEjjekabkab jōōt eo an.He was wearing a checkered shirt.jekab
EjjekaboototEjjekabootot jōōt eo an.He wore a checkered shirt.jekaboot
EjjekadkadEjjekadkad dekā mejatoto ilo taibuun eo.The stones were flying in every direction during the typhoon.jekadkad
 Ejjekadkad ṃōttan bato eo ke ej rup.Pieces of glass flew as the bottle broke.jekadkad
ejjekakkakEḷap an jejekakkak (ejjekakkak) bōraI have lots of dandruff.jekak
ejjekapenpenAolep ni jekaro kaṇ im jejekapenpen (ejjekapenpen).The bottles on all those coconut trees being tapped for sap are all less than half full.jakapen
ejjekaroroLale eḷap an jejekaroro (ejjekaroro) raij ṇeBe careful not to put too much toddy all over that rice.jekaro
ejjekjekeKwōn jab jejekjeke (ejjekjeke) waini ṇeDon't keep chopping that copra nut.jekjek
ejjekōṃaiṃaiLale ejjekōṃaiṃai nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Be careful not to spill coconut syrup on your clothes.jekṃai
EjjeḷāEjjeḷā toon bōbtowa.Anchor until everything is clear to me. (words from chant)ejjeḷā
EjjeḷamEjjeḷam apañinWhat a hassle.apañ
 Ejjeḷam bōjinIt's really a swollen corpse.bōj
 Ejjeḷam dujejjetiierThey're overflowing.dujejjet
 Ejjeḷam ettōlin ke eḷak mej aolepān aelōñ eo im ilomeje.He was so charismatic that when he died the entire atoll mourned for him.ettōl
 Ejjeḷam jotoun jōōt ṇe ṇa ippaṃ.That shirt really looks fitting on you.joto
MORE Ejjeḷam
EjjeḷḷoEjjeḷḷo ḷọk āneuweo jān āniinThere are more grasshopper on that island than this island.jeḷo
ejjelōblōbKiiō eḷak ejjelōblōb dān ṇe, ejādbūtbūt tok ñan ioon kaṇe.Then when the water splashed it sprayed all over the boards. P719jādbūtūktūk
 Ek rot eṇ ej jejelōblōb (ejjelōblōb) ijjuweoWhat kind of fish is that splashing way over there?jejelōblōb
ejjelōbḷọkIḷak ilbōk ejjelōbḷọk emjak eo an lik.I was surprised when the anchor made a splash coming up in the stern of the boat. P478jejelōblōb
ejjelokKomaroñ ke ja kajokweik ledik ṇe ippaṃ bwe ejjelok jikin an jokwe?Could you let the girl stay with you, as she doesn't have a place to live?jokwe
ejjelọkEdded, ejjelọk ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) inOh boy, that was good.edded
 Eḷak ibwij ejjelọk wa eo.When the tide came in, the boat floated loose.ejjelọk
 Ejjelọk wa jān wōd eo.The boat floated loose from the reef.ejjelọk
 Ejjelọk ruōI am innocent.ruo-
EjjeḷokEjjeḷok ajinHe is not brave.aj
EjjeḷọkEjjeḷọk wōt abjein ledik eo.I never saw a shier girl than her.abje
 Ejjeḷọk wōt abōblepiṃ.Oh, you're so negative.abōblep
 Ejjeḷọk eṇ eademlōkmejḷọk jān bar juon.No one has greater inalienable rights than anyone else.addemlōkmej
 Maroñ ko addemlōkmej ejjeḷọk juon emaroñ būki jān kōj.No one can take away our inalienable rightsaddemlōkmej
 Ejjeḷọk aij-bọọk ilo enañin aolep eṃ i Ṃajeḷ, bōtab eḷak wōr ilo jet wōt eṃ ko Kuajleen im Mājro kab jejjo ilo aelōñ ko ilikin.There are no refrigerators in most Marshallese homes, except for some on Kwajalein and Majuro, and a few on outer islands. S27aelōñ
MORE ejjeḷọk
EjjeḷoḷoEjjeḷoḷo āninThere are lots of grasshoppers on this island.jeḷo
 Ejjeḷoḷo MājroThere are always boats arriving in Majuro.jeḷo
ejjeṃarṃarTony eḷap an jejeṃarṃar (ejjeṃarṃar).Tony is taking vacations all the time.jeṃar
ejjeṃṃaṃaKobwiin jejeṃṃaṃa (ejjeṃṃaṃa).You smell of sardines.jeṃṃa
 Ejjeṃṃaṃa nuknuk ṇe aṃ.You have sardines all over your dress.jeṃṃa
ejjenḷapḷapEḷap an jejenḷapḷap (ejjenḷapḷap) bao in āniinThere are lots of old hens on this island.jenḷap
ejjennōbnōbLale ejjennōbnōb nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Be careful you don't slop pandanus custard on your clothes.jennōb
EjjenoknokEjjenoknok raan jake ṇeThere are traces on the mat.jenok
 Ejjenoknok arin āninThe beach on this island has lots of footprints.jenok
ejjenọnọEḷap an jejenọnọ (ejjenọnọ) iarin āniinThere are lots of jenọ on the lagoon side of this islet.jenọ
ejjeorEban jejeor (ejjeor) eọ ṇeThat tattoo is indelible.ban jejeor
EjjeoreorEjjeoreor wa eo.The vehicle keeps turning this way and that.jeor
 Kwōn jab jejeoreor (ejjeoreor) bwe jenaaj jorrāān.Don't turn so frequently or we might have an accident.jeor
ejjeparujrujEnañin aolep raan rimween rej jejeparujruj (ejjeparujruj).There is excitement in that house almost every day.jeparujruj
EjjepdakdakEjjepdakdak kuwat ko.The cans are all smashed.jepdak
 Ḷañ eo ekōṃṃan tibat ko ren jejepdakdak (ejjepdakdak).The tea kettles were all crushed in the storm.jepdak
ejjepepeEḷap an jejepepe (ejjepepe) kemem eo.There were lots of baskets at the birthday party.jepe
ejjepjepKwōn jab kōṇaan jejepjep (ejjepjep).Don't always be so biased.jep
EjjepkọkọEjjepkọkọ lowaan ṃwiinThere are lots of floor mats in this house. This house smells of floor mats.jepkọ
ejjepḷaakakWa eo ejjepḷaakak eṇThe ship is continually returning.jepḷaak
ejjepḷāḷāLiṃakaak ko rej jejepḷāḷā (ejjepḷāḷā) imejatotoThe kites are gliding in the air.jepeḷā
ejjeplejlejEḷap an jejeplejlej (ejjeplejlej) armej in āneṇLots of people on that islet have contracted an STD.jeplej
ejjepliklikEḷap an jejepliklik (ejjepliklik) wa eṇ.That ship is really rolling.jepliklik
ejjepooḷiEṃōj aer jejepooḷi (ejjepooḷi) ek ko.The large group has surrounded the fish.pooḷ
ejjeptaktakḶadik eo ejjeptaktak eṇThe boy is always getting slapped.jeptak
ejjepwaḷwaḷRi-kaki eo ejjepwaḷwaḷ ṇeThat's the teacher who's always slapping (his students) on the back of the head.jepwaḷ
EjjerajkokoEjjerajkoko jo ear kwaḷkoḷ ie.There was bleach all over the place where she washed clothes.jerajko
ejjerakrōkAkadik eo waan Ānti eṇ ej ejjerakrōk ilo ṃaḷoAndy's new outrigger canoe is sailing in the lagoon.akadik
 Iāekwōj in tipñōl eṃṃan ḷọk jān booj in ejjerakrōk.Races of outrigger sailing canoes are better than those of sailing boats.iāekwōj
 Ḷōṃaro raṇ rej jejerakrōk (ejjerakrōk) bajjek iaar.Those men are just leisurely sailing around in the lagoon.jerakrōk
 Ejjerakrōk lọjilñinHe's got elephant ears.jerakrōk
EjjeraraEjjerara likin āniinThere are lots of squirelfish on the ocean side of this island.jera
EjjerbalbōlEjjerbalbōl ḷeeṇHe's always working.jerbal
ejjerkakkakIar kanooj jejerkakkak (ejjerkakkak) boñ kōn abṇōṇō.I kept getting up all night because I was uncomfortable.jerkak
ejjertaktakḶeo ejjedtaktak eṇ. ejjertaktak ḷeeṇThat man is always falling on his back.jedtak
ejjetōbtōbJoñan an jejetōbtōb (ejjetōbtōb), eao.He is so spiritual, he has a halo on his head.ao
 Ejjetōbtōb āninThis islet is full of spirits.jetōb
ejjeururTa eṇ rej jejeurur (ejjeurur) eakeWhat are they excited about?jejeurur
 Ri-āneo raar ejjeurur ke ej mej irooj eo.The people of the islet were stirred up when the chief died.jejeurur
 Eḷap kar jejeurur (ejjeurur) ke ej bwil ṃweoThere was a great commotion when the house burned.jejeurur
 Ej kab kar juon iien an ri-Ṃajeḷ maat im kālōt ri-kwelọk ro aer im ear kanooj ḷap ejjeurur.It was finally a time when the Marshallese had chosen their own representatives, and there was great excitement. S16jejeurur
ejjeururḷọkArmej ro raar ejjeururḷọk ilo raan in Kūrijṃōj eo.The people were more excited during the Christmas festivities.jejeurur
ejjibRaar bōk ñan Aujpitōḷ bwe ejjib lọọjienThey took him to the hospital because his stomach was swollen.jib
ejjibboñEor ke kōjjeḷā kōn jiraik eo ke ejjibboñ?Was there any news bulletin about the strike this morning?kōjjeḷā
ejjibjibPia māāṇāṇ ejjibjib.Warm beer always fizzes.jib
EjjibuñbuñEjjibuñbuñ nājinShe keeps delivering stillborn babies.jibuñ
EjjiburburEjjiburbur lieṇThe young lady likes to cuddle.jijibur
EjjidikdikEjjidikdik jān wōt aer kar pepeọeọọte.It was in shreds after they tore it to pieces.jān
ejjidimkijkijḶeo ejjidimkijkij ṇeHe has a short temper. That fellow gets angry easily.jidimkij
EjjidpaḷpaḷEjjidpaḷpaḷ neen ḷeeṇHis ankle is always getting sprained.jidpaḷ
EjjiineneEjjiinene āninThis island is full of crabs.jiine
EjjiiñlijlijEjjiiñlijlij ḷeeṇHe always wears an undershirt.jiiñlij
EjjiipipEjjiipip meḷaaj eṇ an.His pasture is crawling with sheep.jiip
EjjikipkipEjjikipkip an jerbal.He never finishes one job before going on to the next.jipikpik
EjjikurkurEjjikurkur iooj in āninThe interior of this islet is full of ditches.jikur
EjjimattantanEjjimattantan pilawā .These loaves of bread are all cut in half.jimattan
EjjimeṇeeṇEjjimeṇeeṇ lowaan ṃweoCement powder is all over the inside of the house.jimeeṇ
EjjiniñniñEjjiniñniñ eo.The breadfruit has been cur/torn into tiny pieces.jiniñniñ
EjjiñjiñEjjiñjiñ ḷeeṇHe's always breaking wind.jiñ
ejjinoEpaak an kwōj bwe ejjino aeṃōḷoḷoIt'll freeze soon for it's beginning to get cool.aeṃōḷoḷo
EjjipdodoEjjipdodo neōMy legs have gone limp.jijipdodo
ejjirLale aṃ etetal bwe ejjir barin āninWatch your step for the rocks on this island are slippery.bar
 Lale kwōjirilọk bwe ejjir ijeṇeBe careful you don't slip because it's slippery there.jirilọk
 Ejjir ioon jimeeṇ eṇ kōn an tutu.The concrete floor is wet and slippery.jijir
 Ikar kōjparok wōt ṃōṃakūtkūt i lowaan wa eo bwe ejjir ḷam jako ijo kōn wōil.I was careful as I moved around the boat because everything was covered with oil and it was very slippery. P716jijir
 Ikar kōjparok wōt ṃōṃakūtkūt i lowaan wa eo bwe ejjir ḷam jako ijo kōn wōil.I was careful as I moved around the boat because everything was covered with oil and it was very slippery. P716wōil
ejjiraalalLio ejjiraalal ṇeShe is always eating coconut with something. She eats coconut with anything.jiraal
ejjirilọklọkḶeo ejjirilọklọk eṇHe keeps slipping.jirilọk
ejjirubrubLale ejjirubrub nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Watch out or you might get syrup all over your clothes.jurub
ejjitdaṃdaṃḶaddik eo ejjitdaṃdaṃ ṇeThe boy is always inquisitive.jitdaṃ
EjjoEjjo ḷọk wōt tiṃa eṇ jān ṃoktaThe ship is rustier than before.kajjo
 Ejjo.It is rusty!ḷōjo
 Etabūṇṇoik(i) tūrak eo im jejo (ejjo) tūrak eo im jejo (ejjo)Salt spray caused the truck to rust.tabūṇṇo
ejjōEjekkar ñan kain eṇ ejjō.It's not for the squeamish.jejō
ejjōbaōRaar ejjōbaō ḷọk em boñ.They played ejjōbaō till nightfall.ejjōbaō
 Leddik wōt rej ejjōbaō ṂajeḷOnly girls play ejjōbaō in the Marshalls.ejjōbaō
EjjodidiEjjodidi ḷadik eṇ.That boy always wears zoris.jodi
ejjodikdikEḷap an jejodikdik (ejjodikdik) rūttariṇae ro an Ri-Amedka.American soldiers frequently invade the enemy.jodik
EjjoiuiuEjjoiuiu jaajmi eo kijō.My sashimi had shoyu all over it.joiu
ejjọjọEḷap an jejọjọ (ejjọjọ) likao eo ilo jipij eo an.The young man was very bold in his speech.jejọjọ
 Ejjọjọ injin eṇ.That engine is easy to start.jọ
 Ejjọjọ kain ek rot ṇeThat kind of fish always slips into the sand.jọ
ejjokjokEn baj jejokjok (ejjokjok) wōt bao eṇ?Why is that bird always landing?jok
EjjokkopkopEjjokkopkop nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your dress has lots of soup all over it.jokkwōp
ejjokḷāḷāAllōñ in eḷap an jejokḷāḷā (ejjokḷāḷā).This month the wind often comes from the north.jokḷā
ejjọklejejLale ejjọklejej nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Watch out or your clothes might get chocolate all over them.jọkleej
EjjokwākwāEjjokwākwā likin āninThe ocean side of this islet is littered with driftwood.jokwā
ejjoḷọkEḷap an ejjoḷọk kar ṇe waaṃ jān ṃoktaYour car is rustier than before.jejo
ejjoñIkōn jejoñ (ejjoñ) ke iar dik.I used to catch birds by hand when I was young.jejoñ
ejjọñJen ilān akajoki ak kaṇ bwe en kab pidodo ad jejọñ (ejjọñ).Let's go locate the frigate birds' roost so we can easily catch them tonight.akajok
 Kōm naj jejọñ (ejjọñ) bao buñniin.We will catch birds tonight.jejoñ
 Rijjọñ bao ro remootḷọk in jejọñ (ejjọñ) bao ilo āne jidikdik eṇ.The bird catcher went to the small island to catch birds.jejoñ
 Kōjro etal in jejọñ (ejjọñ) baoLet's the two of us go catch birds (tonight).jejọñ
 Rōmoot in jejọñ (ejjọñ) baoThey went to catch birds.jejọñ
ejjoñjoñḶañe ear jejoñjoñ (ejjoñjoñ) kake er.The skipjack picked them all off one by one.jejoñjoñ
ejjọñḷọkḶōṃaro raṇ rej ejjọñḷọk bao ñan lik.The men are catching birds toward the ocean side.jejoñ
ejjoñọñọEḷap an bwiin ejjoñọñọ lowaan mwiin.The fish odor is all over the house.joñọ
 Ejjoñọñọ jikin wia ek eṇ.This house smells like fish.joñọ
EjjoobobEjjoobob dān eṇ.That water is soapy.joob
ejjookokEḷap an jejookok (ejjookok) likao eṇ.That young man is always bashful.jejookok
 Ejjookok ḷeeṇHe is easily embarrassed -- very shy.jook
 Ejjookok ke ḷeeṇ in kōnono ñan kōjeañ?Will his bashfulness keep him from speaking for us?jook
 Ejjookok ke ḷeeṇ in kōnono ñan kōjeañ?Will his bashfulness keep him from speaking for us?ñan
EjjọọkọkEjjọọkọk peiūMy hands are covered with chalk.jọọk
EjjopālpālEjjopālpāl bōḷāāk ilo U.N. Day eo.Flags were flying all over the place on U.N. Day.jopāl
 Kōttar,” eba Bōlen eṃṃan ñe jero poon wūjḷā ṇe ṃokta bwe enana an ejjopālpāl.Hold on,” he said, Maybe we should lower the sail first; it’s not good for it to be flapping in the wind like this. P1119jopāl
 Kwōn likoik bōraṃ bwe en jab jejopālpāl (ejjopālpāl).Use a rubber-band to hold your hair from flapping in the wind.liko
ejjorEḷap an jeḷā ejjor ekHe's very good at searching for fish in the distance.jejor
 Kain jejor (ejjor) rot ṇe kwaar kōṃṃane ñan bakbōk ṇeWhat type of handle did you make for that knife?jejor
EjjorrāānānEjjorrāānān waj eṇ nājin.His watch is always broken.jorrāān
EjjukwakwaEjjukwakwa tebōḷ ṇeThe table has sugar all over it.jukwa
ejjuonḶeeṇ ejjuon iaan ri-jurbak ro.That man is one of the tap damcers.jurbak
EjjurbakbakEjjurbakbak likaoun Mājej.Young men of Mejij island are known to be good tap dancers.jurbak
EjjurereEjjurere likin Aur.There are lots of barracuda on the oceanside of Aur.jure
EjjuubkwekweEjjuubkwekwe ḷeeṇHe's always kneeling.juubkwe
EjjuububEjjuubub nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes have soup slopped on them.juub
ejjuujujḶeo ejjuujuj eṇThat's the man who always wears shoes.juujuj
EjjuuroreEjjuurore (ejjuururi) ṃweeṇ kōn ṃōṃaan (eṃṃaan).That house is full of men.jijuurore
ejjuururiEjjuurore (ejjuururi) ṃweeṇ kōn ṃōṃaan (eṃṃaan).That house is full of men.jijuurore
EjjuwaininEjjuwainin nuknuk eṇ an kōrā eṇ.There is lots of lace on that woman's dress.juwain
ejṃaanRaar kōjabil ḷọk ejṃaan eoThey rolled the stone away.ejṃaan
 Ejabwilḷọk ejṃaan eoThe boulder rolled over.ejṃaan
ejoKapen eo ejo rōkeañ ḷọk jila eo im wa eo, ke ekar baj kipeddikdik niñeañ ḷọk, ejaaḷ im kabbwe bōran im jitōñ kapilōñ.The Captain cast the tiller to the south and the boat, which was advancing slowly but steadily to the north, turned downwind P908jaaḷ
 Ejo wa eo.The boat floated loose.jo
 Ejo kōn bwidej pidodo.It's muddy with soft soil.jo
EjọEjọ kijeek eo.The fire has started.jọ
 Āinwōt ñe iñak ke ejọ injin eo an wa eo, ilo an kōnono tok.The way he talked to me was like he didn’t know I knew the engine had started. P322jọ
 Ejọ injin e,” Bojin eo eba tok ñan ñaThe engine is running,” the Boatswain said to me. P323jọ
 Ejọ ek eo buḷōn bok.The fish is slipping into the sand.jọ
 Ejọ ri-iakiu raan ko an ri-Nibboñ.He used to be a baseball player during Japanese times.jọ
MORE ejọ
ejodaEjjeḷọk kwoṇan bwe ejoda.He didn't catch any fish because he is unable to catch fish.joda
EjodikEjodik Ri-Amedka ilo Kwajleen.The Americans invaded Kwajalein.jodik
 Rūttariṇae in Jepaan ro i Ruōt rej baj pepojakjek wōt in ruk-bueer ak ejodik ṃōrein in Amedka ro im buuk er im remej.While the Japanese soldiers were gathering their ammunition together the American marines landed and shot them dead.ruk-bo
EjọiieEjọiie injin eṇ.That engine starts easily.jọwiie
EjoiuEjoiu jōōt e .There is shoyu on my shirt.joiu
EjojoeEjojoe lowaan oror eṇ.There are lots of chicks in that pen.jojo
 Ejojoe likin Mājro.There are lots of flying fish on the ocean side of Majuro.jojo
EjojoeḷọkEjojoeḷọk Arṇo jān Mājro.There are more flying fish at Arno than at Majruo.jojo
EjojoḷāārEjojoḷāār kōn an mej jinen-im-jemān jāne.His parents died and left him alone with no one to take care of him.jojoḷāār
EjokEjok i bōran kiju eo.It landed on the top of the mast.bar
 Ej dikkilọk wōt ān eo ak ejok marok eo.The island was getting small as night fell upon us. P1318dik
 Juon uweo jekad ejok ioon buwae ṇe iōñ, ak jet roro armej ioon parijet rej jeeaaḷ tok.I saw a black noddy land on the northern buoy and some people on the shore beckoning to us. P523jekad
 Ejok bao ko iraan wōjke eo.The birds landed on the tree.jok
 Ejok baḷuun eo.The plane landed.jok
MORE ejok
EjokakEjokak ni eo.The coconut tree has been chopped down.jokak
ejokdādAolepem dike ledik eṇ bwe ejokdād.Nobody likes that girl because she's filthy.jokdād
EjokdādḷọkEjokdādḷọk nuknuk kaṇ an jān ṃoktaHis clothes are filthier than before.jokdād
ejokiiñiKōrā eo ejokiiñi jikin kōmat eo.The woman has cleaned the kitchen.jokiiñ
EjọkkurereEjọkkurere.He's not athletic.jọkkurere
ejọkkutkutEtke ejọkkutkut ad allolouk eok?Why don't we see you more often?allolo
Ejọkkutkut(i)Ejọkkutkut(i) an jar.He doesn't go to church often.jọkkutkut
EjọkkutkutiEjọkkutkuti jemānHe rarely visits his fatherjọkkutkut
ejọkkwikwiEkkar ñan kōbauwe bwe ejọkkwikwi.He is good in debating because he's slow to anger.jọkkwikwi
EjokḷāEjokḷā.The wind is coming from the northjokḷā
 Kōto eo ejokḷā im eṃṃakroro im wa eo ekar jab diak ak kankan wōt im etal.The wind was coming from the north favorably filling the sail, and the boat wasn’t tacking and was going ahead at full sail. P1183jokḷā
ejọkleejeLale ejọkleeje nuknuk ṇe aṃBe careful you don't get chocolate on your clothes.jọkleej
EjọkoṇEjọkoṇ tōptōp ṇe aṃ.Your footlocker isn't neat.jọkoṇ
 Ejọkoṇ aṃ kar kōṃṃane wūntō eṇ.You didn't close that window tightly.jọkoṇ
ejọkurbaatatEtọọke wa eṇ waan im ke ej likbade ālikin an kelọk ejọkurbaatat ḷọk jān ṃoktaHe pulled his boat ashore for maintenance and when he gave it a trial cruise after it was launched it caused more spray than before.jọkurbaatat
 Ejọkurbaatat ḷoon eo kōnke jibukwi ọọj bawōrin injin ḷọk eo ie.The outboard motor boat made spray because it had a 100 horsepower engine.jọkurbaatat
EjokwaEjokwa an eb.He dances without rhythm.jokwa
 Eban pālele bwe ejokwa.She won't get married for she's very homely.jokwa
EjokwajokweEjokwajokwe ḷọk ānin jān Likiep.This island is more infested with gnats than Likiep.jokwajok
ejoḷọkJema ej jeḷā wōt men in ak ejoḷọk men eo ekar kōṃṃane im rōre lọk ñan e.When Father realized it he stopped what he was doing and looked over at him. P454joḷọk
EjoñEjoñ pein pijja eo.The pitcher got pain in his arm from throwing too long.joñ
ejonaWōn in ejona?Who is bringing us bad luck?jona
 Ḷeo ejona tata ṇeHe's the one who brings us the most bad luck.jona
EjoṇakEjoṇak kōn an ḷap an ṃōkHe slept soundly because he was so tired.joṇak
ejoñọKwōn aṃwin peiṃ bwe ejoñọ.Wash your hands because they smell of fish.joñọ
 Ejoñọ peiṃYour hands are fishy.joñọ
EjoñoulEjoñoul emān an iiō rainin.He reaches fourteen today.joñoul emān
ejoñouljiluṂōttan wōt jidik ejoñouljilu an an iiō.He's almost thirteen years old.joñoul jilu
EjoobeEjoobe pein bwe en jab bwiin joñọ.He washes his hands with soap to get rid of the fishy smell.joob
ejọọkLale ejọọk pein ajiri ṇeWatch out that that child doesn't get chalk on his/her hands.jọọk
EjoolEjool bwe e ri-baijin. / Ejool be ri-baijin men eṇ.He is shunned because he habitually discredits people.baijin
 Ejool bwe e ri-baijin. / Ejool be ri-baijin men eṇ.He is shunned because he habitually discredits people.baijin
 Ejool ajri eṇ.That child is neglected.jool
EjooṇeEjooṇe wa eṇ.That boat is carrying a lot of ballast.jooṇ
EjooreEjoore ṃweeṇThat house has lots of posts.joor
EjoorkatkatEjoorkatkat ijo im kōmmān ḷak ilbōk edebokḷọk men eo im kelọk kōjjoram eo.He stood ready in place and we were all surprised when the flare gun exploded and the flare shot up into the sky. P939debokḷọk
 Ejoorkatkat ijo im kōmmān ḷak ilbōk edebokḷọk men eo im kelọk kōjjoram eo.He stood ready in place and we were all surprised when the flare gun exploded and the flare shot up into the sky. P939joorkatkat
 Ejoorkatkat ijo im kōmmān ḷak ilbōk edebokḷọk men eo im kelọk kōjjoram eo.He stood ready in place and we were all surprised when the flare gun exploded and the flare shot up into the sky. P939kōmram
EjōōtōtEjōōtōt.He's wearing a shirt.jōōtōt
EjoraantakEjoraantak ke kōrā ro rar ilọk ñan lōb eo.It was dawn when the women went to the grave.joraantak
EjorjorḷọkEjorjorḷọk likao eṇ.That young man is walking away quickly.jerjer
EjorrāānEjorrāān ajin kōn an ekkadekdek.His liver is shot due to drunkenness.aj
 Ejorrāān anōḷin waj e .The dial of my watch is broken.anōḷ
 Iba wōt ke ejorrāān wa eo waan.I thought his car had broken down.ba
 Iar ba ejorrāān wa eo waan.I said his car had broken down.ba
 Ejorrāān baṃbōrin wa e waō.My car's bumper is busted.baṃbōr
MORE ejorrāān
EjotaEjota ḷọkThe evening is getting darker.jota
 Ejota dikdikḷọkThe evening slips away.jota
ejotoEj kōnono wōt ak ejoto ḷọk jila eo bwe en bwābwe wa eo ñan to eo; wa eo ekar kaiok ḷọk wōt lukoḷpān to eo im etal.As he spoke he threw the tiller, steering the boat right toward the middle of the pass. P503bwābwe
ejoujKwōn aljektok waini im ejouj tok ṇa ijjieṇ.Gather copra nuts and pile them up over there.ejouj
 Ejouj in waini.A pile of coconuts.ejouj
 Ej maat wōt ejouj jab eo ak ebar ettōr āne ḷọk tūrak eo im kanne tok.When the first pile was gone the truck left and brought in another load. P359ejouj
 Ejouj im jeḷā lale armej.He is very kind and cares about people.jouj
 Ejouj ak ejjaad kūḷaṃwe.He's kind but slightly stupid.kūḷaṃwe
MORE ejouj
ejoujiEṃōj an ṇo tọọre eakḷe ilik; kwōn ejouji dekā kaṇe ippān doon.The waves have washed over the stone barrier on the ocean side; please stack the stones together again.eakḷe
 Ejouji waini ko ippān doon.Make a pile of those coconuts.ejouj
ejoujikḶaddik ro raar ejoujik ḷọk waini ko.The boys made a pile of coconuts.ejouj
ejoujikinRūkọọt eo ear tarlepe ejoujikin waini eo im etal kake kōn dieka eo.The thief scooped up the entire pile of copra on the rear cart and took off with it.tarlep
EjọuñEjọuñ kōj e.This share is short.jọuñ
 Ejọuñ jān bōnbōn eo.There are not as many here as there are supposed to be.jọuñ
EjọuñḷọkEjọuñḷọk wōt ije kuṇaan Tony jān Alfred.Tony's contribution is less than Alfred's.jọuñ
EjouriEjouri tata likin Arṇo.The ocean side of Arno has the most joururjourur
EjoururiEjoururi likin Arṇo.There are lots of jourur on the ocean side of Arno.jourur
EjọuwatataEjọuwatata ḷọk ḷadik eṇ jān jemān.That boy is more fearless than his father.jọuwōta
 Ejọuwatata ḷadik eṇ.That boy doesn't scare easily.jọuwōta
ejouwiKain ek rot ṇe ke ejouwi.What sort of fish is that one that doesn't have much flavor?jọuwi
EjowālelEjowālel Alfred im aolep iien ej iiet koṇan ñe ej turọñ.Alfred is not a good marksman at spearfishing and his catch is never large when he goes spearfishing.jowālel
EjowanEjowan likao ro in jar.The young men are too lazy to go to church.jowan
 Ejowan ledik eṇ.That girl is lazy.jowan
EjọwiiaḷọkEjọwiiaḷọk kaar eṇ waan Tony.Tony's car is harder to start.jọwiia
EjọwiinEjọwiin ṃweiuk in Australia.Australian goods don't bring in the business.wiin
ejọwōtwōtḷọkRatak eañ ejọwōtwōtḷọk jān Rālik rak.The northeastern Marshalls are drier than the southwestern Marshalls.jọwōtwōt
ejuEpen talliñe ni ṇe bwe eju.It's hard to climb that coconut because it's standing exactly vertical.ju
 Eju ḷọk ḷadik eo ñan iaar.The boy is walking on his hands toward the lagoon.ju
 Eju ṇaṃThere are a lot of mosquitoes.ju
EjuaeEjuae in ḷọk jān ṃoktaThe current is stronger than before.juae
 Ejuae ijinWe're in the currents closest to the island.juae
Eju-būruōEju-būruō kōn ṃōñā ko.I am satisfied with the meal.ju-būruon
Eju-būruonEju-būruon.He is satisfied.ju-būruon
EjuduEjudu kōn an kar ṃōñā ek.He got hives from eating spoiled fish.judu
EjujalḷọkEjujalḷọk jāne bwe edike.She turns away from him because she hates him.jujāl-
ejujenKōn kaaerṃweiki ejujen wōt im jeḷā.Because I showed him how a person should behave toward relatives, he finally learned.aerṃwe
 Ej kaajjimālele bajjik innām ejujen maroñ wiin.S/he'll keep saying s/he'll win and s/he just might do so.ajjimālele
 Ḷak ke ejej eṇ ekkōnono, ejujen wōnṃaan ḷọk wōt.Since no one else said anything, he continued. P924ejej
 Bojin eo ejujen wanlōñ āinwōt an ba, meñe ekar jab aelọk an jab itok-limoin eake men eo.The Boatswain went up as he was told, even though it was obvious he didn’t want to. P916itok-limoin
 Bojin eo ejujen tōbtōb ḷọk ippān kaju eo im jeḷat toon jerak eo im jino jerak.So the Boatswain pulled up the mast and loosened the tether on the sail and we set sail. P1299jaḷjaḷ
MORE ejujen
EjujukōpeEjujukōpe iarin āniinThe lagoon side of this island has lots of barracuda.jujukōp
EjukEjuk jetōb ettoon ippān.He has an unclean spirit dwelling in him.juk jetōb
EjukweeaEjukweea ke kōjām ṇeHas the bottom side of the door been squared?jukweea
EjuḷEjuḷ mejān ine eo.The seed sprouted.juḷ
EjumejEjumej an uwe.He decided to go all of a sudden.jumej
EjuonEjuon de raan in pād ilo kalbuuj.He's been in jail for one day.juon
ejuoñKōkāāl dānnin nien ut ṇe bwe ejuoñ.Change the water in the vase because it's getting smelly.juoñ
EjureEjure ānin kōn bao.This island is teeming with birds.jure
EjurjuriEjurjuri wūnokan jōōt e .The color of my shirt is fading.jijurjur
EjurōkEjurōk joor ko.The pillars have been put up.kajjuur
EjurubEjurub baankeek e.This pancake has syrup on it.jurub
ejutakItūrrọọlin util de eo, eñeo ejab pedo ak ejutak wōt im pojak.His was the circling movement of an agile person such that he didn't fall but stood poised and ready.itūrrọọl
eJuunṂōttan jidik eJuun.It will soon be June.Juun
EjuureEjuure āneeṇ kōn ṃōñā in ṂajōḷThat island is full of local produce.jijuurore
ejuuriḶaddik eo ejuuri neen leḷḷap eo.The boy stepped on the old woman's foot.jijuur
EjuwainEjuwain jemej eṇ an.Her slip has lace put on.juwain
EjuwaḷōñḷōñEjuwaḷōñḷōñ kōn ṃweiuk kaṇ an.He's gloating over his possessions.juwaḷōñḷōñ
EjuwapeneEjuwapene lowaan kōbañ eṇ.There are roaches inside the suitcase.juwapin
EjuwōneikiEjuwōneiki ḷadik eo nejin ej ilọk in jikuuḷ.He's seeing off his son who is going away to school.juwōne
ekElōñ ek ilowaan addiin likin āninThe narrow gashes in the reef around this island have plenty of fish.addi
 Erro ar aejeki ek kaṇe.They (two) caught the fish using the surround net.aejek
 Kaaejek tok kijed ek bwe jebatur.Use the surround net and get us some fish for we're dying to eat fish.aejek
 Eḷak baj tōbwe tok ek eo, ealikkar an Bojin eo aewanlik.As he pulled in the fish, it was obvious that the Boatswain was an expert fisherman. P1309aewanlik
 Ainbatin kōmat ek.A pot for cooking fish.ainbat
ekāEj ja ajjewewe bajjek wōt ijo ak ekā tak juon jekad im jok ioon aeran anbwijmaroñ.While he was whistling a black noddy flew over and landed on the Captain’s right shoulder. P1035ajwewe
 Ke ekar tōpar kūrọọjti eo, ebuñjenōṃ ḷak bwijbwij, ekā lōñ ḷọk im jok ioon im jijet.When he reached the cross-stick at the top of the mast, he suddenly started kicking, then he jumped up to the top and landed on it and sat down. P1192bwijbwij
 Bao eo eineeṃṃan wōt im kōjatdikdik ioon aeran Kapen eo ke ekā wōt im ñak en ita.The bird was so gentle and deceptive there on the Captain’s shoulder that when it moved he didn’t know what had happened. P1042jatdik
 Kōto in ekā iōñThe wind is shifting to the north.
 Bao eo ekā lọk ke erro kar kepaak ḷọk Kapen eo.The bird flew away as soon as they got close to the Captain. P1049kā-
MORE ekā
ekaaborborKotak neōṃ bwe ekaaborbor.Lift your foot out (of the water) because it's impeding our progress.abor
EkaabwinmakekeEkaabwinmakeke wūleej in.This graveyard is eerie.abwinmake
 Ekaabwinmakeke an wejeḷ im ainikien ñōñōrñōrin (eññōrñōrin) rojak eo ippān kiju eo, ilo an ṇo ko kōllāleiki im kōjjeplikliki wa eo ion lọmeto.There was a ghostly whistle and the gaff and the mast groaned as the boat swayed back and forth from side to side in the waves. P664ñōñōrñōr
ekaadpāikiAn utiejḷọk ekaadpāiki.He's put on airs due to the promotion.adpā
ekaaebōjbōjeEtke ekaaebōjbōje juub eṇ?Why is he putting so much water in the soup?aebōjbōj
ekaaelikKōto jidik eo ekaaelik ioon dān.The squall caused the current to flow out on the surface of the water.aelik
ekaaeṇakeTa ṇe ekaaeṇake eokWhat made you so dripping wet?aeṇak
ekaaepādpādeAn japojak ekaaepādpāde.His unpreparedness made him hesitant.aepedped
EkaaepokpokEkaaepokpok tata an ri-kaki.His teaching is the most complicated.aepokpok
ekaaerareKijeek eo ekaaerare ni ko.The fire scorched the coconut trees.aerar
ekaaerōkeañḷọkKōto in ekaaerōkeañḷọk wa eo.The wind made the current drift the canoe southwardaerōkeañḷọk
ekaaeteKōto in ekaaete lọjetThe wind is creating currents in the oceanaet
EkaaettoktokEkaaettoktok aer eọñwōd.They fish endlessly.aetok
ekaaiboojojeNuknuk eo an ekaaiboojoje.Her dress made her pretty.aiboojoj
ekaaiṇokkoikiAn nejin ri-Jepaan ekaaiṇokkoiki.His being an offspring of a Japanese father gives him a light complexion.aiṇokko
ekāājLikao eṇ ekāāj in kabwebwe.That young man has a slim waist and broad shoulders.kāāj in kabwebwe
ekaajāllikiTa eo ekaajālliki?What caused it to backfire?ajāllik
ekaajeḷkāikDet in ekaajeḷkāik kōjThe heat is depressing.ajeḷkā
EkaajeḷkākāEkaajeḷkākā an kwaḷọk.His sermon is boring.ajeḷkā
ekaajeḷḷāikiBaijin eo ekaajeḷḷāiki bukwōn eo.The poison killed and scattered piles of corpses all over the village.ajeḷḷā
ekaajiṃaalaleBait eo an Ṃaak ekaajiṃaalale.Mark's punch sent him swaying back and forth.ajjiṃaalal
ekaajineañroikEmej irooj eo an ri-āneo innem wāween in ekaajineañroik erTheir traditional chief's death frightened the people of the island.ajineañro
ekaajjibanbaneEddo eo an pāāk in nuknuk eo ekaajjibanbane.The weight of the duffle bag was a burden on him.ajjibanban
ekaajjiḷapḷapeAn medwañ ekaajjiḷapḷape.The strong smell of his armpits gives him a disagreeable odor.ajjiḷapḷap
EkaajjiririEkaajjiriri leḷḷap eo ippān kōrā eo nejin.The old lady helps her daugher with her children.kaajiriri
EkaajjḷọkḷọkEkaajjḷọkḷọk turin mejān.Her face was covered with regret.ajḷọk
ekaajjukubiTa eṇ ekaajjukubi an etetal?What makes him walk with a limp?ajjukub
ekaajokḷāikiKūtak eo ekaajokḷāiki likin jittoeṇ.The wind from the west caused the heap of stones that's at the western end of the island.ajokḷā
ekaakajeikiAn wōr an tiikūri ekaakajeiki an ḷōmṇakHis college degree makes him think he's an important person.akaje
ekaakekeikṂōñā pilawā in jibboñ ekaakekeik lọjiōEating bread in the morning gives me that uncomfortable feeling of a stomach overstuffed with food.akeke
ekaakōjdateLilu (illu) eo an ekaakōjdate ippān armej ro.His anger made the people hate him.akkōjdat
ekaālKọjerbal to ṇe ekaāl im emeje wa ṇe kake.Use the new rope to anchor the boat.emje
EkāālEkāāl jōōt ko aerro.They had new shirts.aerro
 Eṃōj an Nitijeḷā koweppān aḷbapeetin kajin Ṃajeḷ eo ekāāl bwe en jerbal.The Nitijeḷā has approved the standardized Marshallese alphabet.aḷbapeet
 Remoot in kajepkọtok an ṃweo ekāāl.They went looking for floor mats for the new house.jepkọ
 Ekāāl ṃwiinThis house is new.ṃwiin
ekaaḷaikiieikiTa eo ekaaḷaikiieiki?What happened to make it plentiful?aḷakiie
ekaaḷaḷeWōn ṇe ekaaḷaḷe eok ke ekar ejjeḷọk aṃ ṃōṃkajWho supplied you with lumber as you didn't have any before?aḷaḷ
ekaaleDānnin kadek eo ekaale ḷōṃaroThe liquor made the guys sing.al
ekaalijerḷọkTa ḷōṃa ta eṇ ekaalijerḷọk.I wonder what's he so sprightly about.alijerḷọk
ekaaliñūrñūriAn irooj eo lāj ekaaliñūrñūri armej ro an.The chief's anger made his people murmur.alñūrñūr
ekaaljeteDān in kadek eo ekaaljete.The strong liquor made him pie-eyed.aljet
ekaalloikiAn kwōr ekaalloiki.Her fear made her stammer.allo
ekaamentaklaḷeTa eo ekaamentaklaḷe bwe en kab eindeo?What caused his unfortunate situation?amentaklaḷ
EkaamijakEkaamijak abōntọunūThe way I ride the teeter-tooter is scary.abōṇtọun
 Ekaamijak ṃupi eo.The movie was scarey.kaammijak
 Ekaamijak pej eṇ pijin lieṇ.She has a malignant placenta.pej
EkaammijakEkaammijak pija in tiṃoṇ eo.The ghost movie is very scary.kaammijak
 Turin mejān ekaammijak.His face looks horrible.kaammijak
 Ekaammijak an mej.His was a horrible death.mijak
EkaammijakjakEkaammijakjak bwebwenatoin tiṃōṇ eo.The story of the demon was quite scary. mijak
 Ekaammijakjak an bwebwenato kōn tiṃoṇ eo.His style in telling the ghost story is horror-gripping. mijak
ekaaṃtōkeEjaje ta eo ekaaṃtōke.He didn't know what made him bite his lip.aṃtōk
EkaannuojEkaannuoj ḷap an allikar an iọkwe in kiji eok.Her love for you is so obvious that it is a put-on.iọkwe in kij
ekaapañAn abje ekaapañ an wōnṃaanḷọk.Her shyness hinders her progress.abje
EkaattilōklōkEkaattilōklōk ḷadik eo jān jinen.The boy is hiding from his mother.kaattilōklōk
ekabJekdọọn ñe ear jikuuḷ ak ekab jedañ de.Even though he has been to school he's still not competent.jedañ
EkabbilEkabbil ñan ak iar kaḷe.He's such an ingrate but I'm the one who put him ahead.kabbil
ekabbōjBaijin in ṇo eo ekabbōj neenThe poison from the stone fish made his foot swell.bōbōj
ekabbōjbōjBaijin in ṇo ekabbōjbōj.Stone fish poison causes swelling.bōbōj
ekabbōleḶadik eo ekabbōle teeñki eo an.The boy has his flashlight on.kabbōl
EkabbūroṃōjṃōjEkabbūroṃōjṃōj wāween jab eo.That was a pathetic situation.kabbūroṃōjṃōj
EkabbweEkabbwe wa eo.The boat sailed with the wind.kabbwe
 Ekabbwe ḷọk ñan to eṇ.It sails downwind/westward to the pass.kabbwe
ekabbwebweKōmat jitu bwe ekabbwebwe.Make stew cause it goes further.bwe
ekabbwijinjinBok eo ekabbwijinjin mejānThe measles made his face all spotted.būbjinjin
ekabōbeTa eṇ ekabōbe?What made him decline the offer?abōb
EkabodānEkabodān an kajin pālle.He mixes his talk in English.kabodān
 Ekabodān aebōj e ippān jọọḷ.The water is diluted with salt water.kabodān
EkabokbokEkabokbok arin āninThis island has lots of sand in its lagoon.bokbok
 Ekabokbok tata jabōn Laura.The sandiest place in Majuro Atoll is at the end of Laura.bokbok
 Ta ṇe ekabokbok kōj ṇe aṃ kake?What makes you get rejected?bokbok
 Iarin Mājro ekabokbok.The lagoon beach of Majuro is sandy.iar
ekabōlbōlWa men eṇ ekabōlbōl.That is a light from a ship.kabōlbōl
ekabōllaḷAḷe, ekabōllaḷ wōtMan, he's such a grandstander.kabōllaḷ
EkabuñEkabuñ ñan ekōjab.He's praying for idols.kabuñ
EkabūromōjEkabūromōj kōm ke rejeblaak ioon waan raun eo.It saddened us when they departed on the field trip.būroṃōj
ekaburoṃōjṃōjPija eo ekaburoṃōjṃōj.The movie is a sad one.kabbūroṃōjṃōj
EkabūroṃōjṃōjEkabūroṃōjṃōj ṃupi eo.The movie is sad.būroṃōj
 Ekabūroṃōjṃōj kōn an jojoḷāār bajjek.It's pitiful that he has no one to turn to.jojoḷāār
 Ekabūroṃōjṃōj kōn an jako jinen im jemān.His being an orphan is pathetic.kabbūroṃōjṃōj
ekabwebweikḶeo ekabwebweikThe man fooled me.bwebwe
ekabwijāljāleIñak ta eo ekabwijāljāle.I don't know what made him take off in such a hurry.bwijāljāl
EkabwilEkabwil AlfredAlfred went fishing with a torch.kabwil
EkabwilọklọkEkabwilọklọk māj ad naajdik wōt Ḷajiḷap ak jej jab naajdik Jeeklik.Our support of Ḷajiḷap but not of Jeeklik is causing hurt feelings.kabwilọklọk māj
EkabwilōñlōñEkabwilōñlōñ wōt tiṃa kōn an kilep.The size of the ship is amazing.kabwilōñlōñ
 Ekabwilōñlōñ wōt in wāween,” Jema ebaj bwilōñ im ba.That was astounding,” Father said with amazement. P1156kabwilōñlōñ
ekabwinmakelepeBwebwenato eo ekabwinmakelepe.The story turned him into a great fearer of the dark.abwinmakelep
ekaddoujujBōk wōt kobban dimwūj kaṇe bwe ekaddoujuj aded kaṇe.Just take the meat out of the clams because the shells will only be (undesirable) added weight.kaddoujuj
ekadekJuon wōt jaat ak ekadek.He got only one shot and he was drunk.jaat
 Ekadek ḷọk jān ṃoktaHe is getting drunk more often than before.kadek
 Ekadek em uwōjak ilo kuḷab eo.He got drunk and caused a ruckus in the clubhouse.uwōjak
 Ṃool ke ekadek lieṇ; eban kar buñto-buñtak joñan ṇeShe must be drunk or she wouldn't fall about like that.buñto-buñtak
EkadekeEkadeke pia eo.He got drunk from the beer.kadek
EkadikEkadik (bok)boke mọọr ṇe mọọrōṃ.Your bait has too much sand.bokbok
 Ekadik iurjet aṃ kōnono.But you speak so rapidly.iurjet
 Ekadik jabde likao eṇ.The young man is very careless.jabde
 Ekadik kōjaṃjaṃ kōl ko nājin.His ways were such that people never tired of seeing or listening to him.jaṃjaṃ
 Taij ekadik kōjjarjarCrap shooting is expensive.jar
MORE ekadik
ekadikdikḷọkKaar eo eṇ ekadikdikḷọk.The car is slowing down.kadikdik
EkadjoEkadjo ḷōḷḷap eo.The old man is fishing for goat fish.kadjo
EkaduEkadu addi kaṇ eoḷōpān peier. / Ekadu addi-eoḷapier.Their middle fingers are short.addi-eoḷap
 Ekadu addi kaṇ eoḷōpān peier. / Ekadu addi-eoḷapier.Their middle fingers are short.addi-eoḷap
 Etke kwōj jab diekḷọk to ṇe ke ekadu?Why don't you lengthen that rope, because it's short?dede
 Ej jipijuḷ bwe ekadu juon ne.He walks with a limp because one of his legs is shorter.jipijuḷ
 Ekadu meto jab in.”It’s a short trip.” P97kadu
MORE ekadu
ekāebebeṂōḷo in ekāebebeThis cool weather makes me shiver.ebeb
ekaelorKōdọ eo ekaelor ṃōkoThe cloud cast a shadow over the homes.aelor
ekaemuujiMowi jidik eo ekaemuuji ioon lọjet.A squall has made the water surface foamy.aemuuji
ekaererNiñniñ eo ekaerer ippān jinen.The baby doesn't want to be away from its mother.kaerer
ekaetoikLōb eo libōn ekaetoik wuliej eo.His grave cast a spooky spell over the cemetery.aeto
EkaibwibwijEkaibwibwij iaarin āniinThe lagoon side of this island is always having high tide.ibwij
ekaidiñTa ṇe ekaidiñ aṃ uwe.What made the abrupt decision for you to travel.idiñ
EkaijoḷEkaijoḷ ke ej kōnono kōn pọljej eo.His talk about the ripe breadfruit baked in coconut oil gives me an appetite (makes me want to eat).ijoḷ
EkaijoḷjoḷEkaijoḷjoḷ tok bōb eṇ.That ripe pandanus looks luscious.kaijoḷjoḷ
ekaikdeelelTa ṇe ekaikdeelel eokWhat's on your mind?ikdeelel
EkailbōkEkailbōk ke ij roñ kōn mej eo an ḷadik eo nejin.I was shocked to hear of his son's death.ilbōk
EkainepataikEkainepataik ke kwaar palele.It upsets me that you got married.ke
ekainnijekḷọkAn ejjeḷọk iju eṇ ej waḷọk ilañ ekainnijekḷọk buñinin jān boñ.Because there are no stars visible in the sky makes tonight more pitch black than last night.innijek
ekainnitōtWōjḷā eṇ kōrkōr eṇ waan ej jejerakrōk kaake ekainnitōt.That sail his canoe uses makes it speedy. innitōt
EkairujEkairuj jukjuk im pād eo ke ṃōnwa eo ej kōjañ jilel eo ie ilikin āneo āneerIt alarmed the community when the warship blew its horn on the oceanside of the island.iruj
ekāirujiNenaan (Ennaan) eo ekāiruji lọjiōThe news thrilled me.iruj lọjie-
 Naan eo ekāiruji lọjiōThe news thrilled me.iruj lọjie-
ekaiurJema ekaiur im kotak tāāñ eo ṇa i mejatoto.Father quickly lifted the gas can up into the air. P598iur
EkajEkaj wa in.This boat is bumpy.kajkaj
 Ekaj iaḷ eṇ iloKaena Point. The road around Kaena Point is bumpy.kajkaj
EkajeboululiEkajeboululi bōran im to laḷ tak.He shook his head and came back down. P918jeboulul
EkajetEkajet likaebeb eṇ.The top is spinning. (or) He makes the top spin.kajet
 Eor ke aṃ ri-kaṃool ñan ekajet inHave you any witness for the upcoming trial?ri-kaṃool
 Ri-juraake eo ear jab jādetok ñan ien ekajet eoThe witness did not show up for the trial.juraake
ekajeteRaar ekajete ḷọk im boñ.They grilled him until it got dark.ekajet
 Ta eo raar ekajete kakeWhat did they grill him about?ekajet
ekajidimkijiTa ṇe ekajidimkiji?What makes him so short-tempered.jidimkij
EkajjeorEkajjeor ḷadik ro ilik.The boys are playing kajjeor at the ocean side of the island.kajjeor
EkajjidedeikiEkajjidedeiki uwaak eo im jiṃwe.He made a guess at the answer and got it right.kajjidede
ekajjikurḶeo ekajjikur tata eṇ.He has the most negative atittude.kajjikur
EkajjiṃweEkajjiṃwe im eban tōprak aikuj ṇe aṃ.You won't get what you want because he's very inflexible.kajjiṃwe
 Ekajjiṃwe ḷọk jān ṃoktaHe is more strict than before.kajjiṃwe
ekajjiñjiñKwōle ekajjiñjiñ.Nuts are gas-producing.jiñ
ekajjirPinniep eo ekajjir pein im eban dāpij aḷaḷ eo.The coconut oil made his hand too slippery to hold the stick.jijir
ekajjitōkKwōj ḷōmṇak jekar tōpar ia ke ej kun injin e admān?” Jema ekajjitōk ippānWhere do you think we were when our engine went out?” Father asked. P790ad
 Iba eḷap jọkpej eṇ amieañ?” irooj eo ekajjitōk.Do you all have a lot of scrap?” the chief asked. P243ami
 Eṃōj jej eakto wōt ke?” Jema ekajjitōk im kajjioñ bōbrae aerro wōnṃaan ḷọk wōt im aoḷ.Are we done unloading?” Father interjected in an attempt to stop the two of them from arguing. P703aoḷ
 Ejjeḷọk ej emmej ippān wa in buñiniin?” Bojin eo ekajjitōk.No one is going to be on watch tonight?” the Boatswain asked. P808boñ
 Eṃōj jej eakto wōt ke?” Jema ekajjitōk im kajjioñ bōbrae aerro wōnṃaan ḷọk wōt im aoḷ.Are we done unloading?” Father interjected in an attempt to stop the two of them from arguing. P703eakto
MORE ekajjitōk
EkajjōjōEkajjōjō jerbal kaṇ an.His behavior is revolting.kajjōjō
EkajjōjōḷọkEkajjōjōḷọk an jerbal jān ṃoktaHis behavior is more revolting than before.kajjōjō
EkajjookoEkajjooko ñe ej kadek.He has shameful behavior whenever he gets drunk.kajjookok
EkajjookokEkajjookok an jālleplep buḷōn armej ro.He made a spectacle of himself lying face up in the crowd.jarleplep
 Ekajjookok men eo kwaar kōṃṃane.You did a shameful thing.jook
 Ekajjookok tūñañIt's disgraceful to ask people for food.tūñañ
ekajjoukTa ṇe ekajjouk jōōt ṇe aṃ?What smeared your shirt with rust?kajjo
EkajjuEkajju wa eo ñan Wōjjā.The boat goes directly to Wotje.kajju
EkajḷoreEkajḷore tok nien dān eṇ.He got the last water from the water container for us.kajḷor
ekajokkorNi jekaro eo eṇ ekajokkor.My coconut sapling has a bottle on it now.kajokkor
ekajoñeKadkad jab eo ekajoñe peiūThat pitch (throwing method) made my arm hurt.joñ
EkajoorEkajoor wōt abōnān rūanijnij eo.The sorcerer has such great powers.abōn
 Ekajoor aewaarin kōtaan āne kein.The current flowing into the lagoon between these islets is quite strong.aear
 Ekajoor aekijekin to eṇ i Epoon.The currents around the Ebon Atoll passage are quite strong.aekijek
 Ekajoor aewaarin turin to.The current coming into the lagoon is strong especially close to the channel.aewaar
 Aikin takbout ekajoor.The towing of a tugboat is powerful.aik
MORE ekajoor
EkajoorḷọkEkajoorḷọk itak kapilōñ in.The wind from the west is getting stronger.itak kipilōñ
ekajorjorTa eṇ ekajorjor likao kake.What makes that young man walk so fast.jerjer
ekaju-būruonTa eṇ ekaju-būruon irooj eṇ?What will satisfy the chief?ju-būruon
ekajukwaAlfred ekajukwa.Alfred is looking for sugar.jukwa
ekajuwaikiTa ṇe ekajuwaiki?What makes him so proud?juwa
ekakeememejKiiō emotḷọk de juon allōñ jān ke jeañ ar jerak jān Kwajleen ñan Likiep ak eñiin jej eppepe wōt i lọmeto im mōttan wōt jidik emaat limed dān,” Bojin eo ekakeememej ḷọk Jema.It’s been a month since we set sail from Kwajalein to Likiep but we are drifting at sea and we are almost out of drinking water,” the Boatswain reminded Father. P1018keememej
ekakeiñkiikiJiroñ eṇ ej loe ekakeiñkiiki.His new girl has brought new life into him.keeñki
ekakeọikOktakin mejatoto ekakeọik ṃōkaj wōtin in bōb eo iṃwiin.The change of climate has speeded up the harvest season for the first pandanus fruits for this estate.akeọ
ekakiikiAinikiōṃ ekakiikiThe sound of your voice lulls my soul to sleep. (words from a love song).ainikie-
ekakkeilọkTiṃoṇ eo ekakkeilọk lio im einwōt ñe ewāti wūdeakeak.The demon made her shriek as if she was going berserk.kōkeilọk
ekakōiieikiTọọk jidik eo jeṃaanḷọk jidik an wa eṇ ekakōiieiki im unin an jab kar jorrāān eo ilo lañ eo ear būñūti.Its recent dry-docking made the boat seaworthy enough to have survived the storm that befell it.kōiie
 Tọọk eo an Lañdik i Jepaan allōñ eo ḷọk ekakōiieiki im kiiō emaroñ piiltūreep ñan aelōñ kaṇe jet.The dry-docking that the Lañdik underwent last month in Japan has rendered it seaworthy and able to now do field trip service to the other islands.kōiie
ekakolōkabwiierJipij eo an ekakolōkabwiier.They were disenchanted by his speech.kolōkabwi-
EkakōṃkōṃEkakōṃkōṃ an kōnono.His speech is inspiring.kakōṃkōṃ
ekakōplọkeTa eo ekakōplọke?What made him run away?kōplọk
ekakōtkōt/ekaiur/ekkaiuiurḶeo ekakōtkōt/ekaiur/ekkaiuiur im ko ke ej lo an ri-nana eo jibadekḷọk. The man took off in a hurry when he saw the bad guy coming toward him.kaiur
ekakotok-kilinAṃ kōnnaan rot ṇe ekakotok-kilin.Your language gives her the chills.kotok-kilin
ekālaḷtakEj ṃōj wōt an ba ijin ak ekālaḷtak im jok i lowa ijo kōmjel Jema im Kapen eo ej pād ie.As soon as he said that he jumped down to where Dad, the Captain, and I were. P763kā-
ekalikkarKoṃro kar kile ke an añināne raan eo ak kiiō eñin eḷak detak ekalikkar ad ettoḷọk jān āneDidn’t the two of you notice from the way the wind was blowing that we were on the lee side of the island, but now as the wind blows, it’s clear we’re at a distance from the island? P922
 Koṃro kar kile ke an añināne raan eo ak kiiō eñin eḷak detak ekalikkar ad ettoḷọk jān āneDidn’t the two of you notice from the way the wind was blowing that we were on the lee side of the island, but now as the wind blows, it’s clear we’re at a distance from the island? P922añinene
ekalimjekEjej eṇ ekar bar kōnono iuṃwin jet minit, innem Jema ekalimjek ḷọk awa eo i kiin ṃōn injin eo tu lōñ im ba, Bwe ke eraan.No one said anything for a few minutes until Father looked at the clock hanging in the engine room and said, But it is morning. P657kallimjek
 Irooj eo ekalimjek Jema im ba, Koṃwin jab kōjelbabō bwe allōñ eo an Likabwiro in.The chief stared at Father and said, You guys shouldn’t be careless, because this is the month of the Likabwiro storms. P249kōjelbabō
EkalluluEkallulu jipij eo an.His speech was provocative.lilu
EkalluujujEkalluujuj.He's an "icebox" (he causes losing).luuj
EkaḷmarokEkaḷmarok.He's covetous.kaḷmarok
ekaloṃaaneAer likūti bwe en aer rūtōl ekaloṃaane.Their making him their leader made him arrogant.loṃaan
ekālōñḷọkEj ṃōj aerro kōbooj wa eo ippān wab eo ak Jema ekālōñḷọk ñan ioon wab eo im iọkiọkwe armej rowōj.As soon as they were done tying the boat to the pier Father jumped up onto the pier and started saying hello to everyone. P1345kā-
ekamelkwarkwareBōlen wōjke eo kwaar ilimi ekamelkwarkware būruoṃMaybe the whiskey you drank got your throat clogged up.melkwarkwar
EkamijakEkamijak er ke rej roñ kōn taibuun eo epaak tok.It scared them to hear of the approaching typhoon. mijak
 EkamijakIt scared me.mijak
EkaṃṃōkṃōkEkaṃṃōkṃōk an jipij.His speeches are long-winded.ṃōk
EkammomoEkammomo wūno ṇeThat medicine is very powerful.mo
EkaṃōṇōṇōEkaṃōṇōṇō kōn an kijoñ bwebwenato im tōtōñ wōt.He made people happy because he was always telling stories and laughing. P43ṃōṇōṇō
EkaṃōṇōṇōikEkaṃōṇōṇōik būruōn jemān ke ej rọọl tok jān tariṇae.His return from the war gladdens his dad's heart. ṃōṇōṇō
EkaneEkane ṃōñā ippān itok.Breadfruit with whale meat is a tasty combination.itok
 Ṃool ke ekane bwiro ippān wōn.I believe that preserved breadfruit goes with turtle meat deliciously.kane
 Ṃool ke ekane bwiro ippān wōn.It is true that preserved breadfruit goes well with turtle meat.ke
ekañeṆo ekañe āneoWaves eroded the island.ṃōñā
EkañiñiEkañiñi an kōṇanikien.His horseplay is provoking.ñi
EkankanEkankan nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your dress is too tight.kankan
 Ekankan kōj eṇ an ippān lieṇ.He's getting to first base with her.kankan kōj
 Jekdọọn ñe ekankan to eo ak pen in deo an keepep.Even though the rope was pulled taut, he continued to hold it.keepep
EkanoojEkanooj aiboojoj bōbōl (ebbōl) in ut eṇ.The blossoms of that bush are really beautiful.bōbōl
 Ekanooj eṃṃaṇ eḷtan pein.His workmanship is fine. His penmanship is fine.eḷtan pā
 Ekanooj kiliddāp an ikien.His pestering really gets under my skin.ikien
 Jaṃōṇ in iṃōn wia ta ṇe ekanooj ḷap wōṇaān?What store did you buy that expensive salmon from?jaṃōṇ
 Ilo raan kein i Ṃajel ekanooj in jeja ellolo aer kōjerbal aje.Today in the Marshalls one rarely sees aje being used. S11jeja
MORE ekanooj
ekapdikEmaroñ wōnāneḷọk bwe ekapdik.It can go close to shore because it has a shallow draft.kapdik
ekapidikkeikiEnāj kar wiin ak wōjḷā eo an ekapidikkeiki.He would have won if his sail hadn't been torn, thus making him bring up the rearpiditte
EkapijjuleEkapijjule.The scarer is not even.kapijjule
ekapilōkLale kwaar kanooj kepaake rukkure raṇe bwe jet raṇe rōkadek im rōmaroñ juur eok,” Jema ekapilōk tok .Make sure you don’t get too close to the players because some of them are drunk and they could kick you,” Father advised me P152kapilōk
ekapiọukJōōt e etutu ekapiọukThis wet shirt of mine makes me chilly.piọ
EkapjulaḷEkapjulaḷ wa eṇ im emaroñ eọṇ ilo wōd eṇ.That boat can't go in shallow water, and it may go on the reef.kapjulaḷ
 Jab kepaak āne bwe ekapjulaḷ wa in.Don't go too close to shore for the boat has a deep draft.kapjulaḷ
EkapopoEkapopo mej in.This disease is contagious.kapopo
EkappaḷpaḷEkappaḷpaḷ iakiuin likao in Amedka.American baseball players are fantastic.iakiu
ekarJema ekar kate wōt ak elukkuun alikkar an dedodo im addiṃakoko.Father was doing his best to persevere but it was obvious that he was growing hopeless and uneasy. P1027addiṃakoko
 Jān wōt dettan aded kaṇe kar adedin, ealikkar bwe ekar juon kapoor eo ekilep.It obviously was a huge giant clam, judging from its shell.aded
 Ekar kajoor aetak eo im bōbrae an peto wa in.The eastward current was strong and stopped us from drifting westward. P845ae
 Ekar kiki im aenōṃṃan.He was sleeping peacefully. P1080aenōṃṃan
 Ear aerōkeañḷọk tata raan eo tiṃa eo ekar eọtōkThe northward flow of the current was the strongest the day the ship went aground.aerōkeañḷọk
MORE ekar
ekarrūkarōkJema ebwijlọke āne ḷọk kōrkōr eo bwe en peāne ḷọk ak Bojin eo ekarrūkarōk ioon wa eo.Father kicked the canoe so it would drift toward the island while the Boatswain started getting things organized on the boat. P1290bwijbwij
ekateJekdọọn ñe ekate joñan wōt an maroñ ak ekar jab bōbweer in dikḷọk.But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get it to stop slowing down. P616bōbweer
 Jeeepeniiileeepen,” ḷeo ekate ba innem kad kiin eṃ kōn taij ko.Seeeveneeeleeveeen,” the man said with all his might, and then threw the dice against the wall of the house. P156kakkōt
ekatimọọneUno eo ekatimọọne.The medicine made her/him fertile.timọọn
EkatlikEkatlik ñāātWhen did he become a Catholic?Katlik
EkātokEkātok juon bwebwe im depete kōrkōr eo waō.A tuna jumped out of the water and slapped my canoe.depdep
EkattōñtōñEkattōñtōñ an bwebwenato.He tells laugh-provoking stories.kattōñtōñ
 Ekattōñtōñ ledik eṇ.That girl is charming.tōtōñ
EkattoononEkattoonon.He's sloppy.tōtoon
EkauwaroñroñEkauwaroñroñ aer abba.Their dynamiting is noisy.abba
ekauwōtataAetin likin Naṃdik ekauwōtata.The current on the ocean side of Naṃdik Island is hazardous.aet
 Ekauwōtata aikūṃYour towing is dangerous.aik
 Ekauwōtata ajetin pāātōre innem kōjparoke jān ajiri ro.The acid that's used in batteries is dangerous therefore keep it out of reach of the children.ajet
 Ekauwōtata anen etaoin ḷeeṇHe's dangerous when he gets an epileptic seizure.anen etao
 Iḷōmṇak ippa make ke bōlen ej kōnono eake ammān tōn jerak ilo iien in im ej ba ekauwōtata.I thought to myself that most likely he said this because we were going to sail soon and he was implying that it was dangerous. P219ḷōmṇak
ekauwōtataḷọkKōṃṃanṃōn wōt bwe ekauwōtataḷọk,” Jema eba.Be careful; things are getting pretty dangerous,” Father said. P749kauwōtata
ekbabeTa ṇe kwōj ekbabe?What's that you're throwing down?ekbab
 Riuñtaak eo jān Amedka ear ekbabe ḷeo jān Roojia.The wrestler from America threw down the wrestler from Russia.ekbab
ekeEṃṃan eke bwe rōjjab ddapitōktōk.Nylon lines are good because they don't tangle often.dapitōk
 Ealikkar eke in pein.The veins in his arms are quite visible.eke
 Eke kein ilo ānbwinnid rej iaḷan bōtōktōk ilo ānbwinnidThe arteries and veins in our body are the ways blood circulates in our bodies.iaḷan bōtōktōk
EkeeñjakEkeeñjak kinej e neō.I bumped the sore on my leg.keeñjak
EkeiieEkeiie lieṇShe is a great help.keiie
ekeinAerin bōtōktōkin ekein pein tuanmiiñ ear kautaṃweiki jān jerbal.The blood pressure he felt in the blood vessels in his left arm prevented him from work.aerin bōtōktōk
EkeinikkaneEkeinikkane āninThis island is full of all kinds of plants.keinikkan
EkeiñtaananEkeiñtaanan mejin (mijen) lōḷḷap eo.The old lady's death was torturous.mej
EkekeEkeke ni eṇ.That coconut tree is mature.keke
 Joñan ṇe ekeke peiṃ im kwōmaroñ jutakḷọk iaaṃ.You have enough capital to go into business on your own.keke
 Kwōn jab inepata bwe ekeke ṇa ireeaar kiiō.Don't worry about him; he's mature now and can take care of himself.keke ṇa ireeaar
EkelejiaEkelejia ko an Jarin Radik Doon ilo ṂajōḷThe congretations of the United Church of Christ in the Marshall Islands.eklejia
EkelọkEkelọk iurin bao eo.The flock of bird flew away.iur
EketakEketak kōrā eṇ kōn men ko ear roñ.The woman feels challenged now with what she was told.ketak
ekijAdenpe ekij pein im jako.An adenpe shark bit his hand off.adenpe
 Lale iie ekij eokWatch out for centipedes that they don't bite you.iie
EkijdepakeEkijdepake lieṇShe's got the crabs.kijdepak
EkijeEkije bae in Jepaan.Japanese bamboo is strong.bae
 Ekije aḷaḷ ṇeThat lumber is hardwood.kije
EkijekEkijek mejān pāāk eo.The sack's been sewn.kijek
 Ekijek nuknuk eo an.Her dress got snagged.kijek
EkijerjerEkijerjer kapen eṇ in jerak.The captain is in a hurry to sail.kijerjer
EkijkijEkijkij bōran lieṇ.Her hair is full of lice.kij
 Kwōn likliki pilawā ṇe bwe ekijkij.Sift that flour because it has lots of bugs in it.liklik
ekijñeñeKoṃro jeḷā eor ke wea i wa in?” Jema eba, Kain rot eṇ ekijñeñe.Do you guys know if there’s any wire on the boat” Father said, the kind that’s really thick?” P731kijñeñe
ekijoñḶeo ekijoñ enliklik eṇ.That man is always walking with his hands clasped behind him.enliklik
 Ekijoñ ḷeeṇHe is brave.kijoñ
 Ekijoñ pepokpok (eppokpok) tōrej eo.The thread is always tangled.pok
 Ajri eo ekijoñ rōrakutaktak (errakutaktak) ṇeThat child is always scratching (people).rakutak
EkijoroorEkijoroor likao eo in pālele.The young man can’t wait to get married.kijooror
ekikiKwōn ajjinono bwe ekiki babaSpeak softly for my father is sleeping.ajjinono
 Ekiki,” Jema eba.He’s asleep,” Father said. P1072kiki
ekilbūrōrōJoñan an lilu (illu) ekilbūrōrō.He got so mad he turned red.kilbūrōrō
ekilepJān wōt dettan aded kaṇe kar adedin, ealikkar bwe ekar juon kapoor eo ekilep.It obviously was a huge giant clam, judging from its shell.aded
 Ekilep jepen rūrin.S/he has big buttocks.jepe rūr
 Ekilep wōn in ear ato bwe ealikkar jān popoun.The turtle that came ashore here is obviously a big one from its traces.popo
EkiliEkili inọñ eo.He has memorized the tale.kūkiil
EkiliblibiEkiliblibi ḷọk tūraṃ eo.He lifted and threw the drum.kiliblib
ekiliddāpRi-alitoto eo ekiliddāp ṇeThat's the stubborn dangler.allitoto
 Ekiliddāp alwōjierThey spend more than enough time looking at movies.alwōj
ekilmeejKwomaroñ ke mouji ioon ijeṇe ekilmeej bwe en penjak?Could you white out the black spot so it's not visible? mouj
EkilōkEkilōk ajin wa eṇ bwe epojak in jerak.The ship's hatches are shut as she's ready to set sail.aj
 Ekilōk ke añkō ṇeIs the anchor fastened?kilōk
 Ekilōk wūntō eo.The window is closed.kilōk
 Ekilōk al eo ippām.We've memorized the song by heart.kūkiil
EkilperakrōkEkilperakrōk neōMy leg is ticklish.kilperakrōk
EkimlijEkimlij an kelọk.It flew in a spiral.kilmij
ekinEar ba kōmin kañ ek ko bwe ekin boñ jab lo raan.He told us to finish the fish because they were too few to be left for the next day.ekin boñ jab lo raan
EkinejnejEkinejnej peinHis hand is wounded.kinejnej
 Ekinejnej ekjab in.This statue is marred.kinejnej
ekiōkJoñan an ḷap kōto, ekiōk tūṃ debọkut.It was so windy the tree stumps nearly came off the ground.debọkut
 Joñan an peran jañin baaṃ eo ekiōk pedañwūjñwūjThe explosion was so loud it was nearly deafening.pedañwūjñwūj
ekipeleEtal eo an ñan aelōñ kaṇ ekipele bwe en bōballele (ebballele).His trip to other countries gave him an intense desire for possessions.balle
EkitoEkito ḷeeṇHe's got ringworm.kito
ekjabRi-kōṃṃan ekjab eo ear kōṃṃan addiin ekjab eo ekjabin Būreejtōn Jọọnjen.The statue maker put fingers on President Johnson's statue.addi
 Ri-kōṃṃan ekjab eo ear kōṃṃan addiin ekjab eo ekjabin Būreejtōn Jọọnjen.The statue maker put fingers on President Johnson's statue.addi
 Renañin kaadi-lepe ke ekjab eṇHave they put a thumb on the statue?addi-lep
 Rej kabuñ ñan ekjab.They worship an idol.ekjab
 Ekjab eo ar kōṃṃan jān kool.The idol was made of gold.ekjab
MORE ekjab
ekjabinRi-kōṃṃan ekjab eo ear kōṃṃan addiin ekjab eo ekjabin Būreejtōn Jọọnjen.The statue maker put fingers on President Johnson's statue.addi
ekjapKwōn jab kōṃṃan im jekjek ekjap ñan eok.Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. S5ekjab
 Kwōn jab kōṃṃan im jekjek ekjap ñan eok.Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. S5jekjek
ekkāEj ae niñaḷọk kiiō kōnke ekkā wōt an kūtak bwe ej iien rak wōt.The current is running northwards now, because there is normally wind from the southwest since it’s summer. P186ae
 Ekkā an aire waḷọk ilo allōñ kein.It's not uncommon for tornadoes to occur during these months.aire
 Ajokḷāin juon āne ekkā wōt an ejjeḷọk armej ej jokwe ie.There is usually no one living on either end of an island.ajokḷā
 Ekkā wōt an ri-aliñūrñūr kōṃṃan pok.Those who murmur usually create discord.alñūrñūr
 Ekkā an ruo aḷ ilo juon iiō.Normally there are two copra harvesting periods in a year.aḷ
MORE ekkā
EkkaadadeEkkaadade mejān jōōt eo an.He had on a multicolored brownish shirt.kōkaadad
EkkaajajEkkaajaj lowaan ṃweoThere are lots of playing cards scattered inside the house.kaaj
ekkāālelAneptokin ekōṃṃan an maroñ tōprak ilo ekkāālel eo ḷọkHis popularity made him win the last election.aneptok
 Armej jeedwaan rej jab ekkāālel.Strangers do not have a choice.armej jeedwaan
 Eṃōj ke aer kōkāālel (ekkāālel)?Is the election over yet?kōkāālel
 Koteru ke ilo kōkāālel (ekkāālel) eoDid you get elected?teru
ekkaanJoñan eo ej jañin kōkaan (ekkaan) ṇeThat's the unused portion of it.jañin kōkaan
 Ej jañin kōkaan (ekkaan) paāk in raij eo.Nothing has been taken out of the bag of rice.jañin kōkaan
 Ejjañin kōkaan (ekkaan) pāāk in pilawā ṇeThat sack of flour has not been opened yet. (It is still intact.)kōkaan
ekkaatakEtke koṃwij jab eañini bwe en kōkaatak (ekkaatak) lipaantoWhy won't you take him along so he may learn to fish by the lipaanto method?lipaanto
EkkabūrōrōEkkabūrōrō EaṃōṇHerman is always wide-eyed.kabūrōrō
ekkadekdekEjorrāān ajin kōn an ekkadekdek.His liver is shot due to drunkenness.aj
 Raar bwijjike jān jikuuḷ kōn an kōkdekdek (ekkadekdek).He was kicked out of school because he was a drunk.bwijjik
 Ḷeo ekkadekdek eṇThat fellow is always drunk.kadek
ekkadikdikiKwōn kōkadikdiki (ekkadikdiki) / kadikdiki ḷadik ṇe bwe enaaj bwilọk diin.Take it easy with that boy or you'll break (one of) his bones.kadikdik
ekkadkadeKwōn jab kōkadkade (ekkadkade) bao eṇ.Don't keep throwing stones at that bird.kadkad
 Ta ṇe kwōj kōkadkade (ekkadkade)?What do you keep throwing stones at?kadkad
ekkaduLio ekkadu an nuknuk eṇ.She always wears short skirts.kadu
 Ekkadu armijen Jepaan.Most Japanese people are shortkadu
ekkaduukKwomaroñ ke kōkaduuk (ekkaduuk) ḷọk nuknuk ṇe aṃ?Could you shorten your dress?kadu
ekkairiurEj kōkairiur (ekkairiur).He is in a hurry.iur
ekkaiuriurEip lain eo ilo an kar ekkaiuriur im je.The line is crooked because he drew it carelessly.ip
ekkajEmake kōkaj (ekkaj) iaḷ eṇ ñan ḶoraThe road to Laura is very bumpy.kōkaj
ekkajitōkMa, etke jej jab baj ellolo bao ak jokwā?” ekkajitōk Bojin eo.So then, why don’t we see any birds or driftwood?” the Boatswain asked. P926kajjitōk
EkkajjinōknōkEkkajjinōknōk ḷeeṇHe gets tired easily. He isn't strong.kajjinōk
ekkajkajLiṃaroro rej kōkajkaj (ekkajkaj).Those women are using fancy language.kaj
ekkākeDedeen ke eḷak ekkāke baḷuun i mejatoto ioon aelōñ in, jeitan wūdeakeak kōn ainikiier.”You know, it’s like how the planes are flying above this island all the time, the noise makes me want to go crazy.” P199ainikie-
 Etke kwōj kōkāke (ekkāke)?Why are you jumping up and down?kōkāke
 Eṃṃan an rañ kōkāke (ekkāke).Wild ducks fly nicely (in formation).kōkāke
 Ekkāke jea im tebōḷ i mejatoto.A table and chair flew into the air. P164kōkāke
 Etke bao eo ej ekkāke ak eboñ?” ibar kajjitōk.Why was the bird flying around at night?” I asked. P1064kōkāke
ekkalAḷaḷin ekkal ko an jikuuḷ rej itok wōt ioon piiḷtūreep eo tok.The school construction lumber is on its way here on the field trip ship.aḷaḷ
 Kajjioñ kōṃṃan bwe aolep eṃ rej ekkal ren jepaer wōt juon.Try to have the new buildings arranged evenly.jepaa-
 Ekkal jenkwan ñiin ṇa ipeiū.She left her teeth marks on my arm.kōkal
EkkalbuujujEkkalbuujuj ḷeeṇHe's always getting put in jail.kalbuuj
ekkāleelEjebo kar ekkāleel eo inne.The election yesterday was a tie.jebo
ekkalinEṃṃan kōkalin (ekkalin) ṃweeṇThe structure of that house is good.kōkal
EkkalleplepeEkkalleplepe ijeṇeThat place there is swarming with ants.kallep
ekkālōklōkJab tallōñe wōjke ṇe bwe ekkālōklōk.Don't climb that tree because it has lots of thorns.kālōklōk
EkkālọklọkEkkālọklọk baḷuun eṇ.That plane makes lots of flights.kālọk
EkkaṃōḷoḷoEkkaṃōḷoḷo ri-ṂajeḷMarshallese are always having parties.kaṃōḷo
EkkaṃoṃoEkkaṃoṃo lieṇShe gets jealous easily.kaṃo
ekkanEobrak alein ekkan eo an Irooj Murjel ippān kajoor ro doon.Chief Murjel's food storage was filled to the brim by his followers.ale
 Raar kanne ale eo kōn ekkan im pojak ñan irooj eo.They stocked the storehouse with food items in preparation for the chief's arrival.ale
 Koṃwin ekkan ḷọk ñan irooj eṇ.Bring food to the chief.ekkan
 Ijōjōḷe kōkan (ekkan) rot ṇeI can't eat that kind of food.jejō
 Eor ke kōkan (ekkan) ṃōṇeDo you have any food in your house?kōkan
ekkañEj kaittoktok kōn juuj ekkañ kapinShe's making herself tall with high-heeled shoesaitok
 Kwōn akūki tok bwe ekkañ akkiiṃPry it out with you sharp fingernails.akki
 Ekkañ wōt akūkūṃ.You've got such sharp nails.akūk
 Kōjparok aṃ jimwe ek ṇe bwe ekkañ iñinBe careful of how you handle the fish because its fins are sharp.eñṇeṇe
 Eọre ṃaan aḷaḷ ṇe bwe en ekkañ.Whittle the end of that stick to sharpen it.eọr
MORE ekkañ
ekkaneḷọkRaar ekkaneḷọk Ruwamaejet eo.They brought food to the stranger.ekkan
ekkañinBwōlen kōto ṃoḷo ṇe ioon lọmeto ej kōṃṃan bwe piọ in eppānene en jab ekkañin wōt piọ in ioon lọmeto.Perhaps the cold sea breeze is the reason land-based chill is not as biting as the ocean one.eppānene
ekkañkōñJepi akki kōkañkōñ (ekkañkōñ) kaṇe ipeiṃ.Trim those sharp fingernails of yours.akki
 Lio eraakutake turin mejān ḷeo kōn akkiin pein kōkañkōñ (ekkañkōñ).The woman scratched his face with her razor-sharp finger nails.akkiin pā
ekkanniōkeōkEḷap an kōkanniōkeōk (ekkanniōkeōk) piik eṇ raar ṃaneThe pig they killed had much lean meat.kanniōk
ekkanunuJuon eṇ ṃōṃaan (eṃṃaan) kōkanunu (ekkanunu) ear itok ilo baḷuun eo.A dwarfed man came on the plane.kanu
ekkanwōdwōdḶeo ekkanwōdwōd eṇHe's always mending nets.kanwōd
ekkapitPinniep ej kōṃṃan jān waini im ri-Ṃajeḷ rej kōjerbale ñan elōñ men ko āinwōt ekkapit bar, ānbwin, ñan wūno im ñan romrom.Coconut oil is made from copra, and the Marshallese use it for many things, such as hair oil, body oil, medicine, and for illumination. S18kōkapit
 Etke kwaar jab kōkapit (ekkapit) ke eḷap aṃ kuraañañ?Why didn't you put oil on your hair, because it's very dry?kuraañañ
 Pinniep ej kōṃṃan jān waini im ri-Ṃajeḷ rej kōjerbale ñan elōñ men ko āinwōt ekkapit bar, ānbwin, ñan wūno im ñan romrom.Coconut oil is made from copra, and the Marshallese use it for many things, such as hair oil, body oil, medicine, and for illumination. S18romrom
ekkapitpitiLōḷḷap eo ar anjin kōkpitpiti (ekkapitpiti) ajri eo bwe en lelejkōnkōn (ellejkōnkōn).The old woman performed the anointing treatments on the child so that she would grow up popular.kōkapit
EkkaploloEkkaplolo niñniñ eṇ.That baby is always slobbering.kaplo
ekkapopoTepiḷ ekkapopo.The devil is always trying to tempt someone.kapo
EkkarEkkar bwe jen akekein pāātḷọk.It's better that we tow it when the tide is ebbing.akake
 Ekkar ñan ṃantin aelōñ kein ri-aluej ej armej rot eṇ ej kọkkure ṃanet im al iraan wōjke kaṇ.According to traditional custom a person who sings upon trees commits a social blunder.aluej
 Ak baj kwe Jema, ta ṇe kwōj lale ekkar kiin?” ikajjitōk.What about you, Father, what do you think we should do now?” I asked. P827baj
 Ekkar ñan bujen eo kōtaan Amedka im Maikronejia,....According to the agreement between the United States and Micronesia,....bujen
 Tom ej ṃōttan ri-eolaḷ ro ekkar ejjeḷọk koṇāer.Tom was one of them who didn't catch any fish using the bottom fishing method.eolaḷ
MORE ekkar
EkkarbōbbōbEkkarbōbbōb ajri raṇ nājin.She always bears healthy children.karbōb
 Kōrā eo ekkarbōbbōb eṇShe's always smartly dressed.karbōb
EkkārereEkkārere armej iAwai.The people of Hawaii are diverse.kōkārere
 Kōḷanin ṃweiuk kōkārere (ekkārere) ko ṇeThat's the column for the miscellaneous.kōkārere
EkkarjinjinEkkarjinjin nuknuk e .There is (the smell of) kerosene all over my clothes.karjin
ekkarkarōkeRej kōkarkarōke (ekkarkarōke) lowaan ṃweeṇThey are rearranging the interior of that house this way and that way.kōkar
EkkarkokoEkkarkoko ānbwinninHe has lots of fungi under his skin.karko
EkkarōkrōkEkkarōkrōk arin Jemọ.Jemo's shores are always full of turtle nests.karōk
EkkarpenpenEkkarpenpen jōōt eo an.His shirt has patches all over it.karpen
ekkarrūkarōkḷọkJab kōkarrūkarōkḷọk (ekkarrūkarōkḷọk) eok bwe kwe jeeknaan.Don't try and get yourself accepted (by doing different things) because you're only second class.kōkar
ekkarukrukEḷap an kōkrukruk (ekkarukruk) iarin āninThere are lots of sand crabs on the lagoon beach of this islet.karuk
ekkatEj ekkat bōb bwe en kaaeloke wāto eṇ.He's planting pandanus of the Aelok variety on that wātoAelok
 Raar ekkat iarajThey planted some taro.iaraj
 Lale kwaar kaidepdep aṃ ekkat niDon't plant coconut trees so close together.idepdep
 Rej ekkat ilin iaraj.They are planting taro sprouts.il
 Ri-Nibboñ raar kōkat (ekkat) kiudi i Ṃajeḷ jeṃaan.The Japanese planted kiudi in the Marshalls during their time there / back then.kiudi
ekkatakAaet ij ememej wōt ekkatak ko an irooj eo kōjro kar bōk arro jeḷā ippān,” Jema eba ñan ḷōḷḷap eo.Yes, I still remember what our chief taught us when we studied with him,” Father said to the old man. P123katak
 Kwaar kōkatak (ekkatak) ia nāpnāpe?Where did you learn how to prepare nāpnāpenāpnāpe
 Kwōn karōjepe ippaṃ bwe en kōkatak (ekkatak).Take him along so he can learn how to fish for flying fish from you.rōjep
 Ear jab kanooj alikkar ekōjkan an ṃuriniej ko ilo ekkatak eo maroñ in lukkuun alikkar an wōr tokjāer.It wasn't quite clear how the benchmarks in the study could clearly be useful.ṃuriniej
EkkatūKōkatū (Ekkatū) ṇeI planted that breadfruit tree.kōkat
EkkeeñjakjakEkkeeñjakjak kinej eṇ pein.He is always bumping the wound on his hand.keeñjak
ekkeilọkTa eṇ rej ekkeilọk kaakeWhat are they yelling about?kōkeilọk
 Kōmjel bar pād jidik ijo im ej meḷan ḷọk ak Kapen eo ekkeilọk i lowa.The three of us stayed there for a little while longer and then the Captain started shouting down below. P1159kōkeilọk
 Ekkeilọk ḷōmaro in kairuj bukwōn eo.The men yelled to alert the district.kōkeilọk
 Ḷāāānnooo!” ekkeilọk Bojin eo jān raan kaju eo.Laaand hooo!” the Boatswain yelled from atop the mast. P1195kōkeilọk
 Epen!” ekkeilọk Bojin eo.It’s holding firm,” the Boatswain shouted. P1303pen
ekkeinKwōn jab kōkein (ekkein) jitpeeḷeḷ ioon peet ṇeDon't always lie crosswise on the bed there.jitpeeḷeḷ
 Ekkein jeja (ejja) ḷeeṇHe used to talk in his sleep.jeja
 Ear etal kōkein (ekkein) ḷọk jidik.He went a little while ago.kōkein
 Emoot kōkein (ekkein) ḷọk jidik.He left a little while ago.kōkein
 Ekkein jeja (ejja).He used to walk in his sleep.kōkein
MORE ekkein
ekkeiniEban kanooj ḷap an ekkeini kōj bwe eḷap an iabuñ kōn ajri raṇ nājin.We don't see very much of him because he's so busy with his children.iabuñ
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ kōkeini (ekkeini) ṃōn kadek kaṇ.Stop frequenting the bars.kōkeini
 Jekdọọn ñe eḷe ak ear jab jokwōd an kōkeini (ekkeini) jemānDespite his great success and fame he did not fail to keep in touch with his father.kōkeini
ekkeinḷọkRi-kaakajin ro remoot ekkeinḷọk.The men who're fishing for akajin fish left a while ago.akajin
ekkeitaakeRaar ekkeitaake kōtaan ṃōkoThey connected the houses.ekkeitaak
ekkejelKwōn ekkejel wōt ilo to ṇe bwe kwōn jab wōtlọk.Hold on to the rope so you don't fall.ekkejel
 Ekkejel ippa ñe kweitan wōtlọk.Hang on to me if you are about to fall.ekkejel
 Ear ekkejel ippaShe held on to me.kōkejel
ekkekeeṇeKwōn jab kōkkekeeṇe (ekkekeeṇe) peinDon't keep on squeezing her hand.kōkeeṇ
EkkeṇaakakEkkeṇaakak juuj .My shoes are tight in several places.keṇaak
 Kōm ar jijet em kōkeṇaakak (ekkeṇaakak) ilo ruuṃ eo.We sat crowded in the room.keṇaak
EkkenatotoEkkenatoto āninThis islet has lots of tall coconut trees.kenato
ekkeroroEḷap an ajri ro kōkeroro (ekkeroro).The children make lots of noise.keroro
 Ta ṇe kwōj bar kōkeroro (ekkeroro) kake kiiō?Now what are you fussing about again?kōkeroro
ekketaakKōkāāle kōketaak (ekketaak) jab ṇe bwe tipen ṃorFix that one attachment as it seems old.kōketaak
EkkiaajajEkkiaajaj ioon pein baḷuun eo.There was gas all over the plane's wings.kiaj
EkkiduduEkkidudu āninThis island is full of dogs.kidu
EkkijdikdikEkkijdikdik āninThis island is full of rats.kijdik
EkkillepEkkillep wūdin Aelōñkeinin Naṃdik.The Aelōñkein variety from Namorik has nice, big bananas.Aelōñ-kein
 Ekkillep ajajin ri-Naodo.Nauruans have fat calves.ajaj
EkkilmeejejEkkilmeejej lañThe sky is gray and overcast.kilmeej
EkkilōklōkEkkilōklōk kōjām eo.The door is always closed.kilōk
ekkilparakrōkKwōn jab kūrkūre niñniñ ṇe bwe ekkilparakrōk.Don't tickle the baby because it is ticklish.kūrkūr
EkkimejmejEkkimejmej nōbjān ṃwiinThere are fronds all around (on the ground) outside this house.kimej
EkkinaakakEkkinaakak ḷeoHe's a tattle-tale.kinaak
EkkitotoEkkitoto ānbwinnin ajri eo.The child was covered with ringworm.kito
ekkōbKwōn jem bakbōk ṇe bwe ekkōb.Sharpen that knife because it's dull.jem
 Eḷap an kōkōb (ekkōb) bakbōk e.This knife is quite dull.kōkōb
ekkōbabaWōn in ekkōbaba?Who smells like copper?kōkōbaba
ekkōdọdoJeban lo Jāpe bwe ekkōdọdo.We can't see the constellation Jāpe because of the heavy overcast.Jāpe
 Ekkōdọdo kapinlañThere are clouds on the horizon.kapin lañ
 Ekkōdọdo raininToday is cloudy.kōdọ
EkkōjaijijEkkōjaijij an tōtoṇ (ettoṇ).Her smile is captivating.kōjaij
ekkōjakjekEj kōkōjakjek (ekkōjakjek).He makes jokes.kōjak
ekkokowaLedik ro raar ekkokowa.The girls had a juggling contest.ekkokowa
ekkōlEḷap kōkōl (ekkōl) in uwe ilo baḷuun.I am afraid of riding in planes.kōkōl
EkkōḷāḷāEkkōḷāḷā nōbōjān ṃwiinThere are lots of fruit stems all around (on the ground) outside this house.kōḷā
EkkōḷoḷoEkkōḷoḷo.She's mad.kōḷo
 Koṃwin pinniki kumi eṇ ad bwe ren kōkōḷoḷo (ekkōḷoḷo) im wiin.You must cheer our team so they can be enthused toward winning.pinnik
ekkōṃKōjparok nien ut ṇe bwe ekkōṃ.Be careful with that vase because it's brittle.kōkōṃ
 Wūnin an kōkōṃ (ekkōṃ) jāje ṇe kōnke māāl waan.It's an alloy, that's why your machete is breakable.māāl waan
ekkōnḶeo ejeḷā kōkōn (ekkōn) al ṇeThat fellow there can compose songs.kōkōn
 Eṃṃan kūrepe bwe ekkōn.Making gravy is a good way to stretch foodkōkōn
ekkōṇakKōrā rejjab ekkōṇak ed rainiin.Women don't wear mats nowadays.ed
 Aolep iien ḷeeṇ ej ekkōṇak nuknuk jokdād.He always wears filthy clothes.jokdād
 Kwōmake ruṃwij in kōkōṇak (ekkōṇak) aṃ nuknuk.It takes you an awfully long time to get dressed.kōkōṇak
 Ij kōkōṇak (ekkōṇak) nuknuk wūdede.I'm wearing ragged clothes.wūdede
EkkōṇakṇakEkkōṇakṇak ḷeeṇHe has a roving eye.kōkōṇak
EkkōnānKōkōnān (Ekkōnān) al in.He composed this song.kōkōn
EkkonanaEkkonana ḷeeṇThat man always sneaks away.kona
ekkōnnaananWōn in ej kōkōnnaanan (ekkōnnaanan)?Who is this that keeps on talking?kōnnaan
 Ñe ej kadek, ekadik kōkōnnaanan (ekkōnnaanan).When he's drunk he's very talkative.kōnnaan
 Emake kijoñ kōkōnnaanan (ekkōnnaanan).She has a big mouth.kōnnaan
ekkononoJān wōt an ekkonono ak jejeḷā ej juon ri-jājjāj.From the way he talks, we know that he’s a show off.jājjāj
 Kwōn jab jujuurḷọk an ekkonono im kiki.Don't try to ignore his talking by pretending to sleep.jujuurḷọk
 Kwōn kōkadikdik aṃ ekkonono.Don't talk too loudly.kadikdik
 Armej ro ilo aelōñ in Rālik kab Ratak, eoktak jidik aer ekkonono jān doon.The people in the Rālik and Ratak speak a little differently from each other. S1kōnono
ekkōnonoEkajoor atin ñan kōkōnono (ekkōnono) ñan armej.He's not afraid to speak to people.at
 Ej ṃōj doori laḷ ḷọk men ko ioon wa eo ak Jema ekkōnono tokAs soon as I put the things down, Father started talking to me. P1270dedoor
 Kōjro āktuwe laḷ tak Kapen ṇe ñan lowa bwe en babu,” Jema ekkōnono ḷọk ñan Bojin eo.How about if we take Captain down below so he can lie down,” Father said to the Boatswain. P1046eakto
 Ḷak ke ejej eṇ ekkōnono, ejujen wōnṃaan ḷọk wōt.Since no one else said anything, he continued. P924ejej
 Ejjeḷọk eṇ ekkōnono iuṃwin jet ko ke minit.No one spoke for several minutes. P781iuṃwi-
MORE ekkōnono
ekkōnonoinKōkōnonoin (ekkōnonoin) rimmālōtlōtTalking like an intellectual.kōnono
ekkọọlKwōn jab kokọọl (ekkọọl).Don't praise me too much or it will bring me bad luck.kokọọl
 Kwōn jab bar ekkọọl bwe jenaaj jerata,” Jema eba.Don’t jinx us or we will have bad luck,” Father said. P254kokọọl
EkkooḷoḷEkkooḷoḷ ḷeeṇHe's covered with hair trimmings.kooḷ
ekkoonakBoṇōjin ekkoonak men kaṇe.Those floats go with the sennit used to catch rainbow runner fish.boṇōj
ekkoonakiRaar ekkoonaki ia ikaidik kein?Where did they catch these rainbow runners?ekkoonak
ekkoonaktokḶōṃaro raṇ rej ekkoonaktok jān āneuweoThe men are fishing by the ekkonak method in this direction from that islet way over there.ekkoonak
ekkoonaḷaḷÑe ej det em ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) lañ, ekkoonaḷaḷ buḷōn lọjet.When the weather is good and the sun is shining, one sees sun rays in the ocean.koonaḷ
EkkọọnpiipipEkkọọnpiipip iiōk eṇ.That concoction is replete with corned beef.kọọnpiip
ekkootantōnEnaaj jorrāān kōn an kōkootantōn (ekkootantōn).He'll get into trouble because of his obvious belligerence.wōtan
ekkōpālMen in kar ṃōttan ekkōpāl im wūno.This was part of sorcery and of medicine. S21kōkōpāl
ekkopāpāAolep iien ej kōkopāpā (ekkopāpā).He always wears a coat.kopā
EkkōpapaEkkōpapa ḷeeṇThat man is always falling in love with relatives.kōpa
ekkōpeḷRej kōkōpeḷ (ekkōpeḷ) baoThey are chasing chickens.kōkōpeḷ
EkkọpepeEkkọpepe tebōḷ ṇeThere is coffee all over that table there.kọpe
ekkopkopinEjjeḷọk kōkeroro ak men eo kwōj roñ deo ainikien aerjel ḷwiiti kabwin kọpe ko kab ekkopkopin dān eo ilowa ke ej eṃṃōḷeiñiñ wa eo.There was no talking or noise except for their slurping from their coffee cups and the sloshing of the water inside as the boat rocked. P276ṃōṃōḷeiñiñ
 Eṃṃan roñ ainikien ekkopkopin kiaaj kōnke ekōṃṃan kojatdikdik bwe emōur injin.The sound of gurgling gas gave me a good feeling as it meant for me that the engine would start.kokopkop
EkkopkopḷọkEkkopkopḷọk ainikien etteiñ dān jān wōiḷ.The gurgling sound is greater in filling with water than with oil.kokopkop
ekkōrārāEjjeḷọk wōt kōkōrārā (ekkōrārā) in āninThis island is full of women.kōrā
EkkōrkaakakEkkōrkaakak ḷeeṇThat man is always trolling at night.kōrkaak
ekkorkorTa kaṇe rej kokorkor (ekkorkor) ilo bōjọ ṇe am?What is that jingling in your pocket?kokorkor
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ kokorkor (ekkorkor)?Why don't you stop being frightened all the time?kor
 Ta kaṇe rej kokorkor (ekkorkor) ilowaan bọọk ṇeWhat's rattling in the box?kor
ekkōrraatatKoṃ kadik kōkōrraatat (ekkōrraatat) ak ejjeḷọk men eṇ koṃwij kōṃṃane.You're always so critical and yet never do anything.kōrraat
ekkōtEḷap an kōkōt (ekkōt) wa eṇ.That canoe has a large capacity.kōkōt
 Eḷap an kōkōt (ekkōt) ḷeeṇThat fellow is really strong.kōkōt
ekkotaakKoṃwin jab kōkotaak (ekkotaak).Don't try to take more than your share.kōkotaak
ekkotakEar iñtok wōt lọjien jān an kar ekkotak pāāk eddo.He got a hernia just by lifting heavy bags.iñ-lọjien
 Ekwe, kwōn kab pād wōt ijeṇe bwe inaaj ekkotak lōñ ḷọk im iperi ḷọk ioon teek i lowaan kōjām ṇe ḷọk im kwōnaaj jibwe tu ḷokaer ilo iien eṇ ij kōtḷọki bwe ren jab wōtḷọk im ure eok kab injin ṇe,” Jema ekar kapilōk tok .Okay, just stay there, because I'm going to drag one end of the board up on deck and through the doorway while you hold the other end; that way it won’t fall on you or the engine,” Father suggested. P677ipep
EkkōtotoEkkōtoto tok jān nabōj.The wind keeps on blowing in from the outside.kōto
 Ḷōṃa e, ejino ekkōtoto tok, Bojin eo eba.Guys, it’s starting to get windy,” the Boatswain said. P547kōto
 Aemuujin ioon dān ej kallikkar bwe ekkōtoto.The shimmering of the water on the lagoon surface means that it's windy.aemuuji
ekkōtotoikKwōn kiil wūṇtō ṇe bwe ekkōtotoik tok ñinniñ e.Shut the window as the wind is blowing on the baby (and it might catch a cold).kōto
 An kōkōtotoik (ekkōtotoik) niñniñ eo ekōṃṃan an bōk mej in.Because the baby was exposed to the wind it caught the flu.kōto
ekkọuḷaḷoḷoJab bōktok kọuḷaḷo bwe enāj kōkọuḷaḷoḷo (ekkọuḷaḷoḷo) ṃwiinDon't bring spiders to this house or it will be crawling with them.kauḷaḷo
ekkūrAḷaḷ eo āliktata ṇe laḷ waj,” Kapen eo ekkūr tok. Mour eo!”Here’s the last one,” the Captain called to us. Thank God!” P756ālik
 Itōm dao,” Bojin eo ekkūr tokCome have some breakfast,” the Boatswain called over to me. P959dao
 Ṃōkaj,” ekkūr tok, im bar rọọl ñan ioon wab ṇe im karreoiki neeṃ ṃōṃkaj jān aṃ juur tok ioon wa in!”Hurry,” he called to me, and return to the dock and clean your legs before you step on this boat!” P47ioo-
 Nejū e, ñe ej eṃṃan wōt jabdewōt i jeṇe, ekwe wanlọñ tak ḷọk bwe wa eo e ejako eatartar ippād,” Jema ekkūr tokSon, come up if everything is okay down there, because the boat is about to come alongside us now,” Father said. P1144ippa-
 Nejū e, itok,” Jema ekkūr tokSon, come,” Father called me. P160kūkūr
MORE ekkūr
EkkūrereEkkūrere mejān nuknuk eo an.Her dress is grayish.kūre
EkkūrroroEkkūrroro an etetal.He walks with a limp.kūrro
EkkūtaktakEkkūtaktak allōñ jab in.The wind generally comes from the southwest during this month.kūtak
EkkutkutEkkutkut iṃōn āninThe houses on this islet are very close together.kut
 Ekkutkut an wa itok.Ships come often.kut
EkkuujujEkkuujuj āninThis islet has lots of cats.kuuj
EkkuuṃuṃEkkuuṃuṃ lieṇShe's always combing her hair.kuuṃ
ekkwaadEar etal wa eo im kokwaad (ekkwaad) ḷọkThe boat departed and slowly went out of sight.kokwaad
ekkwalKōjeke im ñe eṃōrā, tūrtūri ña ilo maañ im lukoj kōn ekkwal im epojak ñan ṃōñāKeep it under the sun, and when it is dry, wrap it in a bundle with pandanus leaves and tie it with sennit, and it is ready to eat. S12tūrtūr
ekkwaḷIj kaaetokewaj ekkwaḷ eI'm lengthening this sennit for you.aetok
 Men ko rej kōjerbali ñan bubu remaroñ kimej, juubub, maañ, ekkwaḷ, dekā, im bōlōk.The things used for divination could be coconut fronds, shoots, pandanus leaves, sennit, stones, and leaves. S21bubu
 Kwōn kōrōnāle tok kokwaḷ (ekkwaḷ) eClean the whiskers off this sennit for me.kōrōnāl
 Kwōn piti kokwaḷ (ekkwaḷ) ṇePlease twist that sennit.pit
 Pọutitok kokwaḷ (ekkwaḷ) ṇe ṇa ioon.Tie that sennit around the top.pọpo
ekkwanjinjinIa in ej (bwiin) kokwanjinjin (ekkwanjinjin) tok?Where is the smell of roasting breadfruit coming from?kokwanjinjin
ekkweejejEmake kokweejej (ekkweejej) bōranHis hair is so fuzzy.kweejej
ekkwekweEṃōj ṇe aṃ kokwekwe (ekkwekwe).Why don't you stop scratching all the time.kwekwe
ekkwōjarjareEar kabukwelōlōik ḷeo im kokwōjarjare (ekkwōjarjare).He made the man kneel and blessed him.bukwelōlō
ekkwōjkwōjeEṃōj kokwōjkwōje (ekkwōjkwōje) aḷaḷ eo.The stick has been broken into pieces.kwōj
EklejiaEklejia eṇ ej allōñijuuki wōṇāān ṃōn jar kāāl eṇ aer.That congregation is using their monthly contributions to build their new church.allōñ iju
 Aolep eklejia ko an Jarin Radik Doon ilo Ṃajōḷ rej kwelọk aolep ḷọkin juon iiō ilo Mājro.All congregations of the United Church of Christ meet in Mājro every two years.eklejia
ekḷọkKwōn kōmatti ek kaṇe bwe rōnaaj ekḷọk.Cook those fish before they spoil.ekḷọk
ekṃōṇakṇakiRaar ekṃōṇakṇaki ek ko.They smoked the fish.ek ṃōṇakṇak
ekmoujiEḷap an ekmouji likin Wōjjā.There are lots of ekmouj on the ocean side of Wotje.ekmouj
EkoEko tok kilū ñe ij ellolo aḷkita.Seeing an alligator gives me the creeps.aḷkita
 Eḷak būbtūkḷọk (ibbūtūkḷọk) kinej eo eko.She took off when blood gushed from the wound.būbtūktūk
 Bao eo eko ñan bukun wōjke ko.The chicken ran to the forest.bukun
 Eko juon ri-kalbuuj.A prisoner has flown the coop.ko
 Ruokjānḷañ eo eko.The killer escaped.okjānḷañ
EkobEkob ṃade eo .My spear was bent.kob
ekōbaatatÑe eor ri-jikuuḷ eṇ ekōbaatat, rōnaaj oḷūbi.If a student is caught smoking, his hair will be shaved off.oḷūb
ekōbateAilipin bōran wa ṇe ekōbate.The thickness of the boat's bow slows it down.aiḷip
EkōbbaEkōbba waini eo.The copra is covered up.kabba
ekōbbōjeNañinmej eo an ekōbbōje.His recent illness emaciated him.bōbōj
EkōbbōkakakEkōbbōkakak an kwaḷọk naan.His homilies are uplifting.bōbōkak
EkōbbōkakkakEkōbbōkakkak an wūno.His medicines are extraordinarily strong.kōbbōkakkak
 Lukkuun juon eṇ mejatoto ekōbbōkakkak ñe jej uwe ioon wa lewūjḷā.It is such a thrill to ride on a boat with a sail. P856kōbbōkakkak
ekōbbọọjọjKōm dike bwe ekōbbọọjọj.We don't like him because of his overbearing manners.kōbbọọjọj
EkobbwāEkobbwā ainbat eṇ.The pot contains quite a bit.kobbwā
 Ekobbwā ḷọk aebōj jimāāṇ e jān ṇe aṃ.My water cistern holds more water than yours.kobbwā
EkōbkōbEkōbkōb bokin arin ān eo innem ealikkar maalkan ne ko ioon bok.His feet dug into the soft sand of the lagoon beach and I could see his footprints. P1283kōbkōb
EkōbkōbeEkōbkōbe arin Emejwa.The lagoon beach of Emejwa Island is difficult to walk on.kōbkōb
EkodaajḷọkEkodaajḷọk ḷeoHe went away.kodaaj
ekōdekākeikKōto eo ekōdekākeik arin āninThe storm washed ashore gravel on the lagoon side of this island.dekāke
ekōieḷọkEkōiie wa eṇ waan Jọọn, ak ekōieḷọk wa eṇ waan Pita.John's boat is sturdy; however, Peter's boat is sturdier.kōiie
EkōiieEkōiie wa eṇ waan Jọọn, ak ekōieḷọk wa eṇ waan Pita.John's boat is sturdy; however, Peter's boat is sturdier.kōiie
ekōjabEkabuñ ñan ekōjab.He's praying for idols.kabuñ
EkōjaijEkōjaij OḷkaOlga is a doll.jaij
ekōjaiurTa ṇe ekōjaiur aṃ jerbal?What makes you slow in doing your work? What makes you work so slowly?jāiur
EkōjakEkōjak bōttain kijak eṇ.His hitting is laughable.bōtta
 Ekōjak būrijōōt eṇ an.He has on funny looking bib-overalls.būrijōōt
 Ekōjak ippa bwe kōṃro kar jerā ālikin aṃro kar ire im ekar puwaḷ jān ñaIt was funny because we became friends after getting into a fight—he was so scared of me. P470puwaḷ
ekōjakkūkiTa ṇe ekōjakkūki raininWhy aren't the fish biting today?jakkūk
ekōjaliraraikiṆo eo ekōjaliraraiki ṇa ioon pedped.The wave flopped him down on the reef edge.jālirara
ekōjarTa eṇ ekōjar ṃajeḷ in pein?What flexed his arm muscles?jar ṃajeḷ
ekōjatokwōjTa ṇe ekōjatokwōj aḷaḷWhat make wood hard to burn?jatokwōj
ekōjboukiKōn an kanooj iiṃ wa eo, ri-kattōr eo ear kajjioñ kabōjrake ak iiṃ eo an ekōjbouki ḷọk ooṃ itaak im jepdak ikiin ṃweo im mej ri-kattōr eo.Due to its excessive speed, the driver tried in vain to stop the vehicle but it smashed against the house killing the driver.kōjbouk
ekōjeddaṃLedik eo ekōjeddaṃ ṂaikThe girl rebuffed Mike.jeddaṃ
ekōjedkajuukTa ṇe ekōjedkajuuk ami ilọk jān ān in?What makes you to leave the island so suddenly?jedkaju
EkọjekEkọjek ek eo.The fish is hooked.kọjek
 Ekọjek.He got hooked.kọjek
ekōjepāppāpeDānnin kadek ekōjepāppāpe.Alcohol beverages make him stagger.jepāppāp
EkōjepewaEkōjepewa ḷọk eṇ.The boat is listing to other side.jepewa
ekōjertaikWōt ṇe peim ekōjertaik eokThe boil on your hand made you unable to throw accurately.jerta
ekōjjāneneikTa ṇe ekōjjāneneik ri-ṃweeṇ kake?What caused the excitement in that house?jejānene
ekōjjeḷāKiin ejino jen wa eo jān tōrerein wab eo im Kapen eo ekōjjeḷā laḷ ḷọk bwe en pāāk injin eo.At that moment the boat started moving away from the side of the pier and the Captain called down that the engine should be put in reverse. P481kōjjeḷā
ekōjjeḷāikiEkwe emaat limed dān,” Jema ekōjjeḷāiki.Well, we are out of drinking water,” Father informed him. P1240kōjjeḷā
EkōjkanEkōjkan naaj iwōj ke ejjeḷọk wa.How can I come there without transportation.kōjka-
 Ekōjkan aṃ mour?How are you?kōjka-
 Ij tomak bwe tūreep eo aṃ ñan Amedka elukkuun emṃan? Ekōjkan, ekar lukkuun emṃan.I believe you trip to America was very good. Of course, it was very nice.ekōjkan
 Ekōjkan!” Kapen eo ebar uwaak.And how!” the Captain answered. P288ekōjkan
 Ekōjkan ami mour ijeṇe?How are you doing over there?ijeṇe
MORE ekōjkan
ekōjṃōñāikTa ṇe ekōjṃōñāik raininWhy aren't the fish biting today?jaṃōñā
ekōjọkkurereikiNañinmej in tōñal eṇ an ekōjọkkurereiki.His diabetes prevents him from being athletic.jọkkurere
ekōjoṇakeWūno eo ekōjoṇake.The medication caused him to sleep soundly.joṇak
EkōkEkōk jimeeṇ ṇeThe concrete is cracked.kōk
ekọkkureAneptokūṃ ekọkkure ḷōmṇakYour attractiveness drives me insane.aneptok
 Aon irooj eṇ ekọkkure.The special power of that chief can make you sick (if you have displeased him).ao
 Kwōn jab kaññōrñōre dekein ñiim ñe kwōj kiki bwe ekọkkure mājur.Don't grind your teeth together in your sleep because it keeps me awake.ñōñōrñōr
ekōkōjaij(i)Nuknuk ṇe ṇe ekōkōjaij(i) eok liiō.That dress merely makes you look pretty. You're only pretty because of that dress.kōjaij
ekōkōjaijiKwōn aleak bwe ekōkōjaiji eokYou should wear your hair loose on your back because it is becoming on you.aleak
EkọkweetEkọkweet wa eo.The boat's bow went under.kọkweet
EkōlEkōl aṃbwidilāierThey have a fancy way of using their umbrellas.aṃbwidilā
 Ekōl an kōṃṃan kōl.He has wonderful technique.kōl
ekōlāikWaini lōñlōñ eo ekōlāik wa eo.The great quantity of copra made the boat list.
EkoḷapEkoḷap aṃ kōnnaan.You have a big mouth.koḷap
ekōḷmānḷọkjeṇEkar bar lukkuun kajḷore. Innem ekōḷmānḷọkjeṇ jidikThen he thought for a while. P889kōḷmānḷọkjeṇ
EkōlōkEkōlōk ḷwe eo kōn dān.The pond is full of water.kōlōk
EkōḷōkEkōḷōk ke kwe ṇe!What a suprise to see you!ekōḷōk
ekōṃaalDān kajoor eo ekōṃaal ḷōṃaaroThe hard liquor floored the gentlemen.ṃaal
ekōṃanṃanJema ekōṃanṃan kōjeien ṇa ijo ak Bojin eo ewanlōñ ḷọk ippān jebwe eo.Father fixed things up there while the Boatswain went back up to tend to the wheel. P1059kōṃanṃan
EkōmatmatEkōmatmat an kōrā e riū kōmat.My wife's cooking is very delicious and thus satisfying.mat
EkōmatōrtōrEkōmatōrtōr.He has an obnoxious personality.kōmatōrtōr
ekōmatōrtōrḷọkKaabwilōñlōñūṃ ekōmatōrtōrḷọk jān kaabwilōñlōñin.Your pestering is more hideous than his pestering.abbwilōñlōñ
EkōmatteEkōmatte raij eo im kaameje.He half-cooked the rice.amej
EkōmjedeọEkōmjedeọ jet ṃweiukun Jepaan.Some goods from Japan look good but are flimsy.kōmjedeọ
ekōmḷeḷeikEkar ippilpil jān injin ṇe ke ear jọ im tọọr waj ñan dān ṇe i lowa,” Jema ekōmḷeḷeikIt spilled from the engine when it was running and then flowed into and combined with the bilge water.” Father explained. P718kōmmeḷeḷe
 Ekar ippilpil jān injin ṇe ke ear jọ im tọọr waj ñan dān ṇe i lowa,” Jema ekōmḷeḷeikIt spilled from the engine when it was running and then flowed into and combined with the bilge water.” Father explained. P718pil
EkōmmālweweEkōmmālwewe mānōt ko an.His actions are embarrassing.memālwewe
ekoṃṃanAmiiañ aeñwāñwā ekoṃṃan bwe en ruj niñniñ e.Your making noise woke the baby up.amiiañ
ekōmṃanTa ṇe ekōmṃan bwe kwōn ikdeelel in ilān jikuuḷ?What makes you want to go to school?ikdeelel
 Ta ṇe ekōmṃan bwe en kaitileoñeoñ armej ilo ṃōn wia eṇ?Why are a lot of people milling around in the store?itileoñeoñ
ekōṃṃanAbjeū ekōṃṃan bwe in jab teru.My shyness prevent me from landing the job.abje
 Aborin kapin wa in ekōṃṃan an bat.The drag on the bottom of the boat is the cause of it not running fast.abor
 Addikdū ekōṃṃan an abṇōṇō.My looking at her out of the corner of my eye made her nervous.addikdik
 Aejemjemin naan ko an ekōṃṃan aer ellowetak.His persuasiveness swayed them into action.aejemjem
 Aemọkkweiū ekōṃṃan an inepata.My following (her) around worried him.aemọkkwe
MORE ekōṃṃan
EkōmmeñEkōmmeñ jān aer kar lui.She got tears in her eyes from being bawled out.kōmmeñ
ekōmmetakLale bwe apapin ekōmmetak.(Behave, children), or he'll pinch and hurt you.apap
 Jepwaḷin Tony ekōmmetak.Tony's slapping hurts.jepwaḷ
EkōṃōjṇọEkōṃōjṇọ kokōro.She's torturing my mind (words from a love song).kokōro
ekōmōurUno eo ekōmōur ri-ajeḷkā eo.The medicine healed the person who felt weak from hunger.ajeḷkā
ekōmouriWūno eo ekōmouriThe medicine cured me.kōmour
ekoṇKwōn ḷōḷō albok bwe ren ḷak bōbōl (ebbōl) ekoṇ mejān ut ṇe utūṃ.Make a garland with buds so when they bloom they'll fit closer together.albok
 Ekoṇ kōtaerro raan kein.There's harmony between the two of them these days.koṇkōtaa-
ekōnMen in aje ekōn jerbal ilo iien rot ṇe an eb, tariṇae, im kwelọk an irooj eḷḷap ro im aḷap ro etto.This drum used to be used at such times as dances, battles, and as an alarm for calling together family leaders in olden times. S11kōkein
 Ekōn jenkwan ñiinHe left his teeth marks.kōn
 Ekōn jenkwan māj ṇe mejaṃ.Your glasses have left marks.kōn
 Ekōn wa in ilo bok.This canoe is stuck in the sand.kōn
 Men in aje ekōn jerbal ilo iien rot ṇe an eb, tariṇae, im kwelọk an irooj eḷḷap ro im aḷap ro etto.This drum used to be used at such times as dances, battles, and as an alarm for calling together family leaders in olden times. S11kōn
EkōnaanEkōnaan keDoes he like it? does he want it?kōṇaan
EkōṇaanEkōṇaan mour in ri-anemkwōj.She wants to live independently.anemkwōj
 Ej kab iañakḷọk an im ekōṇaan bar rọọl ñan ḷeo ippān.She's just come to her senses and she wants to return to her husband.iañak
 ekōṇan bwin (ekōṇaan bwe in) irar ippaṃ le raan im boñ.I'd love to have her cuddle close to me night and day -- words from a love song.irar
 Ekōṇaan iwōj in judel.He wants to go pole fishing with you.juunboñ
 Ekōṇaan kakkōṇak ajri.She likes to dress children.kōkōṇak
MORE ekōṇaan
ekōṇanekōṇan bwin (ekōṇaan bwe in) irar ippaṃ le raan im boñ.I'd love to have her cuddle close to me night and day -- words from a love song.irar
EkooḷoḷEkooḷoḷ ḷeenHe is hairy.kooḷoḷ
ekōpāḷḷọkeIj epaake wōt ak ekōpāḷḷọke mejān im erre tok.Just as I reached him he opened his eyes and looked at me. P1219peḷḷọk
ekōpāpijekeBōdañ ekōpāpijeke.He inherited his bad behavior.pāpijek
ekōpeḷeKidu eo ej āt wōt bwiin ri-kọọt eo aj ekōpeḷe.Once the dog got a whiff of the robber it started chasing him.ātāt
ekōpkōpIṃōk in dāpiji ak tōreo ekōpkōp.The more I held him the more he struggled.kōpkōp
ekōplọkIlaṃōj im ekōplọk.I yelled and he lit out.kōplọk
EkōplọkinEkōplọkin pikōtHe escaped like a coward.kōplọk
EkōplọkḷọkEkōplọkḷọk ijjuweoḷọkHe took off in that direction.kōplọk
EkōppaḷpaḷEkōppaḷpaḷ allokin Jọọn.John's roping is spectacular.allok
 Allōkin rūtto ro jeṃaanḷọk ekōppaḷpaḷ.The chanting of elder folks of not so long ago was quite spectacular.allōk
 Ekōppaḷpaḷ an ri-kōjañjañ eo aṃonika.The musician's ability with the harmonica was spectacular.aṃonika
 Anidepin ri-Naṃo ekōppaḷpaḷ.The kickball techniques of the men from Naṃo is spectacular.anidep
 Ekōppaḷpaḷ judelin riMejeej.It's fascinating to watch people from Mejit pole fishing.juunboñ
MORE ekōppaḷpaḷ
ekōppatAṃ deọ ekōppatYour beauty makes me feel unworthy.pepat
ekōptataWa eo eban rọọl bwe ekōptata.The boat won't turn back for it's passed the point of no return.kōptata
 Ekōptata kiiōIt's too late now.kōptata
EkorEkor in uwe ilo baḷuun.He's afraid to fly on planes.kor
EkōrāEkōrā ḷeeṇHe's effeminate.kōrā
ekōrabōleIjaje wōn eo ekōrabōle kopā eo .I don't know who took off with my coat.kōrabōl
 Eor eṇ ekōrabōle jodi ko .Somebody swiped my zoris.kōrabōl
EkorrōḷọkEkorrōḷọk aḷaḷ eo iar juri.The twig crunched under my weight.kor
ekọrujAiluwannañnañūṃ ekọruj niñniñ e.Your being noisy woke the baby.ailuwannañnañ
 Ainikien Jema ekọruj jān tan kar memadidiḷok.Father’s voice roused me from my drowsiness. P116memadidi
ekotakḶo eo ekotak Likabwiro im bar lelaḷ ḷọkA wave lifted up the Likabwiro and then let it down again. P520le-
 Kapen eo ekotak kab eo ñiin im kōmaat kọpe eo ie.The Captain got out his cup and made himself some coffee and finished the whole thing. P888maat
 Ṇo eo ekotak Likabwiro im bar lelaḷ ḷọkA wave lifted up the Likabwiro and then let it down again. P520ṇo
ekọtoKōto eo ekọto im Kapen eo kab Jema rōḷak kōbbaal tok rōba ke enaaj kar āindeeo an ṃōṃan ñan boñ.The trade winds were blowing favorably and the Captain and Father looked up at the clouds and predicted it would be like that for the rest of the day. P969kọto
Ekotok-kilūEkotok-kilū kōn mānōt kaṇe aṃ.I'm embarrassed for your behavior.kotok-kilin
 Ekotok-kilū kōn aṃ jaje ṃanitYour actions give me goose pimples.kotok-kilin
ekọubabōjeṂantin lio ekọubabōje likao eo.Her actions shocked the young man.ubabōj
EkọuwatataEkọuwatata uwe ilo baḷuun.Riding on planes is dangerous.uwōta
EkọuwōtataEkọuwōtata jerbal eo an.His work is dangerous.kauwōtata
EkowaEkowa wōt in āneThis island is full of fruit.kowa
EkọwiininEkọwiinin kijoñ eṇ.He always contributes to his team's winning.wiin
ekọwōnōtWūno eo ekọwōnōt ḷoon eo.The paint made the motorboat look new.wōnōt
ekọwūdikkeikJoot eo ekọwūdikkeik ḷeoThe bullet sent him twisting in pain.wūdikke
ekpāKwōn ekpā ḷọk bwe jen ilān eọñōd.Put on old clothes because we're going fishing.ekpā
 Ekpā ko kaṇe.Those are my working clothes.ekpā
 Juon eo koṇa ekpā kileplepI caught a big ekpāekpā
ekpaikKwōn ekpaik ajiri raṇe bwe ren ilān ikkure.Change the children's clothes so they can go out and play.ekpā
ektakWa in ṃōṃkaj kar boojin eakto ektak jeḷaan tiṃa ko waan Navy eo an America.Before, this boat was a cargo ship, belonging to the American Navy sailors. P3booj
 Kōmij jino ektak ilju im kadede ḷọk aolep men.”We will start loading tomorrow and getting everything ready.” P248dede
 Epojak aolep men ijellọkin wōt ektak aḷaḷ kab tiin im deenjuuk injin e an wa in.Everything is ready except for loading the lumber and metal, and warming up the engine in the boat. P80deenju
 Eruṃwijḷọk ektak jān kar ammān ākto kōn wōt an kar ḷōḷapḷọk ṇo im eḷapḷọk an jepliklik wa eo jān kar ṃoktaIt took us longer to load them up than it had to offload them since the waves were making the boat sway back and forth even more than before. P747eakto
 Wa eo eṇ ej ektak ṃweiukThat boat is loading trade goods.ektak
MORE ektak
ektakeIj ilān ektake.I'll go pick her up.ektak
 Ewōr ta kwōj ektake ippaṃ ilo tūreep ṇeDo you have anything you want to take with you on your trip?ektak
 Raar ba in bōk tok lōta e ñan Kapen ṇe an wa ṇe bwe en ektake ñan Likiep ,” eba.I was told to bring this letter to the Captain of this boat for him to take to Likiep,” he said. P309ektak
 Iọkwi men kein ñe rōḷokwan ektake kōjeañ ak rejab ektaki,” Jema eba.It would be a shame if they were able to haul us but not all this stuff,” Father said. P1127iọkwe
 Renaaj iwōj in ektake eokThey will come and pick you up.iwōj
MORE ektake
ektakiIj kune im kōjro wōnāne ḷọk kōjjel Kapen eo jino ektaki tok jọkpej ko adjel.I’m turning it off and the two of us will go ashore and together with the Captain we’ll start loading our scrap. P337ad
 Ke ej dedeḷọk im pād wa in i lọjet, Jema im Bojin eo erro ektaki ḷọk men ko ippāerro im aōṇōṇ meto tak ñan Likabwiro.Once the boat was in the water, Father and the Boatswain loaded the things they were carrying and paddled over to the Likabwiro. P1267aōṇōṇ
 Eṃṃan ñe jebar ektaki tok aḷaḷ ṃokta jān an wōt bwe ej kab naaj apañḷọk wōt.I think we should reload the lumber before it starts raining even if it will be more difficult then. P728apañ
 Men eo ejjeḷọk de eo waan ektaki ḷọk men kein ñan Likiep, ijellọkin wōt tiṃa in raun eo, ak kōnke kōmmān aikuj naaj kar kōttar tok bar jilu allōñ.The only thing they lacked was a vehicle to haul these things to Likiep, except for the fieldtrip ship, but we would have had to wait for that for three months. P19de
 Ektaki waj waini .Load this copra onto that boat.ektak
MORE ektaki
EkūbwebweEkūbwebwe nuknuk eo an.There are feces all over his clothes.kūbwe
EkukEkuk ek ko ṇa ippān doon.The fish are all gathered together.kuk
EkūkEkūk ṇeThat breadfruit isn't ripe.kūk
ekunEjej kain ṇe bar memarokrok ak lelorin annañ ke baj joñan eppak eo an, jekdọọn ñe ekun ak kōmin kar lo wōt annañin.There was nothing else, even a dark shadow that would have been there since it was so close; even though the lights went out we should still have made out its shape. P1154annañ
 Rej ba kwōn ṃōkaj bwe ejako ekun injin e bwe emaat kaan.”They said hurry up because the fuel is almost empty and the engine is going to shut off.” P575kaan
 Ekun ḷaaṃ eo.The lamp went out.kukun
 Ekun,” Jema euwaak.The engine stopped,” Father replied. P619kukun
 Ekun ḷaaṃ ippān ri-kadek ro.I lost my temper with those drunkards.kun an ḷaaṃ
MORE ekun
EkuneEkune lep ko.The eggs are ready to hatch.kune
EkuṇōkEkuṇōk.It's shrunk.kuṇōk
EkūrañEkūrañ kōn ainikien kabokbok eo.He was startled by the firecracker.kūrañ
ekuratteTa ṇe ekuratte neeṃWhat scratched your leg?kurar
EkurbalōklōkEkurbalōklōk raan jaki ṇeThe surface of that mat there is rough.kurbalōklōk
EkurṃalōklōkeEkurṃalōklōke ko.The boards have splinters all over.kurbalōklōk
EkūtarreEkūtarre ḷeeṇ ilo jerbal.He works hard and long.kūtarre
EkuuliEkuuli peiū im emetak.My hand hurt when he squeezed it.kukuul
EkwāEkwā ebajjeetNow that's more like it.ebajjeet
EkwaḷkoḷEkwaḷkoḷ nuknuk e im jen.These clothes of mine were washed and shrank.jen
ekwaḷọkKein ta kein ke jenaaj mej kaki,” Bojin eo ekwaḷọk an bōbweer.This stuff will be the death of us,” the Boatswain said, indicating he was agitated. P1128bōbweer
 Jema ekwaḷọk juon mājet jān bōjọọn jedọujij eo an im tile ḷaaṃ eo.Father took a match out of his pants pocket and lit the lamp. P140bōjọ
 Kein ta kein ke jenaaj mej kaki,” Bojin eo ekwaḷọk an bōbweer.This stuff will be the death of us,” the Boatswain said, indicating he was agitated. P1128kake
 Eṃṃan wōt ñe jej jijet wōt im kōnono,” Bojin eo ekwaḷọk an lelotaan.It must be nice to be able to just sit there and tell people what to do,” the Boatswain said with obvious resentment. P1288lotaan
EkweEkwe eabōbbōbḷọk bwe eboñ.Let's step on it cause it's getting dark.abōbbōb
 Ekwe ij ja ajādik tok ṃōk ñan wa eṇ im eọroñ ennaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo eba.Ok, for now I’m going to wander over to that boat and find out what’s going on,” the old man said. P133ajādik
 Ñe baj ña eo, ekwe ilukkuun kar ajeḷkā.And me, I was starting to feel very weak. P1030ajeḷkā
 Ekwe iien eo wōt kwōpojak, kwōmaroñ jino jibwi lōñ tak aḷaḷ kaṇe wōt me rōkaapañ aṃ jerbal.”Okay, whenever you’re ready you can start passing up any boards that are in your way.” P672apañ
 Ekwe bar jino jebjeb tok bwe kōjjel bar kọkkọṇkọṇ,” Kapen eo ekar ba ālikin an ḷōmṇak bajjek.Okay, start passing boards so we can put them away,” the Captain said after thinking about it. P741bajjek
MORE ekwe
EkwekweEkwekwe bwe jen etal ḷọkDon't stop now; keep at it so we can leave soon.ekwekwe
 Ekwekwe bwe enaaj boñe kōm.Hurry or it will soon be too dark for us to go.ekwekwe
EkwōdeakeEkwōdeake ḷeeṇThat man has lots of whiskers -- a big beard.kwōdeak
EkwōdkwōdiEkwōdkwōdi kilin neen lieṇ.Her legs are scabby.kwōdkwōdi
EkwōjenmetoEkwōjenmeto lieṇShe's possessed by a sea demon.kwōjenmeto
ekwōleArmej jeedwaan eo eaar uññare ri-ṃweie eo kōnke ekwōle.The hungry tramp begged for food from the rich person.armej jeedwaan
elEj el ia bao eṇ.Where is that hen making its nest?el
 Ij ḷōmṇak Jema ekar jab roñ men eo bwe iḷak lale ej jab kanooj el ḷọkI didn’t think Father had heard what he said because when I looked over he didn’t seem to be paying attention. P450el
ElāElā baḷuun eo ke ej jeer.The plane banked when it turned.
 Elā wa eo.The boat capsized.
EḷāānEḷāān peiūI have four of a kind.ḷāān
eḷaeJoñan, eḷae ioon dān āinwōt lowaan juon aebōj-jimeeṇ.The water was so calm that it looked glassy as if it were inside a cistern. P994aebōj-jimeeṇ
 Eḷae ḷọk ioon aejetin liklaḷin ānin jān Jemọ.The surface of the ocean on the leeside of this island's is smoother than that of Jemo Island.aejet
 Eḷae lọjet kōn an lur.The ocean is smooth because of the calm.ḷae
ElājElāj adenpein likin āninThe adenpe sharks on the ocean side of this island are fierce.adenpe
 Elāj kidu eṇ.That dog is ferocious.lāj
EḷajjuurEḷajjuur wōt eṇ ṃōṃaan (eṃṃaan).He's such a powerful individual.ḷajjuur
eḷakEjjeḷọk aij-bọọk ilo enañin aolep eṃ i Ṃajeḷ, bōtab eḷak wōr ilo jet wōt eṃ ko Kuajleen im Mājro kab jejjo ilo aelōñ ko ilikin.There are no refrigerators in most Marshallese homes, except for some on Kwajalein and Majuro, and a few on outer islands. S27aelōñ
 Eḷak rọọl tok eri-aelōñin pepāllele ḷọk jān eo.When he came back he acted more American-ish than before.aelōñin pālle
 Eḷak baj tōbwe tok ek eo, ealikkar an Bojin eo aewanlik.As he pulled in the fish, it was obvious that the Boatswain was an expert fisherman. P1309aewanlik
 Dedeen ke eḷak ekkāke baḷuun i mejatoto ioon aelōñ in, jeitan wūdeakeak kōn ainikiier.”You know, it’s like how the planes are flying above this island all the time, the noise makes me want to go crazy.” P199ainikie-
 Ri-aje eo eḷak pikūri aje eo nājin, eḷọkjān an armej ro.When the drummer started beating on his drum the audience was amazed.aje
MORE eḷak
EḷakkūkiEḷakkūki ṃwiinThis house is full of V.I.P.'s.ḷakkūk
eḷakḷakEalikkar an kabbil bwe eḷakḷak.His swagger goes to show his arrogance.ḷakḷak
eḷamWa eo waan eḷam waan ak ebwe.His boat was crude but served its purpose.ḷam waan
 Ta wūnin an pen ke eḷam waanHow could it be so difficult when it's quite simple?ḷam waan
EḷamḷamEḷamḷam aelōñ in.This atoll has lots of bays.ḷam
EḷamḷameEḷamḷame bōke in Julel.Julel Cape is quite prominent.ḷam
elamōjTa eo?” elamōj tok Bojin eo.What?” the Boatswain yelled back. P572laṃōj
elaṃōjBwābwe tak jidik,” Bojin eo elaṃōj laḷ tak jān kiju eo.Tack windward a bit,” the Boatswain yelled down from the mast. P496bwābwe
 Erre tok im ḷak lo kōjāllin neō elaṃōj.He looked at me and then he saw the condition of my legs and shouted. P46kōjālli-
 Eita,” Kapen eo elaṃōj laḷ tak, āinwōt ñe en ñakWhat’s going on?” the Captain yelled down, as if he didn’t know. P618ñak
 Kwōn ṃōk erre rōña waj ḷe Kapen,” ḷōḷḷap eo elaṃōj tok jān ioon wab eo.Captain, look over there to the south,” the Old Man yelled from the pier. P485rōña
 Iọkwe koṃro i wa ṇe,” ḷōḷḷap eo elaṃōj meto tak.Hello there on the boat,” the Old Man yelled across the water. P1262tok
MORE elaṃōj
elaṃōjeKe kōṃro ej epaake ḷọk ṃōn irooj eo, juon armej elaṃōje ḷọk kōṃro.When we were getting close to the chief’s house, a person yelled to us. P226epaak
 Ke ej waḷọk lōñ tak jān ruuṃwin injin eo, juon armej elaṃōje.When he came up from the engine room, someone yelled over to him. P448laṃōj
 Ke kōṃro ej epaake ḷọk ṃōn irooj eo, juon armej elaṃōje ḷọk kōṃro.When we were getting close to the chief’s house, a person yelled to us. P226ej
ElañeElañe eto ḷọk wōt ad kōmatte enaaj waḷọk jekōṃai.If we boil it longer it becomes jekṃai (coconut syrup). S19jekṃai
 Bar juon, elañe jenaaj kōtḷọk jekaro eo bwe en pād jilu raan, enaaj erom jimañūñ—dān in kadek eo limen ri-Ṃajeḷ.Also, if we let jekaro stand for three days, it will become jimañūñ—the alcoholic beverage of the Marshallese. S19jimañūñ
 Bar juon, elañe jenaaj kōtḷọk jekaro eo bwe en pād jilu raan, enaaj erom jimañūñ—dān in kadek eo limen ri-Ṃajeḷ.Also, if we let jekaro stand for three days, it will become jimañūñ—the alcoholic beverage of the Marshallese. S19kōtḷọk
 Elañe kwōj ruwamāejet ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ armej ro rej koba im bōkwōj ṃōñā im men-in-leḷọk ko ñan eok.If you are a newcomer to the Marshalls, the people gather and bring you food and gifts. S4menin le-
 Elañe kwōj ruwamāejet ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ armej ro rej koba im bōkwōj ṃōñā im men-in-leḷọk ko ñan eok.If you are a newcomer to the Marshalls, the people gather and bring you food and gifts. S4ruwamāejet
MORE elañe
EḷañeEḷañe ewōr retio in kōnono ilo aolep aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ, ri-nañinmej rōban aikuj in mej kōñ an ejjeḷọk taktō ak wūno, im barāinwōt jipañ bōbrae jān an waḷọk ñūtaIf there were radio communication on all islands in the Marshalls, sick people would not die for want of doctors or medicine, and it would also help prevent the occurrence of famine. S25bōbrae
 Wāween jọọḷ ek, ṃokta jej karreoik ek ko, im eḷañe ek killep men ko jej ṃwijiti im kōṃṃan bukwōn jidik, ak eḷañe ek jidik, jej kaiouki wōt in jooni ilo dānnin-jọọḷ iuṃwin juōn boñ.The way to make salt fish is first, we clean the fish, and if they are big fish, we cut them into smaller sections, or if they are small fish, we put them whole to soak in salt water overnight. S27bukwōn
 Wāween jọọḷ ek, ṃokta jej karreoik ek ko, im eḷañe ek killep men ko jej ṃwijiti im kōṃṃan bukwōn jidik, ak eḷañe ek jidik, jej kaiouki wōt in jooni ilo dānnin-jọọḷ iuṃwin juōn boñ.The way to make salt fish is first, we clean the fish, and if they are big fish, we cut them into smaller sections, or if they are small fish, we put them whole to soak in salt water overnight. S27bukwōn
 Jab jino juon jerbal eḷañe kwōjāmin kadedeiki.Do not undertake a project unless you can finish it.dede
 Wāween jọọḷ ek, ṃokta jej karreoik ek ko, im eḷañe ek killep men ko jej ṃwijiti im kōṃṃan bukwōn jidik, ak eḷañe ek jidik, jej kaiouki wōt in jooni ilo dānnin-jọọḷ iuṃwin juōn boñ.The way to make salt fish is first, we clean the fish, and if they are big fish, we cut them into smaller sections, or if they are small fish, we put them whole to soak in salt water overnight. S27iio
MORE eḷañe
EḷaññeEḷaññe enaaj aerwōj iien jerbal renaaj kate er joñan wōt aer maroñ.When it's their turn to work, they'll do their best.aerwōj
 Ejjeḷọk jerbal eṇ epen eḷaññe jenaaj almaroñe.There's no task that can't be completed if we join forces and work together.almaroñ
 Eḷaññe ej ṃōṃakūt jān turin baaṃle eo an ej jab kōṇaan bwe en to an jako jān er.When he travels away from his family, he does not like to be gone from them for too long. P37baaṃle
 Ej ettōr im or jerata jet iien eḷaññe jelo ke jebōd ak jeṃakoko in pokake im kajiṃwe kōj make.”Misfortune strikes sometimes when we see that we have made a mistake but don’t want to correct what we have done.” P1211bōd
 Eḷaññe iar jab nañinmej inaaj uwe ilo wa eo.If I didn't get sick I might have gone on the boat.eḷaññe
MORE eḷaññe
EḷapEḷap aereañ kar eñtaan im emmej ippān ke ej nañinmej.They (foursome) were under great pressure staying up to take care of him when he was ill.aa-
 Eḷap an ḷadik eṇ addimejmej.That boy is sickly.addimej
 Eḷap addiṃakoko rainin im iabwin jerbal.I'm sluggish today and don't feel like working.addiṃakoko
 Eḷap an bwil rainin im kaaddiṃakokoik .It is so hot today it gives me a lethargic feeling.addiṃakoko
 Eḷap wōt an adede arin āninThere are lots of giant clam shells on the beach of this island.aded
MORE eḷap
eḷapḷọkIkar jab bar kōnono ak ibar to laḷ ḷọk im ālimi dān eo bwe eḷapḷọk.I didn’t say anything else, but went below again and started bailing water, because there was a lot of it. P987ānen
 Eruṃwijḷọk ektak jān kar ammān ākto kōn wōt an kar ḷōḷapḷọk ṇo im eḷapḷọk an jepliklik wa eo jān kar ṃoktaIt took us longer to load them up than it had to offload them since the waves were making the boat sway back and forth even more than before. P747eakto
 Eḷapḷọk aṃ jaiurḷọk jān ṃoktaYou are slower than before.jāiur
 Eḷapḷọk an jerwaan jān ṃoktaHe squanders more than before.jerwaan
 Eḷapḷọk jiṇo ilo jitet ko tuiōñ ilo Amedka ilo iiō in jān iiō eo ḷọkThere was more snow in the northern U.S. states this year than last.jiṇo
MORE eḷapḷọk
eḷaptataEḷap an baj injin eo kajoor ñan dettan wa eo innem ewātin peḷḷọk jān ioon dān ñe ej tōtōr eake, eḷaptata ñe ej jej kobban.The engine was very strong for the size of the boat, so it nearly skipped from the water’s surface when it was motoring with it, especially when there was no cargo. P10ḷap
 ej juon iaan ṃōñā ko eḷaptata an ri-Ṃajeḷ kōjerbale.Breadfruit is one of the foods that Marshallese use most. S28
 ej juon iaan ṃōñā ko eḷaptata an ri-Ṃajeḷ kōjerbale.Breadfruit is one of the foods that Marshallese use most. S28ṃōñā
 ej juon iaan ṃōñā ko eḷaptata an ri-Ṃajeḷ kōjerbale.Breadfruit is one of the foods that Marshallese use most. S28kōjerbale
EḷbōjEar al im arin Eḷbōj BūrejleHe sang and mimicked Elvis Presley.ari-
elbōnEḷap an eḷḷap elbōn in India.The elephants from India are huge.eḷbōn
eḷeJekdọọn ñe eḷe ak ear jab jokwōd an kōkeini (ekkeini) jemānDespite his great success and fame he did not fail to keep in touch with his father.kōkeini
 Kōjmān kabbwe bwe eḷe wa in ireaar,” eba.We need to turn downwind because the boat is too far to the east,” he said. P890reeaar
 Ear ḷōmṇak ḷọk ḷọk eḷe jān minit ko an.He kept thinking until he went over his time limit.ḷọk
ElejānElejān ḷọk jān e.He's more adulterous than that other person.lejān
ElelElel bao eo.The bird has been hit.lel
 Elel kōn jipij eo aṃ.He was shot down by your speech.lel
 Elel ek eo im pejlọk.The fish was hit with the spear and pierced through.pejlọk
eleḷọkAnṃōkaj emate ek eo kijen innem eleḷọk bwe eo kijen ṂūttūūriAnṃōkaj ate all he could of his fish and gave the left-over to Ṃūttūūri. mat
eletletIm jidik wōt an wa eo jino jaaḷ im ḷak anlọk, eletlet wūjḷā eo im wa eo ejino ajādik.The boat slowly turned to the north and when it was finally on course the sail filled with wind and we started to advance slowly. P851anlọk
eletokEj maat wōt kobban kāān eo ak eletok bwe in kọkoṇe.When the can was empty, he gave it to me to put away. P603ak
 Aṃ alwōj bajjek inne eletok juon ḷōmṇakYour sightseeing yesterday gave me an idea.alwōj bajjek
 Ij ja tan wōnṃaanḷọk wōt ak eletok neen im ḷatipñōle .I was about to go forward but he tripped me with his foot.ḷatipñōl
elianijEinwōt enaaj wōt ke elianij tokLooks like a rainy night as it is dark and cloudy.lianij
elianijtokEnaaj wōt bwe etke elianijtok.It looks like rain as it is darker.elianij
eliboororeEar bat kōrkōr eo waō jinoun ak eḷak wōtlọk juon ḷadikin eoon ere eliboorore wa ko jet im ḷeAt first my canoe was behind but a gusty wind fell, I chased and passed the others.ḷadikin eoon ere
ElibwetōreElibwetōre jiroñ eṇ.She's got double dimples.libwetōr
ElijeṃōrṃōrElijeṃōrṃōr ioon ṇoon baal.It's quite foamy on the breaker's crests.lijeṃōrṃōr
ElijibElijib bōraṇ doon e.The point of the husking stick is blunt.lijib
ElikElik bao eo.The chicken is setting.lik
ElikaakrakElikaakrak ek eo.The fish had maggots.likaakrak
ElikaoeElikaoe āninThis islet has lots of young men.likao
ElikapijweweElikapijwewe bōranHe's got a cowlick.likapijwewe
ElikjabElikjab jān wa eo.He missed the boat.likjab
eliktakeJuon eo eliktake jiipkako eo an.Someone snatched his wallet.liktak
EliṃEliṃ iar kōn an ḷap ṇoThe water along the lagoon side is all murky from the big waves.liṃ
 Jab tumej bwe eliṃ.Don't open your eyes in the water because it's murky.tumej
EliṃaakakeEliṃaakake mejatotoThe sky is full of kites.liṃaakak
EliṃliṃiEliṃliṃi kapin wa in.This boat has a mossy bottom.liṃliṃ
elin/ilenJet kaṇ elin/ilen bao buḷōn mar eṇ.There are some chicken nests in the boondocks.el
ElirọuweElirọuwe pilawā ṇeThe bread is moldy.lirọuwe
ElḷaElḷa in booj eo kōṃṃan jān lukweej.The ribs of the boat are made of calophyllum inophyllum.eḷḷa
eḷḷaKe baj lowaan wa eo eo kōmmān kar kabijje ie, men eo jemaroñ roñ de eo ijo ej aininkien ammān kañuri petkōj ko, koba ippān ainikien an jejelōblōb dān eo i kōtaan eḷḷa koThe only thing we could hear inside the boat was the sound of us eating our biscuits and of the water splashing around between the ribs of the boats. P813eḷḷa
EḷḷāEḷḷā piiḷ eo.The bill has been passed.ḷōḷā
EḷḷaajEḷḷaaj jān ajjinonin ajiri.It's louder than the whisper of a child.ajjinono
 Eḷap an ḷōḷaaj (eḷḷaaj) ainikien an al.The sound of his singing is very melodious.ḷōḷaaj
 Eḷap an ḷōḷaaj (eḷḷaaj) ainikien aṃ al.Your singing really carries.ḷōḷaaj
eḷḷāārārWōn in ej ḷōḷāārār (eḷḷāārār) tokWho is this making noise on the gravel coming here?ḷōḷāārār
elladikdikEṃṃan an leladikdik (elladikdik).The breeze is nice and cool.leladikdik
 Emmewiwi raan keinikkan bwe elladikdik.The branches rustle in the breeze (words from a Wotje love song).memewiwi
eḷḷaeoeoTipñōl eo ij baj ba eḷḷaeoeo inI would call that a fast sailing canoe.ḷōḷaeoeo
 Eḷḷaeoeo ḷọk jān wa ṇe waaṃ.It's faster than yours.ḷōḷaeoeo
 Kōmmān kar idaak ioon wa eo im lale an eḷḷaeoeo ḷọk ijo ḷọkWe all just sat and drank our coffee on the boat and admired how it sped along there. P887ḷōḷaeoeo
EḷḷaininEḷḷainin peba eṇ.That piece of paper is ruled.ḷain
eḷḷajikmeededKwōnañinmej kōn aṃ ḷōḷajikmeeded (eḷḷajikmeeded).You're sick because you masturbate a lot.ḷajikmeed
EllāleEllāle wa eṇ.The boat is top-heavy (rolls a lot).
 Ellāle wa eo.The boat rolled a lot.
 Eḷap an lelāle (ellāle) Mieko Kwiin.The MIECO QUEEN always rolls.lelāle
EḷḷaḷḷaḷEḷḷaḷḷaḷ aebōj eo.The well went dry.ḷōḷaḷḷaḷ
ellaṃōjṃōjKwōn jab lelaṃōjṃōj (ellaṃōjṃōj).Don't keep shouting.laṃōj
EḷḷaṇtōnanaEḷḷaṇtōnana wāto jab in.This particular spread is grown over with lantana.ḷaṇtōna
ElḷapElḷap iṃiṃin iaar jān lik.The iṃiṃ at the lagoon side are bigger than the iṃiṃ at the ocean side.iṃiṃ
 Elḷap jabōnke in likin Likeip.The porcupine fish of Likiep are huge.jabōnke
eḷḷapEḷap an eḷḷap elbōn in India.The elephants from India are huge.eḷbōn
 Itaakin tiṃa eḷḷap erup wōd.The crash of a huge ship could break the reef.itaak
 Ilo Ṃajeḷ, kōn an iddik āne ko ie im jabwe jikin men in mour, ejjeḷọk men in mour eḷḷap.In the Marshalls, because the islets are so tiny and there isn’t space for animals, there are no large animals. S23jabwe
 Eḷḷap ṇo im kōjepliklik wa in.Tbe big waves are making the boat roll.jepliklik
 Eḷḷap jiloin Wōjjā.The jilo of Wotje are big.jilo
MORE eḷḷap
ElleElle bwe ekōṇaan jab roñjake kōnnaan.It serves him right because he didn't follow the advice.lele
ellejkōnkōnLōḷḷap eo ar anjin kōkpitpiti (ekkapitpiti) ajri eo bwe en lelejkōnkōn (ellejkōnkōn)The old woman performed the anointing treatments on the child so that she would grow up popular.kōkapit
 Aolep armej im iọkwe kōn an lelejkōnkōn (ellejkōnkōn).Everyone likes her because of her appealing personality.lelejkōnkōn
ellejlejKwōn jab lelejlej (ellejlej) bwe aṃ bōd eo.No sense being boisterous about it because you're at fault.lelejlej
EllellelEllellel baḷuun eṇ.That plane always gets hit.lel
ellemejIlōke wa e bwe eṃōj an lelemej (ellemej).I trust my canoe now because it has successfully passed the trial run.lelemej
elletokKab jujen kōpeḷḷọke im elletok kijedmān bwe jen kapijje ṃokta jān ad wūne mejād ñan ilju jibboñ.”Then open it up and take out a few for each of us so we can eat before we try to get some shut eye until morning.” P807letok
EllikaebebEllikaebeb likin āninThe ocean side of this islet has lots of cone shells.likaebeb
EllikjabjabEllikjabjab ḷeoHe's always in debt.likjab
ElliklikElliklik bao eṇ.That chicken is always setting.lik
elloJabdewōt iien kwōj lelo (ello) kōjwad, kwōn jeḷā bwe eor ek ippāer.Anytime you see a flock of birds on the ocean, you must know that there are fish with it.kōjwad
 Kwōnañin lelo (ello) ke aṃ peen?Haven't you found yourself a pen yet?lelo
ellokKilin ek in ej ellok ṇa imejān juon ṃōttan wōjke rot ṇe me ewōr lowaan.The skin of this fish is tied over the opening of a hollow log. S11lowa
ellōkElōñ kwoṇāer ellōk.They caught lots of rabbitfish.ellōk
eḷḷọkJab eḷḷọk ñane bwe ri-allolo.Don't mind him because he's a roamer.allolo
 Kōn an tar jān joñan an ḷeo bōballele, kōṃwōj kar jab kanooj eḷḷọk ñan men ko ej ba.Because his interest in worldly possessions was too much, we did not pay too much attention to what he was saying.balle
 Enta kwōj eḷḷọk ke baj eo bōnjān eṇ.Don't let that bother you; it's just the way he is.bōnja-
 Ta unin aṃ eḷḷọk jāneWhy did you turn away from her?el
 Kwōn jab eḷḷọk jān e bwe enaaj mej.Don't turn away from her or she'll die.el
MORE eḷḷọk
EḷḷọkeEḷḷọke diiṃLie down and relax (stretch out your backbone).eḷḷọk
 Eḷḷọke ok ṇeSpread out the long net.eḷḷọk
 Eḷḷọke peiṃHold out your hand.eḷḷọk
 Eḷḷọke eran tebōḷ ṇeSpread the tablecloth.eran tebōḷ
EḷḷọkiEḷḷọki tok jaki kaṇe.Laying out the mats toward here.eḷḷọk
eḷḷōkọikKwōmaroñ ke ḷōḷōkọik (eḷḷōkọik) tok wa e waarro?Could you please lash the kie of our canoe?ḷōḷōkọ
EḷḷoktōktōkEḷḷoktōktōk nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes are all wrinkled.ḷoktōk
 Eḷḷoktōktōk mejān ḷōḷḷap eo.The old man's face had lots of wrinkles.ḷoktōk
EḷḷọkweEḷḷọkwe jaki kaṇe kinierro ioon būlāwūt kaṇe i retam im babu.Unroll our sleeping mats on the plywood on the port side and lie down. P556būḷāwūt
elloloIj jañin ellolo abōḷ kilmeej.I have not seen a black apple.abōḷ
 Iban ellolo jikka kiiō bwe eḷap an akā ñan kombani.I can't get any cigarettes because the companies can't get any.akā
 Eko tok kilū ñe ij ellolo aḷkitaSeeing an alligator gives me the creeps.aḷkita
 Aṃoot rot in ke ij kab ellolo?What type of tag game is this, that I haven't seen anything like it before.anoot
 Jeban ellolo kain ṇe i ṃaan,” Kapen eo eakweḷap im ālijinmenWe won’t see those kinds of things up ahead,” he continued to insist. P928ālijinmen
MORE ellolo
elloṃaananKijoñ eṇ elloṃaanan.That guy is always arrogant.loṃaan
EḷḷōñjakjakEḷḷōñjakjak ḷeeṇHe's always getting up.lōñaj
ellootaanIj jab tōmak bwe Kapen eṇ enaaj eọroñ bwe aolep iien ij leḷọk ḷōmṇak ñan e, ellootaan im ḷōkatipI don’t believe that the Captain will listen to me, because I’m always telling him what I think, worries and complaints. P128lelotaan
 Ij jab tōmak bwe Kapen eṇ enaaj eọroñ bwe aolep iien ij leḷọk ḷōmṇak ñan e, ellootaan im ḷōkatipI don’t believe that the Captain will listen to me, because I’m always telling him what I think, worries and complaints. P128ḷōkatip
ellorKōjro etal in kōttar ilo lelor (ellor) eṇLet's go wait in the shade there.lelor
ellōrakrakBaḷuun eo ellōrakrak eṇThat plane is always diving.lōrak
EḷḷorakrakEḷḷorakrak kāāj eo an.The hook on his fishing pole always gets caught on the reef.ḷorak
EllotaanEllotaan kōn piik eo nājin ejako.He's complaining about his lost pig.lelotaan
ellowetakAejemjemin naan ko an ekōṃṃan aer ellowetak.His persuasiveness swayed them into action.aejemjem
 Aerārūṃ ippa ekōṃṃan ellowetak.Your touching shoulders with me gives me enthusiasm.aerār
 Rej kab tan ellowetak ke rej roñ ainikien.They began to get enthused when they heard his voice.ellowetak
 Raar kanooj ellowetak kōn naan ko ear ba.They were inspired by what he had just said.ellowetak
elluKwōnaaj ajjikade bajjek innām ellu.Keep throwing stones at him and he'll get angry.ajjikad
 Ellu kōnke rej ba ej boea wōt.He's mad because they say he's still just a kid.boea
 Ellu kōnke rej ba e boea wōt.He’s mad because they say he’s just a kid.boea
 Ellu ḷōḷḷap eo im jinjini ajri ro.The old man got mad and swore at the children.jinjin
 Ellu bwe raar kanijniji.He's angry because they cursed him.kanejnej
MORE ellu
ElluluEllulu.He's got a bad temper.lilu
EllutōktōkEllutōktōk bakōj eṇ kōn an ṃōṃkūtkūt (eṃṃakūtkūt) wa in.The bucket keeps slopping out because of the motion of the ship.lilutōk
ElluujujElluujuj ḷeeṇ ilo pile.He always loses at poker.luuj
EḷmaEḷma ḷọk ñan ān ṇe iōñ ke kiin eibwij mejje ṇeHow am I to get to the next island north of here since it's high tide?eḷmān
EḷmāerEḷmāer ke rōkōṇaan eọñwōd ippād ak raabwin jipañ kōj kōmọọr.What should we do with them, as they want to go fishing with us but don't want to help us look for bait.eḷmān
elmakotRaar kōṃṃan jet elmakot ṃokta jān kwelọk.They made some suggestions before the meeting.elmọkot
 Raar errā ilo elmakot koThey agree on the suggestions.elmọkot
eḷmaṃKōḷmān ekōṇaan jeḷā eḷmaṃ kiiōKōḷman wants to know what's your present status.eḷmān
EḷmāmiEḷmāmi ke kōmi kwōle ak kōmi abwin jerbal?What's with you people, you're hungry and yet you don't want to work.eḷmān
eḷmānJouj im kwaḷọk ḷọk ñane eḷmān kattōre wa ṇePlease show him how to drive that car.eḷmān
 Eḷmān an ba ke ebūrook ak wia in de eṇ?How could he say he's broke when he keeps buying things?eḷmān
 Eḷmān aer kōṃṃane?How do they do it?eḷmān
elmaroñEḷap an elmaroñ Sandy Koufax.Sandy Koufax can really throw hard.elmaroñ
elmọkoteJenaaj elmọkote ṃōk lale eṃṃan ke.We'll experiment with it to see if it works.elmọkot
ElmọñdikḶakeke to, rooj iekūt, waan Elmọñdik.Lakeke in the west, they (the sailors) stand by, vehicle of the storm called Elmọñdik. (a chant.)Ḷakelōñ
EloElo animroka im ko.He caught sight of me and took off.animroka-
 Ak men eo elo de eo kōdọ ko i turin lañ.But the only thing he could see was clouds in the sky. P865de
 Jema elo miroū im jeeaḷe ḷọk ñan ippān.As soon as Father got a glimpse of me he made a gesture with his hand for me to come toward him. P581jeeaaḷ
 Ḷōṃa e, jemān jaajmi,” Kapen eo ekar ba ke elo an dedeḷọk an Bojin eo jiḷait.Hey guys, let’s eat sashimi,” the Captain said when he saw the Boatswain was done slicing it up. P1329jiḷait
 Elo bwe rōkajooke.He was disenchanted when they rejected him.lo
MORE elo
EḷoāneEḷoāne tak wa ṇeThat boat is too close to the shore.ḷo-
elōbọKoban loe bwe elōbọ.You won't find him because he's sick.lōbọ
ElodideañElodideañ ilo kōto in.It's spinning like a windmill in the wind.lodideañ
eloeKapen eo ekar baj kakkōt jure tok turin lañ ak ejej āne eṇ eloe.The Captain tried to look ahead for land but didn’t see anything. P877lelo
 Bojin eo eloe im baj ḷoor laḷ ḷọkThe Boatswain saw him and so he followed him down. P305ḷoor
 Iññā. …” Bojin eo ekar bar tōn kajjioñ likūt kuṇaan ippān Kapen eo ak eloe bwe ejej tokjān.Yeah…” the Boatswain was going to try to give the Captain his opinion on the matter but he saw there was no point. P902kuṇaan
EḷōjoEḷōjo bọtinHis nose is bleeding.ḷōjo
EḷọkEḷọk de juon allōñū ṇai āninI have just completed my first month on this island.de
 Ej baj to, eḷọk em bar kabōlbōl iju.After a while, the rain stopped and the stars came out again.kabōlbōl
 Im ñe eḷọk mowi ṇe im eṃṃan kōto, jelewūjḷā.And when the storm calms down a bit and the wind is right, we can raise the sail. P737ḷọk
 Eḷọk wōt ko.The rain has stopped.ḷọk
 Im ñe eḷọk mowi ṇe im eṃṃan kōto, jelewūjḷā.And when the storm calms down a bit and the wind is right, we can raise the sail. P737mowi
MORE eḷọk
elōkeMen ṇe elōkeThat thing pricked me.lōklōk
eḷọkjānRi-aje eo eḷak pikūri aje eo nājin, eḷọkjān an armej ro.When the drummer started beating on his drum the audience was amazed.aje
EḷokkorbarbarEḷokkorbarbar lieṇShe's always wearing scarves.ḷokkorbar
ElōklōkElōklōk men ṇeIt's prickly.lōklōk
EḷoktōkEḷoktōk nuknuk .My clothes are wrinkled.ḷoktōk
 Eḷoktōk nuknuk kaṇe.The clothes are wrinkled.ḷukut
eḷọkwanÑe eḷọkwan kwōppeḷọk lañ ṇe ijaje enaaj bōjrak wōt ñāāt.”"Once the rain clouds start to pour, there's no telling when it’s going to stop raining.” P662kwōppeḷọk
 Ñe eḷọkwan kwōppeḷọk lañ ṇe ijaje enaaj bōjrak wōt ñāāt.”"Once the rain clouds start to pour, there's no telling when it’s going to stop raining.” P662ḷokwan
eḷōḷḷapJekdọọn ñe eḷōḷḷap ak ej keiñki wōt.Despite his being old, he's still very active.keeñki
EḷōḷḷapḷọkEḷōḷḷapḷọk em ḷōmmejneHe became old and crippled.ḷōmmejne
ElōlōElōlō neen ilo dila eo.He stepped on a nail.lōlō
EḷọḷōjjedeEḷọḷōjjede kōn jerbal eo an.He envies him because of his job.ḷọḷōjjed
EḷometoEḷometo an kapen eṇ emjak.That captain habitually anchors far out from shore.ḷo-
EḷometoḷọkEḷometoḷọk buwae eṇ jān ṃoktaThe buoy is anchored farther out into the lagoon than previously.ḷo-
EḷōmṇakEḷōmṇak bajjek bar iuṃwin jet minit innem kwaḷọk men eo ekar loe.He thought about it for another minute and then announced what he had decided. P1246ḷōmṇak
 Eḷōmṇak jidik innem ba, Kōṃro wōt Bojin naaj mije jebwe e ak kwe wōt ilo injin ṇe.”He thought for a minute and then said, The Boatswain and I will steer and you take care of the engine.” P545mije
elōnElōñ rej aitwe doon kōn elōn men ko.There are many who compete among themselves for many things.aitwerōk
ElōñElōñ ek ilowaan addiin likin āninThe narrow gashes in the reef around this island have plenty of fish.addi
 Elōñ iaer reitan aetokaer wōt wa eo waammān.A lot of them were almost all up and down the length of our boat. P999aetok
 Elōñ rej aitwe doon kōn elōn men ko.There are many who compete among themselves for many things.aitwerōk
 Kwōn kaiur bwe elōñ ri-akḷañe jo eṇ in jibboñ.Better hurry because there are a few men who rush ahead of everyone else to fish for the goatfish in the morning.akḷañ
 Elōñ alenin bok ṇeThat book has many pages.alen
MORE elōñ
elōñjakIba wōt ej baj ṃōṃan wōt an pād ak iḷak ilbōk elōñjak im jijet.I thought he was fine but was startled when he roused and sat up. P1081lōñjak
 Elōñjak jar ko im pukōt ḷọk koṃja eo.The group got up and went looking for the commissioner. lōñaj
eḷọñjakJema eḷọñjak jān ijo ekar jijet ie im ba, Ekwe kōṃro ej ḷe nejū ja etal in lo ḷọk irooj eṇ ad ṃokta jān an mejki.Father got up from where he had been sitting and said, Alright, my son and I are just going to go visit our chief before he gets sleepy. P214lōñjak
ElōñḷọkElōñḷọk barulep Wotje jān Likiep.Lots more coconut crabs in Wotje than Likiep.barulep
eḷọñḷọñKwōn kore kinej ṇe neeṃ bwe eḷọñḷọñ.Cover up your wound from the flies.korak
 Eḷọñḷọñ ṃōñā ṇeThere are flies all over that food there.ḷọñ
ElōrElōr ḷọk jān ṃoktaHe's quieter than before.lōr
EḷorEḷor wāto eo an.His wāto (piece of land) has new tree sprouts.ḷor
elōrakLale baḷuun eṇ elōrak.Look at that plane diving.lōrak
 Elōrak baḷuun eo em dibōj laḷ.The plane dove and hit the ground.lōrak
EḷorakEḷorak kāāj eo.The hook is caught.ḷorak
 Eḷorak neen em kapete.His foot got caught and caused him to foul.pet
ElōrrọElōrrọ lieṇThat woman has "flown"lōrrọ
eḷọrronpāJema ewelọk ilo jila eo ak Bojin eḷọrronpā lōñ ḷọk idāpin kaju eo lōñ ḷọkFather took over the tiller, and the Boatswain, using a climbing method in which only the feet and hands touch the tree, climbed up the base of the mast. P1191ḷọrronpā
ElōtElōt aṃ kar jokiiñi raan tebōḷ e.You cleaned the table top well.jokiiñ
 Elōt ke aṃ kar kwaḷi pilej kaṇ?Did you wash the plates clean?lōt
EḷotEḷot bwij eṇ.That lineage is dying out.ḷot
 Eḷot ni eṇ.That coconut tree is not producing any more.ḷot
 Eḷot wa eo.The boat disappeared.ḷot
 Eḷot juon ñiūOne of my teeth came out.ḷotḷot
eḷotakLo eḷotak RilọmọọrBehold the Redeemer is born.lo
EḷotḷọkEḷotḷọk wa eo.The canoe disappeared.ḷotḷọk
ElōtlōtElōtlōt wōjḷā eo.The sail is full.lōtlōt
ElọudiñdiñElọudiñdiñ kōn an roñ al eo.Hearing the song sent him into ecstasy.lọudiñdiñ
EḷpāārAnbūriin likin ṃweeṇ iṃōn Eḷpāār.Anbūri pandanus from the ocean side of Elbert's house.Anbūri
eltakinAjej in kabwebweūṃ enaaj eltakin ṃaje eok juon iien.Your cheating will one day bring you negative consequences.ajej in kabwebwe
eltakinṃajeAerjeañ jabde enaaj eltakinṃaje erTheir carelessness will boomerang.aerjeañ
eltanEmṃan eltan pein ilo an jeje.His handwriting is good.eḷtan pā
eḷtanEkanooj eṃṃaṇ eḷtan peinHis workmanship is fine. His penmanship is fine.eḷtan pā
eltokJab eltok bwe ij alwōj bajjek.Don't let me bother you as I'm just taking in the view.alwōj bajjek
 Kwōn eltok ñan ña bwe in kwaḷọk waj iiaḷ eo.Listen to me to show you the way.el
 Eṇ ta kwōj eltok ñane ke ajiri men e?Why do you bother with him, he's just a kid.el
 Ear jab eltok ñan .He didn't pay attention to me.el
eluiJemān elui ḷadik eo nejin im eḷak kar lōr, ekar jab bar kwaḷọk juon naan aolepān jọteenin eo.The father's scolding silenced his son the rest of the evening. lōr
elukkuunJema ekar kate wōt ak elukkuun alikkar an dedodo im addiṃakoko.Father was doing his best to persevere but it was obvious that he was growing hopeless and uneasy. P1027addiṃakoko
 Elukkuun alikkarIt was very clear. P1133alikkar
 Eṃōj an injinia eṇ ane tok injinlọk e im elukkuun ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) an jerbal.My outboard engine has been tuned up by that mechanic and it's working perfectly.an
 Elukkuun ankilriabHe's an absolute hypocrite.ankiliriab
 Ālikin aṃro jar, iḷak itōn kar kajjioñ kiil meja in mājur elukkuun pen kōn wōt kar ḷōmṇake an baḷuun eo itok iiom tok im etal wōt ak ejab lo kōm.After we were finished praying I was going to try to close my eyes and get some sleep but it was really hard because I kept thinking about how that plane had flown right over us but just kept going and didn’t see us. P952baḷuun
MORE elukkuun
elukwōnEḷak ṃōj jerbal, elukwōn boñWhen I finally got through working, it was midnight.ḷak
elumọọrḷọkKōn an nana aer lale elumọọrḷọk.Because they did not treat him well, he left and never returned.lumọọrḷọk
ElurElur jabarin āne ko rej jālto arier.The lagoon side of the islets facing west are calm (windless).jabar
 Ejeṃar kiiō bwe elur.Its summer now because it's calm.jeṃar
 Erjel aolep im lōr ak ñe wa eo ej añōppāl ke elur im jej kōto ñan jidik.All three of them were silent and pensive while the boat was quietly drifting, as it was dead calm. P983lur
 Kōn an wa eo jab ṃakūtkūt bwe elur, ekar ṃōkaj ānenSince it was calm and the boat wasn’t moving, I was able to bail all the water pretty quickly. P988lur
 Ḷak jọteen ḷọk eo elur pedejdej ak kōmmān bwilōñ ke ejej iju i lañ meñe en kar or bwe ejej kōdọ i mejatoto.It was completely calm as the evening came on but we were surprised that there weren’t any stars in the sky when we should have seen them as there wasn't a speck of cloud in the sky. P1031pedej
MORE elur
EluriEluri wa eo ṇai lọmeto.The boat was becalmed in the middle of the ocean.lur
elutōkIdāpij banōḷ eo im Jema elutōk tok men eo kobban ñan lowaan tāāñ eo an injin eo.I held the funnel and Father poured the contents into the tank of the engine. P590dāpdep
 Kab ke ṃōttan jidik elutōk lañAnd soon it’s going to start pouring again. P727lañ
 Idāpij banōḷ eo im Jema elutōk tok men eo kobban ñan lowaan tāāñ eo an injin eo.I held the funnel and Father poured the contents into the tank of the engine. P590 P590lilutōk
 Jema elutōk bakōj eo ḷọk im buuḷ laḷ tak.Father emptied the bucket and came down quickly. P614buuḷ
ElutōkḷọkElutōkḷọk kōn ṃōñāHe has an abundant supply of food.lutōkḷọk
eluujJoñan an ṃōkaj jān oṃ eluuj ilo iāekwōj eo.He was so slow he lost the race.ṃōkaj jān oṃ
EluujiEluuji keem eo.He lost the game.luuj
EluwajetḷọkEluwajetḷọk kiiō kōnke eto an jojo iar.It's old and corroded because it's been in the sea for so long.luwajet
elwajKwōnāj bajjek elwaj ñane innem ejjeḷọk men eṇ etōprak.You keep being distracted by her and you won't get anything done.el
 Koṃro jab elwaj ippān bwe ej rorror bajjek wōt ak ej jab kūk.You two shouldn’t pay attention to him, because he’s all bark and no bite. P178el
eḷwōjāikiḶeo eḷwōjāiki ḷadik eo nejin.The man spanked his son.ḷwōjā
EḷwōjatEḷwōjat im dedo (eddo).It's waterlogged and extra heavy.ḷwōjat
emEar ajjādikdiktok em kailbōk .She tiptoed up to me and startled me.ajjādikdik
 Ear ajjuknene em alwōj.He stood on tiptoes in order to see.ajjuknene
 Kōttar an allọk em buuki.Wait till it comes within range, then shoot it.allọk
 Ear ankōṃade em ejjeḷọk an maroñ.He was unable to do anything for he was taken by surprise.ankōṃad
 Ear ankōṃade em baiti.He hit him when he wasn't looking.ankōṃad
eṃEjjeḷọk aij-bọọk ilo enañin aolep eṃ i Ṃajeḷ, bōtab eḷak wōr ilo jet wōt eṃ ko Kuajleen im Mājro kab jejjo ilo aelōñ ko ilikin.There are no refrigerators in most Marshallese homes, except for some on Kwajalein and Majuro, and a few on outer islands. S27aelōñ
 Ejjeḷọk aij-bọọk ilo enañin aolep eṃ i Ṃajeḷ, bōtab eḷak wōr ilo jet wōt eṃ ko Kuajleen im Mājro kab jejjo ilo aelōñ ko ilikin.There are no refrigerators in most Marshallese homes, except for some on Kwajalein and Majuro, and a few on outer islands. S27aelōñ
 Ri-kaaiboojoj lowaan eṃ ḷeeṇHe's an interior decorator.aiboojoj
 Akadikin eṃ.A new building.akadik
 Ejjeḷọk aij-bọọk ilo enañin aolep eṃ i Ṃajeḷ, bōtab eḷak wōr ilo jet wōt eṃ ko Kuajleen im Mājro kab jejjo ilo aelōñ ko ilikin.There are no refrigerators in most Marshallese homes, except for some on Kwajalein and Majuro, and a few on outer islands. S27bọọk aij
emāāṇRōḷak tọọr tok ñan lowaan meja emāāṇ ḷam jako.Beads of sweat had gone into my eyes and they were really burning. P992ḷam jako
 Emāāṇ kinej e peiū.The wound on my arm burns.māāṇ
emāārLale emāār nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Watch out, your clothes might get stained.māār
emaatEṃōj ṇe aṃ ajoḷjoḷe pej ṇe bwe emaat kobbanStop gnawing at the pandanus key because the juice is all gone.ajoḷjoḷ
 Ekar jab to ammān āindeeo innem emaat aḷaḷ ko rōkar aikuj wanlōñ ḷọk im pād i lọjet.It wasn’t long before we had passed up all the boards that needed to go in the water. P712āinde-
 Kōmba emaat raij iāneo ak rejab tōmak.We said the island was out of rice but they didn't believe us.ba
 Emaat baḷuunin Navy kaṇe aer pukpukōt kōmimān,” juon armej ekar kōkōnono tok ñan kōmmān jān ioon wab eo.The Navy planes gave up looking for you,” someone said to us from the pier. P1342baḷuun
 Armej ro wōj ilo ān eṇ, enaaj kōjkāer ke emaat limeer dānnin idaak?What is going to be done about all the people at that island since they have run out of drinking water?kōjka-
MORE emaat
eṃaatJaikuj kajiij tok bwe eṃaat.We've run out of cheese and we should get some more.jiij
EmādEmād bōb kaṇ.Those pandanus are ripening.mād
eṃadEj jab itok bwe eṃad.He isn't coming because he's busy.ṃad
EṃaelọkEṃaelọk im alikkar.It's clear and distinct.ṃaelọk
EṃajālūlūEṃajālūlū kōn nakōḷ eo.He was stunned by the blow.ṃōjālūlū
EṃajeEṃaje iarin āninThere are lots of eels along the lagoon side of this islet.ṃaj
EmājkunEmājkun wūnokwan nuknuk ṇe aṃ.The color of your dress is faded.mājkun
EmājurEmājur.He's asleep.mājur
EṃakEṃak ñiinHe's got cavities.ṃak
EmakeEmake naaj kar baj lukkuun ātin jorrāān.He would have really had it.ātin
 Emake bōbaidid (ebbaidid) ḷōṇeThat guy is a chain smoker.baid
 Kapen eo emake wōt i lowa bwe kōmjel kar jijet im bwilōñ ijo i lōñ kōn an kilep im meram wa eo.The Captain was all by himself down below because the three of us were sitting and marveling over the size and brightness of the boat. P1152bwilōñ
 Ijā, emake baj ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) an lur.Goodness, it's so nice and calm.ijā
 Emake jab metak neeṃ aṃ jintōb im etetal.It doesn't seem to hurt your feet at all to walk around barefoot.jintōb
MORE emake
EṃakeEṃake peiūI've got a thorn in my hand.ṃake
EṃakokoEṃakoko in kọọjoj.He doesn't want to use a blanket.kọọjoj
EṃakroroEṃakroro kūtwōn wa eo waan.His boat sailed under a prosperous wind.ṃakroro
EmālijlijEmālijlij bao eo raar jipede.The chicken they ran over is really smashed.mālij
Emalkan-neEmalkan-ne arin āninThere are footprints on the lagoon side beach of this islet.maalkan ne
EmālkwōjEmālkwōj wūno rot eṇ ñan kinej.That kind of medicine is good for wounds.mālkwōj
 Emālkwōj wūno rot eṇ ñan kinej.That kind of medicine is powerful for wounds.ñan
emaḷoñKwōn kalōōr ajri ṇe bwe emaḷoñ.Turn that baby upside down because it has swallowed some water.kalōlō
EmāluEmālu leen ut eṇ.The flowers from that bush are fragrant.mālu
EmaḷūttōkEmaḷūttōk.He's got an overhang.maḷūttōk
EmāmetEmāmet leen ni eṇ.The fruit of that coconut tree is sweet.māmet
EmañEmañ kako eo em jab bar ire.The rooster got negatively conditioned and refused to fight.mañ
emānAolep kumi eṇ ilo kilaaj emān boea wōt.Class four has nothing but delinquents.boea
 Ewōr emān an Būrotijen jikuuḷ kab ruo an Katlik.Four of the schools are Protestant and two Catholic as of 1965. S9Būrotijen
 Ṃōttan emān tok waini.There are four more coconuts to be brought.emān
 Emān de kōttan an ṃōñāHe has eaten four times so far.emān
 Joñan jeḷāḷọkjeṇ ej emān iiō kaḷaj.He has a four year college education.jeḷā ḷọkjeṇ
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emān-awaEḷap an lōñ nejin emān-awa.She has lots of four o'clock flowers.emān-awa
EmañbōneEmañbōne ni ṇeThat coconut tree has a lot of mañbōn on it.mañbōn
emāniKwōn kajemeje ledik eṇ bwe emāni nuknuk eṇ an.You should have the girl wear a slip because her dress is thin.jemej
 Kwōn jemej bwe emāni nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Wear a slip because your dress is thin.jemej
EmañūñEmañūñ jekaro eo.The toddy is old and sour.mañūñ
emaroKaidaake bwe emaro.Give him water to drink because he's thirsty.idaak
EmāroEmāro an rūkōṃṃan kōjak eo etetal.The comedian walked knock-kneed.māro
 Emāro an etetal.He drags a leg when walking.māro
EmarokEmarok im iar jatoḷe etal.It was dark and I felt my way.jatoḷ
 Emarok lowaan ṃweo im ḷadik eo jatoḷ im pukot teñki eo an.It was dark inside the house and the boy groped for his flashlight.jatoḷ
 Kabbōle ṃōṇe bwe emarok.Put the light on in the house because it's dark inside.kabbōl
 Emarok ṃweeṇThat house is dark.marok
 Emarok ḷọk unokan wa e wāo jān ṇe waaṃ.I have a lighter paint on my car than yours. marok
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EmarokeEmaroke tiṃa eo ṇailik innem emijak kapen eo in ṃwear kōnke ewōdwōde lowaan to eo.The ship was benighted at the ocean-side of the atoll and the captain was afraid to enter the lagoon for fear of running aground on any of the coral heads littering the channel.marok
emaroñMaroñ ko addemlōkmej ejjeḷọk juon emaroñ būki jān kōj.No one can take away our inalienable rightsaddemlōkmej
 Aenōṃṃaniṃ wōt emaroñ kōṃanṃan men otemjej.Only your peace can improve the situation.aenōṃṃan
 Emaroñ bōd kilen aṃ aṃaiktok tiin ṇe; en kab baj ke kwōj jañin kar aṃa juon alen.You might not hammer the tin properly; especially since you've never once used a hammer before.aṃa
 Kwōn jab kaatebare bwe emaroñ bwebweStop making him jealous or he'll go crazy.atebar
 John emaroñ kabokḷape eok.John could transmit the small pox to you.bokḷap
MORE emaroñ
emaroñeAmñe eabōb ke ejjeḷọk men eṇ jinen emaroñe.Even if he refuses there's nothing his mother can do about it.amñe
EmatEmat ko.The breadfruit are cooked.mat
 Ettiij ḷọk ek eo ke emat.The fish kept sizzling when it was cooked.tūtiijij
emateAnṃōkaj emate ek eo kijen innem eleḷọk bwe eo kijen ṂūttūūriAnṃōkaj ate all he could of his fish and gave the left-over to Ṃūttūūri. mat
EmedEmed raij eṇ kiiō.The rice is cool now.med
EmedọḷEmedọḷ bōraṃYour hair is smoothed down with oil.medọḷ
EmeejEmeej in eọñōd ijeṇ.He is used to fishing there.meej
emejJen aktale lọk irooj eṇ emej.Let's go as a group to pay our respects to the dead chief.aktal
 Ñe emej aḷap eṇ jeū enaaj pinej jenkwan.When my uncle, who's also the lineage head, dies, my older brother will take his place.aḷap
 Ej anbōro kōn jāān ko an ḷeo pāleen emej.She's using her deceased husband's money to get in good with her lover.anbōro
 Eḷap an kar jañ ledik eo im batoñtoñ ke ej roñ ke emej jemānThat girl really cried and sobbed when she heard that her father had died.batoñtoñ
 Eḷap an lio būroṃōj kōn ḷeo ippān emej.She is mourning her dead husband.būroṃōj
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EmejādikEmejādik ḷeeṇHe is skillful.mejādik
EmejaḷEmejaḷ ḷọk jitọkin .My stockings are running.mejaḷ
EmejaḷjaḷEmejaḷjaḷ ḷọk tōrej eṇ.The thread is unsnarled.mejaḷ
EmejānEmejān kālọkShe displays a fond look.kālọk
EmejateEmejate ṃweeṇThat tract has a path to the beach.mejate
EmejatotoEmejatoto lieṇShe's possessed by ghosts.mejatoto
 Emejatoto jidik ak enaaj eṃṃan.He’s been possessed by ghosts but he’ll be okay.” P1063mejatoto
emejeKọjerbal to ṇe ekaāl im emeje wa ṇe kake.Use the new rope to anchor the boat.emje
emejelEjab eñjaake naan ko aṃ bwe emejel kilinHe didn't feel your stinging remarks as he's quite thick-skinned.mejel kil
EmejjiiaEmejjiia wōn eṇ.That turtle is slow to die.mejjiia
EmejjiieEmejjiie bao eṇ.That bird is quick to die.mejjiie
EmejkiEmejki likao eo in kōnono.The boy is too sleepy to talk.mejki
emejlepAjilowōdin ikōn arin Epoon meḷeḷein bwe emejlep.When a school of bonitos enter the lagoon in Ebon and can't find it way out it means the entire school is in the basket.ajilowōd
EmejpataEmejpata ḷeeṇHe thinks he's God's gift to women.mejpata
EmejwaEkōbkōbe arin Emejwa.The lagoon beach of Emejwa Island is difficult to walk on.kōbkōb
 Ealikkar ḷọk ad kile ṃuriniejin Emejwa jān ṂaatThe cultural sites on Emejwa islet are more easily recognizable than those on Ṃaat islet.ṃuriniej
emeḷakEjako emeḷak,” Jema eba.It’s not that cluttered now,” Father said. P705meḷak
 Ebwe ṇe bwe emeḷak ije kiiō,” Jema eba im jino jaḷjaḷ baib.That’ll do, because there’s enough space down here now,” Father said as he started to take apart the pipes. P713meḷak
emeḷeḷeIba wōt emeḷeḷe kōn an ṃōṃjidjid (eṃṃajidjid) ke ij kōnono ñaneI thought he understood my point because he nodded when I talked to him about it.ṃajid
EmeḷoktakōnEmeḷoktakōn ke buñūnin?Is this the night of meḷoktakōnmeḷoktakōn
ememejKwōj ememej ke etan ḷadik eo ear itok?Do you remember the name of the boy who came here?ememej
 Ilo iien in eor jiljilimjuon ak rualitōk iiō—ij jab kanooj ememej.At this time I was seven or eight years old—I don’t exactly remember which. P2ememej
 Ememej.Remember—no active attempt to remember—just sort of comes to mind.ememej
 Kwōj ememej ke ijoko jaar pād ie Amedka?Do you remember the places we visited in America?ijoko
 Ke ij rōre lọk im lale turin mejān, ibar ememej tok iien eo jinoin aṃro kar jerā.I looked at my friend’s face and thought back to when we first became friends. P469jerā
MORE ememej
ememḷọkjenEkōṃṃan ememḷọkjen.It made me feel sad and nostalgic. P1285ememḷọkjeṇ
EmemḷọkjeṇEmemḷọkjeṇ ko kōn eok.My sad memories of you (words from love song).ememḷọkjeṇ
emeñJab ṃōñā jokkwōp ṇe bwe emeñ.Don't eat that soup because it's sour.meñ
EmenādikEmenādik nuknuk ṇe aṃ.There are moths in your clothes.menādik
emenokaduKwōn deele niñniñ ṇe bwe emenokadu.Fan that baby because it's sweating.deelel
EmenọknọkeEmenọknọke nōbōjān ṃwiinThere is trash strewn all around outside this house.menọknọk
emeoeoEṃṃan wōt būtoñtoñ ippa bwe emeoeo.I like to sleep on a mattress because it's smooth.būtoñtoñ
 Iden jaki eṇ eṃṃan bwe emeoeo.The fabric of that mat is good because it is soft.ed
EmeraḷọkEmeraḷọk kōto in.The wind has changed to a light breeze.meraḷọk
EmetakEmetak addiūMy fingers hurt.addi
 Emetak aeoūI'm painful in the kidney area.aeo
 Emetak ajajūI have pain in my calves.ajaj
 Emetak akūkūMy fingernails hurt.akūk
 Emetak anbwijbanūMy left hand is painful.anbwijban
MORE emetak
emiinEban lewaj aṃ jāān bwe emiin.He won't give you any money because he is a miser.miin
emijakEmaroke tiṃa eo ṇailik innem emijak kapen eo in ṃwear kōnke ewōdwōde lowaan to eo.The ship was benighted at the ocean-side of the atoll and the captain was afraid to enter the lagoon for fear of running aground on any of the coral heads littering the channel.marok
 Emijak ri-jikuuḷ ro in kajjitōk.The students are afraid to ask.mijak
EmijenatabuñEmijenatabuñ.His was a premature death.mijenatabuñ
emjakWa eo eṇ ej emjak i ar.The boat is anchored close to the lagoon beach.emjak
 Kwōn emjak kōn dekā.Use a rock for an anchor.emjak
 Iḷak ilbōk ejjelōbḷọk emjak eo an lik.I was surprised when the anchor made a splash coming up in the stern of the boat. P478jejelōblōb
 Kab kili aj ṇe ṃōjin aṃ kọkoni emjak kaṇe,” Kapen eo eba ñan Bojin eo.Close the hatch as soon as you put away the anchor line,” the Captain said to the Boatswain. P759koṇ
 Kōpeḷḷọke aj ṇe i ṃaan im kwaḷọki tok emjak ko bwe kein arro naaj loklok,” iroñ an Kapen eo jiroñ ḷọk Bojin eo.Open the hatch and get some anchor line; we can use that to tie up the boards,” I heard the Captain yell over to the Boatswain. P674kowaḷọk
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emjakeKe ekar dedeḷọk emjake wa eo, Jema im Bojin erro kar kālọk im āne ḷọk kōn kōb eo ammān.When the boat was securely anchored, Father and the Boatswain jumped into the water and swam toward the island with our water container. P1251am
 Kōṃanṃan aṃ emjake wa ṇeAnchor the boat carefully.emjak
emjeEṃōj emje wa eo.The boat has anchored.emjak
emḷọkIj emḷọk tok ṂajeḷI have fond memories of the Marshalls.emḷọk
 Ij idpeenen im emḷọk kōn kiddik ko arro.I toss and turn reminiscing about those little things we used to do.kiddik
emḷọkeIj emḷọke tok tūreep eo ñan Disney Land.I remember my trip to Disneyland fondly.emḷọk
 Eban jeṃḷọk emḷọke tok ijin.I can't stop being nostalgic about this place.emḷọk
emmāālālEnemen memāālāl (emmāālāl).It has the taste of iron.māāl
emmaanEj memaan (emmaan) iarIt's anchored on the lagoon side.ar
eṃṃaanEjjeḷọk wōt ārpej in ṇe eṃṃaan.That fellow is really a weakling.ārpej
 Ebbaūjōjō wōt ṇe eṃṃaan.That man is always laughing.baūjō
 Ja eo jān eṃṃaan.(words from a chant).ja
 Raar kālōt wōt eṃṃaan im kōrā rot eṇ ejeḷā jeṃnāji ñan jerbal eo epeḷḷọk.They selected only those who have a good parent-child relationship for the job opening.jeṃnāji
 Rej jennade im lale naaj jete taḷa kuṇaan juon eṃṃaan.They are calculating how much each man should contribute.jennade
MORE eṃṃaan
eṃṃaaṇKōrā ebanban jān ṃōṃaaṇ (eṃṃaaṇ).Women are weaker than men.banban
EmmaañañEmmaañañ nōbjān ṃwiinThere are lots of pandanus leaves outside this house.maañ
EmmāāṇāṇEmmāāṇāṇ kinej e peiū.The cut on my hand keeps on burning.māāṇ
 Ia in ej memāāṇāṇ (emmāāṇāṇ) tokWhere is that heat coming from?māāṇāṇ
EṃṃaananeEṃṃaanane.He's manly.ṃōṃaan
 Eḷap an ḷeeṇ ṃōṃaanan (eṃṃaanan)(e).He is very manly.ṃōṃaanan
eṃṃaaneEḷap an ṃōṃaane (eṃṃaane) āninThere are lots of men on this islet.ṃōṃaan
EṃṃaanemṂōṃaanem (Eṃṃaanem) kōrāMen and women.im
emmaanikRaar ()memaanik (emmaanik) wa eo.They tied the canoe up.memaan
eṃṃadṃadEruṃwij jān wa eo kōn an ṃōṃadṃad (eṃṃadṃad).He missed the boat because of his loitering around.ṃad
eṃṃaelepKwōn jab ṃōṃaelep (eṃṃaelep) in etal eọñōd.Don't get carried away by your desire to go fishing.ṃōṃaelep
 Kwōn jab ṃōṃaelep (eṃṃaelep).Don't be too anxious.ṃōṃaelep
eṃṃaelepeKwōn jab ṃōṃaelepe (eṃṃaelepe) ek kaṇe kijen.Don't take his fish too (in addition to yours).ṃōṃaelep
eṃṃaeleplepLale bwe eṃṃaeleplep.Watch out for him for he is always trying to take more than his share.ṃōṃaelep
eṃṃaidikdikKwōn ṃōṃaidikdik (eṃṃaidikdik) ḷọk ñaneWhisper to him.ṃōṃaidikdik
eṃṃajedjedEṃōj ṇe aṃ ṃōṃjedjed (eṃṃajedjed).Why don't you stop looking up?ṃajed
eṃṃajeḷjeḷEḷap an ṃōṃjeḷjeḷ (eṃṃajeḷjeḷ) ḷeeṇHe is very muscular.ṃajeḷ
eṃṃajidjidEṃōj ṇe aṃ ṃōṃjidjid (eṃṃajidjid)?Why don't you stop bowing and scraping?ṃajid
 Iba wōt emeḷeḷe kōn an ṃōṃjidjid (eṃṃajidjid) ke ij kōnono ñaneI thought he understood my point because he nodded when I talked to him about it.ṃajid
emmājkunkunEtke kwōjaam memājkunkun (emmājkunkun)?Why do you keep on blinking?mājkun
EmmājurjurEmmājurjur ḷadik eṇ.That boy is always sleeping.mājur
eṃṃakEor ke dānnin ṃōṃak (eṃṃak) eṇIs there any water in the hole in that tree?ṃōṃak
 Ṃokta jān an itok armej in pālle ñan Ṃajeḷ, ri-Ṃajeḷ rōkein kōjerbal eṃṃak, aebōj laḷ, kab lọjet ñan tutu, aṃwin, im idaak.Before Westerners came to the Marshalls, people used to use tree catchments, cisterns, and ocean water for bathing, washing hands, and drinking. S22ṃōṃak
 Eṃṃak im aebōj laḷ ko etto raar jab kanooj in rōreo (erreo).Tree catchments and olden-time cisterns were not really clean. S22rōreo
eṃṃakekeJab etetal iuṃwin bōb bwe eṃṃakeke.Don't walk under pandanus trees for there are thorns all over the place.ṃake
emmakijkijIabṇōṇōik an memakijkij (emmakijkij) an itok.I am disturbed at how often he comes.abṇōṇō
 Kwōn kipeddikdik im jab memakijkij (emmakijkij) aṃ jiipip bwe eḷap oṇāān kiaaj raan kein.You'd better cut back and not use the jeep all the time because gas is expensive these days.jiipip
 Emmakijkij an itok wa ñan āninThe ship comes to this islet often.memakijkij
emmakōḷkōḷKwōn jab memakōḷkōḷ (emmakōḷkōḷ).Don't be stretching all the time.makōḷkōḷ
eṃṃakroroKōto eo ejokḷā im eṃṃakroro im wa eo ekar jab diak ak kankan wōt im etal.The wind was coming from the north favorably filling the sail, and the boat wasn’t tacking and was going ahead at full sail. P1183jokḷā
 Eṃṃakroro kōto raan kein.The breeze is fresh these days.ṃakroro
eṃṃakūtRi-aktal ro raṇ rej pojak wōt in eṃṃakūt.The group of people to visit us are getting ready to move.aktal
 Kwōn aḷaḷ in deñdeñe ṃōk im lale eṃṃakūt keWhy don't you try hitting him with the club and see if he moves?aḷaḷ in deñdeñ
 Ejeḷataeiki booj jerakrōk eo im pen an ṃōṃakūt (eṃṃakūt) jān ijo.The sailboat got caught up in the third current zone and hardly made any headway.jeḷatae
 Emaroñ ṃōṃakūt (eṃṃakūt) men ṇeThat's removable.maroñ ṃṃakūt
 Kab ke enaaj aikuj eṃṃakūt jet aḷaḷ jān turin injin e bwe en meḷak ñan kōṃadṃōd.”And we are going to have to move some of the lumber next to the engine to make enough space for me to be able to fix it.” P656meḷak
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eṃṃakūtkūtRaar jilkinḷọk ña bwe in iaroñroñe ḷọk ṃōṃkūtkūt (eṃṃakūtkūt) ko an rinana ro.They sent me to spy on and report the enemy movements.iaroñroñ
 Ellutōktōk bakōj eṇ kōn an ṃōṃkūtkūt (eṃṃakūtkūt) wa in.The bucket keeps slopping out because of the motion of the ship.lilutōk
 Jab kijer in eṃṃakūtkūt bwe kōjro kōmaat ḷọk kāān in ṇa lowaan tāāñ e, innem kwōmaroñ jino aṃ ānen,” Jema eba tok.Don’t move yet. We need to empty the rest of this can into the engine and then you can continue bailing water,” Father said. P602maat
 Raar kōwanlōñ-wanlaḷe ilo jikin uwe eo ñan ñe eban eṃṃakūtkūt kōn an kajjinek.They made him climb up and down the stairway until he couldn’t move because he was exhausted.wanlōñ-wōnlaḷ
EmmālelEmmālel ñiū kōn ṃōñā aij.My teeth hurt from eating ice.memāālel
emmāleleErūttoḷọk em memālele (emmālele) ḷọkHe grew older and became absent-minded.memālele
EmmālijlijEmmālijlij ek eo kidu eo ear kiji.The fish the dog stole was all chewed up.mālij
eṃṃaḷkaroJab kalluuki bwe eṃṃaḷkaro.Don't make him angry because he's a latent psychotic.ṃōṃaḷkaro
EmmaḷkokoEmmaḷkoko kooḷan bōran ri-Jaina.Lots of Chinese have straight hair.maḷko
EmmālkwōjkwōjEmmālkwōjkwōj an wūno.His medicines have great healing powers.mālkwōj
emmālleleLale emmāllele lowaan ṃōṇeBe careful not to spill charcoal all around inside that house.mālle
 Ej memāllele (emmāllele) wōtThere are still some embers there in the ashes.mālle
EmmaḷḷipenpenEmmaḷḷipenpen pet .These pillows are all oily.maḷḷipen
EṃṃalṃalEṃṃalṃal an etal.He sways when he walks.ṃal-
emmaḷoñḷoñAjri eo emmaḷoñḷoñ eṇThat child is always (coming close to) drowningmaḷoñ
emmālweweKwōj memālwewe (emmālwewe) ḷọk ñan ia?Where are you taking your embarrassment? Why don't you stop being embarrassed?memālwewe
 Emmālwewe naan ko an tok ñan .His talk embarrassed me.memālwewe
emmālweweidEjjeḷọk wōt memālweweid (emmālweweid) kōn ṃanōt ko an.We were very embarrassed by his behavior.memālwewe
EmmāmāEmmāmā nuknuk e .My clothes have scraps of breadfruit on them.
 Emmāmā ḷam jako lowaan ṃwiinThe inside of this house is really covered with breadfruit scraps.
EmṃanEmṃan ad aluje an ri-Pikinni raṇ ṃōñā kōn aji.It was good to watch the Pikinni people eating with chopsticks.aji
 Ij tomak bwe tūreep eo aṃ ñan Amedka elukkuun emṃan? Ekōjkan, ekar lukkuun emṃan.I believe you trip to America was very good. Of course, it was very nice.ekōjkan
 Ij tomak bwe tūreep eo aṃ ñan Amedka elukkuun emṃan? Ekōjkan, ekar lukkuun emṃan.I believe you trip to America was very good. Of course, it was very nice.ekōjkan
 Emṃan eltan pein ilo an jeje.His handwriting is good.eḷtan pā
 Emṃan nuknuk ipep ippān.She likes full-length dresses.ipep
MORE emṃan
EṃṃanEṃṃan tata aba eṇ iarin Likiep.Likiep has the best anchorage.aba
 Eṃṃan aṃ abjājeiki iep ṇe aṃ.I like the way you tuck that basket under your arm. It's okay for you to carry that basket under your arm.abjāje
 Enaaj eṃṃan bwe rūkaabjāje eo eṇ enaaj jipañe.It's going to work out, as the guy who's good at tucking things under his arms will help her.abjāje
 Aemedin rainiin eṃṃan ḷọk jān inne.Today is cooler than yesterday.aemed
 Eṃṃan mour im ejako abṇōṇō ke ej jino aemed ḷọk in jota.I felt good and was not upset anymore as the evening got cooler. P115aemed
MORE eṃṃan
eṃṃaṇEḷaññe eṃṃaṇ mour inaaj iwōj.If I feel all right, I'll be there.eḷaññe
 Ekanooj eṃṃaṇ eḷtan pein.His workmanship is fine. His penmanship is fine.eḷtan pā
EṃṃaneEṃṃane ke injin ṇeHas that engine been fixed?ṃōṃan
eṃṃaninIwātin ban jillọk joñan an ḷap mat, ak iḷak eñjaake ippa ej jab eṃṃanin mour wōt ñe ikar ṃōñā kōkanin aelōñ kein.I almost couldn’t bend over—I was so full—but didn’t feel nearly as good as I would if I were eating local Marshallese food. P391ṃōṃan
EmṃanḷọkEmṃanḷọk an niñniñ ninnin ilo ittūt.It's better to breast feed babies.ittūt
EṃṃanḷọkEṃṃanḷọk ajej jān kūbboṇ.It's better to be sharing than to be selfish.ajej
 Eṃṃanḷọk jān an āindeṇe im āinwōt ej jānwōde wa in,” Bojin eo euwaak.Better than letting him go on like this as if he's sailing this boat single-handedly,” the Boatswain replied. P1047āinde-
 Kapen eo ekar pād wōt i lowa; ej jañin maroñ ṃōṃakūtkūt ak eṃṃanḷọk.The Captain was still inside; he was doing much better but still couldn’t move. P1189jañin
 Meñe eṃṃanḷọk roñ peḷḷọkin naan ko an Kapen eo, āinwōt eitok wōt bwe in kar tōmak naan ko an Jema kōnke elōñ de alen an kar Kapen eo jirillọk.Although what the Captain said sounded good, I was more inclined to believe Father because the Captain had already made so many mistakes on this trip and so many bad things were happening as a result. P875jirilọk
 Eṃṃanḷọk ñe kwokajitpeeḷeḷe peet ṇe ilowan ruṃ ṇeIt is better if you put the bed crosswise in the room.jitpeeḷeḷ
MORE eṃṃanḷọk
emṃanṃanIien emṃanṃan.Good opportunity.iien
eṃṃanṃōnElukkuun pen kōjaaki jerbal ṃōṃanṃōn (eṃṃanṃōn) ko an.It's really hard to match his wonderful achievements.jaak
 Kwōn jab jerwaane iien ṃōṃanṃōn (eṃṃanṃōn) keinDon't squander the good times.jerwaan
 Eṃ ṃōṃanṃōn (eṃṃanṃōn) men eṇ.That's a lovely house.ṃōṃan
eṃṃaoEṃṃan bwe eṃṃao.She's good and talkative.ṃōṃawi
emmaooEbaj et im memaoo (emmaoo) turun mejaṃ?How did your face get all bruised?mao
eṃṃaounEjjeḷọk wōt ṃōṃaoun (eṃṃaoun) an ḷadik ṇe kōnnaan.That boy sounds like an adult when he speaks.ṃōṃawi
emmarokrokEar ruj wōt ke ej memarokrok (emmarokrok).He woke as the darkness was vanishing.marok
emmaroroEj kōṇak juon nuknuk emmaroro mejānShe is wearing a greenish dress.maroro
emmatLale wōn eṇ emmat i aejet.Look at that turtle on top of the water.memat
emmatḷọkEj mematḷọk (emmatḷọk) jān mar eo.He emerged from the boondocks.memat
eṃṃawiwiÑe ej kadek ekadik ṃōṃawiwi (eṃṃawiwi).When he's high he's always talkative.ṃōṃawi
emmedJāānkun ej kōṃṃan jān emmed ilo Ratak.Jāānkun is made from overripe breadfruit in Ratak.jāānkun
 Eḷap an memed (emmed) e.This breadfruit is very ripe.memed
 Emmed e.This breadfruit is overripe.memed
 Ñe ej emmed, kwōj uṃwini im ewaḷọk liped ak jekaka.When it is ripe, you bake it and it becomes liped (baked breadfruit) or jekaka (breadfruit chips). S12memed
EmmededeEmmedede nuknuk ṇe aṃ.There are scraps of coconut meat on your clothes.mede
emmedekdekeKwōn ilān memdekdeke (emmedekdeke) jān an ilān kōṃṃan tūrabōḷ.Go do anything you can to keep him from going and making trouble.medek
emmejEḷap aereañ kar eñtaan im emmej ippān ke ej nañinmej.They (foursome) were under great pressure staying up to take care of him when he was ill.aa-
 Iaajeḷkākā kōn kar emmej im eọñōd aolepān boñ.My body is still all over from staying up all night fishing.ajeḷkā
 Ejjeḷọk ej emmej ippān wa in buñiniin?” Bojin eo ekajjitōk.No one is going to be on watch tonight?” the Boatswain asked. P808boñ
 Enañin to aṃ memej (emmej)?Why are you staying up so late?memej
 Enaaj ewi wāween emmej ippān injin e im bar jebwebwe.How am I supposed to watch the engine and also steer? P542memej
MORE emmej
emmejajaĀlikin an kaaṃtōūki eḷak memaan ilo aba eṇ Kuajleen emmejaja ṇa ioon dān.After he repaired it, he anchored it in the Kwajalein harbor, and it looked very beautiful on the water. P14kaaṃtō
 Lio emmejaja ippa eṇ.That's the girl that caught my eye.memejaja
EmmejkikiEmmejkiki ḷeeṇHe's always sleepy.mejki
EmmejmejEmmejmej nājin lieṇ.Her children all die.mej
EmmejoEmmejo ṃōkaṇThose houses are far apart.memejo
emmejraalalEḷap memejraalal (emmejraalal) kōn kar eọñōd boñ.I'm awfully sleepy because I went fishing last night.memejraalal
emmejrakeTa eo kwaar memejrake (emmejrake)?What did you stay up for?memej
EmmelkwaararEmmelkwaarar lowaan ṃweeṇAshes are scattered all over the place inside that house.melkwaarar
emmelkwarkwarKapen eo emmelkwarkwar bajjek ijo im ḷak kar jillọk im lōr.The Captain cleared his throat but then was silent and didn’t say anything. P782lur
 Emmelkwarkwar būruonHe keeps coughing up phlegm.melkwarkwar
 Emetak būruō kōn memelkwarkwar (emmelkwarkwar).My throat hurts from its raspiness.memelkwarkwar
emmeḷoEḷap an memeḷo (emmeḷo) kōtaan ni .These coconut trees are widely spaced.memeḷo
 Emmeḷo niin wāto in.The coconut trees on this tract are far apart.memeḷo
EmmeñmeñEmmeñmeñ jokkwōp in .Breadfruit soup sours quickly.meñ
emmenonounTa ṇe kwaar wōjake bwe kwōn emmenonoun kijdikWhat did you do to be puffing like that?memenonoun kijdik
emmeramramtokEiiaḷañe bwe emmeramramtok reaarIt's moonrise because we can start to see light in the east.iiaḷañe
emmetaltōlEḷap an lur im memetaltōl (emmetaltōl) eoon lọjet.The surface of the ocean is very calm and smooth.metal
EmmewiwiEmmewiwi raan keinikkan bwe elladikdik.The branches rustle in the breeze (words from a Wotje love song).memewiwi
EmmiliklikEmmiliklik turun lọñiiṃ.There's milk around your mouth.milik
emmōBōtab ṃōṃkaj jān kar deḷọñ ḷọk i lowa, ikar emmō laḷ ḷọk im lale ej et.However, I stuck my head in before I went in to see how he was. P1217deḷọñ
 Iḷak emmō ilo kōjjoal jidik eo, ilo ke ewōt mejeljel im kōto eo elukkuun kajoor.I stuck my head out the small passage way and saw it was raining cats and dogs and extremely windy. P566mijel
 Enana memō (emmō) ilo wūntōōn ṃōn armej.It's not good to look into people's windows.
 Jema emmō i lowaan wa eo jidik innem wanlōñ ḷọk ippān irooj eo ioon wab eo.Father stuck his head out of the boat to look and then stepped up to the pier with the Chief. P457
 Ijino tak tōn kar wiwijet ak men eo iḷak emmō ilo kōjām eo ilo Jema im ḷōṃaro ruo ijo ioon teek.I almost started to panic but when I stuck my head out the door I saw Father and the other two men on the deck. P956wiwijet
eṃṃōjBaj addeboululū ke itōn eṃṃōj.I'm so dizzy I want to throw up.addeboulul
 Eba wōt dānnin idaak im ḷak ilimi eṃṃōj.He thought it was drinking water and when he drank it he threw up.ba wōt
EṃṃōjālūlūEṃṃōjālūlū bōran ledik eo.She had curly hair.ṃōjālūlū
eṃṃōjānjānḷọkKe ij roñ ainikien ṃōṃōjānjānḷọk (eṃṃōjānjānḷọk), iba wōt kwōj eañiñin .When I heard footsteps I thought you were calling my name.ṃōṃōjānjān
eṃṃōkadkadKwōj eṃṃōkadkad ḷọk ñan ia?Where are you wandering to?ṃōṃōkadkad
 Eṃṃōkadkad riMājeejMejit people like to wander.ṃōṃōkadkad
eṃṃōkajIa eṇ wa eṇ enaaj ṃalōke ṃōṃkaj (eṃṃōkaj)?What will be that ship's first port of call?ṃalōk
 Kwōn wātok ṃōṃōkaj (eṃṃōkaj).Come here for a minute.ṃōṃōkaj
 Kwōn ṃōṃōkaj (eṃṃōkaj) wajGo on ahead.ṃōṃōkaj
 Kwe ṃōṃōkaj (eṃṃōkaj).You first.ṃōṃōkaj
 Koṃro ṃōṃōkaj (eṃṃōkaj) waj bwe eboñ.You two go on ahead before it gets dark.ṃōṃōkaj
eṃṃōkajeKwaar ṃōṃōkaje (eṃṃōkaje) ke kukure (ikkure)(eo)?Did you get to the games early?ṃōṃōkaj
 Ear ṃōṃōkaje (eṃṃōkaje) iij eo.He got there in time for some yeast (drink).ṃōṃōkaj
eṃṃōkajḷọkEar ṃōṃōkajḷọk (eṃṃōkajḷọk) in kōṃṃan jikin baaṃle eo an.He went ahead to prepare a place to stay for the family.ṃōṃōkaj
eṃṃōkṃōkEḷap ṃōṃōkṃōk (eṃṃōkṃōk).I get tired easily.ṃōk
EmmọkunkunEmmọkunkun kain pilawā ṇeThat kind of bread is always getting smaller.mọkun
EmmokwaṇkwaṇEmmokwaṇkwaṇ nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes have scraps of pandanus pudding on them.mokwaṇ
eṃṃōḷeiñiñEjjeḷọk kōkeroro ak men eo kwōj roñ deo ainikien aerjel ḷwiiti kabwin kọpe ko kab ekkopkopin dān eo ilowa ke ej eṃṃōḷeiñiñ wa eo.There was no talking or noise except for their slurping from their coffee cups and the sloshing of the water inside as the boat rocked. P276ṃōṃōḷeiñiñ
eṃṃōḷkaroEor iien an ṃōṃōḷkaro (eṃṃōḷkaro).There are times when he gets rowdy.ṃōṃaḷkaro
eṃṃōḷōTa eṇ ri-mweeṇ rej eṃṃōḷō kakeWhat are the people in that household so excited about?eṃṃōḷō
 Eṃṃōḷō armejin aelōñ eo ke rej roñ ke enāj itok.The people of the atoll got excited when they heard he was coming.eṃṃōḷō
eṃṃōḷoḷoEṃṃan an ṃōṃōḷoḷo (eṃṃōḷoḷo) iarin āninIt's nice that the whole lagoon side of this islet is cool.ṃōḷo
eṃṃōñāñeEṃōj ṇe aṃ ṃōṃōñāñe (eṃṃōñāñe)?Why don't you stop eating all the time?ṃōñā
emṃōṇōṇōRaar emṃōṇōṇō ke raar koba ippān doon.They were happy when they got together.ippān doon
eṃṃoolKokanooj in ṃōṃool (eṃṃool).Thank you very much.in
 Koṃro eṃṃool,” Jema eba, ak ej kab ṃōj amro kōjota.”Thank you both,” Father said, but we just had supper.” P183kōjota
emmoottokBaj ke emmoottok?But how can you when she's already here?baj ke
eṃṃōraṃrōṃḷọkEnaaj ṃōṃōraṃrōṃḷọk (eṃṃōraṃrōṃḷọk) em maat.It'll keep crumbling till it finally disintegrates.ṃōraṃrōṃ
eṃṃōrāreEjino ṃōṃōrāre (eṃṃōrāre) nuknuk .My clothes are beginning to dry (in certain places).ṃōrā
eṃṃōtEḷap an wa eo ṃōṃōt (eṃṃōt).The boat pitched very badly.ṃōṃōt
EṃṃōtṃōtEṃṃōtṃōt an idaak.He drank noisily.ṃōṃōtṃōt
 Eṃṃōtṃōt wa eṇ.That ship keeps riding the waves.ṃōt
emmoujujEj kōṇak juon nuknuk memoujuj (emmoujuj) im būbrōrō (ibbūrōrō)(mejān).She is wearing a whitish and reddish dress.mouj
emmoururEḷap memourur (emmourur) in jibboñ.I am very lively in the morning.memourur
 Eḷap an memourur (emmourur) ḷadik en.That boy is very active.memourur
 Emmourur.He's lively.mour
 Ij utdikdiki ut bwe ren memourur (emmourur).I'm sprinkling these flowers with water so they can flourish.utdikdik
EṃṃūrarrarEṃṃūrarrar kooḷan bōran ri-Amedka.Lots of Americans have blond hair.ṃūrar
EṃṃuririEṃṃuriri ḷeeṇHe's always in debt.ṃuri
eṃṃweliklikWa eo eṃṃweliklik eṇThat boat is always setting out to sea.ṃwelik
eṃṃwijbarbarḶeo eṃṃwijbarbar ṇeThat fellow is always getting his hair cut.ṃwijbar
EṃṃwijkōkkōkEṃṃwijkōkkōk to ṇeThat rope is always breaking.ṃwijkōk
EmoEmo bakke eo neō.The sore on my leg is healed.mo
EmōEmō jiiñlij e .My T-shirt is stretchy.
emọIlo ṃantin Ṃajeḷ, emọ aluej ñe ej or irooj.It's forbidden to be singing up above when there is an irooj around according to Marshallese custom.aluej
 Emọ kōbaatat (i) ṃwiinNo smoking (in this building).baatat
 Emọ etetal ilo jikin babu.Walking on a sleeping place is forbidden.jiki-
 Kwōn jab kōjelbabō im kadek bwe emọ aṃ kadek.Don't disobey and get drunk, because it's forbidden for you to get drunk.kōjelbabō
 Emọ ḷe eoon eṃ ānin bwe rōnaaj leṃadeik eok.It's forbidden to gather food on another's property on this island under the risk of getting speared.ḷe eoon eṃ
MORE emọ
EṃōdEṃōd ni eo kōn an kar aerar.The coconut tree is losing its leaves because it was singed by the fire.ṃōd
 Eṃōd jān kooḷan bōran.He has lost his hair.ṃōd
eṃōdṃōdKwōn jibọkjeepe ijeṇe eṃōdṃōd.Use the spokeshave and shave off the frayed section.jibọkjeep
 Eṃōdṃōd nuknuk in Jepaan.Cloth made in Japan tears easily.ṃōdṃōd
EṃōjEṃōj ṇe aṃ kaabṇōṇōik ?Why don't you quit bothering me?abṇōṇō
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ kaadeboululi ajiri ṇeStop whirling that child around.addeboulul
 Eṃōj ke aṃ adbwiji?Did you prod it?adibwij
 Eṃōj aelmeeje arin ṃweeṇThe lagoon side of that tract of land is infested with the surgeonfish.aelmeej
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ kari-aelōñin pālleik eok.Stop pretending you're a white man.aelōñin pālle
MORE eṃōj
eṃōjawōneneAllikar an raan bwe eṃōjawōnene tokDaylight is obviously near since dawn is breaking.ṃōjawōnene
eṃōjṇoKwōn kōjerbal anbwijbaniṃ bwe eṃōjṇo anbwijmaroñūṃUse your left hand because your right hand is not strong enough.anbwijban
EṃōjṇọEṃōjṇọ baṃ e .My pulse is weak.baṃ
 Eṃōjṇọ an bwijjik.He doesn't kick hard.bwijjik
 Eṃōjṇọ kōn an kar nañinmej.He is weak from having been sick.ṃōjṇọ
EmọkEmọk tiṃoṇ ṇa ippān.He is possessed by a demon.mọk
eṃōkKwōn kōjaṃboiki bwe eṃōk in pād imwiin.Have him take a walk with you since he's bored staying in the house.jaṃbo
EṃōkadeEṃōkade ilo piimboñ.He is expert at ping pong.ṃōkade
 Eṃōkade ilo piimboñ jān kwe.S/he is more expert at pingpong than you.jān
eṃōkajEjino tak ak eban lukkuun alikkar bwe ej jañin apdik an boṇ lañ,” Bojin eo eṃōkaj im uwaak.A little bit, but it won’t be very clear because the clouds are in the way and moving slowly,” the Boatswain quickly answered. P700apdik
 Etetal in ri-pālle eṃōkaj.The way ripālle walk is fast.etetal
 Āinwōt juon,” Jema eṃōkaj im ba.It’s okay,” Father quickly said. P1297im
 Kōṃro ar jiāe in lale wōn eo eṃōkaj.We had a contest to see who was faster.jiāe
 Irooj eṇ ad ej jokwe ia?” Jema eṃōkaj im kajjitōk.Where does our chief live?” Father asked quickly. P203jokwe
MORE eṃōkaj
eṃōkajtataMen eo ṃoktata, kōjro naaj wōnāne ḷọk im ba ke ren je etarro bwe kōjro en uwe ilo waan raun eo eṃōkajtata ñan aelōñ eo arro,” Jema ekar ba.The first thing we are going to do is tell them to put our name on the list so we can ride on the fastest field trip ship to our island,” Father said. P1333ṃōkaj
EṃōlṃōleEṃōlṃōle āninThere are lots of mackerel around this islet.ṃōlṃōl
eṃōḷọwiIj iti ak eban tok bwe eṃōḷọwi.I keep striking the match but it won't light up because it's wet.it
EṃōñāñeEṃōñāñe kijeek eo.The fire expanded.ṃōñāñe
EmọṇmọṇEmọṇmọṇ lōb in irooj.Kings' tombs are taboo.mọṇmọṇ
 Emọṇmọṇ wūlej eṇ.That graveyard is haunted.mọṇmọṇ
eṃoolJijej ej ad ri-kaenōṃṃan eṃool.Jesus is our true peacemaker.aenōṃṃan
 Kwōn jab ālikinjepjepe bwe eṃool iọkwe in .Don't be unfair for my love is true.ālikinjepjep
 Ij jāmin ilọk jāne, bwe ijo jikū eṃool,I will never leave it, because it is my rightful place, S2 lines from a songjiki-
 Eṃool ḷọk ṃupi eo ṃokta jān eo ālikThe first movie was more realistic than the second one.ṃool
EmọọnEmọọn ibuḷōn bok.It has sunk into the sand.mọọn
 Emọọn bao eo buḷōn mar.The chicken went into the bushes.mọọn
EmootEmoot in kōbaibōḷ.She went looking for a Bible.Baibōḷ
 Ḷeo emoot in kōbaṃbōr tok.The man went looking for a bumper.baṃbōr
 Ekwe eṃōj ṇe bwe emoot ḷọk eo kain ak jen ḷōmṇake dānnin idaak,” Jema eba.Okay, that’s enough of that; let’s just move forward and think about getting ourselves some drinking water,” Father said. P1212dān
 Ḷeo emoot in eọroñ tok naan (eọroñ naan tok).He went to get the news.eọroñ naan
 Wa eo emoot in iaroñroñ tok.That ship has gone to spy.iaroñroñ
MORE emoot
emootḷọkĀnbwinnin wōt eo ijo ak an emootḷọk ñan lañ.Her body was there but her soul had gone to heaven.an
 Emootḷọk jān bukwi rūttariṇae eṃōj aer mej.More than a hundred soldiers died.bukwi
 Ejañinuwaade tok kōrā eo ippān bwe emootḷọk.He is lonesome for his wife who is gone on a trip.jañnuwaad
 Āinwōt ilo jeḷā emootḷọk raan ko an.To me it seems like that time is already past. P90jeḷā
 Emootḷọk in taktō Awai bwe ejieje.He went to Hawaii for treatment for his swollen abdomen.jieje
MORE emootḷọk
emoottokKanooj waji lolo kaṇe rej lik bwe emoottok ri-eaklep eo.Watch out now because the robber has arrived.eaklep
 Ri-etale ri-jerbal eo eṇ emoottok.The man who goes over each employee is here.etale
 Ri-inwijet eo ejeḷātata inwijet emoottok.The man who is expert in lashing outrigger canoes is coming.inwijet
eṃorEnaaj jejaajaj (ejjaajaj) bwe eṃor.That old battery will have to be charged all the time.jaaj
emōrāElañe eṃōj, likit ilo nuknuk im totouki ṃae iien emōrā.When that is finished, wrap it in cloth and hang it up to dry. S20toto
eṃōrāJej kōjeek mokwaṇ eṇ, im ñe eṃōrā, limi na ilowaan maañ.We put it under the sun, and when it is dry, wrap it in pandanus leaves. S12mokwaṇ
 Eṃōrā kane kaṇe.Those pieces of firewood are dry.ṃōrā
 Ejjeḷọk men in kabwilōñlōñ ekar bar waḷọk ñan kōmmān raan ko tokālik ṃae iien kōmmān bar tōprak ilo āne eṃōrā.Nothing too surprising happened to us after that until we reached dry land. P1181tokālik
 Kōjeke im ñe eṃōrā, tūrtūri ña ilo maañ im lukoj kōn ekkwal im epojak ñan ṃōñāKeep it under the sun, and when it is dry, wrap it in a bundle with pandanus leaves and tie it with sennit, and it is ready to eat. S12tūrtūr
EṃōraṃrōṃEṃōraṃrōṃ laḷtak tōrerein toḷ eo.There was a landslide on the side of the mountain.ṃōraṃrōṃ
EṃōreEṃōre iōñHe went away northwardṃōre
eṃōrṃoreJoñan eo ekar tōtor eake ebwe an ṃōkaj bwe eṃōrṃore tōrerein im jakurbaatat bōran wa eo.The engine was making us go so fast that there were bubbles coming up along the side of the boat and mist splashing up in front. P493ar
 Joñan eo ekar tōtor eake ebwe an ṃōkaj bwe eṃōrṃore tōrerein im jakurbaatat bōran wa eo.The engine was making us go so fast that there were bubbles coming up along the side of the boat and mist splashing up in front. P493ṃōrṃōr
eṃōrōJab etal ippān bwe eṃōrō.Don't hang around with him because he's mean.ṃōrō
EṃōtEṃōt wa eṇ.That vessel is riding the waves.ṃōt
 Joñan an kar maro, ej itok wōt ak eṃōt ilo aebōj eo.He was so thirsty he dove his head into the well and started drinking.ṃōt
emotḷọkKiiō emotḷọk de juon allōñ jān ke jeañ ar jerak jān Kwajleen ñan Likiep ak eñiin jej eppepe wōt i lọmeto im mōttan wōt jidik emaat limed dān,” Bojin eo ekakeememej ḷọk Jema.It’s been a month since we set sail from Kwajalein to Likiep but we are drifting at sea and we are almost out of drinking water,” the Boatswain reminded Father. P1018keememej
emourṂa e, emour būrūṃrūṃ,” juon iaan rieọñōd ro eba innem aolep im tōtōñin kajjirere.Hey guys, Vroom Vroom is alive,” one of the fishermen said, and everyone laughed mockingly. P317mour
emōurEṃṃan roñ ainikien ekkopkopin kiaaj kōnke ekōṃṃan kojatdikdik bwe emōur injinThe sound of gurgling gas gave me a good feeling as it meant for me that the engine would start.kokopkop
emtakIkōṇaan idaak wūno bwe emtak bōraI want some medicine because I have a headache.bwe
EṃūrarEṃūrar kooḷan bōran lieṇ.Her hair is red.ṃūrar
EṃweEṃwe bōlōk kaṇ.Those leaves are brown.ṃwe
EṃweeaarEṃweeaar wa eo.The boat has entered the lagoon.ar
 Eṃweeaar tiṃa eo.The ship has entered the lagoon.ṃweeaar
EṃweieEṃweie ami eṇ an Amedka kōn kein tariṇae.The United States army has the best weapons.ami
EṃweiurEṃweiur ke ej bu kōn bu eo.He was shaken by the recoil of the gun when he shot it.ṃweiur
EṃwijṃwijEṃwijṃwij peiūMy hand is cut.ṃwijṃwij
 Eṃwijṃwij peiū ilo eo eo ke ek eo ej ñijlọkI cut my hand on the line when the fish dove (down to break away).ñijlọk
EṃwilEṃwil in jiip lieṇ.She's a hypocrite.ṃwil in jiip
EṃwilaḷEṃwilaḷ rọñ ṇeThat hole is deep.ṃwilaḷ
 Eṃwilaḷ būruonHe's inscrutable.ṃwilaḷ-būruon
EnEn baj abōntọun wōt wōṇāān ṃweiuk raan kein?Why do the prices of goods fluctuate so much nowadays?abōṇtọun
 En addi-eoḷapeḷọk bwe jen etal.Why doesn't he hurry up and use his middle finger so we can be on our way?addi-eoḷap
 Kōtḷọk bwe en adbwijitok.Let him prod it closer to us.adebdeb
 Kwōn ba ri-adebdeb eṇ en itok.Tell the prodder to come.adebdeb
 Ej ekkat bōb bwe en kaaeloke wāto eṇ.He's planting pandanus of the Aelok variety on that wātoAelok
eṇAn kōrā eṇ jodi kein.These zoris belong to that lady.aa-
 Eṃṃan tata aba eṇ iarin Likiep.Likiep has the best anchorage.aba
 Eaar ruṃḷọk juon tiiṃa in Jepaan eo ilo aba eṇ Likiep.A Japanese ship sank in the harbor at Likiep.aba
 Enaaj eṃṃan bwe rūkaabjāje eo eṇ enaaj jipañe.It's going to work out, as the guy who's good at tucking things under his arms will help her.abjāje
 Ta eṇ ej kaabje ledik raṇ kaake?What is he doing to make the girls shy?abje
EnaajEnaaj jañ ajiri ṇe kōn aṃ kaabbwilōñlōñe.The baby will cry because you're bothering it.abbwilōñlōñ
 Enaaj eṃṃan bwe rūkaabjāje eo eṇ enaaj jipañe.It's going to work out, as the guy who's good at tucking things under his arms will help her.abjāje
 Enaaj eṃṃan bwe rūkaabjāje eo eṇ enaaj jipañeIt's going to work out, as the guy who's good at tucking things under his arms will help her.abjāje
 Enaaj pikōt kōn aṃ kaabwinmakeiki ilo an dik.He'll be a coward because you make him fear ghosts while he's still little.abwinmake
 Ānbwinnid enaaj mej ak ad enaaj mour indeo.Our body will die but the soul will live forever.ad
MORE enaaj
eṇaakeBwilijmāāṇ ro rej eṇaake ḷeo ke e eo ear kọọte ṃani ko.The police suspect that he is the one who stole the money.ke
EnaanEnaan mera likao eṇ.He's a soft-spoken man.naan mera
 Ejjeḷọk enaan ije ij tan eọroñ enaan ippaṃ,” ḷōḷḷap eo euwaak.I’ve got no news; I was going to see what’s going on with you,” the old man answered. P75uwaak
 Ejjeḷọk enaan ije ij tan eọroñ enaan ippaṃ,” ḷōḷḷap eo euwaak.I’ve got no news; I was going to see what’s going on with you,” the old man answered. P75uwaak
EnājEnāj lo ajāllikin jab pokake.He'll find out the result of disobedience.ajāllik
 Lale aṃ aḷok bwe enāj rọọl utōn wūno kaṇe arro.Beware of breaking the taboos or our medicines will bring on adverse effects.aḷok
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ baṃe bwe enāj maat jikka kijō.You'd better stop bumming my cigarettes before I run out.baṃ
 Eṃṃōḷō armejin aelōñ eo ke rej roñ ke enāj itokThe people of the atoll got excited when they heard he was coming.eṃṃōḷō
 Ta eo enāj kapioin eppāneneik kōj bwe jen jab ebbweer?What is going to give us the dry land chill so we don't get discouraged?eppānene
MORE enāj
eñajAjetūṃ eñaj jān ajetū.Your putting sweet smelling drift nut to make coconut oil is better than mine.ajet
 Eñaj albokin raan wūt eṇ kōtkan.The flower buds on the flower tree she planted have a sweet smell to them.albok
EñakEñak aililōk ruamaejet.He's a flop when it come to visitors.aililōk
 Ejako ri-akjijen eo innām taktō eo eñak en et.The person in charge of the oxygen was gone and the doctor didn't know what to do.akjijen
 Eñak akōjdate ro jet.She's never hateful of others.akkōjdat
 Eñak kukuul (ikkuul).It can't grasp things with its hands.kukuul
 Jọọn eñak ta eo en ba kōn an mejko kake Jemej ke ear buñ.John didn't know what to say, being so embarrassed for James when he (James) fell down.mejko
MORE eñak
eṇakeRaar eṇake wōt jān jinoin.They suspected him from the beginning.eṇak
 Bwilijmāāṇ ro rej eṇake ḷeo ke e eo ear kọọti ṃani ko.The police suspect that he is the one who stole the money.eṇak
eñakḷọkjeṇKwōn jab lilu (illu) ippān ajri eṇ bwe eñakḷọkjeṇ.Don't be angry with that child because he is ignorant.ñakḷọkjeṇ
eñaktokEj kab eñaktok bwe in kar etal ippān.I just realized that I should have gone with him.eñak
 Eḷak eñaktok ke eiọkwe eō, etto wōt ke ear moot.When I finally realized she was in love with me, she had been long gone.eñak
 Ej baj meḷan ḷọk ak ej kab jino an eñaktok im ejino peḷḷọk kōmālij e .After a moment I began to realize what was happening and my head started to clear up. P586peḷḷọk
 Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, repojak in naaj kar wūnaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010pojak
 Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, rōpojak in naj kar unaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010tiṃoṇ
MORE eñaktok
EnālEnāl bwiro in.This preserved breadfruit is dry.nāl
EnāmeEnāme ek ṇeThat fish is smelly.nām
EṇaṃṇaṃEṇaṃṇaṃ āninThis islet is full of mosquitoes.ṇaṃ
EnanaEnana ainṃakin bōb.The pandanus keys near the stem are not good (to eat).ainṃak
 Enana kaajjimālele ñe jej jab lōke kōj.It's not good to talk of something we are not sure about if we do not have self confidence.ajjimālele
 Enana akkauniṃ bwe kwōj jab kajejjet aṃ kōḷḷā.You have bad credit because you don't pay on time.akkaun
 Rejab kaakkauni bwe enana etanShe was refused credit because she had a bad reputation.akkaun
 Enana bwe anienin jeṃaan.It's bad because it's an old onion.anien
MORE enana
EnañinEnañin adik ke?Is the first quarter of the moon visible yet?adik
 Ejjeḷọk aij-bọọk ilo enañin aolep eṃ i Ṃajeḷ, bōtab eḷak wōr ilo jet wōt eṃ ko Kuajleen im Mājro kab jejjo ilo aelōñ ko ilikin.There are no refrigerators in most Marshallese homes, except for some on Kwajalein and Majuro, and a few on outer islands. S27aelōñ
 Enañin maat ke ri-aikiu?Have we counted all those we were to ration out food to?aikiu
 Enañin etal ke ri-kaaj ro?Have the people who're going to get livers left?aj
 Ajañin Bokaak enañin einwōt ajañin Pikaar.Bokak atoll has similar fish and bird habitats as Bikar atoll.ajañ
MORE enañin
enañinmejBaj ke enañinmej?How can you when she's sick?baj ke
 Ḷeo enañinmej eṇ ej bōk-ubōn.That sick person is drawing his last breath.bōk ob
 Ḷalem en ri-pālele raar jaṃbotok jān Amedka im juon iaan ri-jaṃbo rein enañinmej.Five couples came from America for a vacation and one of them is now sick.jaṃbo
 Aolep iien ej jekpen im ba enañinmej bwe en jab jerbal.He was always pretending to be sick so that he wouldn't have to work.jekpen
 Juon iaan ri-jibke ro ear jab maroñ jibke bwe enañinmej.One of the men who was supposed to fish for jibke was sick and couldn't go.jibke
EnañūṇEnañūṇ ruṃwij aṃ etetal?Why are you walking so slowly?ruṃwij
EñarñarEñarñar ekThe fish are feeding off the reef.ñarñar
eṇatọọnDedeḷọkin aolep men ak eṇatọọn wa eo im kōmmān jino bweradik ḷọk jān ijo ñan bōran aelōñ eṇ.When everything was done and the sails were adjusted we started to move, making our way to Kwajalein. P1301ṇatoon
EñeEñe iṃōeHe's here at the house.eñe
 Eñe i wa e,” iṃōkaj im uwaak.Here in this boat,” I answered quickly. P61eñe
enebareMool ke ej jañin jako jeḷā ko aṃ,” Jema enebare.It’s true you haven’t lost your expertise,” Father praised him. P209nebar
EneenEneen kōbkōb iarin āninIt's hard to walk along the lagoon beach of this islet.neen kōbkōb
EnemenEnemen memāālāl (emmāālāl).It has the taste of iron.māāl
EnemwakEnemwak bao eṇ.That chicken doesn't have a lot of feathers.nemwak
 Enemwak neen bwe ear reja.Her legs are smooth because she shaved them.nemwak
EñeṇEñeṇ ilo jebwe eṇ,” Kapen eo eba.He’s over at the wheel,” the Captain said. P646eñeṇ
 Eñeṇ eṇ ej entak.He is there picking green coconuts.eñeṇ
 Leen ṃwil nana eñeṇ emetakHe's hurting because of his bad behavior.le
 Eñeṇ ṃaanḷọkHe's moving forward.ṃaan
 Eñeṇ ej ḷobōl ilowaan ṃweeṇ iṃōn.He's over at his house cogitating.ḷobōl
EñeoEñeo ear abṇōṇōwaj ijeṇeṇe waj.I saw him upset and going in that direction.abṇōṇō
 Eñeo eaar abōblepwaj wōt ijeṇeṇe waj.I saw him looking uninterested and heading that away.abōblep
 Eñeo ear abwinmakewaj ijeṇe waj.Afraid of ghosts as he was, I saw him going in your directionabwinmake
 Eñeo eaar addikdik waj im wāwewaj ijeṇeṇe waj.He was squinting and heading in that direction there.addikdik
 Eñeo ear adpā towaj ijeṇeṇe waj.I saw him stagger in that direction toward the west.adpā
MORE eñeo
EṇeoEṇeo iar lo an allo waj ijjieṇ waj.I last saw him looking for something in that direction.allo
eñibanEban ṃōñā raj bwe eñiban.He can't eat whale meat because he's got weak teeth.ñiban
EñieṇEñieṇ ej ettōr tok.There he is, running this way.eñieṇ
eñiinBaj anemkwōjier ke eñiin rej jañin jāde!They really are independent; aren't they, since they have not returned!anemkwōj
 Eñiin ej ḷeo koṃ ar roñ kake.He is here, the man you heard about.eñin
 Eñiin ej jeṃḷọk eo.This is the end (of our Spoken Marshallese lessons). S29jeṃḷọk
 Kiiō emotḷọk de juon allōñ jān ke jeañ ar jerak jān Kwajleen ñan Likiep ak eñiin jej eppepe wōt i lọmeto im mōttan wōt jidik emaat limed dān,” Bojin eo ekakeememej ḷọk Jema.It’s been a month since we set sail from Kwajalein to Likiep but we are drifting at sea and we are almost out of drinking water,” the Boatswain reminded Father. P1018keememej
eñiiṇRi-aeṃaane eo ṃōttaṃ eñiiṇ.This is your fellow fastener of sails to the gaff.aeṃaan
EñillitokEñillitok bōra kōn an ṃōkaj jutak.My head feels dizzy from getting up too fast.ñillitok
EñilñilEñilñil mejatoto kōn an ṃwilaḷThe air is thick because of the depth.ñilñil
 Raar kōtọọr ḷọk kōto eo bwe en ṇamejatotoin lowaan ṃweo eñilñil.They let the fan blow fresh air into the house that was stifling.ṇamejatotoin
eñinKoṃro kar kile ke an añināne raan eo ak kiiō eñin eḷak detak ekalikkar ad ettoḷọk jān āneDidn’t the two of you notice from the way the wind was blowing that we were on the lee side of the island, but now as the wind blows, it’s clear we’re at a distance from the island? P922
 Koṃro kar kile ke an añināne raan eo ak kiiō eñin eḷak detak ekalikkar ad ettoḷọk jān āneDidn’t the two of you notice from the way the wind was blowing that we were on the lee side of the island, but now as the wind blows, it’s clear we’re at a distance from the island? P922añinene
 Epaak tok wōt rak ke eñin eañinlurSummer is very near as we can tell from the breeze.añinlur
 Jej ba ej pojak in jipañ ak eñin ejako.”We thought it was coming over to help and then it just disappeared.” P1157ba
 Ilukkuun ṃōk in añōtñōt bwe kōṃro en rọọl ak eñin kōṃro kab pād de ijin im kūrroḷọk wōt,” leḷḷap eo eba.I’m really tired of begging that we go back, but here we are just staying and getting more gout,” the old woman said. P197kūrro
MORE eñin
EnitñilEnitñil lowaan ṃwiinIt is hot and close in this house.nitñil
eñjaakeKwaar eñjaake ke aerjeañ rereen kajjirere?Did you detect the scorn in their laughaerjeañ
 Ak aolep rōkar lo im eñjaake bwe ṇo ko rejino ḷōḷap ḷọkBut we could all feel that the waves were starting to get bigger. P527ḷap
 Ejab eñjaake naan ko aṃ bwe emejel kilin.He didn't feel your stinging remarks as he's quite thick-skinned.mejel kil
 Iwātin ban jillọk joñan an ḷap mat, ak iḷak eñjaake ippa ej jab eṃṃanin mour wōt ñe ikar ṃōñā kōkanin aelōñ kein.I almost couldn’t bend over—I was so full—but didn’t feel nearly as good as I would if I were eating local Marshallese food. P391ṃōṃan
eṇjaakeKwōj eṇjaake ke an bwil laḷtak?Do you feel the heat settling down?eñjake
 Ewōr ke men eṇ kwōj eṇjaake?Do you feel anything?eñjake
eñjakeKe ekar baj jọej, kōmmān jino eñjake ammān eañden.By afternoon, we the four of us started feeling hungry. P882eañden
 Ikar eñjake bwe ñe ej lōtlōt kōto eo ejañ riikin im ṃōrṃōr ioon lọjet.I could sense the sail was full as the wind blew and whistled through the riggings, and foam appeared on the surface of the water P567eñjake
 Iar jab eñjake aer kōteep ñiūI didn't feel anything when they pulled my tooth.eñjake
 Ejjeḷọk an ḷeeṇ eñjake.He has no feelings.eñjake
 Ijab eọñōd bwe iar bar eñjake an metak tok kūrro e .I didn’t go fishing because I felt my gout coming on. P190eñjake
MORE eñjake
EnjeḷEnjeḷ in bōbaar (ebbaar).Guardian angel.baar
 Enjeḷ ro rej al.The Angels sing.enjeḷ
 Ein rọkwōjān wōt enjeḷ.She's built like an angel.rọkwōj
enkanaodeJab rọọl ñane bwe enkanaode.Do not turn back for it or it will bring misfortune.enkanaode
enliklikKwōj enliklik ḷọk ñan ia.Where are you walking with your hands behind your back.enliklik
 Kwōj enliklik ḷọk ñan ia?Where are you walking with your hands behind your back?enliklik
 Ḷeo ekijoñ enliklik eṇThat man is always walking with his hands clasped behind him.enliklik
ennaanEkwe ij ja ajādik tok ṃōk ñan wa eṇ im eọroñ ennaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo eba.Ok, for now I’m going to wander over to that boat and find out what’s going on,” the old man said. P133ajādik
 Eajāllik an ennaan.His words have consequences.ajāllik
 Eajāllik ḷọk an ennaan jān ñaHer words carry more weight than mine.ajāllik
 Ta ennaan? Āinwōt koṃ pojak bajjek, eṃṃan bween ke?”What’s the story? It looks like you are getting ready; is the forecast good?” P429bwe
 Kiiō armej in aelōñ ko ilikin rejjab aikuj in kōttar wa bwe ren eọroñ ennaan.Now people on outer islands don’t need to await the arrival of a ship so that they can hear news. S26eọroñ
MORE ennaan
ennaaninTa nenaanin (ennaanin) wōta ṇe kwōj jokwe ie?What's the news from your part of the island?wata
eññajñōjIa in ej bwiin ñōñajñōj (eññajñōj) tokWhere is that pervasive fragrance coming from?ñaj
ennānEḷap an nenān (ennān) pilawā ṇeThat bread is moldy.nenān
EnnañinmejmejEnnañinmejmej ḷeeṇHe is always getting sick.nañinmej
ennāpWaan ennāp im ennāp men ṇeThat's an old fashioned canoe.ennāp
 Waan ennāp im ennāp men ṇeThat's an old fashioned canoe.ennāp
eññatAllōñin ñōñat (eññat) ko kein.These are the stormy months.ñōñat
enneEnaaj nine (enne) kōn at e .He'll use my hat for a container.nine
eñṇeBaj aelellọḷūṃ ḷe ke eñṇe kwọitaakYou're so impetuous that you've crashed.aelellaḷ
 Ejiṃwe aṃ likit āt in bwe eñṇe i ṃaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo erre tok im lukkuun kalimjek meja im ba.You are right to call it that since that’s what lies ahead,” the Old Man said looking directly at me. P436āt
 Jāān eo kwōj pukot ṇe, eñṇe ituruṃThe money you were looking for is right there by you.eñṇe
 Eñṇe ituruṃIt's there by you.eñṇe
 Eñṇe baḷuun eṇ ej jibadek ḷọkThat plane is on its way there now. P936jibadek
MORE eñṇe
ennejnejJab eaklepe bao eṇ bwe ennejnej.Don't rob the hen of her eggs so she can have chicks.eaklep
ennekIa ṇe kwaar ennek ieWhere did you gather the food from?ennōk
EñṇeṇeEñṇeṇe tok, ḷeo eto aṃ pukote.There he is coming, the man you have been looking for.eñṇeṇe
 Eñṇeṇe - Bao eo kwōj pukote.There it is. The chicken you were looking for.eñṇeṇe
EnneokeEnneoke tok mejān pāāk ṇeSew up the mouth of that bag for me.enneok
EnnibnibEnnibnib.He's always trying to outdo everyone.nib
EññiitwawaEññiitwawa bōke eṇ Julel.Julel Cape has lots of barracuda. ñiitwa
EnnitōtEnnitōt an kar lukwarkware ḷọk rōḷọk eo.It slipped nicely across the waves as it was making up for lost time. P912innitōt
EnnoEnno jowaanroñ in ḷeikṃaanThe juice extracted from the Ḷeikṃaan pandanus is deliciousjowaanroñ
EnnọEnnọ leen abōl pinanaan Naṃdik.Naṃdik has good tasting apple bananas.abōḷ
 Ennọ ke adipāān āniinAre the adipā fish of this island good?adipā
 Aebōj-laḷin Mājro ennọ kobbaerThe water from the ground wells at Majuro is potable.aebōj-laḷ
 Ennọ aijkudiiṃiṃYou make good ice cream.aij kudiiṃ
 Ennọ aijkudiiṃin Amedka.American ice cream is delectable.aij kudiiṃ
MORE ennọ
EṇṇọbṇabEṇṇọbṇab buḷōn kōḷọk eo.Popping sounds kept coming out of the forest fire.ṇọb
eṇṇojṇojEor ke aṃ batin ṇōṇojṇoj (eṇṇojṇoj).Have you got a snap fastener.ṇoj
EṇṇōkEṇṇōk peiū ke rej wāiki.My arm hurt when I got a shot.ṇōṇōk
EnnōkeEnnōke wa eo.The canoe was well stocked.nenōk
EnnōkinNenōkin (Ennōkin) wōn in?Who knocked these coconuts down?nenōk
 Ennōkin wōn kein?Who prepared these provisions?nenōk
EnnokjekjekEnnokjekjek peba e .This paper of mine is all wrinkled.nokjek
EṇṇokṇokEṇṇokṇok nuknuk eṇ an ajri eṇ.That child's clothes are always getting wet.ṇok
EṇṇōkṇōkEṇṇōkṇōk ānbwinnū kōn kar kakōtkōt buḷōn wōt.My body stung all over after running through the rain.ṇōṇōk
EnnọlokEnnọlok bae in America.American pie is better.bae
ennọḷọkJerwōt in lik ennọḷọk jān jerwọt in iaar.Jerwōt from the ocean side are more delicious than those from the lagoon side.jerwōt
ennọnoKōpjeḷtakin wōn nenọno (ennọno) inWho prepared this delicious kōpjeḷtakkōpjeḷtak
 Ijaje tawūnin aer waakiḷọk ṃōñā nenọno (ennọno) koI don't know why they passed up the delicious foods.waakḷọk
EnnoñoḷọkEnnoñoḷọk.It popped.noñ
ennōōrEḷap nenōōr (ennōōr) ilo jurbak.There's a lot of pulling in dancing the jitterbug.nenōōr
eññōrñōrinEḷap aninikien ñōñōrñōrin (eññōrñōrin) diin ḷeo ke ej kotak pāākin wainin dedodo eo bwe en baun.The groaning sound of the man's bones was quite audible as he was lifting the heavy sack of dried copra to be weighed.ñōñōrñōr
 Ekaabwinmakeke an wejeḷ im ainikien ñōñōrñōrin (eññōrñōrin) rojak eo ippān kiju eo, ilo an ṇo ko kōllāleiki im kōjjeplikliki wa eo ion lọmeto.There was a ghostly whistle and the gaff and the mast groaned as the boat swayed back and forth from side to side in the waves. P664ñōñōrñōr
eññortaktakḶeo ñoñortaktak (eññortaktak) eṇThat fellow always snores.ñortak
EnnōtnōtEnnōtnōt ar in āninThis lagoon is full of squid.nōt
eññūrAk ñe Bojin eo eññūr wōt im ḷobōlThe Boatswain groaned and started to brood. P783ñūñūr
EṇojakEṇojak.It's hidden.ṇōṇooj
EṇojjeḷọkEṇojjeḷọk addiin peiū.My finger snapped.ṇoj
enōkKoṃwin enōk tok ān ṇePick coconuts from that island (you're responsible for).enōk
enōkanEto jān enōkan ḷeeṇHe is overdecorated.to jān enōka-
enōktokḶeo eṇ ej enōktok ni eṇ.He is knocking down some coconuts.enōk
EnoññoḷọkEnoññoḷọk kij eo.The louse snapped when squashed.noñ
eñortakKōmro Bojin eo kar roñ naan kein an Jema bwe Kapen eo eñortak ioon aj eo i ṃaanJust the Boatswain and I heard Dad’s words because the Captain was snoring on the hatch up front. P1020ñortak
eṇọukKwōn jab kakūtōtō bwe rōnaaj eṇọuk eokDon't horse around or they will be suspicious of you.eṇọ
EñouweoEñouweo, ḷeo eto ad pukote.There he is, the guy we've been looking for for so long.eñoweo
 Eñouweo iuṃwin eṇ.He's over there under that breadfruit tree.eñoweo
enrāRaar kōjerbal wōt enrā ilo keemem eo.They just used coconut-frond trays at the birthday celebration.enrā
 Enrā in ia ṇe aṃ?Where did you get your enrā from?enrā
EntaEnta kwōj alluwaḷọke ke enaaj ḷōmṇak eṃṃan men eṇ ej kōṃṃane.Don't just look at him or he'll think you approve of what he's doing.alluwaḷọk
 Enta kwōj eḷḷọk ke baj eo bōnjān eṇ.Don't let that bother you; it's just the way he is.bōnja-
 Enta kwōj kabūḷāāt aṃ al?Why are you singing out of tune?būḷāāt
 Enta ṃōñā kañ?What are those foods for?enta
 Enta kaṇe kwaar wiaiki?What did you buy those things for?enta
eṇtaA bwe eṇta kwōj inepata ke ñe etal im apañ tok, jejujen kōjerbal kōṃadṃōdin aelōñ kein.”But what are you worried about; if we go and something is wrong, then we’ll fix it in the traditional ways.” P289apañ
eñtaanEḷap aereañ kar eñtaan im emmej ippān ke ej nañinmej.They (foursome) were under great pressure staying up to take care of him when he was ill.aa-
 Eḷap eñtaan kōn katak.I have a hard time with my studies.eñtaan
 Kwaar jab eñtaan waanYou did not suffer in vain.waan
entakKwōn jino kaentake bwe en katak entak.You should start letting him learn how to climb coconut trees to pick green coconuts.entak
 Ri-entak ni in kemeem ro rej entak kiiō ilo āneeṇThe men who pick green coconuts for the birthday party are now picking coconuts on that island.entak
 Eñeṇ eṇ ej entak.He is there picking green coconuts.eñeṇ
 Jedkā im lali erki wōt ni in entak keinChoose trees that are good for picking green coconuts and note their location. jedkā
EntakeEntake ni ṇePick green coconut from that tree.entak
entoukEar entouk niHe climbed the tree with his ankles tied.ento
EnukwijEnukwij wōt aeran im ṃōjHe just shrugged his shoulders. P432nukuj
eoEaar ruṃḷọk juon tiiṃa in Jepaan eo ilo aba eṇ Likiep.A Japanese ship sank in the harbor at Likiep.aba
 Abbaan (abbain) Amedka men eo.That was a dynamite of American origin.abba
 Ri-kaabwilōñlōñ eo ṇe tok.Here comes the one who bothers people all the time.abbwilōñlōñ
 Enaaj eṃṃan bwe rūkaabjāje eo eṇ enaaj jipañe.It's going to work out, as the guy who's good at tucking things under his arms will help her.abjāje
 Kwaar kaabjājeiki ke kōn iep kileplep eo raan eo ḷọkWas it you that got her to tuck the big basket under her arm?abjāje
Eṃōj ṇe aṃ kaabṇōṇōik eō?Why don't you quit bothering me?abṇōṇō
 Kwōn kab kūrñe iien arro etal.”You can call me when it’s time for us to go.” P151ad
 Illu kōn an kar addi-eoḷape eō.I was mad because he gave me the finger.addi-eoḷap
 Einwōt kwōj baj addikdiki eō.I feel like you're suspecting me.addikdik
 Kwōn jab kaaddimejmej eō.Don't bother me.addimej
eọEban jejeor (ejjeor) eọ ṇeThat tattoo is indelible.ban jejeor
 Enañin eọ ke ni eṇ?Has that coconut tree started to bear fruit yet?eọ
 Eṃōj an jino eọ ni eṇ.That coconut tree has started to bear fruit.eọ
 Ear ijjino eọ ilo Aelōñḷapḷap.Tattooing began on Aelōñḷapḷap.eọ
 Rej ṃaṃōje eọ eṇ an ḷeeṇThey're using black carbon on his tattoos.ṃaṃōj
EobabEobab tibat eo.The teapot is dented.obab
EobrakEobrak alein ekkan eo an Irooj Murjel ippān kajoor ro doon.Chief Murjel's food storage was filled to the brim by his followers.ale
 Koṃwin eakpele wa ṇe bwe eobrak.Get something off the ship because it's too crowded.eakpel
 Meñe eobrak pein Jema, ekar bar letok pein im dāpij jān jorrāān.Even though Father’s hands were full, he gave me his hand to keep me from getting hurt. P601meñe
 Eobrak ruuṃ eo.The room was crowded.obar
 Eobrak kōn kūṃaḷṃaḷ.It's replete with decorations.obrak
MORE eobrak
eoeoKwōn eoeo ḷọk ñan unneen.You should rub him toward his feet.eoeo
 Leḷḷap eo eṃṃan eoeo.The old woman is good at rubbing back and forth.eoeo
eọeoḶeo ear eọeo waHe was lashing canoes.eọeo
eoeokKwōn eoeok peiū bwe emetak.Rub my arm because it hurts.eoeo
eọiutiEṃōj aer eọiuti aḷaḷ eo.They have lashed the piece of wood carelessly.eọeo
 En jab jabde aṃ eọiuti kubaak ṇeDon't lash the outrigger carelessly.eọiuti
eojaḷIḷak mejek laḷ ḷọk lowaan wa eo ilo kein jerbal ko an Jema rej eojaḷ wōt ijo.Then I noticed that inside the boat Father’s tools were still all spread out down there. P52eojaḷ
EojaḷjaḷEojaḷjaḷ ḷọk nuknuk ṇai lowaan ṃweeṇClothes are strewn all around inside that house.eojaḷ
EojaḷḷọkEojaḷḷọk waini inabojin mweeṇ.The copra was scattered outside the house.eojaḷ
 Eojaḷḷọk menọknọk i nōbjān ṃwiinTrash is scattered around outside the house.eojaḷ
eọjekeEṃōj ke eọjeke Irooj eṇ?Have they taken food to the chief yet?eọjek
eọjekeḷọkRaar eọjekeḷọk irooj eo.They took food to the chief.eọjek
eọjekḷọkJemān eọjekḷọk ñan irooj eṇ.Let's bring food to the king.eọjek
eojojoukIar eojojouk ḷañe e.I caught this ḷañe by the eojojo method.eojojo
eọjōkIrooj ear kabbōjrak ke raar eọjōk ñaneThe chief gave gifts in return for the food they brought him.kabbōjrak
eokAb in et ñe edike eok.But what can I do if she doesn't like you.ab in et
 Ej addikdiki eok.She's looking at you out of the corner of her eye.addikdik
 Kōjparok eok bwe ṇakṇōkin ri-aelaḷ men ṇeBe careful for she's a super expert in moving her hips during sexual intercourse.aelaḷ
 Jab aelellọḷe bwe enaaj kọọle eok.Better not fool around with his wife or he'll put a spell on you.aelellaḷ
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ kari-aelōñin pālleik eok.Stop pretending you're a white man.aelōñin pālle
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EokjakEokjak juron bōḷāāk eo.The flagpole fell down.juron bōḷeak
 Joñan an lijjipdo jidik wōt iuuni ak eokjak.He's so weak in the legs that even a little push would make him fall down.lijjipdo
 Eokjak ri-kadek eo.The drunk fell down.okjak
 Eokjak ni eo.The coconut tree fell down.ukok
EokkọkwekweEokkọkwekwe bōran jiroñ eṇ.That young lady always wears bangs.kọkwe
eokkoḷọkKōṃro ej diwōjḷọk wōt ak eokkoḷọk lowaan ṃōn wia eo.We were going out when there was a crash inside the store. P163diwōj
EokkoṃlaḷlaḷEokkoṃlaḷlaḷ eoojin āninThere are lots of valleys in the interior of this islet.koṃlaḷ
EokkoraprapEokkoraprap tōrak in ṃwiinThe ceiling of this house has lots of geckos.korap
eokkorkorKain rot ṃōṃaan (eṃṃaan) ke eokkorkor.What kind of a man is he that gets scared so easily?kor
EokkorōtrōtEokkorōtrōt buḷōn meja.My eyes smart.korōt
EokkuḷabḷabEokkuḷabḷab ḷeeṇHe's always at the club.kuḷab
EokkuḷuḷḷuḷEokkuḷuḷḷuḷ ṃwiinThis house is full of cockroaches.kuḷuḷ
EokkunkunEokkunkun ḷaaṃ eṇ.That lamp is always going out.kukun
EokkurereEokkurere ḷeeṇHe's always playing. He's athletic.kukure
 Eokkurere tōrerein wa eo.The side of the car was all scratched up.kurere
EokkutaktakEokkutaktak iu lōḷḷap eṇ.That old woman is always scraping sprouted coconuts.kutak
EokkuwatwatEokkuwatwat ṃwiinThis house is full of cans. This house smells like tin cans.kuwat
eokkwaadEṃṃan roñjake aer al ak men eo, eokkwaad.I loved their singing but the thing is the sounds seemed so distant.kokwaad
EokkwaḷṃweṃweEokkwaḷṃweṃwe leen ni eṇ.The nuts of that coconut tree are always falling down prematurely.kwaḷṃwe
EokkwanjinjinEokkwanjinjin lowaan ṃwiinThe inside of this house smells of baked breadfruit. There is lots of baked breadfruit in this house.kwanjin
EokkweilọklọkEokkweilọklọk kọọnjeḷ ro.The councilmen are always having meetings.kweilọk
EokkwidikdikEokkwidikdik mejān ok eo.That was a small-meshed net.kukwidik
EokkwikwiEokkwikwi ḷadik ṇeThe boy is a cry-baby.kwi
 Eokkwikwi ḷeeṇThat man gets angry easily.kwi
EokkwōdmatmatEokkwōdmatmat ḷeeṇThat man always shaves his head.kwōdmat
eokkwōjakjakTipñōl eo eokkwōjakjak eṇThat canoe is always capsizing.okjak
EokkwōlejejEokkwōlejej āninThis island has lots of snipe.kwōlej
EokkwōleleEokkwōlele ḷeeṇThat man gets hungry easily.kwōle
 Eokkwōlele e.This breadfruit is full of nuts.kwōle
eoktakEj jab aikuj wōr ri-amḷap raan kein kōnke eoktak wāween mour.There shouldn't be anybody owning more land than others these days as the living situation has changed.amḷap
 Armej ro ilo aelōñ in Rālik kab Ratak, eoktak jidik aer ekkonono jān doon.The people in the Rālik and Ratak speak a little differently from each other. S1kōnono
 Eoktak an kōnnaan.He speaks differently.ukok
eọkurKwōn jab eọkur bok kaṇe.Don't throw that sand.eọkur
 Kwōn eọkur dekā im kadḷọk piik kaṇ jān ijeṇ.Scoop up some gravel and throw it at the pigs to scare them away from there.eọkur
EọkurḷọkEọkurḷọk jidik bok im kōṃṃan jikin kijek.Scoop away some sand and make a fireplace.eọkur
EokweEokwe, ijaje bwe etūṃ jān baḷuun eo.Well, I don't know but he missed the plane.ekwe
eokwōjajaWa in eokwōjaja.This canoe is riding high.okwōjaja
eolaḷEjjeḷọk koṇan ḷọṃaro raar eolaḷ.The men who were bottom fishing didn't catch anything.eolaḷ
eoḷapPukot eoḷap im kakōḷḷiki.Find the middle and mark it.ioḷap
eoḷapānIm ḷak eoḷapān ḷọk boñon eo, erro bar jerak e wūjḷā eo im kōmmān jino bar bweradik ḷọk ilo iiaḷ eo ammān tak ḷọkAnd in the middle of the night, the two of them put up the sail again and we started going on our way to the east. P1180bweradik
 Jikuuḷ ko ilo aelōñ ko ilikin rej pād eoḷapān jikin kwelọk ko, ijo im joonjo ro im aḷap ro rej jokwe ie.Schools on the outer islands are located in the central meeting area, where officials and lineage heads live. S24eoḷōpa-
 Joñan an aitok ijin eḷaññe jej pād i eoḷapān, ejej āne en jej loe.It is so wide that if you were right in the middle of it, you wouldn’t be able to see any islands. P1320ioḷap
 Jikuuḷ ko ilo aelōñ ko ilikin rej pād eoḷapān jikin kwelọk ko, ijo im joonjo ro im aḷap ro rej jokwe ie.Schools on the outer islands are located in the central meeting area, where officials and lineage heads live. S24joonjo
 Jikuuḷ ko ilo aelōñ ko ilikin rej pād eoḷapān jikin kwelọk ko, ijo im joonjo ro im aḷap ro rej jokwe ie.Schools on the outer islands are located in the central meeting area, where officials and lineage heads live. S24lik
EoḷḷotḷọkḷọkEoḷḷotḷọkḷọk lieṇShe is always fainting.ḷotḷọk
eoḷọkNi eo eoḷọk im jitniñeañ.The tree fell with its top pointing northward.jitniñeañ
 Lale eoḷọk ḷọk ni ṇe im buñut ṃweeṇBe careful the tree doesn't fall on that house.oḷọk
 Eoḷọk ni eo.The palm tree fell down.oḷọk
eolọkeKwōn kakkōt eolọke to ṇePull on that rope as hard as you can.eolọk
 Eolọke uroor in ni eṇ kōn aḷaḷ ṇe bwe ren wōtlọk.Push on that bunch of green coconuts with that stick, so that they fall down.eolọk
eoḷọkeBaru eo ear eoḷọke ni eo.The bulldozer pulled down the coconut tree.eolọk
eoḷōpānEkadu addi kaṇ eoḷōpān peier. / Ekadu addi-eoḷapier.Their middle fingers are short.addi-eoḷap
EoḷūbEoḷūb bōranHis hair has been shaved bald.oḷūb
eoṃwinEttōbakbak eoṃwin eṇ.There are lots of buds under that breadfruit tree.tōbak
eọṃwinLikūt koro ko eọṃwin.Put the rollers under it.kōro
eōñIḷak baj erre āne ḷọk ilo juon deppin baat ej jutak lōñ ḷọk jān keinikkan i jabōn ān eo tu eōñ.As I looked over toward the island I saw a huge cloud of smoke rising up from the foliage on the northern tip of the island. P1244depdep
eọñEjjeḷọk wōt eọñ ṃōkaj in ni ṇeThat coconut tree really grew fast.eọñ
 Enañin eọñ ke ñilepaṃDo you have your wisdom teeth yet?ñilep
eọṇEkapjulaḷ wa eṇ im emaroñ eọṇ ilo wōd eṇ.That boat can't go in shallow water, and it may go on the reef.kapjulaḷ
eọñōRi-aḷe ro raar eọñō ijeṇeThe men using the surround method of fishing have already fished there.aḷe
eọñōdEban jab jeraaṃṃan ad eọñōd ilo aejekin ibwijtok.We're bound to be lucky when we fish with a surrounding net on a dark night with the tide coming in.aejek
 Ilo iien kaṇ ej kọjek ñe kōmij eọñōd, kōmmān ej jinkadool wot, ñe jab ainbati kōn dānnin lọjet.At the times when we were fishing and hooked a fish, we only grilled it, or boiled it in a pot with seawater. P1013ainbat
 Iaajeḷkākā kōn kar emmej im eọñōd aolepān boñ.My body is still all over from staying up all night fishing.ajeḷkā
 Iḷak etal in eọñōd ettoot ke ear akḷañe ek eo.When I reached the spot to fish, he had already started fishing hours before.akḷañ
 Kwōn anan ḷọk bwe jen eọñōd.Go ahead and chum so that we can fish.anan
MORE eọñōd
eoñwōdEreañ wōt raar ilọk im eoñwōd.Only four of them went fishing.er
 Ḷōṃaro raar eoñwōd, erraṇ rej kadek kiio.The men who went fishing are now there drinking liquor.erraṇ
 Erroro ilo wa eṇ, ḷōṃaro raar ilọk in eoñwōd.Those are the men on that boat who went fishing.erroro
 Eḷap an inepata ḷōḷḷap eo kōn ḷadik eo nejin ejjañin roltok jān ke ear ilām eoñwōd.The old man is worried about his son who has never come back from fishing.inepata
eọñwōdKaaejekin jeḷā eọñwōd.An expert surround-net fisherman.aejek
 Eaeṃṃan ḷọk ije ij eọñwōd ie jān ijeṇe.The current here where I'm fishing is better than where you are.aeṃṃan
 Ekaaettoktok aer eọñwōd.They fish endlessly.aetok
 Ebajjeet ke kwaar etal im eọñwōd.It was more like it when you went out fishing.ebajjeet
 Iuwe ḷọk ioon wab eo im kōttōpar ḷọk ijo jet ṃōṃaan rej eọñwōd ie, tōrerein wab eo tu iōñ.I went up onto the dock and went over to where some guys were fishing, on the north side of the dock. P314eọñwōd
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EoobrakEoobrak jād eṇ kōn waini.The copra-drying platform is full of copra.jād
eọọjErraṇ rej kaaetōktōk eọọj.They're looking for arrowroot stalks in the interior of the island.aetōktōk
 Erraṇ rej kaaj eọọj.They're making the thatch in the interior of the island.aj
 Itok kōjro ijjurpeḷọk eọọj ḷọkCome, let's walk hand in hand toward the ocean.jijurpe
eoojinEokkoṃlaḷlaḷ eoojin āninThere are lots of valleys in the interior of this islet.koṃlaḷ
eoojjaakElōñ koṇan ḷōṃaro raar eoojjaak.The men caught lots of fish by using the eoojjaak method.eoojjaak
eoojḷọkRemoot eoojḷọk.They went to the interior of the island.iooj
eoọjḷọkRemoot eoọjḷọk.They went toward middle of the wato. They went toward the middle of the island.eọọj
eọọjḷọkEar ọọjọj eọọjḷọk.He rode the horse toward the interior.ọọjọj
eoonEabōḷe eoon tebōḷ uweo.There are lots of apples on that table over there.abōḷ
 Eakadiki eoon kappein arin āneoNewly built canoes littered the lagoon beach of the island..akadik
 Ta ṇe ej aujrọñrọñ eoon bōraṃWhat's that on top of your head?aujrọñrọñ
 Ebbaḷokḷok eoon tebōḷ eṇ.The top of that table is bulgy.baḷok
 Raar kōnono eoon joñoul jiljino ilo John 3They read verse 16 of John 3eoon
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eọọnKwōn eoreake jeṇe bwe en eọọn wōt juon.Smooth it out there so that it's level.eọọn wōt juon
eooneneLaura ej eoonene eo an Mājro.Laura is the main islet of Majuro Atoll.eoonene
 Kōjro naaj et ñe jetōpar eoonene?” ikar kajjitōk ippān.What are we going to do when we get to the main island?” I asked him. P1332eoonene
 Iba eṃṃan ñe jeañ tar āne waj im teiñi kōb ṇe adeañ ṃokta jān ad itaḷọk wōt ñan eoonene.”Should we sail to that island and fill up our water container before heading to the main island?” P1213eoonene
 Iba eṃṃan ñe jeañ tar āne waj im teiñi kōb ṇe adeañ ṃokta jān ad itaḷọk wōt ñan eoonene.”Should we sail to that island and fill up our water container before heading to the main island?” P1213itaḷọk
 Iba eṃṃan ñe jeañ tar āne waj im teiñi kōb ṇe adeañ ṃokta jān ad itaḷọk wōt ñan eoonene.”Should we sail to that island and fill up our water container before heading to the main island?” P1213kōb
MORE eoonene
eooneneenEaelmeeje arin eooneneen MileThe lagoon side of the main island of Mili has lots of surgeonfish.aelmeej
eoonjakEjjeḷọk men eṇ eoonjak kōn an bar nana taṃṃwin jeṃṃaan.Nothing went right due to the boss's bad disposition.wōnjak
EoonkappeEoonkappe in Ḷoora ebokboke.The shore of Laura is sandy.eoonkappe
eoonḷāEwor ruo eoonḷā ilo wāto eṇ .There are two households on my tract of land.eoonḷā
eoonpālōñAolep ro rej eoonpālōñ rej kwaḷọk ke rōkelọk.Those that lie and put their arms on their foreheads show that they are lovesick.eoonpālōñ
eọọtinEor eọọtin jedọujij eṇ an ḷeeṇHis trousers are striped.eọọt
EọọtọteEọọtọte jedọujij eṇ an ḷeeṇHis trousers are striped.eọọt
EorEor ke pilawā amej ṃwiinDo you have any flour?amej
 Eor ke kein arar ñiDo you have a toothpick?arar
 Eor ke kwōnaṇ aujjiid eo aṃ?Did you catch any birds in your snare?aujiid
 Eor ke āmje bato?Do you have an empty bottle?āmje
 Alikkar ke eor bwe ebaatat,” Jema eba.I know there are because I can see smoke,” Father said. P1243baatat
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eọreḶōḷḷap eṇ ej eọre juon raanke.The old man is carving a coconut grater.eọr
 Eọre ṃaan aḷaḷ ṇe bwe en ekkañ.Whittle the end of that stick to sharpen it.eọr
eoreakMen kein rej kōjerbali ñan iien eoreak, jiljino raan ālikin an armej eṇ mej im iien eo rej tōmak bwe ri-mej eṇ ej jerkakpeje.These things are used for the time of spreading the gravel,” six days after the time of death, when they believe that the dead rise. S14jerkakpeje
 Ālikin eoreak eor kejota in kōjeṃḷọk iien būromej eṇ ñan armej eṇ.After the spreading of the gravel, there is an evening meal to bring to an end the time of mourning. S14iien būroṃōj
eoreakeRaar eoreake lōb eo.They spread ceremonial gravel over the grave.eoreak
 Baru eo eṃōj an eoreake ijoThe bulldozer has leveled off that area.eoreak
 Kwōn eoreake jeṇe bwe en eọọn wōt juon.Smooth it out there so that it's level.eọọn wōt juon
eọreorEṃōj ke an ajri eo eọreor?Has that child's bottom been washed?eọreor
EorjibEorjib ṃwinaṃōn eo em erom babbūb.The caterpillar molted and became a butterfly.orjib
eoroñJet rej wātin bwilōñ eake kōmmān, jet rej wātin eoroñ nenaan, ak jet rej wātin tok ippāmmān.Some came to wonder about ever seeing the four of us back, some came by to listen to our story, and others to say that they missed us and were glad to see the four of us again. P1340ippa-
eọroñEkwe ij ja ajādik tok ṃōk ñan wa eṇ im eọroñ ennaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo eba.Ok, for now I’m going to wander over to that boat and find out what’s going on,” the old man said. P133ajādik
 Kwōn eọroñ ri-akkaun raṇe ṃokta bwe renaaj jujen rọọl im jab kōḷḷā.Take care of those who have accounts here first before they leave and don't pay their bills.akkaun
 Kwaar eọroñ ke jinōṃ ke ear kūr eok?Did you go when your mother called?eọroñ
 Kwaar eọroñ ke jinōṃ ke ear kūr eok?Did you go when your mother called?eọroñ
 Kōjañ retio ṇe bwe jen eọroñ.Turn the radio on so we can listen to the news.eọroñ
MORE eọroñ
eọroñeKwōn eọroñe.You should listen to her.eọroñ
EorrọñrọñEorrọñrọñ meḷan āninThere are lots of holes on the surface of this islet.rọñ
EorrujrujEorrujruj ajri eṇ.That child keeps waking up.ruj
EortokEortok armej ñan ṃwiinSomeone is coming toward this house.or
eotaakḶōṃaro rej eotaak.The men are wrestling.eotaak
EotlọkEotlọk jān eo im jalirara.He flopped down from the breadfruit tree.jālirara
eọtōkEar aerōkeañḷọk tata raan eo tiṃa eo ekar eọtōk.The northward flow of the current was the strongest the day the ship went aground.aerōkeañḷọk
 Eọtōk kōppeḷọk ko an riJepaan ro ibaal.The Japanese fishing floats washed up on the reef.kōppeḷọk
 Kwōn kōḷometoiki aṃ emej wa ṇe bwe en jab eọtōk.Moor that boat far enough out so it doesn't drift ashore.ḷo-
 Āinwōt iar ba ke koṃeañ naaj bar petok im eọtōk ān in?” men eo ikar roñ an irooj eo jiroñ ḷọk Jema de in.Didn’t I say you would drift off course and then end up right back here where you started?” That was the only thing I heard the Chief say to Father. P1347peḷọk
 Āinwōt iar ba ke koṃeañ naaj bar petok im eọtōk ān in?” men eo ikar roñ an irooj eo jiroñ ḷọk Jema de in.Didn’t I say you would drift off course and then end up right back here where you started?” That was the only thing I heard the Chief say to Father. P1347petok
MORE eọtōk
eọtōkḷọkRaar peḷọk iuṃwin elōñ raan im eọtōkḷọk UjlañThey drifted for many days and were finally stranded at Ujlañ.eọtōk
eọukWōn eo ear eọuk eokWho tattooed you?eọ
EounEoun ḷatippānLine for deep tuna fishing.eo
 Eoun ilarakTrolling line.eo
 Eoun liklọkLine for bottom fishing on ocean side.eo
 Eoun urōkLine for bottom fishing in lagoon.eo
 Eoun kaṃōṃōLine for catching grouper, from bamboo pole on reef.eo
eọutḶeo ear eọut wa eo.He lashed the canoe.eọeo
eọut(i)Kwōnañin eọut(i) ke ni jekaro eṇ aṃ?Did you lash that coconut sap sprout of yours yet?eọeo
eọutiBojin e, kwōjab lukwōje jila ṇe aṃ im itok kōjro eọuti ippān doon bwe ren jab jejeplōklōk im peḷọk.Mr. Boatswain, secure the tiller and come here so the two of us can lash these boards together so they won’t spread out and drift away. P669jeplōklōk
 Ṃokta, jej kakilen utak eo, bwe ñe eṃṃan joñan, jej jepe im eọuti, kọudpake, im kietake jidik.First, we examine the shoot, so that if it is the right size, we trim and bind it, peel off its end, and bend it down a little. S19kakōlkōl
 Ṃokta, jej kakilen utak eo, bwe ñe eṃṃan joñan, jej jepe im eọuti, kọudpake, im kietake jidik.First, we examine the shoot, so that if it is the right size, we trim and bind it, peel off its end, and bend it down a little. S19kietak
 Ṃokta, jej kakilen utak eo, bwe ñe eṃṃan joñan, jej jepe im eọuti, kọudpake, im kietake jidik.First, we examine the shoot, so that if it is the right size, we trim and bind it, peel off its end, and bend it down a little. S19kọudpak
 Bojin eo ear eọuti im kanooj in kapene tūraṃin kiaaj eo ioon teekin wa eo bwe en jab dāpilto-dāpiltak.The boatswain securely lashed down the drum of gasoline on the boat’s deck so it wouldn’t roll about.dāpilto-dāpiltak
EouwiEouwi batakḷaj in Majuro.The unicorn fish of Majuro are tasty.batakḷaj
 Eouwi jaap in likin Laura.The red snapper from the ocean side of Laura are delicious.jaap
eowarRōlukkuun ban tōprak baib kaṇe ke? Ta ejjeḷọk kōl eṇ kwōmaroñ kōṃṃane bwe ren ṃōṃane ke?” Kapen eo eowar ñan Jema.So the pipes are shot? There’s no way you can fix them?” the Captain pleaded with Father. P730owar
EowatEowat Aḷḷañinwa eṇ.The aḷḷañinwa pandanus is ripe and ready for picking.Aḷḷañinwa
eowatrereIj jab lōke bwe eowatrere.I don't trust him cause he's green.owatrere
eoweḷāJenaaj le eoweḷā ilo kakkuṇaṇa in laḷ.We'll contribute next time according to household.eoonḷā
EowiEowi ikōn diil.Fish caught using the diil method of fishing are tasty.diil
 Eowi ikbwij in Aur.The ikbwij of Aur is delicious.ibkij
EowiininEowiinin kumi eṇ.That team always wins.wiin
eọwilikRaar kappok tok kane in eọwilik.They gathered wood to make a night campfire.eọwilik
 Ḷōḷḷap eo ear eọwilik boñThe old man slept close to the fire last night.eọwilik
 Jar in tariṇae eo ear eọwilik.The troop retreated.eọwilik
EowiwiEowiwi jọkur in.This turtle shell is covered all over the inside with delicious turtle fat. This turtle shell has fat here and there inside it.wiwi
eowoḷọkḷọkEḷak baajkōḷ, eowoḷọkḷọk.When he rides a bicycle, he falls all over the place.oḷọk
EowoñoñEowoñoñ ajri eṇ.That child keeps on being homesick.
EowūdeñdeñEowūdeñdeñ rūṃweeṇThey always make wūdeñ at that house.wūdeñ
EowuraraEowurara libōn irooj eo.The dead chief had a lot of dead companions in his grave.ura
EpaakEpaak an kwōj bwe ejjino aeṃōḷoḷo.It'll freeze soon for it's beginning to get cool.aeṃōḷoḷo
 Epaak tok wōt rak ke eñin eañinlur.Summer is very near as we can tell from the breeze.añinlur
 Likabwiro epaak iien an buñ lọk.It’s almost time for the Likabwiro storms to begin. P121buñ
 Kwōn buwaddele ke ej ja epaak.Throw a firebrand at him now while he's still close.buwaddel
 Eḷak epaak an maat jikka, ebūḷake oṇāān.When the cigarettes were nearly sold out, he raised the price.būḷak
MORE epaak
epaakeEḷap aerro epaake doonThey (two) are immediate relatives.epaak
 Ke kōṃro ej epaake ḷọk ṃōn irooj eo, juon armej elaṃōje ḷọk kōṃro.When we were getting close to the chief’s house, a person yelled to us. P226epaak
 E eo ekar epaake innem unin kar kajjitōk ippān eo.He was closer to me, which is why I asked him. P1118epaak
 Iọkwe eok,” Jema ekkūr ḷọk ñan e ke ej epaake tok wa eo.Hello,” Father called over to the Old Man as he approached the boat. P427kūkūr
 Ij epaake wōt ak ekōpāḷḷọke mejān im erre tok.Just as I reached him he opened his eyes and looked at me. P1219peḷḷọk
MORE epaake
epaakeḷọkWa eo eṇ epaakeḷọk wōd eṇ.The boat is close to the reef.epaak
EpāāñkōrabEpāāñkōrab ṃōn wia eo an.His business went bankrupt.pāāñkōrab
epāātKōmbaab epāāt ak kōm ḷak etal ñan mejje eo ej tūkōk wōt.We thought the tide was low but when we got to the opening it was still high tide. baab
 Kab itok ñe epāāt ilo iaḷap in.You should come when its low tide during this spring tide.iaḷap
 Jen ilān eọñōd bwe epāāt ṃōṇakṇakLet's go fishing because there's an extremely low tide.pāāt ṃōṇakṇak
EpāāteEpāāte piiḷ tūreep eo.The field trip ship was stranded high and dry.pāāt
EpādEpād im ḷak jāde tok, eri-aelōñin pālle.When he returned after being absent for some time, he seemed more American.aelōñin pālle
 Allōñ epād i rear ḷapḷapIt's the full moon phase.allōñ
 Epād ia at eo ?Where is my hat?at
 Epād ilo baar eṇ.He is at the saloon.baar
 Eḷak kar ba ke jebuñ jān Ruōt im jen bwābwe wōt bwe aelōñ eo epād i reeaar, ekwe kwōbar ba ke eaab.He’s been saying we were off course since Roi-Namur and that we should tack windward because land was to the east, but you said no. P1236buñ
MORE epād
EpālEpāl ṃakṃōk kaṇ.The arrowroot are dying.pāl
 Kōpooj dunen kōb ko bwe epāl.Prepare the shovels for it's arrowroot digging time.pāl
EpaḷḷọkEpaḷḷọk jānelin wa eo.The jānel on the canoe got torn off.jānel
epāluḶeeṇ epālu ioon armej ro.He's an important person.pālu
EpaoEpao tokin kain eṇ eaejemjem.His appearance was like those people who when they talk, everyone listens and believes what they say. P60aejemjem
EpāpijekEpāpijek ṃwilin ḷadik eṇ kōn an tar jān joñan an anemkwōj.His behavior leaves a lot to be desired because of lack of discipline.pāpijek
 Epāpijek kōn an nana.He is revolting because of his bad character.pāpijek
 Bōtta epāpijek ḷọk jān Aḷōn.Bōtta is more unlovable than Aḷōn.pāpijek
EpāteEpāte an ilen kọọt.He was caught stealing.pāte
EpatōnBwe ñe enaaj Epatōn kwōj ba jej bar jepḷaak,” Bojin eo eba.If it’s Epatōn you’re saying we are on our way back,” the Boatswain said. P1198jepḷaak
 Eñin eḷak ḷanno, Epatōn.And that must be Epatōn the Boatswain sees.” P1201ḷanno
 Emaroñ Epatōn,” Jema eba.It might be Epatōn,” Father said. P1197maroñ
 Epatōn ṇe i ṃaan,” Jema euwaak.That’s Epatōn up ahead,” Father replied. P1230ṃaan
 Ekwe ewi tōtoḷōkin Epatōn kiin ñan eoonene?” ikar kajjitōk.So how far is it now from Epatōn to the main island?” I asked. P1206tōtoḷọk
EpātōñtōñEpātōñtōñ lieṇShe is active.pātōñtōñ
EpedejḷọkEpedejḷọk juon .A breadfruit fell and got squashed.pedej
epedetEj jab aelọk uwaan kakūtōtō bwe epedet armejHe's obviously of a naughty sort because he's too forward in his actions.uwaan kakūtōtō
EpedkatEpedkat addiin neō.My toes are muddy.addi
EpedobareEpedobare pedpedin likin āninThere are plenty of sea-slugs on the ocean-side reef of this island.pedobar
EpejpejEpejpej jeḷā eṇ an.His knowledge is superficial.pejpej
epekatÑe korap epekat bōraṃ, kwōnaaj jeraaṃṃan.If a lizard defecates on your head, you will have good luck.pijek
epekateNiñniñ eo epekate kaḷ eo an.The baby soiled its diaper.pijek
EpektaanEpektaan ḷeeṇHe's always defecating in odd places.pektaan
EpeḷaakEpeḷaak kōdọ eo.The cloud passed by.peḷaak
EpeḷaakeEpeḷaake ṃaḷoin Mājro kōn waan tariṇae ko an Amedka.The American warships covered the entire Majuro lagoon.peḷaak
 Epeḷaake jikin eo kōn rūttariṇae.The place was teeming with soldiers.peḷaak
 Epeḷaake eoon kappe kōn karuk.The beach was covered with sand crabs.peḷaak
EpeḷanEpeḷan ke ṃuri eo aṃ?Did you get your debt squared away?peḷan
epeljoEḷak to an pād Awai, epeljo ippān ri-Boodke raṇ.After living a while in Hawaii he could pass for a Portuguese.peljo
 Epeljo ek ko koṇa ippān ko koṇan.My catch got mixed in with his.peljo
epeḷḷọkRaar kālōt wōt eṃṃaan im kōrā rot eṇ ejeḷā jeṃnāji ñan jerbal eo epeḷḷọk.They selected only those who have a good parent-child relationship for the job opening.jeṃnāji
 Raar kōkaduleleiki wa eo im ḷak kadulele, epeḷḷọk.They readied the canoe with all kinds of feather decorations before she sailed away.kadulele
 Epeḷḷọk ke pāāñ eṇ?Is the safe open?pāāñ
 Epeḷḷọk kōjām eo.The door is open.peḷḷọk
 Epeḷḷọk kōdọ eo.The cloud is blown away.peḷḷọk
EpelọkEpelọk mejaThere's something in my eye.pelọk
epeḷọkRi-an wa eo epeḷọk.The person who worked on a canoe to make it sail fast got lost at sea.an
 Kapen eṇ ej kajjioñ kaiokḷọk wa eṇ epeḷọk.The captain is trying to go directly to that drifting boat.iok-
 Epeḷọk wa eo.The canoe is drifting away. The ship missed the island. The ship lost its direction.peḷọk
epenAjjiwewein ri-kọọt epen loeIt's hard to see a thief sneaking out.ajjiwewe
 Iḷak itōn kajjioñ epen ajjuknene.When I try to, it's hard to stand on the tip of my toes.ajjuknene
 Baj akajeūṃ ke epen aṃ uwaak.You're such a V.I.P. it's difficult to get you to answer the question.akaje
 Epen an ri-akkōjdatdat iọkwe armej.It's hard for someone who constantly hates others to love them.akkōjdat
 Epen an ri-akōjdat bōk jerbal ṇeA person who hates others will find it difficult to get that job.akkōjdat
MORE epen
EpenjakEpenjak mejān ainbat eo.The top of the cooking pot is covered.penjak
 Epenjak wa eo.The boat is out of sight.pinej
EpenḷọkEpenḷọk aenin Amedka jān Jepaan.American metal is stronger than Japanese.aen
EpepenEpepen ta ṇe an leḷḷap ṇeWhat generation is that old woman? How many generations does that old woman go back?epepen
 Epepen kaṇe rej itok enaaj kanooj oktak mour.The way of life of coming generations will be greatly changed.epepen
 Epepen eo an jiṃṃaad.Our grandfather's generation.epepen
 Eor jete an lelḷap ṇe epepen?How many generation does that old woman go back (from the youngest one today)?epepen
 Dekā in epepen.Rock of ages.epepen
eperanḶeeṇ ej juon armej eperan.He is a brave fellow.peran
EpereaaṃEpereaaṃ ear keotake Aijek.Abraham begot Isaac.keotak
EperōtEperōt armej kijak eṇ.That fellow is inconsiderate of everyone.pedet armej
EperpereEperpere waini .These copra nuts have lots of spongy growths inside (as a result of beginning to sprout).per
EpetEpet ilo rawūn eo kein kajuon.He fouled in the first round.pet
 Epet peinHe's warmed up.pet pā
EpetḷọkEpetḷọk peimi jān ṃoktaYou're getting warmed up. You're getting better than before.pet pā
epetoḷọkWa eo eṇ epetoḷọk.That canoe is drifting westward.peto
epidodoAjjuurūṃ epidodo.The huts you put up are flimsy.ajjuur
 Epidodo naaj anbwijmaroñe.It'll be easy for me to use my right hand.anbwijmaroñ
 Bōlen rej lale epidodo ke bwe ren kab naaj kar ebaje.Maybe they wanted to see if it was soft enough so they could tear it apart. P1002ebeb
 Epidodo teej eo.The test was easy.pidodo
EpidtotoEpidtoto nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothing fits you loosely.pidtoto
epikkālọkṂōjin an Kapen eo ba ijin, epikkālọk ñan ioon wab eo im wōnāne ḷọkAfter the Captain said this, he jumped onto the dock and went to the island. P111pikkālọk
EpiklọkEpiklọk bao eo.The bird flew away.piklọk
EpikōtEpikōt ḷōṃaraṇ in ire.Those guys are too cowardly to fight.pikōt
EpiliñliñEpiliñliñ ḷọk neen ḷadik ṇeThat boy's leg keeps on bleeding.piliñliñ
epiloḶeo epilo ej jatoḷ kōn aḷaḷ eo ilo an etetal.The blind man is using the stick find his way as he walks.jatoḷ
epioEjiburi niñniñ eo bwe epio.She is cuddling the baby because she is cold.jiburi
 Kwōn ṇaballin ḷọk bwe epio.Hurry up and give him some clothes. He's shivering.ṇaballin
epiọKwōn atbọkwōj niñniñ e bwe epiọ.Cuddle this baby because it's chilly.atbọkwōj
 Kwōn bọkwōj niñniñ ṇe bwe epiọ.Hug that baby because he's cold.bọkwōj
 Kōjorṃōtaik ajri ṇe bwe epiọ.Make the child wear underpants because he's cold.jorṃōta
 Kanuknuki bwe epiọ.Clothe him because he's cold.nuknuk
EpirEpir kaḷ eo an ajri eo.The baby's diapers are slipping off.pir
epirañrañEtke kwaar jab kuuṃwi bōraṃ ke epirañrañ?Why didn't you comb your hair, for it looks a mess?pirañrañ
EpitEpit wōjke eo.The tree is cured.pit
EpjāArmej rein ioon Epjā rej jerbal ilo Kuwajleen, jikin kōkeḷọk mijeḷ an rūttariṇae in Amedka.These people on Ebeye work at Kwajalein Island, site of missle launching of the American military. S1kālọk
 Epjā, ilo aelōñ in Kuwajleen, ej jikin eo kein karuo an kien ilo aelōñ in ṂajeḷEbeye, in Kwajalein Atoll, is in 1965 the secondary seat of government in the Marshalls. S1kein karuo
epoWāween aer kōṃṃani, rej kibwiji ñan ñe epo dān innām jimeeṇe tōrerein ak apare tōrerein kōn kaajliiñ ak dekā bwe en jab rōṃ tōrerein im kōṃṃan an ettoon.The way they make them, they dig down until it is near water, then cement the sides but put a rim around it with an oil drum or stones so that the sides don’t crumble and make it dirty. S22apar
 Ri-jekeidaak eo epo.The one who has been stealing toddy has been caught.jekeidaak
 Epo bōb eṇ.Some of the keys of that pandanus are ripe and falling.po
 Epo baḷuun eo.The plane has arrived.po
 Epo bao eo.The chicken is caught.po
MORE epo
EpojakEpojak ke adeañ kaṃbōj im jaat?”Are our compass and charts ready?” P285 P285ad
 Ekilōk ajin wa eṇ bwe epojak in jerak.The ship's hatches are shut as she's ready to set sail.aj
 Epojak aolep men ijellọkin wōt ektak aḷaḷ kab tiin im deenjuuk injin e an wa in.Everything is ready except for loading the lumber and metal, and warming up the engine in the boat. P80deenju
 Kiō epojak ñan ṃōñā jabdewōt iien.Now it is ready to eat at any time. S12iien
 Epojak ke ijeṇe i lōñ?” Jema ekar kūkūr lōñ ḷọkAre you guys ready up there?” Father yelled up. P680ijeṇe
MORE epojak
epokIo epok ṃōṇe ippān ri-kadek raṇe,” iroñ an Jema ba.Uh-oh, that building is all messed up from those drunk guys,” I heard Father say. P165ṃōṇe
 Epok tōrej eo.The thread is tangled.pok
EpoktakEpoktak dekā ko bwe ṇo ko rej ñaliThe stones have been displaced by the buffeting of the waves.ñal
epọkwiḶeo eṇ epọkwi ḷọk laḷ.The man has fallen to the ground.pọkwi
EpoonEkajoor aekijekin to eṇ i Epoon.The currents around the Ebon Atoll passage are quite strong.aekijek
 Ajilowōdin ikōn arin Epoon meḷeḷein bwe emejlep.When a school of bonitos enter the lagoon in Ebon and can't find it way out it means the entire school is in the basket.ajilowōd
 Ajoḷin Epoon eban eddek ilo bar juon āneThe ajoḷ pandanus variety from Ebon cannot grow anywhere else.Ajoḷ
 Eṃṃan ḷọk in in Epoon jān Mājro.Grass skirts made in Ebon are better than the ones made in Mājro. in
 Ej jeb i Epoon inneIt got to Ebon yesterday.jeb
MORE Epoon
EpọpoEpọpo jabōn eo ṇai neen.The snake coiled around his leg.pọpo
EpotakEpotak jeklaḷ e an ok e.The bottom part of the net is torn.jeklaḷ
 Epotak nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes are torn.potak
epoubKōṃro kar bar ikoñ iuṃwin jidik iien bwe epoub Jema im ainikien wōt kein jaḷjaḷ ko ke rej tōtōñtōñ ippān injin eo ke ej niñeañ rōkeañ ijo.The two of us stayed quiet awhile as Father was working; the only sound was the monkey wrench banging on the engine as he shifted back and forth in there. P720ikōñ
 Epoub in jure tok ṃaan im kappok āneHe was busy looking out for land. P864jejor
 Innem ke ej ṃōj jerake wūjḷā eo im ej jejopālpāl, epoub in ubaatake jebwe eo bwe bōran wa eo en jaaḷ niñeañ ḷọkOnce the sail was up and flapping in the wind, the Captain was busy steering the wheel in order to point the boat northward. P850ubatak
 Epoub Bojin eo in kōpopo ijo i ṃaan, innem ijujen tōbtōb ḷọk ñan ijo im tāiki.The Boatswain was busy coiling line at the bow, so I pulled in the anchor and the line. P479tōbtōb
 Epoub erpeta eo in bōklōñ-bōklaḷ ri-nañinmej lōñlōñ ro an raan eo ñan ijoko rej jibadeki ḷọkThe elevator was quite busy that day lifting the numerous patients up and down to their respective destinations.bōklōñ-bōklaḷ
eppakEjej kain ṇe bar memarokrok ak lelorin annañ ke baj joñan eppak eo an, jekdọọn ñe ekun ak kōmin kar lo wōt annañin.There was nothing else, even a dark shadow that would have been there since it was so close; even though the lights went out we should still have made out its shape. P1154annañ
eppakijinEjjeḷọk pepakijin (eppakijin) ḷeeṇHe sure can stay long under the water.pakij
eppakokoJema e, etke eppakoko ijin?” ikar kate im kajjitōk.Father, why are there so many sharks out there?” I braced myself and asked. P1005pako
eppaḷRi-aṃonika eo eḷak kōjañ aṃonika eo nejin, kōmwōj eppaḷ.When the harmonica player played his harmonica we were all flabbergasted.aṃonika
 Eḷak lukore kūta eo aolep im pepaḷ (eppaḷ).As he strummed on the guitar, everyone went agape.lukor
 Erūttoḷọk em pepaḷ (eppaḷ).He's getting senile and absent-minded.pepaḷ
EppālleleEppāllele ālkin an rọọltok jān Amedka.He's acting westernized ever since he came from America.pālle
EppaḷpaḷEppaḷpaḷ ḷeeṇHe's always trying to get revenge.paḷ
EppālpālEppālpāl bōḷeak eo.The flag is waving.pepālpāl
eppānenePiọ in eppānene.Only the sort of chill one gets on dry land, where a fire can soon warm, not like a chill at sea.eppānene
 Piọọn eppānene.Feeling chilly while on dry land.eppānene
 Piọ waan men eṇ ippān kōnke piọ in eppānene.His is a minor case of the negligable chill one gets while on dry land.eppānene
 Piọ in eppānene ej jab joñan wōt piọ in eoon lọjet.Feeling chilly while on dry land is not the same as the chill one experiences on open ocean.eppānene
 Bwōlen kōto ṃoḷo ṇe ioon lọmeto ej kōṃṃan bwe piọ in eppānene en jab ekkañin wōt piọ in ioon lọmeto.Perhaps the cold sea breeze is the reason land-based chill is not as biting as the ocean one.eppānene
eppāneneikTa eo enāj kapioin eppāneneik kōj bwe jen jab ebbweer?What is going to give us the dry land chill so we don't get discouraged?eppānene
EppānpānEppānpān wōt lijā eṇ.She's quite an attractive girl.pepānpān
eppānuknukEar lilu (illu) im pepnuknuk (eppānuknuk) ṇabōjḷọk nuknuk.He got angry and threw clothes all over the place.pānuk
eppārijetKwōn jab ṃōñā kọnōt bwe kwōnaaj pepārijet (eppārijet).Don't eat kọnet shells or you will get this certain sickness.pepārijet
EppatpateEppatpate iooj in āninThere are lots of swamps in the interior of this islet.pat
EppebabaEppebaba nabōjān ṃwiinThere is lots of paper (on the ground) outside this house.peba
eppedakilkilErup bato eo im pepedakilkil (eppedakilkil).The bottle broke into smithereens.pedakilkil
EppeddejakeEppeddejake ānin kōn .This island is covered with breadfruit.peddejak
eppedejdejIlo iien rak eo, ear eppedejdej iuṃwin aolep .During the summer there was squashed ripe breadfruit under all the breadfruit trees.pedej
eppedikdikJab pepedikdik (eppedikdik) bwe eboñ.Don't be slow because it's almost night.pepedikdik
eppedkateEḷap an pepedkate (eppedkate) lowaan iaḷ eo.The road is muddy.pedkat
eppedodoḶeo iba eppedodo ṇeThis is the man that always falls on his face.pedo
EppejEppej wa eo kiiō.The canoe is floating now.pepej
 Eppej lowaan ṃweoThe house was flooded.pepej
eppejlọklọkEk rot eo eppejlọklọk ṇeThis (kind of) fish is easy to pierce.pejlọk
eppelLiṃaro rej pepel (eppel) aj in ṃweoThe women are gathering pandanus leaves for thatching the house.pepel
EppeḷajḷajEppeḷajḷaj.He's always getting flushes.peḷaj
EppeḷḷọkḷọkEppeḷḷọkḷọk kōjām eṇ.That door is always open.peḷḷọk
eppenpeneKwōn pepenpene (eppenpene) kapin ainbat ṇeKeep banging on that kettle (held upside down -- to make clean).penpen
eppepeWa eo eppepe wōt bajjek ijo im ejej ijeṇ etal ie ḷọkOur boat just floated in the water and didn’t go anywhere. P1171ijeṇ
 Kiiō emotḷọk de juon allōñ jān ke jeañ ar jerak jān Kwajleen ñan Likiep ak eñiin jej eppepe wōt i lọmeto im mōttan wōt jidik emaat limed dān,” Bojin eo ekakeememej ḷọk Jema.It’s been a month since we set sail from Kwajalein to Likiep but we are drifting at sea and we are almost out of drinking water,” the Boatswain reminded Father. P1018keememej
 Ta uweo ej pepepe (eppepe) iarWhat is that way over there floating near the lagoon beach?pepepe
epperpereKwōn jab peperpere (epperpere) wa eṇ.Don't always underestimate the ability of that canoe (to get us there).perper
EpperuruEpperuru nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes are covered with peru food.peru
eppetpetEkadik pepetpet (eppetpet) an kukure (ikkure).He fouls often when playing.pet
EppiiñiñEppiiñiñ pija ṇeThat picture has lots of pink in it.piiñ
eppikajEkkar ñan būtbọọḷ bwe eppikaj.He's made for football for he is very agile.pipkaj
EppikniknikEppikniknik baaṃle eṇ.That family is always having picnics.piknik
EppilawāwāEppilawāwā tebōḷ ṇeThere is flour all over that table there.pilawā
eppiñJen kappiñ in lale wōn in eppiñ.Let's have a jumping contest to see who jumps best.pipiñ
EppinneepepEppinneepep nuknuk ṇe aṃ.Your clothes are covered with coconut oil.pinneep
EppirpirEppirpir kaḷ eo an ajri eṇ.That baby's diapers keep slipping down.pir
eppojakjakḶōṃaro raṇ rej pepojakjak (eppojakjak) wōt in etal.The men are still working at getting ready to go.pojak
eppokpokEkijoñ pepokpok (eppokpok) tōrej eo.The thread is always tangled.pok
EppọkpọkEppọkpọk kōn an ṃōñā kaiur.He's always getting something in his throat from eating too fast.pọk
EppọḷjejjejEppọḷjejjej lieṇThat woman is always making pọḷjejpọḷjej
eppoñEbajet ke eppoñ ainikieṃWhat is the matter that your voice is so hoarse?pepoñ
EppopoEppopo leen bōb eṇ.That pandanus tree always has bunches with keys that fall easily.po
 Wa eo eppopo eṇThat canoe is stopping at many places. The sail of that canoe keeps coming down.po
 Eppopo ḷeeṇHe's always getting arrested.po
EppotaktakEppotaktak nuknuk kaṇe aṃ.Your clothes are torn in many places.potak
eptaikiBar eptaiki ṃakṃōk ṇeSieve the arrowroot a second time.epta
epurukḷọkTa in epurukḷọk laḷWhat was that that made a noise falling down?puruk
epuwaḷEḷap an kōṇkōṃṃan ak epuwaḷ.He's quite boastful but actually he's a coward.kōṇkōṃṃan
erRi-maakaiio eo ear addiiki ḷōṃaro im kotak er.The giant grabbed the men and lifted them up with his fingers.addi
 Rej kaaeñwāwāik er.They're making them noisy.aeñwāñwā
 Aerjeañ jabde enaaj eltakinṃaje er.Their carelessness will boomerang.aerjeañ
 Eḷaññe enaaj aerwōj iien jerbal renaaj kate er joñan wōt aer maroñ.When it's their turn to work, they'll do their best.aerwōj
 Kwōj kaetōktōkḷọk ñan er.You're getting arrowroot stalks for them.aetōktōk
eraakutakeLio eraakutake turin mejān ḷeo kōn akkiin pein kōkañkōñ (ekkañkōñ).The woman scratched his face with her razor-sharp finger nails.akkiin pā
eraanIba ippa make, Eban ñe eraan.”I said to myself, I don’t believe there’s daylight already.” P221ban
 Ejej eṇ ekar bar kōnono iuṃwin jet minit, innem Jema ekalimjek ḷọk awa eo i kiin ṃōn injin eo tu lōñ im ba, Bwe ke eraan.No one said anything for a few minutes until Father looked at the clock hanging in the engine room and said, But it is morning. P657kallimjek
 Bōlen eṃṃan ñe kōjjel jino ākto aḷaḷ kiin ṇa i lọjet im pojak ñan ñe eraan im merame mejān Injinia ñan an ṃadṃōde injin ṇe,” Kapen eo eba.Maybe we should start unloading some of this lumber into the water so that we’ll be ready when there’s enough light for the Engineer to see and start fixing the engine,” the Captain said. P668ṃadṃōd
eraane-bōkāānEḷaññe eraane-bōkāān, kiiō eiien an kajokkor.When it is ready for a bottle,” that is the time to put a bottle on it. S19kajokkor
 Eḷaññe eraane-bōkāān, kiiō eiien an kajokkor.When it is ready for a bottle,” that is the time to put a bottle on it. S19raane-bōkāān
erabōlḷọkAlkarkar ke ijuun eañ erabōlḷọk."It's quite clear that the north star shines brightly" —words from a popular contemporary song.alkarkar
EraelepEraelep an ruj.He woke up around noon.raelep
erakiKwōn eraki jaki kaṇe.Spread out those mats.erōk
ErakiḷọkErakiḷọk dekā kaṇe ñan ṃweo juon.Spread the gravel toward the other house.erer
EranEran jebwe eo ṇeThat's the paddle protector.eran jebwe
 Eran tebōḷ in ia ṇeWhere is that tablecloth from? Where was that tablecloth made?eran tebōḷ
 Eḷḷọke eran tebōḷ ṇeSpread the tablecloth.eran tebōḷ
 Ewi jaki eo eran lowaan ṃwiinWhere is the mat that belongs in this room?erer
eraññōḷọkO, a ta kākaṇe!” Bojin eo eraññōḷọk im jitōñ ḷọk ioon lọjet.Hey, what are those!” the Boatswain was almost overcome with excitement as he pointed at the ocean. P996raññōḷọk
ErawūnErawūn Ratak eañ.He's making the Northern Ratak field trip.rawūn
ereKōrā ro rej jijet ilo ere eoThe women are sitting on the canoe platform.ere
 Kwōn ere lowaan wa ṇePut some protection in that canoe (from dirt or for comfort).erer
 Ear bat kōrkōr eo waō jinoun ak eḷak wōtlọk juon ḷadikin eoon ere eliboorore wa ko jet im ḷeAt first my canoe was behind but a gusty wind fell, I chased and passed the others.ḷadikin eoon ere
EreañEreañ ejjab bōro-kuk.They can't agree among themselves.bōro-kuk
 Ereañ wōt raar ilọk im eoñwōd.Only four of them went fishing.er
ererakiRaar ereraki dekā ko inabōjān ṃweoThe spread the gravel outside the house.erer
erereEkwe ej jab nana ak kwōn kōpopo ilo boojaṃ bwe jen jab peḷọk im peek aelōñin Ṇauṇau,” Bojin eo erere ke ej ba men in.Alright, no big deal, but you should go get yourself ready so we won’t drift and end up on the island of Ṇauṇau,” the Boatswain said as he laughed. P290booj
eri-aelōñinEḷak rọọl tok eri-aelōñin pepāllele ḷọk jān eo.When he came back he acted more American-ish than before.aelōñin pālle
 Epād im ḷak jāde tok, eri-aelōñin pālleWhen he returned after being absent for some time, he seemed more American.aelōñin pālle
ErilojetErilojet ḷōḷḷap eṇ.The old man has the sea-ghost sickness.rilojet
ErittoEritto ak ejekapeel.He is elderly but still immature.jekapeel
ErittoḷọkErittoḷọk im jarroñroñ.He's getting old and deaf.jarroñroñ
erjeelInnem ekar wōnṃaan ḷọk wōt im kajjitōk im ekar rōḷọk wa eo ñan erjeel.So he went ahead and asked, and brought the ship to them. P25er
 Erjeel naaj jipañ doon ṃōṃaanekeThey would help each other man it. P28ṃōṃaan
erjelKapen eo ejikrōk tok ijo ṃoktata, ke erjel ej rọọl tok, im jino jabōl ṇa kobban pileij eo ñiin kōn raij.When they arrived, the Captain came in first and heaped his plate full of rice. P371jabōḷ
 Innem juon raan Jema kab ḷōṃarein ruo erjel kar kwelọk ippān doon im lo juon ḷōmṇak bwe Jema en kepaak ḷeo waan booj in im roñoul ruo ne aitokan im kajjitōk ippān emaroñ ke kōtḷọk wa eo waan bwe erjel en jata kake ñan Likiep.Then one day Father and the two men met together and the idea arose that Father should approach the man who owned the twenty-two foot boat and ask if he would allow them to charter it to Likiep. P20jata
 Innem juon raan Jema kab ḷōṃarein ruo erjel kar kwelọk ippān doon im lo juon ḷōmṇak bwe Jema en kepaak ḷeo waan booj in im roñoul ruo ne aitokan im kajjitōk ippān emaroñ ke kōtḷọk wa eo waan bwe erjel en jata kake ñan Likiep.Then one day Father and the two men met together and the idea arose that Father should approach the man who owned the twenty-two foot boat and ask if he would allow them to charter it to Likiep. P20jata
 Ke ekar ṃōj aerro ṃōṃajidjid ñan doon, ḷōḷḷap eo ejitōñ ḷọk buḷōn mar ko jetakiermān innem erjel Bojin eo jibadek ḷọkWhen they were done nodding while talking to each other, the Old Man pointed east toward the middle of the bushes and the three of them including the Bosun headed over that way. P1265jetak
 Jibboñon eo juon iḷak itok ñan ioon teek, erjel ej jijet bajjek.The next morning I went up to the deck and the three of them were all just sitting around. P981jibboñōn eo turun inne
MORE erjel
ErkāErkā jaki ko kineō .These are the mats that belong to me.erkā
 Erkā ilowiI found them.erkā
ErkākāErkākā, jāān ko ij pukoti.Here they are, my coins I've been looking for.erkākā
ErkākaṇErkākaṇ kilōkin ṃōñā ko.Those over there are the food baskets.erkākaṇ
 Erkākaṇ bao ko iaar aoḷ kaki.Those are the chickens that I've been complaining about.erkākaṇ
 Erkākaṇ kilōkin ṃōñā ko.Those over there are the food baskets.kilōk
 Erkākaṇ ḷọk iṃaanier, iturin pet eṇ,” Bojin eo euwaak.They are up front, next to the bitt,” the Boatswain replied. P411ṃaan
 Erkākaṇ ḷọk iṃaanier, iturin pet eṇ,” Bojin eo euwaak.They are up front, next to the bitt,” the Boatswain replied. P411pet
ErkākaṇeErkākaṇe, juuj ko kaṇe rej pād ituruṃ.Those are my shoes right there next to you.erkākaṇe
ErkaṇErkaṇ bao ko kwaar pukoti.The chickens you were looking for are there.erkaṇ
ErkaṇeErkaṇe men ko iar aikuji.Those are the things (there by you) I needed.erkaṇ
 Erkaṇe kain ṃōñā ko eḷap aikuji.Those (there by you) are the kinds of food I need.erkaṇe
ErkeinErkein, ek ko kijed raar bwikitok.Here they are, the fish they brought for us.erkein
ErkiErki bout ko?Where are the votes?bout
 Erki nuknuk ko ?Where are my clothes?erki
 Erki bok ko aṃ, kwōnañin lowi ke?Where are your books; haven't you found them yet?erki
 Jedkā im lali erki wōt ni in entak kein.Choose trees that are good for picking green coconuts and note their location. jedkā
 Ak erki tāāñin peinael ko?” Jema ebar kajjitōk.Where are the containers of paint thinner?" Father asked. P410peinael
erkoWa ko erko ilo aba eo rej añkō.The boats were there at the anchorage/harbor.erko
 Erko nuknuk aṃ kwōj pukoti.Here are your clothes you've been looking for.erko
 Erko bok ko aṃ ko.Here are your books.erko
ErkokoErkoko, bao ko kwōj pukoti.Right over there are those chickens you're looking for.erkoko
erḷọkeKwōn etal ilo peet eṇ im erḷọke diiṃGo lie down and relax.erḷọk
erlọkweKwōn erlọkwe jake ṇe bwe en kōjeje.Spread out that mat under the sun.erḷọk
ermānEj ba kōn an kar ri-Nippoñ ro itan ṃan ermān aolep ri-Ṃajeḷ ilo ān eo ermān baaṃle eo an rej jokwe ie ippān bar jet armej.He was saying the Japanese were going to kill all the Marshallese people on the island where his family and some other people were living. P979er
 Ej ba kōn an kar ri-Nippoñ ro itan ṃan ermān aolep ri-Ṃajeḷ ilo ān eo ermān baaṃle eo an rej jokwe ie ippān bar jet armej.He was saying the Japanese were going to kill all the Marshallese people on the island where his family and some other people were living. P979er
ErṃweErṃwe eo ṇeThat person (just named) is my relative.erṃwe
ermweikRej ermweik doonThey are relatives.erṃwe
ErṃweōErṃweō ḷeeṇHe's my relative.erṃwe
EroEro kōn naan ko aṃ.He was enraged by your words.ro
ErojEroj.It's ebb tide.roj
 Eroj ḷọk rainin jān inne.The tide today is lower than yesterday.roj
erōḷọkKwōn lukwōje lukwar ṇe bwe erōḷọk.Tighten the lukwar because it's loose.lukwar
 Erōḷọk bao eo.The bird slipped by.rōḷọk
eromṂoktata, ālkin aer raankeik waini eṇ im bōk eaḷ eṇ jāne, rej kōjeeke im ej erom pinniepFirst of all, after they have grated the copra and taken the coconut milk from it, they heat it under the sun and it becomes coconut oil. S18eaḷ
 Eṃōj an erom ri-kadekHe has become a drunkard.erom
 Ear erom juon ri-Ṃajeḷ ālkin an paleek juon ri-Ṃajeḷ.He became a Marshallese citizen after he married a Marshallese.erom
 Bar juon, elañe jenaaj kōtḷọk jekaro eo bwe en pād jilu raan, enaaj erom jimañūñ—dān in kadek eo limen ri-Ṃajeḷ.Also, if we let jekaro stand for three days, it will become jimañūñ—the alcoholic beverage of the Marshallese. S19jimañūñ
 Bar juon, elañe jenaaj kōtḷọk jekaro eo bwe en pād jilu raan, enaaj erom jimañūñ—dān in kadek eo limen ri-Ṃajeḷ.Also, if we let jekaro stand for three days, it will become jimañūñ—the alcoholic beverage of the Marshallese. S19kōtḷọk
MORE erom
erōmEṃōj erōm jinibọọr ettōñtōñ.I am become as sounding brass (Bible).jinibọọr
erōṃLale erōṃ pāāk in raij kaṇe.Look out, that (pile of) bags of rice might crumble.rōṃ
eromaakeMeramin jatiraito eo eromaake kōdọ eo.The searchlight illuminates the cloud.romaak
eroñJilu allōñ,” Bojin eo eroñ kajjitōk im uwaak.Three months,” the Boatswain hearing my question replied. P1327im
 Jema eroñ ijin im jab bar aepādpād ak etōbtōb ḷọk ñan ippān Kapen eo.Father heard this and didn't hesitate but rushed straight to the Captain. P1087tōbtōb
ErōññaḷọkErōññaḷọk ke ej roñ ke rōjoḷọke.He was almost overcome when he heard that his wife had left him.rōññaḷọk
ErōññōḷọkErōññōḷọk kōnke ear jab tōmak enāj kar bōk tūb eo.He was overcome with joy in as much as he didn't believe he would be the winner.raññōḷọk
ErōōjErōōj wūnokan jōōt ṇe aṃ.You have a loud-colored shirt.wūno
erọọlRi-āj juwain eo erọọl.The lace knitter is gone back.āj
 Jidik wōt an tōñōle batinin kōjjọ eo ak erọọl injin eo im jọ.He just had to lightly press the ignition button and it turned over and started up right away. P447batin
 Ekar wanlōñ ḷọk men eo im ḷak bōlen jibukwi jiṃa ne utiej, erọọl im lōkā laḷ tak.The flare went up approximately 100 feet in the air before it turned and made a dive back down. P943lōkā
 Erọọl utōnHe's gone crazy.utō-
 Wāween rawūn, waan rawūn eṇ ej etal ñan aolep āne in Rālik, ñe ebooḷ kobban kab ñe emaat ṃōñā im ṃweiuk, erọọl ñan Majro, eakto in ektak, kaṃōjḷọk tūreep eṇ an.The procedure is for the field trip ship to go to all the islands of the Rālik, and when it is fully loaded and all food and trade goods are gone, it returns to Majuro, off-loading and on-loading, to finish the trip. S17wāwee-
erorḷọkKidu eo erorḷọk.The dog is barking.rorror
erorrorEj meḷan ḷọk wōt jidik ak erorror juon kidu jān tōrerein iaḷ eo ḷọk ñan ṃweoWe were still a little ways away, but a dog started barking from around the road to the house. P175rorror
ErotakErotak wōn eo.The turtle's on its back.rotak
ErowālọkErowālọk.He's off his rocker.rowālọk
erpetaEpoub erpeta eo in bōklōñ-bōklaḷ ri-nañinmej lōñlōñ ro an raan eo ñan ijoko rej jibadeki ḷọkThe elevator was quite busy that day lifting the numerous patients up and down to their respective destinations.bōklōñ-bōklaḷ
erpootEwōr ke iaḷaṃ ḷọk ñan erpoot eṇDo you have transportation to the airport?iaḷ
 Ewōr ke iaḷ kaduḷọk ñan erpoot eṇDo we have shortcut to go to the airport?iaḷ kadu
 Elukkuun raelepe an armej ro jedeḷọk ñan erpoot eo im rōruṃwiji baḷuun eo im emootḷọk jān er.It was really late when the folks got started for the airport, and they were late and missed the plane. It was noon before the folks started for the airport, and they were late for the plane and missed it (it left without them).raelep
errāRaar errā ilo elmakot ko.They agree on the suggestions.elmọkot
 Errā ijeThe things are here.errā
 Wōn ṇe kwōj rōrā (errā) ippānWhich side are you on?rōrā
 Koṃwin rōrā (errā) ṇai turājet.Please move to one side.rōrā
erraakakEḷak tutu kaḷ eo an, erraakak ajri eo.When his diaper got wet, the child wailed.rōraakak
errabōlbōlEḷap an rōrbōlbōl (errabōlbōl) juuj kaṇe aṃ.Your shoes are awfully shiny.rabōlbōl
ErrabwijbwijErrabwijbwij ḷōḷḷap eṇ.That old man is always warming his bottom by the fire.rabwij
ErraeleplepErraeleplep an ruj.He usually wakes up at noon.raelep
ErrājetjetErrājetjet .These breadfruit are all cut in two.rājet
ErrajjiiaeaErrajjiiaea ajri raṇ nājin.All of his children have yaws.rajjiia
errakutaktakAjri eo ekijoñ rōrakutaktak (errakutaktak) ṇeThat child is always scratching (people).rakutak
erraḷọkḷọkEṃōj ṇe aṃ rōrḷọkḷọk (erraḷọkḷọk)?Why don't you stop being so easy going?raḷọk
erranAtar erran.Paint or chop up to the charcoal mark (older expression for atarḷain)atar
ErraṇErraṇ rej kaadenpe ilik.They're fishing for adenpe sharks on the ocean side.adenpe
 Erraṇ rej kaadipā imejān ātātThey're fishing for adipā not far from shore.adipā
 Erraṇ rej kaaetōktōk eọọj.They're looking for arrowroot stalks in the interior of the island.aetōktōk
 Erraṇ rej kaaj eọọj.They're making the thatch in the interior of the island.aj
 Erraṇ rej aḷeḷeḷọk kijen irooj eṇ.They're using the surround method to give fish to the iroojaḷeḷe
MORE erraṇ
ErraṇeErraṇe ijeṇeThey are over there (by you).erraṇe
ErraprapErraprap jañ in kaar eo kōn an jejeḷọk (ejjeḷọk) ṃabōḷōrinThe car made a loud rasping sound because it didn't have a muffler.rap
erraraEḷap an rōrara (errara) eṇ.That breadfruit tree has a lot of branches.ra
ErrāraṇeErrāraṇe ituruṃThose are the things by you.errāraṇ
ErrawūnwūnErrawūnwūn ḷeeṇHe's always making field trips.rawūn
ErrawūtwūtErrawūtwūt ajri eṇ.That child is always urinating.rawūt
erreEjiṃwe aṃ likit āt in bwe eñṇe i ṃaan,” ḷōḷḷap eo erre tok im lukkuun kalimjek meja im ba.You are right to call it that since that’s what lies ahead,” the Old Man said looking directly at me. P436āt
 Jema ebōjrak im erre tokFather stopped and looked at me. P825bōjrak
 Iḷak erre lọk ilo an Bojin eo tōbal ṃaan ḷọk im jako ḷọk i buḷōn marok ko.I watched the Boatswain crawl toward the front of the boat and disappear in to the darkness. P571buḷōn
 Iḷak baj erre āne ḷọk ilo juon deppin baat ej jutak lōñ ḷọk jān keinikkan i jabōn ān eo tu eōñ.As I looked over toward the island I saw a huge cloud of smoke rising up from the foliage on the northern tip of the island. P1244depdep
 Erreto erre tak, erre niñeañ erre rōkeañ, ak ejej āne ekar loe.He looked all around, to the north and to the south, but he didn’t see anything. P917ejej
MORE erre
erreelelLikao eṇ erreelel.That boy is always finding something new that he likes.reel
 Rūraan kein rōlukkuun rōreelel (erreelel).People nowadays are gullible.reel
 Erreelel ḷeeṇHe's always agreeable. He's got a roving eye.reel
erreiliklikKwōn jab rōreiliklik (erreiliklik).Don't keep looking back.reilik
ErreinErrein armej ro jaar kōttar er.These are the people we were waiting for.errein
ErrejajaErrejaja ḷeeṇThat man shaves often.reja
errelọkBaj alikkarin mejatoto ke jej errelọk im lo Arṇo jān ijin.It's such a clear day that we can see Arno from where we are.alikkar
erreoḶeeṇ ej juon armej erreo būruonHe's an honest man.bōro
 Erreo ke kapin ainbat ṇeIs the bottom of that kettle clean?kapi-
 Taktō ro rej jab bar kōtḷọk an ri-Ṃajeḷ make wūno bwe ej jab erreo aer kōṃṃan wūno im bar juon eḷap aer bōk maroñ jān armej.The doctors also do not allow Marshallese to treat (patients) by themselves, for the way they prepare medications is unsanitary and also they usurp the people's right to do so. S8kōtḷọk
 Kwōn kuḷatḷate bwe en rōreo (erreo).Scrub it with a coconut shell so it will really come clean.kuḷatḷat
 Erreo meramin allōñ buñūnin.It's a clear moonlight night tonight.meramin allōñ
MORE erreo
erreoḷọkRaan kein ekanooj in eṃṃanḷọk im erreoḷọk aebōj laḷ.Nowadays cisterns are better and cleaner. S22raan
erretakKapen eo erreto erretak innem kōkaḷḷe ḷọk ñan ṃaanThe Captain looked all around and signaled ahead. P477rōre
ErretoErreto erre tak, erre niñeañ erre rōkeañ, ak ejej āne ekar loe.He looked all around, to the north and to the south, but he didn’t see anything. P917ejej
 Kapen eo erreto erretak innem kōkaḷḷe ḷọk ñan ṃaanThe Captain looked all around and signaled ahead. P477rōre
ErriErri ri-kōbaru ro?Where are the crab hunters?baru
 Erri ḷadik ro?Where are the boys?erri
 Erri kijak ro jet?” ikkajitōk.Where are the other guys?” I asked. P464 P464erri
 Erri kijak ro jet?” ikkajitōk.Where are the other guys?” I asked. P464kajjitōk
 Erri kijak ro jet?” ikkajitōk.Where are the other guys?” I asked. P464kijak
ErroErro ar aejeki ek kaṇe.They (two) caught the fish using the surround net.aejek
 Erro ar kōṃad innām ajjiwewe ḷọk ñan ṃōn kadek eo.They got me distracted and then sneaked out to the bar.ajjiwewe
 Erro kar ajjukneneḷọk ñan ṃōn jikuuḷ eo.They both hopped on one foot to school.ajjuknene
 Erro rej kaakajinḷọk ñan jittak-eṇ.They were fishing for akajin toward the eastern end of the island.akajin
 Erro ej kaakōrtok kijed iaar.They (two) are catching mullet on the lagoon side for usakōr
MORE erro
errobōlbōlIkar lo juon bao kilmeej im mejān ej errobōlbōl āinwōt lijeṃao.I saw a black bird and its eyes were shimmering like those of a short-eared owl. P1040lijeṃao
 Emarok jilōñlōñ im eḷak errobōlbōl dedojat i buḷōn lọjet, iwātin kar abwinmake eaki.It was pitch-black and as the plankton glowed deep down in the sea, I was almost afraid there might be ghosts around. P568rorobōlbōl
ErrojaJowi eo an jinō Erroja, im kōn menin jowi eo ej bar Erroja.My mother's clan is Erroja, for this reason my clan is also an Erroja.Erroja
 Jowi eo an jinō Erroja, im kōn menin jowi eo ej bar Erroja.My mother's clan is Erroja, for this reason my clan is also an Erroja.Erroja
Erroja-kijeekEḷaññe jowi eo an jemān Tony ej Erroja-kijeek, ej meḷeḷen bwe jowi eo an Tony eban Erroja-kijeek, kōnke jej bōk ad jowi jān jined.If the clan name for Tony's father is Erroja-kijeek, it means that Tony's clan name would not be Erroja-kijeek, because we inherit our clan from our mothers.Erroja-kijeek
 Eḷaññe jowi eo an jemān Tony ej Erroja-kijeek, ej meḷeḷen bwe jowi eo an Tony eban Erroja-kijeek, kōnke jej bōk ad jowi jān jined.If the clan name for Tony's father is Erroja-kijeek, it means that Tony's clan name would not be Erroja-kijeek, because we inherit our clan from our mothers.Erroja-kijeek
ErrōḷọkḷọkErrōḷọkḷọk bao eṇ.That chicken keeps getting away.rōḷọk
errōmaakakTa eṇ ej rōrōmaakak (errōmaakak) tok ijjuweo?What's that that keeps shining this way from way over there?romaak
ErrọñErrọñ kooḷan kako eṇ.That rooster's feathers are bristling.rōrọñ
ErroñroñErroñroñ ḷeeṇHe has good hearing.roñ
errọọjEjaje rōrọọj (errọọj) armejHe never goads people.rōrọọj
errọọlọlLaḷ in ej rōrọọlọl (errọọlọl).This earth is spinning.rọọl
ErrōpinpinErrōpinpin limaraṇThe ladies always wear ribbons.rōpin
ErroroErroro ilo wa eṇ, ḷōṃaro raar ilọk in eoñwōd.Those are the men on that boat who went fishing.erroro
 Kwōn lale bwe erroro.Watch it for he is easily angered.ro
ErrotaktakErrotaktak ñe ej kukure (ikkure).He's always falling on his back when he plays.rotak
ErrūbrūbErrūbrūb ledik eṇ.That girl breaks wind all the time.rūb
ErrukrukErrukruk armej in jeṃaan.This person used to be covered with sores.ruk
ErruprupErruprup.It's fragile.rup
errweKoban jeḷā bwe kwōjaje rore (errwe).You'll never know because you don't know how to fish in crevices.rore
 Lale aṃ rore (errwe) bwe ṃaj enāj kij peiṃ.Be careful of poking your bare hand into holes or eels will bite you.rore
erujEttōr ṃōk lale eruj ke Kapen eo,” Bojin eo ebar kōnono tok.Run down and see if the Captain is awake,” the Boatswain said to me. P1214ṃōk
 Kapen eo eṇ eruj im jijet,” iba.The Captain woke up and sat up,” I said. P1083ruj
 Kiil kōjām ṇe bwe ñe eruj enaaj tōtōbalbōl (ettōbalbōl).Close the door for when he gets up he'll be crawling all over the place.tōbalbal
erūṃōṃōKwōn aṃwin lọñiiṃ bwe erūṃōṃō.Wash your mouth because it has something dried on it.rūṃōṃō
 Kwōn etal ormej bwe erūṃōṃō mejaṃGo wash your face because you have some dried matter around your eyes.rūṃōṃō
eruṃwijEtke eruṃwij an rọọl tok ri-kaaijkudiiṃ ro?Why aren't the people who went to buy ice cream back?aij kudiiṃ
 Eruṃwij an kar tulọk aḷ jān ammān buñlik.The sun went down a while after we went through the pass. P494buñlik
 Eruṃwij jibwe jān an dipāl em peḷḷọk.Before I could grab him he had already crouched and sprang away.dipāl
 Eruṃwij ak etal in wōt juon.Slowly but surely.etal in wōt juon
 Kakijerjere bwe eruṃwij.Hurry him up because he's late.kijerjer
MORE eruṃwij
EruṃwijḷọkEruṃwijḷọk ektak jān kar ammān ākto kōn wōt an kar ḷōḷapḷọk ṇo im eḷapḷọk an jepliklik wa eo jān kar ṃoktaIt took us longer to load them up than it had to offload them since the waves were making the boat sway back and forth even more than before. P747eakto
erupItaakin tiṃa eḷḷap erup wōdThe crash of a huge ship could break the reef.itaak
 Erup juon iaan jeib ko.One of those coconut sap bottles is broken.jeib
 Raar jepjeptok bwe erup ṃweo imweer ilo ḷañ eo.They moved here because their house was destroyed in the storm.jepjep
 Erup jimniin ḷantōn eo.The lamp chimney is broken.jimni
 Erup jouj e an kōrkōr e waō.The bottom part of my canoe is broken.jouj
MORE erup
Erup-būruonErup-būruon ke ejab tōprak.He was frustrated knowing he hadn't made it.rup-būruon
erupeKōmij ba Likabwiro erupe wa ṇe.”We thought the Likabwiro storm had smashed the boat.” P1343rup
EruprupEruprup lep ko buḷōn mar eṇ.The eggs in the bush have hatched.ruprup
erūttoEbbanban kiiō bwe erūtto.He's old and getting weak.ban
 Ejekkar aṃ kōnono ñane bwe erūtto jān eok.It's not proper to tell him what to do because he's older than you.jekkar
 Ḷeo erūtto tata ej ri-jolōt.The eldest brother is entitled to an inheritance.jolōt
erūttoḷọkEnaaj kanooj ineea ñe erūttoḷọk.He'll be very tall when he grows up.ineea
 Erūttoḷọk im jidimkijḷọk.He is becoming more short tempered as he grows older.jidimkij
 Erūttoḷọk em memālele (emmālele) ḷọkHe grew older and became absent-minded.memālele
 Erūttoḷọk em pepaḷ (eppaḷ).He's getting senile and absent-minded.pepaḷ
 Erūttoḷọk jān ṃoktaHe has aged somewhat since I last saw him.rūttoḷọk
MORE erūttoḷọk
ErwōjArmej ro wōj ioon wab eo reiọkiọkwe tok kōmmān. Erwōj jokutbae tok.The people on the pier came over to bid us farewell. They all waved goodbye. P484iọkiọkwe
 Erwōj ar taij inne.They all were shooting craps yesterday.taij
etAb in et ñe edike eok.But what can I do if she doesn't like you.ab in et
 Ejako ri-akjijen eo innām taktō eo eñak en et.The person in charge of the oxygen was gone and the doctor didn't know what to do.akjijen
 Kwōn ṃōk bar alene bwe jen lale ej et.Why don't you try again so we can see what happens?alen
 Ṃōṃkaj jān kar etal jān ijo, ikar bar alluwaḷọke ḷọk iuṃwin ko bwe in lale ej et dān eo i lowa.Before I went up I looked under the boards inside to see how the bilge water was. P1115alluwaḷọk
 Ej et anen etao eo aṃ?Are you cured of your epilepsy?anen etao
etaKwōn jab ba pata eta.Don't call me for nothing.ba pata
 Ṃalene tok ṃōk eta ilo juron jāje e .Would you engrave my name on the handle of my machete.ṃalen
EtabEtab mejatoto rainin.The air is hazy today.tab
 Etab ripade ro.The party folks got high.tab
EtabuEtabu.It's too late.tabu
Etabūṇṇoik(i)Etabūṇṇoik(i) tūrak eo im jejo (ejjo) tūrak eo im jejo (ejjo).Salt spray caused the truck to rust.tabūṇṇo
etaburEar wōt im etabur eṇ.It rained and that breadfruit tree is slippery.tabur
EtabuukEtabuuk kōjWe are in a helpless position.tabu
EtabwilEtabwil lep e.This egg is fresh.tabwil
etadRej ba ke ñe jej aṃtōk ewōr eṇ ej ba etad.They say that if we bite our lips it means someone is mentioning our name.aṃtōk
EtakEtak Iju Raan eo.The Morning Star has just risen.Iju Raan
EtaktakōnaeEtaktakōnae.It's new moon out tonight.taktakōnae
etalKōjro etal in kaabḷajtiiñtok wūtūrro.Let's go pick abḷajtiiñ flowers for the two of us.abḷajtiiñ
 Ta in ej kaabore an wa in etal?What's impeding the progress of this boat?abor
 Ejaje abor an etal.It never gets impeded while in progress.abor
 Rej etal in kaabōḷtok kijed.They're on their way bring us some apples.abōḷ
 Baj abwinmakeiṃ ke kwoban etal ñan ṃweeṇ in boñ.You must really be afraid of ghosts since you can't walk to that house at night.abwinmake
MORE etal
etaleIaar etale iaar ak iaar jab loe.I did go over on the beach, but I didn't see it.etal
 Kwōmarōñ ke etale nañinmej e ?Can you diagnose my illness?etale
 Kwaar etale ke bok e iar je?Did you look at this book I wrote?etale
 Kwaar etale ke an jerbal?Did you go over his works?etale
 Ekwe ebwe in ak koṃro lukkuun etale ta ej aikuj kōpopo ioon wa in bwe kiin ej etal ñan jilu awa,” Kapen eo eba.Okay, that’s enough of that; you two need to figure out what else we need to prepare on the boat because it’s almost three o’clock,” the Captain said. P403etale
MORE etale
EtaḷeEtaḷe ledik eṇ.The girl has sex appeal.taḷe
etaliAk kiiō ke ebaj ditōb jenaaj aikuj kōrraan ñan jeḷati baib jet im lukkuun etali.”And since it’s still dark we are going to have to wait for daylight before I can take the whole thing apart and really look at it.” P631ditōb
 Ri-pepe ro ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ rej kwelọktok ñan Mājro aolep iiō im etali kien ko im bar kōṃṃan kien ekkar ñan aikuj ko im kōṇaan ko an armej ro i ṂajeḷThe Marshallese legislators assemble at Majuro each year and review the laws and also pass laws to meet the needs and proclamations of the Marshallese people. S15kweilọk
Etal-in-wotEtal-in-wot juon aer loḷọk Irooj eo.They keep on visiting the chief's house.etal in wōt juon
etalpeetḶōṃaro raar etalpeet ke peet.The men etalepeet during the low tide.etalpeet
EtalpeeteEtalpeete ṃōk lik ṇe im lale kwōlo ke ṃọle eo.How about taking a walk over the ocean side reef and see if you locate the school of ṃọleetalpeet
etaṃKwōn je etaṃ ñan bajinjea.Write your name as a passenger.bajinjea
 Ilo iien eo kwaar jako, iar bōk jikūṃ im kōnono ilo etaṃ.I spoke on your behalf while you were gone.jako
 Eṃōj ke jāāke etaṃ?Did they check your name?jāāk
 Je etaṃ.Write your name.je
 Je tok etaṃ.Write me your name.je
MORE etaṃ
etamiBaj aiboojojimi ke rej ba etami ñan kiin.You're all so marvelous they're still mentioning your names to this day.aiboojoj
EtāṃoṇEtāṃoṇ likao eo kōn joot eo.The young man was grazed by the bullet.tāṃoṇ
etanRejab kaakkauni bwe enana etan.She was refused credit because she had a bad reputation.akkaun
 Ear kōtrai im kōnājneje etan Anij ḶapḷapHe committed blasphemy by cursing the name of Almighty God.Anij Ḷapḷap
 Eṃṃan ke etan?Does he have a good reputation?āt
 Rōba eṃṃan ñe ej jeje etan ippān baaṃle eṇ bwe en kab ri-jolōt ie.They said that it would be good if he register with that family so he could be an inheritor there. ba
 Ri-ba pata etan armej eo ṇeHe is the one who always calls people's names for nothing.ba pata
MORE etan
etaoEar anen etao inneHe had an epileptic seizure yesterday.anen etao
 Ej et anen etao eo aṃ?Are you cured of your epilepsy?anen etao
 Ewōr an mijen anen etao.She has chronic epilepsy.anen etao
 Ri-anen etao men eṇ.He's known for his chronic seizures.anen etao
 Etao kar lukkuun ri-nana im maroñ ko an rōkanooj in kabwilōñlōñ.Etao was a real rascal and his powers were amazing. S13Etao
MORE etao
etaoinEkauwōtata anen etaoin ḷeeṇHe's dangerous when he gets an epileptic seizure.anen etao
etaotokIar lo an anen etaotok ijin tok.I saw him with his seizure coming in this directionanen etao
etaoukiEnaaj etaouki.He'll swindle him.Etao
EtarEtar jān joñan an ri-Amedka ro kōṃṃan aeñwāñwā.The Americans made noise beyond endurance.Amedka
 Ij ba wōt ijin ak etar tok juon ṇo im depet kōjaan wa eo.Right as I said it a wave smashed up against the side of the boat. P597depdep
 Etar jān joñan an inōknōk wōjkein kirijṃōj eṇ.The Christmas tree is over-decorated.inōknōk
 Ij ba wōt ijin ak etar tok juon ṇo im depet kōjaan wa eo.Right as I said it a wave smashed up against the side of the boat. P597kōja
etareKāāj rot eo etare ṇeThat's the kind of fish hook that hooks so neatly.tare
etarroMen eo ṃoktata, kōjro naaj wōnāne ḷọk im ba ke ren je etarro bwe kōjro en uwe ilo waan raun eo eṃōkajtata ñan aelōñ eo arro,” Jema ekar ba.The first thing we are going to do is tell them to put our name on the list so we can ride on the fastest field trip ship to our island,” Father said. P1333ṃōkaj
EtarukelelEtarukelel ije ibūruō."There is anxiety in my heart."tarukelel
etcKāājin kabwebwe, kāājin ḷatippān, kāājin kadejo, kāājin kaṃōṃō, kāājin kōbwābwe, kāājin ilarak, etc.Names of hooks for specific fish or types of fishing.kāāj
EteaakeEteaake wa eṇ.That boat picked up a lot of provisions.teaak
eteeñkiInnem juon armej eteeñki tok im rome kōṃro.Then a person came out with a flashlight and shone it on us. P176teeñki
EteepEteep juon ñiA tooth is extracted.teep
EteoḷEteoḷ ñiūMy tooth came out.teoḷ
etetalEajjukub an etetal.He walks with a limp.ajjukub
 Eajjukubkub ñe ej etetal.He tends to limp every time he walks.ajjukub
 Eajukubtata an etetal.He limps the most.ajjukub
 Ta eṇ ekaajjukubi an etetal?What makes him walk with a limp?ajjukub
 Ñe ij etetal ilo marok eitok wōt bwe in ajwewe.When I walk in the dark I have to whistle.ajwewe
MORE etetal
EtiemloEtiemlo wōt lieṇ.She is the talk of the town.tiemlo
etijeṃḷọkLikao eṇ etijeṃḷọk ilo lōkā.He's a surfing expert.tijeṃḷọk
 Likao eo etijeṃḷọk jejetōk piik eṇ.That's the young man who is an expert at gutting pigs.jejetōk
etiljekAjālin rūtto etiljek.Rounding up of animals by an older person is reliable.ajāl
 Etiljek rojrojūI wrap things well.rojroj
 Kwōn kaitūrrọọle bwe jen lōke ke etiljek ad kar etale.Make him go around it again so we can be sure our inspection is thorough.itūrrọọl
etiljekḷọkAlekọin ḷeeṇ nejiṃ etiljekḷọk jān kwe.Your son does a better job of watching the birds to locate their roost than you.alekọ
EtimọọnEtimọọn ḷọk jet aelōñ jān jet.Some countries are more productive than others.timọọn
etinaadIban lo ṃaan bwe etinaad.I can't see forward due to the glare.tinaad
etinakḶeo etinak ijoHe just stays there.tinak
EtipenEtipen kōḷaebar dān ṇeIt looks like it's brackish water.kōḷaebar
 Etipen naaj wōt.It looks like rain.tipen
EtipijekEtipijek.He stumbled.tipjek
EtkeEtke kwōj addikdiktok?Why are you squinting at us?addikdik
 Etke kwōadpāWhy do you strut?adpā
 Etke ekaaebōjbōje juub eṇ?Why is he putting so much water in the soup?aebōjbōj
 Etke rōkaaetoik ijin?What makes the current here flow westward?aeto
 Etke kwōj kaaetok aṃ illu?Why do you dwell on your anger?aetok
MORE etke
etṇakeḶadik eṇ ej etṇake jiṃṃaanThat boy is named after his grandfather.etṇake
EtoEto an Jema ḷōmṇak ak ke ḷōṃaro ruo rōkar akweḷap wōt, ekar ba ke enaaj kajjioñ.Father thought for a long time, but because the two men continued to insist, he said he would try. P21akweḷap
 Eto wōt im to an pako ko itūrrọọle im allọke wa eo.For a long time the sharks kept going around and around cautiously surveying the boat. P1009allọk
 Eto an bwij kaṇ an armeje doon.The members of the lineages have been feuding for quite some time.an armeje doon
 Eḷap batur bwe eto jañin ṃōñā ek.I'm hungry for fish because I haven't eaten any for a long time.batur
 Eñṇeṇe tok, ḷeo eto aṃ pukote.There he is coming, the man you have been looking for.eñṇeṇe
MORE eto
etọKomaroñ ke dọuk wūnto ṇe bwe etọ tokPlease lower (close) the window because it's raining in.dedọdo
 Kwōn kiil wūntō ṇe bwe etọ.Close the window because it is raining in.tọ
EtōbōbEtōbōb lọlọ eṇ kijen.He has a nice and fat chicken.tōbōb
etōbtōbRej ja ṃōṃōṇōṇō wōt kōn men ko kijeer ak etōbtōb tok juon ḷañe kakūtōtō im uwōjak.While they were enjoying their little bits of food, a big naughty skipjack came over and started causing a commotion. P386tōbtōb
 Jema eroñ ijin im jab bar aepādpād ak etōbtōb ḷọk ñan ippān Kapen eo.Father heard this and didn't hesitate but rushed straight to the Captain. P1087tōbtōb
EtōkeEtōke ejab ṃōj homework eo aṃ?, Kwaar et wōt boñ?Why didn't you do your homework? What did you do last night?et
 Etōke kwōj jab etal laḷ?Why didn't you walk?etal
 Etōke rejjab kaiakiuik ḷadik eṇ?Why didn't they let the boy play baseball?iakiu
 Etōke kar jalen aer kiij nuknuk eo?Why did they stitch the cloth only once?jalen
 Etōke kōjro jab jāniji doon, ij lewoj raij ak kwoletok bwiro.Why don't we make a trade, I will give you rice, and you will give me preserve breadfruit.jānij
MORE Etōke
EtōkeakEtōkeak taibuun eo in nitbwilli āneoThe typhoon came to devastate the island.tōkeak
etokwiiaEban bwil bwe etokwiia.It won't burn because it's incombustible.tokwiia
etokwiieJab kōbaatat iturun bwe etokwiie.Don't smoke close to it cause it's combustible.tokwiie
etokwōjTa eo etokwōj ke ear pād i Awai.What did he accomplish in Hawaii?tokwōj
etoḷọkEkwe ej kab baj ṃaantakin in ak ekōjkan ñe etoḷọk jidik aer pād?” Bojin eo eba.And this is only the beginning; what if they stay even longer?” the Boatswain said. P399to
EtōmakEtōmak lōḷḷap eṇ.She's a pious old lady.tōmak
 Etōmak jetōbHe's superstitious.tōmak ilo jetōb
EtōmarukEtōmaruk wa eṇ.The outrigger of that canoe is underwater.timaruk
etoñRaar etoñ bwe ren maroñ kōmat.They make fire by rubbing sticks, so they could cook food.etoñ
 Kwōn jolọketok ṃōk jidik ṃōttan aḷaḷ bwe kōjro etoñ.How about making a little piece of wood as jolọk so we can hustle up a fire using the etoñ method.jolọk
etōñaakinEaunwōḷāiki etōñaakin ṃweo iṃōn irooj eo ṃokta jān an taibuun.The porch of the chief's house was reinforced before the typhoon.añinwoḷā
 Ke kōṃro ej jikrōk ḷọk ilo etōñaakin ṃweo, Jema eṃōkaj im iọkiọkwe ḷọk irooj eo ej jijet ippān lejḷā eo.When we approached the veranda of the house, Father quickly greeted the chief who was sitting with his wife. P228lejḷā
EtoojEtooj juon wiiḷ.A wheel came off.tooj
EtọọkeEtọọke wa eṇ waan im ke ej likbade ālikin an kelọk ejọkurbaatat ḷọk jān ṃoktaHe pulled his boat ashore for maintenance and when he gave it a trial cruise after it was launched it caused more spray than before.jọkurbaatat
etoonJab daṃwij ḷọḷe ṇe bwe etoon.Don't lick that lollipop cause it's dirty.daṃdeṃ
EtọọrEtọọr aebōj eo.The water is flowing out of the cistern.tọọr
etōparḶadik eo etōpar iien eṃṃan ded.The boy is reaching maturity.ṃōṃan ded
etōplikKajiṃwe aṃ jijet bwe etōplik tōpar wa ṇeSit properly because the canoe is unbalanced.tōplik tōpar
etōprakKōṇaan eo aerjeel etōprak.Their wish (the wish of the three of them) came true.aerjeel
 Alikkar ke etōprak jerbal eo an bwe etke ealijerḷọk.He must have landed the job since he's walking with a happy gait.alijerḷọk
 Kwōnāj bajjek elwaj ñane innem ejjeḷọk men eṇ etōprak.You keep being distracted by her and you won't get anything done.el
 Ekwe etōprak,” Jema ejiroñ tok kōṃro Bojin eo.Okay, it’s finished,” Father called to the Boatswain and me. P326jiroñ
 Eṃōj ṇe aṃ lilikakōjkōj (illikakōjkōj) bwe eban or men etōprak.Quit your wistful yearning if you want to accomplish anything.likakōj
MORE etōprak
etorEḷak rọọltok jān kalbuuj etor.He really shrunk after being in prison.tor
EtọrōkEtọrōk rūkọọt eo.They nabbed the thief.tọrōk
EtōtEtōt ioon jikin.He settled on his homeland.tōt
EtōtaiṃoṇṃoṇEtōtaiṃoṇṃoṇ.It's got tōtaiṃon all over it.tōtaiṃoṇ
ettāEḷap an tōtā (ettā) jerbal eṇ an.He has a menial job.tōtā
 Eḷap an tōtā (ettā) baḷuun eo.The plane is very low.tōtā
ettāāñeñNi tōtāāñeñ (ettāāñeñ) men ṇeThat's a choice tree for coconut sap.tāāñ
EttāāpāpEttāāpāp ḷadik raṇ nājin lieṇ.Her children always help provide food.tāāp
EttabooḷanḷanEttabooḷanḷan turin ṃweeṇ ālikin an rūttariṇae ro jokwe ie.The area around the house was littered with pieces of tarps after the troops lived there.taaboḷan
EttaeoeoEttaeoeo ḷeeṇHe is covered with pimples.taeo
EttaidikdikEttaidikdik ri-WōjjāPeople from Wotje are always doing folk-dances.taidik
EttaikōkōEttaikōkō buḷōn mar in Abdika.There are tigers all over the African jungles.taikō
EttaikoñkoñEttaikoñkoñ.It smells of pickled radish.taikoñ
EttaiṃoṇṃoṇEttaiṃoṇṃoṇ peiūThere are lots of diamonds in my hand (in a card game).taiṃoṇ
EttaiṇaṃṇaṃEttaiṇaṃṇaṃ riḶoraThe people of Laura always use mosquito nets.taiṇaṃ
ettalEnana aṃ kar bateik wa e bwe ej ettal wōtYou didn't putty the cracks in the boat well as it still leaks.bate
 Itok jen bōrwaje ṃwe bwe ettal.Come let's cap this roof because it leaks.bōrwaj
 Ettal ainbat e.This pot leaks.tōtal
 Kwōn jab kōṇaan tōtal (ettal).Don't be a blabbermouth.tōtal
 Rej ajuiaake ṃweeṇ bwe ettal.They are repairing leaks in that roof.ajuiaak
EttāṃoṇṃoṇEttāṃoṇṃoṇ mejān ṇaib eo.The blade of the knife was chipped in several places.tāṃoṇ
EttanijnijEttanijnij ri-jikuuḷ in ae-jikuuḷ.The high school students are always having dances.tanij
EttaorakEttaorak mejaMy eyes feel sticky.tōtaorak
 Ej tōtaorak (ettaorak) wōt meja jān ke iar pilo.It has felt gritty under my eyelids since I got the eye disease.tōtaorak
etteiñEar tōteiñ (etteiñ) aebōj eṇ aṃro ilo wōt ko.Our cistern caught some of the rain squalls.aebōj
 Ikar arruñijñij wōt ke ij wanlōñ ḷọk in etteiñ ormej i lọjet.I was still sleepy when I went up to get water from the ocean to wash my face. P821aruñijñij
 Tōteiñ (Etteiñ) tok ṃōk liṃō dān ilo pijja ṇeWould you give me a drink of water from the pitcher?pijja
 Etteiñ utōṃ ilo aebōj eṇ.Draw some water for your bath at the cistern.utō-
 Ekkopkopḷọk ainikien etteiñ dān jān wōiḷ.The gurgling sound is greater in filling with water than with oil.kokopkop
ettemakilkilWōn e ear tōtemakilkil (ettemakilkil) kimej ṇa ije?Who plucked this frond and scattered leaves all over the place?tōtemakil
EttenaḷnaḷEttenaḷnaḷ aḷaḷ ṇeThat board is splintered in many spots.tenaḷ
EtteoḷeoḷEtteoḷeoḷ ñiūMy tooth is loose.teoḷ
EttiijEttiij ḷọk ek eo ke emat.The fish kept sizzling when it was cooked.tūtiijij
EttiininEttiinin pia e kōn an ṃorThis beer has a metallic taste because of its age.tiin
EttijeḷjeḷEttijeḷjeḷ jikin injin eo.The engine room had diesel oil all over.tijeḷ
ettileñeñÑe ej or waan Nepi, ettileñeñ jeḷaWhen there's a Navy ship in port, sailors are all over the place.tileñeñ
EttiliejejEttiliejej wa eṇ.The sail of that canoe is always reefed.tiliej
ettimarukrukEnana wa ṇe bwe ettimarukruk.That boat is no good for it's always going under.timaruk
EttiṃoṇṃoṇEttiṃoṇṃoṇ āninThis island is haunted.tiṃoṇ
ettinoAdikin allōñ jab in ettino.The first quarter of the moon for this month in not visible.adik
 Ettino ṃwilinHe's a wolf in sheep's clothing.tūtino
EttinonoEttinono an jerbal.He's very secretive about his work.tūtino
EttipdikdikEttipdikdik pilawā .These loaves of bread keep crumbling.tipdikdik
EttipjekjekEttipjekjek lieṇShe's always stumbling.tipjek
ettoEaillilōkḷọk jān etto.She's more possessive than way back when.aililōk
 Alin ṃurin ḷōḷḷap ro etto ewōr meḷeḷe ie.The songs for reminiscing sung by old Marshall Islander men of long ago were symbolic.alin ṃur
 Eitoklimoū alwōje pijain etto.I'm fond of watching historical pictures.alwōj
 Ri-baak ro raar itok ñan aelōñ kein etto.Men from frigate ships came to the islands long ago.baak
 Ejab etto jān iien eo ak ebaj waḷọk tok Jema.Not long after, Father showed up. P324baj
MORE etto
ettọḶōṃaraṇ rej tōtọ (ettọ) okThe men are mending nets.tōtọ
EttōbakbakEttōbakbak eoṃwin eṇ.There are lots of buds under that breadfruit tree.tōbak
ettōbalbōlKiil kōjām ṇe bwe ñe eruj enaaj tōtōbalbōl (ettōbalbōl).Close the door for when he gets up he'll be crawling all over the place.tōbalbal
ettōbokKoṃ naaj bar ettōbok ñāātWhen will you fish the ettōbok method again?ettōbok
EttokkwikwiḷọkEttokkwikwiḷọk oror e jān oror ieṇ.This pen's got more chicks in it than that one.tokkwi
EttoktokEttoktok kiaajGasoline is flammable.tok
ettōlinEjjeḷam ettōlin ke eḷak mej aolepān aelōñ eo im ilomeje.He was so charismatic that when he died the entire atoll mourned for him.ettōl
ettoḷọkKoṃro kar kile ke an añināne raan eo ak kiiō eñin eḷak detak ekalikkar ad ettoḷọk jān āneDidn’t the two of you notice from the way the wind was blowing that we were on the lee side of the island, but now as the wind blows, it’s clear we’re at a distance from the island? P922
 Koṃro kar kile ke an añināne raan eo ak kiiō eñin eḷak detak ekalikkar ad ettoḷọk jān āneDidn’t the two of you notice from the way the wind was blowing that we were on the lee side of the island, but now as the wind blows, it’s clear we’re at a distance from the island? P922añinene
 Jaab ān eo wōt ṇe i ṃaan ak ej ettoḷọk wōt ñan ad maroñ loe,” Jema eba.There’s no sign of land ahead and it’s going to be a while before we see any,” Father said. P872jaab
 Ruōt ṇe irōk, ak ettoḷọk ñan ad maroñ ḷannoiki,” Jema eba.Roi-Namur is to the south, but it will be a while before we sight land,” Father said. P925ḷanno
 Ettoḷọk Wūjlañ jān Mājro.Ujelang is far from Majuro.tōtoḷọk
MORE ettoḷọk
ettōḷọkIḷak baj rōre lik lọk Kapen eo ettōḷọk poub in kōnono ippān jet armej ijo ḷọkwan, turin jila eo.I looked to the back of the boat and saw the Captain back there busily talking to some people next to the tiller. P459ḷokwa-
 Ettōḷọk kōppaḷpaḷ an Bojin eo kar ṃwijiti ek eo.It was equally amazing to watch the Boatswain cut up the fish. P1315ṃwijṃwij
 Lale ṃōk ke eñeo ej kab wōnāne ḷọk, ettōḷọk pukpukōt eok.”Please look and see if that is him that just went back to the island; he has been looking for you for a long time.” P51pepok
ettoḷọkinJoñan ettoḷọkin kiiō emaroñ or ḷalem maiḷ.It could be about five miles away now. P1136tōtoḷọk
ettoḷtoḷEḷap an tōtoḷtoḷ (ettoḷtoḷ) āninThis island has lots of mountains.toḷ
ettọḷwūmḷwūmEṃōj ṇe aṃ tōtọḷūmḷwūm (ettọḷwūmḷwūm).Control your hands.tōtọḷwūm
EttōmakmakEttōmakmak ḷeeṇHe is gullible. He's pious.tōmak
ettōmtōmWōn in ej tōtōmtōm (ettōmtōm)?Who is that that keeps smacking his lips?tōmmeḷọk
ettoñEḷap kar tōtoñ (ettoñ).I really slept soundly.tōtoñ
ettoṇEkkōjaijij an tōtoṇ (ettoṇ).Her smile is captivating.kōjaij
ettōñAṃ ettōñ enaaj kaburoṃōje eok tokālik.Your laughing will bring sadness afterward.aṃ
 Ej eṃṃan wōt itokin,” Bojin eo eba innem ettōñ.Everything is fine,” the Boatswain said and then chuckled. P762itok
 Āinwōt kwōjeḷā kuṇaaṃ ḷe nejū!” ettōñ dikdik tok ilo an ba.Seems like you really know your duties, Son!” he said as he smiled. P294kuṇaa-
 Koṃwin jab tōtōñ (ettōñ) leea bwe rej kiki.Don't laugh so loudly because they are sleeping.leea
 Māllen eañ in ebuñut ḷakijoñjoñ in,” Jema eba im ettōñ dikdik ke erro kar pārorāiki laḷ ḷọkThis guy sure is brave,” Father said, chuckling as the two of them carried him down with both hands. P1048māl
MORE ettōñ
EttonaajajEttonaajaj ḷaṃ jako ṃwiinThere are lots of doughnuts in this house.tonaaj
ettōñaakinEjjeḷọk ettōñaakin ṃwiinThis house has no veranda.tōñaak
ettōṇakEṃōj ṇe aṃ tōtōṇak (ettōṇak).Stop your day-dreaming.tōtōṇak
ettōṇakeImājur im ettōṇake tok kojuwa im tuniñniñ i arin Likiep, ḷāṃorenI slept and dreamt about playing king of the mountain and other diving games on Likiep, my home island. P564tōtōṇak
EttoṇakṇakEttoṇakṇak likao eṇ.That young man is always parting his hair.toṇak
ettōṇakṇakEḷap tōtṇakṇak (ettōṇakṇak) ṇai ṃwiinI always dream (when I sleep) in this house.tōtōṇak
ettōñalñalEnnọ an tōtñalñal (ettōñalñal).It's pervasive sweetness is delicious.tōñal
ettōñdikdikEkwe ej bwe wōt,” ettōñdikdik ke ej ba men in.Yeah it’s still okay,” he smiled as he said this. P210tōtōñ dikdik
ettōñtōñEṃōj erōm jinibọọr ettōñtōñ.I am become as sounding brass (Bible).jinibọọr
 Ettōñtōñ ajri eṇ.That child is always laughing.tōtōñ
EttoojojEttoojoj jebwe in wa eṇ.The boat's rudder is always falling off.tooj
ettoonKwōn jab kaallijāljāle tọọḷ ṇe bwe ettoon.Don't hang that towel up because it's dirty.allijāljāl
 Wāween aer kōṃṃani, rej kibwiji ñan ñe epo dān innām jimeeṇe tōrerein ak apare tōrerein kōn kaajliiñ ak dekā bwe en jab rōṃ tōrerein im kōṃṃan an ettoon.The way they make them, they dig down until it is near water, then cement the sides but put a rim around it with an oil drum or stones so that the sides don’t crumble and make it dirty. S22apar
 Kwōn bōroik ijeṇe ettoon ilo injin ṇeWipe that dirty spot off the engine with a rag.bōro
 Kwōn būraje raan tebōḷ ṇe bwe ettoon.Brush off the top of that table because it's dirty.būraj
 Ij ja itōn kwaḷ neō ṃokta bwe ettoon, ” ḷōḷḷap eo euwaak.For now I will just wash my legs, because they are dirty,” the old man answered. P66itōn
MORE ettoon
ettọọneE kain ṃōṃaan rot eṇ eabwin pād ettọọne baaṃle eo an.He was the kind of man that does not like to be far from his family. P36tọọn
EttoononEttoonon nōbjān ṃwiinThere's litter all around this house.tōtoon
ettoorKwōj tōtoor (ettoor) jikōtIn which direction are you pole fishing?tōtoor
ettootIḷak etal in eọñōd ettoot ke ear akḷañe ek eo.When I reached the spot to fish, he had already started fishing hours before.akḷañ
EttōprakrakEttōprakrak an jerbal.He always completes his tasks.tōprak
EttōptōpEttōptōp ṃōn booj eo.The boat house had wood-shavings strewn all over the place.tōp
EttōrEttōr im akkaunitok jet kijed petkōj ilo akkaun eṇ .Run along and get us some biscuits, and charge them to my account.akkaun
 Ettōr ṃōk alloketok ñan kōjro.Why don't you go survey the situation and report back to me?allọk
 Ettōr tok juon ḷooj im uwōjaki awal im kwarkwar ko itōrerein wa eo.A false albacore swam toward us and caused minnows and sardines to leap out of the water around the boat. P114aol
 Ej ettōr im or jerata jet iien eḷaññe jelo ke jebōd ak jeṃakoko in pokake im kajiṃwe kōj make.”Misfortune strikes sometimes when we see that we have made a mistake but don’t want to correct what we have done.” P1211bōd
 Tōtōr (Ettōr) ñan bōōj.Run to first base.bōōj
MORE ettōr
ettōrjikōtEj ettōrjikōt?Which way is he running?jikōt
ettōrḷọkRi-nana eo ej ja ettōrḷọk wōt ioon ọọj eo ak kaubowe eo ealluke.The bad guy was running by on the horse when the good guy lassoed him.alluke
 Raar ettōrḷọk kōn ri-aḷok eo ñan aujpitōḷ.They rushed the person who didn't keep the traditional medicinal taboos to the hospital for emergency treatment.aḷok
 Animroon wōt eo ij lo an ettōrḷọk.I just caught a glimpse of him running away.animroka-
EttọrōkrōkEttọrōkrōk kōn an bwebwe.He's so stupid he's always walking into traps.tọrōk
ettōrtokEar ettōrtok jetakin ṃweotokHe ran over here to the east side of the house.jetak
ettotoEṃōj ṇe aṃ tōtoto (ettoto).Why don't you stop getting off (and getting back on)?to
ettotoweKwōn tōtotowe (ettotowe) ajri ṇe bwe en mājur.Keep on caressing the baby so that it goes to sleep.towe
EttōūEttōū eo eṇ rej kad ṇa iaar.They are throwing nets at the school of mackeral on the lagoon side.kadkad
EttūbbọkbọkEttūbbọkbọk ajri eṇ.That child is always stumbling.tūbbọk
ettūṃtūṃḶeo ettūṃtūṃ eṇThat fellow always misses the boat.tūṃ
EttūrabōḷbōḷEttūrabōḷbōḷ jar eṇ.That couple is always fighting.tūrabōḷ
EtturọñrọñEtturọñrọñ likao in āninThe fellows on this island do a lot of spear fishing.turọñ
EtturuṃruṃEtturuṃruṃ Aḷi im men.Ali and his wife are always playing trump.turuṃ
EtūkanneEtūkanne ḷọk tūrakin Pālle jān tūrakin Jeina.U.S.-made trucks can carry more cargo than the Chinese-made ones.tūkanne
 Etūkanne aebōj jimāāṇ eṇ an.His cistern holds a lot of water.tūkanne
EtuḷaarEtuḷaar raij eo.The rice is scorched.tuḷaar
etulọkEjiṃwe aerro kar katu bwe ekar ṃakroro ḷọk im etulọk aḷTheir forecast was correct and the wind was favorable until the sun went down. P970ṃakroro
 Etulọk aḷThe sun has set.tulọk
EtūṃEtūṃ aden ṇailaḷHis fingers fell on the ground.aden
 Etūṃ akūkin neō.My toenails have come off.akūk
 Etūṃ batin in jōōt e .The button is off my shirt.batin
 Eokwe, ijaje bwe etūṃ jān baḷuun eo.Well, I don't know but he missed the plane.ekwe
 Etūṃ korak eo kōtaerro.The bond that tied them together is severed.korak
MORE etūṃ
EtuonEtuon wōt tok.It looks like rain.tuon
EtūraṃeEtūraṃe mejānHe gave him short, quick punches to the face.tūraṃ
eturruḷọkEj kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, repojak in naaj kar wūnaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010pojak
 Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, rōpojak in naj kar unaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010tiṃoṇ
 Eturruḷọk wa eo.The boat sank.turruḷọk
 Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, repojak in naaj kar wūnaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010wūnaak
EtutuEtutu ḷam jako.He's wet to the bones.ḷam jako
 Etutu ḷam jako kōn menokadu.He was soaked with sweat. P321ḷam jako
 Jōōt e etutu ekapiọuk .This wet shirt of mine makes me chilly.piọ
 Etutu nuknuk .My clothes are wet.tutu
 Utūkaḷe bwe etutu.Take off his diapers because they are wet.utūkaḷ
etuweJourur etuwe (etwe) ni eo.Lighting damaged the coconut tree.tuwe
etweJourur etuwe (etwe) ni eo.Lighting damaged the coconut tree.tuwe
EubEub uror ṇeThat bunch of coconuts isn't ripe yet.ub
 Kwōn jab deñōt ajri ṇe bwe eub ānbwinninDon't spank that child because its body is tender.ub
EubatakeEubatake āninThis island has lots of earth piles.ubatak
eubweikṆo eubweik wa eo ṇa ibaal.The waves smashed the canoe against the reef.ubwe
eukōtEkwe ein ḷōmān ioon lọjet wōt ñe ekar ṃōj uno mouji,” Bojin eo eukōt ḷọkIt looks like someone spilled white paint all over the ocean,” the Boatswain answered. P751mouj
 Eṃōj jenāj ita ke jeṃōkin añōtñōt bwe en oktak kooj in ad im jen bōk ṇa i reaar bwe ān eo epād ie, ak āinwōt ñe jej kōnono ñan mejatoto,” Jema eukōt ḷọkWell, I don’t know how many times we have said we should change our course and go east, because the island is over that way, but it’s as if we are talking into thin air,” Father replied. P1019ṃōk
 Bwe eṃṃan rot ke kōto in ej ḷapḷọk ak wa in eitan okjak ippān ṇo kein,” Bojin eo eukōt ḷọkHow can it be fine if the wind is getting stronger and the boat is going to capsize from the waves,” the Bosun shot back. P702okjak
 Iọkwe,” eukōt tokHello,” the Old Man replied. P428ukok
 Bwe eṃṃan rot ke kōto in ej ḷapḷọk ak wa in eitan okjak ippān ṇo kein,” Bojin eo eukōt ḷọkHow can it be fine if the wind is getting stronger and the boat is going to capsize from the waves,” the Bosun shot back. P702ukok
MORE eukōt
eukwōjiKōto kijoñjoñ eo eukwōji pinana ko kōtka.The strong wind blew down the bananas I planted.kijoñ
EuñEuñ bōnbōn eo raar aikuji.The amount they needed has been made up.
euñkipdenĀinwōt euñkipden an oḷọk eake im kōṃadṃōde lōñ tak ek eo.It was a well coordinated action the way he was tipping over and working very hard to bring in the fish. P1310uñkipden
eunoKilin bọọk eo euno mouj bwe en jab aelọk ilo boñ.Maybe the box was painted white so it would be easier to see in the dark. P512wūno
EuriEuri ānbwinnin ḷōḷḷap eo.The old man's body was swollen all over.ur
EuroreEurore ni eṇ.That coconut tree has lots of bunches.uror
EurrūḷọkEurrūḷọk ṃweoThe house burst into flame.urrūḷọk
eururIkar kate bajjek innem eurur ak ejepāpe jikin kōmat eo kōn an wa eo lewūjlā.I kept trying to light it but the sail was up which made the cooking area list over to one side. P884urur
eutaṃweBojin eṇ ej ajjimakeke ilo jebwe eṇ kiiō innem ij etal kōṃro ḷōmṇake ia in jej etal ie ḷọk kiiō ke eutaṃwe Kapen e.The Boatswain is all alone at the wheel now and I am going up so we can think about which way we’re going now that the Captain is incapacitated. P1067utaṃwe
 Bojin eṇ ej ajjimakeke ilo jebwe eṇ kiiō innem ij etal kōṃro ḷōmṇake ia in jej etal ie ḷọk kiiō ke eutaṃwe Kapen e.The Boatswain is all alone at the wheel now and I am going up so we can think about which way we’re going now that the Captain is incapacitated. P1067ajjimakeke
EuteEute waini kaṇe.It's raining on the copra.wōt
eutiejAnij eutiej bōtataGod is most high.bōtata
 Eutiej būruō kōn ḷadik e nejū.I'm proud of my son.utiej būruo-
EutōttōteEutōttōte tok ije.The water is gushing in this direction.utōttōt
euttaiḷōṃKwōn jab po ippān bwe euttaiḷōṃ bajjekDon’t be taken in by him because he’s constantly so vain.bwe
 Kwōn jab po ippān bwe euttaiḷōṃ bajjekDon't be taken in by him because he's constantly so vain.utḷōṃ
euukLale kōto in euuk eokBe careful the wind doesn't blow you away.uuk
EuwaEuwa ni eṇ.The tree has lots of fruit.uwa
euwaakAaet,” euwaak.Yes,” he answered. P331aaet
 Eṃṃanḷọk jān an āindeṇe im āinwōt ej jānwōde wa in,” Bojin eo euwaak.Better than letting him go on like this as if he's sailing this boat single-handedly,” the Boatswain replied. P1047āinde-
 Iba waan tiṃoṇ men eo?” ikajjitōk ak ejej eṇ euwaak.Is it a ghost ship?” I asked, but no one answered. P1158ba
 Iiūñ, ikar būki tok inne,” Kapen eo euwaak.Yes, I brought them over yesterday,” the Captain answered. P286bōk
 Ebwe,” Jema euwaak.Some,” Father answered. P244bwe
MORE euwaak
euwaakeKwōban loe bwe edikkilọk aelōñ eo,” Kapen eo euwaake.You can’t see them because the island is too small and far away now,” the Captain replied. P562dik
 Emoot ḷọk in bōk tok nuknuk ko an,” Jema euwaake.He went to get his clothes,” Father replied. P417moot
 Eṃṃan,” Jema euwaake.That sounds good,” Father replied in agreement. P1121uwaak
 Peinael!” Jema euwaake. Paint oil!” Father replied. P627peinael
EuwaanrakeEuwaanrake ṇeThat breadfruit tree is full of fruit.uwaanrak
EuwajakEuwajak tōū eṇ i ar.The mackerel are jumping out of the water along the lagoon beach.uwōjak
euwaṇBaj aḷapiṃ ke euwaṇ bōraṃYou must be very old, seeing the grey hairs up there.aḷap
EuwāweenEuwāween aṃ deor jān bade eo?How did you manage to slip out from the party?deor
EuweEuwe kōḷowanShe's starting labor.kōḷo
 Innem ṃōjin an kwaḷ neen euwe tok ioon wa eo.Then when he finished washing his legs he came on board the boat. P68kwaḷ
 Euwe ṇo boñol eo iṃaan wa eo im kwōppeḷọkḷọk iḷokwan.The monstrous wave mounted at the bow of the ship and gushed out at its stern.kwōppeḷọk
 Euwe pilawā e.The dough's rising.uwe
euweaeaJuon eo baj pako tiltil iaer ejaad alikkar an lāj jān aolep bwe ñe ej ikueaak ikōtaan pako ko jet, aolep im euweaea ḷọkIt was obvious that one of the spotted sharks was fiercer than the rest because whenever it swam back and forth between the other sharks, they would all swim away. P1003uwea
euwetokEjiktok (euwetok) kōḷowan kōn al ko.He was stimulated by the songs.kōḷo
EuwiEuwi wōt akwōlāān Likiep jān aolep aelōñ.The akwōlā fish of Likiep are the best of them all.akwōlā
EuwōtataEuwōtata ḷeeṇThat man scares easily.uwōta
EuwwiEuwwi wōt aelin Arṇo.Unicorn fish from Arno are the most delicious.ael
EveAnij ear kōjeraṃṃan Adam im Eve im ba, "Koṃro en timọọn im wōrḷọk, bwe ro ineemi ren ajedeed ioon laḷ.God blessed Adam and Eve and said, "Be fruitful and multiply, so that your offspring will spread be all over the world." (Genesis 1:28)timọọn
EwaakeEwaake ḷọk rōjelujen eo ñan rukweilọk ro āinwōt aer kar kajjitōk.He read the resolution to the congressmen as they had asked him to.waak
EwaeEwae in likin Mājro jej kadeke.The ewae from the ocean side of Majuro is poisonous.kadek
ewājepādikRukwaḷọk naan eo ewājepādik ṇeThat's the eloquent orator.kwaḷọk naan
EwājepdikEwājepdik pein ilo jekjek wa.He is an expert in building boats.wājepdik
EwālelEwālel ke alejiṃ?Do you aim well to hit the bull's-eye?alej
ewaḷọkWaan tulọk eṇ ewaḷọk i aejet.The submarine is surfacing.aejet
 Ewaḷọk aerwōj ṃōṇōṇōTheir joy was revealed.aerwōj
 Ej buñlik wōt wa eo im pād i lik ak ewaḷọk tok Jema jān iṃōn injin eo.When the boat made it through the pass and into the open ocean Father came up from the engine room. P525buñlik
 Ij jañin kajjioñ ak bōlen eban pen bwe āinwōt iḷak baj lale men eo jej wōjak de eṇ kōdapili taij kaṇ im ewaḷọk bōnbōn eo ad.I haven’t tried but it probably wouldn’t be hard, because it seems like I just saw how they do it; you just roll the dice and the number of points show. P167dāpilpil
 Jemaroñ kōmatte im ewaḷọk jekajeje (eṃṃan ñan limen niñniñ).We can boil it to become jekajeje (a good beverage for babies). S19jekajeje
MORE ewaḷọk
ewaḷọk kōnEkōjkan aer naaj ṇawāween jorrāān eo ewaḷọk kōn aer akōjdate doon?How are they going to deal with the damage caused by their hating each other?kōjdat
ewanEj kab ewan an pād iṃwiin.He just started to live here.ewan
 Jej kukure (ikkure) im ṃōṇōṇō bwe ej kab ewan raininToday is the time for those who like to participate in special events (U.N. Day, for example).ewan
EwañEwañ kidu eṇ.The dog is barking.wañ
ewanlōñḶak baj juon jibbōñ, Jema ewanlōñ tak ñan ioon teek im kōnono ḷọk ñan Bojin eo.And then one morning, Father came up on deck and started talking to the Boatswain. P1188jibboñ
 Jema ekōṃanṃan kōjeien ṇa ijo ak Bojin eo ewanlōñ ḷọk ippān jebwe eo.Father fixed things up there while the Boatswain went back up to tend to the wheel. P1059kōṃanṃan
 Ej meḷan ḷọk jidik ak ewanlōñ tak Bojin eo im erro Kapen eo uwe tok ioon wab eo.After a little bit the Boatswain came up, and he and the Captain came up onto the pier. P364meḷan
 Ālikin an kar to laḷ ḷọk im bar buuḷiḷọk injin eo, Jema ewanlōñ tak im jijet ioon ṃōn injin eo.After going down and revving the engine, Father came up and took a seat on the roof of the engine room. P491buuḷ
EwānōkEwānōk ke kiiō?Is it perfect now? now look what you've done (said negatively and critically).wānōk
ewātiTiṃoṇ eo ekakkeilọk lio im einwōt ñe ewāti wūdeakeakThe demon made her shriek as if she was going berserk.kōkeilọk
ewātinEalikkar an kar jañin kajoor kōnke eḷak jutak ewātin ālokjakHe clearly wasn’t strong enough yet because as soon as he stood up he almost buckled over. P1223ālokjak
 Eḷap an baj injin eo kajoor ñan dettan wa eo innem ewātin peḷḷọk jān ioon dān ñe ej tōtōr eake, eḷaptata ñe ej jej kobban.The engine was very strong for the size of the boat, so it nearly skipped from the water’s surface when it was motoring with it, especially when there was no cargo. P10ḷap
 Ñe ikar ruṃwij jidik inaaj kar lukkuun ñarij lowa, kōnke ej ṃōj wōt lutōk ḷọk ak ebar tar tok juon ṇo im kōjbouki wa eo im ewātinIf I had waited any longer I would have fallen down hard; just as I emptied the bucket a wave smacked the boat so hard that it almost capsized. P650kōjbouk
 Ṇo ko rōbar kōjbouki wa eo im ewātin okjak kabwijere.The waves pushed the boat again and it almost capsized. P686kōjbouk
EwawaEwawa wa ṇe eoon wōd ṇeYour canoe is crosswise on the coral there.wawa
eweejejEḷak rọọltok jān Amedka, eweejej an kōnnaan.When he returned from America he talked with a lisp.weejej
EweeppānEweeppān ke pepe eo ippān?Has he approved the plan?weeppān
ewelọkJema ewelọk ilo jila eo ak Bojin eḷọrronpā lōñ ḷọk idāpin kaju eo lōñ ḷọkFather took over the tiller, and the Boatswain, using a climbing method in which only the feet and hands touch the tree, climbed up the base of the mast. P1191ḷọrronpā
EwerōkKōjro naaj lo doon ilo Ewerōk.We will see each other in Ewerōk.Ewerōk
EwiEwi wāween aṃ naaj kaakḷañe?How are you going to make him preemptive?akḷañ
 Ewi ri-alekọ eo?Where's the bird roost watcher/locator?alekọ
 Ewi toon aṃ amān dān eṇ ilo aebōj jimāāṇ ṇe aṃ?How long does the water in your cistern last you? or How long do you get to use the water in your cistern?amān
 Ewi dānnin aṃōn eo?Where is the water to wash our hands with?aṃōn
 Ewi wāween aṃ anan ke ej jab ṃōñā!You're not doing a good job of chumming because I'm not getting any bites.anan
MORE ewi
ewieLale ṇok ṇe ewie mejāmBe careful that coconut midrib doesn't pierce your eye.wie
ewiinRi-bait eo jān America ewiin.The boxer from America won the fight.bait
 Erro depet-doon lọkuṃ boñ ak ejjeḷọk eṇ ewiin.They contested until dark but no one won.depet-doon
 Wōn eo ewiin ilo dide eo.Who won the relay?dide
 Kumi it eo ewiin ilo iakiu eo?Which team won at baseball?wiin
 Ewiin peejnej eo an.His business brought him profits.wiin
ewiiniKe ej roñ ke ewiini teej eo ear jab juur laḷ.When he heard that he passed the exam, he was very happy.jab juur laḷ
ewiwijetIñak eita, ewiwijet ke ak ta.I didn’t know what was wrong—whether he was panicking or what. P573wiwijet
EwōdwōdEwōdwōd iarin āninThere is lots of coral at the lagoon side of this islet.wōd
ewōdwōdeEmaroke tiṃa eo ṇailik innem emijak kapen eo in ṃwear kōnke ewōdwōde lowaan to eo.The ship was benighted at the ocean-side of the atoll and the captain was afraid to enter the lagoon for fear of running aground on any of the coral heads littering the channel.marok
EwōiḷEwōiḷ ḷọk ijin jān ijjieṇ.There's more oil here that over there.wōil
 Ewōiḷ ke injin eṇ?Has oil been put in the engine? wōil
EwōjEwōj tok wa eṇ ioon lọjet.The canoe looks beautiful on the ocean.wōj
Ewōjaan-kōmatōrtōrEwōjaan-kōmatōrtōr ḷeeṇHe is not likeable.wōjaan-kōmatōrtōr
EwōlaEwōla injin in wa eo waō.My car's engine has broken down.wōla
ewōnāneWa eo ewōnāne ḷọk i lowaan todik eo i turōkin ān eo im ḷak ṃwelọk i ar, Jema im ḷōṃaro rōpone wūjḷā eo im joḷọk añkō eo.The boat went toward the island through the small channel to the south and when it entered the lagoon, Father and the other two men the sail and threw out the anchor. P1250wāānāne
EworEwor ruo eoonḷā ilo wāto eṇ .There are two households on my tract of land.eoonḷā
ewōrKwōjeḷā ke ewōr ḷaddik ijōkaṇe bwe ebar jino abbōjeje.You'll know there are boys around because she starts flirting.abje
 Ewōr ke abọọn wiiḷ ṇe iṃaan?Does the front wheel have a fender?abọ
 Ewōr ke ri-adibwijtok ñan kōj.Is there anyone who will prod it closer to us?adebdeb
 Ij tōmak bwe ewōr aelōñin-lañI believe in heaven.aelōñin-lañ
 Ewōr ke ri-aen?Is there a person to iron?aen
MORE ewōr
ewōtRej kiil aj kaṇ an wa eṇ bwe ewōt.They are closing the hatches on that ship because it's raining.aj
 Io ewōt.It is raining now (period of expecting rain implied).io
 Eḷap an jappiọeo, bwe jekdoon ñe ewōt ak ejjab piọ.He doesn't chill easily, even when it rains.jāppiọeo
 Jen kōjato bwe ewōt.Let's take shelter because it's raining.kōjato
 Ewōt ḷam jako.It's raining cats and dogs.ḷam jako
MORE ewōt
ewōtlọkRi-akajok eo ewōtlọk jān raan kañal eo.The person who was watching birds to locate their roosts fell off the Pisonia grandis tree.akajok
 Ewōtlọk jān tūrak eo im kajkaj ṇai laḷ.He fell off the truck and was shaken by hitting the ground.kajkaj
 Kwōn kōḷaak kājōjō ṇe ewōtlọk.Install that louver which fell off.kājōjō
 Rej ba ke ñe ewōtlọk juon menọknọk ijin, emaat wōt ṇa i mejatoto ippān pako.They say that if some trash is tossed overboard here, it will be snapped up by the sharks before it hits the water. P1322mejatoto
 Ewōtlọk im peddejọkwe ioon laḷ.It fell and got smashed on the ground.peddejọkwe
MORE ewōtlọk
EwōttōlọklọkEwōttōlọklọk ajri eṇ.That child is always falling.wōtlọk
EwōtuotEwōtuot aelōñ in.This atoll has lots of rain.wōt
ewūdeakeakJọñan an kālọk iḷọkan ledik eo ewūdeakeak.He pined after the girl so much that he went delirious.kālọk iḷọkwan
 Rourōt lieṇ im ewūdeakeak.They possess her and she is crazy.urōt
 Aolep im ko jāne bwe ewūdeakeak.Everyone ran away from him because he went berserk.wūdeakeak
ewūdikkeIḷak ṃwijit kōnwaan bao eo, ewūdikke.When I cut the chicken's head off, it writhed in pain.wūdikke
EwūdkabbeEwūdkabbe ni eo kōtkan.The coconut tree he planted did not grow properly.wūdkabbe
 Iiọkwe ajri ṇe ke ewūdkabbe.I feel sorry for that child who's going to grow up to be a moron.wūdkabbe
EwūdmoujEwūdmouj bwe nājin riJepaan.He's light-skinned because his father is Japanese.wūdmouj
EwūjabōjEwūjabōj WūlkaUliga is narrow.wūjabōj
EwūjaḷoñEwūjaḷoñ āninThis islet is wide.wūjaḷoñ
ewūnojdikdikIlju ej jota,” ewūnojdikdik tokTomorrow evening,” he whispered. P1324wūnojidikdik
EwūpeḷEwūpeḷ.He's a weakling.wūpeḷ
ewweaeaJuon eo baj pako tiltil iaer ejaad alikkar an lāj jān aolep bwe ñe ej ikueaak ikōtaan pako ko jet, aolep im ewweaea ḷọkIt was obvious that one of the spotted sharks was fiercer than the rest because whenever it swam back and forth between the other sharks, they would all swim away. P1003ikueaak

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