Updated: 4/2/2016
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 A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W   


RA    RE    RI    RM    RO    RR    RU    RW    

raEpen an rōḷọk to eṇ bwe ejāliñiñ ilo ra eṇ.That rope won't slip because it's wrapped around the branch.jāliñiñ
 Jabōn eo ear jāliñiñ ilo ra eo.The serpent coiled around the branch.jāliñiñ
 Jab kepaak jabōn ra ṇe bwe enaaj kwōjjeḷọk.Don't go near the end of the branch or it will give way.kwōj
Ri-kaael roremoottok.The men who went fishing for unicornfish are backael
 Ṃōṃkaj jān kar etal jān ijo, ikar bar alluwaḷọke ḷọk iuṃwinko bwe in lale ej et dān eo i lowa.Before I went up I looked under the boards inside to see how the bilge water was. P1115alluwaḷọk
 Kwōn itōktok aṃōnān ri-pālle rā.Draw water for these Americans to wash their hands with.aṃwin
 Kōpooj rimej ṇe bwe ri-āmej rotok.Get the deceased ready because the mourners are coming.āmej
 Bwijin in armej ro wōjtok.Here come several groups of people.bwijin
raabeRaar raabe āne tak ṃootka eo.The automobile was brought ashore on a raft.raab
raabōḷeLale raabōḷe bōraṃBe careful they don't pour apples on your head.abōḷ
raabwinEḷmāer ke rōkōṇaan eọñwōd ippād ak raabwin jipañ kōj kōmọọr.What should we do with them, as they want to go fishing with us but don't want to help us look for bait.eḷmān
RaaeṇakḷọkRaaeṇakḷọk jān kōj.They wetter than we are.aeṇak
raaikujArmej ro raaikuj tata repād ijin.The most needy people are here.aikuj
RaainiRaaini armej ro ṇa iturin ṃōn ko eo.The people were assembled near the shelter.ain
raaitiBwilijmāāṇ ro raaiti ri-kọọt eo ṃokta jān an ko.The police nabbed the robber was before he got away.ait
rāākJab iri māj ṇe mejaṃ kōn rāāk bwe kwōnaaj kọkurereiki.Don't wipe your glasses with rags or you'll scratch them.kurere
raakutakeKwōn raakutake ḷọk iawewe kaṇe jān lowaan upaaj ṇePlease rake out the coral lime from the fireplace.iawewe
raalwōjEjab maattok rukkure ro bwe raalwōj ro rouwe em kaddoujuj.Not all the players came because the spectators got on and took up all the room.kaddoujuj
raanKwaar kaabjājeiki ke kōn iep kileplep eo raan eo ḷọkWas it you that got her to tuck the big basket under her arm?abjāje
 En baj abōntọun wōt wōṇāān ṃweiuk raan keinWhy do the prices of goods fluctuate so much nowadays?abōṇtọun
 Aduwadoier, kōrāān Ṃajeḷ in raan keinTheir way of carrying things in a basket, today's Marshallese women, that is.aduwado
 Aekōrāin likao in raan kein ej jab einwōt likao in raan ko jeṃaanḷọk.The way young men today fasten the canoe sails to the booms is not the same as the style of fastening done by young men of yesterday.aekōrā
 Aekōrāin likao in raan kein ej jab einwōt likao in raan ko jeṃaanḷọk.The way young men today fasten the canoe sails to the booms is not the same as the style of fastening done by young men of yesterday.aekōrā
MORE raan
raaneEboñ kiin innem kōjmān naaj ja peḷọk im iptu ñan ilju jibboñ bwe en raane mejād ñan ad jerake wūjḷā ṇeNow it’s nighttime and we are just going to have to drift and heave to until tomorrow morning when there is enough light for us to see and use the sail. P797raan
raaniṃJete raaniṃ ṇai Kuwajleen?How many days have you been on Kwajalein?raan
raaninJuon jimettan ḷọk ñan ruo raanin jerak ḷọk.”Maybe another one and a half to two days of sailing.” P1208raan
 Raanin ḷotak eo aṃ in.This is your birthday.raanin ḷotak
raankeḶōḷḷap eṇ ej eọre juon raanke.The old man is carving a coconut grater.eọr
 Kọkkwidiki aṃ raanke.Grate that coconut fine.kukwidik
 Ewi raanke eo bwe in raanke?Where is the grater so that I can grate?raanke
 Ewi raanke eo bwe in raanke?Where is the grater so that I can grate?raanke
raankeikṂoktata, ālkin aer raankeik waini eṇ im bōk eaḷ eṇ jāne, rej kōjeeke im ej erom pinniep.First of all, after they have grated the copra and taken the coconut milk from it, they heat it under the sun and it becomes coconut oil. S18eaḷ
 Kwōn raankeik ḷọk waini ṇeHurry up and grate that copra.raanke
raanñanraanEjako raanñanraan eo ilo pata eo ḷọkI lost my diary during the last war.raan ñan raan
RaarRaar abaiki arin āneoThey made a harbor on the lagoon side of the island.aba
 Rūttariṇae in Amedka ro raar abaiktok arin aelōñ in ñan kien ṇe ad.The American soldiers created a harbor on the lagoon side of this island for our government.aba
 Ebooḷ ṇakṇōkin ri-abba raar itok ilo iien Jepaan ko.There were lots of experts in dynamiting during Japanese times.abba
 Raar kaabḷajtiiñi tōrerein ṃweoThey planted abḷajtiiñ around the house.abḷajtiiñ
 Ri-kaaejek ro raar wōnānetakThe fishermen using the surrounding net came in from the water.aejek
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rabōlbōlEḷap an rabōlbōl juuj kaṇe aṃ.Your shoes are very shiny.rabōlbōl
RadikEkelejia ko an Jarin Radik Doon ilo ṂajōḷThe congretations of the United Church of Christ in the Marshall Islands.eklejia
 Aolep eklejia ko an Jarin Radik Doon ilo Ṃajōḷ rej kwelọk aolep ḷọkin juon iiō ilo Mājro.All congregations of the United Church of Christ meet in Mājro every two years.eklejia
radikdikTūṃtok juon utū ilo radikdik koPick me a flower from the small branches.radikdik
 Katoke radikdik kaṇe bwe jen jenjen kijek.Ignite those twigs so we can build a fire.tok
raelepKajjioñ kadede ḷọk aṃ booje injin ṇe im likbade ilju ṃōṃkaj jān raelep.”Try to hurry and get the engine ready and test drive it before tomorrow afternoon.” P110booj
 Ke ej dedeḷọk ṃōñāin raelep, ikarreoiki kein ṃōñā ko im waateeke ioon wa eo jān ṃōraṃrōṃin raij kab būbrarrarin kọọnpiip.When we were done eating lunch, I washed the dishes and scrubbed the bits of rice and corned beef from the deck. P384būrar
 Ebwe ke juon taḷa ñan aṃ ṃōñein raelep?Is one dollar enough for your lunch?bwe
 Aolep iien ad jekaro, ilo jibboñ im jota im jet iien ilo raelep, jej jep utak eo jidik illọk jidik, im barāinwōt kietake bwe en jab idaak bwijen.Every time we tend to the task of drawing coconut sap, in the morning and evening, and sometimes at noon, we cut the coconut shoot a bit each time, and we also bend the shoot down to prevent the sap from drowning its navel. S19bwije-
 Rar jekōbwa ṃōñā in raelep.They made jekōbwa for lunch.jekōbwa
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raelepeElukkuun raelepe an armej ro jedeḷọk ñan erpoot eo im rōruṃwiji baḷuun eo im emootḷọk jān er.It was really late when the folks got started for the airport, and they were late and missed the plane. It was noon before the folks started for the airport, and they were late for the plane and missed it (it left without them).raelep
 Kōjota eo ear jab jejjet an jinoe bwe eḷap an raelepe aer kōmatti mōñā ko.Supper was late because they hadn't started cooking until noon. Supper wasn’t served on time because they had started cooking late.raelep
raelepḷọkAk ke ekar raelepḷọk ejino kar ṃakroroḷọkBut as the afternoon progressed, the wind turned in our favor. P910ṃakroro
RaenōṃṃanḷọkRaenōṃṃanḷọk ilo aelōñ ko ilikin.They're more peaceful on the outer islands.aenōṃṃan
RaeñwāñwāḷọkRaeñwāñwāḷọk jān ṃoktaThey're noisier than before.aeñwāñwā
RaeñwāwāRaeñwāwā wōtThey're so noisy.aeñwāñwā
raijRej aikiu raij.They're rationing out rice.aikiu
 Kwaar aikuiki ke raij ṇeDid you add aikiu to the rice?aikiu
 Ajiiki tok ṃōk jidik raij.Please use chopsticks to serve me a little rice.aji
 Ri-aljek raij ro raṇ rej aljek wōt.The rice carriers are still transporting.aljek
 Jān iien eo im wōnṃaan ḷọk ekar bōjrak ammem kōmat kijemmem raij.From then on, we stopped cooking rice. P1012 (ammem and kijemmem are (E) first person plural exclusive forms)am
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raikujEk kaṇe raikuj jejjet ṃokta jān aer kōmat.The fish have to be cleaned before being cooked.jejjet
rainiinEaetakwaj rainiin.The current is moving easterly in your (the person spoken to) direction today.ae
 Aemedin rainiin eṃṃan ḷọk jān inne.Today is cooler than yesterday.aemed
 Baj aeṃṃanin rainiin turin to in?How come the current near the pass is so good todayaeṃṃan
 Eaerḷọk mejatoto rainiin jān inne.It's more oppressive today than yesterday.aer
 Eaerin bōtōktōk ḷọk rainiin jān inne.The blood pressure is more apparent today than yesterday.aerin bōtōktōk
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raininEḷap addiṃakoko rainin im iabwin jerbal.I'm sluggish today and don't feel like working.addiṃakoko
 Eḷap an bwil rainin im kaaddiṃakokoik .It is so hot today it gives me a lethargic feeling.addiṃakoko
 Kwōn ṃōk lale aḷōṃṇak ṇe jete raan rainin.Would you check the calendar and see what date today is.aḷōṃṇak
 Ebbalele lik rainin.There are lots of flounder on the ocean side today.bale
 Ebbalele ḷọk rainin jān inne.There are more flounder today than yesterday.bale
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rajEj kōboutḷọk raj eṇThat whale is spouting.boutḷọk
 Ruo raj im juon ak,” eba.Two whales and one frigate bird,” he said. P207kōkḷaḷ
 Eban ṃōñā raj bwe eñiban.He can't eat whale meat because he's got weak teeth.ñiban
 Paane paane raj eoFeed the whale (words from a chant).paane
rajāleKwōn rajāle ṇeLasso that breadfruit.rajāl
RajejinRajejin Jowaiki ḷadik eo.The boy was asked to return the gift.ajejin Jowa
rājetJuon im rājet ñan juon armej.One and a half breadfruit for each person.juon im rājet
rājetakeKwōn rājetake ḷọkAccompany him there.rejetak
 Boñ ej rājetake raanNight is the counterpart of day.rejetak
 Boñ ej rājetake raanNight is the counterpart of day.leāne-lemeto
 Kwōn rājetake ḷọkAccompany him there.leāne-lemeto
rājetakinJoñan an jeḷā likao eo rājetakin Joọn ilo iien jiāe al eo wōt e.John's counterpart in the singing competition was as good as John.rejetak
rājetakūEba, "Iban tanij ñe ejjeḷọk rājetakū."He said, "I won't dance without a partner."rejetak
rakEj ae niñaḷọk kiiō kōnke ekkā wōt an kūtak bwe ej iien rak wōtThe current is running northwards now, because there is normally wind from the southwest since it’s summer. P186ae
 Epaak tok wōt rak ke eñin eañinlur.Summer is very near as we can tell from the breeze.añinlur
 Ikar arruñijñij wōt im ij jañin lukkuun meḷeḷe ewi eañ im rak.I was still sleepy and didn’t know right from left. P585aruñijñij
 Iien rak.Summer time.iien
 Ḷōṃa e eiie rak tok bwe edik lọk kōto in.Men, summertime is near as the wind is fairer.iien rak
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rakijEjālōt aṃ rakij meḷaṇ in.You did not clean up the grounds thoroughly.jālōt
 Eṃōj rakij mar ko im ejarmatmat ṃweoThe bushes have been cleaned up and the house is exposed.jejedmatmat
 Kwōn bar rakij mejate ṇe bwe eitan penjak.Clear out the path again because it's overgrown.mejate
 Jeañ rakij juon mejā.Let's clear a channel.mejā
 Koṃwin rakij nōbōjān wōpij eṇ.Clean outside the office there.rarō
rakijiEṃōj rakiji ioṃwin eṇ.They have cleaned up underneath the breadfruit tree.iuṃwi-
rakimiEṃōj rakimi jikin eo.The place has been plundered.rakim
rakinEaeniñeañḷọk ḷọk āñin meto jān rakin metoThe northward current is stronger in the northern section than in the southern section of the islands.aeniñeañḷọk
rakōmeKoṃwin kab rakōme aolep ṃweiukNow plunder all the goods.rakōm
rakōtRaar kōkālọk rakōt eoThey launched the rocket.kōkālọk
rakutakeKuuj eo ear rakutake jōōt eo em potak.The cat clawed my shirt to shreds.rakutak
RālikJāānkun ej kōṃṃan jān bōb ilo Rālik.Jāānkun is made from pandanus in Rālik.jāānkun
 Raar kōjepelḷọk Rālik jān Ratak.They have separated the West from East.jepel
 Ratak eañ ejọwōtwōtḷọk jān Rālik rakThe northeastern Marshalls are drier than the southwestern Marshalls.jọwōtwōt
 Kajin Rālik.The western dialect.kajin
 Rālik ej etan aelōñ ko rej ekkar iturilik ilo meto in Ṃajeḷ, im Ratak ej ñan ko rej ekkar iturear.Rālik is the name of the islands located to the west in the sea of the Marshalls, and Ratak of those to the east. S1kōkar
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Rālik-RatakIlo Ṃajeḷ kiiō, ewōr jilu waan rawūn: Militobi, MIECO Queen, im Rālik-Ratak.In the Marshalls now as of 1965 there are three field-trip ships: the Militobi, the MIECO Queen, and the Rālik-Ratak. S17waan rawūn
ramenKwōj ja aṃetok ramen e kijō.Please put ham in my ramen.aṃ
ramiKōjro rami.Let's (the two of us) play rummy.rami
ranḶōṃaro ran uñtaak ioonkappe.The men are wrestling on the beach.ioonkappe
 Ināj jino jerbal jibboñōn ran eo ilju.I will start to work on my new job tomorrow morning.jibboñōn ilju
rañEṃṃan an rañ kōkāke (ekkāke).Wild ducks fly nicely (in formation).kōkāke
raṇTa eṇ ej kaabje ledik raṇ kaakeWhat is he doing to make the girls shy?abje
 Ḷōṃaro raṇ rej aekōrāik wūjḷāān tipñōl eṇ.The men are there fastening the sail to the boom.aekōrā
 Eḷap an aeñwāñwā ajri raṇ.Those children are awfully noisy.aeñwāñwā
 Tiṃoṇ eo ej ri-kaaeto ñan irooj raṇ ṇeThat's the ghost that haunts for the iroojaeto
 Ri-kaaj men raṇ.They're the thatch makers.aj
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raneKwōn jab rane bok ṇeDon't mark that book.rōran
raṇeRi-aetōl men raṇe.Those are the cruising types.aetōl
 Tipen ri-ajejin Jowa men raṇe.They're the sort who ask to have gifts returned.ajejin Jowa
 Jilkinḷọk ri-eọñōd raṇe bwe ren kaajilowōde ḷok ek eṇ.Send the fishermen to speed up the process so the fish can be ready to surround with the coconut fish scarer.ajilowōd
 Kwōn eọroñ ri-akkaun raṇe ṃokta bwe renaaj jujen rọọl im jab kōḷḷā.Take care of those who have accounts here first before they leave and don't pay their bills.akkaun
 Armej jeedwaan in ia raṇe?Where are those strangers from?armej jeedwaan
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RaññōḷọkinRaññōḷọkin ta eo?What was the outburst about?raññōḷọk
rañrañḶōṃaro raṇ rej rañrañ bwe rōpiọ.The men are warming themselves by the fire because they are chilly.rañrañ
rāpeḷtanAolepān katak kein ilo bok in, kōmij tōmak bwe rōkōpooḷ aolep wāween ko ñan jeḷā kōn wāween mour, im rāpeḷtan kajin ṂajeḷWe believe that the lessons in this book include ways for learning about the way of living, and a deeper understanding of the Marshallese language. S29pooḷ
 Ewi rāpeḷtan kōṃṃane wūn e?What is the way to do this problem?rāpeḷta-
 Aolepān katak kein ilo bok in, kōmij tōmak bwe rōkōpooḷ aolep wāween ko ñan jeḷā kōn wāween mour, im rāpeḷtan kajin ṂajeḷWe believe that the lessons in this book include ways for learning about the way of living, and a deeper understanding of the Marshallese language. S29rāpeḷta-
rarIden jaki eṇ kōṃṃan jān maañ rar.The weaving strips of the mat are made from pandanus leaves dried by fire.iden
 Rar jaketo-jaketak ṃōñā ko ilo iien keemem eo.They distributed the food at the birthday party.jaketo-jaketak
 Aolep rar kōjaki tok.Everybody brought a mat.jaki
 Rar kajjo tok jaki ñan keemem eo.They each brought a mat to the birthday party.jaki
 Rikadōk ro rar kajaṃōṇōṇōi party.The drunkards made the party uninteresting.jaṃōṇōṇō
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rāraṇtokRi-akake wa eo rāraṇtok.The men who are to tow the canoe are heading over this way.akake
rarōIien rarō kiiōIt's clean up time now.rarō
ratakEjauwi aikūtōkōdin ratak eañAikūtōkōd fish from the nothern islands are not delicious.aikūtōkōd
 Irooj in ratak eañHe is the chief of the northern atolls.irooj
 Bwidak ej irooj-iddik ilo aelōñ ko ilo Ratak.The children of an irooj (chief) are bwidak and they are also called irooj-iddik in the Ratak easternatolls.irooj-iddik
 Jāānkun ej kōṃṃan jān emmed ilo Ratak.Jāānkun is made from overripe breadfruit in Ratak.jāānkun
 Raar kōjepelḷọk Rālik jān Ratak.They have separated the West from East.jepel
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raunĀlkin aolep ruo allōñ, waan rawūn eṇ ej raun ñan aolep aelōñin ṂajeḷEvery two months as of 1965 a field trip ship makes the rounds of all the islands of the Marshalls. S17aolep
 Ekabūromōj kōm ke rejeblaak ioon waan raun eoIt saddened us when they departed on the field trip.būroṃōj
 Men eo ejjeḷọk de eo waan ektaki ḷọk men kein ñan Likiep, ijellọkin wōt tiṃa in raun eo, ak kōnke kōmmān aikuj naaj kar kōttar tok bar jilu allōñ.The only thing they lacked was a vehicle to haul these things to Likiep, except for the fieldtrip ship, but we would have had to wait for that for three months. P19de
 Etke āinwōt waan raun kaṇe ejakkutkut aer itoitak raan kein.”Why does it seem like the fieldtrip ships don’t travel around much anymore.” P234jọkkutkut
 Eḷaññe kōṃro kōttar waan raun, ijaje kōṃro naaj ḷe taḷọk ñāāt, bōlen naaj ḷọkin jilu ak emān allōñ jān kiiō.”If we waited for the fieldtrip ship, I don’t know when we would go, probably three or four months from now.” P236ḷe
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rawūnĀlkin aolep ruo allōñ, waan rawūn eṇ ej raun ñan aolep aelōñin ṂajeḷEvery two months as of 1965 a field trip ship makes the rounds of all the islands of the Marshalls. S17aolep
 Epet ilo rawūn eo kein kajuon.He fouled in the first round.pet
 Ālkin aolep ruo allōñ, waan rawūn eṇ ej raun ñan aolep aelōñin ṂajeḷEvery two months as of 1965 a field trip ship makes the rounds of all the islands of the Marshalls. S17rawūn
 Wāween rawūn, waan rawūn eṇ ej etal ñan aolep āne in Rālik, ñe ebooḷ kobban kab ñe emaat ṃōñā im ṃweiuk, erọọl ñan Majro, eakto in ektak, kaṃōjḷọk tūreep eṇ an.The procedure is for the field trip ship to go to all the islands of the Rālik, and when it is fully loaded and all food and trade goods are gone, it returns to Majuro, off-loading and on-loading, to finish the trip. S17wāwee-
 Wāween rawūn, waan rawūn eṇ ej etal ñan aolep āne in Rālik, ñe ebooḷ kobban kab ñe emaat ṃōñā im ṃweiuk, erọọl ñan Majro, eakto in ektak, kaṃōjḷọk tūreep eṇ an.The procedure is for the field trip ship to go to all the islands of the Rālik, and when it is fully loaded and all food and trade goods are gone, it returns to Majuro, off-loading and on-loading, to finish the trip. S17wāwee-
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reJej aikuj jaruki ṃanit ko ad rōmājkunḷọk im katakin ajri ro nājid leep ñe re jañin kar jeḷā.We must revive some of our waning customs such as leep dancing by teaching our children if they don't already know how.leep
reaarEiiaḷañe bwe emmeramramtok reaar.It's moonrise because we can start to see light in the east.iiaḷañe
 Iju in reaar.The star in the east.iju
 Kwōn kōjeḷtakḷọk wa eṇ bwe en jitōñ ḷọk reaar.You should have the canoe facing east, with the end pointing eastward.jaḷtak
 Kwōn kajujalḷọk ñan reaar.Turn it to face east.jujāl-
 Eṃōj jenāj ita ke jeṃōkin añōtñōt bwe en oktak kooj in ad im jen bōk ṇa i reaar bwe ān eo epād ie, ak āinwōt ñe jej kōnono ñan mejatoto,” Jema eukōt ḷọkWell, I don’t know how many times we have said we should change our course and go east, because the island is over that way, but it’s as if we are talking into thin air,” Father replied. P1019ṃōk
reaarinLukkuun ke jeḷe i rōk reaarin aelōñ eo,” Kapen eo ekar akweḷap wōt kōn ijo an.I am sure we are southeast of the island,” the Captain insisted, clinging to his opinion. P897reeaar
reālkūṃurRej jab nenọ (ennọ) kaṇe kōnke reālkūṃur.Those breadfruit are not good because they're from an old tree.ālkūṃur
rearEaeṃōḷoḷo tok jān rear.The cool air is coming from the east.aeṃōḷoḷo
 Allōñ epād i rear ḷapḷapIt's the full moon phase.allōñ
 Legend: Ḷōṃaro nejin Liktakñūr raar jibadbad im kōttōbar rear.The sons of Liktakñūr tried hard to reach the east.jibadbad
 Aolep wa im jitōñ rear.All boats are pointing east.jitōñ
 Wa eo eṇ ejittakḷọk im jitōñ rear.The boat is facing east.jittak
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reeaarJej ba kwōj pād wōt iaelōñ ṇe i reeaar.”We thought you were still on that atoll east of here.” P230ba
 Bar ṇatọọne tak jidik bwe en jako baḷok kaṇe i turin kaab eṇ” Bojin eo ekar ba ke ear jejed jān turin rikin eo i reeaar.Sheet the sails in a bit to get rid of the folds next to the gaff,” the Boatswain said as he scanned the horizon standing by the rigging on the starboard side. P854baḷok
 Eḷak kar ba ke jebuñ jān Ruōt im jen bwābwe wōt bwe aelōñ eo epād i reeaar, ekwe kwōbar ba ke eaab.He’s been saying we were off course since Roi-Namur and that we should tack windward because land was to the east, but you said no. P1236buñ
 Kōto in eiitok reeaar.The wind is coming from the east.itok reeaar
 Jen jerak bwe kōto eitok reeaar.Lets sail since the wind is coming from the east.itok reeaar
MORE reeaar
ReeitōnReeitōn maat men .These things are almost all gone.eitōn
reeḷEtūṃ reeḷ in wa eo.The boat's railings came off.reeḷ
 Eitōk reeḷ em baatat rikin.There's water over the rails and the riggings are smoking. (sailor's description of a fast sailboat).rikin
reeojojoElōñ koṇan ḷōṃaro reeojojo iaarThe men caught lots of fish at the lagoon using the eojojo method.eojojo
reidaaptōkḶōmṇak kein arro reidaaptōk (ippān doon).Our opinions are ajar.idaaptōk
reiietBok, pinjeḷ, im ṃweiien jikuuḷ ko jet, reiiet wōtBooks, pencils, and other school supplies are in short supply. S9ṃweiuk
reikeEk jọọḷ kab ek ṃōṇakṇak ekkā wōt aer kōṃṃan ilo aelōñ ko ilikin me reike ak ejjeḷọk armej in amāni.Salt fish and dried fish are rarely made on outer islands that have lots of fish and no one to consume them. S27amān
 Ek jọọḷ kab ek ṃōṇakṇak ekkā wōt aer kōṃṃan ilo aelōñ ko ilikin me reike ak ejjeḷọk armej in amāni.Salt fish and dried fish are rarely made on outer islands that have lots of fish and no one to consume them. S27ek
 Ek jọọḷ kab ek ṃōṇakṇak ekkā wōt aer kōṃṃan ilo aelōñ ko ilikin me reike ak ejjeḷọk armej in amāni.Salt fish and dried fish are rarely made on outer islands that have lots of fish and no one to consume them. S27kōkā
 Ek jọọḷ kab ek ṃōṇakṇak ekkā wōt aer kōṃṃan ilo aelōñ ko ilikin me reike ak ejjeḷọk armej in amāni.Salt fish and dried fish are rarely made on outer islands that have lots of fish and no one to consume them. S27lik
reikrooḷArmej in ṃweeṇ reikrooḷ ippān doon.The people from that house are dissatisfied with each other.ikrooḷ
ReilaḷReilaḷ.Look downwards.reilik
reilikJebboñon eo juon imake ruj im ḷak reilik reiṃaan i lowaan wa eo, eejej eṇ ikar loe ak ña wōt.The next morning I woke up on my own and looked all around but didn’t see anyone else. P955ejej
 Jebboñon eo juon imake ruj im ḷak reilik reiṃaan i lowaan wa eo, eejej eṇ ikar loe ak ña wōt.The next morning I woke up on my own and looked all around but didn’t see anyone else. P955jibboñ
reilik-reiṃaanIj reilik-reiṃaan ilowaan naan kaṇe aṃ im kile ke rōṃṃan im weppān.My critical judgment tells me that your ideas are excellent.reilik-reiṃaan
reilọkIḷak reilọk ej aleje bu eo in itōn buuki ri-kọọt eo.As I was looking he was aiming to shoot the thief.alej
 Jej reilọk wōt im lo ḷōṃaraṇ rej eọñwōd ijjuweo.We can still see the men fishing over there.ijjuweo
 Iṃad em ḷak bar reilọk ejetḷọk wa eo.I got occupied for a while and when I tried to find the boat it had disappeared over the horizon.jetḷọk
 Kwōn reilọk ikijjeen ḷọk wōt ni eṇ im kwōnaaj lo wa eṇ.Look over there in the direction of that coconut tree and you will see the ship.kijjie-
 Reilọk.Look in that direction.rōre
ReilōñReilōñ.Look upwards.reilik
reiṃaajajRuo eṇ kaar reiṃaajaj.Those two cars smashed into each other.iṃaajaj
 Ruo eṇ kaar reiṃaajaj.Those two cars smashed into each other.iṃaajaj
reiṃaanJebboñon eo juon imake ruj im ḷak reilik reiṃaan i lowaan wa eo, eejej eṇ ikar loe ak ña wōt.The next morning I woke up on my own and looked all around but didn’t see anyone else. P955ejej
 Jebboñon eo juon imake ruj im ḷak reilik reiṃaan i lowaan wa eo, eejej eṇ ikar loe ak ña wōt.The next morning I woke up on my own and looked all around but didn’t see anyone else. P955jibboñ
reinRi-allọk ro rein repojak in jinoe.These are the surveyors and they're ready to begin.allọk
 Elōñ wōt iaan armej rein ejjeḷọk men eṇ rōkar bōktok ak rōkar itok wōt in lale im bwilōñ ke kōmij jerak.There were also many people who came with nothing and just wanted to see the boat and were surprised that it was going to sail. P444bwilōñ
 Ewōr jilu an tiṃa eṇ injinea. Aolep ri-injinea rein jilu raar diojḷọk jān jikuuḷ injinea.The ships has three engineers. All three of them have graduated from mechanical engineering school.injinia
 Ḷalem en ri-pālele raar jaṃbotok jān Amedka im juon iaan ri-jaṃbo rein enañinmejFive couples came from America for a vacation and one of them is now sick.jaṃbo
 Armej rein ioon Epjā rej jerbal ilo Kuwajleen, jikin kōkeḷọk mijeḷ an rūttariṇae in Amedka.These people on Ebeye work at Kwajalein Island, site of missle launching of the American military. S1kālọk
MORE rein
ReiniñeañReiniñeañ.Look northward.reilik
reiọkiọkweArmej ro wōj ioon wab eo reiọkiọkwe tok kōmmān. Erwōj jokutbae tok.The people on the pier came over to bid us farewell. They all waved goodbye. P484iọkiọkwe
ReirōkeañReirōkeañ.Look southward.reilik
reitakKe ebaj lur im ḷae ioon lọjet, kōmmān kar aolep im pād ioon teek, kōmmān ej reito reitak bajjekSince the water was calm and smooth, we were all just sitting on the deck looking around. P1032ḷae
 Irreito reitak im kappok kein ubaake ḷañe eo.I looked around for something I could use to scare it the skipjack away. P387pepok
 Reitak.Look eastward.reilik
reitanElōñ iaer reitan aetokaer wōt wa eo waammān.A lot of them were almost all up and down the length of our boat. P999aetok
reitoKe ebaj lur im ḷae ioon lọjet, kōmmān kar aolep im pād ioon teek, kōmmān ej reito reitak bajjek.Since the water was calm and smooth, we were all just sitting on the deck looking around. P1032ḷae
 Reito.Look westward.reilik
 Kapen eo ebuñjenōm ḷak kōjeer wa eo, iḷak reito ilo memoujujin tōrerein wōd eo ke wa eo ej kaatare.The Captain suddenly steered the boat the other way when he saw the water turning a light blue color as we approached a coral head. P497buñjen
reitokIj ajjikadeḷọk bwe en reitok.I'm throwing stones repeatedly at him to catch his attention.ajjikad
reitōmTa ḷōṃa, ṃool ke ripālle raṇe reitōm peek ad jerakrōk ikōtaan aelōñ kein ad?” Bojin eo eba ilo an ainikien ḷōkatipWhat, is it true that the Americans have come in and taken control of us sailing around our own islands?” the Boatswain said in an angry voice. P395itōm
Reito-reitakReito-reitak.Look around.reilik
reiwajAlikkarūṃ ṇaijo ke ij reiwaj wōt im jeḷā ke kwe eo.You looked so obvious that I didn't have any problem noticing you standing there.alikkar
RejRej etal in kaabōḷtok kijed.They're on their way bring us some apples.abōḷ
 Bwidej ko ad rej addemlōkmejOur land belongs to us until death.addemlōkmej
 Rej adede ioon jimeeṇ eṇ.A giant clam shell is cemented to the concrete top.aded
 Erraṇ rej kaadenpe ilik.They're fishing for adenpe sharks on the ocean side.adenpe
 Erraṇ rej kaadipā imejān ātātThey're fishing for adipā not far from shore.adipā
MORE rej
rejaLetok juon reja bwe in jeore bōraṃ.Hand me a razor so that I can trim your hair.jeor
 Enemwak neen bwe ear reja.Her legs are smooth because she shaved them.nemwak
RejabRejab kaakkauni bwe enana etan.She was refused credit because she had a bad reputation.akkaun
 Kōmba emaat raij iāneo ak rejab tōmakWe said the island was out of rice but they didn't believe us.ba
 Iọkwi men kein ñe rōḷokwan ektake kōjeañ ak rejab ektaki,” Jema eba.It would be a shame if they were able to haul us but not all this stuff,” Father said. P1127iọkwe
RejabukRejabuk ḷōṃaroThe men went fishing using the jabuk methodjabuk
rejaikKwōn rejaik kwōdeak kaṇe aṃ bwe rōaittok.Shave your whiskers because they are long.reja
 Rōnāj rejaik eok ṇa ilo kuḷab eṇ.You'll get fleeced if you go to that bar.reja
rejajeEj juon iaan ro rejaje bōnbōnHe is one of those who doesn't know math.jaje
 Ajiri raṇ nejin ritto raṇ rejaje kuṇaerThe children of the old couple aren't very thoughtful of their parents.jaje kuṇaa-
 Bwe iba rej ḷōmṇak rej kōjparok kōj jān jorrāān, ak rejaje ke ilo aer kōṃṃane men in rej kọkkure wāween mour eo ad jaar jolōte jān ro jiṃṃaad,” Jema eba.It seems to me that they think they are protecting us, but what they don’t know is that in doing so they are destroying the way of life we inherited from our ancestors," Father said. P401jolōt
 Ajriin raan kein rejaje kajjeorModern day Marshallese children do not know how to play kajjeorkajjeor
rejājjājBaaṃle eṇ rejājjāj.They're a boastrul family.jājjāj
rejakoRi-ainbat piik ro rejako.Those responsible for boiling the pork are not here.ainbat
RejakōḷeRejakōḷe bwe ear kọọt.They handcuffed him for stealing.jakōḷ
RejālkeRejālke kōn an kar kọọt.They don't trust him because he has a reputation for stealing.jālōke
RejālkeḷọkRejālkeḷọk Tony jān Alfred.They distrust Tony more than Alfred.jālōke
RejaṃboRejaṃbo toḷọk ñan ḶoraThey are hiking westward to Laura.jaṃbo
rejāmmineneRejjab maroñ kōṃṃane jerbal eṇ bwe rejāmminene.They can't do the job because they don't have the experience.jāmminene
rejawōtwōtEkkā wōt an eddek ilo aelōñ ko iōñ kōnke ṃakṃōk eṃṃan an eddek ilo jikin ko rejawōtwōt im kabokbok.It usually grows on the northern islands because arrowroot grows in sandy places of little rainfall. S20bok
 Ekkā wōt an eddek ilo aelōñ ko iōñ kōnke ṃakṃōk eṃṃan an eddek ilo jikin ko rejawōtwōt im kabokbok.It usually grows on the northern islands because arrowroot grows in sandy places of little rainfall. S20jọwōtwōt
 Ekkā wōt an eddek ilo aelōñ ko iōñ kōnke ṃakṃōk eṃṃan an eddek ilo jikin ko rejawōtwōt im kabokbok.It usually grows on the northern islands because arrowroot grows in sandy places of little rainfall. S20ṃakṃōk
rejebanḷọkElōñ jet rejebanḷọk jān jet.There are some who are more prosperous than others.jeban
rejeblaakEkabūromōj kōm ke rejeblaak ioon waan raun eo.It saddened us when they departed on the field trip.būroṃōj
RejekeidaakeRejekeidaake ni jekaro eo .They stole toddy from my tree.jekeidaak
RejeḷāRejeḷā ke ri-kaaddeboulul armej kōrā eṇ.They are aware of the fact that that woman causes people to get giddy.addeboulul
 Kōnke kajin Ṃajeḷ ear jab pād ilo peba ṃae iien eo ear itok ri-pālle, ej jab kanooj lōñ armej rej mour wōt kiiō rejeḷā inọñ ko an ri-Ṃajeḷ.Because the Marshallese language wasn’t put into writing until Westerners came, not many people living today know the legends of the Marshallese people. S13inọñ
 Team ko rejeḷā tata raṇ rej kajiāik er.The best teams are arranged to compete each other.jiāe
 Rejeḷā jibwi ritto raṇ.The old couple know how to take care of their grandchildren.jibwi
 Ḷaddik eṇ ej juon iaan ri-ju ro rejeḷā juThat boy is one of those who is very good at walking on his hands.ju
MORE rejeḷā
RejelṃaeRejelṃae doon ilo kwelọk eo.They meet each other at the meeting.jelṃae
rejetakElōñ ear rejetak būrejetōn eo.There were many who agreed with the president.rejetak
rejetakeKwōn ja rejetake ḷọk ñan aujpitōḷ.How about accompanying him to the hospital.rejetak
rejetanEwi bok eo ej rejetan bok e ij riiti?Where is the book to go with this one I'm reading?rejeta-
RejibkeRejibke ḷōṃaroThe men went to fish using jibke method.jibke
RejibweRejibwe ri-allimōmō eo.The peeping tom was apprehended.allimōmō
 Rejibwe ri-iaroñroñ ro.They caught the men who spied.iaroñroñ
RejikuuḷRejikuuḷ ajiri ro.The children go to school.jikuuḷ
RejinoRejino jibwe ṃweoThey are starting to construct the building.jebjeb
 Ak aolep rōkar lo im eñjaake bwe ṇo ko rejino ḷōḷap ḷọkBut we could all feel that the waves were starting to get bigger. P527ḷap
rejjabKōrā rejjab ekkōṇak ed rainiin.Women don't wear mats nowadays.ed
 Kiiō armej in aelōñ ko ilikin rejjab aikuj in kōttar wa bwe ren eọroñ ennaan.Now people on outer islands don’t need to await the arrival of a ship so that they can hear news. S26eọroñ
 Etōke rejjab kaiakiuik ḷadik eṇ?Why didn't they let the boy play baseball?iakiu
 Rejjab maroñ kōṃṃane jerbal eṇ bwe rejāmminene.They can't do the job because they don't have the experience.jāmminene
 Uno kaṇe rejjab jejjet ñan doon.The colors don't go well together.jejjet
MORE rejjab
rejjekabkapḶōṃaraṇ rejjekabkap.The men are always playing checkers.jekab
rejọRej ba ri-aelōñ kein rejọ kōn katok ñan anij raṇ.They say the people of these islands used to offer sacrifice to idols.anij raṇ
 Ñe rūtto ro rejọ kōn kōṇaan jerakrōk rej jab kajjitōk ippān bar juon.Back then if people wanted to go sailing they didn’t have to ask anyone. P397jọ
 Kōnke wōjḷā ko etto rejọ kōn kōṃṃan jān maañin bōb, rūtto ro rōkōn aikuj āj atro kein lōbboiki bwe ren jab tutu im ṃọḷeḷeBecause the sails of old were made from woven pandanus leaves, our ancestors necessarily had to weave atro for covering their canoe sails to prevent them from getting soaked.lōbbọ
rejubwijiḷọkRuwa eo waan Ḷoeaak rejubwijiḷọk inej eo.The people on Loeaak's canoe signaled to the rest of the fleet to get ready for battle.jubwij
rekanoojḶōṃaraṇ rekanooj in ejjabukbuk.Those men always use the jabuk fishing method.jabuk
rekijoñḶaddik ro rekijoñ iāetōle doon raṇe.Those are the boys who always accompany each other.iāetōl
rekōjepaikKiito kaṇ turin mejān rekōjepaik ḷadik eṇ.The skin diseases on his face make him look ugly.jepa
rekwojarjarJeje ko rekwojarjar.Holy scriptures.jeje
reḷḷapJalōb in likin Wōjjā reḷḷap.The pools on the ocean side of Wotje are big.jalōb
 Eaikuj kaddikdikḷọk nuknuk kaṇ an bwe reḷḷap.She has to shrink her dresses because they are too loose for her.kaddikdik
ReloRelo ijo ej kūttiliek ie jān wōt aloklokin.He was discovered because he exposed himself.aloklok
relukkuunRi-Iaab relukkuun ilbōkbōkThe Yapese are often startled.ilbōk
RemakeRemake naaj ilbōk ñe rōbar lo kōjmān,” iba.They are going to be so shocked when they see us,” I said. P1325make
RemaroñRemaroñ baṃbaṃe eok.They can spank you.baṃbaṃ
 Men ko rej kōjerbali ñan bubu remaroñ kimej, juubub, maañ, ekkwaḷ, dekā, im bōlōk.The things used for divination could be coconut fronds, shoots, pandanus leaves, sennit, stones, and leaves. S21bubu
 Ālkin kilaaj rualitōk, ro ri-kaki ro rej ḷōmṇak bwe remaroñ etal ñan ae jikuuḷ, rej jilikinḷọk er ñan Mājro.After eighth grade, those students the teachers think are able to attend high school are sent to Majuro as of 1965. S24ia
 Kiiō aolep al jān aolep aelōñ rej jañ ilo mejatoto im armej remaroñ in kālet ko rōkōṇaan, ko rōṃṃan, ak ko renana.Now all songs from all islands are heard on the air, and people can choose those they like—those that are good and those that are not. S26mejatoto
 Ālkin kilaaj rualitōk, ro ri-kaki ro rej ḷōmṇak bwe remaroñ etal ñan ae jikuuḷ, rej jilikinḷọk er ñan Mājro.After eighth grade, those students the teachers think are able to attend high school are sent to Majuro as of 1965. S24ro
MORE remaroñ
remejRūttariṇae in Jepaan ro i Ruōt rej baj pepojakjek wōt in ruk-bueer ak ejodik ṃōrein in Amedka ro im buuk er im remej.While the Japanese soldiers were gathering their ammunition together the American marines landed and shot them dead.ruk-bo
reṃṃanḷọkJokankan in Hawaii reṃṃanḷọk.Women's dresses from Hawaii are better.jokankan
reṃōkajtataRaar kaiāekwōj wa ko ruo reṃōkajtata.They raced the two fastest canoes.iāekwōj
remootḶadik ro remoot in kaaerār.The boys are gone hunting for ruddy turnstones.aerār
 Ri-kaaik ro remoot.The driftwood hunters have left.aik
 Ri-kaakajin ro remoot ekkeinḷọkThe men who're fishing for akajin fish left a while ago.akajin
 Remoot in kōbaaṃtok.They went looking for bombs.baaṃ
 Remoot in kōbaankeek tok.They looking for pancake.baankeek
MORE remoot
remootḷọkRi-alwōj bajjek ro remootḷọk.The sightseeing group have left.alwōj bajjek
 Remootḷọk ñan ijōkaṇ.They went out somewhere.ijekaṇ
 Ri-jeṃar ro remootḷọk ñan Hawaii.Those who are on summer vacation have gone to Hawaii.jeṃar
 Rijjọñ bao ro remootḷọk in jejọñ (ejjọñ) bao ilo āne jidikdik eṇ.The bird catcher went to the small island to catch birds.jejoñ
 Remootḷọk in kajoiu.They went looking for shoyu.joiu
MORE remootḷọk
remoottokRi-kaael ro remoottok.The men who went fishing for unicornfish are backael
 Ri-aelōñin pālle ro nukuṃ remoottok.Your relatives from America are here.aelōñin pālle
 Ri-kōbakōj ro raar ilọk ñan ṃōn Robert remoottok.The people who went to Robert Reimers looking for a bucket have come back.bakōj
 Ri-kajujukōp ro raṇ remoottok.The men who went to fish for barracuda are returning.jujukōp
 Ri-atiltak ro remoottok.The roof repairers are here.atiltak
remootwajḶadik ro remootwaj ijōkaṇeThe boys have gone somewhere over your way.ijekaṇe
reṃorKaar ko kaṇ reṃor im jettokjāer.Those cars are old and worthless.jettokja-
remottokRi-kajikea ro jān Taiti remottok.The hip dancers from Tahiti are here.kajikia
renKwōn aintini bōb kaṇe bwe ren pidodo ad wōdwōd.Boil those pandanus so that they will be easy for us to chew.aintiin
 Kwōn ajādik ḷọk bwe ren jab lo eok.Walk away slowly so they don't notice you.ajādik
 Kwōn ajjādikdik ḷọk bwe ren jab lo eok.Walk away very softly and slowly so they don't notice you.ajādik
 Jilkinḷọk ri-eọñōd raṇe bwe ren kaajilowōde ḷok ek eṇ.Send the fishermen to speed up the process so the fish can be ready to surround with the coconut fish scarer.ajilowōd
 Kwōn ḷōḷō albok bwe ren ḷak bōbōl (ebbōl) ekoṇ mejān ut ṇe utūṃ.Make a garland with buds so when they bloom they'll fit closer together.albok
MORE ren
RenaajRenaaj abọiki ñāātWhen are they putting the fender on?abọ
 Eḷaññe enaaj aerwōj iien jerbal renaaj kate er joñan wōt aer maroñ.When it's their turn to work, they'll do their best.aerwōj
 Renaaj kaaij tok ilju.They will get us some Aij pandanus tomorrow.Aij
 Kwōn eọroñ ri-akkaun raṇe ṃokta bwe renaaj jujen rọọl im jab kōḷḷā.Take care of those who have accounts here first before they leave and don't pay their bills.akkaun
 Ānbwinnid enaaj mej im jako ak an kein ad renaaj mour wōt ñan indeo.Our bodies will die and disappear but our souls will live on forever.an
MORE renaaj
renājKwōn jab ñabñab bwe armej renāj ba koñak ṃanōtDon't eat so voraciously or people will think you have no manners.ñabñab
renanaKiiō aolep al jān aolep aelōñ rej jañ ilo mejatoto im armej remaroñ in kālet ko rōkōṇaan, ko rōṃṃan, ak ko renana.Now all songs from all islands are heard on the air, and people can choose those they like—those that are good and those that are not. S26mejatoto
 Naaj ṇawōṇāān jerbal ko ad ekkar ñan ñe rōṃṃan ak renana.Our actions will be rewarded in as much as they are good or bad.ṇawōṇāān
RenañinRenañin kaadi-lepe ke ekjab eṇ?Have they put a thumb on the statue?addi-lep
 Renañin kaanideptok ke?Have they picked and brought any Anidep pandanus yetAnidep
 Renañin kāinin(i) ke ri-eb ro?Have they adorned the dancers with grass skirts?inin
 Renañin atiltake ke ṃweoHave they repaired the thatch roof to the house yet?atiltak
reoktakJipenpenin Ṃajōḷ reoktak jān jipenpenin Bōḷau.The sea cucumber of the Marshalls are different from those of Palau.jipenpen
ReootReoot in kaiaraj.They went to pick some taro.iaraj
reouwiIken Mājro reouwi.Majuro's fish are tasty.ek
repādArmej ro raaikuj tata repād ijinThe most needy people are here.aikuj
 Wa ko kaṇ repād jablikin āneeṇThe boats are on the ocean side of that islet.jablik
 Repād ilo jitniñeañ eṇ.They are on the land tract that faces north.jitniñeañ
repedkatKwoaikuj iri juuj kaṇe aṃ bwe repedkat.You need to rub the mud off your shoes.iri
repenJabōḷ in Amedka eṃṃan bwe repen.American shovels are good because they are strong.jabōḷ
repiroĀne kaṇ repiro ippān doon.Those islets are joined together.piro
repoRi-ajjādikdik ro repo ippān ri-waj eo boñ.The night watchman caught them sneaking.ajādik
repojakRi-allọk ro rein repojak in jinoe.These are the surveyors and they're ready to begin.allọk
 Ewōr tarrin jabjet e pāāk in waini repojak in baun.I have around ten bags of copra ready to be weighed.jabjet
 Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, repojak in naaj kar wūnaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010pojak
 Ej kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, repojak in naaj kar wūnaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010wūnaak
rereenKwaar eñjaake ke aerjeañ rereen kajjirereDid you detect the scorn in their laughaerjeañ
rereenakIbūroṃōj kake ke ij lo an rereenak.I pitied him when I saw him laugh like that.rereenak
retaareRaar retaare baḷuun eo im loe.They searched and found the plane with the radar.retaar
retalEj alebabu ak juon raan enaaj ḷak ilbōk retal jāneIf he continues with his laid back attitude he'll one day be left behind.alebabu
retamEḷḷọkwe jaki kaṇe kinierro ioon būlāwūt kaṇe i retam im babu.Unroll our sleeping mats on the plywood on the port side and lie down. P556būḷāwūt
retioEajeededḷọk kōjjeḷā kiiō ke ewōr retio ej jerbal.Announcements are more widespread now with the broadcast station functioning.ajeeded
 Iar bọuri kōjeḷā eo ilo retio.I received my message by radio.bọur
 Eḷañe ewōr retio in kōnono ilo aolep aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ, ri-nañinmej rōban aikuj in mej kōñ an ejjeḷọk taktō ak wūno, im barāinwōt jipañ bōbrae jān an waḷọk ñūtaIf there were radio communication on all islands in the Marshalls, sick people would not die for want of doctors or medicine, and it would also help prevent the occurrence of famine. S25bōbrae
 Kōjañ retio ṇe bwe jen eọroñ.Turn the radio on so we can listen to the news.eọroñ
 Retio ej juon jipañ eḷap.Radio is a big help. S26jipañ
MORE retio
retutuKwōn jāniji nuknuk kaṇe aṃ bwe retutu.Why don't you change your clothes as they are wet.jānij
ReverendJejarjartata (Ejjarjartata) Reverend eo ear itok jān Amedka.The Reverend who came from America is always praying.jar
riabEj kajeedede riab ṇe an.She's spreading her lies.ajeeded
 Anbọroin ankili riab.The favor currying of a fake.anbōro
 Ej make wōt depakpak an riab.His exaggerations are out of this world.depakpak
 Ej riab nañinmej bwe en kona.He's malingering.kona
 Kwōn jab riab em kọkore.Don't lie just to scare him.kor
MORE riab
ri-abbaEbooḷ ṇakṇōkin ri-abba raar itok ilo iien Jepaan ko.There were lots of experts in dynamiting during Japanese times.abba
 Kōnke rej ri-abba, meḷeḷein bwe rej bareinwōt ri-kaajeḷḷā ek.Because they fish with dynamite it means that they'll also kill the fish indiscriminately.ajeḷḷā
riabierEjjeḷọk wōt riabier nañinmejNever have we seen such great fakes about being sick.riab nañinmej
Ri-abwinmakeRi-abwinmake eo jān Jālwōj.The person who fears ghosts from Jālwōj.abwinmake
ri-addimejmejinJikin ri-addimejmejin kōmālijA place for the feeble-minded.addimej
ri-adebdebKwōn ba ri-adebdeb eṇ en itok.Tell the prodder to come.adebdeb
ri-adibwijWōn ri-adibwij iaamiroWho between the two of you is going to be the prodder?adibwij
ri-adibwijtokEwōr ke ri-adibwijtok ñan kōj.Is there anyone who will prod it closer to us?adebdeb
ri-aeEj ri-ae owōjHe's tax collector.ae
ri-aekōrāLukkuun baj ri-aekōrā.Now that's a genuine expert in the fastening of the sail to the boom.aekōrā
ri-aelaḷKōjparok eok bwe ṇakṇōkin ri-aelaḷ men ṇeBe careful for she's a super expert in moving her hips during sexual intercourse.aelaḷ
Ri-AelokRi-Aelok rōkadik jijijukjuk (ijjijukjuk).Ailuk people are always pounding breadfruit.jukjuk
Ri-aelōñRi-aelōñ koThe "islanders." (generic term referring to the "gentiles" in the Holy Scriptures.)aelōñ
 Rej ba ri-aelōñ kein rejọ kōn katok ñan anij raṇ.They say the people of these islands used to offer sacrifice to idols.anij raṇ
 Ibbukuin ri-aelōñ kein; eṃṃan an aetok jetñaakin.The islanders' style of taking a break; it's nice and long in duration.ibbuku
ri-aelōñinRaar toorḷọkboke ri-aelōñin kiiñ ro an.They killed off the kings' subjects.aelōñin kiiñ
 Ri-aelōñin pālle ro nukuṃ remoottok.Your relatives from America are here.aelōñin pālle
Ri-aelōñ-keinRi-aelōñ-kein.People from these islands.aelōñ
Ri-aeṃaaneRi-aeṃaane eo ṃōttaṃ eñiiṇ.This is your fellow fastener of sails to the gaff.aeṃaan
ri-aenEwōr ke ri-aen?Is there a person to iron?aen
ri-aepādpādEban jab wōr ri-aepādpād.There'll always be procrastinators.aepedped
ri-aetọEwōr ke ri-aetọ ijinAre there people from the small islets here?aetọ
 Aolep ri-aetọ im rọọl ñan jikier.All residents of the small islets have returned home.aetọ
Ri-aetōlRi-aetōl men raṇe.Those are the cruising types.aetōl
ri-aikiuEnañin maat ke ri-aikiu?Have we counted all those we were to ration out food to?aikiu
 Ri-aikiu eo ennọ tata an iiọk ṇeHe makes the tastiest aikiu food.aikiu
ri-aikneEwōr ke ri-aikne ijinIs there anyone from the north side of the island here?aikne
ri-aikujJej aikuj in jipañ ri-aikuj.We must help the needy.aikuj
Ri-ainbatRi-ainbat piik ro rejako.Those responsible for boiling the pork are not here.ainbat
Ri-aintiinRi-aintiin rej jab kijer in wōdwōd.Those who boil pandanus aren't supposed to chew them.aintiin
ri-airwaroLukkuun paotokin ri-airwaro men eṇ.He sure looks like a trouble maker.airuwaro
Ri-ājRi-āj juwain eo erọọl.The lace knitter is gone back.āj
ri-ajālKwaar ri-ajāl ñane allōñ eo ḷọkYour rounded up animals for him last month.ajāl
Ri-ajeRi-aje eo eḷak pikūri aje eo nājin, eḷọkjān an armej ro.When the drummer started beating on his drum the audience was amazed.aje
 Juon iaan jerbal ko an baata ej ri-aje katok in missa.One of the functions of a priest is to offer the sacrifice of the Mass.aje
Ri-ajejRi-ajej ṃōñā rej ṃōñā āliktataThose who divide up the food eat last.ajej
 Ri-ajej ro rej ajeje wōt ṃọñā eo.Those who are distributing the food are still doing it.ajej
 Ri-ajej in kabwebwe rej naaj itaak wōt.Swindlers will ultimately be paid back according to their deeds.ajej in kabwebwe
ri-ajejinTipen ri-ajejin Jowa men raṇe.They're the sort who ask to have gifts returned.ajejin Jowa
 Jedike ri-ajejin ḶōktabWe don't want givers who ask to have their gifts back.ajejin Ḷōktab
ri-ajeḷkāUno eo ekōmōur ri-ajeḷkā eoThe medicine healed the person who felt weak from hunger.ajeḷkā
Ri-ajineañroRi-ajineañro wōt meṇ ro ijo.The people there were a bunch of cowards.ajineañro
Ri-ajjādikdikRi-ajjādikdik ro repo ippān ri-waj eo boñ.The night watchman caught them sneaking.ajādik
 Ein kwe wōt ri-ajjādikdik.You're no different than a sneak.ajjādikdik
ri-ajjukubRaar bōkḷọk ri-ajjukub ro bwe en taktōik er.They took those who walked with a limp to him so he could give them the treatment they needed.ajjukub
ri-ajuiaakṂōkadein ri-ajuiaak men eṇ.He's expert in repairing leaky thatched roofs.ajuiaak
ri-akāJijej ear kōmour ri-akā eo im kabwilōñ Pārōji ro.Jesus healed the palsy and amazed the Pharisees.akā
Ri-akadeRi-akade ro raṇ iuṃmwin eṇ.The bird watchers are over there under the breadfruit tree to locate where the birds are roosting.akade
Ri-akajokRi-akajok eo ewōtlọk jān raan kañal eo.The person who was watching birds to locate their roosts fell off the Pisonia grandis tree.akajok
Ri-akakeRi-akake wa eo rāraṇtok.The men who are to tow the canoe are heading over this way.akake
ri-akjijenEjako ri-akjijen eo innām taktō eo eñak en et.The person in charge of the oxygen was gone and the doctor didn't know what to do.akjijen
ri-akkaunKwōn eọroñ ri-akkaun raṇe ṃokta bwe renaaj jujen rọọl im jab kōḷḷā.Take care of those who have accounts here first before they leave and don't pay their bills.akkaun
ri-akkōjdatdatEpen an ri-akkōjdatdat iọkwe armej.It's hard for someone who constantly hates others to love them.akkōjdat
ri-akḷañEnaaj wōr iien ñan ri-akḷañ.A time will come for those who are always preempting others.akḷañ
ri-akḷañeKwōn kaiur bwe elōñ ri-akḷañe jo eṇ in jibboñ.Better hurry because there are a few men who rush ahead of everyone else to fish for the goatfish in the morning.akḷañ
ri-akōjdatEpen an ri-akōjdat bōk jerbal ṇeA person who hates others will find it difficult to get that job.akkōjdat
Ri-aktalRi-aktal ro raṇ rej pojak wōt in eṃṃakūt.The group of people to visit us are getting ready to move.aktal
ri-akwāālJej jab kōṇaan roñjake ri-akwāāl.No one wants to listen to people quarrel.akwāāl
 Ri-akwāāl eo ṇeHe is the one who is always quarrelling.iakwāāl
Ri-akweḷapRi-akweḷap eo ṇeShe's the insistent type.akweḷap
ri-alEṃōj kōjenolọke jikin jijet ko an ri-al roThe singers have been given special seats.al
ri-alalRo jibwin ri-alal eo raar ḷōmṇak lukkuun aer bwidej eo rej jokwe ie.The caretaker's descendants thought they truly owned the land they were staying on.alal
ri-albakbōkEwōr ke ri-albakbōk iaamieañIs there a one among you four who is good at carrying things tucked under the arm?albakbōk
Ri-aḷeRi-aḷe ro raar eọñō ijeṇe.The men using the surround method of fishing have already fished there.aḷe
ri-aleakKar baj ri-aleak wōtShe naturally wears her hair loose on her back so provocatively.aleak
ri-alejKwōnaaj ri-alej ilo pakke eṇ ñan kōj.You will be the one who aims the canon for us.alej
ri-alekọEwi ri-alekọ eoWhere's the bird roost watcher/locator?alekọ
ri-alinRi-kaki eo ear ubaakeḷọk ri-alin ṃaina ro.The parson shooed away those who were singing love songsalin ṃaina
 Ri-alin ṃur eo eṃṃan an al in.This is the good singer of songs to reminisce by.alin ṃur
ri-aliñūrñūrEkkā wōt an ri-aliñūrñūr kōṃṃan pok.Those who murmur usually create discord.alñūrñūr
Ri-alitotoRi-alitoto eo ekiliddāp ṇeThat's the stubborn dangler.allitoto
Ri-aljekRi-aljek raij ro raṇ rej aljek wōt.The rice carriers are still transporting.aljek
ri-aḷjerAolep ri-aḷjer rej taktō ilju.All those afflicted with ulcers see the doctor tomorrow.aḷjer
ri-aḷkōnarIj lewōj jatū bwe en aṃ ri-aḷkōnar in jota.I'll let you take my sister for a sunset stroll.aḷkōnar
ri-aḷkwōjejeEiruj ri-aḷkwōjeje ro wōj ippān ri-kadek eo.The sunbathers were agitated by the drunken man.aḷkwōjeje
ri-allimōmōRejibwe ri-allimōmō eoThe peeping tom was apprehended.allimōmō
ri-alloEj jab ri-allo men eṇ.He's not a good searcher.allo
ri-allōkEjjeḷọk ri-allōk mālkwōjin an allōk wōt lieñ.There is no other chanter whose incantation is as powerful as that woman's incantation.allōk
Ri-allọkRi-allọk ro rein repojak in jinoe.These are the surveyors and they're ready to begin.allọk
ri-alloloJab eḷḷọk ñane bwe ri-allolo.Don't mind him because he's a roamer.allolo
Ri-allōñijuRi-allōñiju ro an jabōt eo ḷọk ren jouj im jutak bwe aolep ren lo er.Those who made contributions for last Sunday please stand up for everyone to see.allōñ iju
Ri-aḷoRi-aḷo rej naaj jerata wōt.Those who're late will always miss out.aḷo
ri-aḷokRaar ettōrḷọk kōn ri-aḷok eo ñan aujpitōḷ.They rushed the person who didn't keep the traditional medicinal taboos to the hospital for emergency treatment.aḷok
ri-aluejEkkar ñan ṃantin aelōñ kein ri-aluej ej armej rot eṇ ej kọkkure ṃanet im al iraan wōjke kaṇ.According to traditional custom a person who sings upon trees commits a social blunder.aluej
Ri-alwōjRi-alwōj ro raar kabbokbok.The audience clapped their hands.alwōj
 Ri-alwōj ro raar kabbokbok.The audience clapped their hands.alwōj
 Ri-alwōj bajjek ro remootḷọk.The sightseeing group have left.alwōj bajjek
ri-aṃaJerbal eo aṃ ri-aṃa; ebar ejjeḷọk men eṇ kwōn kōṃṃane.Your job is to be hammerer; you shouldn't do anything else.aṃa
Ri-aṃakRi-aṃak eo eṇ iuṃwin lukweej eṇ.The person in the hammock is under the lukweej tree.aṃak
Ri-amānRi-amān jokḷā in men eṇ.He's the type who cashes in on any opportunity that comes by. or He's an opportunist.amān
ri-aṃbōḷKwokōṇaan ke ri-aṃbōḷ?Would you like to be assigned the task of pounding things on the anvil?aṃbōḷ
Ri-aṃbwidilāRi-aṃbwidilā ro raar iiookḷọk baḷuun eo.The umbrellaed passengers made a beeline to the airplane.aṃbwidilā
ri-AmedkaEtar jān joñan an ri-Amedka ro kōṃṃan aeñwāñwā.The Americans made noise beyond endurance.Amedka
 North Vietnam Ri-Amedka raar bọkutañe!The Americans bombed North Vietnam.bọkutañ
 Ri-Amedka raar kōṃṃan ialan jọọr ilo pata eo.The American soldiers made clear the way for escaping during World War II.iaḷan jọọr
 Ri-Amedka rōkijoñ ito-itak.Americans are great travelers.ito-itak
 Ri-Amedka ro ilo tariṇae eo ḷọk an laḷ in raar jaṃtiltili Hitler im ejeddaṃ.In World War II the Americans defeated Hitler in an end move and he got smashed.jaṃtiltil
MORE ri-amedka
ri-āmejKōpooj rimej ṇe bwe ri-āmej ro tok.Get the deceased ready because the mourners are coming.āmej
Ri-amiṃōṇoRi-amiṃōṇo eo ṇeThat's the person who makes handicraft.amiṃōṇo
ri-amḷapEj jab aikuj wōr ri-amḷap raan kein kōnke eoktak wāween mour.There shouldn't be anybody owning more land than others these days as the living situation has changed.amḷap
Ri-amṇakRi-amṇak ejjeḷọk aer inepata.Those who live on their inherited land have nothing to worry about.amṇak
Ri-aṃonikaRi-aṃonika eo eḷak kōjañ aṃonika eo nejin, kōmwōj eppaḷ.When the harmonica player played his harmonica we were all flabbergasted.aṃonika
Ri-aṃwinRi-aṃwin eo ṇeHe's charged with washing people's hands after eating.aṃwin
Ri-anRi-an wa eo epeḷọk.The person who worked on a canoe to make it sail fast got lost at sea.an
ri-ananEwōr ke ri-anan ñan kōjro ñe kōjro etal in urōk?Will we take along a chummer when we go bottom fishing?anan
ri-anekaneKwōj ri-anekane kijeek ṇe wōttōṃ ṃōjYour only responsibility is to see that the fire is kept burning.anekane
ri-anemkwōjEkōṇaan mour in ri-anemkwōj.She wants to live independently.anemkwōj
Ri-anenRi-anen etao men eṇ.He's known for his chronic seizures.anen etao
Ri-āneoRi-āneo raar dienbwijro ke raar roñ ke enaaj buñlọk Likabwiro.The islanders ate their last meal together when they heard that typhoon Likabwiro would ravage their island.dienbwijro
 Ejjeikik ri-āneo ke ejeḷo.The island populace were agitated by the sighting of a sail.jejeikik
 Ri-āneo raar ejjeurur ke ej mej irooj eo.The people of the islet were stirred up when the chief died.jejeurur
 Raar ṇakọjen ri-āneo ālkin taibuun eo.The islanders were provided with blankets after the typhoon.ṇakọjen
 Emej irooj eo an ri-āneo innem wāween in ekaajineañroik er.Their traditional chief's death frightened the people of the island.ajineañro
Ri-anidepRi-anidep ro raṇ rej kōttar eok bwe ren jinoe.The kick ball players are out there waiting for you to start the game.anidep
ri-āniinEbuñbuñ anjin-pakoin ri-āniin.The people on this island are famous for their expertise in keeping the sharks from attacking people.anjin-pako
ri-anijnijEaar etal bwe ri-anijnij eo en anjin-wōlboiki.He went to have the black magician make him have sex appeal.anjin-wōlbo
ri-āninKwe ke ri-ānin (ri-inin)?Are you from this islet?ānin
 Eḷap wōt an ebbaakkitoto ri-ānin.The people on this island are always stricken with yaws.bakkito
 Kwōj būḷutok jān ia ke kwōnaaj kabūḷuuk ri-ānin?Where did you contract the flu from now that everybody on the island will get it.būḷu
 Ke raar wia kōba, aolep ri-ānin raar kōkōba.When copper (scrap) was being bought, everyone on this island went looking for copper.kōba
Ri-anjin-pakoRi-anjin-pako eHe's an expert at keeping the sharks at bay.anjin-pako
Ri-anjin-wōlboRi-anjin-wōlbo eo ear kilaba.The black magician to make people win contests committed suicide.anjin-wōlbo
Ri-atiltakRi-atiltak ro remoottok.The roof repairers are here.atiltak
ri-audwadoWōn eo enaaj ad ri-audwado?Who will be carrying it in a basket for us?aduwado
Ri-baRi-ba pata etan armej eo ṇeHe is the one who always calls people's names for nothing.ba pata
Ri-baajkōḷRi-baajkōḷ eo ṇe tok.The bicycle man is coming.baajkōḷ
Ri-baakRi-baak ro raar itok ñan aelōñ kein etto.Men from frigate ships came to the islands long ago.baak
 Ri-baak kaar eo an hotel in ṇeHe is the man who parks cars for the hotel.baak
Ri-baakitotoRi-baakitoto armej raṇ.Those people always have yaws.bakkito
Ri-baaṃRi-baaṃ ro jān Roñḷap raṇe.Those are the radiation victims from Rongelap.baaṃ
ri-baaṃleKwōn jab kapoiki bwe ri-baaṃle eDon't tempt him because he's a family man.baaṃle
ri-baankeekEjjeḷọk ri-baankeek āinwot kuk eṇ.No one knows how to make pancakes like the that cook.baankeek
Ri-baeḷRi-baeḷ eo an office in eṇ.She is the file clerk for this office.baeḷ
Ri-baeoḷiinRi-baeoḷiin eo eṇ.He is the violinist.baeoliin
Ri-baerRi-baer eo ṇe kwōj ḷōmṇak in kōjerbale.The one you're thinking of hiring was just fired.baer
ri-baibJohn ej juon ri-baib.John is a plumber.baib
ri-BaibōḷḶeeṇ ri-Baibōḷ.That man knows more Bible!Baibōḷ
Ri-baidtōñtōñRi-baidtōñtōñ eo ṇeHe is a chain smokerbaid
 Ḷeeṇ ri-baidtōñtōñ.That man is a chain smoker.baidtōñtōñ
ri-baijinEjool bwe e ri-baijin. / Ejool be ri-baijin men eṇ.He is shunned because he habitually discredits people.baijin
 Ejool bwe e ri-baijin. / Ejool be ri-baijin men eṇ.He is shunned because he habitually discredits people.baijin
Ri-baikulaajRi-baikulaaj eo eṇ.He is the right man to use the binoculars.baiklaaj
Ri-baitRi-bait eo jān America ewiin.The boxer from America won the fight.bait
Ri-bajRi-baj eṇ ḷadik ṇeThis boy is from that bus.baj
ri-bajinjeaE juon iaan ri-bajinjea ro ḷọk ñan Japan.He is one of the passengers to Japan.bajinjea
ri-bakkeIdike lieṇ bwe ri-bakke eo ilo kar Mājro eṇ.I abhor her because she was the one with the yaws in Majuro sometime back.bakke
 Ri-bakke men raṇ.Those are people with bakkebakke
Ri-balebọọḷRi-balebọọḷ ro raṇThey are the volleyball players.baḷebọọḷ
Ri-baḷuunRi-baḷuun ro raar itaak.The fliers had a smash-up.baḷuun
Ri-baṃRi-baṃ jikka eo ṇeHe is the cigarette bummer.baṃ
Ri-boboRi-bobo injin eo ṇeHe is the engine assembler.bobo
 Ri-bobo raij ro raṇ.They are the rice ball makers.bobo
Ri-bokpāRi-bokpā eo eṇ.That's the man who always has his arms folded.bokpā
Ri-bokpātataRi-bokpātata eo eṇ.He is the number one man who always has his arms folded.bokpā
Ri-boktañRi-boktañ eo ilo baḷuun eo ṇeThat's the bombardier on the airplane.bọkutañ
Ri-bolōnRi-bolōn eo ṇeHe is the one who can tie securelly.boḷan
ri-BoodkeEḷak to an pād Awai, epeljo ippān ri-Boodke raṇAfter living a while in Hawaii he could pass for a Portuguese.peljo
ri-BoonpeElōñ ri-Boonpe ṂajeḷLots of Ponapeans in the Marshalls.Boonpe
ribootKoñkōrōj enaaj tilmaake tok riboot eo an rainin.Congress will tender its report today.tilmaak
ri-boutKwōj ri-bout in ia?What voting place are you from?bout
ri-bukwōnEṃṃan an aolep ri-bukwōn in bōro-kuk.It is good that the people of this district are united.bōro-kuk
Ri-dibukRi-dibuk mar ro raṇe.Those are the boony trekkers.dibuk
rieSenator eo jān Mājej eaar rie pepe eo an senator ṃōttan jān Aelok.The senator from Mejit backed up the proposal of his fellow-senator from Aelok. rie
 Ewōr ke aṃ ḷōmṇak bwe in rie?Do you have any plan that I should endorse?rie
ri-eaklepAolep iien kwōj eaklepi lolo kaṇe im ṃool ke kwe kwōj juon ri-eaklep.You always rob the hens of their eggs and it's true that you are an egg robber.eaklep
 Kanooj waji lolo kaṇe rej lik bwe emoottok ri-eaklep eoWatch out now because the robber has arrived.eaklep
ri-eañwōdKwōnaaj etal ippān ri-eañwōd raṇ bwe kwōn kab ri-ilele ek.You will go with fishermen so that you can be the one who strings the fish.ile
Ri-ebRi-eb ro jān Amedka renaaj kātok ilo baluun eo ilju.The dancer from America will come on the plane tomorrow.eb
 Renañin kāinin(i) ke ri-eb roHave they adorned the dancers with grass skirts?inin
Ri-edjoñRi-edjoñ eo an irooj eṇ.She is the one who tastes food for the chief.edjoñ
Ri-ekajetRi-ekajet.The judge.ekajet
 Ri-ekajet eo ear ketake ri-ketak eo.The judge revealed the identity of the betrayer.ketak
Ri-ekkokouwaRi-ekkokouwa eo jān high school ear wiin.The juggler from high school won the contest.ekkokowa
ri-ekkoonakKōpooj kijeek ko bwe ri-ekkoonak ro tok.Get the cooking fires ready because those who went to fish for rainbow runners are on their way back.ekkoonak
Ri-ektakRi-ektak waini eo an RRE eṇ.He is the one who loads copra for the RRE.ektak
Ri-ElejRi-Elej ro raṇ raar tokeaktok.The people from Tuvalu have just arrived.Elej
Ri-eḷḷọkRi-eḷḷọk jaki eo eṇ.His job is to spread out the mats.eḷḷọk
rieḷọkKwōn rieḷọk pepe eṇ an bwe en ṃōkajḷọk an jeṃḷọk kwelọk in.Go ahead and support his proposition so this meeting can conclude sooner.rie
Ri-enliklikRi-enliklik.One always clasps his hands behind him.enliklik
ri-eñtaanEkar juon ri-eñtaan jān ke ear dik.He has experienced suffering since he was a kid.eñtaan
Ri-entakRi-entak ni in kemeem ro rej entak kiiō ilo āneeṇThe men who pick green coconuts for the birthday party are now picking coconuts on that island.entak
ri-eoeoLeḷḷap eo ej juon ri-eoeo.The old woman is the one who rubs people when they are in pain.eoeo
Ri-eọeoRi-eọeo wa eo eṇ.He is the one who is expert in lashing canoes.eọeo
ri-eojojoAlfred ej juon iaan ri-eojojo ro jota.Alfred is one of the the men who went fishing with the eojojo method last night.eojojo
ri-eolaḷTom ej ṃōttan ri-eolaḷ ro ekkar ejjeḷọk koṇāer.Tom was one of them who didn't catch any fish using the bottom fishing method.eolaḷ
rieọñōdṂa e, emour būrūṃrūṃ,” juon iaan rieọñōd ro eba innem aolep im tōtōñin kajjirere.Hey guys, Vroom Vroom is alive,” one of the fishermen said, and everyone laughed mockingly. P317mour
ri-eọñōdJilkinḷọk ri-eọñōd raṇe bwe ren kaajilowōde ḷok ek eṇ.Send the fishermen to speed up the process so the fish can be ready to surround with the coconut fish scarer.ajilowōd
Ri-eọñwōdRi-eọñwōd ro raṇe tok.Here come the fishermen.eọñwōd
ri-eooneneEietḷọk ri-eoonene in Mājro jān ri-Teḷap.The people from the main islet of Majuro are fewer than the people of Teḷap.eoonene
Ri-eotaakRi-eotaak eo jān Mājeej eaar wiin.The wrestler from Mājeej won the wrestling match.eotaak
Ri-etalRi-etal laḷ eo ṇeHe is the one who always walks.etal
Ri-etaleRi-etale ri-jerbal eo eṇ emoottok.The man who goes over each employee is here.etale
Ri-etalpeetRi-etalpeet eo ṇeHe is the expert in etalpeetetalpeet
ri-etaoKwe kwōj juon ri-etao.You are a sly person.Etao
ri-etetalEj juon ri-etetal.He is a walker.etetal
Ri-ettoRi-etto.Ancient peopleetto
RiIaabRiIaab rōkkūrañrañYapese are easily startled.kūrañ
Ri-IaabRi-Iaab relukkuun ilbōkbōk.The Yapese are often startled.ilbōk
ri-iaatLedik eṇ ej ri-iaat nuknuk eo eṇ.That girl is the one who measures yards of clothing.iaat
ri-iaboñJuon iaan ri-iaboñ ro ear mej.One of the night attackers died.iaboñ
Ri-iāekwōjRi-iāekwōj ro raṇ rej pojak in ettōr.The runners are ready for the race.iāekwōj
Ri-iāetōlRi-iāetōl ro raṇe.Those guys always accompany each other.iāetōl
Ri-iakiuRi-iakiu ro jān Amedka.The baseball players from America.iakiu
 Ejọ ri-iakiu raan ko an ri-Nibboñ.He used to be a baseball player during Japanese times.jọ
ri-iaroñroñRejibwe ri-iaroñroñ roThey caught the men who spied.iaroñroñ
Ri-idaakRi-idaak piaBeer drinker.idaak
 Ri-idaak niCoconut drinkeridaak
Ri-idajoñjoñRi-idajoñjoñ eo ṇe tok.Here comes the inspector.idajoñjoñ
ri-idenoṇeEwōr ri-idenoṇe.There is an avenger.iden-oṇe
Ri-ieneRi-iene.The people ashore.iāne
ri-iiaakJuon iaan ri-iiaak ek ro di ear dibōj pein.One of the women who removed bones from the fish, a bone got into her finger.iiaak
Ri-iiōkRi-iiōk dakdakAlways being sloppy.iiōk
 Ri-iiōk pilawāThe bread maker.iiōk
Ri-IjideaḷRi-Ijideaḷ ro raar ri-jipọkwe iumwin elōñ iiō.The Israelis were taken into captivity for many years.jipọkwe
Ri-ikienRi-ikien eo ṇe tok.Here comes the boy who is always pestering othersikien
riikinIkar eñjake bwe ñe ej lōtlōt kōto eo ejañ riikin im ṃōrṃōr ioon lọjet.I could sense the sail was full as the wind blew and whistled through the riggings, and foam appeared on the surface of the water P567eñjake
Ri-ikjetRi-ikjet.People from the bottom of ocean (legend).ikjet
Ri-ilRi-il eo eṇ.She is the one who makes holes in earlobes.il
ri-ilarakElōñ kwoṇan ri-ilarak roThe men who are trolling caught lots of fish.ilarak
ri-ileleKwōnaaj etal ippān ri-eañwōd raṇ bwe kwōn kab ri-ilele ekYou will go with fishermen so that you can be the one who strings the fish.ile
riiṃEllolo ḷeen riiṃ.Your husband has a lover everywhere he goes.lelolo
 Ewi lio riiṃ?Where is your wife?rii-
 Ewi ḷeo riiṃ?Where is your husband?rii-
riiñOkḷāik nabōjān ṃwiin im pukot riiñ eo .Turn everything over in front of this house and look for my ring.okḷā
 Ejako riiñ eo .My ring is lost.riiñ
ri-ineeaKoleiat ej juon ri-ineea.Goliath is a giant.ineea
ri-ineemṃanEj juon ri-ineemṃan.He is one those who is softhearted.ineeṃṃan
ri-ineneJuon iaan ri-inene waini ro ear okjak.One of the men who was carrying a bag of copra on his shoulder fell down.inene
ri-inepataTony ej juon ri-inepata ilo mour eṇ an.Tony is one who is always looks worried.inepata
ri-ininKwe ke ri-ānin (ri-inin)?Are you from this islet?ānin
 Juon iaan ri-inin ro, kōrā ro im raar kōmṃani in kein, eṃōj an bōk kakkije.One of the women who made these grass skirts passed away.inin
riiñiñIj jab kōṇaan riiñiñ bwe emetak peiū.I don't like to wear a ring because my hand hurts.riiñiñ
 Kwōn kariiñiñi bwe ekōṇaan riiñiñ.Put a ring on her because she likes to wear a ring.riiñiñ
ri-injineaEwōr jilu an tiṃa eṇ injinea. Aolep ri-injinea rein jilu raar diojḷọk jān jikuuḷ injinea.The ships has three engineers. All three of them have graduated from mechanical engineering school.injinia
Ri-IñlenRi-Iñlen men ṇeThat's an Englishman.Iñlij
Ri-IñlijRi-Iñlij men ṇeThat's an Englishman.Iñlij
Ri-inwijetRi-inwijet eo ejeḷātata inwijet emoottok.The man who is expert in lashing outrigger canoes is coming.inwijet
ri-ireJuon iaan ri-ire ro raṇe.He is one of the man who were fighting.ire
riitEjiṃalejlej meja kōn an to riit.My head is giddy from my reading so long.jiṃalejlej
riitiEṃōj de jino riiti bok eo.I just started reading the book.de
 Eḷaññe kwaar kijenmej jān jinoun, kemij kejatdikdik bwe ilo awa in kwōj riiti peijin, kwōmaroñ kōnono im meḷeḷe kajin ṂajeḷIf you have been diligent from the beginning, we hope that when you read this page, you are able to speak and understand Marshallese. S29kijenmej
 Eḷaññe kwaar kijenmej jān jinoun, kemij kōjatdikdik bwe ilo awa in kwōj riiti peijin, kwōmaroñ kōnono im meḷeḷe kajin ṂajeḷIf you have been diligent from the beginning, we hope that when you read this page, you are able to speak and understand Marshallese. S29kōjatdikdik
 Ewi bok eo ej rejetan bok e ij riiti?Where is the book to go with this one I'm reading?rejeta-
Ri-itokRi-itok men raṇe.They are newcomers.itok
ri-itōkEkar wōr joñoul kōrā ri-itōk dānThere were ten women who were drawing water.itōk
ri-itok-limoAolep ri-itok-limo ro ilo jipañ ri-nañinmej raar bwikilọk jipañ ko aer ñan aujpitōḷ. [Aolep ro eitok-limoier ilo jipañ ri-nañinmej raar … ]All of those who showed interest in helping the sick took their contributions to the hospital. [The preferred usage is in square brackets.]itok-limoin
Ri-itweḷọkRi-itweḷọk eo eṇ.That guy is faltering.itweḷọk
ri-jāānwūjKōrā eṇ ej juon iaan ri-jāānwūj roThat woman is one of the women who prepared the sandwiches.jāānwūj
ri-jāiboEwi ri-jāibo eo ejeḷā iiōk jāibo?Where is the woman who knows how to make jāibojāibo
ri-jainJemān John ej juon iaan ri-jain ro ilo peba in ṃare eo an.John's father is one of the signers of his marriage certificate.jain
ri-JainaEmmaḷkoko kooḷan bōran ri-Jaina.Lots of Chinese have straight hair.maḷko
ri-jajeḷọkjeṇÑa ij juon ri-jajeḷọkjeṇ bwe iar jab jikuuḷ.I am uneducated because I didn't go to school.jajeḷọkjeṇ
 Ri-jajeḷọkjeṇ.Uneducated person.jajeḷọkjeṇ
ri-jājineetAolep kōmeañ ije ri-jājineet wōtWe're all newcomers and don't know our way around.jājiniet
ri-jājjājJān wōt an ekkonono ak jejeḷā ej juon ri-jājjāj.From the way he talks, we know that he’s a show off.jājjāj
ri-jājjookokḶeeṇ ej juon eṇ ri-jājjookok.That man is one who is hard to embarrass.jājjookok
ri-jakkijejeAlfred ej juon ri-jakkijeje.Alfred is someone who seldom tires.jakkijeje
ri-jakkōlkōlḶadik eṇ juon eṇ ri-jakkōlkōl.That boy is one that is not scared easily.jakkōlkōl
Ri-jakōlRi-jakōl eo eṇ ej eb.There's the clumsy one dancing.jakōl
ri-jakoṇkoṇKwe kwōj juon iaan ri-jakoṇkoṇ roYou are one of those who isn't able to catch many fish.jọkoṇkoṇ
Ri-jalenpāRi-jalenpā eo eṇ.That man always lifts things using only one hand.jalenpā
ri-jāljelJerbal eo an lelḷap eṇ ej ri-jāljel maañThe old woman's job is to make rolls of pandanus leaves.jāljel
Ri-jālloRi-jāllo eo eṇ kwaar kōjerbale bwe en pukot tok bọọḷ eo.You sent the man who can't see well to find the ball.jāllo
ri-jālluluEj juon ri-jāllulu.He is one who doesn't anger easily.jāllulu
Ri-jaṃRi-jaṃ eo ṇeHe's the kicker.jaṃ
ri-jaṃboḶalem en ri-pālele raar jaṃbotok jān Amedka im juon iaan ri-jaṃbo rein enañinmej.Five couples came from America for a vacation and one of them is now sick.jaṃbo
Ri-jāmmijakjakRi-jāmmijakjak.He's one who doesn't scare easily.jāmmijakjak
Ri-jāmmineneRi-jāmminene ro raṇ ej make wōt ruṃwij aer jerbal.These inexperienced workers are very slow in doing their work.jāmminene
ri-JāmneHitler ekar juon ri-Jāmne.Hitler was a German.Jāmne
 Ekadik kōmañmañ an ri-Jāmne ro ri-kaki.The Germans used punishment a lot in teaching.kōmañmañ
ri-jaṃtiltilKōjparok aṃ kukure (ikkure) ippān bwe ri-jaṃtiltil eo ṇeBe careful playing checkers with him because he's a champion.jaṃtiltil
Ri-JaṃuwaRi-Jaṃuwa.A Samoan. Samoans.Jaṃuwa
ri-jānEwōr ḷalem ri-jān bao remoot in jān bao ilo āne jidikdik eṇ.There were five men went to snare birds at the small islet.jān
ri-jāniknikTony ej juon ri-jāniknik.Tony is a lazy guy.jāniknik
ri-jarEkwe,” ekar pidodo an Bojin eo ba bwe bar e ri-jar.Okay.” It was easy for the Boatswain to agree to this because he was also a person of prayer. P1077jar
Ri-jaromRi-jarom ro raṇ rej kōmṃane juren jarom eṇ.The electricians are working on the electric pole.jarom
ri-jarroñroñḶadik eṇ ej juon ri-jarroñroñ jān ke ear ḷotakThat boy has been deaf since birth.jarroñroñ
ri-jataḶōṇe ej juon ri-jata kake kaar.That man is one who rents out cars.jata
ri-jattutuLedik eṇ ej ṃōttan ri-jattutu raṇThat girl is one of those who seldom takes a bath.jattutu
Ri-jauwōtataRi-jauwōtata ḷadik eṇ āinwot jemān.That boy, like his father, doesn't scare easily.jọuwōta
ri-jawōdLikao eṇ ej juon iaan ri-jawōd ro boñ.That young man is one of those who were girl-hunting last night.jawōd
ri-jeaalJet raṇ ri-jeaal iṃaan āne jidikdik eṇ.There are some people waving at the end of that islet.jeeaaḷ
ri-jebanElōñ ri-jeban ilo aelōñ kein.There are a lot of wealthy people in the Marshalls.jeban
Ri-jebjebRi-jebjeb piik ro raṇ.Those are the men who are catching pigs.jebjeb
Ri-jebwaRi-jebwa ro jān kapinmeto.The stick dancers from the western atolls.jebwa
ri-jebwābweJuon iaan ri-jebwābwe ro ear maro im mej.One of the men who got lost died from thirst.jebwābwe
Ri-jebwatōrRi-jebwatōr eo ejeḷā tata jebwatōr ej jān Epoon.The one who is expert in making jebwatōr is from Ebon.jebwatōr
RijebwebweRijebwebwe eo ejeḷa tata jebwebwe eṇ.He is the one who is expert in steering.jebwebwe
ri-jedañḶeeṇ ej jān juon baaṃle in ri-jedañ.He is from a family that has no skills.jedañ
Ri-jedjedRi-jedjed ijuAstronomer.jedjed
ri-jeeọñōdḶeeṇ ej ṃōttan ri-jeeọñōd ro ilo āniinThat man is one of those who seldom goes fishing on this islet.jeeọñōd
ri-JeinaElōñ wōt im lōñ ri-Jeina ilo aelōñ kein.There are lots and lots of Chinese in the Marshalls.Jeina
 Ewōr ke eṇ ejeḷā kōn menmenbwijin ri-Jeina raṇe iānin?Does anyone know about the genealogy of the Chinese on this island?menmenbwij
RijejeRijeje bwebwenatoHistorian writer.jeje
 Ikōṇaan kakkije jān rijeje.I wish to resign as scribe.kakkije
ri-jejeḶeeṇ emej ej juon iaan ri-jeje ro ilo aujpitōḷ.The dead man is one of those who had jeje in the hospital.jeje
Ri-jejjetRi-jejjet ek eo ejeḷā tata ṇeHe is best fish cleaner.jejjet
RijekapeelRijekapeel.A person who immature or lacking in skill.jekapeel
Ri-jekeidaakRi-jekeidaak eo epo.The one who has been stealing toddy has been caught.jekeidaak
 Ri-jekeidaak.One who steals toddy from coconut trees.jekeidaak
rijekjekEṃṃan ke aeṃaanin rijekjek waan Mile?Do the canoe builders from Mili do a good job of tying the sail edge to the gaff?aeṃaan
 Rijekjek wa eo ear jek juon tipñōl.The canoe builder made a large outrigger. canoe.jekjek wa
Ri-jekjekRi-jekjek waThe one who builds boats, canoes, etc.jekjek wa
RijellepRijellep eo ṇeHe is the one who always exposes one's fault to his face.jeklep
Ri-jeḷmāneRi-jeḷmāne.One who is unrulyjeḷmāne
Ri-jeḷmānetataRi-jeḷmānetata.The most unruly.jeḷmāne
Ri-jeṃaanRi-jeṃaan ejeja aer nañinmej.People in olden times didn't get sick easily.jeṃaan
rijemānajKōṃṃan bwe en juon iaan rijemānaj raṇeMake him one of those who pass thatch.jemān aj
Ri-jeṃarRi-jeṃar ro remootḷọk ñan Hawaii.Those who are on summer vacation have gone to Hawaii.jeṃar
Ri-jematakRi-jematak.A person who has a stomach ache.jemetak
Ri-jemjemRi-jemjem bakbōkA person who sharpens knives.jemjem
Ri-jeṃjerāRi-jeṃjerā ro remoot in kakkije.The two friends went on a vacation.jeṃjerā
RijeṃkatRijeṃkat eo ṇeHe is the expert at side-kicking.jeṃkat
Ri-jeñakRi-jeñak rọñ ro rej jioñi rọñ ko.The hole fillers are now filling up the holes.jeñak
ri-jenjenWọn ṇe ej ri-jenjen kijeekWho will be the one to start the fire?jenjen
Ri-jenliklikRi-jenliklik eo ṇe,He is the one who always holds back on his ideas.jenliklik
Ri-jennadeRi-jennade.One who does the calculations.jennade
 Ri-jennade eo ej jennadeik wāween naaj ajeeje ṃani eo.The man who does the calculations is now figuring out how to divide the money.jennade
rijennōbBa ñan rijennōb eṇ bwe en jino jennōb.Tell the person who makes jennōb to start preparing it.jennōb
ri-jepḶōḷḷap ej kab alikkar ke juon ri-jep.It's clear now that old man is one of those who take sides.jep
Ri-jepaRi-jepa in ia raṇ ke ij lo er?Where are those homely people I saw from?jepa
riJepaanEọtōk kōppeḷọk ko an riJepaan ro ibaal.The Japanese fishing floats washed up on the reef.kōppeḷọk
 Ewūdmouj bwe nājin riJepaan.He's light-skinned because his father is Japanese.wūdmouj
ri-JepaanAn nejin ri-Jepaan ekaaiṇokkoikiHis being an offspring of a Japanese father gives him a light complexion.aiṇokko
 Eḷap jipañ an ri-Jepaan ñan ri-Ṃajōḷ.The Japanese really helped the Marshallese in developing the islands.Jepaan
 Tiṃa kein rōkein añkō iarin aelōñin Kuajleen ālikin wōt an ṃōj an ri-Amedka kar bōk aelōñ eṇ jān ri-Jepaan ro ilo tariṇae eo kein karuo an laḷ in.After the Americans took the island from the Japanese in World War II, they used to anchor these ships in the Kwajalein lagoon. P4ri-
Ri-jepelRi-jepel ro raṇ.That's the divorced couple.jepel
RijepjepRijepjep wutOne who trims flowers.jepjep
Ri-jepjepRi-jepjep ujoojOne who mows grass.jepjep
ri-jeplejAolep armejin ṃweeṇ ri-jeplej.All the people in that house have STDs.jeplej
Ri-jeptakRi-jeptak eo eṇ.He is the one who slaps people.jeptak
Ri-jepwaḷRi-jepwaḷ eo ṇeHe is the one who always slaps people on the back of their heads.jepwaḷ
Ri-jerajkoRi-jerajko ro eṃōj aer jerajkoik aebōj eṇ.Those who are responsible for putting bleach in the cistern have already done so.jerajko
rijeraṃōlRej naajdik rijeraṃōl roThey are giving food to the poor people.jeraṃōl
RijerataRijerata men raṇ.They are unfortunate people.jerata
 Raar naajdik rijerata.They gave food to the unfortunate people.jerata
Ri-jerawiwitataRi-jerawiwitata eo eṇ iaan ḷadik raṇ.He is the biggest sinner of all those boys.jerọwiwi
rijerbalKwe rūkōjerbal armej innem kwōj aikuj jeḷā kuṇaaṃ ñan rijerbal ro aṃ.You're an employer of human beings; therefore you must know how to treat your employees as such.ri-kōjerbal armej
ri-jerbalKwōn kōbampeiki bwe ejabwe ri-jerbal.You let him work as guard because we don't have enough guards.baṃpe
 Ri-etale ri-jerbal eo eṇ emoottok.The man who goes over each employee is here.etale
 Kaiiet woran ri-jerbal.The number of employees should be reduced.iiet
 Ri-jerbal eHe's an employee.jerbal
 Wōn eo ej loloodjake tok kijen ri-jerbal.Who has taken responsibility for bringing food for the workers?loloodjake
MORE ri-jerbal
ri-jerọḶeeṇ ej juon iaan ri-jerọ ro ilo tariṇae eo.That man was a good marksman during the war.jerọ
rijertaṂol ke kwe rijerta.It's true that you are not a good marksman.jerta
rijerwaanTony ej juon rijerwaan.Tony is a squanderer.jerwaan
rijetaleṂōttan rijetale ro raṇe bwe ejjañin ellolo pāleen.He is one of those lacking in sex appeal because he hasn't yet found a wife.jataḷe
ri-jiāeJuon iaan ri-jiāe ro ebwilọk neen.One of the competitors had a broken leg.jiāe
ri-jibaiIar kanooj bwilōñ kōn jibai eo ri-jibai eoI was amazed by the magic trick performed by the magician.jibai
 Ri-jibai in Roojia.The Russian spy.jibai
 Raar jibwe ri-jibai eo an Roojia im kalbuuji.They caught the Russian spying and put him in jail.jibai
Ri-jibaiklaajRi-jibaiklaaj eo an wa eṇ.He is the one who uses and cares for the ship binoculars.jibaiklaaj
ri-jibkeJuon iaan ri-jibke ro ear jab maroñ jibke bwe enañinmej.One of the men who was supposed to fish for jibke was sick and couldn't go.jibke
Ri-jiburlepRi-jiburlep.Someone who hugs.jiburlep
Ri-jibuutRi-jibuut eo ṇeHe is the one who always wear boots.jibuut
Ri-jikuuḷRi-jikuuḷ in aejikuuḷ.High school students.jikuuḷ
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24jikuuḷ
 Ejipikpik ṃōñā eo kijen ri-jikuuḷ roThe students' food is insufficient.jipikpik
 Eṃōj an ri-jikuuḷ ro kakōlkōl.The students have been given their physicals.kakōlkōl
 Wōn eo ear kakilen ri-jikuuḷ roWho gave the students their physicals?kakōlkōl
MORE ri-jikuuḷ
ri-jiḷaitEwi ri-jiḷait eo bwe en jiḷaiti ḷoob ṇeWho's going to slice that loaf?jiḷait
Ri-jilelRi-jilel.The one who blows the horn/conch.jilel
RijilōkRijilōk roThe disciples.jijilōk
ri-jimaroñLikao eṇ ej ṃōttan ri-jimaroñ ro an ṂajōḷThat young man is one of those who can throw farthest in the Marshalls.jimaroñ
RijimeeṇRijimeeṇ eo ejeḷātata jimeeṇ eṇ.He is the best mason.jimeeṇ
Ri-jiñaRi-jiña eo ear jiñaiki pijain wa eo eṃōj an bōk kakkije.The artist who drew the picture of the boat is no longer living. jiña
 Kajjitōk ippān ri-jiña eṇ bwe en jiñaiktok juon pijaiṃ bwe in bōke ippa.Ask the artist to paint me a picture of you that I can take with me. jiña
Ri-jinbaatRi-jinbaat barulep eo ṇeHe's the expert at smoking out coconut crabs.jinbaat
Ri-jinietKūraij ej Ri-jiniet (hymn).Christ is my guide.jiniet
Ri-jinjinRi-jinjin eo ej jinjineḷọk ḷadik ro.The man who is always cursing is swearing at those boys.jinjin
ri-jinkadoolBa ñan ri-jinkadool ṇe bwe en jinkadool tok kijed ek.Tell the cook to broil some fish for us.jinkadool
RijinkōḷarRijinkōḷar eo ej jinkōḷar ṃōñāin jibboñ.The expert is making jinkōḷar for breakfast.jinkōḷar
ri-jinōkjeejEnaaj juon ri-jinōkjeej kōn an eṃṃan an jerbal.He will be one of those who get rewarded for his good performance.jinōkjeej
Ri-jipeeḷRi-jipeeḷ eo eṇ ilo kilaaj eṇ an.He is the best at spelling in his class.jipeeḷ
Ri-jipiijRi-jipiij eo an baaṃle eṇ.The spokesman for the family.jipiij
ri-jipọkweRi-Ijideaḷ ro raar ri-jipọkwe iumwin elōñ iiō.The Israelis were taken into captivity for many years.jipọkwe
ri-jippapaḶadik eṇ ej juon eṇ ri-jippapa bwe aolep iien ej jipapa ippān jemān.That boy is one who is always playing jipapa with his father.jippapa
Ri-jiraalRi-jiraal waini im bwiro eo ṇeHe's the one who is always eating coconut with preserved breadfruit.jiraal
Ri-jirabRi-jirab eo an wa in ṇeHe is the one who hoists anything on this ship.jirab
ri-jitdaṃE ej juon ri-jitdaṃ.He is one who is always inquisitive.jitdaṃ
RijjāālRijjāāl baḷuunA lookout for planes. Airplane spotter.jejāāl
rijjelōkJete kar rijjelōk ro an Kūraij?How many disciples did Christ have?rijjelōk
RijjerakrōkRijjerakrōk ro raṇ an wa eṇ.Those are the sailors of that boat.jerak
 Rijjerakrōk men eṇ.He is an expert sailor.jerakrōk
rijjeraṃōlJipañ ro rijjeraṃōl.Help the poor.jeraṃōl
rijjerọwiwiKwe kwōj juon rijjerọwiwi.You are a sinner.jerọwiwi
 E ej juon rijjerọwiwi.He is a sinner.jerọwiwi
RijjilōkRijjilōk eo an irooj raṇ ṇe tok.Here comes the servant of the royalty.rijjelōk
RijjinoRijjino al eo eṇ ilo iṃōn jar eṇ.He is the one who leads the chorus at church.jijino
RijjiōñRijjiōñ in boktañ eo eṇ.He is the one who fills up holes made by the bombs.jijioñ
RijjọñRijjọñ bao ro remootḷọk in jejọñ (ejjọñ) bao ilo āne jidikdik eṇ.The bird catcher went to the small island to catch birds.jejoñ
RijjookokRijjookok tata eo eṇ.He is the shyest.jook
 Rijjookok ḷeeṇHe is a shy man.jook
RijjorRijjor ek eo eṇ.He is the one who can spot fish in the distance.jejor
RijjuokRijjuok ni eo ṇeHe is the expert in cutting down coconut trees.jijuok
ri-jodikJuon wōt iaan ri-jodik ro ear mej.There was only one casualty among the invaders.jodik
Ri-jojoRi-jojo bweọ eo eṇ.He is the one who is soaking the coconut husks.jojo
Ri-jojomarRi-jojomar.Public defender.jojomar
 Ri-jojomar eo eṇ.He is the public defender.jojomar
ri-jojoonLieṇ ri-jojoon būruōShe's my consolation.jojoon
 Kwoutiej ippa im ri-jojoon buruōYou are my favorite and my consolation.jojoon bōro
 Ej make wōt ri-jojoon būrwōn jinen.He's the only one left to pacify his mother's grief.jojoon bōro
RijokakRijokak ni ro raṇe.The men who cut down coconut trees are coming.jokak
Ri-jokiiñRi-jokiiñ eo ear jokiiñi aolepen ruuṃ ko iṃweo.The housekeeper has cleaned every room in the house.jokiiñ
Ri-jokkopRi-jokkop eo ṇe im eḷap an jeḷā jokkop .That's the one who really knows how to make breadfruit soup.jokkwōp
ri-jọkkurereEar kanooj ikkurere ak kiiō ej juon iaan ri-jọkkurere raṇHe used to be very athletic but now he is one of those who seldom plays.jọkkurere
rijọkkwikwiEj juon rijọkkwikwi im ekkar ñan ritel.He is slow to anger and is fit to be a leader.jọkkwikwi
Ri-jọkpejRi-jọkpej ro raṇ rej jino aer jọkpej.The rubbish collectors are starting to collect trash.jọkpej
ri-jolōtRōba eṃṃan ñe ej jeje etan ippān baaṃle eṇ bwe en kab ri-jolōt ieThey said that it would be good if he register with that family so he could be an inheritor there. ba
 Ḷeo erūtto tata ej ri-jolōt.The eldest brother is entitled to an inheritance.jolōt
RijonaRijona eo ṇeHe's the one who always brings bad luck.jona
Ri-joñakRi-joñak raṇ an kien.The government surveyors.joñak
ri-joñjoñḶeo ej ri-joñjoñ nuknuk eṇ.He's the one who takes people's measurements for clothes.joñjoñ
ri-joolEj juon eo ekar ri-jool jān ke ear dik.He was neglected since he was a kid.jool
Ri-jorbañRi-jorbañ eo eṇ.He's an expert at using the abacus.jorbañ
Ri-jorjorRi-jorjor eo ṇeHe's the one who walks so fast.jorjor
rijorrāānEbarōke jān rijorrāān roHe shielded her from the hoodlums.barōk
 Rijorrāān men ṇeHe's a delinquent.ri-jorrāān
ri-jorrāānEbbarōk jān ri-jorrāān roHe was protected from the hoodlums.baar
Ri-jotalRi-jotal eo ṇeHe's the one who always eats while he's walking.jotal
RijọubweRijọubwe eo eṇ ej kaurur jiañ.The sorcerer is doing his thing to cause good sailing winds.kaurur jiañ
 Jen kōttar an rijọubwe eṇ rojak.Let's wait for the magician to perform.ri-jọubwe
rijoujEj juon rijouj.He is a kindhearted person.jouj
Ri-jowaanroñRi-jowaanroñ eo ejeḷā jowaanroñ eṇ.He's an expert at making jowaanroñjowaanroñ
ri-jowanḶadik eṇ ej juon iaan ri-jowan ro ilo bukon eṇ.That boy is one of the lazy ones in that district.jowan
ri-juḶaddik eṇ ej juon iaan ri-ju ro rejeḷā ju.That boy is one of those who is very good at walking on his hands.ju
 Anij ear ṇalimen ri-Ju ro ilo ānejeṃaden eo jān dekā eo.God gave the Jews in the wilderness water to drink from the rock.ṇalimen
 Jijej ear tilbuuji ro ri-kaḷooran jān ri-Ju roJesus gathered his followers from among the Jews.tilbuuj
Ri-jukokRi-jukok uṃ ro remoot in juki uṃ ko.Those who were assigned to uncover the ovens have already gone to do the job.jukok
Ri-juraakeRi-juraake eo ear jab jādetok ñan ien ekajet eo.The witness did not show up for the trial.juraake
ri-jurbakḶeeṇ ejjuon iaan ri-jurbak roThat man is one of the tap damcers.jurbak
ri-jurōkElōñ koṇan ri-jurōk roPeople who do jurōk fishing catch lots of fish.jurōk
Ri-juubRi-juub eo ṇeHe's the expert soup maker.juub
Ri-juunboñRi-juunboñ ro boñ ear kanooj lōñ koṇāer.The men who were pole fishing last night caught lots of fish.juunboñ
ri-juunṃaadLikao eṇ ej juon ri-juunṃaad.He is a disagreeable young man.juunṃaad
Ri-kaabwilōñlōñRi-kaabwilōñlōñ eo ṇe tok.Here comes the one who bothers people all the time.abbwilōñlōñ
ri-kaaddeboululRejeḷā ke ri-kaaddeboulul armej kōrā eṇ.They are aware of the fact that that woman causes people to get giddy.addeboulul
ri-kaademlōkmejAnij ej ri-kaademlōkmej.God is the provider of our inalienable rights.addemlōkmej
Ri-kaaejekRi-kaaejek ro raar wōnānetak.The fishermen using the surrounding net came in from the water.aejek
Ri-kaaelRi-kaael ro remoottok.The men who went fishing for unicornfish are backael
ri-kaaeñwāñwāJej jab ṃōṇōṇō ippān ri-kaaeñwāñwā.We're not crazy about people who are responsible for noise.aeñwāñwā
Ri-kaaeoRi-kaaeo.He treats people who have pains in the kidney area.aeo
Ri-kaaepokpokRi-kaaepokpok ej naaj pok wōt.A creator of confusion is himself confused.aepokpok
Ri-kaaerārRi-kaaerār ro rōko.The ruddy turnstone trappers escaped.aerār
ri-kaaerṃweEnaaj jeḷā bwe e ri-kaaerṃwe.She'll know, being someone who influences others to live as relatives toward one another.aerṃwe
ri-kaaetoTiṃoṇ eo ej ri-kaaeto ñan irooj raṇ ṇeThat's the ghost that haunts for the iroojaeto
Ri-kaaewaarRi-kaaewaar eo ej ba.S/he who is responsible for making the current flow into the lagoon has spoken.aewaar
Ri-kaaiboojojRi-kaaiboojoj lowaan eṃ ḷeeṇHe's an interior decorator.aiboojoj
ri-kaaijWōn eo enaaj ri-kaaij iaadeañWho among the four of us will be going to get ice aij
ri-kaaijkudiiṃEtke eruṃwij an rọọl tok ri-kaaijkudiiṃ roWhy aren't the people who went to buy ice cream back?aij kudiiṃ
Ri-kaaijoRi-kaaijo eo ṇe tok.The person charged with looking for aijo plants is coming.aijo
Ri-kaaikRi-kaaik ro remoot.The driftwood hunters have left.aik
Ri-kaailparokRi-kaailparok armej ej jab eṃṃan.Being burdensome to people is not acceptable.ailparok
Ri-kaaitoktokRi-kaaitoktok nuknuk rōban peljo.One can easily pick out from a crowd those who wear long dresses.aitok
ri-kaajEnañin etal ke ri-kaaj roHave the people who're going to get livers left?aj
 Ri-kaaj men raṇ.They're the thatch makers.aj
ri-kaajeḷḷāKōnke rej ri-abba, meḷeḷein bwe rej bareinwōt ri-kaajeḷḷā ekBecause they fish with dynamite it means that they'll also kill the fish indiscriminately.ajeḷḷā
Ri-kaajjimāleleRi-kaajjimālele bwe ejjeḷọk lōke ilo an kōnono.He's not sure of himself from the way he talks.ajjimālele
Ri-kaajjiririRi-kaajjiriri eo amro eṇ.That's our hired baby sitter.kaajiriri
Ri-kaajoweweikRi-kaajoweweik armej eo ṇeThat's him who makes people whistle continuouslyajwewe
ri-kaakāikKwe kar baj ri-kaakāik wōt armej.You like to make it difficult for others; don't you.akā
Ri-kaakajinRi-kaakajin ro remoot ekkeinḷọk.The men who're fishing for akajin fish left a while ago.akajin
ri-kaakōrEinwōt baj tipen ri-kaakōr men raṇ.They look like they're the type who catch mullet.akōr
ri-kaakwōlāEnañin jepḷaaktok ke ri-kaakwōlā roHave those who went fishing for akwōlā returnedakwōlā
Ri-kaaḷḷañRi-kaaḷḷañ armej eo eaar jab jokwōdin kōṃṃane jerbal eo an.He never ceased to make the spectators agape.aḷḷañ
ri-kaamentaklaḷEar ḷoorḷọk ri-kaamentaklaḷ eoHe followed the cause of the sorry consequences.amentaklaḷ
ri-kaammeọeoE ej juon ri-kaammeọeo.He is a cheater.kaammeọeo
ri-kaaṃtōḶeeṇ ej juon iaan ri-kaaṃtō ro rejeḷā kaaṃtō.That man is one of the good carpenters.kaaṃtō
ri-kaaneptokKwōj mour in ri-kaaneptok.Your live like you're in a popularity contest.aneptok
ri-kabbōjrakḶeeṇ ri-kabbōjrak an irooj.He's the praetorian guard for the chief.bōjrak
Ri-kabbweererRi-kabbweerer eo ṇeHe is the who always discourages people.bōbweer
Ri-kabbwiroroRi-kabbwiroro eo ṇe tok.The man who always makes people smell of bwiro is coming.būbwiroro
Ri-kaddejdejRi-kaddejdej eo ṇe ñe ej eọñwōd.He is the one who always tires the fish before hauling it in.kaddejdej
Ri-kaddipenpenRi-kaddipenpen.The weight-lifter.kaddipenpen
rikadekRaar eaktuwe rikadek eo jān baḷuun eo.They got the drunkard off of the planeeaktuwe
ri-kadekRaar albakbōkeḷọk ri-kadek eo ñan ṃōn kalbuuj eo.They carried the drunk tucked under their arms to the jail.albakbōk
 Eṃṃan alin ṃaina ippān ri-kadek.Drunks love to sing love songs also.alin ṃaina
 Eiruj ri-aḷkwōjeje ro wōj ippān ri-kadek eoThe sunbathers were agitated by the drunken man.aḷkwōjeje
 Eṃōj an erom ri-kadek.He has become a drunkard.erom
 Erraṇ, ḷōṃaro ri-kadek.There they are, the drunkard men.erraṇ
MORE ri-kadek
Ri-kadjoRi-kadjo eo eṇ.He is expert in the kadjo fishing method.kadjo
Ri-kadkadRi-kadkad eo an teem eṇ.He is the pitcher for that team.kadkad
 Juon iaan ri-kadkad ro ekar ejjeḷọk koṇan.One of the fishermen who threw nets did not catch any fish.kadkad
RikadōkRikadōk ro rar kajaṃōṇōṇōi party.The drunkards made the party uninteresting.jaṃōṇōṇō
Ri-kaduRi-kadu ro raṇ tok.The short people are coming.kadu
Ri-kaellōkRi-kaellōk ro raṇ rej kab potok.The men who fished for rabbitfish have just arrived.ellōk
ri-kaenōṃṃanJijej ej ad ri-kaenōṃṃan eṃoolJesus is our true peacemaker.aenōṃṃan
Ri-kaererRi-kaerer eo eṇ ippān lieṇ ippān.He is the one who doesn't want to be separated from his wife.kaerer
ri-kaetōktōkKōjro ej ri-kaetōktōk ñaneThe two of us are the fetchers of arrowroot stalks for him.aetōktōk
ri-kaijikmetoIrooj eo ear katlepe ri-kaijikmeto eo an ilo wāto eṇ kōn an eṃṃan an jerbal.The Irooj rewarded (transplanted) his navigator with that piece of land due to his positive service as such.kajikmeto
 Ri-kaijikmeto eo ej ba ke jej ettoḷọk wōt jān āneThe navigator has determined that we're still far from any landfall.kaijikmeto
Ri-kaikikūtRi-kaikikūt ro raṇ elōñ koṇāer.The men who were (kaikikūt) fishing on the reef have caught lots of fish.kaikikūt
ri-kaikūtōkōdEjaje bwe ej jab ri-kaikūtōkōd.He wouldn't know because he's not a good aikūtōkōd fisherman.aikūtōkōd
Ri-kaiñRi-kaiñ ro eṃōj aer kaiñ aolep armej kōn taibuun eo ej itok.The messengers have informed everybody about the typhoon coming.kaiñ
Ri-kajeRi-kaje eo ṇeThat's the one who does the punishing.kaje
Ri-kajelbaRi-kajelba.People who are looking for silver.jelba
RikajibbaḷañRikajibbaḷañ ro raṇ rej kajibbaḷañ.The people who are looking for jibbaḷañ are now looking for them there.jibbaḷañ
Ri-kajikeaRi-kajikea ro jān Taiti remottok.The hip dancers from Tahiti are here.kajikia
Ri-kajiloRi-kajilo.Men who are fishing for jilojilo
Ri-kajjeRi-kajje.One who swears.kajje
ri-kajjidedeJuon ṇe ri-kajjidede.S/he's one of those lucky people.jide
 Ṃool ke kwe ri-kajjidede.It's true that you always guess at the answerskajjidede
ri-kajjikurLieṇ ej juon ri-kajjikur.She is one of those who has negative attitudes.kajjikur
Ri-kajjiṃaleleRi-kajjiṃalele eo eṇ.He is the one who always predicts dire consequences.kajjikur
Ri-kajjiṃweRi-kajjiṃwe teejThe one who corrects tests.jiṃwe
 E ej juon ri-kajjiṃwe.He is one of those who are strict.kajjiṃwe
Ri-kajjioñeÑa ij Ri-kajjioñe.I am a member of the Endeavor Society.kajjioñ
ri-kajjirereJuon eṇ ri-kajjirere.He is one of those who sneer at people.kajjirere
Ri-kajjitōkRi-kajjitōk eo ṃokta ear kajjitōk bwe en ḷapḷọk wōṇāān.The first inquirer ask for a raise in salary.kajjitōk
Ri-kajjitōktōkRi-kajjitōktōk eo ṇeHe is the one who is always asking questions.kajjitōk
ri-kajjoTony ej juon iaan ri-kajjo ro an wa eṇ.Tony is one of the men who are taking the rust off the ship.kajjo
Ri-kajjurereRi-kajjurere ro remootḷọk in kajure.The barracuda fishermen have gone to fish for barracuda.jure
Ri-kajujukōpRi-kajujukōp ro raṇ remoottok.The men who went to fish for barracuda are returning.jujukōp
ri-kajukkweJuon iaan ri-kajukkwe ro ilo ṇa eṇ ear jepḷaaktok.One of the women who are clamming has returned.jukkwe
ri-kakiEkaaepokpok tata an ri-kaki.His teaching is the most complicated.aepokpok
 Kwōn jab aleakḷọk ñan ṃōnjar eṇ bwe ri-kaki eṇ enaaj lu eok.Don't wear your hair loose on your back to the church because the parson will scold you.aleak
 Ri-kaki eo ear ubaakeḷọk ri-alin ṃaina ro.The parson shooed away those who were singing love songsalin ṃaina
 Elōñ ri-kaki in pālle ilo jikuuḷ kein rōḷḷap ak enañin aolep jikuuḷ ko rōddik ilo aelōñ ko ilikin ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt rej ri-kaki.There are a number of Western teachers in the larger schools, but almost all of the small outer-island schools have only Marshallese teachers. S9dik
 Elōñ ri-kaki in pālle ilo jikuuḷ kein rōḷḷap ak enañin aolep jikuuḷ ko rōddik ilo aelōñ ko ilikin ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt rej ri-kaki.There are a number of Western teachers in the larger schools, but almost all of the small outer-island schools have only Marshallese teachers. S9dik
MORE ri-kaki
ri-kalbuujRi-nana ro raar tūṃwi akkiin neen ri-kalbuuj roThe bad guys plucked out the prisoners' toe nails.akkiin ne
 Kidu ko raar kāātet nemān ri-kalbuuj eoThe dogs traced the scent of the fugitive.kāātet
 Eko juon ri-kalbuuj.A prisoner has flown the coop.ko
 Eṃōj kōtḷọk ri-kalbuuj eoThe prisoner has been freed.kōtḷọk
 Raar piḷōḷe ri-kalbuuj ro im ear kweejej bōrāer.The heads of the prisoners were clipped and shaved.kweejej
MORE ri-kalbuuj
ri-kaliāpepRaar kadiwōj ḷọk ri-kaliāpep eo jān ṃweoThe joker got kicked out of the house.kaliāpep
Ri-kaḷoorRi-kaḷoor ro raar ṃōñāin kōjab ippān Kūraij.The apostles ate the last supper with Christ.ṃōñāin kōjab
ri-kaḷooranJijej ear tilbuuji ro ri-kaḷooran jān ri-Ju ro.Jesus gathered his followers from among the Jews.tilbuuj
ri-kaṃoolKwōj aikuj jaini peba ṇe āinwot juon ri-kaṃool.You have to sign the document as a witness.jain
 Eor ke aṃ ri-kaṃool ñan ekajet in.Have you any witness for the upcoming trial?ri-kaṃool
Ri-kaññōrñōrRi-kaññōrñōr ñi eo ṇeThat's the teeth grinder.ñōñōrñōr
Ri-kanpilRi-kanpil ro raar kijbadbad im kōttōparḷọk ijo niñniñ eo ear ḷotak ie.The wise men tried hard to reach the place where the child was born.kijbadbad
ri-kapeelIdajoñjoñin ri-kapeel.Investigation of an expert.idajoñjoñ
Ri-kappiñRi-kappiñ men raṇ.Those are high jumpers.kappiñ
ri-karejarEj juon ri-karejar ejeḷā ḷōmṇak kōn ro jet.He is a cooperator, considerate of others.karejar
ri-karejeranḶeo ri-karejeran ear kalbuuj kōn an kar uror.His associate was charged with murder and imprisoned.karejar
ri-kattoojojLieṇ ḷōṃa ri-kattoojoj.Gentlemen, she's a flirt.kattoojoj
ri-kattōrKōn an kanooj iiṃ wa eo, ri-kattōr eo ear kajjioñ kabōjrake ak iiṃ eo an ekōjbouki ḷọk ooṃ itaak im jepdak ikiin ṃweo im mej ri-kattōr eo.Due to its excessive speed, the driver tried in vain to stop the vehicle but it smashed against the house killing the driver.kōjbouk
 Kōn an kanooj iiṃ wa eo, ri-kattōr eo ear kajjioñ kabōjrake ak iiṃ eo an ekōjbouki ḷọk ooṃ itaak im jepdak ikiin ṃweo im mej ri-kattōr eo.Due to its excessive speed, the driver tried in vain to stop the vehicle but it smashed against the house killing the driver.kōjbouk
ri-kattōūJuon iaan ri-kattōū ro ear rooltok.One of the men who went fishing for mackerel has returned.ettōū
ri-keememEar kako ri-keemem ro, koḷmān Kaaḷ.He chased away the guests -- you know Carl.koḷmān
ri-ketakRi-ekajet eo ear ketake ri-ketak eoThe judge revealed the identity of the betrayer.ketak
ri-kienEṃōj ṇe aṃ kōkōba bwe an ri-kien kweStop chasing women because you are married.kōba
rikilbōtEḷap an ebbiōb rikilbōt.Kiribatese dance a lot.eb
Ri-KilbōtRi-Kilbōt rōjeḷā kajikia.Gilbertese swing their hips well.kajikia
rikinBar ṇatọọne tak jidik bwe en jako baḷok kaṇe i turin kaab eṇ” Bojin eo ekar ba ke ear jejed jān turin rikin eo i reeaar.Sheet the sails in a bit to get rid of the folds next to the gaff,” the Boatswain said as he scanned the horizon standing by the rigging on the starboard side. P854baḷok
 Jen kebōḷe rikin keinLet's use cable for the riggings.kebōḷ
 Eitōk reeḷ em baatat rikin.There's water over the rails and the riggings are smoking. (sailor's description of a fast sailboat).rikin
 Ejijet laḷ ḷọk i tōrerein rikin ko im ḷobōlHe sat down next to the rigging and brooded. P879ḷobōl
ri-kōbaatatḶeeṇ ej ri-kōbaatat.That man is a smokerbaatat
 Kwe ri-kōbaatat ke ak jaab?Are you a smoker or not?baatat
Ri-kōbaidikRi-kōbaidik ro raṇ.They are the people who are looking for baidikbaidik
Ri-kōbakōjRi-kōbakōj ro raar ilọk ñan ṃōn Robert remoottok.The people who went to Robert Reimers looking for a bucket have come back.bakōj
ri-kōbaleMary enaaj e eo enaaj ri-kōbale uṃ eṇ.Mary will be the one to cover the earth oven.bal
 Wōn ro renaaj ri-kōbale raininWho will look for flounder today?bale
ri-kōbaruErri ri-kōbaru roWhere are the crab hunters?baru
 Ri-kōbaru waan ro.They are the ones looking for land crabs.baru waan
ri-kōbarulepElōñ ri-kōbarulep rainin jān inne.Lots more people looking for barulep today than yesterday.barulep
ri-kōbbaooIar jibwe ri-kōbbaoo ro boñ.I caught the chicken thieves last night.bao
ri-kōjañjañEkōppaḷpaḷ an ri-kōjañjañ eo aṃonika.The musician's ability with the harmonica was spectacular.aṃonika
ri-kōjdatRaar jilkinḷọk bwe en jibaik(i) ri-kōjdat roHe was dispatched to spy on the enemy.jibai
 Kwōn iọkwe aṃ ri-kōjdat.Love your enemies.kōjdat
Ri-kōjedānRi-kōjedān.One who steals toddy.jedān
RikōjekakRikōjekak.The person who takes copra meat out of shells.jekak
ri-kōjekakPukottok ri-kōjekak eo bwe en kōjekake bōra.Find the person who can remove dandruff, so that he can treat my dandruff.jekak
RikōjenọRikōjenọ ro raṇ eṃōj aer kōjenọ.The people who were hunting for jenọ have completed the task.jenọ
Ri-kōjepewaRi-kōjepewa eo eṇ.He is the one who always makes the boat keel over.jepewa
ri-kōjjājetInnem ekar jino wātok ri-kōjjājet ke ejino epaak an awaan jerak.As the time for us to set sail approached, people to see us off started to arrive. P441kōjjājet
Ri-kōjjatōltōlRi-kōjjatōltōl juujOne who shines shoes.jatōltōl
ri-kōjjeḷāWōn ṇe ej ri-kōjjeḷā?Who is making the announcement?jeḷā
ri-KōleEnañin aolep ri-Kōle rej jenkwōn doon.Most of the people from Kōle are related to each other.jenokwōn
Ri-kōlọwutaktakRi-kōlọwutaktak eo ennọ an iiōk ṇeThat's the expert in making kōlọwutaktakkōlọwutaktak
Ri-kōṃṃanRi-kōṃṃan ekjab eo ear kōṃṃan addiin ekjab eo ekjabin Būreejtōn Jọọnjen.The statue maker put fingers on President Johnson's statue.addi
 Ri-kōṃṃan kōjak eo ear kaleeaik rūalwōj ro.The comedian really made the audience laugh.leea
 Aolep ri-kōṃṃan ṃōñā ro ren wōnmaantak.'All those preparing food step forward.' ri-
ri-kōnonoWōn ṇe ej ad ri-kōnono?Who is our spokesperson?kōnono
ri-kọọtBwilijmāāṇ ro raaiti ri-kọọt eo ṃokta jān an ko.The police nabbed the robber was before he got away.ait
 Ajjādikdikūṃ einwōt ajjādikdikin ri-kọọt.You tiptoe like a thief.ajjādikdik
 Ajjiwewein ri-kọọt epen loe.It's hard to see a thief sneaking out.ajjiwewe
 Iḷak reilọk ej aleje bu eo in itōn buuki ri-kọọt eoAs I was looking he was aiming to shoot the thief.alej
 Raar kaalijāljāle ri-kọọt eo jān raan wōjke eo.They hanged the thief from the top of the tree.allijāljāl
MORE ri-kọọt
ri-KuwajleenKōnke e ri-Kuwajleen kōmmān tōmake ke ej ba men eo.We think he said that because he’s from Kwajalein (lit. 'he's a Kwajalein person'). P505 ri-
rikwelọkIrooj eo ej kiiō ijjitōñ rikwelọk.The chief is now appointing delegates for the meetingjitōñ
ri-kwelọkEj kab kar juon iien an ri-Ṃajeḷ maat im kālōt ri-kwelọk ro aer im ear kanooj ḷap ejjeurur.It was finally a time when the Marshallese had chosen their own representatives, and there was great excitement. S16jejeurur
Ri-laleRi-lale jiipSheepherderjiip
RilekarjinRilekarjin eo ṇeThat's the guy who uses a lot of kerosene.lekarjin
rilikIjeṇeṇe iōñ i rilik,” eba.Over there to the northwest,” he said. P1105ijeṇeṇe
 Ekwe ṇo kein rej jiroñ bwe Kuajleen ṇe i rilik, ṃōttan jidik jeḷe,” Jema ekar ba.Well the waves are telling me Kwajalein is to the west and we are going to pass it very soon,” Father said. P899ḷe
 Eḷap wōt ad kar ḷe i rilik.”That means we went way out west.” P1199rilik
rilikiRej riliki doonThey are cross cousins. (E)riliki-
ri-LikiepḶōṃarein aolep ri-Likiep im rej mājur ḷọk wōt ilo men in jejerakrōk, joñan aerjel jelā.All of these men were from Likiep, and they were so good at sailing that they could do it in their sleep. P31aer
rilikinEaeto rilikin aelōñ in.The current flows west on the lee side of the atollaeto
 Kōṃro ej rilikin doonYou two are cross cousins.riliki-
 Rej rilikin doonThey are cross cousins. (W)riliki-
 Iien eo jeañ kar lo baḷuun in kōjeañ pād de i rilikin Kuwajleen,” eba.When we saw that plane we were just to the west of Kwajalein,” he said. P1203kōjeañ
 Iien eo jeañ kar lo baḷuun in kōjeañ pād de i rilikin Kuwajleen,” eba.When we saw that plane we were just to the west of Kwajalein,” he said. P1203jeañ
rilikūIar kọbōke likao eo rilikū.I wrestled with my cousin.kọbōk
rilōkāRaar tọre rilōkā roThe surfers got washed out.tọr
ri-lomejeEar kanooj lōñ ri-lomeje būreejtōn eo.There were multitudes of people mourning the dead president.ilomej
RilọmọọrLo eḷotak Rilọmọọr.Behold the Redeemer is born.lo
RilōññaRilōñña eHe's a riddle teller.lōñña
riḶoraEttaiṇaṃṇaṃ riḶora.The people of Laura always use mosquito nets.taiṇaṃ
ri-lotokLiṃaro raar jejeikik (ejjeikik) im kọṃṃan ṃōñā ñan ri-lotok roThe women were busily preparing food for the visitors.jejeikik
 Rej kaṃōḷo wōt ñan ruwamāejet kab irooj, ñe ej wōr keemem, kab ñe ewōr ri-lotok.Only newcomers and chiefs are honored in this way, or if there is a first birthday, or if there are visitors. S4lo-
 Iar ṇakinien Irooj eo ṃaanpein ñan ri-lotok ro an.I gave the Irooj some mats to give to his guests.ṇakinien
 Koṃwin karwaineneik ri-lotok raṇeMake the visitors feel welcome.ri-lotok
 Ta wāween eo emaroñ kauñkipden ad kabuñtōn ṃaanḷọk kaake menin leḷọk kein ad ñan ri-lotok raṇ ad?How can we achieve a well-coordinated rhythm in the motion as we present our gifts to our guests?uñkipden
Ri-maakaiioRi-maakaiio eo ear addiiki ḷōṃaro im kotak er.The giant grabbed the men and lifted them up with his fingers.addi
Ri-ṃaanpāKōmij make wōt Ri-ṃaanpā rainin ilo aelōñ kein,” Saimon Latdik eba.We’re the remaining members of the clan in the islands with the traditional martial arts skills,” said Saimon Latrik.ṃaanpā
Ri-ṂaeAelellọḷin jowi eṇ an Ri-Ṃae.The well-known lust within the Ri-Ṃae clan.aelellaḷ
ri-ṂaikronijiaEar jab kanooj ḷap tōprak kōnke ej kab juon alen aer kwelọk bōtab ewōr ruo men eḷḷap raar karōki ñan an ri-Ṃaikronijia ḷooriNot a great deal was accomplished, as it was their first session, but there were two important things set for Micronesians to follow. S16kōkar
riMājeejEṃṃōkadkad riMājeej.Mejit people like to wander.ṃōṃōkadkad
RiṂajeḷRiṂajeḷ rej kōjerbal inpel ñan kāāḷāḷ.Marshallese use inpel for straining coconut milk.inpel
 Kōn an kar rūAmedka ro ilo waan kōrajraj ko jino bōktok nañinmej in ñan riṂajeḷ, raar ṇa etan mādke.Because of the fact that venereal disease was first introduced to the Marshallese people by the American whaleship crewmen, they called it mādke ("America").mādke
ri-ṂajeḷEinwōt baj tipen addikọọtotin ri-Ṃajeḷ.It looks like an index finger belonging to a Marshallese.addi-kọọtot
 "Jede ak eō" ej juon iaan jabōn kōnnaan ko an ri-Ṃajeḷ."Look up to the frigate bird" is a Marshallese proverb. (It means to follow and respect the traditional chief.)ak
 Eḷap an ri-Ṃajeḷ jeraaṃṃan kōn an dedek ni ilo aelōñ ko aer.The Marshallese people are extremely fortunate that coconut trees grow in their islands. S10dedek
 Elōñ ri-kaki in pālle ilo jikuuḷ kein rōḷḷap ak enañin aolep jikuuḷ ko rōddik ilo aelōñ ko ilikin ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt rej ri-kaki.There are a number of Western teachers in the larger schools, but almost all of the small outer-island schools have only Marshallese teachers. S9dik
 Ej ba kōn an kar ri-Nippoñ ro itan ṃan ermān aolep ri-Ṃajeḷ ilo ān eo ermān baaṃle eo an rej jokwe ie ippān bar jet armej.He was saying the Japanese were going to kill all the Marshallese people on the island where his family and some other people were living. P979er
MORE ri-ṃajeḷ
ri-ṂajōḷEḷap jipañ an ri-Jepaan ñan ri-Ṃajōḷ.The Japanese really helped the Marshallese in developing the islands.Jepaan
 Ejeja ri-Ṃajōḷ ej tōpar jiljilimjuonñoul iiō.Few Marshallese reach the age of seventy.jiljilimjuonñoul
Ri-marokRi-marok men eṇ.He's really dark-hearted.marok
rimejKōjro ilān añak ippān rimej eṇLet's go añak with the deceased.añak
 Kōpooj rimej ṇe bwe ri-āmej ro tok.Get the deceased ready because the mourners are coming.āmej
 Eṃōj kalbwin rimej eoThey have buried the dead person.kallib
 Jeban kōbotuut turun rimej eoWe couldn't breathe near the corpse.kōboutut
ri-mejEajeḷḷā ḷọk āneo kōn ri-mej ṃōjin an eerbooj in Amedka boktañe.The corpses were scattered all over the place after the U.S. Air Force bombed it.ajeḷḷā
 Men kein rej kōjerbali ñan iien eoreak, jiljino raan ālikin an armej eṇ mej im iien eo rej tōmak bwe ri-mej eṇ ej jerkakpeje.These things are used for the time of spreading the gravel,” six days after the time of death, when they believe that the dead rise. S14jerkakpeje
 Raan kein armej rej ṇaiṃōn lōb ko libōn ri-mej ro aer.Nowadays people are providing shelter for the graves of their dead.ṇaiṃōn
riMejeejEkōppaḷpaḷ judelin riMejeej.It's fascinating to watch people from Mejit pole fishing.juunboñ
Ri-metoRi-meto eo eṇ ej kaijikmeto tok ñan kōj bwe jen jeḷā ia in jepād ie.The weatherman is scanning the skies and waves to let us know our location.kaijikmeto
rimmālōtlōtKōkōnonoin (ekkōnonoin) rimmālōtlōt.Talking like an intellectual.kōnono
rimweenEnañin aolep raan rimween rej jejeparujruj (ejjeparujruj).There is excitement in that house almost every day.jeparujruj
rimweeṇTa eṇ ekōṃṃan bwe en kōjeparujruj rimweeṇ?What caused the excitement in that house?jeparujruj
ri-mweeṇTa eṇ ri-mweeṇ rej eṃṃōḷō kake?What are the people in that household so excited about?eṃṃōḷō
ri-ṃweeṇTa eṇ ej kairuj ri-ṃweeṇ?What is exciting the people in that household?iruj
 Ta unin aṃ jinbaateḷọk ri-ṃweeṇ.Why are you smoking the people out of that house.jinbaat
 Ta ṇe ekōjjāneneik ri-ṃweeṇ kakeWhat caused the excitement in that house?jejānene
ri-ṃweieArmej jeedwaan eo eaar uññare ri-ṃweie eo kōnke ekwōle.The hungry tramp begged for food from the rich person.armej jeedwaan
ri-ṃweoIọkwe,” euwaak ri-ṃweo.Hello,” answered all the people in the house. P181ṃweo
ri-ṃwijbarEwi ri-ṃwijbar eoWhere is the barber?ṃwijbar
ri-ṃwijṃwijRej akjijene ri-ṃwijṃwij eṇThey're giving oxygen to the patient undergoing surgery.akjijen
ri-ṇaballierWōn ri-ṇaballier?Who's responsible to clothe them?ṇaballin
ri-ṇajikinWōn eo ej ri-ṇajikin ruamaejet ro?Who's providing accommodations for the visitors?ṇajikin
ri-ṇajitbōdEbar ejjeḷọk ri-ṇajitbōd ijellọkin Anij.No one else can give us the spirit to live if it's not God.ṇajitbōn
ri-ṇakaanEba ñan e, "Ta, ña ri-ṇakaan wa ṇe waaṃ?"She told him, "What am I, fueler of your car?"ṇakaan
ri-ṇakọjeerEor ke ri-ṇakọjeer?Do they have anybody to give them blankets?ṇakọjen
Ri-ṇalimenRi-ṇalimen armej ej aikuj in jouj.A provider of drink needs to be a kind person.ṇalimen
ri-NaṃoAnidepin ri-Naṃo ekōppaḷpaḷThe kickball techniques of the men from Naṃo is spectacular.anidep
rinanaEj allimōmōḷọk ñan rinana roHe peeked for the bad guys.allimōmō
 Kwōn jab arū bwe ña rinana.Don't follow my example for I'm a bad model.ari-
 Raar jilkinḷọk ña bwe in iaroñroñe ḷọk ṃōṃkūtkūt (eṃṃakūtkūt) ko an rinana roThey sent me to spy on and report the enemy movements.iaroñroñ
 Ḷōmān rinana.He's got the characteristics of a delinquent.ḷōma-
 Rōnotoñe rinana eoThe bad guy got clobbered.notoñ
MORE rinana
ri-nanaJab aililōk ri-nana bwe kwōnaaj jorrāān.Don't go around with bad company for you'll get into trouble.aililōk
 Ej jab aelọk ajej in kabwebwein ri-nana.The cheating of evil men is not hard to see.ajej in kabwebwe
 Ri-nana ro raar tūṃwi akkiin neen ri-kalbuuj ro.The bad guys plucked out the prisoners' toe nails.akkiin ne
 Ri-nana eo ej ja ettōrḷọk wōt ioon ọọj eo ak kaubowe eo ealluke.The bad guy was running by on the horse when the good guy lassoed him.alluke
 Aloklokūṃ enaaj kōṃṃan ad po ippān ri-nana raṇYour appearance will give us away and get us captured by the enemy.aloklok
MORE ri-nana
ri-nañinmejRej aijkudiiṃḷọk kijen ri-nañinmej.They're making ice cream for the patients.aij kudiiṃ
 Ear allōke ri-nañinmej eoHe performed an incantation over the sick person.allōk
 Juon eṇ ri-nañinmej eaūA sick person is dying there.
 Eḷañe ewōr retio in kōnono ilo aolep aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ, ri-nañinmej rōban aikuj in mej kōñ an ejjeḷọk taktō ak wūno, im barāinwōt jipañ bōbrae jān an waḷọk ñūtaIf there were radio communication on all islands in the Marshalls, sick people would not die for want of doctors or medicine, and it would also help prevent the occurrence of famine. S25bōbrae
 Raar kadeḷọñ ri-nañinmej eoThey admitted the patient.deḷọñ
MORE ri-nañinmej
ri-NaodoEkkillep ajajin ri-Naodo.Nauruans have fat calves.ajaj
ri-ṇapitōdEj jab aikuj ri-ṇapitōd.He's not supposed to provide us with pillows.ṇapitōn
ri-ṇaruōnRaar ānin tok ri-ṇaruōn eo ñan iṃaan mejān jāj eo.The plaintiff was brought before the judge.ṇaruon
ri-ṇautōdEj jab ri-ṇautōd.He's not supposed to give us bathing water.ṇautōn
ri-ṇautōnIrooj eo ear leḷọk juon wāto ñan ri-ṇautōn ḷadik eo nejin bwe en wōṇāān.The irooj rewarded the person who carried bathing water for his son.ṇautōn
 Irooj eo ear leḷọk juon wāto ñan ri-ṇautōn ḷadik eo nejin bwe en wōṇāān.The irooj rewarded the person who carried bathing water for his son.oṇea-
ri-ṇawijkinenEwōr ke ri-ṇawijkinen ṃweeṇ iṃōn?Is there anyone to furnish his house?ṇawijkinen
ri-NibboñEjọ ri-iakiu raan ko an ri-Nibboñ.He used to be a baseball player during Japanese times.jọ
 Ri-Nibboñ raar kōkat (ekkat) kiudi i Ṃajeḷ jeṃaan.The Japanese planted kiudi in the Marshalls during their time there / back then.kiudi
Ri-niñeañ-rōkeañRi-niñeañ-rōkeañ eo eṇ ebōjrak ippān liṃaraṇ tōrerein iiaḷ eṇ.The show-off is stopping with the ladies by the roadside.niñeañ-rōkeañ
ri-NippoñEj ba kōn an kar ri-Nippoñ ro itan ṃan ermān aolep ri-Ṃajeḷ ilo ān eo ermān baaṃle eo an rej jokwe ie ippān bar jet armej.He was saying the Japanese were going to kill all the Marshallese people on the island where his family and some other people were living. P979er
ripadeEtab ripade roThe party folks got high.tab
ri-pāleleḶalem en ri-pālele raar jaṃbotok jān Amedka im juon iaan ri-jaṃbo rein enañinmej.Five couples came from America for a vacation and one of them is now sick.jaṃbo
ripālleTa ḷōṃa, ṃool ke ripālle raṇe reitōm peek ad jerakrōk ikōtaan aelōñ kein ad?” Bojin eo eba ilo an ainikien ḷōkatipWhat, is it true that the Americans have come in and taken control of us sailing around our own islands?” the Boatswain said in an angry voice. P395itōm
 Ke Bojin eo ej lo baḷuun eo, ekar jab bar pād ak eto laḷ ḷọk im bōk lōñ tak kein kōkaḷḷe eo an wa eo jet ripālle rōkar letok ṃōṃkaj jān ammān kar jerak.When the Boatswain saw the plane, he didn’t hesitate and instead went down and brought up the boat's flare gun some Americans had given us before we set sail. P932kakōḷḷe
ri-pālleEaiṇokko kōnke nejin ri-pālle.He's light skinned because his father is a white American.aiṇokko
 Ri-pālle raar kōṃṃan an kajin Ṃajeḷ aḷbapeet.White men gave the Marshallese language its alphabet.aḷbapeet
 Kwōn itōktok aṃōnān ri-pālleDraw water for these Americans to wash their hands with.aṃwin
 Ājājin ri-pālle.A mischievous white man.ājāj
 Ewōr piik im bao, ak men kein ebbōktok in ri-pālle im ejjab men in mour in ṂajeḷThere are pigs and chickens, but these have been imported by Westerners and aren’t original Marshallese animals. S23bōbōk
MORE ri-pālle
RipānāpnepRipānāpnep eo ṇeHe has sticky fingers.pānāpnep
Ri-peḷḷọkRi-peḷḷọk kōmWe're not going to stay long.peḷḷọk
RipenpenRipenpen aje eo ṇeThat's the drummer.penpen
ri-pepeElōñ iaan ri-pepe rein rej aḷap im irooj ro rej jañin iminene kōn kilen kōṃṃakūt ko an raan kein.Many of these legislators are lineage heads and chiefs who are not yet completely accustomed to the way of doing business today as of 1965. S15kōl
 Ri-pepe ro ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ rej kwelọktok ñan Mājro aolep iiō im etali kien ko im bar kōṃṃan kien ekkar ñan aikuj ko im kōṇaan ko an armej ro i ṂajeḷThe Marshallese legislators assemble at Majuro each year and review the laws and also pass laws to meet the needs and proclamations of the Marshallese people. S15kweilọk
 Ear itok ri-kaki jān Iuunibōjiti eṇ an Awai im raar katakin ri-pepe ro wāween kwelọk im bar men ko jet eḷap tokjāer ñan kōṃṃani kwelọk ko an kien.Professors came from the University of Hawai‘i and instructed the representatives on important points of how to meet and hold legislative sessions. S16pepe
ripijaEj juon ripija eṃṃanHe's a good artist.ri-pija
ri-PikinniEmṃan ad aluje an ri-Pikinni raṇ ṃōñā kōn aji.It was good to watch the Pikinni people eating with chopsticks.aji
RipitJowi e ej Ripit kōnke jinō ej Ripit.I'm of the Ripit clan because that's my mother's clan.jowi
 Jowi e ej Ripit kōnke jinō ej Ripit.I'm of the Ripit clan because that's my mother's clan.jowi
ripitwōdwōdRūtto ro rōkōn ṇaetan baak ko etto ripitwōdwōd.Our ancestors used to call the foreign barkentines ripitwōdwōdripitwōdwōd
rippāleleEṃōj ṇe aṃ ikoeaak bwe kwōj rippālele kiiōStop running around for you're now a married man.ikueaak
 Ekkā an rippālele in pālle ijjurpe ñe rej etetal.American married couples frequently walk hand in hand.jijurpe
rirarJekjek tọḷūn rirar.Cut branches for singeing.tọḷ
rirareKōm ar rirare piik eo.We burned the hair off the pig.rirar
ri-rejetakeEjjeḷọk ri-rejetake ineek meto ḷọk pāākin lōñlōñ in waini ko ñan ḷaita eo.He carried the many sacks of copra all by himself to the lighter at the lagoon beach.rejetak
ri-RojiaInej eo an Amedka ear barōk wa ko waan ri-Rojia jān aer itok ñan Kiuba.The American fleet blockaded Russian ships from coming to Cuba.bōbaar
Ri-rōkkaRi-rōkka ro rōkaaḷḷañe jarlepju eo.The parachutists flabbergasted the crowd of spectators.aḷḷañ
RiRukRiRuk rōkein kaḷkaḷ etto.Trukese used to wear loin cloths.kaḷkaḷ
Ri-RukRi-Ruk rej ṃōñā jipenpen.The Chuukese eat sea cucumber.jipenpen
RitaJitojaik ḷọk men kaṇe ñan Rita.Drive those things over to Rita.jitoja
 Koṃ keeañḷọk kōn naan ṇe ñan Rita.Spread the news over to Rita.keeañ
 Ear kurṃaikḷọk waini ko an ñan Rita.He hauled his copra to Rita by cart.kurṃa
 Ej leakḷọk jemān ñan Rita.He's taking his father to Rita.leak-
 Inaaj tūraipwōj ñan Rita buñniinI'll drive over to Rita tonight.tūraip
ritelEj juon rijọkkwikwi im ekkar ñan ritel.He is slow to anger and is fit to be a leader.jọkkwikwi
ri-TeḷapEietḷọk ri-eoonene in Mājro jān ri-Teḷap.The people from the main islet of Majuro are fewer than the people of Teḷap.eoonene
Ri-tōlRi-tōl ro an kọñkorej in rej likao ro raar jikuuḷ im katak kōn wāween kien.The leaders of the legislature as of 1965 are young men who have gone to school and studied the legislative process. S15tōl
rittoAjiri raṇ nejin ritto raṇ rejaje kuṇaer.The children of the old couple aren't very thoughtful of their parents.jaje kuṇaa-
 Rejeḷā jibwi ritto raṇThe old couple know how to take care of their grandchildren.jibwi
 Jitenbōro eo an ritto raṇHe's the favorite of the grown-ups.jitōnbōro
ri-turuṃKwōn jab ankoṇak iṃōn ri-turuṃ, kwōn jab ankoṇak lio pāleen ri-turuṃ, jaab karejeran ṃaan, jaab karejeran kōrā, jaab an kau, jaab an aj, jaab men ko jabdewōt an ri-turuṃ.Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s. S5aṇokṇak
 Kwōn jab ankoṇak iṃōn ri-turuṃ, kwōn jab ankoṇak lio pāleen ri-turuṃ, jaab karejeran ṃaan, jaab karejeran kōrā, jaab an kau, jaab an aj, jaab men ko jabdewōt an ri-turuṃ.Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s. S5aṇokṇak
 Kwōn jab ankoṇak iṃōn ri-turuṃ, kwōn jab ankoṇak lio pāleen ri-turuṃ, jaab karejeran ṃaan, jaab karejeran kōrā, jaab an kau, jaab an aj, jaab men ko jabdewōt an ri-turuṃ.Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s. S5aṇokṇak
 Kwōn jab kōnnaan naan in riab ṇae ri-turuṃ.Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. S5riab
 Kwōn jab kōnnaan naan in riab ṇae ri-turuṃ.Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. S5turu-
MORE ri-turuṃ
ri-turunBōtab ke ej bar ememej ke kōrā eo ri-turun ḷein erro ej nukwiik doon, ebar kajoorḷọk atin.However he remembered that the man’s wife was his relative, and he became bolder. P24nukwi
riūEkōmatmat an kōrā e riū kōmatMy wife's cooking is very delicious and thus satisfying.mat
RiuñtaakRiuñtaak eo jān Amedka ear ekbabe ḷeo jān Roojia.The wrestler from America threw down the wrestler from Russia.ekbab
ri-VietRūttariṇae ro an Amedeka raar kōmeḷan jidik innem bar jino ṃurṃur ñan maatin ri-Viet Cong ro.The American troops waited a bit before they resumed the assault and wiped out all the Viet Cong.meḷan
ri-wajRi-ajjādikdik ro repo ippān ri-waj eo boñ.The night watchman caught them sneaking.ajādik
Ri-watreinRi-watrein ia ṇeWhere's that greenhorn from?watre
ri-WōjjāEttaidikdik ri-Wōjjā.People from Wotje are always doing folk-dances.taidik
riWōleaiJuon iaan riWōleai ro ear jepake bōran Lipepe.One of the Woleaians hacked off Lipepe's head.jepak
ri-wūnoBubu ej juon maroñ ri-wūno in etto ilo Ṃajeḷ raar kōjerbale ñe rej kōṇaan jeḷā kōn juon men eo rej jab meḷeḷe kake.Divination was something olden-time Marshallese doctors used to learn about something they didn’t understand. S21kōkōpāl
 Kōn men in, ṃōttan jidik ejjeḷọk ri-wūno ej mour wōt kiiō.As a result, soon there will no longer be any living practicioners of Marshallese medicine. S8ṃōttan jidik
 Ri-wūno rein raar ṇooj wūno ko aer im wāween kōṃṃani im kwaḷọk wōt ñan ro nukwier im jerāer.These medical practicioners kept their medicines and how to use them secret, and revealed them only to their families and friends. S8ṇōṇooj
 Bubu ej juon maroñ ri-wūno in etto ilo Ṃajeḷ raar kōjerbale ñe rej kōṇaan jeḷā kōn juon men eo rej jab meḷeḷe kake.Divination was something olden-time Marshallese doctors used to learn about something they didn’t understand. S21wūno
 Ri-wūno rein raar ṇooj wūno ko aer im wāween kōṃṃani im kwaḷọk wōt ñan ro nukwier im jerāer.These medical practicioners kept their medicines and how to use them secret, and revealed them only to their families and friends. S8wūno
riwutKwōmaroñ ke kab ane tok riwut e waō?Would you then work on my toy canoe to make it fast?an
 Ḷadik ro raṇ rej bwilbwil riwut.The boys are sailing model canoes.bwilbwil
riwūtIḷak baj lale einitōtḷọk riwūt e waan Jurelañ jān ṇe waan Kōjmānlañ.I tend to think that Jurelañ's toy canoe here is faster than Kōjmānlāñ's there.innitōt
riwutḷọkIar riwutḷọk (kariwututḷọk) ñan jitto-eṇ.I sailed my riwut over to the south side of the island.riwut
RMIJuon jiṃwe ak maroñ eo eṃōj kapene iuṃwin Jemānāe eo an RMI; barāinwōt juon jiṃwe ak maroñ eo eṃōj kapene iuṃwin jemānāe eo an juon bar laḷ.A right or authority that has been promulgated by the Constitution of the RMI; also a right or authority that has been instituted and confirmed in the constitution of another nation (definition of 'constitutional right' from Legal Glossary).jemānāe
 US im RMI rej jeṃdoon kōn bujen ṇe ilōtaerro.The US and the RMI are working together to meet their compact agreements. jeṃdoon
roRūttariṇae in Amedka ro raar abaiktok arin aelōñ in ñan kien ṇe ad.The American soldiers created a harbor on the lagoon side of this island for our government.aba
 Ri-kaaejek ro raar wōnānetak.The fishermen using the surrounding net came in from the water.aejek
 Ri-kaael ro remoottok.The men who went fishing for unicornfish are backael
 Ear kaaelōñe ajiri ro nejin.He bestowed his land on his descendants.aelōñ
 Raar toorḷọkboke ri-aelōñin kiiñ ro an.They killed off the kings' subjects.aelōñin kiiñ
RōaiboojojRōaiboojoj iṃaan mejān irooj eṇ.They're a marvel in the eyes of the iroojaiboojoj
RōaikujRōaikuj ṃōṃaan (eṃṃaan) ḷọk ñan tariṇae.They need more men for fighting.ṃōṃaan
rōaikujiKar kijen ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt ek ñan jalele im ñan ōn ko rōaikuji jān kanniek.Fish were the only part of the Marshallese diet that provided the nutrients one gets from meat. S23ōn
rōaittokKwōn rejaik kwōdeak kaṇe aṃ bwe rōaittok.Shave your whiskers because they are long.reja
rōbaEj aḷkwōjejeḷọk ñan ṇe rōba en bōjrak.He stays in the sun until he's told to stop.aḷkwōjeje
 Rōba eṃṃan ñe ej jeje etan ippān baaṃle eṇ bwe en kab ri-jolōt ie.They said that it would be good if he register with that family so he could be an inheritor there. ba
 Kōto eo ekọto im Kapen eo kab Jema rōḷak kōbbaal tok rōba ke enaaj kar āindeeo an ṃōṃan ñan boñ.The trade winds were blowing favorably and the Captain and Father looked up at the clouds and predicted it would be like that for the rest of the day. P969kọto
 Rōba wōt kwōnāj kar etal.They thought you would go.ba wōt
rōbaijinJañij in lik rōbaijin.The jellyfish at the ocean side are poisonous.jañij
rōbanRūabje rōban tōprakPeople who are shy will never make it.abje
 Ri-kaaitoktok nuknuk rōban peljoOne can easily pick out from a crowd those who wear long dresses.aitok
 Eḷañe ewōr retio in kōnono ilo aolep aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ, ri-nañinmej rōban aikuj in mej kōñ an ejjeḷọk taktō ak wūno, im barāinwōt jipañ bōbrae jān an waḷọk ñūtaIf there were radio communication on all islands in the Marshalls, sick people would not die for want of doctors or medicine, and it would also help prevent the occurrence of famine. S25bōbrae
 Ej ja āindeeo an kar ḷap raij im pilawā eo kijemmān ak rōban jerbal kōn wōt an kar jabwe dānnin idaak ñan kōmat.So even though we had a lot of rice and flour, we didn’t use any because we didn’t have enough fresh water to cook with. P1017jabwe
 Ekanooj in lōñ wāween kōmat im kōpooj ek ñan ṃōñā im jekdọọn ewi ikutkut in aer ṃōñā ak rōban in ṃōk kake.There are many ways to cook and prepare fish for eating, and even though it is constantly in the diet, people don’t get tired of it. S23jekdọọn
MORE rōban
RōbaneRōbane kōllejari er.They couldn't outmaneuver them.kōllejar
rōbarRemake naaj ilbōk ñe rōbar lo kōjmān,” iba.They are going to be so shocked when they see us,” I said. P1325make
 Ṇo ko rōbar kōjbouki wa eo im ewātin okjak kabwijere.The waves pushed the boat again and it almost capsized. P686kōjbouk
robbaEjeḷā kōjañjañ robba.He knows how to play the trumpet.robba
RobertRi-kōbakōj ro raar ilọk ñan ṃōn Robert remoottokThe people who went to Robert Reimers looking for a bucket have come back.bakōj
 Baṃbōr in ṃōn Robert men e iar wiaiki.This is the bumper from Robert Reimers that I bought.baṃbōr
 Jerajkoin ṃōn wia eṇ an Robert.The Clorox is from Robert Reimer's store.jerajko
rōbōkOjjej a iọkwe kōj ke rōbōk ān in āneed,” ḷeḷḷap eo eba.Well, too bad for us when they take this island,” the old woman said. P201āne
rōboṇEkar jeḷati baib ko wōt me ejeḷā ke rōboṇ kōn peinael.He only took off the ones he knew were clogged with paint oil. P714boṇ
RobōtKwōmaroñ ke ba kajjien ṃweo iṃōn Robōt?Can you show me where Robert's house is?ba kajjie-
 Kwōmaroñ ke jouj in kōbakōj arro bakōj iṃōn wia eṇ an Robōt?Can you please buy us some buckets at Robert's store?bakōj
 Ekadik tūtūraipip (ittūraipip) ḷadik eṇ nājin Robōt.Robert's boy drives all over the place.tūraip
rōbuukEj ja allimōmō wōt ak rōbuuk bōranAs he was peeking they shot his head.allimōmō
RōbuukiRōbuuki ke ej duojtok.He was shot as he stepped out.ke
 Ej itan wōt ak rōbuuki im lel.As he was craning his neck to see better, he got shot at and hit.
rōddikElōñ ri-kaki in pālle ilo jikuuḷ kein rōḷḷap ak enañin aolep jikuuḷ ko rōddik ilo aelōñ ko ilikin ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt rej ri-kaki.There are a number of Western teachers in the larger schools, but almost all of the small outer-island schools have only Marshallese teachers. S9dik
 Elōñ ri-kaki in pālle ilo jikuuḷ kein rōḷḷap ak enañin aolep jikuuḷ ko rōddik ilo aelōñ ko ilikin ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt rej ri-kaki.There are a number of Western teachers in the larger schools, but almost all of the small outer-island schools have only Marshallese teachers. S9lik
 Elōñ ri-kaki in pālle ilo jikuuḷ kein rōḷḷap ak enañin aolep jikuuḷ ko rōddik ilo aelōñ ko ilikin ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt rej ri-kaki.There are a number of Western teachers in the larger schools, but almost all of the small outer-island schools have only Marshallese teachers. S9ri-
RōdikeRōdike kajjitōk eo am.Our request was rejected by them.dike
 Jet armejin Ṃajeḷ rōdike kain eṇ ej iuiuun dekein jinme.Some Marshallese don't take kindly to those who are trying to advocate changes.iuiuun dekein jinme
rōjabEar ṃōṃan (eṃṃan) aer kukure (ikkure)(ak )rōjab podem wiin.They played well but didn't begin to win.podem
RōjajeRōjaje ḷōmṇakThey are inconsiderate.jaje ḷōmṇak
 Rōjaje jājḷọk jān doon.They are inseparable.jājḷọk
rojakJuon ilo rojak ṇe ak juon ilo toon kabbwe ṇe.”One of you at the lower spar of the sail and one at the rope for tacking leeward.” P907kabbwe
 Jen kōttar an rijọubwe eṇ rojak.Let's wait for the magician to perform.ri-jọubwe
 Rojak kōrāBoom.rojak
 Rojak ṃaanGaff.rojak
 Ito jān eoon ṃweo bwe rojak eo enaaj kar deñōt im jujen to laḷ ḷọk wōt.I got down from the structure so I wouldn’t get hit by the gaff and then went down below. P1056rojak
MORE rojak
rōjañLale kwōmeḷọkḷọk in kakkōle Kapen eṇ kōn naanin rōjañ eo an ḷōḷḷap eo,” irre lọk im ba ñan Jema ke ej moot ḷọk Bojin eo.Don’t forget to warn the Captain about the Old Man’s advice,” I said to Father once the Boatswain had left. P413kōkōl
rōjañeKwōn rōjañe bwe en etal in jikuuḷ.Encourage him to go to school.rōjañ
rojeTaktō eo ear roje peiū kōn juon korak.The doctor bound my arm with a bandage.rojroj
rōjekkarBōlen unin an ikkutkut kūrro in kōn ṃōñāin pālle kein kijed raan kein im rōjekkar ñan ānbwinnid.”Maybe the reason my gout is always acting up is from all the foreign food these days, it’s not suitable for our bodies.” P192kut
rōjeḷāAolep kapenin aelōñ kein rōjeḷā bwe allōñ in wa otemjej rej ār bwe ren kōttar im lale ebuñlọk ke Likabwiro.”All island captains know that this month all boats should be beached so they can wait to see when Likabwiro appears.” P251ār
 Ri-Kilbōt rōjeḷā kajikiaGilbertese swing their hips well.kajikia
 Ledik in Ṃajeḷ rōjeḷā kōjjobabaMarshallese girls can really play marbles.kōjjobaba
rōjelujenEwaake ḷọk rōjelujen eo ñan rukweilọk ro āinwōt aer kar kajjitōk.He read the resolution to the congressmen as they had asked him to.waak
rojeriRej rojeri kiiōThey're saying the rosary now.rojeri
 Kōṃro jujen to i lowa im jar in rojeri.So we went down and prayed the rosary. P949rojeri
rojinEjej wōt rojin.It's absolutely the lowest possible tide.roj
rōjinoḶōṃaro rōjino leletok im kōṃro Jema jino bar kọkkọṇkọṇ.The guys started handing us the boards and Father and I put them away. P746koṇ
 Ḷōṃaro rōjino leletok im kōṃro Jema jino bar kọkkọṇkọṇ.The guys started handing us the boards and Father and I put them away. P746le-
 Rōjino bōk limoun doon.They are becoming interested in each other.limo
rōjjabEṃṃan eke bwe rōjjab ddapitōktōkNylon lines are good because they don't tangle often.dapitōk
RōjọkpejeRōjọkpeje.He was rejected. He was dumped.jọkpej
rōjoḷọkeErōññaḷọk ke ej roñ ke rōjoḷọke.He was almost overcome when he heard that his wife had left him.rōññaḷọk
rojōriInnem kōmjel kar jino amjel rojōri im jar.So the three of us started to pray the rosary. P1179am
 Enaaj eṃṃan ak kōjeañ aikuj rojōri ippān doon im kajjitōk jipañ,” Jema ekar ba.He’ll be okay but we need to say the rosary together and ask for help,” Father said. P1076rojeri
 Ejjeḷọk men eṇ eṃṃanḷọk jān rojōri,” Jema ekar ba.Nothing is better than saying the rosary,” Father said. P1177rojeri
rojrojūEtiljek rojrojū.I wrap things well.rojroj
RōjuokeRōjuoke ṃweoThey dismantled the house.jijuok
rōkTa kaṇe rej jutak ijeṇeṇe i kiin lañ tu rōk.What are those things coming up right there in the sky to the south? P486kii-
 Lukkuun ke jeḷe i rōk reaarin aelōñ eo,” Kapen eo ekar akweḷap wōt kōn ijo an.I am sure we are southeast of the island,” the Captain insisted, clinging to his opinion. P897reeaar
rōkaaetoikEtke rōkaaetoik ijinWhat makes the current here flow westward?aeto
rōkaakajeikḷọkJāān kaṇ an rōkaakajeikḷọk jān ṃoktaHis wealth has made him feel more important than previously.akaje
rōkāālKwōn takinkin kōn takin rōkāāl.Put on these new socks.takinkin
rōkaaḷḷañeRi-rōkka ro rōkaaḷḷañe jarlepju eo.The parachutists flabbergasted the crowd of spectators.aḷḷañ
rōkaapañEkwe iien eo wōt kwōpojak, kwōmaroñ jino jibwi lōñ tak aḷaḷ kaṇe wōt me rōkaapañ aṃ jerbal.”Okay, whenever you’re ready you can start passing up any boards that are in your way.” P672apañ
rōkabwebweikṂantin kattōñtōñ kaṇ an rōkabwebweikHer charming movements drive me crazy.kattōñtōñ
rōkabwilọklọkKōṃṃan ko an rōkabwilọklọk mājHer actions are embarrassing.bwilọk māj
rōkabwilōñlōñMaroñ kaṇ an didiiñ rōkabwilōñlōñ.The powers of the didiiñ cult are miraculous.didiiñ
RōkadekRōkadek em būḷake al eo.They got drunk and sang high and loud.būḷak
 Lale kwaar kanooj kepaake rukkure raṇe bwe jet raṇe rōkadek im rōmaroñ juur eok,” Jema ekapilōk tok .Make sure you don’t get too close to the players because some of them are drunk and they could kick you,” Father advised me P152kapilōk
rōkadikRi-Aelok rōkadik jijijukjuk (ijjijukjuk).Ailuk people are always pounding breadfruit.jukjuk
RōkaeniñeañḷọkRōkaeniñeañḷọk wa eo.The boat drifted northward with the current.aeniñeañḷọk
RōkajjoRōkajjo ḷọk wōt .Each of them has a breadfruit.kajjo
rōkajookeElo bwe rōkajooke.He was disenchanted when they rejected him.lo
rōkakileikAolep ajri raṇ nājin lieṇ rōkakileik erAll her children are spoiled.kakōl
rōkakōtEj jeṃḷọk wōt aerro kōnono tok ak Jema ebar pikūr ḷọk jidik injin eo im rōkakōt wa eo jān turin wab eo im arin ān eo.When the two of them were done talking, Father speeded up the engine, making the boat move rapidly away from the side of the pier and the shoreline, and out into the lagoon. P489kaiur
rōkaliaikJejerata wōt ke rōkaliaik kōjIt will be bad fortune when they banish us.P202jerata
 Jejerata wōt ke rōkaliaik kōjIt will be bad fortune when they banish us. P202kalia
rōkanoojEtao kar lukkuun ri-nana im maroñ ko an rōkanooj in kabwilōñlōñ.Etao was a real rascal and his powers were amazing. S13Etao
 Etao kar lukkuun ri-nana im maroñ ko an rōkanooj in kabwilōñlōñ.Etao was a real rascal and his powers were amazing. S13kabwilōñlōñ
 Kidu rōkanooj jeḷā kōnāmnām.Dogs have a keen sense of smell.kōnāmnām
 Etao kar lukkuun ri-nana im maroñ ko an rōkanooj in kabwilōñlōñ.Etao was a real rascal and his powers were amazing. S13maroñ
 Etao kar lukkuun ri-nana im maroñ ko an rōkanooj in kabwilōñlōñ.Etao was a real rascal and his powers were amazing. S13nana
rōkarEto an Jema ḷōmṇak ak ke ḷōṃaro ruo rōkar akweḷap wōt, ekar ba ke enaaj kajjioñ.Father thought for a long time, but because the two men continued to insist, he said he would try. P21akweḷap
 Ekar jab to ammān āindeeo innem emaat aḷaḷ ko rōkar aikuj wanlōñ ḷọk im pād i lọjet.It wasn’t long before we had passed up all the boards that needed to go in the water. P712āinde-
 Elōñ wōt iaan armej rein ejjeḷọk men eṇ rōkar bōktok ak rōkar itok wōt in lale im bwilōñ ke kōmij jerak.There were also many people who came with nothing and just wanted to see the boat and were surprised that it was going to sail. P444bwilōñ
 Elōñ wōt iaan armej rein ejjeḷọk men eṇ rōkar bōktok ak rōkar itok wōt in lale im bwilōñ ke kōmij jerak.There were also many people who came with nothing and just wanted to see the boat and were surprised that it was going to sail. P444bwilōñ
 Men kein rōkar kajjitōk kōmmān maroñ ke ektaki ḷọk ñan Likiep.They asked if we could take them with us to Likiep. P443ektak
MORE rōkar
rōkarelEtetal jillọk ko aṃ rōkarelThe way you always walk with your head down attracts me (words from love song).jillọk
rōkeañErreto erre tak, erre niñeañ erre rōkeañ, ak ejej āne ekar loe.He looked all around, to the north and to the south, but he didn’t see anything. P917ejej
 Kōṃro kar bar ikoñ iuṃwin jidik iien bwe epoub Jema im ainikien wōt kein jaḷjaḷ ko ke rej tōtōñtōñ ippān injin eo ke ej niñeañ rōkeañ ijoThe two of us stayed quiet awhile as Father was working; the only sound was the monkey wrench banging on the engine as he shifted back and forth in there. P720ikōñ
 Kapen eo ejo rōkeañ ḷọk jila eo im wa eo, ke ekar baj kipeddikdik niñeañ ḷọk, ejaaḷ im kabbwe bōran im jitōñ kapilōñ.The Captain cast the tiller to the south and the boat, which was advancing slowly but steadily to the north, turned downwind P908jaaḷ
 Kōjmān naaj tar niñatak ṃōṃkaj innem diak rōkeañ,” Kapen eo eba.We’ll come north first and then tack to the south,” the Captain said. P841niña
rōkeañḷọkKajju rōkeañḷọk.Go directly south.kajju
rōkeelwaanKanuknuk ro rōkeelwaan.Clothe the naked.keelwaan
rōkeilupakoikiEj okjak wōt wa eo ak rōkeilupakoiki.As soon as the canoe capsized they performed the keilupakokeilupako
rōkeinRūtto ro rōkein ba jab kadkadajaj bwe enaaj or jerata.The old folks used to say to never attempt the impossible or sorry consequences might follow.kadkadajaj
 RiRuk rōkein kaḷkaḷ etto.Trukese used to wear loin cloths.kaḷkaḷ
 Lale bwe armej rōkein kōḷḷapḷapBeware of exaggerations.kōḷḷapḷap
 Ṃokta jān an itok armej in pālle ñan Ṃajeḷ, ri-Ṃajeḷ rōkein kōjerbal eṃṃak, aebōj laḷ, kab lọjet ñan tutu, aṃwin, im idaak.Before Westerners came to the Marshalls, people used to use tree catchments, cisterns, and ocean water for bathing, washing hands, and drinking. S22ṃōṃak
 Tiṃa kein rōkein añkō iarin aelōñin Kuajleen ālikin wōt an ṃōj an ri-Amedka kar bōk aelōñ eṇ jān ri-Jepaan ro ilo tariṇae eo kein karuo an laḷ in.After the Americans took the island from the Japanese in World War II, they used to anchor these ships in the Kwajalein lagoon. P4ri-
rōkelọkAolep ro rej eoonpālōñ rej kwaḷọk ke rōkelọk.Those that lie and put their arms on their foreheads show that they are lovesick.eoonpālōñ
RōkijoñRōkijoñ abba in jota.They're used to dynamiting in the evening.abba
 Ri-Amedka rōkijoñ ito-itakAmericans are great travelers.ito-itak
rōkilmeejJoñan rōkilmeej ḷam jako.”And they are really dark.” P753ḷam jako
RōkinōōrRōkinōōr lik ḷọk wa eo.The currents are taking the canoe out to sea.kinōōr
rōkkaWōjḷā ṇe kōṃṃan jān rōkka.That sail is made of parachute material.rakka
 Enaaj rōkka laḷtakHe'll make a parachute jump.rakka
rōkkarJet kein kajjitōk ij ḷōmṇak rōkkar ñan an ro ilubwilijid eor aer jeḷā, meḷeḷe, im imminene kōn metoin aelōñ kein, bwe ren kwaḷọk mejḷaer kiin ke ej wōr wōt aer iien.Some of these questions I was thinking are appropriate for those among us who have knowledge, understanding, and experience with the ocean in our islands, so they can teach others while they still have time. P802bwilji-
 Jet kein kajjitōk ij ḷōmṇak rōkkar ñan an ro ilubwilijid eor aer jeḷā, meḷeḷe, im imminene kōn metwan (metoin) aelōñ kein, bwe ren kwaḷọk mejḷaer kiin ke ej wōr wōt aer iien.These are some questions I was thinking are appropriate for those among us who have knowledge, understanding, and experience with the ocean in our islands, so they can explain and describe (analyze) them while they are still able to do so. P802mejaḷ
rōkkūrañrañRiIaab rōkkūrañrañ.Yapese are easily startled.kūrañ
rokkutIkōṇaan babu ikōtaan ittūt kaṇ rokkut.I want to lay my head between those heavenly orbs (line from a love song).kut
rọklepKwōn jab rọklep bwe elōñ armej.Don't scoop up too much and be considerate of the others.rọklep
rōkoRi-kaaerār ro rōko.The ruddy turnstone trappers escaped.aerār
rōkọkkureIkiddik kaṇ an lieṇ rōkọkkure ḷōmṇakHer sexy ways are driving me crazy.ikiddik
rōkōṃṃanNaan ko an rōkōṃṃan liṃotakHis words were a provocation.liṃotak
rōkōnAjri in Ṃajeḷ rōkōn karimmenanuweMarshallese children love to hunt for leprechauns.rimmenanuwe
 Rūtto ro rōkōn ṇaetan baak ko etto ripitwōdwōd.Our ancestors used to call the foreign barkentines ripitwōdwōdripitwōdwōd
 Joñan an kilep, emaroñ kar ektake tiṃa ko rōkōn raun tok ñan aelōñ ko ilo iien Navy ko.It was so large that it could have hauled the ships that used to do field trips around the islands during Navy times. P1151tiṃa
 Kōnke wōjḷā ko etto rejọ kōn kōṃṃan jān maañin bōb, rūtto ro rōkōn aikuj āj atro kein lōbboiki bwe ren jab tutu im ṃọḷeḷeBecause the sails of old were made from woven pandanus leaves, our ancestors necessarily had to weave atro for covering their canoe sails to prevent them from getting soaked.lōbbọ
 Ekar unoke im kōkāāle ijoko ekar wōr kurar bajjek ie ke ri-pālle ro rōkōn leāne lemeto jeḷaan tima ko waer eake.He painted it and fixed the places where there were scratches from when they used to use the boat to set sailors ashore. P13leāne-lemeto
rōkōṇaanKiiō aolep al jān aolep aelōñ rej jañ ilo mejatoto im armej remaroñ in kālet ko rōkōṇaan, ko rōṃṃan, ak ko renana.Now all songs from all islands are heard on the air, and people can choose those they like—those that are good and those that are not. S26mejatoto
 Eḷmāer ke rōkōṇaan eọñwōd ippād ak raabwin jipañ kōj kōmọọr.What should we do with them, as they want to go fishing with us but don't want to help us look for bait.eḷmān
rokọọleLale rokọọle eokBe careful, they might put a curse on you.kokọọl
rōkōpooḷAolepān katak kein ilo bok in, kōmij tōmak bwe rōkōpooḷ aolep wāween ko ñan jeḷā kōn wāween mour, im rāpeḷtan kajin ṂajeḷWe believe that the lessons in this book include ways for learning about the way of living, and a deeper understanding of the Marshallese language. S29pooḷ
 Aolepān katak kein ilo bok in, kōmij tōmak bwe rōkōpooḷ aolep wāween ko ñan jeḷā kōn wāween mour, im rāpeḷtan kajin ṂajeḷWe believe that the lessons in this book include ways for learning about the way of living, and a deeper understanding of the Marshallese language. S29rāpeḷta-
RōkōpooḷeRōkōpooḷe im jibwe.They chased and caught him.kōpooḷ
 Rōkōpooḷe ruuror eo im buuki.They chased and shot the assassin.ruuror
rōkọuwaroñroñḷọkEḷak tōtōñtōñ bakōj eo im kuwat eo i lowa, rōkọuwaroñroñḷọk jān kar ainikien injin eo ke ekar jọ.The bucket and can were rattling and making even more noise than the engine when it was running. P691uwaroñ
rọkrokRaar rọkrok bok im boke.They scooped up sand and covered him with it.rọkrok
rọkrokeEar kwaḷ ke pein ṃokta jān an rọkroke mokwaṇ eo?Did he wash his hands before he worked on the pandanus preserves?rọkrok
rọkujLale bwe kuuj ṇe en jab rọkuj eokBe careful that the cat doesn't scratch you.rọkrok
RōkuulRōkuul būrwōn im mej.They strangled him to death.kukuul bōro
RōkwaḷọkRōkwaḷọk wōt aer alejin jowālel.They surely showed how bad their aim was.alej
RōkwōjRōkwōj kōn peinael im ijaje ewi kilen naaj karreoiki ke ejjeḷọk kein jerbal rot eṇ.”They are all stiff with paint oil and I don’t know how I am going to clean them since I don’t really have the right tools.” P725kwōj
rọkwōjānEin rọkwōjān wōt enjeḷ.She's built like an angel.rọkwōj
rōḷakKōto eo ekọto im Kapen eo kab Jema rōḷak kōbbaal tok rōba ke enaaj kar āindeeo an ṃōṃan ñan boñ.The trade winds were blowing favorably and the Captain and Father looked up at the clouds and predicted it would be like that for the rest of the day. P969kọto
 Rōḷak tọọr tok ñan lowaan meja emāāṇ ḷam jako.Beads of sweat had gone into my eyes and they were really burning. P992ḷam jako
 Rōḷak loe ej toto ilo bōb eo.When they found him he was hanging from the pandanus tree.toto
rōḷḷapElōñ ri-kaki in pālle ilo jikuuḷ kein rōḷḷap ak enañin aolep jikuuḷ ko rōddik ilo aelōñ ko ilikin ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt rej ri-kaki.There are a number of Western teachers in the larger schools, but almost all of the small outer-island schools have only Marshallese teachers. S9dik
 Aolep laḷ ko rōḷḷap raar kanooj in itok limoier kōn men in bwe raar tōmak bwe men in juon kōkaḷḷe in an Ṃaikronijia jino wōnṃaanḷọk ñan an make jutak im bōk eddoin jerbal ko an make.The major powers of the world were quite interested in this because they believed it to be a sign of the beginnining of Micronesian independence and of their taking responsibility for their own affairs. S16kakōḷḷe
 Erjel kar ajeji jerbal ko rōḷḷap ikōtaerjel im āindeo bwe juon enaaj Kapen, juon Injinia, im eo juon Bojin.They distributed the big jobs among themselves, so that one of them would be Captain, one Engineer, and one Boatswain. P29kōtaa-
 Elōñ ri-kaki in pālle ilo jikuuḷ kein rōḷḷap ak enañin aolep jikuuḷ ko rōddik ilo aelōñ ko ilikin ri-Ṃajeḷ wōt rej ri-kaki.There are a number of Western teachers in the larger schools, but almost all of the small outer-island schools have only Marshallese teachers. S9lik
 Ebarāinwōt tipen kōiie i loṃaḷo meñe ej jañin kar tar meto kaṇ rōḷḷap.It seemed seaworthy in the lagoon, but it had not yet traveled on the high sea. P15meñe
MORE rōḷḷap
rōllotaananArmej ro rōllotaanan raṇThose are the people who are always griping.lelotaan
roḷḷwūjḷwūjLali wa kaṇe bwe roḷḷwūjḷwūj.Watch the canoes because they're hitting each other.ḷuḷwūjḷwūj
rōloKiiō rōlo mirokan wa in im rej iruj tok in aluje.Now they have spotted the boat and are coming to take a look at it. P1008miro
roḷọkEar roḷọk iarHe ran and plunged into the lagoon.roḷọk
rōḷọkInnem ekar wōnṃaan ḷọk wōt im kajjitōk im ekar rōḷọk wa eo ñan erjeel.So he went ahead and asked, and brought the ship to them. P25er
 Epen an rōḷọk to eṇ bwe ejāliñiñ ilo ra eṇ.That rope won't slip because it's wrapped around the branch.jāliñiñ
 Jebwebwein Jiḷap ekōṃṃan bwe en rōḷọk wa in.Jilap's steering caused the boat to miss the island.jebwebwe
 Ej bar rōḷọk wōt ḷokan aḷaḷ eo jān pein Jema ak epo ippa.He passed the end of another board to me. P711po
 Ej rōḷọk wōt aḷaḷ eo jinointata jān pein ak epo ippa im kōṃro jiṃor jejaak ḷọk ñan ḷōṃaro i lōñ.As soon as he lifted up the first piece, I caught hold of the other, and the two of us passed it to the guys up above. P684rōḷọk
MORE rōḷọk
RoḷọkeRoḷọke etan Irooj.Praise the Lord.roḷọk
RōlōkeRōlōke ñan jerbal eṇ.They think that he can do that job.lōke
rōḷokwanIọkwi men kein ñe rōḷokwan ektake kōjeañ ak rejab ektaki,” Jema eba.It would be a shame if they were able to haul us but not all this stuff,” Father said. P1127iọkwe
RōlōñRōlōñ jān kōm.They outnumber us.lōñ
roltokEḷap an inepata ḷōḷḷap eo kōn ḷadik eo nejin ejjañin roltok jān ke ear ilām eoñwōd.The old man is worried about his son who has never come back from fishing.inepata
rōlukkuunElōñ ri-Ṃajeḷ rōlukkuun jeḷā kajjiṇoṇo.There are Marshallese who are experts in treating jiṇojiṇo
 Rōlukkuun jeḷā kajin ṂajeḷThey really know the Marshallese language.lukkuun
 Rōlukkuun ban tōprak baib kaṇe ke? Ta ejjeḷọk kōl eṇ kwōmaroñ kōṃṃane bwe ren ṃōṃane ke?” Kapen eo eowar ñan Jema.So the pipes are shot? There’s no way you can fix them?” the Captain pleaded with Father. P730owar
 Rūraan kein rōlukkuun rōreelel (erreelel).People nowadays are gullible.reel
 Wa jerakrōk rōlukkuun weeppān ñan aelōñ kein ad.Sailing canoes are so perfect for these our islands. P857weeppān
romIḷak kalimjek Kapen eo ej memenono wōt ak mejān ekar kabūrōrō wōt im jab rom.I looked over at the Captain, who was still breathing fast and his face was all red and he wasn’t blinking. P1057menono
rōṃWāween aer kōṃṃani, rej kibwiji ñan ñe epo dān innām jimeeṇe tōrerein ak apare tōrerein kōn kaajliiñ ak dekā bwe en jab rōṃ tōrerein im kōṃṃan an ettoon.The way they make them, they dig down until it is near water, then cement the sides but put a rim around it with an oil drum or stones so that the sides don’t crumble and make it dirty. S22apar
rōmājkunḷọkJej aikuj jaruki ṃanit ko ad rōmājkunḷọk im katakin ajri ro nājid leep ñe re jañin kar jeḷā.We must revive some of our waning customs such as leep dancing by teaching our children if they don't already know how.leep
rōṃaneJekdọọn ñe rōṃane ak pen in deo an kakkōt.Even though they beat him up, he kept trying.pen in deo
rōmaroñRi-Ṃajeḷ rōmaroñ jọkpej im ektak ñan aelōñ ko aer.Marshallese people could go through the scrap and haul it to their island. P17jọkpej
 Lale kwaar kanooj kepaake rukkure raṇe bwe jet raṇe rōkadek im rōmaroñ juur eok,” Jema ekapilōk tok .Make sure you don’t get too close to the players because some of them are drunk and they could kick you,” Father advised me P152kapilōk
romeBojin e, kwōjeḷā ke ej jab kāānin kiaj men eo kwaar letok,” Jema eba ke ej rome baib eo ekar jeḷate.Mr. Boatswain, that wasn’t a gas can you gave me,” Father said as he shined a light on the pipe he had removed. P625kāān
 Ta ṇe kwōj rome?What are you shining a light on?romrom
 Innem juon armej eteeñki tok im rome kōṃroThen a person came out with a flashlight and shone it on us. P176teeñki
rōmṃanRej jab aelọk jerbal ko an rōmṃan.His good performances are known by everybody. His good work is well known.ej jab aelọk
RōṃṃanRōṃṃan dedThey're old enough.ded
 Kiiō aolep al jān aolep aelōñ rej jañ ilo mejatoto im armej remaroñ in kālet ko rōkōṇaan, ko rōṃṃan, ak ko renana.Now all songs from all islands are heard on the air, and people can choose those they like—those that are good and those that are not. S26mejatoto
 Rōṃṃan ke?” Bojin eo eba.Are they good?” the Boatswain said. P287ṃōṃan
 Naaj ṇawōṇāān jerbal ko ad ekkar ñan ñe rōṃṃan ak renana.Our actions will be rewarded in as much as they are good or bad.ṇawōṇāān
 Ij reilik-reiṃaan ilowaan naan kaṇe aṃ im kile ke rōṃṃan im weppān.My critical judgment tells me that your ideas are excellent.reilik-reiṃaan
rōmmejajaIar ruj kōn ainikien ko rōmmejaja imejatotoI awoke to the sound of beautiful music about me.memejaja
rōmootḶōṃaro rōmoot in aḷeḷe.The men have gone to fish with a scarer.aḷeḷe
 Ḷōṃaro rōmoot in jaḷjaḷ injin.The men went to take the engine apart.jaḷjaḷ
 Rōmoot in jejọñ (ejjọñ) baoThey went to catch birds.jejọñ
 Rōmoot in juwōneik jar ko rej uwe.They went to see off the group that is making the voyage.juwōne
 Ḷōṃaro rōmoot in kakijen tok.The men went to gather food.kakijen
MORE rōmoot
rōmoottokRurupe oṃ ro raṇ rōmoottok.The men who went fishing using the rupe oṃ method have returned.rupe oṃ
rōṃōrāṂōjin, jej kōjeeki, im ñe rōṃōrā, kọkoṇi ṇai lowaan iiep, bọọk, ak tiin, ṃae iien jeaikuji ñan ṃōñāThen we put them to dry in the sun, and when they are dry, fit them into a basket, box, or can until we need them for food. S27koṇ
 Ṃōjin, jej kōjeeki, im ñe rōṃōrā, kọkoṇi ṇai lowaan iiep, bọọk, ak tiin, ṃae iien jeaikuji ñan ṃōñāThen we put them to dry in the sun, and when they are dry, fit them into a basket, box, or can until we need them for food. S27kōjeje
romromPinniep ej kōṃṃan jān waini im ri-Ṃajeḷ rej kōjerbale ñan elōñ men ko āinwōt ekkapit bar, ānbwin, ñan wūno im ñan romrom.Coconut oil is made from copra, and the Marshallese use it for many things, such as hair oil, body oil, medicine, and for illumination. S18kōkapit
 Pinniep ej kōṃṃan jān waini im ri-Ṃajeḷ rej kōjerbale ñan elōñ men ko āinwōt ekkapit bar, ānbwin, ñan wūno im ñan romrom.Coconut oil is made from copra, and the Marshallese use it for many things, such as hair oil, body oil, medicine, and for illumination. S18romrom
romromḷọkKwōmaroñ ke letok teeñki ṇe aṃ bwe in ja romromḷọk kakeCan you give me your flashlight so that I can light my way with it?romrom
 Kwomaroñ ke letok teeñki ṇe aṃ bwe in ja romromḷọk kakeCan you give me your flashlight so that I can light my way with it?bwe
roñIabōb in roñ aṃ jañ.I hate to hear you cry.abōb
 Ij roñ ajjinonoūṃI hear your whispering.ajjinono
 Kwōn ajjinonoḷọk ñane bwe ej naaj roñ wōtTalk quietly to him for she'll still hear you.ajjinono
 Ij roñ wōt an alñūrñūr ak ijjab roñ naan ko ej ba.I heard him mumbling but I didn't hear what he said.alñūrñūr
 Ij roñ wōt an alñūrñūr ak ijjab roñ naan ko ej ba.I heard him mumbling but I didn't hear what he said.alñūrñūr
MORE roñ
rọñEjeñak rọñ eoThe hole is filled up.jeñak
 Jeñake likḷọk rọñ kaṇeFill up the holes toward the ocean side.jeñak
 Ri-jeñak rọñ ro rej jioñi rọñ ko.The hole fillers are now filling up the holes.jeñak
 Ri-jeñak rọñ ro rej jioñi rọñ ko.The hole fillers are now filling up the holes.jeñak
 Wōn ṇe ear jeñake rọñ ṇeWho filled that hole there?jeñak
MORE rọñ
rōñaKwōn ṃōk erre rōña waj ḷe Kapen,” ḷōḷḷap eo elaṃōj tok jān ioon wab eo.Captain, look over there to the south,” the Old Man yelled from the pier. P485rōña
rōnaajAelōñin kiiñ ñan aelōñin kiiñ rōnaaj juṃae doon.Kingdom shall rise against kingdom.aelōñin kiiñ
 Rōnaaj kōbaiti erro buñniin.They will make them fight tonight.bait
 Lale koṃ ar kabbōle ḷaṃ ṇe bwe rōnaaj lo kōj.Don't light the lamp or it will give away our position.bōbōl
 Rōnaaj kar wiin ak eboor pijja eo.They would have won but their pitcher was wild.boor
 Kwōn kōmatti ek kaṇe bwe rōnaaj ekḷọkCook those fish before they spoil.ekḷọk
MORE rōnaaj
RōnājRōnāj rejaik eok ṇa ilo kuḷab eṇ.You'll get fleeced if you go to that bar.reja
rōñajJet iien ilo aer kōmatte rej likit wōt men ko rōñaj ie bwe en ennọ bwiin im jab ḷōḷSometimes when they cook it they put things that are fragrant with it just so that it will smell good, and not musty. S18ḷōḷ
 Jet iien ilo aer kōmatte rej likit wōt men ko rōñaj ie bwe en ennọ bwiin im jab ḷōḷSometimes when they cook it they put things that are fragrant with it just so that it will smell good, and not musty. S18ñaj
rōñaḷọkIlo aṃ jeḷā ḷe kar ilo allōñ kein, ae ṇe ikōtaan aelōñ in im Likiep ej ae niñaḷọk ke ak rōñaḷọk.In your knowledge of these months now, is the current between this island and Likiep running north or south? P184rōña
RōnañinRōnañin jejjet ke ek ko?Haven't those fish been cleaned yet?jejjet
 Rōnañin kilōki ke ṃōñā ko?Have they put the food in the kilōkkilōk
 Rōnañin bwini ke pọḷot ko.Have the ballots been counted?pọḷot
 Rōnañin tōbolāār ke ine kaṇe?Have the seedlings begun to sprout?tōboḷāār
RōṇatọọneRōṇatọọne wa eo.They sheeted the sails of their boat in.ṇatoon
rōnetūbtūbEnañin aolep kōrāin Jepaan rōnetūbtūb.Most all Japanese women walk in quick, short steps.netūbtūb
RonglapEbaijin kōn an kar pād Ronglap.He is contaminated by the poison from the bomb as he was in Ronglap.baijin
RoñjakeRoñjake ainikien aṃ bōklōkōt.Follow the dictates of your conscience.ainikien bōklōkōt
 Jej jab kōṇaan roñjake ri-akwāālNo one wants to listen to people quarrel.akwāāl
 Eitok limoū roñjake aer al.I'm keen on listening to their singing.al
 Eṃṃan roñjake alin ṃur ilo jota dikdikḷọk.It's relaxing to listen to soft music as the sun goes down at the end of the day.alin ṃur
 Ejadin utiej im jidik wōt ammān arromi teeñki ko ie im jidik wōt ammān roñjake ainikienIt was rather high and we could barely see its lights or hear the sound of its engine. P930arrom
MORE roñjake
roñjakiBao ko kein ij roñjaki ainikier ijōkākā.I've heard the sound of the chickens somewhere around here.ijekākā
rọñ-jiddikEor rọñ-jiddik ikilidWe have pores in our skin.rọñ
RoñḷapEwōr wōt Anbwilwa ilo Roñḷap.The Anbwilwa pandanus species is found only on Roñḷap.Anbwilwa
 Ri-baaṃ ro jān Roñḷap raṇeThose are the radiation victims from Rongelap.baaṃ
roñḷọkjeṇEj jab roñḷọkjeṇ.He can't hear.roñ
RōnoRōno im mālij addi-kọọtotin rūkọọt eo.The thief got his index finger smashedaddi-kọọtot
RōnotoñeRōnotoñe rinana eo.The bad guy got clobbered.notoñ
roñoulIj keememej ḷọk wōt ke ikar uwe ippān Jema kab ruo ṃōṃaan ilo juon booj jidikdik eo roñoul ruo ne aitokan im jiljino ne depakpakin.I still remember when I sailed with Father and two other men on a small boat that was twenty-two feet long and six feet wide. P1depakpak
 Iaikuji roñoul ḷalem jāān ñan jabawōt.I need a quarter for my church offering.jabawōt
 Innem juon raan Jema kab ḷōṃarein ruo erjel kar kwelọk ippān doon im lo juon ḷōmṇak bwe Jema en kepaak ḷeo waan booj in im roñoul ruo ne aitokan im kajjitōk ippān emaroñ ke kōtḷọk wa eo waan bwe erjel en jata kake ñan Likiep.Then one day Father and the two men met together and the idea arose that Father should approach the man who owned the twenty-two foot boat and ask if he would allow them to charter it to Likiep. P20jata
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24jikuuḷ
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24kōkā
MORE roñoul
rōñoulḶōṃaro raar jibkeik rōñoul keThey caught twenty porpoises by the jibke method.jibke
 Raar teaak kōn rōñoul baoThey took twenty chickens for provisions.teaak
roojKwe rooj in kāilar ilueaḷ.You're my rose that stands out in the crowds (words from a love song).kāilar
 Ḷakeke to, rooj iekūt, waan Elmọñdik.Lakeke in the west, they (the sailors) stand by, vehicle of the storm called Elmọñdik. (a chant.)Ḷakelōñ
rōōjEar kōṇak juon uḷa rōōj Būḷāide eo.He wore a loud aloha shirt on Friday.rōōj
roojeRej rooje aer jerbal.They're chanting while working.roro
rọọjeRi-pālle eo ear rọọje niiṃbuun Mājro eo.The American advised the Majuro laborer to get on the ball.rōrọọj
 Kwōn rọọje ḷọk ñan jikin jerbal eo an.Urge him to go back to work.rōrọọj
RoojiaRiuñtaak eo jān Amedka ear ekbabe ḷeo jān Roojia.The wrestler from America threw down the wrestler from Russia.ekbab
 Ri-jibai in Roojia.The Russian spy.jibai
 Raar jibwe ri-jibai eo an Roojia im kalbuuji.They caught the Russian spying and put him in jail.jibai
 Enaaj itok ñāāt ḷaikaalalin Roojia eoWhen will the Russian big-shot come over?ḷaikaalal
rọọlEḷak rọọl tok eri-aelōñin pepāllele ḷọk jān eo.When he came back he acted more American-ish than before.aelōñin pālle
 Aolep ri-aetọ im rọọl ñan jikier.All residents of the small islets have returned home.aetọ
 Etke eruṃwij an rọọl tok ri-kaaijkudiiṃ ro?Why aren't the people who went to buy ice cream back?aij kudiiṃ
 Kwōn eọroñ ri-akkaun raṇe ṃokta bwe renaaj jujen rọọl im jab kōḷḷā.Take care of those who have accounts here first before they leave and don't pay their bills.akkaun
 Jen aktal ḷọk bwe jen rọọl.Let's get going with the visit so we can go home.aktal
MORE rọọl
rọọlḷọkRōnaaj rọọlḷọk ñan kapijuknen eo aer.They will be repatriated.rọọlḷọk ñan kapijuknen
rooltokJuon iaan ri-kattōū ro ear rooltok.One of the men who went fishing for mackerel has returned.ettōū
rọọltokJoñan an loṃaan ke ej rọọltok, iban ba.I cannot describe how arrogant he was when he returned.loṃaan
 Joñan an kar ḷokwanwaik tok aeḷōñ kein ke ear pād ijekaṇ eḷak rọọltok elukkuun ṃōHe was so homesick for the Marshalls while he was abroad that when he returned he was really skinny.ḷokwanwa
 Eppāllele ālkin an rọọltok jān Amedka.He's acting westernized ever since he came from America.pālle
 Eḷak rọọltok jān kalbuuj etor.He really shrunk after being in prison.tor
 Eḷak rọọltok jān Amedka, eweejej an kōnnaan.When he returned from America he talked with a lisp.weejej
rooṃojaṂweiuk in Oñkoñ rooṃoja.Hong Kong products are of poor quality.oṃoja
rōpādBaaṃle eo an ebwe an doom im rōpād i Likiep.He had a very large family and they were all on Likiep. P35doom
 Piik ko rōpād ioojThe pigs are in the middle of the island.iooj
rōpatōkRūkadek ro raar uñtaak im rōpatōk ḷeo juon.The drunks were wrestling and one threw the other down.patpat
RōpejajuukRōpejajuuk kumi eo an.His team got clobbered at the games.pejaju
RōpeḷḷọkRōpeḷḷọk deñḷọk ko ilo utọr jidik eo.The feather decorations blew away during the sqall.deñḷọk
rōpiniEar rōpini bōranShe wore ribbons in her hair.rōpin
rōpinikiEj jādetok wōt ak rōpiniki.As he appeared they threw sand at him.pinik
rōpiọḶōṃaro raṇ rej rañrañ bwe rōpiọ.The men are warming themselves by the fire because they are chilly.rañrañ
rōplenEḷap an jejarjar (ejjarjar) rōplen eoThe reverend is always praying.jar
RōpodemRōpodem ṃōñāThey haven't even begun to eat.podem
rōpojakEj kab kar eñaktok tokālik ke bōlen timoṇin lọjet ko rōkar pojak wōt bwe ñe ekar wōr eṇ ewōtlọk ak wa eo eturruḷọk, rōpojak in naj kar unaake.I later realized these sea monsters were ready to go fishing if something were to fall from the boat or if the boat were to sink. P1010tiṃoṇ
rōponeWa eo ewōnāne ḷọk i lowaan todik eo i turōkin ān eo im ḷak ṃwelọk i ar, Jema im ḷōṃaro rōpone wūjḷā eo im joḷọk añkō eo.The boat went toward the island through the small channel to the south and when it entered the lagoon, Father and the other two men the sail and threw out the anchor. P1250wāānāne
RōpooḷRōpooḷ ek ko.The fish are surrounded.pooḷ
rōrāWōn ṇe kwōj rōrā (errā) ippānWhich side are you on?rōrā
 Koṃwin rōrā (errā) ṇai turājet.Please move to one side.rōrā
rōrakutaktakAjri eo ekijoñ rōrakutaktak (errakutaktak) ṇeThat child is always scratching (people).rakutak
rōraraEḷap an rōrara (errara) eṇ.That breadfruit tree has a lot of branches.ra
rōrbōlbōlEḷap an rōrbōlbōl (errabōlbōl) juuj kaṇe aṃ.Your shoes are awfully shiny.rabōlbōl
roreKoban jeḷā bwe kwōjaje rore (errwe).You'll never know because you don't know how to fish in crevices.rore
 Lale aṃ rore (errwe) bwe ṃaj enāj kij peiṃ.Be careful of poking your bare hand into holes or eels will bite you.rore
rōreErro ej kōnono wōt ak iḷak bōk bōra im rōre āne ḷọk ilo animrokan Jema iturun ṃweo iānein wab eo.Those two were still talking and as I raised my head and looked toward the island I caught a glimpse of Father on the shore side of the wharf. P84āne
 Erro ej kōnono wōt ak iḷak bōk bōra im rōre āne ḷọk ilo animrokan Jema iturun ṃweo iānein wab eo.Those two were still talking and as I raised my head and looked toward the island I caught a glimpse of Father on the shore side of the wharf. P84bōk bar
 Ijujen bōk bōra im ḷak rōre lọk, ilo irooj eo.I turned my head and saw it was the Chief who had spoken. P451bōk bar
 Ej ṃōj wōt kōnono ak erro Bojin eo rōre tok ñan ña im tōtōñ.I had finished speaking but Father and the Boatswain looked at me and laughed. P300er
 Ijujen baj rōre lọk ñan Kapen eo in lale ta eo eba.I looked at the Captain to see what he would say. P896in
MORE rōre
rōreelelRūraan kein rōlukkuun rōreelel (erreelel).People nowadays are gullible.reel
rōreiliklikKwōn jab rōreiliklik (erreiliklik).Don't keep looking back.reilik
rōreoKwōn kuḷatḷate bwe en rōreo (erreo).Scrub it with a coconut shell so it will really come clean.kuḷatḷat
 Eṃṃak im aebōj laḷ ko etto raar jab kanooj in rōreo (erreo).Tree catchments and olden-time cisterns were not really clean. S22rōreo
 Eḷap an rōreo (erreo) meḷan in.This area is clean.rōreo
 Ikar kwaḷe im ḷak rōreo, itaake ioon upaajin kōmat eo, innem ibar ankaane ḷọk kijeek eo bwe en mat ṃōkaj kōkan eo.I rinsed it clean, put it on the stove, and fed the fire so it would cook quickly. P369tōtaak
rōrḷọkḷọkEṃōj ṇe aṃ rōrḷọkḷọk (erraḷọkḷọk)?Why don't you stop being so easy going?raḷọk
roroAn roro ear kaalmaroñe am kōtōprak jerbal eo epen.His chanting spurred us on to complete the hard task.almaroñ
 Bōtab ejeḷā aolep kain bwebwenato, roro, kab inoñ.However, he knows all kinds of stories, chants, and legends. P41inọñ
 Juon uweo jekad ejok ioon buwae ṇe iōñ, ak jet roro armej ioon parijet rej jeeaaḷ tok.I saw a black noddy land on the northern buoy and some people on the shore beckoning to us. P523jekad
 Jān wōt roro ko an Bojin eo, eḷak jok ek eo ioon wa eo, ejej kūtwōn.Just from the Boatswain’s chant, when the fish landed on the boat; there was no breath left in it. P1313kōto
 Eor roro ñan aolep kain jerbal.There is a chant for any type of work.roro
MORE roro
rōrōmaakakTa eṇ ej rōrōmaakak (errōmaakak) tok ijjuweo?What's that that keeps shining this way from way over there?romaak
rōrọọjEjaje rōrọọj (errọọj) armejHe never goads people.rōrọọj
rōrọọlọlLaḷ in ej rōrọọlọl (errọọlọl).This earth is spinning.rọọl
RōropājeRōropāje ṃōn wia eo an boñ.His store was looted last night.ropāj
rorrorKoṃro jab elwaj ippān bwe ej rorror bajjek wōt ak ej jab kūk.You two shouldn’t pay attention to him, because he’s all bark and no bite. P178el
rorroreKidu eo ear rorrore ḷadik eo.The dog barked at the boy.rorror
rōruṃwijiElukkuun raelepe an armej ro jedeḷọk ñan erpoot eo im rōruṃwiji baḷuun eo im emootḷọk jān er.It was really late when the folks got started for the airport, and they were late and missed the plane. It was noon before the folks started for the airport, and they were late for the plane and missed it (it left without them).raelep
rotEkkar ñan ṃantin aelōñ kein ri-aluej ej armej rot eṇ ej kọkkure ṃanet im al iraan wōjke kaṇ.According to traditional custom a person who sings upon trees commits a social blunder.aluej
 Jab kọkkure bwe eaḷakiia men rot ṇeDon't waste it because it's hard to come by.aḷakiia
 Rej aḷeḷe ek rot kiiōWhat kind of fish are they using the coconut leaf scarer to catch now?aḷeḷe
 Aṃoot rot in ke ij kab ellolo?What type of tag game is this, that I haven't seen anything like it before.anoot
 Ek rot eṇ ej aujọjọ ijjuweo?What kind of fish is that stirring up the water over there?aujọjọ
MORE rot
rotakEttōr tōm rotak.He fell on his back running toward me.rotak
 Kōmmān ej aikuj lukkuun jirok bwe kōmin jab rotak.We really had to hold on tight in order to keep ourselves from falling down. P748rotak
RōtaṃeRōtaṃeI was dumped. I got rejected.taṃ
RōtarRōtar āneḷọk ke rej jubwiji er jān āneoThey headed toward the island when they noticed the islanders signaling them.jubwij
rōtleMeñe eṃṃan kūtwōmmān tak ḷọk ak kōn an kar baj ḷap ammān ḷe i rōtle, enañin juon wiikin ammān tar tak.And although the wind was pushing us along nicely, we had already drifted far enough west that it took us about a week sailing eastward. P1184kōto
 Meñe eṃṃan kūtwōmmān tak ḷọk ak kōn an kar baj ḷap ammān ḷe i rōtle, enañin juon wiikin ammān tar tak.And although the wind was pushing us along nicely, we had already drifted far enough west that it took us about a week sailing eastward. P1184rāātle
rōtleinInjinia eḷak kar ba ke jen itaḷọk wōt bwe jej pād wōt i rōtlein Likiep, kwōba ke jeḷe i reeaar.The Engineer said we should go eastward so we would stay on course to Likiep, but you said we were already to the east. P1235rāātle
rōttalboononLedikin pālle rōttalboonon.American girls are always on the phone.talboon
rōttaḷeḷeJiroñin aelōñ kein rōttaḷeḷe.Young women of these islands have sex appeal, naturally.taḷe
RōtuujRōtuuj bōl eo an.Someone stole his wife.tuuj bōl
RōtuweRōtuwe lioShe was possessed.tuwe
RourōtRourōt lieṇ im ewūdeakeak.They possess her and she is crazy.urōt
rōurōteBwe en jab eddo ia ke rōurōte,” euwaak.So that he not lie heavily there where they possessed him,” he replied. P1054urōt
routaṃweKọñkōrej in ej jab lukkuun ḷap an maroñ ijoke eḷap an jipañ ri-jikuuḷ ro im ro routaṃwe ñan kōkōṃanṃanḷọk wāween mour an ri-Ṃajeḷ.The legislature as of 1965 does not have great powers, so it works to help students and the infirmed in order to improve the life of the Marshallese people. S15utaṃwe
rouweEjab maattok rukkure ro bwe raalwōj ro rouwe em kaddoujuj.Not all the players came because the spectators got on and took up all the room.kaddoujuj
rowāḷọkKwōn jab rowāḷọk jān men eo iar ba.Don't deviate from what I said.rowālọk
rowōjEj ṃōj aerro kōbooj wa eo ippān wab eo ak Jema ekālōñḷọk ñan ioon wab eo im iọkiọkwe armej rowōj.As soon as they were done tying the boat to the pier Father jumped up onto the pier and started saying hello to everyone. P1345kā-
rōwōlaEjej tokjān ad bōbōk tok ak kōṃṃan im wia waad waan pālle bwe eḷaññe rōwōla, ejej kein jerbalier ak kōbwebweier.There’s really no point in buying Western boats because the materials we need to fix them aren’t even available here. P859jerbal
 Ejej tokjān ad bōbōk tok ak kōṃṃan im wia waad waan pālle bwe eḷaññe rōwōla, ejej kein jerbalier ak kōbwebweier.There’s really no point in buying Western boats because the materials we need to fix them aren’t even available here. P859kōbwebwei-
RRERi-ektak waini eo an RRE eṇHe is the one who loads copra for the RRE.ektak
 Wōiḷin ṃōn RRE.It's from the RRE store.wōil
rruṃwijṃwijJab rruṃwijṃwij.Don't dilly-dally.ruṃwij
rruuṃuṃEḷap an rruuṃuṃ ṃweeṇThat house has many rooms.ruuṃ
rūabjājeiktokKwōn rūabjājeiktok ñan kōjro.You be the one to make her tuck in under her arms for us.abjāje
RūabjeRūabje rōban tōprak.People who are shy will never make it.abje
rualiktōkIkar bōk rualiktōk pakijin petkōj jāne im rọọl lōñ ḷọk eaki.I got eight packets of biscuits from the tin and took them up. P962pakij
rualitōkIlo iien in eor jiljilimjuon ak rualitōk iiō—ij jab kanooj ememej.At this time I was seven or eight years old—I don’t exactly remember which. P2ememej
 Ālkin kilaaj rualitōk, ro ri-kaki ro rej ḷōmṇak bwe remaroñ etal ñan ae jikuuḷ, rej jilikinḷọk er ñan Mājro.After eighth grade, those students the teachers think are able to attend high school are sent to Majuro as of 1965. S24ia
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24jikuuḷ
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24kōkā
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24koba
MORE rualitōk
rualitōkñoulOran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24jikuuḷ
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24kōkā
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24koba
 Oran ri-jikuuḷ ilo jikuuḷ kein ekkā jān roñoul ñan rualitōkñoul, koba kilaaj juon ñan rualitōk.The number of students in these schools is usually from 20 to 80, including grades one through eight. S24ora-
rūalwōjRi-kōṃṃan kōjak eo ear kaleeaik rūalwōj roThe comedian really made the audience laugh.leea
ruamaejetEñak aililōk ruamaejet.He's a flop when it come to visitors.aililōk
 Wōn eo ej ri-ṇajikin ruamaejet roWho's providing accommodations for the visitors?ṇajikin
ruamāejetEin kōj wōt ruamāejet ilo aelōñ kein ad make.”Now it’s like we are outsiders in our own islands.” P398ruwamāejet
rūAmedkaKōn an kar rūAmedka ro ilo waan kōrajraj ko jino bōktok nañinmej in ñan riṂajeḷ, raar ṇa etan mādke.Because of the fact that venereal disease was first introduced to the Marshallese people by the American whaleship crewmen, they called it mādke ("America").mādke
rūanijnijEkajoor wōt abōnān rūanijnij eoThe sorcerer has such great powers.abōn
ruatimjuonBoñon eo kein kalemñoul ḷalem, ñe ejiṃwe aṇtọọne ḷọk, ilo kar ruatimjuon awa jọteen eo ke Kapen eo ej jebwebwe, juon men in bwilōñ ekar waḷọk.At eight o'clock in the evening of our fifty-fifth night, if my mental arithmetic was correct, the Captain was steering and something amazing made an appearance. P1025 P1025aṇtọọn
 Boñon eo kein kalemñoul ḷalem, ñe ejiṃwe aṇtọọne ḷọk, ilo kar ruatimjuon awa jọteen eo ke Kapen eo ej jebwebwe, juon men in bwilōñ ekar waḷọk.At 8 o’clock in the evening of our fifty-fifth night, if my mental arithmetic was correct, the Captain was steering and something amazing made an appearance. P1025lemñoul
rūbaitEḷap an peñpeñ rūbait eṇThat fighter is muscular.peñpeñ
 Rūbait eo ear ukōje aolepān ḷōṃaro jet.The boxer beat all the rest of the competitors.ukok
RūbbaarRūbbaar ro raar waje lōb eo libōn Jesus.The guards stood watch at Jesus's grave.baar
 Rūbbaar ro raar barōk lōb eo lūbōn Jesus.The Roman guard blocked the grave of Jesus.bōbaar
RūbbaijinjinRūbbaijinjin eo eṇ.That woman always discredits people.baijin
RūbbajaajRūbbajaaj eo eṇ.He is the one who always passes.baaj
RūbbōRūbbō eo eṇ.He is the expert in the bōbō (ebbō) fishing method.bōbō
RūbbōkRūbbōk tata eo eṇ.That woman is the biggest blabber mouth.bōbōk
 Āteo rūbbōk.What a blabber-mouth.bōbōk
RūbbọkRūbbọk eo ṇe tok.The man who makes torches is coming.bọk
RūbbōroroRūbbōroro eo eṇ.He is always indecisive about everything.bōbōroro
RūbbūḷapḷapRūbbūḷapḷap eo eṇ.That man always has body odor.būbḷapḷap
RūbbwāRūbbwā u ro raṇ.Those are the men who tend the fish traps.bōbwā
RūbbweikRūbbweik ṃōñā eo eṇ.He's the man who carries the food.bōbweik
RubōnEalloḷọk Ioje jān Rubōn.Ioje stammers more than Rubon.allo
rubukwiKar rubukwi lemñoul wōt tala eo im iar bar likit lemñoul im kajilibukwiki.There were only two hundred fifty dollars and I put in fifty to make it three hundred.jilubukwi
rūbwebweIṃōn rūbwebwe.Lunatic's house.bwebwe
rujAmiiañ aeñwāñwā ekoṃṃan bwe en ruj niñniñ e.Your making noise woke the baby up.amiiañ
 Jebboñon eo juon imake ruj im ḷak reilik reiṃaan i lowaan wa eo, eejej eṇ ikar loe ak ña wōt.The next morning I woke up on my own and looked all around but didn’t see anyone else. P955ejej
 Unin ruj Jema ekar kọruj bwe in ṃabuñ ippāerjel.I only woke up because Father woke me up so I could eat breakfast with everyone. P820ippa-
 Kwōj aikuj in ruj in jibboñtata.You should get up at the crack of dawn.jibboñ
 Jebboñon eo juon imake ruj im ḷak reilik reiṃaan i lowaan wa eo, eejej eṇ ikar loe ak ña wōt.The next morning I woke up on my own and looked all around but didn’t see anyone else. P955jibboñ
MORE ruj
rujānElōñ rujān wa i lọmeto.There are many chants for a vessel in the lagoon. Anything goes at sea.roro
RujlọkinRujlọkin raan eo juon, iḷak baj wanlōñ ḷọk jān lowa ikar lo Bojin eo ej de i raan kaju eo.When I woke up the next day, I went up and saw the Boatswain up on top of the mast. P863de
 Rujlọkin raan eo juon, iḷak baj wanlōñ ḷọk jān lowa ikar lo Bojin eo ej de i raan kaju eo.When I woke up the next day, I went up and saw the Boatswain up on top of the mast. P863kiju
 Dān eo limemmān rujlọkin raan eo juon ekar dikḷọk wōt.By the next morning our drinking water supply had diminished significantly. P1011lime-
 Rujlọkin raan eo juon ebuñ juon kōto ṃōṃanṃōnWhen we woke up the next morning a favorable wind was blowing. P1182 P1182ruj
 Rujlọkin raan eo juon ebuñ juon kōto ṃōṃanṃōnWhen we woke up the next morning a favorable wind was blowing. P1182rujlọkin raan
rujrujJen rujruj bwe eḷap ḷọk kōto in.Let's reef the sail because the wind is picking up.rujruj
 Ien rujruj.Time for reefing the sails.rujruj
rūkaabjājeEnaaj eṃṃan bwe rūkaabjāje eo eṇ enaaj jipañe.It's going to work out, as the guy who's good at tucking things under his arms will help her.abjāje
rūkaabōjājeKwōnaaj jeḷā bwe kwaar rūkaabōjāje ñan jar kaṇ.You should know you were responsible for people tucking things under their arms.abjāje
rūkabjeikKwe rūkabjeik leddikYou like making girls shy.abje
RūkabōllaḷRūkabōllaḷ men raṇ.They're notorious for putting on airs.kabōllaḷ
rūkabuñLikao eṇ ej rūkabuñ wōtHe's still a catechumen.kabuñ
rūkadekIkōn rūkadek.I used to be a heavy boozer.kōkein
 Rūkadek ro raar uñtaak im rōpatōk ḷeo juon.The drunks were wrestling and one threw the other down.patpat
 Rūkadek ro raar waanikli doon.The drunks has their arms around each other's waists to support themselves.waanikli
rūkakiLiṃaro raṇ rej kaed iṃōn amiṃōṇo eṇ an kuḷab eṇ an kōrā kein aerro būrejini rūkaki eṇThe women are shopping for traditional women's mats at the women's club handicraft shop to give as gifts to the man of the cloth.ed
ruk-boKwōmake ñak ruk-bo.You're sure clumsy at gathering throwing-stones.ruk-bo
ruk-bueerRūttariṇae in Jepaan ro i Ruōt rej baj pepojakjek wōt in ruk-bueer ak ejodik ṃōrein in Amedka ro im buuk er im remej.While the Japanese soldiers were gathering their ammunition together the American marines landed and shot them dead.ruk-bo
ruk-buōdJerbalin ruk-buōd eaorōk ñan juon kumi in tariṇae im ewōr jet ro ej aer jerbal loloodjake bwe en tōprak.The job of ensuring the uninterrupted flow of ammunition for the troops in battle is essential and the responsibility of assigned personnel to make sure it's done.ruk-bo
ruk-buōmiKoṃ maroñ ruk-buōmi ilo ejouj in dekā eṇ ilik.You may collect your throwing stones at the pile of stones at the oceanside of here.ruk-bo
ruk-buonEj ruk-buon ñan ta?What's he collecting missiles for?ruk-bo
RūkkaaererRūkkaaerer in kōrā.An overly possessive woman.aer
RūkkaajajRūkkaajaj eo ṇeHe's is one of those who is always playing cards.kaaj
 Ej ḷōmake an rūkkāke.He's imagining himself a flier.ḷam
rūkkatakÑa rūkkatak bajjekI'm just beginning to learn.katak
 Ej jañin kaanooj jeḷā bwe ej rūkkatak wōtHe's not very good at it because he's still an apprentice.rūkkatak
RūkkōpālRūkkōpāl eo eallōke lio im wūdeakeak.The sorcerer invoked a spirit over her and she became insane.allōk
rukkureEjab maattok rukkure ro bwe raalwōj ro rouwe em kaddoujuj.Not all the players came because the spectators got on and took up all the room.kaddoujuj
 Lale kwaar kanooj kepaake rukkure raṇe bwe jet raṇe rōkadek im rōmaroñ juur eok,” Jema ekapilōk tok .Make sure you don’t get too close to the players because some of them are drunk and they could kick you,” Father advised me P152kapilōk
RukkuulRukkuul bōroA chronic spouse stealer.kukuul
rukkwōjarjarEtke kwōj jab arin rukkwōjarjar?Why aren't you like a saint?ari-
rūkōdāpilpilElōñ rūkōdāpilpil rej eọñōd ilik.There are a lot of fishermen doing the kōddāpilpil method of fishing.kōddāpilpil
rūkōjerbalKwe rūkōjerbal armej innem kwōj aikuj jeḷā kuṇaaṃ ñan rijerbal ro aṃ.You're an employer of human beings; therefore you must know how to treat your employees as such.ri-kōjerbal armej
rūkōṃṃanEmāro an rūkōṃṃan kōjak eo etetal.The comedian walked knock-kneed.māro
 Enañin or ke rūkōṃṃan bwebwenatoun ṂajeḷAre there any Marshallese authors?ri-kōṃṃan bwebwenato
RūkōṇaanikienRūkōṇaanikien eo ṇeHere comes the guy who is always horsing around.kōṇaanikien
rūkọọtRōno im mālij addi-kọọtotin rūkọọt eoThe thief got his index finger smashedaddi-kọọtot
 Raar jakōḷe rūkọọt eoThey handcuffed the thief.jakōḷ
 Epo rūkọọt eoThe thief is arrested.po
 Etọrōk rūkọọt eoThey nabbed the thief.tọrōk
 Rūkọọt eo ear tarlepe ejoujikin waini eo im etal kake kōn dieka eo.The thief scooped up the entire pile of copra on the rear cart and took off with it.tarlep
rūkōttōbalbalLukkuun kwe rūkōttōbalbal.You sure are a schemer.kōttōbalbal
rūkowadoñRej pukot rūkowadoñ eoThey're looking for the robber.kowadoñ
rukrukeKwōn rukruke bato ṇeShake up that bottle.rukruk
ruktokKwōn ruktok buōrro deka killep bwe kōjro en kadeḷọk ri-nana eṇ.Gather up some good-sized stones for us to throw at that culprit.ruk-bo
RukwaḷọkRukwaḷọk naan eo ewājepādik ṇeThat's the eloquent orator.kwaḷọk naan
rukweilọkEwaake ḷọk rōjelujen eo ñan rukweilọk ro āinwōt aer kar kajjitōk.He read the resolution to the congressmen as they had asked him to.waak
Rūḷaaṃ-kaajRūḷaaṃ-kaaj eo ṇe tok.Here comes someone using a Coleman lantern.ḷaaṃ kaaj
rūḷḷaoElōñ rūḷḷao bwe eḷap ṇoThere are a lot of seasick people because it's rough.ḷōḷao
ruṃEṃṃanḷọk ñe kwokajitpeeḷeḷe peet ṇe ilowan ruṃ ṇeIt is better if you put the bed crosswise in the room.jitpeeḷeḷ
ruṃḷọkEaar ruṃḷọk juon tiiṃa in Jepaan eo ilo aba eṇ Likiep.A Japanese ship sank in the harbor at Likiep.aba
rūṃōñāKwōn buwaeḷọk ñan rūṃōñā raṇServe the diners.buwae
rūṃweeṇEowūdeñdeñ rūṃweeṇ.They always make wūdeñ at that house.wūdeñ
rumwijRaar ilọk im jab rumwij in jepḷaak.They went and hurried back.jab ruṃwij
 Jab rumwij in ko.Be sure to flee immediately.jab ruṃwij
 Kwōn kaiur bwe kwonaaj rumwij.Hurry up or you might be late.kijōṃ
ruṃwijAilparokin ekōṃṃan ad ruṃwij.His being troublesome delayed us.ailparok
 Ajjukubūṃ ekōṃṃan ad ruṃwij.Your limping delayed us.ajjukub
 Ta ṇe kwōj ruṃwij eakeWhat makes you late?eake
 Kwōn jab jāiur bwe jenaaj ruṃwij.Don't be slow or we'll be late.jāiur
 Ri-jāmminene ro raṇ ej make wōt ruṃwij aer jerbal.These inexperienced workers are very slow in doing their work.jāmminene
MORE ruṃwij
RūṃwijbarRūṃwijbar kijak ṇeHe's a barber.ri-ṃwijbar
rumwijiEaabōbbōb bwe jenaaj rumwiji wa eo.Hurry up or we might miss the ship.eaabōbbōb
ruṃwijiBwōlen eṃṃan ḷọk koṃro jino ṃōkōr waj iṃaan bwe koṃro en jab ruṃwiji.Maybe it's better you two get a head start so you are not late.ṃōkōr
ruṃwijtokJab ruṃwijtok.Come at once. Hurry up and come.jab ruṃwij
RunoRuno eo eṇ ej allōke Pita.The medicine person is chanting and performing an incantation over Peter.allōk
ruoEto an Jema ḷōmṇak ak ke ḷōṃaro ruo rōkar akweḷap wōt, ekar ba ke enaaj kajjioñ.Father thought for a long time, but because the two men continued to insist, he said he would try. P21akweḷap
 Ekkā an ruo aḷ ilo juon iiō.Normally there are two copra harvesting periods in a year.aḷ
 Ālkin aolep ruo allōñ, waan rawūn eṇ ej raun ñan aolep aelōñin ṂajeḷEvery two months as of 1965 a field trip ship makes the rounds of all the islands of the Marshalls. S17aolep
 Innem āte tok ruo amro Bojin pileij, kab bōlen eṃṃan ñe kwōbar kwaḷọk tok juon jālele bwe ij ḷōmṇak ejabwe men ṇe.”Then make two plates for the Boatswain and me, and maybe you should go get another can of meat because I don’t think this will be enough for all of us.” P377ātet
 Ḷeo edeḷọñ ḷọk ilowaan ruuṃ eo im ḷak diwōj tok ej jibwe ruo ḷoobwin pilawā, eṃōj an limi kōn peba būrawūn, ej ja āindeeo aer māāṇāṇ ke rej kab mat tok.The man went into a room and when he came back out he was holding loaves of bread, already wrapped in brown paper, still warm from the oven. P264būrawūn
MORE ruo
ruōEjjelọk ruō.I am innocent.ruo-
RuokjānḷañRuokjānḷañ eo eko.The killer escaped.okjānḷañ
ruomEṃṃan kōto in naaj bōlen ruom jilu wōt ālūThe wind is good and two or three tacks should be enough.ālu
ruoṃEj jab ruoṃ.You are not to blame.ruo-
ruōnKwōn jab ba pata etan Jeova aṃ Anij; bwe Jeova ejāmin joḷọk ruōn eo ej ba pata etan.Thou shalt not take in vain the name of the Lord thy God, for the Lord will never forgive one who takes his name in vain. S5ba pata
 Kwōn jab ba pata etan Jeova aṃ Anij; bwe Jeova ejāmin joḷọk ruōn eo ej ba pata etan.Thou shalt not take in vain the name of the Lord thy God, for the Lord will never forgive one who takes his name in vain. S5ruo-
 Ejjeḷọk ruōn aḷaḷ im tiin kein,” Jema eba.The lumber and tin are not to blame,” Father said. P1129ruo-
RuōtEaeniñeañḷọk meto eṇ kōtaan Likiep im Ruōt.The current in the ocean between Likiep and Ruōt is flowing northward.aeniñeañḷọk
 Eḷak kar ba ke jebuñ jān Ruōt im jen bwābwe wōt bwe aelōñ eo epād i reeaar, ekwe kwōbar ba ke eaab.He’s been saying we were off course since Roi-Namur and that we should tack windward because land was to the east, but you said no. P1236buñ
 Innem ñe jeañ kabbwe, jeañ ban loe ak jenaaj iione ae niñaḷọk ṇe im enaaj kinōōr kōj bwe jen ḷe jān Ruōt.And if we turn, we won’t see it and we’ll run into the northward current which will carry us past Ruōt. P900kinōōr
 Ruōt ṇe irōk, ak ettoḷọk ñan ad maroñ ḷannoiki,” Jema eba.Roi-Namur is to the south, but it will be a while before we sight land,” Father said. P925ḷanno
 Rūttariṇae in Jepaan ro i Ruōt rej baj pepojakjek wōt in ruk-bueer ak ejodik ṃōrein in Amedka ro im buuk er im remej.While the Japanese soldiers were gathering their ammunition together the American marines landed and shot them dead.ruk-bo
rupKaaertok wōt e bwe en rup.Put more pressure on my boil to get the pus out.aer
 Eḷak debakḷọk ṇo eo i tōrerein wa eo iba wōt eitan rup.As the wave smashed hard against the side of the boat, I thought it would break apart. P611debokḷọk
 Boktañ eo eebjak im rup ṃweoThe bomb burst and destroyed the building.ebjak
 Ejjekadkad ṃōttan bato eo ke ej rup.Pieces of glass flew as the bottle broke.jekadkad
 Jekaro ej waḷọk jān utak in ni ilo iien eṇ ej jañin rup im jepeḷḷọk im waḷọk kwaḷini.Jekaro comes from coconut shoots before the time when they haven’t yet broken and separated and small coconuts have appeared. S19jepel
MORE rup
rupeĀliktata rupe im likit ṇa ilowaan bōjọ.Finally, break it up and put it in a finely woven basket. S20bōjọ
 Raar rupe kien jikuuḷ im lijidduul.They broke school rules and smoked.lijāludik
 Eṃōj rupe ṃweoThe house has been torn down.ruprup
 Āliktata rupe im likit ṇa ilowaan bōjọ.Finally, break it up and put it in a finely woven basket. S20ruprup
RuprupRuprup tok kijedmān būreej bwe jen ṃōñā,” Kapen eo eba tok ñan ñaSlice up some bread for us to eat,” the Captain said to me. P803būreej
 Eor juon kumi in ruprup eṃThere is a working party for tearing down houses.ruprup
ruprupjọkurKwōn ruprupjọkur tok im jino al eo.You be the initiator and start the song.ruprupjọkur
rurLedik ro raṇ rej rur utThe girls are picking flowers.rur
RūraanRūraan kein rōlukkuun rōreelel (erreelel).People nowadays are gullible.reel
rūriabebEṃōj ṇe aṃ rūriabeb (irriabeb).Why don't you stop fibbing all the time?riab
rūrinEkilep jepen rūrin.S/he has big buttocks.jepe rūr
ruruṃwijṃwijBọọj eo an ear jueoonmọñūn kōn an ruruṃwijṃwij (irruṃwijṃwij).His boss chewed him out for his constant tardiness.jueoonmọñ
rurupeEj kappok rurupe bōkein wa eṇ waan.He's looking for someone to break in his boat.rupe bōkā
 Rurupe oṃ ro raṇ rōmoottok.The men who went fishing using the rupe oṃ method have returned.rupe oṃ
ruruprupeEṃōj ruruprupe (irruprupe) ṃweoThe house has been torn down carelessly (with debris left lying all about).ruprup
ruruweKoṃwin jab kōṇaan ruruwe armejDon't ever say bad things about people.ruruwe
 Aolep iien kōrā rej ruruwe doonWomen are always slandering one another.ruruwe
rūtaijKwōn kōṃanṃan aṃ kadkad bwe iar pet ippaṃ ḷouweo,” juon iaan rūtaij ro ejiroñ ḷọkYou should throw better, because I bet on you, man,” one of the players told him. P157ḷouweo
rūtōlAer likūti bwe en aer rūtōl ekaloṃaaneTheir making him their leader made him arrogant.loṃaan
rūtōñalAolep rūtōñal rōnaaj taktō.All those with diabetes will be treated.tōñal
rūttaakeEwi rūttaake eoWhere is the person who puts pots on cooking pits?tōtaak
RūttariṇaeRūttariṇae in Amedka ro raar abaiktok arin aelōñ in ñan kien ṇe ad.The American soldiers created a harbor on the lagoon side of this island for our government.aba
 Akekein lọje ejekkar ñan juon rūttariṇae.A soldier is not supposed to have an uncomfortable feeling caused by a stomach overstuffed with food.akeke
 Ealijerḷok an rūttariṇae ro etal ilowaan iiaḷ eo ḷọkThe soldiers walked proudly down the road.alijerḷọk
 Epen wōt aḷkootin rūttariṇae.The raincoats used by the military are of stronger materials.aḷkoot
 Amiwōj kukḷọk ijo ekōṃṃan bwe rūttariṇae ro ren jepārujruj.Your gathering there agitated the soldiers.amiwōj
MORE rūttariṇae
rūttoAjālin rūtto etiljekRounding up of animals by an older person is reliable.ajāl
 Allōkin rūtto ro jeṃaanḷọk ekōppaḷpaḷ.The chanting of elder folks of not so long ago was quite spectacular.allōk
 Ājinkōjin rūtto ro ad.Inheritance by our ancestors.ājinkōj
 Jibwi waj dao adeañ jān rūtto ānin.” Bojin eo eba im jibwe lōñ tak pāāk eo ke kōrkōr eo ekar atartar tok ippān wa eo.I’m passing up some food the people on the island sent over,” the Boatswain said and passed up the bag as the canoe came up alongside the boat. P1268dao
 Rūtto ro jino etal im jibadek jidik bwe eboñ.The couple started on their way because it was almost dark.jibadek jidik
MORE rūtto
rūttōbokTipen rūttōbok.He has the look of a man who knows how to fish the ettōbok method.ettōbok
rūttoḷọkEn jab ḷap aṃ kaanemkwōje ilo an dik bwe kwōnaaj bane ñe enaaj rūttoḷọk.You shouldn't let him do anything he wants now when he's still young because you won't be able to control him when he grows up.anemkwōj
 Jejeḷā ḷọk kōn meto kein ad jān er bwe jaar dik im rūttoḷọk ie ippān ro jiṃṃaad.We know more about our ocean than them because we grew up learning about it from our grandparents.” P402rūttoḷọk
rūttounRuo iiō rūttoun jān ñaHe's two years my senior.rūtto
rūturuṃJab aṇokṇake pāleen rūturuṃ.Don't covet your neighbor's spouse.aṇokṇak
ruuṃKwōn kaiboojoje ḷọk ruuṃ eṇ an ñaneDecorate the interior of his room for him.aiboojoj
 Eaḷōṃṇakeḷọk kilaaj ruuṃ eṇ an jān kilaaj ruuṃ ṇe aṃ.Her classroom is better equipped with calendars than your classroom is.aḷōṃṇak
 Eaḷōṃṇakeḷọk kilaaj ruuṃ eṇ an jān kilaaj ruuṃ ṇe aṃ.Her classroom is better equipped with calendars than your classroom is.aḷōṃṇak
 Kwōn jab etal ñan ruuṃ eṇ an bwe enaaj kabok eok.Don't go to his room otherwise you will get the poxbok
 Eṃōj būḷāwūti tōrakin ruuṃ inThe ceiling in this room has been covered with plywood.būḷāwūt
MORE ruuṃ
ruuṃinEj moot ḷọk wōt ḷeo ak Jema eba, Jero wanlaḷ tak ñan ruuṃin injin e bwe in kọkoṇi kein jerbal kaṇ im āti ilowaan bọọk eṇ nieer.”As the old man was leaving, Father said, Let’s go down to the engine room so I can straighten up my tools and put them away in their box.” P136nine
ruuṃwinKe ej waḷọk lōñ tak jān ruuṃwin injin eo, juon armej elaṃōje.When he came up from the engine room, someone yelled over to him. P448laṃōj
 Jema eto laḷ ḷọk im kōttar ilo ruuṃwin injin eo.Father went down and waited in the engine room. P476ruuṃ
RuunoRuuno eo ear kade ri-nañinmej eo.The medicine man treated the sick man by bloodletting.kadkad
 Ruuno eo ear kamour ledik eo.The medicine-woman healed the girl.mour
 Elōñ ruuno eḷap aer mọṇmọṇ.Many medicine men have supernatural powers.mọṇmọṇ
ruurorRōkōpooḷe ruuror eo im buuki.They chased and shot the assassin.ruuror
ruutiejElōñ ruutiej raar itok ilo baḷuun eo.Many V.I.P.'s came on that plane.utiej
RuwaRuwa.The people on board a ship, boat, etc.iāne
 Ruwa eo waan Ḷoeaak rejubwijiḷọk inej eo.The people on Loeaak's canoe signaled to the rest of the fleet to get ready for battle.jubwij
ruwalitōkEnañin jejjet ke ruwalitōk awaIs it exactly eight o'clock?jejjet
ruwalitoññoulOṇāān jata eo an ṃweeṇ ij jokwe ie ej jibukwi ruwalitoññoul taḷaThe rental for my apartment is one hundred eighty dollars a month.oṇāān jata
RuwamaejetRaar ekkaneḷọk Ruwamaejet eoThey brought food to the stranger.ekkan
ruwamāejetEjeḷā kuṇaan ñaṇ ruwamāejet.She has diplomacy with her visitors.jeḷā kuṇaa-
 Jen ilān karuwaneneik ruwamāejet raṇLet's go welcome the strangers.karuwanene
 Rej kaṃōḷo wōt ñan ruwamāejet kab irooj, ñe ej wōr keemem, kab ñe ewōr ri-lotok.Only newcomers and chiefs are honored in this way, or if there is a first birthday, or if there are visitors. S4lo-
 Elañe kwōj ruwamāejet ilo aelōñ in Ṃajeḷ armej ro rej koba im bōkwōj ṃōñā im men-in-leḷọk ko ñan eok.If you are a newcomer to the Marshalls, the people gather and bring you food and gifts. S4menin le-
 Rej niiddoor ḷọk limen ruwamāejet raṇThey're doing the niiddoor method for the guests.niiddoor
MORE ruwamāejet
ruweKwōn jab ḷōke ḷadik ṇe bwe enāj ruwe.Don't walk over the boy because you'll bring him bad luck.ruwe
ruwiaEjjeḷọk pilawā āinwōt pilawāin ṃwiin, rej make wōt ennọ,” ḷeo ilo jikin wia eo ekar ba ñan juon iaan ruwia roThere’s no better bread than the bread they sell here; it’s really delicious,” the man at the store said to one of the customers. P262nenọ
ruwōdinikekRej tan kalbwin ruwōdinikek eoThey're going to bury the suicide.wōdinikek
rweUnin ba men in kōnke ikar lo an rwe bōjọ eo an im kwaḷọk jikka eo kijen im juon mājet.I only knew this because I saw him stick his hand in his pocket and take out a cigarette and a match. P768bōjọ
 Unin ba men in kōnke ikar lo an rwe bōjọ eo an im kwaḷọk jikka eo kijen im juon mājet.I only knew this because I saw him stick his hand in his pocket and take out a cigarette and a match. P768rore
 Kwōn rwe tok kobban.Stick your hand inside and pull out its contents.rore

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